#!/bin/bash if [ $# -ne 3 ] then echo "Usage: $0 inputFile outputDirectory dnsServer" echo echo "inputFile: A txt file with one domain per file" echo "outputDirectory: directory to leave results" echo "dnsServer: the dns to use when resolving CNAMEs" echo echo "This command will iterate over all domains, and do the following for each" echo " - Run dnsrecon for crt.sh search to find related domains" echo " - Translate dnsrecon output for festin" echo " - Run festin with some specific option. Please, edit this script to fit your own preferences" exit 1 fi mkdir $2 for i in $(cat $1); do echo "Proccesing $i" if [ -f "$2/$i.csv" ]; then echo " - Skiping generation of existing file $i.csv" else dnsrecon -d $i -t crt -c $2/$i.csv fi if [ -f "$2/$i.domains" ]; then echo " - Skiping generation of existing file $i.domains" else cat $2/$i.csv | tail -n +2 | sort -u | cut -d "," -f 2 >> $2/$i.domains fi if [ -f "$2/$i.result" ]; then echo " - Skiping generation of existing file $i.result" else echo " - Running festin with input file $i.domains" festin -f $2/$i.domains -c 5 -rr $2/$i.result.json --tor -ds $3 >$2/$i.stdout 2>$2/$i.stderr touch $2/$i.result fi done