# original by Friedrich Leisch, much changed by BDR AC_INIT([RODBC],[1.3],[ripley@stats.ox.ac.uk]) dnl A user-specifiable option odbc_mgr="" AC_ARG_WITH([odbc-manager], AS_HELP_STRING([--with-odbc-manager=MGR],[specify the ODBC manager, e.g. odbc or iodbc]), [odbc_mgr=$withval]) if test "$odbc_mgr" = "odbc" ; then AC_PATH_PROGS(ODBC_CONFIG, odbc_config) fi dnl Select an optional include path, from a configure option dnl or from an environment variable. AC_ARG_WITH([odbc-include], AS_HELP_STRING([--with-odbc-include=INCLUDE_PATH],[the location of ODBC header files]), [odbc_include_path=$withval]) RODBC_CPPFLAGS="-I." if test [ -n "$odbc_include_path" ] ; then RODBC_CPPFLAGS="-I. -I${odbc_include_path}" else if test [ -n "${ODBC_INCLUDE}" ] ; then RODBC_CPPFLAGS="-I. -I${ODBC_INCLUDE}" else if test -n "${ODBC_CONFIG}"; then RODBC_CPPFLAGS=`odbc_config --cflags` RODBC_CPPFLAGS="-I. ${RODBC_CPPFLAGS}" fi fi fi dnl ditto for a library path AC_ARG_WITH([odbc-lib], AS_HELP_STRING([--with-odbc-lib=LIB_PATH],[the location of ODBC libraries]), [odbc_lib_path=$withval]) if test [ -n "$odbc_lib_path" ] ; then LIBS="-L${odbc_lib_path} ${LIBS}" else if test [ -n "${ODBC_LIBS}" ] ; then LIBS="-L${ODBC_LIBS} ${LIBS}" else if test -n "${ODBC_CONFIG}"; then odbc_lib_path=`odbc_config --libs | sed s/-lodbc//` LIBS="${odbc_lib_path} ${LIBS}" fi fi fi dnl Now find the compiler and compiler flags to use : ${R_HOME=`R RHOME`} if test -z "${R_HOME}"; then echo "could not determine R_HOME" exit 1 fi CC=`"${R_HOME}/bin/R" CMD config CC` CFLAGS=`"${R_HOME}/bin/R" CMD config CFLAGS` CPPFLAGS=`"${R_HOME}/bin/R" CMD config CPPFLAGS` CPPFLAGS="${CPPFLAGS} ${RODBC_CPPFLAGS}" dnl Check the headers can be found AC_CHECK_HEADERS(sql.h sqlext.h) if test "${ac_cv_header_sql_h}" = no || test "${ac_cv_header_sqlext_h}" = no; then AC_MSG_ERROR("ODBC headers sql.h and sqlext.h not found") fi dnl search for a library containing an ODBC function if test [ -n "${odbc_mgr}" ] ; then AC_SEARCH_LIBS(SQLTables, ${odbc_mgr}, , AC_MSG_ERROR("ODBC driver manager '${odbc_mgr}' not found")) else AC_SEARCH_LIBS(SQLTables, odbc odbc32 iodbc, , AC_MSG_ERROR("no ODBC driver manager found")) fi dnl for 64-bit ODBC need SQL[U]LEN, and it is unclear where they are defined. AC_CHECK_TYPES([SQLLEN, SQLULEN], , , [# include ]) dnl for unixODBC header AC_CHECK_SIZEOF(long, 4) dnl substitute RODBC_CPPFLAGS and LIBS AC_SUBST(RODBC_CPPFLAGS) AC_SUBST(LIBS) AC_CONFIG_HEADERS([src/config.h]) dnl and do subsitution in the src/Makevars.in and src/config.h AC_CONFIG_FILES([src/Makevars]) AC_OUTPUT