import { bufferToBase64 } from "./bufferToBase64.js"; const encoder = new TextEncoder(); const decoder = new TextDecoder(); /** * This class is intended to be a holder for configuration. At the moment though, * there is no configuration! It's just a factory for Connections. * * This class does store the IDs of the internal ops used by the library, but * that may change in the future. I'm leaving this class as part of the API for * now, but it may be removed at some point if it doesn't become useful. This * may depend on how Deno's plugin API evolves. */ export class Sqlite { /** @ignore */ _openConnection: number; /** @ignore */ _execute: number; /** @ignore */ _query: number; /** No need to pass any arguments yet. */ constructor() { let ops = (Deno as any).core.ops(); let tag = ",2020"; this._openConnection = ops[tag + ":sqliteOpenConnection"]; this._execute = ops[tag + ":sqliteExecute"]; this._query = ops[tag + ":sqliteQuery"]; if (!this._openConnection || !this._execute || !this._query) { throw new Error("could not find ops"); } } /** * Open a connection to a database file. Supports the string ":memory:" for * creating temporary in-memory databases. There is no way to save in-memory * databases beyond the lifetime of the process. * * @param path Path (relative to the current working dir) to the database file. * @throws {Error} If the database cannot be opened, an exception will be thrown. */ async connect(path: string): Promise { let response = jsonSyncOp( this._openConnection, { path }, ); if (response.error) { throw new Error(response.error); } if (response.connection_id === null) { throw new Error( "missing connection id when opening: " + path, ); } return new Connection(this, path, response.connection_id); } } /** * SQLite knows only a few native types, represented here. All other types (dates, * booleans, etc.) must be encoded as one of these types. * */ export type Value = null | number | string | Blob; export type Values = Array; /** * Raw ArrayBuffers are used to transfer binary data. For example, if you have * a typed array like a Uint8Array, you can use `theArray.buffer` to get its * raw data for insertion into SQLite. */ export type Blob = ArrayBuffer; type EncodedValue = null | number | string | EncodedBlob; type EncodedBlob = ["blob:base64", string]; type EncodedValues = Array; /** Represents an open database. */ export class Connection { /** @ignore */ _sqlite: Sqlite; /** @ignore */ _original_path: string; /** @ignore */ _connection_id: number; /** @ignore */ constructor(sqlite: Sqlite, path: string, id: number) { this._sqlite = sqlite; this._original_path = path; this._connection_id = id; } /** * Run a sqlite statement. Use ? in the statement string as a placeholder and * pass the values in the second argument. * * @return The number of rows affected by the statement. * @throws {Error} Errors will have a hopefully-helpful message. */ async execute(statement: string, params: Values = []): Promise { let response = jsonSyncOp( this._sqlite._execute, { connection_id: this._connection_id, statement, params: encodeBlobs(params), }, ); if (response.error) { throw new Error(response.error); } return response.rows_affected; } /** * Perform a query to get data out. * * @return List of resulting rows that mathed the query. Note this is an array * of arrays. * @throws {Error} Throws if anything goes wrong. */ async query(statement: string, params: Values = []): Promise { let response = jsonSyncOp( this._sqlite._query, { connection_id: this._connection_id, statement, params: encodeBlobs(params), }, ); if (response.error) { throw new Error(response.error); } return decodeBlobs(response.result); } } function encodeBlobs(params: Values): EncodedValues { return => { if (param instanceof ArrayBuffer) { return ["blob:base64", bufferToBase64(param)]; } return param; }); } function decodeBlobs(rows: EncodedValues[]): Values[] { return =>; function convertBlobs(col: EncodedValue): Value { if (col instanceof Array) { if ( col.length === 2 && col[0] === "blob:base64" && typeof col[1] === "string" ) { return base64ToBuffer(col[1]); } else { throw new Error( "bad response from plugin; array which is not a blob", ); } } return col; } } function base64ToBuffer(data: string): ArrayBuffer { let array = Uint8Array.from(atob(data), (c) => c.charCodeAt(0)); return array.buffer; } type OpenConnectionRequest = { path: string; }; type OpenConnectionResponse = { error: string | null; connection_id: number | null; }; type ExecuteRequest = { connection_id: number; statement: string; params: EncodedValues; }; type ExecuteResponse = { error: string; rows_affected: number; }; type QueryRequest = { connection_id: number; statement: string; params: EncodedValues; }; type QueryResponse = { error: string; result: EncodedValues[]; }; function jsonSyncOp(op: number, request: Req): Res { let encodedRequest = encoder.encode(JSON.stringify(request)); let rawResponse = (Deno as any).core.dispatch(op, encodedRequest); if (!rawResponse) { throw new Error("plugin op returned null"); } let responseObject = JSON.parse(decoder.decode(rawResponse)) as Res; return responseObject; }