/* ==UserStyle== @name Spotify Player Compact @description Makes spotify player single row and changes player buttons order @version 0.1.0 @license MIT @namespace github.com/crabvk @author Vyacheslav Konovalov @updateURL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/crabvk/userscripts/master/spotify-player-compact.user.css @homepageURL https://github.com/crabvk/userscripts @preprocessor default ==/UserStyle== */ @-moz-document domain("open.spotify.com") { /*** Hide useless elements ***/ /* UPGRADE button */ .Root__top-bar button[title="Upgrade to Premium"], /* Spotify logo */ .Root__nav-bar div[role="banner"], /* Install App button and expanded cover art (same selector for both) */ .Root__nav-bar > div:first-child > div:last-of-type { display: none; } /* Remove Expand button (shows when hover on cover) */ .Root__now-playing-bar button[aria-label="Expand"] { display: none; } /*** Change player size ***/ .Root__now-playing-bar > footer > div { height: 56px; } /*** Change player controls order ***/ .player-controls { flex-direction: row; } .player-controls__buttons { display: grid; grid-auto-flow: column; grid-template-columns: repeat(4, 1fr); margin-bottom: 0; margin-right: 1rem; } .player-controls__buttons > .control-button-wrapper, .player-controls__buttons > button { grid-row: 1; } /* Shuffle */ .player-controls__buttons > button:nth-of-type(1) { grid-column: 4; } /* Previous */ .player-controls__buttons > button:nth-of-type(2) { grid-column: 1; } /* Play/Pause */ .player-controls__buttons > button:nth-of-type(3) { grid-column: 2; } /* Next */ .player-controls__buttons > .control-button-wrapper:nth-of-type(1) { grid-column: 3; } /* Repeat */ .player-controls__buttons > .control-button-wrapper:nth-of-type(2) { grid-column: 5; } /*** Fix controls cursor ***/ .Root__now-playing-bar button[role="switch"], .Root__now-playing-bar button.control-button, .Root__now-playing-bar .player-controls__buttons > button, .playback-bar .progress-bar, .volume-bar .progress-bar, .progress-bar__slider { cursor: pointer; } /*** Always show cover art in Player ***/ .Root__now-playing-bar div[role="contentinfo"] { --webkit-transform: none !important; transform: none !important; } }