Highlights & Device Specific Changes: Build type: Final Device: OnePlus 3/3T (oneplus3) Device maintainer: Hasan Okarci (frazerecho) Required firmware: OOS 9.0.6 VISIT XDA FORUM FOR MORE DETAILS AND JOIN TELEGRAM GROUP FOR SUPPORT XDA: http://bit.ly/2HzFsdw Telegram: @crdroid_frazerecho ==================== 12-17-2020 ==================== * device/moto/shamu 680007298 upstream * kernel/lge/hammerhead 0c808d7694d upstream ==================== 12-16-2020 ==================== * android e7c2907 Merge 'lineage-17.1' into 10.0 * build/make 01d54487c Remove passing -forceprocessing flag to R8 4d85bf070 proguard_flags: Remove -useuniqueclassmembernames fa6124340 build: Show correct security patch in install screen 357793f2a build: Add backuptool by default 52e59f61e build: not allowed yada yada yada c6d6cc6e3 build: Use right prop for device name fd5721bd0 Make build ID simple b7f759eac build: Only set the default verity key as a fallback 3a4730721 libart: Turn off jit profiles and just use speed a4add79bc build: allow device to override *caugh**caugh* prop f4ea93a10 build: Allow supplying a prebuilt recovery ramdisk cpio bf5ceea6c Use 'release-keys' for build tag ca6fd5f35 build: Don't fail when trying to run 'export' cmd f243fb0d9 build: Remove comment for abilist in build.prop 20c870406 build: execute changelog generator script 5b53eb30e build: Add ANSI name and build info b3bce82d9 build: Disable adding compatibility archive on treble builds 5106afdcc build: Add ro.crdroid.device a6dc71fd4 envsetup: Automatically set CCACHE_EXEC to the system's ccache * build/soong 04cc6183 soong: Forbid arm-linux-androidkernel-as and arm-linux-androidkernel-ld 3b656d7d Remove passing -forceprocessing flag to R8 02bb3318 configs.go : Allow bison, flex (#3) b049a615 soong: Whitelist perl usage 4c07aa5c Allow the flock for kernel builds ece21cf8 soong: use -mcpu=cortex-a55 for kryo300 and kryo385 b51f633d Define AArch32 soong variable 7de8fa39 soong : add more tools to paths whitelist 07c6e48a soong: Add 'repo' to allowed commands 07c02634 soong: Whitelist cpio for prebuilt ramdisk extraction 4489a2a1 soong: Change to CR_VERSION * device/oppo/common 815a8d7 Automatic translation import * external/arm-optimized-routines 7700dbd Android.bp: Remove more unsupported flag 3dd5e29 Android.bp: Remove flags that are not supported on Q * external/libjpeg-turbo f3681be1 libjpeg-turbo: add config to disable merged upsample * frameworks/av 93623bf3d HLS: force audio/video both to start from IDR position bae209ce0 Nuplayer: Update frame-rate based on display refresh rate ece6336da AudioMixer: fill 0s at right place when no more buffers available 211f14688 Fix a noise issue caused by random value of byteOrder c402b8104 CameraNDK: Add RAW_DEPTH image format ac4ed31ed Fix for system_server due to mSource is NULL c9b358bae audiopolicy: sort devices based on type, id and addr 052929f1a audiopolicy: Handle startOutput on output command thread 7149cbe66 APM: Wrong device selection for music during concurrency. 0b6d4906f audio: Needs to invalidate stream when the previous active output doesn't support new device. 59c6e2d39 audio: Optimize device switching time for playback 19187f304 APM: stop output if it's still active before being released fea6beee4 Audio: Set Deep Buffer flag for music stream. 08b836976 av: Add AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_MMAP_NOIRQ flag. 53113e6e5 audiopolicy: add null pointer check for primary hw cc9fc98c6 audio: Check if A2DP playback happens via primary output cf51855ca effect: Disable offload for WFD compress audio 1161555e0 Effects: set hw volume if effect chain doesn't have volume control 48fe00345 audioflinger: Throttle output if no active tracks f93c11226 audioflinger: fix redundant adding to tracksToRemove e181d7331 Avoid presentationComplete loop when hardware is paused 8629c3b07 AudioFlinger: Increase offload standby delay 16378cafd audio: Create dummy track to avoid a2dp suspend f8625347d audio: add support to enable track offload using direct output ef25dd100 AudioTrack: initialize audio attributes properly 649c8017c MediaCodecsXmlParser: Make limit logging less verbose 4fb85b1b9 JAudioTrack: fix bitwise evaluation 5612a4e0d libstagefright: Use regex patterns for updated libyuv ba16eed1b NuPlayer: Force update mediatime for first audio buffer d4f9983e0 StagefrightRecorder: force 64-bit file-offsets for files > 4GB a5b111973 AudioPolicyManager: Handle error from setInputDevice in startInput 78eb08e80 audiopolicy: Load the engine library dynamically 0de8a3ffa Remove usages of USE_XML_AUDIO_POLICY_CONF f49b98d87 GraphicBufferSource: ensure EOS buffer can be submitted 23ca1e7c4 libstagefright: Allow HFR-60 in HAL-3 recording 78d5f404f audio: add support for error handling of dsp SSR cf931a68a aaudio: set primary flag for AAUDIO_PERFORMANCE_MODE_NONE 9b491c836 Fix memory leak in MPEG2PSExtractor 2de418230 Fix native exception occurred when seeking mp4 file 8c1c1a5a0 Fix out of bounds access 74dfa14ca validate width*height doesn't overflow in image file 9bc9a9bd0 Fix exception when delete an uninitialized object 59b674790 codec2: read fallback ION params from system properties 5fcb5a348 mTraits is used without been locked 776d40019 codec2: fallback to yuv420p color format thumbnail in C2 67c816534 vorbisdec: support 192Khz sample rate for vorbis 10aef00e2 aacenc: handle and warn overlapping timestamps 061e70e93 av: Allow providing camera server and service 48b25ccbd av: Remove restrictions for system audio record [2/2] 69eae6db1 Camera: Skip stream size check for whitelisted apps. 8a9f42174 cameraservice: move client_package_name to data/misc 786668efa libcameraservice: add TARGET_CAMERA_NEEDS_CLIENT_INFO 6719c6f1a ld.config: add libashmemd_client.so to platform shared libs * frameworks/base bbdff0219c7 New Crowdin updates (#534) 7230a1985df Update Crowdin configuration file e0b0f688903 base: Add permissions for Google Chrome to sign in e79dbf67315 Add missing bits for AppLock 7565eae0e1f SystemUI: BiometricPrompt: Call onDialogAnimatedIn when we are showing the dialog without animation 82352930f92 SystemUI: BiometricPrompt: Adjust layout if FOD is present 7f8fa973588 base: Use 2 modalities concurrently in BiometricPrompt if available 1c1cf58fbfe FaceUnlock: drop lockouts completely 561432d0ff1 Language toggle QS f35288101b7 StatusBar: Silence logspam dc54a1330b1 PocketJudge: allow register vendor pocket sensor 1866bd353ba base: Introduce automated DC Dimming bc8f641347e base: AppLock v1.1 174b648fbdc NavigationBarFragment: Add check for NPE da0e483e71f Disable double tap power button camera gesture by default [1/2] 41ab5e7a38e base: Micro optimization for accidental touch prevention 59efd28062c Make Quick Unlock compatible with long PIN/Password [1/2] af601be40f9 PebbleBerry: Remove black/white accent check on theme change 92a7ea0300a base: Use utils function to check default navigation bar visibility 3d3f882b9c4 Allow tapping battery icon in header to go to Power usage summary 7362896a201 base: Add leaf icon shape dce4adeb87d Update icon overlays from Android 11 c2c1a1d4b4c Settings: Fix API mismatch error 81a916186ff base: Introduce Applock [1/2] caeb0fefac3 SystemUI: show a bolt ⚡ when charging 755c6078912 Apply theme by using notification context 4bf59fe530f fix client was canceled by service by mistake 099f8fb313f SystemUI: Fix SystemUI failed to go to doze issue 8c0c28c94c2 SystemUI: Use AOSP bluetooth icon when showing battery level 4d80dbd8319 base: set scrolling friction to 0.006f 2f7d8f3fc9e Navbar: Introduce navbar styles [1/4] 7f8f16895dc Long screenshot: Use helper function takeScreenshot dec14e91179 StitchImageUtility: Fix editor on multi user fdbaf8a0c70 fwb: Port long screenshot implementation from Asus 0566ffd0b37 LS pulse: apply custom opacity also on lockscreen c9c7631e427 power: Keep file scheme when not using content URI 6df42a4719f core: Improve clipboard access strings 461d67aebf6 SystemUI: Add OOS Compact VoLTE & VoWifi icon [1/2] d9a08ff8939 Clipboard access toast: Improvements [1/2] 66058cabec0 base: clipboard toast toggle [1/2] 974256dfe14 base: iOS-like toast notification for clipboard access a22dee91c77 services: LightsService: Mute an annoying error message. 821f942dc20 Make screenshot delay configurable [1/2] 27e500158ae base: Add setting for clamp min auto screen brightness [1/2] 724adba55c4 Gracefully handle integer overflows. 094c5779feb LS/Nav Pulse: Clean up redundant audio session id 8747ffb72d7 LS/Nav Pulse: Consolidate functions and fix NPE 330c3700049 LS/Nav Pulse: fix FC and improve performances 24781b75a54 Extend NavBar Pulse to LockScreen [1/2] 6f79a930218 base: Nuke Visualizer for lockscreen [1/2] b1c1708590e NetworkTraffic: Fix visibility on overlayChange() 3ad4f0711d8 NetworkTraffic: Various improvements 85a038d7361 Set alert dialog message to use system font 2b614c82c09 Fix list style alert dialog to use system font a96744bb505 Set Assistant UID of the current user abbc5ccd0c5 base: Add support to disable h265 on screenrecorder fd015e01bea NetworkTraffic: Do not call updateViews() for screen off 7a42accbffd Pulse: add automatic albumart color mode [1/2] 05e646ba907 Pulse navbar audio gfx visualizer for Android 10 [1/2] 1fd3bf5418d Improve scrolling cache eefe9f5f0e3 Optimize AbsListView to reduce click operation latency 751dd8f417d avoid duplicate doFrame calls. 7e45eddcc07 make ui touch optimization work normally. 8bd21baa2be add VSYNC scheduled flag and avoid two doFrame calls in one period c0144f9cfb2 core: touch response optimizations e95613eb7d7 SystemUI: Fix Ticker layout 08deb9be02c base: notch-city: Do not apply immersive rules to 180 rotation 9284bbc1d8e base: notch-city: Dejank immersive mode with QS panel e2ed0b6fd5d NotificationPanelView: Fix initial touch co-ordinates 9342de0bc15 ScreenDecorations: Fix derp in calling updateCutoutMode bc952e76e45 base: notch-city: Make it smarter with orientation [1/2] 7ec21176959 base: notch-city: Reduce QS header offset on immersive & hide modes [1/2] 40b46e785c9 ScreenDecorations: Simplify rounded size selection 637517f7863 base: Revert few changes in notch-city 976511be4b4 base: notch-city: Add 3 mode display cutout handler [1/3] 17fadf86aad QSContainerImpl: Use Tuner API for header image and panel opacity c41e9927af4 Add a Tux clock controller 1c2b9e6ed92 base: Fix API breakage with missing asterik 4c2c44228d9 SystemUI: Fix partial screenshot dd591f0042d Add toggle for dashboards conditions and suggestions [1/2] a31c75d2a50 ScreenStabilizationTile: Fix velocity amplitude format e518372424d base: overlays: Add new icon shapes from Android R e481a8dfe7c Add switch to select SBC HD by default [1/3] 2b4d98a4e67 Zygote: enable zygote preforking (USAP pool) by default dc799a5a2ba base: Show or Hide manual rotation button [1/2] 880226d4cae BT: Always update service object in BluetoothDevice Class 47737eff61e Bluetooth: Avoid reentrant lock in getService method 1c1a231f2db Add missing strings for SBC Dual Channel 99ba8f142e0 A2DP codec priority [1/3] 60afd1d2f29 Add CHANNEL_MODE_DUAL_CHANNEL constant 16e7ab134e4 Add Dual Channel into Bluetooth Audio Channel Mode developer options menu 7eee5a89e81 Allow SBC as HD audio codec in Bluetooth device configuration 9c7f1ae7dd1 PebbleBerry: Switch styles [1/4] 40a94568f68 Telephony: IMS: Cache subscriber associated uri e9356531771 base: overlays: Add Pebble icon shape 9e00f004f05 SystemUI: make qs weather page follow system font setting 75d1ccf369c SystemUI: Improve QS detail view layout ef9d54447df SystemUI: Add EMUI VoLTE icon [1/2] 850d24c1d33 SystemUI: Override VoLTE icon with VoWiFi when available [1/2] f6a16ffc020 SystemUI: Add more VoWiFi icon styles [1/2] 1d21b43e52c SystemUI: support VoWIFI icons 23e7f51e627 SystemUI: QS Details: Remove notch adjustment 5b15897534d Add time refresh capabilities for bold, digital and Samsung lockscreen clocks 15b9562b1ab MobileSignalController: Fix quick switching of VoLTE icon style a4702307d19 SystemUI: Use old padding values for VoLTE icon 3ad17a721bb GamingMode: Simplify log and trivial clean up 3b52d0d244d QS Header: Consider header image offset for min height calculation 5b36fe08310 Add toggle for floating notification dismiss button [1/2] 3a7d35ae026 Camera2: Notify fps as Session Based Parameter c2480534a96 Add separate start/end padding dimens for QS Header e007875e9f5 FingerprintDialogView: Improve on fod devices 9afc0fbfab2 DozeSensors: only use proximity sensor if supported deaa3b8992a SystemUI: DataSwitchTile: update SIMs QS icons. f8bc38ed2cc Make sensor block package list configurable [1/2] 281299376ff Add Accelerometer and Linear Acceleration sensors in blocking list 3c2d2c84d1a FWB: Sensor block per-package switch (1/2) f59c430f554 base: SystemUI: Introduce OOS style notification clear all button e3cde9d49b2 Remove carrierconfig for emergency notification 8169afac621 Fix NPE when resizing with transferring focus failed 34d6de14fd9 Fix freeform window moving/resizing doesn't work dcc899cd6cf Add minimize & pip buttons to freeform windows 214851f7c4b KeyguardUpdateMonitor: Fix race condition before listening for biometrics cd6042b2693 SystemUI: Ambient Edge Pulse layout [1/2] 53a66c3ac57 SamsungHighlight Clock: Improve layout ffbd744c441 Add SamsungHighlight clock 074eba1a062 MNML Clock: Add proper preview layout 1546cea3cfc MNMLBox Clock: Clean up hacky layouts 9ee4bf93d4d Add MNML based clock desgins ad1cfd7e774 SFUNY Clock: Add proper preview layout dfbbca0b05a Add SFUNY clock 49763b9f964 DividedLines Clock: Add proper preview layout 9c03327ec33 DividerLines Clock: Fix margin issue in layout da7763449e0 DividerLines Clock: Set 24-hr time format as well cbd173cfc51 Add DividedLines Clock 7175cb31270 TextClock: Fix NPE in TextClock 53629054a7b Typeface Clock: update thumbnail daa6ee5b251 Add center style Typographic clock 99d259375a5 Close file descriptor to avoid socket leak c3737b44ef0 SystemUI: Reset PUK StateMachine after PUK is unlocked 29ea1a607a9 SystemUI: there is unexpected SIM PIN input dialog. a3a8fbb57f0 IMS: Add new carrier config. 17337d9cf37 IMS: Add new Carrier Config. 250c7a1e1af Telephony: Rename VoWiFi Emergency notification intent. 75261a42c86 Lockscreen Weather: Improvements 2db0b74e012 KeyguardClockSwitch: Fix missing status view on custom clocks bc2406eb15d Add rounded hexagon icon overlay 97e99ab8dc0 SystemUI: Blacklist MobileSignalController for tuner 79b807bec5c BGDexopt: Clean up ordering bf17a7b3968 SystemUI: Move charging animation above FOD icon if In-display fingerprint is active 508bee66c59 SystemUI: Add overlay to disable assist hint on lockscreen (#433) 7155e6dd40a SystemUI: Add required priv-app permissions b344171dfd2 KeyguardSlice: Fix up changing icon pack 8a0288e721a WeatherTile: Do not show if not installed 6de92aabdf9 base: Add permissions for OmniJaws 77b7b4ac497 base: add keyguard weather style [1/2] 2571021a913 base: add weather to keyguardSlice 6e68598bae4 base: keyguard weather view [1/2] a6cd4896719 base: add back weather parts [1/3] a07d13d1b3c TypeClock: Properly calculate the height 9ad1cf8b113 NetworkTraffic: Call setVisibleState only when available 3562917369e NetworkTraffic: Ensure icon visibility after overflow occurs ad2eb1b7184 NetworkTraffic: Improvements and cleanup 54a7ebfcd60 NetworkTraffic: Add support for bits/sec [1/2] 2830ef24d70 NetworkTraffic: Add back translated units 403620452b0 NetworkTraffic: Move in main class from sdk af9ca830fe2 Network Traffic: remove statusbar animation daf2ac5709d AODTile: Improve code 87813b3bb67 BatteryStatsImpl.java: Stop resetting battery stats after reboot with battery level >= 90 dae96320325 telephony: URI cannot be created with negative subIds 47b056bdd5b base: Add more custom actions [1/3] 7d076cf3d5d base: Add device key action to expand notifications panel [1/3] f59ad77050e base: Add device key action to Clear all notifications [1/3] 36285a11027 base: Add device key action to toggle volume panel [1/3] f31e3fc0ea4 Utils: Add toggleVolumePanel action 1bc03ed9d45 SystemUI: Allow listening for face only on pin/pass view (#422) f512a69fe20 Opt-out ringtone audio focus for Wired/BT headset [1/2] 09494ad5edb Wired/BT headset: make ringtone audio focus customizable [1/2] d4b19990b67 Don't change public API 64986ba1f68 Phone ringtone setting for Multi SIM device d37a9ef6768 Add config for default QS columns and rows [1/2] 032d949be08 Whitelist OVERRIDE_WIFI_CONFIG for phone app d77f875aa14 Optimize IncallUI delay for voice calls 81d12e61cc2 Ims: Add suppport for "Ims Preferred" WFC Preference d913233c13d VoWifi notification for emergency calls cbd37f97829 Add auth framework for outgoing SMS messages. 92f5bb2cefc Telephony: Don't crash for too long baseband version 6ed8dbdd0d9 Check if EIMS when confirming network c1386afb72f net: modify connecitvity rematch logic to support MSIM devices 9d07c973b19 Add ICCID into CarrierIdentifier f87c95b596b Emergency SMS carrier config flag 7de9a2af424 IMS-VT: Add config to control holding a video call 7ef0e76b162 SMS: Parsing of CDMA MMS notification carried by SMS 20c5b456eac Telephony: Get SIM card capacity count of SMS cad1496181b IMS: Add carrier config for RTT always enabled 539f9ab0b03 IMS: Conference URI support. 3aee10d4dd5 IMS: Propagate RTT capability of the called party to UI 963d6dccca5 IMS: Add CALL_TYPE for audio and video inactive 4864dfe8e73 IMS: Propagate call session property changed message e13cc19e069 Use proper coded alphabet when a contact is written into EF_ADN of USIM. 36ae4ee4cd0 SEEMP: framework instrumentation and AppProtect features e7345941af0 Telephony: Add DisconnectCause values for clear code 1a4205a389f IMS: Add UT interface to query CF setting for service class. 609ab3c4d1b IMS: Add flag to control reset UT capability 5e26cbd6d09 Add config to disable CDMA call forward/waiting 3f33c445796 Permissions: allow to grant permissions to more apps on dirty flash bb202501299 PackageManagerService: Avoid NPE in matchComponentForVerifier b420986470a Adaptive Playback: Convert to seconds 45a10f70bbf Add switch for vpn, data saver and roaming icons de5dfad0ff8 SystemUI: Introduce Adaptive Playback [1/2] d1443a2111c Add tunable to hide display cutout [1/2] 5e28c6543be Rework variable refresh rate settings [1/2] ea849eb8c0e Fix up statusbar paddings for devices with display cutouts fe1077c2b8b Quick status bar: Add battery meter view to linear layout a0f0ac5de15 Fix up custom rounded corner setting for status bar 05f2835dcb6 Add an option to ask pin for shutdown/reboot on secure lockscreen [1/2] 9d9c7285b1a SettingsProvider: Resolve package name that requires permission 178cab3328a Export all font configs 07faf0ef90b base: do not use new lockscreen layout for bypass 74d94aee510 Proper fix of Android Auto f3c0bb611dd SystemUI: Remove duplicate CONFIGURE_WIFI_DISPLAY permission 625fd1e645f VolumeDialogControllerImpl: Check for internal audio recording support 254a6cbaa5b SystemUI: Fix disable QS pulldown on secure lockscreen 40421aa04a1 SystemUI: Fix disable QS pulldown on secure lockscreens 17de5e1da16 RecordingActivityMonitor: remove spam from death events a492e9f179b Screenrecord: Allow devices to disable internal audio option e31dd82f362 Screenrec: Cleanup dialog layout e08da4ce6c4 Screenrec: Add support for AudioPlaybackCapture 56c9dbf2a62 Screenrec: Switch to low quality switch to a bitrate selector 12c9e5c8a66 Screenrecord: Collapse QS panel when launching dialog 9a907bc9a25 Screenrecord: Improve dialog style 822601a81e1 Screenrecord: Android R dev preview style dialog 9cccd6b5708 base: Remove restrictions for system audio record [1/2] b5e8bc4abcf fwb: Add support for internal audio recording 82b122cceac ScreenRecord: Add config to enable it cd0b7a4de91 RecordingService: Use existing recording icon 842f15208af RecordingService: Use IMPORTANCE_LOW notification channel 25813d4cc4f SystemUI: Add ScreenRecord Tile 79c017a1d89 ScreenRec: fix possible SystemUI FC when stopping e08b2b50517 Screenrecord: remember last recording options 2eb085c8834 SystemUI: ScreenRec: Redesign the dialog e17f25050de Screenrecord: exclude dialog from Recents a3d89a4eddd Screenrecord: start delayed cf1afb70b85 Screenrecord: fix FC when using custom dpi values 4a1dd2801eb Screenrec: use HEVC H.265 codec, add low quality option, fixes 58a48061696 Screenrec: allow to show a blinking red stop dot 44bfc0e1b01 Screenrecord: Change save location and make sure dirs exist 9200d075f1d Add power menu option for screen record [1/3] 5c1d65b10cd Disable Quick Settings on secure lockscreen (1/2) e3f195bc1b5 EdgeBackGestureHandler: Handle all exceptions with WindowManagerService 82c3b163e5d Navbar: Switch gesture navbar to new navigation bar key event source 461be5e3811 Add lockscreen battery info as TunerService tunable a5e1e115ae8 Fix setting lockscreen charging animation on boot f7d731209d4 QS: Add and use Bluetooth Panel instead of full Settings 01f01fe1d75 QS: Use Mobile Data panel for CellularTile 65e9203868d QS: Add and use Mobile Data panel 8cdaedb0114 QS: Use Settings.Panel intents for WiFi and NFC 5b272c6117e Lockscreen charging info: show decimal in battery temperature 8823be6f8c8 base: Add vibration patterns from OOS 69669d4b7a4 base: In-call vibration haptics options [1/3] 9ef87d6f024 SystemUI: Improve Screen stabilization settings layout f3452025f92 SystemUI: Use MD2 icon for Screen Stabilization tile 79da06ad4e5 base: Screen Stabilization [1/2] 37d36d19706 VibratorService: Update ONEPLUS_EFFECT_TICK constant value 515e1467a26 VibratorService: Fix double click effect with OnePlus vibrator format f18e21dea48 VibratorService: update constant values for OnePlus HAL b6840a30e58 SystemUI: FPS Info Overlay & Tile fe2ae77df4c base: Lower the internal audio capture restriction c559d2a53b2 SystemUI: KG Charging Animation: Add more animations [1/3] 5f1912c3659 PebbleBerry: Allow dark style selection and accent check bb3f89cc0f6 Remove unnecessary battery meter view impl in keyguard statusbar 6e875ee2984 PowerManagerService: Improve waking device when prox check disabled 02fdf286459 base: Blur behind quick settings [1/2] aadd2661201 SystemUI: Add ImageUtilities 922607a3e24 Alert Slider: Improve layout 975fb89c2a2 Alert Slider: Add toggle to disable notifications [1/2] 001e1ea2977 Alert slider: Use default position behaviour if position not specified in intent ae53364ca37 Alert Slider: Clean up usage of Orientation Listener 678c76d5dec Alert Slider: Apply theme more dynamically c712682cd52 Alert slider: Do not hardcode slider position based on ringer mode 0b2bfbd7e39 Alert slider: Work better with Key Handlers 22f80624508 SystemUI: Make tri-state SystemUI dialog dimensions conditional a43a33277c0 SystemUI: Improve alert slider dialog 43f2004c9f8 SystemUI: Introduce user interface for Alert Sliders ae6fe5fb56a SystemUI: add optional back gesture vibration tick [1/2] 5a7ad2c5d0b Add device key action to take screenshot [2/3] 84be217b9cd Add device key action to toggle flashlight [2/3] b04a18adad9 Add api to toggle flashlight 02ea506ae7e Re-add settings to relax device ID access restrictions [1/2] f1a4fdbf1cb Add TypeClock for translations 965e6bf6659 Keyguard: ReInflate views when density or font scale change d3a3413f40e SystemUI: Replace pulse light drawable with our own vector df33b72e3c5 Allow to hide arrow for back gesture [1/2] c322c4cae05 base: Hide pill in full gestural nav mode [1/2] fd8841a38ea EdgeBackGestureHandler: Change back gesture height intervals ced7c8fdd29 base: navigation mode settings [1/2] e693a969179 Allow devices to set proximity sensor type for ambient display [1/2] c741e05edcf base: QS panel opacity [1/2] 0b5d41cb7cb base: Add qs status bar header image [1/2] f4268fd6748 base: Improve navigation bar hiding toggle b3dfcccb193 Avoid system reboot while invalidate LegacyGlobalAction 68de661ea09 SettingsLib: Don't show system overlays on apps list 3c8cc987463 Prevent battery tunables crashing on first boot e88d9112b6b SystemUI: Update keyguard indication margin when fod is in use 556357eb60b Port face unlock feature fdfaa808bc3 base: Guard some functions against face unlock 04d8d2f24f6 FODanimation: Change animation visibility handle 5d31ea1247a FODCircleView: Move show/hide FOD animation to show/hide circle methods d0d090da28e FODCircleView: Update icon dim only on brightness change 4d584b0bb9b FODCircleView: Move setImageResource out of onDraw b818a0ecd28 FODCircleView: Use default brightness for icon dim when screen brightness not available 483f20a1ee4 FODCircleView: Enable hardware acceleration 46a3ec25a08 FODCircleView: The show must go on 301193d59c1 Add FOD system overlay types e47a3e09bed FODCircleView: Post calls of main hal functions on background thread 1b6bfdfdf9f FODCircleView: Use Handler for Icon dim color filter f93ddb12c2a FODCircleView: Reduce calls for FingerprintInscreen daemon init 2cd7e95f610 SystemUI: add pulsing callback to KeyguardUpdateMonitor e7cc4de4930 FODCircleView: Reduce calls for Wallpaper Color usage update 5cf3fd7c1b9 FODCircleView: Reduce calls for pressed icon state update c0cde4c2be2 FODCircleView: Use SettingsObserver to get system brightness c01e38141d4 FOD: Use removeViewImmediate to remove views 51dabc7326b FODCircleView: Change show/hide of pressed view ed9a08550de FODCircleView: Reset background to Lineage state for default FOD icon 2f032f80fbd FODCircleView: Make FOD icon dimming optional 6367df7d3de FODAnimation: Check if view is null before adding a new one 013576fe416 FODCircleView: Fix Wallpaper Color 37d0b310ce6 FODCircleView: Dim FOD icon ecda4298406 FODCircleView: Apply color filter to FOD background 55dd418fdec FODCircleView: Improve position update a0d1ecfe6c7 FODCircleView: Hide circle and animation when auth fails fcd0483019a FODCircleView: move fod resources to addons [1/2] ba04102d710 FODCircleView: add FOD invisible icon [1/2] ec6232bc49a FODAnimation: Make animation resources optional [1/2] 86d383c971a FODCircleView: cleanup FOD customization techniques afc1a7c1543 FODAnimation: Allow to set vertical position offset 3049b844072 FODCircleView: Separate FODAnimation into it's own class 0d68c870c87 FODCircleView: Recognizing FP animation effects [1/2] b97e75c3e49 FODCircleView: Recognizing fingerprint animation [1/2] 549749c45c7 FODCircleView: Fix position on keyguard if cutout is hidden a158084f10f FODCircleView: Fix position if cutout is hidden edfa3670992 FODCircleView: FOD pressed state [1/2] de448e8b5ac FODCircleView: fix incorrect position on keyguard 9542246c642 FODCircleView: add crDroid fod icon [1/2] ff843e73bcb FODCircleView: add FOD icon picker and wallpaper based color option [1/2] ffd916ec049 FODCircleView: Add partial wakelock on aod 22a7a3bb5bb FODCircleView: AOD content should move only in Y 2afef7c2c88 Revert "FODCircleView: Add support for custom FP pressed icon" 4aaf8ac2884 Properly set fonts and icons on keyguard when changing styles 2f4399a8180 SystemUI: allow setting custom cutout shapes 3278a312151 VibratorService: implement OnePlus proprietary vibrator format [squashed] ba10a584863 PrivacyChip: Do not change view on expand 660ffbe1a54 QuickStatusBar: Check for permissions hub before setting ignore list 9e3115fd404 KeyguardClockPositionAlgorithm: Allow forcing default clockY positioning 8fdabbbad6f SystemUI: Improve Samsung clock layout 187fa1203f7 Introduce bold digital and Samsung like lockscreen clocks e5271e3bf04 Move binary clock strings under systemui e585497db74 Add config to make Smart Charging available on device 07bedc13556 SmartCharging: Rework and add more customizations e2ea69baff6 base: Smart Charging (1/4) 348c30f81d8 frameworks: Reset battery stats 4cd6ae24f3c Bring back ticker for music ticker and Android 10 fixes cc30f0f5f2c Status bar notification ticker [1/2] b5eb1748786 fwb: [1/2] Implement cutout force full screen aa7b0a70869 Disable Notifications vibration [1/2] 2cb21c06fae fwb: Add ability to permanently hide apps from recents [1/2] 88e39f3b05b Keyguard: add binary custom clock face 1740499eab8 Ambient Music Ticker - Allow to pulse on new tracks [1/2] e16457b9cf3 ChooserActivity: remove ugly separator c0cf6435d41 Use Emergency Affordance toggle for Emergency Dialer Action as well d49f820ec0e Add toggle for charging animation [1/2] 9c5345646f1 SystemUI: Animate the keyguard when charging e37ea0a8a83 Add toggle to hide lock icon on lockscreen [1/2] f9ac54191c0 BatteryMeterView: More robust for showing estimate c8059c2858d PowerMenu: Only tint items once 0e1494ab36a Add Flashlight blink on incoming calls [1/3] 35995bab59d Add toggle to display battery in quick status bar [1/2] 607abdbed78 Separate battery estimate from percent for QS [1/2] f63988cac04 Add toggle to completely hide status bar on lockscreen [1/2] c1526da1c8a ScreenshotTile: Make default state inactive 3ee0c928e17 Optional screenshot type [1/2] 5799eb5b439 Add delay for partial screenshot on long press a74a0740eec base: Fix list style alert dialog to use system font d2030bbf675 SystemUI: Set user detail item to use system font 8f061860441 SystemUI: hide lock icon while dozing 8a7dba7fc5a Add hexagon and cylinder icon shape overlays 963b2c05cfc Restore light font styling of AOSP 9d27f8a60a6 Add regular / light font config 0c79e507c48 Update default config for headline fonts b8845d6b39e Wire up default fonts with font engine 8aa5bf4cc30 SystemUI: Allow changing duration of ambient edge light [1/2] af11c533b6d base: Allow themes switching to drawable for qs icons 19ad020edbe Add Restart SystemUI button on Advanced Restart Menu (1/2) 16a297c77a8 Hide power menu on secure lockscreen - improvements 482954a2408 Hide power menu on secure lockscreen [1/2] f4e29f84b17 SystemUI: Turn off old style mobile signal in airplane mode 1d5825beeec SystemUI: Add settings observer for old style mobile signal b3de1689e9e SystemUI: status bar mobile indicator code reuse bf9228657d7 base: Allow to use old style icons as default [1/2] 74074632d56 Fix Signal icon size ecad890ed23 StatusBarMobileView: Clean up 544b79c130f SystemUI: bring back old style mobile data indicators [1/2] d3a31ceeb52 SystemUI: keyguard show charging watt 526daad4d6e fwb: Conditionally set scaled brightness 27ad0555b53 QS columns/rows: fix rows not refreshing on setting change d6ad6ba790b base: Add bool to enable/disable doze by default e2c35658b0c Allow tuning ambient display with sensors [1/3] b763ca6e268 DataSwitchTile: collapse notification panel onClick cf2886b36f5 Allow to set QS panel columns and rows [1/2] 663492a5e88 Fix notification guts layout for force close button 1a29d7fb3f3 Allow disabling of FC dialogs [1/2] 13de443113f Add kill button to notification guts [1/2] 8786ef15e1d Ambient Pulse: Use TunerAPI d78dd97b451 SystemUI: Fix ambient pulse notification layout 0cd04aa778d base: Add ambient pulse notification [1/2] fd75164d8cc base: Add Solid battery style from PA [1/2] b751ebd3ad1 base: Add refresh rate setting [1/2] 09f65f8ce3a overlays: Add back IconShapeSquareOverlay 2ea601aba7b overlays: Remove accent overlays edf154aa604 core: Add support for MicroG a706c42c6a7 base: Introduce DataSwitchTile 9f38ff0066a Allow to suppress notifications sound/vibration if screen is On [1/2] 2df4f62bd76 Add toggle for emergency affordance in power menu [1/2] ef7f9097cdc Battery light: 100% charged level (1/3) ceff119d914 Less boring heads up option [1/2] 4ff494604ed ThemedMeterDrawable: Fix system crash on theme change d219008c63d fingerprint: notify client when cancelling succeeded 35c15e9d72b CarrierConfigManager: enable LTE+ icon by default abaa9e4dc8f Bring back Gaming mode [1/3] 848fe97dfe1 Add SystemSetting class analogous to SecureSetting 29004125e26 Use API function for three finger screenshot 4b8b3994232 base: SwipeToScreenshot: Import MIUI implementation f4173f4c76d base: Improvements for swipe to screenshot e5d270e886d base: Add three-fingers-swipe to screenshot [1/2] b1374b4afe1 Quick settings: Add Haptic Feedback to tiles [1/2] 43630762b88 Volume dialog timeout (1/2) 705e40b1809 SoundTile: Make default state inactive c76dfcb16bd RebootTile: Make default state inactive 9b4913d5e5c Extend reboot tile to add power off 0ad65268c60 RebootTile: Fix gradient message display for reboot to recovery 58aac7d51d1 Add Reboot/Recovery QS Tile 62a9d21f27f QS: Add Sound tile to Quick Settings e1be0da8006 Disable long click for SoundSearch tile 7f95da4efc8 SoundSearchTile: Make default state inactive 22873042cc2 Add Google Sound Search tile 538247ddfcd Remove call to expand QS panel while pressing the Airplane QS tile 0029191a4b6 Ask pin when tapping Airplane tiles on secure lockscreen d1010cf601a Add string for Always on display tile 71f382ef217 MusicTile: Make tile state inactive if not playing music c65c15f0331 MusicTile: Clean up redundant code 54f945ce2cb Add Music QS Tile a19c80d1c59 Disable long click for Caffeine tile b54f9d15767 Disable long click for Compass tile cc8730dd6fe CompassTile: Add a device supports compass check 29d51252428 CompassTile: Do not use slashed icon 5af672ce5d9 CompassTile: Set default state inactive 82dd8106af5 Add Compass tile 3879b899eaa Disable long click for HW keys tile dc9d675c912 Add HW Keys QS tile c051dce3e2e Disable long click for CPU Info tile 8348e379e9b QS: Add CPUInfo toggle tile 72562a532df QS: Add partial/full screenshot QS tile dac0b017454 Clean up API for screenshot type 90310c7832a core: Add api to take screenshots 306a0e155d3 Fix long click intent for Smart Pixels tile [1/2] 401381c880e Smart Pixels: Dynamically register receiver 6ad1ff05387 SmartPixels: Add config to enable smartpixels support b9affb0b9a2 Add smart pixels [1/2] 35371d64af7 Fingerprint error vibration [1/2] a7b4423508b Pocket lock improvements 234094a03c4 pocket: Fix pocket lock view for display cutouts e4de9b87d65 pocket: Adjust sleep timeout for pocket lock view to 10 secs 772b52595bf pocket: introduce pocket bridge 7fbc3edadba PocketService: Adjust light sensor rate to 400ms 2e2af946825 pocket: Add hardware acceleration and properly maintain SYSTEM_UI flags 51e88b63bb0 policy: introduce pocket lock f83ee8d5bb4 pocket: introduce pocket judge 80b9ff159f5 SystemUI: Add case to quick pull down status bar anywhere f6f09aa34d0 Separate double tap to sleep on lockscreen [1/2] bbf4bda80ee Fix some crashes with lockscreen album art filter d3b611f5789 Add Lockscreen album art filter [1/2] b3fd94f3467 base: Live Volume Steps [1/2] 7012dda483c Add battery styles and customizations for Android 10 [1/2] 9e41ce89712 base: media_seekbar: make it sexy 8c49cffd861 Add ability to toggle bluetooth battery level [1/2] 6b91a7c12a0 SystemUI: update Bluetooth battery level assets. 76d7e2b1003 power: Disable keyboard/button lights while dozing/dreaming f838dfd9ee0 Disable tuner pref for battery b7f786820cd SystemUI: restart timeout causes black screen 2926b579ca0 Fix layout gravity for status bar right clock db09057aa63 fixup - telephony: Conditionally ignore RSSNR signal level 882a8ffac2d telephony: Conditionally ignore RSSNR signal level b6357cfc745 base: themes: dont use colorPrimary for active qs 9670198d9e2 SystemUI: Update automatic brightness drawables f3274b2f104 Add button to AppErrorDialog to upload crash information to dogbin c72faf8dcec BurnInProtection: Fix null object reference with timer 663c867019c Keyguard: Actually kill the Fancy Colon 6952094c9b8 base: SystemUI: reduce padding between clock and notification area 1c1bc404c33 SystemUI: Implement burn-in protection for status/navbar cb1ec5bbfbc SystemUI: Fix statusbar padding and layout for system icons 9ad5808a293 Update rounded corner radius path for Android 10 2921fdd158e ScreenDecorations: Clean up tuner API 5fec7c383fa Allow tuning extra padding for status bar 49ed513bb57 Rounded Corner: Code improvement and clean up 718973ec781 Custom Rounded Corner and Padding preferences [1/2] ba9232a0abd base: Remove round corner padding from statusbar 323c73c5e7c framework: Port IME selector notification toggle (2/2) 98d753b5303 fb: add back all keyboard IME features back (1/2) e774aa032cd SystemUI: Allow overlaying max system icons 1c79d31b366 ambient display: Fix volume key music control c7e395c0315 CPUInfoService: Improvements and fixes 5e6f7eb16fa SystemUI: add CPU info overlay 2cf621d4a8b BatteryBar [1/2] 0419136d0e4 Toast icon switch [1/2] c4374cd5149 Fix: No text in toast for RTL layout ca20a4d90f0 Show icon of package associated with Toast 0fd6b596c56 AbsListView: Fix widget couldn't find any view fc 87d6891c1df Return: Listanimation Views and Interpolator [1/2] 98903d4bcea Allow toggling animations off [1/2] 0a375812eac Add interpolators to qs tiles animation [1/2] dd70f64634a Add animations to quick settings tiles [1/2] 6a3ce05c9db Add option to disable scrolling cache [1/2] e592c526c82 AppTransitions: Remove hackery for controls duration 984bec18064 FW_Base - XuiMod: Toast Animations [1/2] 5d34b97170b Add Ethans animations 27f0b55dd15 AOKP custom system animations (1/2) 6d23963b47c Disable/Enable screenshot sound [1/2] 5fb50c28ebd QS tile titles visibility [1/2] beba02987c9 Statusbar: Fix Tunerservice usage 58fc4c6431d Keyguard: Fix scramble PIN view for multiple users 05aa81da29d Disable PIN entry after successful quick unlock 7183b14fe76 Keyguard: Forward port lockscreen quick unlock (1/2) 53c9398cc34 Fingerprint authentication vibration [1/2] 932bc648ee6 Network traffic mode for status bar [2/3] efdbcf21ebe Do not apply date customization to QS clock [1/2] d7cfab48301 Add option to auto hide status-bar clock [1/2] 9afc48063b4 Statusbar clock customizations [1/2] d0fec0b9f40 Add separate tunable for clock seconds 7b462e9df31 CollapsedStatusbar: Fix phantom spaces in status bar 9ec0ff989f4 Allow using position tunable to hide clock dc41db2f7b2 Use alphaoptimized layout for icons on left 6b6bef97a70 Use same NFC icon as that in QS tile 0994689a999 SystemUI: Update NFC tile drawable bc8ecff0693 SystemUI: Update default set of tiles ad5154a0096 SystemUI: Add nfc tile to default list ea98dbb133d SystemUI: Add statusbar NFC icon b4956415175 Add tunables for navbar layout customization [1/2] 37a96db0497 Revert "SystemUI: add top exclusion to the back gesture" dc7ba9d595a Revert "Implement hide gestural navigation hint bar [1/5]" 293047fd63d Revert "SystemUI: set no hint overlay to highest priority" 7ff9eabe906 Add toggle to disable HW keys [1/2] 4937ea974a2 Use FORCE_SHOW_NAVBAR to actually toggle navbar 7333f7483b7 base: Add accidental touch prevention for assist key 1f8205fa1d2 base: Introduce Accidental Touch dd4cfc44216 base: Introduce new navigation bar key event source fb137665510 Allow overriding default volume dialog position ffa07bfa156 VolumeDialogImpl: Use TunerService properly 663064735b4 BatteryService: Add Warp charging support c18ffa03013 BatteryService: add dash charging support 215d57c22f8 LockscreenCharging: squashed (1/3) eec7b643d41 Option to Display Data Disabled Indicator Icon [1/2] 88cd5175cfa Allow using 4G icon instead LTE [1/2] a7adafc6443 Make roaming indicator optional [1/2] ee192627d4b Add option to select VoLTE icon [1/2] 013808086f6 Ability to toggle VoLTE icon in statusbar [1/2] d8cd7236fcc SystemUI: Use our default VoLTE icon cb06dea90b3 Fix VOLTE icon color on Light statusbar 3c794de1e89 SystemUI: Enhancement for volte icon a6b297f078c SystemUI: Query IMS state after CapabilityCallback is regisered c81d24f6f76 SystemUI: Fix HD icon missing e33f439e8e5 Adapt to IMS registration changes. 20ba8557c84 SystemUI: Refactor the feature of volte icon 81ef891fbbe SystemUI: Fix volte icon doesn't update in real time d0611d57f6e SystemUI: Add new configuration for displaying Volte icon d004f26fa25 base: Add stub files 4ee87834461 Add customizable action for back long press button [2/3] af2ccfa439e PhoneWindowManager: Clean up arguements in MSG_CAMERA_LONG_PRESS 396c5b312ee Add device key action to kill app [2/3] 589c8dab48f TypeClockController: Make it compile with new plugin API 114eabdaea8 Revert "Drop Type clock face." 88b7b2f290e Revert "Drop final remnants of Type clock face" 58d4f4f1a03 TunerService: Add parseInteger failsafe method 5132586db96 SystemUI: Allow using tuner API for Global settings 86b9ad8075a TunerService: Prevent NPE with tunable c2327c41a6f base: Add metric for crDroid Settings 9ec60f90fda MediaScanner: Use build date to store last scan tag 13b22773743 Restore cache clean up code in PackageManagerService 5a5a6142840 base: Use ro.build.date.utc to signal upgrades caa5fd10421 base: Make Build.DATE visible to apps 46746dd806d Revert "SystemUI: Bring back good ol' circle battery style" 9f85f6fa524 Revert "fixup! SystemUI: Bring back good ol' circle battery style" ab3b46c0e6a QS: Fix extra lines when icon number is small 32e46c319c6 DefaultPermissionGrantPolicy: Silence harmless errors 2887eedb986 ListView: Disable dividers by default 15510796d8d PMS and WMS deadlock when uninstalling APP 47b8b9b6282 Not register sensor if StatusBar state is not KEYGUARD ceef4374adb os: Process: Fix wrong code in isThreadInProcess bfeb1154b0a Catch IllegalStateException when verify APK aad340de517 lib/androidfw: Fix reversed logic f9be953f3a3 Process: Use audio-app cpuset if available e02aacdab7c Camera: Force HAL1 for predefined package list. fa113f91715 base: allow device to override *caugh*caugh* prop 956b3b8a69e Fix Google Markup FC e2e59a5c1a8 AccountManagerService: Fix ConnectionRecord Leak 3a9a2c1cea9 FingerprintManager: return "Try again" by default eb916e9c885 Fix to handle duplicate call id for conference call 5245ef48ef4 Resolve NumberPicker display abnormal issue. 653722999db Update wifi interface ip state upon receiving ap disable event 447118408da Always use a positive value for timestamp bec7658c93b hwui: Avoid fake high input latency while vsync drifting baa66ab1239 base: Handle NPE for ContentObserver 5fd95f498d8 Add missing SET_WALLPAPER_COMPONENT permission to prebuilt wp picker 147447b9498 Grant BIND_WALLPAPER permission to prebuilt wp picker 642476ddde4 Grant Wellbeing the SUSPEND_APPS perm if already declared 1add17a1921 Fix Photosphere/Camera FCs d778fa563eb media: Define MPEG-H Encoder Format ec695b65061 audio: add support for extended formats a7ed9d4eea8 Camera: Ignore torch status update for aux or compsite camera c72285febee Camera: Skip stream size check for whitelisted apps.. 6a54c45abce camera: Skip HFR checks for privileged apps. af1ab2f6591 Camera: Clearing exception for Extended Face 93b0e727da4 Camera: Extend face detection f2558724a25 SystemUI: assist: disable old Assistant animations 9430e98e87f SystemUI: Hide back icon when screen pinned and gestural mode enabled b9c78e51958 ScreenPinningRequest: Fix recents button not appearing a21c0e3e313 SystemUI: Add method for getting estimated battery time ab0d0719b87 SystemUI: Remove build version from qs footer d66eaf07b6e SystemUI: Fix flickering issue when live wallpaper is showing on aod/pulsing a030c2e600e Use new gradient dialog also for recovery/factory reset action 9e5f87c9e83 AppStandbyController: Only check user standby setting ee8b26094c4 Conditionally disable uncrypt for ota 876aeb63453 Shell: Don't show bugreport on DocumentsUI ccb3d0f5548 Add colors to assistant animation fd8407487c3 ViewGroup: Remove child parent when a new view is added 6487e75fdca AMS: Fix the null pointer exception in IntentResolver 4aca321cdce FrameworkBase: Fix NullPointerException of AMS ebbc01d6362 Convert VPN Server endpoint to numeric 0e09f0f1da8 hwui: Relax the desiredPresent time in RenderAhead feature 720c882aa09 Fix LockdownVpnTracker deadlock when resetting legacy Always-On VPN 70ca03e21e8 Fix Another SystemUI crash 4d1a56de6d3 Disable More Debugging 4ed57de1c3c Reset permission when network becomes default again. e6bf5e3c9a3 Fix SystemUI crash 7c38d469b5f base: call log limit 500=>5000 e34ebb16ab6 Select the proper request list size e8f145cfbd4 base: Grant storage permission to ThemePicker 2be12aba611 Fix Google dialer FC due to missing permissions 7b628075004 Allow chromium to sign in 94412f3958c Fix Google Calendar FC b0d4a41137e Fix permissons for ContactsProvider2 54536ba3181 Fix Fi permissions fd4c63eb6d5 Fix Android 7.0 GApps permisions which were causing F/C 7773d543715 Wallpaper is half black after rotating quickly 7ae1cc862cd null check before accessing getCurrentScore() c9f992a51ee Reduce log verbosity: Don't spam logcat 70b3bef99df SettingsProvider: Add missing INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS_FULL permission d8d72361e99 Camera: Don't throw exceptions when value pairs have spaces in them 2e3283bb498 Guard in short-circuit evaluations for stringSplit methods. a9752a1d80c services/job: Fix a Jobscheduler bugs 6baa20f5131 Fix incorrect context classloader initialization in system_server 793c007c0ac StorageManagerService: Fix for system_server crash while booting 2ca3684d48b Fix MtpDatabase multithreading NullPointerException b174ae2bd07 ViewRootImpl: Fixed memory leak caussed by viewrootImpl objects 5c87aa1424a BackupAgent: Add backup shared mode aee9bd0bdf6 NavigationBarView: Avoid NPE before mPanelView is created 01247941aff SystemUI: Remove annoying log caused by aosp bug fcd621729ec DEBUG: Turn off some debugging we don't need. da2e7b52a37 AlarmManagerService: Add null check to QCNsrmAlarmExtension call 2cf569904a2 Prevent NPE due to unchecked r.uid 306190e9de8 Avoid NPE in system_server in bringDownServiceLocked() 21ede7ecbf4 Crash occured due to null pointer exception. ca825e94e3e ActivityManager: fix npe in ProcessRecord d0be189be39 Clear all lingering notifications when network is disconnected 837ea8c910b frameworks: Fix null pointer Issue 0c712a5f2aa view: add null check for dispatch touch view 863372a569c InputMethodManager: Fixed memory leak when windowDismissed 01f744237fb BatteryStats: Update WifiState even if EnergyInfo is invalid e4dbeda7893 BatteryService: scheduleUpdate asynchronously f1554513c37 display: Validate activePhysIndex before access 34f1e983bb7 WindowStateAnimator: Fix NPE with wallpaper offset 2e1441ddd9b Fix for, BT Carkit position issue when music app is killed b2ccd522766 Audio: Do not disconnect profiles till Bluetooth Off 9ba0946de96 Fix bootanimation stack overflow 4c5d6ddddcb Whitelist WRITE_DEVICE_CONFIG for shell eb6ba56a842 Add missing STORAGE_INTERNAL permission for BackupRestoreConfirmation fbc9b32024f NetworkStatsHistory: Prevent IllegalArgumentException 79e5d35d444 Prevent crash in TTS engine due to improper configuration 21a7b6c677b Framelayout: Fix NPE when view is missing 17048aac6b3 SystemUI: Keyguard: Check for a null errString eb0f2deab9d FATAL EXCEPTION IN SYSTEM PROCESS: android.ui 2d13d2dfe00 KernelWakelockReader: stop the panic a461c6f49c6 ParcelFileDescriptor: can we stop the panic here? 9d9d55a7481 Enable NSRM (Network Socket Request Manager). b9ddb4c2a52 Rename the backup file to base file when backup exists 724ea5227c8 SQLite: Do integrity_check only once e0a57b87597 SQLiteDatabase: Catch corrupt exception during transaction 8139702af5d base: limit direct share targets to reduce lag 8e5db751aaa aapt: Fix compiler warning (clobbered by longjmp) 192a0e3399b aapt: add check for untranslatable "string-array"s 2b949114d7e aapt: Use a std::map instead of a SortedVector 3e5e491b246 aapt: Speed up the style pruning 2a1efbc0967 display: Don't animate screen brightness when turning the screen on 3821b639308 connectivity: Configure additional TCP parameters f37c5874261 MountService: Prevent NPE with DropBoxManager 1508d6d3ac8 MountService: ensure VolumeRecord with UUID exists before modifying 66253c7773b Settings:Bugfix for NPE, Only valid screen power consumption need to smear 0cc208850a1 SystemUI: Fix SystemUI Crash 4768021ff2d Suppress FingerprintManager logspam f5d114c3bb2 Kill off provider info logspam f7010b7bfc9 base: SettingsProvider: cleanup leftover logspill e2fa103515d Telephony: NPE observed in Settings when click on Search settings 529fd3bfd5f base: rescuce party: check isDisabled on all public API 9684cc457bc Make Build.TYPE and Build.FINGERPRINT consistent for apps 5bff18d9b91 telephony: Make IMS method updateToState accessible ceca5177e7b core: Add camera intents for camera state [1/2] 35cd26e6587 Add crdroid utils c1c80e479fe Revert "SystemUI: support black theme for dark mode [1/4]" 99f92318344 Automatic translation import * frameworks/opt/net/wifi 8ff92fc72 Prevent scan searching overhead 7af09da5e wifi: don't check if WIFI_DRIVER_STATE_CTRL_PARAM is readable ef42feaa3 wifi: Check whether dev node is accessible or not before opening e5bcd2d3b libwifi-hal: add flag to wait for kernel driver to get ready * frameworks/opt/telephony 4a150eb4d Use FLAG_IMMUTABLE for MultiSimSettingController * hardware/lineage/interfaces ba83745 Initial audio amplifier HAL * lineage-sdk 04390a1f lineage-sdk: Disable warnings on boot 8786388b Network traffic mode for status bar [1/3] 3a2141c5 NotificationLights: Allow overriding for all apps [1/2] 285cd0e1 Add more custom actions [2/3] 17ac24e6 Add device key action to expand notifications panel [2/3] 5a2c785b Add device key action to Clear notifications [2/3] d0df2611 Add device key action to toggle volume panel [2/3] 045fedce Ship as crDroid based on LOS beab54bc Add power menu option for screen record [2/3] 0e9103a6 sdk: Allow more actions for long swipe 6281c8a6 Add device key action to take screenshot [1/3] 43c63554 Add device key action to toggle flashlight [1/3] 2d5216c1 lineage-sdk: Remove DB upgrade for FORCE_SHOW_NAVBAR 4cd242aa Add toggle to allow advanced restart on secured lockscreen [1/2] ce6711f8 Add Restart SystemUI button on Advanced Restart Menu (2/2) e79c86ee lineage-sdk: Try loading default setting value for switch 53ff9791 lineage-sdk: Add camera intents for camera state [2/2] 88c99f84 Battery light: 100% charged level (3/3) cbe3d1d9 sdk: Kill los versioning 3bea721e Allow value 3 for status bar quick pull down cc8d9e03 Allow value to hide the clock faab6e57 sdk: Set summary automatically if required 57409b3c Add customizable action for back long press button [1/3] 55618b9e Reduce default kill timeout 3b5c0918 Add device key action to kill app [1/3] 9d66d4f5 sdk: Kill trust interface hint on first boot b5dfbf2b crdroid: Do better for version pref 5f86bc45 lineage-sdk: Enable advanced reboot by default 258e8396 Disable by livedisplay by default 010ceb89 sdk: Map to ro.modversion * packages/apps/AudioFX 277a395 Automatic translation import * packages/apps/Bluetooth 2a0a945b Merge 'lineage-17.1' into 10.0 * packages/apps/Contacts 09ba77fab Merge 'lineage-17.1' into 10.0 * packages/apps/DeskClock 0678fbdd8 Automatic translation import * packages/apps/Dialer 0806ecc84 Merge 'lineage-17.1' into 10.0 e1881a405 Automatic translation import * packages/apps/Jelly 926e6f0 Automatic translation import * packages/apps/Launcher3 4d7f4bbce Update launcher workspace from 11 * packages/apps/LineageParts 7fa6535 Kill PlatLogo and friends 444c840 Charging Sounds: Consider null uri as silent 99ce39c Ship as crDroid based on LOS bc2476e LineageParts: Hide notification light settins 23b474b Disable unused components 9448a67 Kill redundant search fun party 9c1722e Make trust interface less boring 3c851e0 Add initial crDroid stats support f9f3110 stats: Mod version switched to crdroid version 1502e85 Automatic translation import * packages/apps/Messaging b5238d9 Merge 'lineage-17.1' into 10.0 * packages/apps/PhoneCommon ba401f0 Merge 'lineage-17.1' into 10.0 * packages/apps/Recorder c7dd05a Automatic translation import * packages/apps/Settings 387ae47933 Merge 'lineage-17.1' into 10.0 ad2ffb1005 Automatic translation import * packages/apps/SetupWizard 9ba1624 Ship as crDroid based on LOS 6826ad9 SetupWizard: Bring it on our side d6af60c Automatic translation import * packages/apps/Snap 37830fdab Automatic translation import * packages/inputmethods/LatinIME 91f14dcd1 Merge 'lineage-17.1' into 10.0 787eeccc9 Automatic translation import * packages/resources/devicesettings abe38e3 Automatic translation import * packages/services/BuiltInPrintService 14aa36a Automatic translation import * packages/services/Telecomm a5a9d0e9 Merge 'lineage-17.1' into 10.0 * system/bt 1846ca0a1 Merge 'lineage-17.1' into 10.0 * system/core 8920993e4 Merge 'lineage-17.1' into 10.0 * system/netd 73919b7b netd: restrict DNS names 7313e75b Netd: Add support for quotaReachedAlert event 75009e73 ebpf - adjust packet/byte statistics for GSO frames * vendor/lineage 4ebee68f crdroid: Bump to version 6.13 627f6322 extract_utils: generate_prop_list: Ignore vdex/odex files too 66674545 apn: Ting: Adding missing flag to list of types d7bd3f26 repopick: Use * revision if available * vendor/qcom/opensource/fm-commonsys b258ea1 Automatic translation import ==================== 12-15-2020 ==================== * android 9256fd0 Track our own fork(s) for 2020-12 ASB patching * frameworks/base caf02804a77 CONFIGURED_NETWORKS_CHANGED_ACTION: update docs since we stop sending WifiConfiguration 7c4ac79790e Merge tag 'android-security-10.0.0_r49' into staging/lineage-17.1_merge-android-security-10.0.0_r49 ==================== 12-14-2020 ==================== * build/make e94656e5f Bump Security String to 2020-12-05 * packages/apps/Car/Settings 04f93ad0 Stop expecting WifiConfig extra from CONFIGURED_NETWORKS_CHANGED_ACTION broadcast * packages/apps/Settings b654c1f9c9 Stop expecting WifiConfig extra from CONFIGURED_NETWORKS_CHANGED_ACTION broadcast ==================== 12-13-2020 ==================== * android 06a0acb README: Jenkins is dead, so point to its replacement * external/arm-optimized-routines 0ff7eb4 Revert "Bionic and kernel system include paths are no longer implicit." * external/libjpeg-turbo ddd094e7 Revert "Add product_available to product available modules" * packages/apps/Launcher3 b59b73aca New translations (#97) * packages/apps/crDroidSettings 7efd247c New Crowdin updates (#671) ==================== 12-12-2020 ==================== * device/moto/shamu d608df9aa shamu: Uprev vibrator hal * external/chromium-webview 33ab33d Update Chromium Webview to 87.0.4280.101 * packages/apps/Settings d1573984f0 Revert "Settings: Bring back on/off toggle for physical SIMs" ==================== 12-11-2020 ==================== * android 69e9fb2 Merge 'lineage-17.1' into 10.0 * external/libjpeg-turbo bbc7c083 Upgrade libjpeg-turbo to e9a659a09e9600883e499c06ede04ba514d7f942 * external/sqlite feea85f Update SQLite to 3.34.0 * kernel/moto/shamu c26caea3a18 vfs: atomic f_pos accesses as per POSIX f6df9af44da don't call file_pos_write() if vfs_{read,write}{,v}() fails d6fc5612340 fs: Substitute rcu_access_pointer() for rcu_dereference_raw() 8276b29a549 fs: __fget_light() can use __fget() in slow path 4fadef6554c fs: factor out common code in fget_light() and fget_raw_light() 6026aa20e22 fs: factor out common code in fget() and fget_raw() b7486de011b change close_files() to use rcu_dereference_raw(files->fdt) * vendor/oneplus 060329a2 msm8998-common: add missing Qcom perf blobs ==================== 12-10-2020 ==================== * external/libjpeg-turbo 7e6b8a99 Merge "Update to bbb828223e9c8f83f0e84db1e98b116029e62765." * frameworks/av fc4b421a9 Merge tag 'android-security-10.0.0_r49' into staging/lineage-17.1_merge-android-security-10.0.0_r49 * frameworks/opt/net/wifi 0dbdbb0e9 Merge tag 'android-security-10.0.0_r49' into staging/lineage-17.1_merge-android-security-10.0.0_r49 * system/bt 933954c42 Merge tag 'android-security-10.0.0_r49' into staging/lineage-17.1_merge-android-security-10.0.0_r49 * system/netd e9ad7e30 Merge tag 'android-security-10.0.0_r49' into staging/lineage-17.1_merge-android-security-10.0.0_r49 ==================== 12-09-2020 ==================== * external/libjpeg-turbo e9a659a0 Cherry-pick upstream fix for uninitialised reads * kernel/moto/shamu a07598bb310 mm: optimize put_mems_allowed() usage e5982e937d6 mm, hugetlb: move up the code which check availability of free huge page 462da99e219 fix O_SYNC|O_APPEND syncing the wrong range on write() 13048d6bfed Fix race when checking i_size on direct i/o read 4b4286f9a27 mm: drop actor argument of do_generic_file_read() 1058a26bb0c mm: cleanup add_to_page_cache_locked() 98f308b0a8b mm: remove unused VM_ macros and expand other in-place f0f10a34f64 mm: filemap: move radix tree hole searching here f9c3d3d8b9b mm: shmem: save one radix tree lookup when truncating swapped pages 41836559572 lib: radix-tree: add radix_tree_delete_item() 849e029f704 mm: vmstat: fix UP zone state accounting ==================== 12-08-2020 ==================== * external/libjpeg-turbo 6fe8e429 Update to bbb828223e9c8f83f0e84db1e98b116029e62765. * frameworks/base 5ac77213cc0 SettingsProvider: adaptive icon * hardware/qcom-caf/msm8960/audio 54b66b520 Partial revert of "hal: update input source type during open input stream" * kernel/moto/shamu 925ed441f88 shmem: fix double uncharge in __shmem_file_setup() 46e755e15a7 tmpfs: ZERO_RANGE and COLLAPSE_RANGE not currently supported 425450ba1ab security: shmem: implement kernel private shmem inodes e1d166d05e2 getxattr: use correct xattr length b88d9a490d0 fs/xattr.c: zero out memory copied to userspace in getxattr 112bb6330b6 vfs: Deduplicate code shared by xattr system calls operating on paths 79c0d08b925 simple_xattr: permit 0-size extended attributes c46d98ecb52 mm/shmem.c: cast the type of unmap_start to u64 87f6e443f94 fs: NULL dereference in posix_acl_to_xattr() 8adc837302e fs: get_acl() must be allowed to return EOPNOTSUPP d0e8ad3d049 fs: remove generic_acl 838b0c0e840 fs: make posix_acl_create more useful cfc497c48ba fs: make posix_acl_chmod more useful 49e42daa1bd fs: add generic xattr_acl handlers 5ee45ec3476 fs: add a set_acl inode operation 2e6c43f056d fs: add get_acl helper 0f4ebfb81e9 fs: merge xattr_acl.c into posix_acl.c baa8baf3881 userns: relax the posix_acl_valid() checks f58d33ff179 lib/radix-tree.c: make radix_tree_node_alloc() work correctly within interrupt 51afa625455 shm: add memfd.h to UAPI export list * vendor/motorola 896100bb beckham, evert, lake: move NFC fw to /vendor/lib f3b763bc evert: Update Camera blobs to PPWS29.116-11-28 b1b4e6b4 evert: clean up commonized {and|or} unused blobs 35af862e initial import of exynos9610 vendor files