============================== Using MathJax with Alectryon ============================== This example shows how to combine Alectryon with MathJax. We'll do a pretty-printed version of the proof that :math:`\sum_{i = 0}^n i = \frac{n \cdot (n + 1)}{2}`. Use the following command to compile it:: alectryon mathjax.rst # reST → HTML; produces ‘mathjax.html’ First, we start with a definition of ``sum``: .. coq:: Require Import Coq.Unicode.Utf8. (* .none *) Require Import PeanoNat ArithRing. Fixpoint nsum max f := match max with | O => f 0 | S max' => f max + nsum max' f end. Then, we add notations to print LaTeX code (this is only one way to do it; another way would be to parse Coq's output to reconstruct LaTeX): .. coq:: Notation "'\ccNat{}'" := nat. Notation "'\ccSucc{' n '}'" := (S n). Infix "\times" := mult (at level 30). Notation "'\ccNsum{' x '}{' max '}{' f '}'" := (nsum max (fun x => f)) (format "'\ccNsum{' x '}{' max '}{' f '}'"). Notation "\ccNot{ x }" := (not x) (at level 100). Infix "\wedge" := and (at level 190, right associativity). Notation "A \Rightarrow{} B" := (∀ (_ : A), B) (at level 200, right associativity). Notation "'\ccForall{' x .. y '}{' P '}'" := (∀ x, .. (∀ y, P) ..) (at level 200, x binder, y binder, right associativity, format "'\ccForall{' x .. y '}{' P '}'"). Then, we add MathJax definitions for each of these custom macros (look at the page source to see them): .. raw:: html
\(\newcommand{\ccQ}{\mathbb{Q}}\) \(\newcommand{\ccNat}{\mathbb{N}}\) \(\newcommand{\ccSucc}[1]{\mathrm{S}\:#1}\) \(\newcommand{\ccFrac}[2]{\frac{#1}{#2}}\) \(\newcommand{\ccPow}[2]{{#1}^{#2}}\) \(\newcommand{\ccNot}[1]{{\lnot #1}}\) \(\newcommand{\ccEvar}[1]{\textit{\texttt{#1}}}\) \(\newcommand{\ccForall}[2]{\forall \: #1. \; #2}\) \(\newcommand{\ccNsum}[3]{\sum_{#1 = 0}^{#2} #3}\)
Then we set up MathJax to render the proofs properly (look at the page source to see the relevant script): .. raw:: html And finally we write the actual proofs: .. coq:: :class: coq-math Lemma Gauss: ∀ n, 2 * (nsum n (fun i => i)) = n * (n + 1). induction n; cbn [nsum]. - (* n ← 0 *) reflexivity. - (* n ← S _ *) rewrite Nat.mul_add_distr_l. rewrite IHn. ring. Qed. Configuring MathJax =================== MathJax needs to be configured before it is loaded. This makes configuring it particularly tricky when you don't have full control on the generated webpage. - If you're using Docutils directly through Alectryon's command line, MathJax is loaded with the ``defer`` flag, so you can include a `` - If you're using Sphinx, MathJax is loaded with the `async` flag (see `this issue `__), so there's a race condition and you can't depend on your configuration being processed early: you need to move the config to a separate file, or use the ``mathjax3_config`` option of Sphinx if does enough for your needs. See the tricks in ``recipes/sphinx/conf.py``. - For other processors like Pelican, you need to either move your configuration to a separate file and make sure that it is loaded first, as in Sphinx, or find a way to defer ``MathJax``. The following usually works:: from docutils.writers._html_base import HTMLTranslator HTMLTranslator.mathjax_script = '\n' Additional notes and background =============================== Instead of adding explicit ``mathjax_process`` classes on each math element, you might want to use the ``processHtmlClass`` option of MathJax. This is more complicated, but here's the process in a nutshell. 1. Configure MathJax to stop ignoring ``
`` blocks by adding a ``MathJax = …`` `config block `__::

      MathJax = {}
      MathJax.options = { processHtmlClass: 'mathjax_process|alectryon-io' };

2. Add ``\( … \)`` math markers to tell MathJax where to look::

      MathJax.startup = {
          pageReady: function () {
              // … Custom code to add \( … \) delimiters
              return MathJax.startup.defaultPageReady(); // Then run MathJax

3. Ensure that these definitions are processed *before* MathJax itself is loaded, since it's not easy to `reconfigure MathJax after loading it `__.  Concretely, this means either adding ``defer`` to the MathJax ``