!!!OTL@ENG: Song of Preparing the Sacred Place !!!ONM: 17 **kern *Imale *clefF4 *M2/4 *MM60 16e 16e =1 4e 8e 16c 16A =2 8.e 16e 8.e 16c =3 4B 4B =4 [2B =5 4.B] 16c 16c =6 4B 8B 16A 16G =7 8.B 16B 8.B 16A =8 4A 4A =9 [2A =10 4.A] 16A 16A =11 4A 8.c 16c =12 (32c 8..A) 8A 16A 16A =13 8.A 16F 8.E 16F =14 4E 4E =15 [2E =16 4.E] 16F 16F =17 4E 8E 16C 16AA =18 8.E 16E 8.E 16C =19 4AA 4AA =20 [2AA =21 2AA] == *- !!!CNT: Native American -- Sioux !!!MRD: 1911/07//-1914/// !!!OCL: Frances Densmore !!!YOR1: Teton Sioux Music, Bulletin 61, !!!YOR2: Bureau of American Ethnology, Smithsonian Institution !!!PPR: Government Printing Office !!!PPP: Washington, D.C. !!!PDT: 1918/// !!!ENC: Craig Stuart Sapp !!!END: 2002/03/25/ !!!EED: Craig Stuart Sapp !!!EEV: 2002/03/31/ !!!YEC: 2002 Craig Stuart Sapp !!!YEM: Licence: (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 !!!URL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/craigsapp/densmore-teton-sioux/master/kern/sioux017.krn !!!title: @{ONM}. @{OTL} !!!AGN: Ceremonial Song/Song of the Sun Dance !!!MPN@@SIO: Zintka'la-lu'ta !!!MPN@ENG: Red Bird !!!TXO: Teton Sioux !!!MLC: Standing Rock Reservation, South Dakota, United States of America !!!ARL: 45.9/-100.7# !!!catalog: Catalogue No. 500 !!!PPG: 123 !!!EFL: 17/245