#!/usr/bin/env python3 # coding: utf-8 # Update by : https://github.com/cppla/ServerStatus, Update date: 20220530 # 依赖于psutil跨平台库 # 版本:1.0.3, 支持Python版本:2.7 to 3.10 # 支持操作系统: Linux, Windows, OSX, Sun Solaris, FreeBSD, OpenBSD and NetBSD, both 32-bit and 64-bit architectures # ONLINE_PACKET_HISTORY_LEN, 探测间隔1200s,记录24小时在线率(72);探测时间300s,记录24小时(288);探测间隔60s,记录7天(10080) # 说明: 默认情况下修改server和user就可以了。丢包率监测方向可以自定义,例如:CU = "www.facebook.com"。 SERVER = "" USER = "s01" PASSWORD = "USER_DEFAULT_PASSWORD" PORT = 35601 CU = "cu.tz.cloudcpp.com" CT = "ct.tz.cloudcpp.com" CM = "cm.tz.cloudcpp.com" PROBEPORT = 80 PROBE_PROTOCOL_PREFER = "ipv4" # ipv4, ipv6 PING_PACKET_HISTORY_LEN = 100 ONLINE_PACKET_HISTORY_LEN = 72 INTERVAL = 1 import socket import ssl import time import timeit import os import sys import json import errno import psutil import threading if sys.version_info.major == 3: from queue import Queue elif sys.version_info.major == 2: from Queue import Queue def get_uptime(): return int(time.time() - psutil.boot_time()) def get_memory(): Mem = psutil.virtual_memory() return int(Mem.total / 1024.0), int(Mem.used / 1024.0) def get_swap(): Mem = psutil.swap_memory() return int(Mem.total/1024.0), int(Mem.used/1024.0) def get_hdd(): if "darwin" in sys.platform: return int(psutil.disk_usage("/").total/1024.0/1024.0), int((psutil.disk_usage("/").total-psutil.disk_usage("/").free)/1024.0/1024.0) else: valid_fs = ["ext4", "ext3", "ext2", "reiserfs", "jfs", "btrfs", "fuseblk", "zfs", "simfs", "ntfs", "fat32", "exfat", "xfs"] disks = dict() size = 0 used = 0 for disk in psutil.disk_partitions(): if not disk.device in disks and disk.fstype.lower() in valid_fs: disks[disk.device] = disk.mountpoint for disk in disks.values(): usage = psutil.disk_usage(disk) size += usage.total used += usage.used return int(size/1024.0/1024.0), int(used/1024.0/1024.0) def get_cpu(): return psutil.cpu_percent(interval=INTERVAL) def liuliang(): NET_IN = 0 NET_OUT = 0 net = psutil.net_io_counters(pernic=True) for k, v in net.items(): if 'lo' in k or 'tun' in k \ or 'docker' in k or 'veth' in k \ or 'br-' in k or 'vmbr' in k \ or 'vnet' in k or 'kube' in k: continue else: NET_IN += v[1] NET_OUT += v[0] return NET_IN, NET_OUT def tupd(): ''' tcp, udp, process, thread count: for view ddcc attack , then send warning :return: ''' try: if sys.platform.startswith("linux") is True: t = int(os.popen('ss -t|wc -l').read()[:-1])-1 u = int(os.popen('ss -u|wc -l').read()[:-1])-1 p = int(os.popen('ps -ef|wc -l').read()[:-1])-2 d = int(os.popen('ps -eLf|wc -l').read()[:-1])-2 elif sys.platform.startswith("darwin") is True: t = int(os.popen('lsof -nP -iTCP | wc -l').read()[:-1]) - 1 u = int(os.popen('lsof -nP -iUDP | wc -l').read()[:-1]) - 1 p = len(psutil.pids()) d = 0 for k in psutil.pids(): try: d += psutil.Process(k).num_threads() except: pass elif sys.platform.startswith("win") is True: t = int(os.popen('netstat -an|find "TCP" /c').read()[:-1])-1 u = int(os.popen('netstat -an|find "UDP" /c').read()[:-1])-1 p = len(psutil.pids()) # if you find cpu is high, please set d=0 d = sum([psutil.Process(k).num_threads() for k in psutil.pids()]) else: t,u,p,d = 0,0,0,0 return t,u,p,d except: return 0,0,0,0 def get_network(ip_version): if(ip_version == 4): HOST = "ipv4.google.com" elif(ip_version == 6): HOST = "ipv6.google.com" try: socket.create_connection((HOST, 80), 2).close() return True except: return False lostRate = { '10010': 0.0, '189': 0.0, '10086': 0.0 } pingTime = { '10010': 0, '189': 0, '10086': 0 } netSpeed = { 'netrx': 0.0, 'nettx': 0.0, 'clock': 0.0, 'diff': 0.0, 'avgrx': 0, 'avgtx': 0 } diskIO = { 'read': 0, 'write': 0 } monitorServer = {} def _ping_thread(host, mark, port): lostPacket = 0 packet_queue = Queue(maxsize=PING_PACKET_HISTORY_LEN) while True: # flush dns, every time. IP = host if host.count(':') < 1: # if not plain ipv6 address, means ipv4 address or hostname try: if PROBE_PROTOCOL_PREFER == 'ipv4': IP = socket.getaddrinfo(host, None, socket.AF_INET)[0][4][0] else: IP = socket.getaddrinfo(host, None, socket.AF_INET6)[0][4][0] except Exception: pass if packet_queue.full(): if packet_queue.get() == 0: lostPacket -= 1 try: b = timeit.default_timer() socket.create_connection((IP, port), timeout=1).close() pingTime[mark] = int((timeit.default_timer() - b) * 1000) packet_queue.put(1) except socket.error as error: if error.errno == errno.ECONNREFUSED: pingTime[mark] = int((timeit.default_timer() - b) * 1000) packet_queue.put(1) #elif error.errno == errno.ETIMEDOUT: else: lostPacket += 1 packet_queue.put(0) if packet_queue.qsize() > 30: lostRate[mark] = float(lostPacket) / packet_queue.qsize() time.sleep(INTERVAL) def _net_speed(): while True: avgrx = 0 avgtx = 0 for name, stats in psutil.net_io_counters(pernic=True).items(): if "lo" in name or "tun" in name \ or "docker" in name or "veth" in name \ or "br-" in name or "vmbr" in name \ or "vnet" in name or "kube" in name: continue avgrx += stats.bytes_recv avgtx += stats.bytes_sent now_clock = time.time() netSpeed["diff"] = now_clock - netSpeed["clock"] netSpeed["clock"] = now_clock netSpeed["netrx"] = int((avgrx - netSpeed["avgrx"]) / netSpeed["diff"]) netSpeed["nettx"] = int((avgtx - netSpeed["avgtx"]) / netSpeed["diff"]) netSpeed["avgrx"] = avgrx netSpeed["avgtx"] = avgtx time.sleep(INTERVAL) def _disk_io(): """ the code is by: https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil/blob/master/scripts/iotop.py good luck for opensource! modify: cpp.la Calculate IO usage by comparing IO statics before and after the interval. Return a tuple including all currently running processes sorted by IO activity and total disks I/O activity. 磁盘IO:因为IOPS原因,SSD和HDD、包括RAID卡,ZFS等。IO对性能的影响还需要结合自身服务器情况来判断。 比如我这里是机械硬盘,大量做随机小文件读写,那么很低的读写也就能造成硬盘长时间的等待。 如果这里做连续性IO,那么普通机械硬盘写入到100Mb/s,那么也能造成硬盘长时间的等待。 磁盘读写有误差:4k,8k ,https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34413926/psutil-vs-dd-monitoring-disk-i-o macos/win,暂不处理。 """ if "darwin" in sys.platform or "win" in sys.platform: diskIO["read"] = 0 diskIO["write"] = 0 else: while True: # first get a list of all processes and disk io counters procs = [p for p in psutil.process_iter()] for p in procs[:]: try: p._before = p.io_counters() except psutil.Error: procs.remove(p) continue disks_before = psutil.disk_io_counters() # sleep some time, only when INTERVAL==1 , io read/write per_sec. # when INTERVAL > 1, io read/write per_INTERVAL time.sleep(INTERVAL) # then retrieve the same info again for p in procs[:]: with p.oneshot(): try: p._after = p.io_counters() p._cmdline = ' '.join(p.cmdline()) if not p._cmdline: p._cmdline = p.name() p._username = p.username() except (psutil.NoSuchProcess, psutil.ZombieProcess): procs.remove(p) disks_after = psutil.disk_io_counters() # finally calculate results by comparing data before and # after the interval for p in procs: p._read_per_sec = p._after.read_bytes - p._before.read_bytes p._write_per_sec = p._after.write_bytes - p._before.write_bytes p._total = p._read_per_sec + p._write_per_sec diskIO["read"] = disks_after.read_bytes - disks_before.read_bytes diskIO["write"] = disks_after.write_bytes - disks_before.write_bytes def get_realtime_data(): ''' real time get system data :return: ''' t1 = threading.Thread( target=_ping_thread, kwargs={ 'host': CU, 'mark': '10010', 'port': PROBEPORT } ) t2 = threading.Thread( target=_ping_thread, kwargs={ 'host': CT, 'mark': '189', 'port': PROBEPORT } ) t3 = threading.Thread( target=_ping_thread, kwargs={ 'host': CM, 'mark': '10086', 'port': PROBEPORT } ) t4 = threading.Thread( target=_net_speed, ) t5 = threading.Thread( target=_disk_io, ) for ti in [t1, t2, t3, t4, t5]: ti.daemon = True ti.start() def _monitor_thread(name, host, interval, type): lostPacket = 0 packet_queue = Queue(maxsize=ONLINE_PACKET_HISTORY_LEN) while True: if name not in monitorServer.keys(): break if packet_queue.full(): if packet_queue.get() == 0: lostPacket -= 1 try: if type == "http": address = host.replace("http://", "") m = timeit.default_timer() if PROBE_PROTOCOL_PREFER == 'ipv4': IP = socket.getaddrinfo(address, None, socket.AF_INET)[0][4][0] else: IP = socket.getaddrinfo(address, None, socket.AF_INET6)[0][4][0] monitorServer[name]["dns_time"] = int((timeit.default_timer() - m) * 1000) m = timeit.default_timer() k = socket.create_connection((IP, 80), timeout=6) monitorServer[name]["connect_time"] = int((timeit.default_timer() - m) * 1000) m = timeit.default_timer() k.sendall("GET / HTTP/1.2\r\nHost:{}\r\nUser-Agent:ServerStatus/cppla\r\nConnection:close\r\n\r\n".format(address).encode('utf-8')) response = b"" while True: data = k.recv(4096) if not data: break response += data http_code = response.decode('utf-8').split('\r\n')[0].split()[1] monitorServer[name]["download_time"] = int((timeit.default_timer() - m) * 1000) k.close() if http_code not in ['200', '204', '301', '302', '401']: raise Exception("http code not in 200, 204, 301, 302, 401") elif type == "https": context = ssl._create_unverified_context() address = host.replace("https://", "") m = timeit.default_timer() if PROBE_PROTOCOL_PREFER == 'ipv4': IP = socket.getaddrinfo(address, None, socket.AF_INET)[0][4][0] else: IP = socket.getaddrinfo(address, None, socket.AF_INET6)[0][4][0] monitorServer[name]["dns_time"] = int((timeit.default_timer() - m) * 1000) m = timeit.default_timer() k = socket.create_connection((IP, 443), timeout=6) monitorServer[name]["connect_time"] = int((timeit.default_timer() - m) * 1000) m = timeit.default_timer() kk = context.wrap_socket(k, server_hostname=address) kk.sendall("GET / HTTP/1.2\r\nHost:{}\r\nUser-Agent:ServerStatus/cppla\r\nConnection:close\r\n\r\n".format(address).encode('utf-8')) response = b"" while True: data = kk.recv(4096) if not data: break response += data http_code = response.decode('utf-8').split('\r\n')[0].split()[1] monitorServer[name]["download_time"] = int((timeit.default_timer() - m) * 1000) kk.close() k.close() if http_code not in ['200', '204', '301', '302', '401']: raise Exception("http code not in 200, 204, 301, 302, 401") elif type == "tcp": m = timeit.default_timer() if PROBE_PROTOCOL_PREFER == 'ipv4': IP = socket.getaddrinfo(host.split(":")[0], None, socket.AF_INET)[0][4][0] else: IP = socket.getaddrinfo(host.split(":")[0], None, socket.AF_INET6)[0][4][0] monitorServer[name]["dns_time"] = int((timeit.default_timer() - m) * 1000) m = timeit.default_timer() k = socket.create_connection((IP, int(host.split(":")[1])), timeout=6) monitorServer[name]["connect_time"] = int((timeit.default_timer() - m) * 1000) m = timeit.default_timer() k.send(b"GET / HTTP/1.2\r\n\r\n") k.recv(1024) monitorServer[name]["download_time"] = int((timeit.default_timer() - m) * 1000) k.close() packet_queue.put(1) except Exception as e: lostPacket += 1 packet_queue.put(0) if packet_queue.qsize() > 5: monitorServer[name]["online_rate"] = 1 - float(lostPacket) / packet_queue.qsize() time.sleep(interval) def byte_str(object): ''' bytes to str, str to bytes :param object: :return: ''' if isinstance(object, str): return object.encode(encoding="utf-8") elif isinstance(object, bytes): return bytes.decode(object) else: print(type(object)) if __name__ == '__main__': for argc in sys.argv: if 'SERVER' in argc: SERVER = argc.split('SERVER=')[-1] elif 'PORT' in argc: PORT = int(argc.split('PORT=')[-1]) elif 'USER' in argc: USER = argc.split('USER=')[-1] elif 'PASSWORD' in argc: PASSWORD = argc.split('PASSWORD=')[-1] elif 'INTERVAL' in argc: INTERVAL = int(argc.split('INTERVAL=')[-1]) socket.setdefaulttimeout(30) get_realtime_data() while 1: try: print("Connecting...") s = socket.create_connection((SERVER, PORT)) data = byte_str(s.recv(1024)) if data.find("Authentication required") > -1: s.send(byte_str(USER + ':' + PASSWORD + '\n')) data = byte_str(s.recv(1024)) if data.find("Authentication successful") < 0: print(data) raise socket.error else: print(data) raise socket.error print(data) if data.find("You are connecting via") < 0: data = byte_str(s.recv(1024)) print(data) for i in data.split('\n'): if "monitor" in i and "type" in i and "{" in i and "}" in i: jdata = json.loads(i[i.find("{"):i.find("}")+1]) monitorServer[jdata.get("name")] = { "type": jdata.get("type"), "dns_time": 0, "connect_time": 0, "download_time": 0, "online_rate": 1 } t = threading.Thread( target=_monitor_thread, kwargs={ 'name': jdata.get("name"), 'host': jdata.get("host"), 'interval': jdata.get("interval"), 'type': jdata.get("type") } ) t.daemon = True t.start() timer = 0 check_ip = 0 if data.find("IPv4") > -1: check_ip = 6 elif data.find("IPv6") > -1: check_ip = 4 else: print(data) raise socket.error while 1: CPU = get_cpu() NET_IN, NET_OUT = liuliang() Uptime = get_uptime() Load_1, Load_5, Load_15 = os.getloadavg() if 'linux' in sys.platform or 'darwin' in sys.platform else (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) MemoryTotal, MemoryUsed = get_memory() SwapTotal, SwapUsed = get_swap() HDDTotal, HDDUsed = get_hdd() array = {} if not timer: array['online' + str(check_ip)] = get_network(check_ip) timer = 10 else: timer -= 1*INTERVAL array['uptime'] = Uptime array['load_1'] = Load_1 array['load_5'] = Load_5 array['load_15'] = Load_15 array['memory_total'] = MemoryTotal array['memory_used'] = MemoryUsed array['swap_total'] = SwapTotal array['swap_used'] = SwapUsed array['hdd_total'] = HDDTotal array['hdd_used'] = HDDUsed array['cpu'] = CPU array['network_rx'] = netSpeed.get("netrx") array['network_tx'] = netSpeed.get("nettx") array['network_in'] = NET_IN array['network_out'] = NET_OUT array['ping_10010'] = lostRate.get('10010') * 100 array['ping_189'] = lostRate.get('189') * 100 array['ping_10086'] = lostRate.get('10086') * 100 array['time_10010'] = pingTime.get('10010') array['time_189'] = pingTime.get('189') array['time_10086'] = pingTime.get('10086') array['tcp'], array['udp'], array['process'], array['thread'] = tupd() array['io_read'] = diskIO.get("read") array['io_write'] = diskIO.get("write") array['custom'] = "
".join(f"{k}\\t解析: {v['dns_time']}\\t连接: {v['connect_time']}\\t下载: {v['download_time']}\\t在线率: {v['online_rate']*100:.2f}%" for k, v in monitorServer.items()) s.send(byte_str("update " + json.dumps(array) + "\n")) except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except socket.error: monitorServer.clear() print("Disconnected...") if 's' in locals().keys(): del s time.sleep(3) except Exception as e: monitorServer.clear() print("Caught Exception:", e) if 's' in locals().keys(): del s time.sleep(3)