# Sublime Read Only Buffer SublimeReadOnlyBuffer is small plugin for setting Sublime Text 2 editor buffer(s) read-only and maintaning the read-only/read-write state of an edited file between editing sessions using a filename cache. # Install Install with [Package Control](http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control). `Command Palette` > `Package Control: Install Package` > `Read Only Buffer` Or clone this reporitory from GitHub into Sublime's Packages folder: ```bash $ git clone https://github.com/crazybyte/SublimeReadOnlyBuffer.git ``` # Config You can edit the configuration/filename cache list via the menu entry. `Preferences` -> `Package Settings` -> `Read Only Buffer` -> `Settings - User` Or `Command Palette` > `Preferences: Read Only Buffer Settings - User` ```json { "cache" : { "filename": True } } ``` # Usage For setting a buffer read-only use `Buffer: Set read-only buffer` option, from command palette or on OS X key binding `super + shift + r` or key binding `ctrl + alt + r` on Linux. For setting a buffer read-write use `Buffer: Set read-write buffer` option, from command palette or on OS X key binding `super + shift + u` or key binding `ctrl + alt + u` on Linux. # Contributors [Jeffrey Sadeli] (https://github.com/jsadeli) # License This plugin is licensed under the MIT license.