library(glmmLasso) data("soccer") ## generalized additive mixed model ## grid for the smoothing parameter ## center all metric variables so that also the ## starting values with glmmPQL are in the correct scaling soccer[,c(4,5,9:16)]<-scale(soccer[,c(4,5,9:16)],center=T,scale=T) soccer<-data.frame(soccer) lambda <- seq(500,0,by=-5) family <- poisson(link = log) ################## First Simple Method ############################################ ## Using BIC (or AIC, respectively) to determine the optimal tuning parameter lambda BIC_vec<-rep(Inf,length(lambda)) ## first fit good starting model library(MASS);library(nlme) PQL<-glmmPQL(points~1,random = ~1|team,family=family,data=soccer) Delta.start<-c(as.numeric(PQL$coef$fixed),rep(0,6),as.numeric(t(PQL$coef$random$team))) Q.start<-as.numeric(VarCorr(PQL)[1,1]) for(j in 1:length(lambda)) { print(paste("Iteration ", j,sep="")) glm1 <- try(glmmLasso(points~transfer.spendings + ave.unfair.score + ball.possession + tackles + ave.attend + sold.out, rnd = list(team=~1), family = family, data = soccer, lambda=lambda[j],switch.NR=FALSE,, control=list(start=Delta.start,q_start=Q.start)), silent=TRUE) if(!inherits(glm1, "try-error")) { BIC_vec[j]<-glm1$bic } } opt<-which.min(BIC_vec) glm1_final <- glmmLasso(points~transfer.spendings + ave.unfair.score + ball.possession + tackles + ave.attend + sold.out, rnd = list(team=~1), family = family, data = soccer, lambda=lambda[opt],switch.NR=FALSE,, control=list(start=Delta.start,q_start=Q.start)) summary(glm1_final) ################## Second Simple Method ########################### ## Using 5-fold CV to determine the optimal tuning parameter lambda ### set seed set.seed(123) N<-dim(soccer)[1] ind<-sample(N,N) lambda <- seq(500,0,by=-5) ## set number of folds kk<-5 nk <- floor(N/kk) Devianz_ma<-matrix(Inf,ncol=kk,nrow=length(lambda)) ## first fit good starting model library(MASS);library(nlme) PQL<-glmmPQL(points~1,random = ~1|team,family=family,data=soccer) Delta.start<-c(as.numeric(PQL$coef$fixed),rep(0,6),as.numeric(t(PQL$coef$random$team))) Q.start<-as.numeric(VarCorr(PQL)[1,1]) for(j in 1:length(lambda)) { print(paste("Iteration ", j,sep="")) for (i in 1:kk) { if (i < kk) { indi <- ind[(i-1)*nk+(1:nk)] }else{ indi <- ind[((i-1)*nk+1):N] } soccer.train<-soccer[-indi,] soccer.test<-soccer[indi,] glm2 <- try(glmmLasso(points~transfer.spendings + ave.unfair.score + ball.possession + tackles + ave.attend + sold.out, rnd = list(team=~1), family = family, data = soccer.train, lambda=lambda[j],switch.NR=FALSE,, control=list(start=Delta.start,q_start=Q.start)) ,silent=TRUE) if(!inherits(glm2, "try-error")) { y.hat<-predict(glm2,soccer.test) Devianz_ma[j,i]<-sum(family$dev.resids(soccer.test$points,y.hat,wt=rep(1,length(y.hat)))) } } print(sum(Devianz_ma[j,])) } Devianz_vec<-apply(Devianz_ma,1,sum) opt2<-which.min(Devianz_vec) glm2_final <- glmmLasso(points~transfer.spendings + ave.unfair.score + ball.possession + tackles + ave.attend + sold.out, rnd = list(team=~1), family = family, data = soccer, lambda=lambda[opt2],switch.NR=FALSE,, control=list(start=Delta.start,q_start=Q.start)) summary(glm2_final) ################## More Elegant Method ############################################ ## Idea: start with big lambda and use the estimates of the previous fit (BUT: before ## the final re-estimation Fisher scoring is performed!) as starting values for the next fit; ## make sure, that your lambda sequence starts at a value big enough such that all covariates are ## shrunk to zero; ## Using BIC (or AIC, respectively) to determine the optimal tuning parameter lambda ## (here, a log-grid is used) lambda <- exp(seq(log(460),log(1e-4),length.out = 50)) #lambda <- seq(460,0,length.out = 51) BIC_vec<-rep(Inf,length(lambda)) family <- poisson(link = log) # specify starting values for the very first fit; pay attention that Delta.start has suitable length! Delta.start <- as.matrix(t(rep(0,7+23))) # set reasonable starting value for intercept (depending on GLM family) Delta.start[1,1] <- family$linkfun(mean(soccer$points)) Q.start<-0.1 for(j in 1:length(lambda)) { print(paste("Iteration ", j,sep="")) glm3 <- glmmLasso(points~1 +transfer.spendings + ave.unfair.score + tackles + sold.out + ball.possession + ave.attend ,rnd = list(team=~1), family = family, data = soccer, lambda=lambda[j], switch.NR=FALSE,, control = list(start=Delta.start[j,],q_start=Q.start[j])) print(colnames(glm3$Deltamatrix)[2:7][glm3$Deltamatrix[glm3$conv.step,2:7]!=0]) BIC_vec[j]<-glm3$bic Delta.start<-rbind(Delta.start,glm3$Deltamatrix[glm3$conv.step,]) Q.start<-c(Q.start,glm3$Q_long[[glm3$conv.step+1]]) } opt3<-which.min(BIC_vec) glm3_final <- glmmLasso(points~transfer.spendings + ave.unfair.score + ball.possession + tackles + ave.attend + sold.out, rnd = list(team=~1), family = family, data = soccer, lambda=lambda[opt3], switch.NR=FALSE,, control = list(start=Delta.start[opt3,],q_start=Q.start[opt3])) summary(glm3_final) ## plot coefficient paths # quartz() par(mar=c(6,6,4,4)) plot(lambda,Delta.start[2:(length(lambda)+1),2],type="l",lwd=2,ylim=c(-0.05,0.05),ylab=expression(hat(beta[j]))) abline(h=0,lty=3,lwd=2,col="grey") for(i in 3:7){ lines(lambda[1:length(lambda)],Delta.start[2:(length(lambda)+1),i], lwd=2) } axis(3,at=lambda[opt3],label=substitute(paste(lambda["opt"]," = ",nn), list(nn=lambda[opt3]))) abline(v=lambda[opt3],lty=2,lwd=2,col=2) ################## Elegant Cross-Validation ########################### ## Using 5-fold CV to determine the optimal tuning parameter lambda ## Idea: on each training data, similar to the previous method, start ## with big lambda and use the estimates of the previous fit (BUT: before ## the final re-estimation Fisher scoring is performed!) as starting values for the next fit; ## make sure, that your lambda sequence starts at a value big enough such that all ## covariates are shrunk to zero; ### set seed set.seed(1909) N<-dim(soccer)[1] ind<-sample(N,N) lambda <- seq(500,0,by=-5) kk<-5 nk <- floor(N/kk) Devianz_ma<-matrix(Inf,ncol=kk,nrow=length(lambda)) ## first fit good starting model library(MASS);library(nlme) PQL <- glmmPQL(points~1,random = ~1|team,family=family,data=soccer) Delta.start <- as.matrix(t(c(as.numeric(PQL$coef$fixed),rep(0,6),as.numeric(t(PQL$coef$random$team))))) Q.start <- as.numeric(VarCorr(PQL)[1,1]) ## loop over the folds for (i in 1:kk) { print(paste("CV Loop ", i,sep="")) if (i < kk) { indi <- ind[(i-1)*nk+(1:nk)] }else{ indi <- ind[((i-1)*nk+1):N] } soccer.train<-soccer[-indi,] soccer.test<-soccer[indi,] Delta.temp <- Delta.start Q.temp <- Q.start ## loop over lambda grid for(j in 1:length(lambda)) { #print(paste("Lambda Iteration ", j,sep="")) glm4 <- try(glmmLasso(points~transfer.spendings + ave.unfair.score + ball.possession + tackles + ave.attend + sold.out, rnd = list(team=~1), family = family, data = soccer.train, lambda=lambda[j],switch.NR=FALSE,, control=list(start=Delta.temp[j,],q_start=Q.temp[j])) ,silent=TRUE) if(!inherits(glm4, "try-error")) { y.hat<-predict(glm4,soccer.test) Delta.temp<-rbind(Delta.temp,glm4$Deltamatrix[glm4$conv.step,]) Q.temp<-c(Q.temp,glm4$Q_long[[glm4$conv.step+1]]) Devianz_ma[j,i]<-sum(family$dev.resids(soccer.test$points,y.hat,wt=rep(1,length(y.hat)))) } } } Devianz_vec<-apply(Devianz_ma,1,sum) opt4<-which.min(Devianz_vec) ## now fit full model until optimnal lambda (which is at opt4) for(j in 1:opt4) { glm4.big <- glmmLasso(points~transfer.spendings + ave.unfair.score + ball.possession + tackles + ave.attend + sold.out, rnd = list(team=~1), family = family, data = soccer, lambda=lambda[j],switch.NR=FALSE,, control=list(start=Delta.start[j,],q_start=Q.start[j])) Delta.start<-rbind(Delta.start,glm4.big$Deltamatrix[glm4.big$conv.step,]) Q.start<-c(Q.start,glm4.big$Q_long[[glm4.big$conv.step+1]]) } glm4_final <- glm4.big summary(glm4_final)