==================== 02-16-2019 ==================== * device/huawei/kiwi/ 40ebc41 kiwi: Exclude serif fonts from system.img 3f5ec52 kiwi: ueventd: Don't modify permissions of /dev/hw_random * device/motorola/potter/ 542c8a697 potter: audio: Fix USB audio support * system/sepolicy/ 4c9031e4 sepolicy: public: Exclude Recovery from system mount neverallow ==================== 02-15-2019 ==================== * device/motorola/potter/ 3417ade38 potter: lineagehw: Deprecate display gamma calibration * device/qcom/sepolicy/ cddb5d0 sepolicy: Label vendor.camera.hal1.packagelist * kernel/motorola/msm8953/ a09408efd751 msm: camera_v2: temp fix ==================== 02-14-2019 ==================== * device/motorola/potter/ 503ea45e2 potter: lineagehw: Remove reference to HIDL stuff 3ff38e017 potter: Add system/qcom to crdroid.dependencies 540f59d30 potter: Migrate to livedisplay 2.0 f9281c0ca potter: overlay: Unpin SystemUI 9937e23b3 potter: WCNSS_qcom_cfg.ini from deen's pie release dbcd4794e potter: remove the statusbar padding 96e5a58b6 Added new line char after ISO_DEP_MAX_TRANSCEIVE 1380615ae Added ISO_DEP_MAX_TRANSCEIVE value to libnfc config d4215ef3a potter: Build Trust HAL fea706550 potter: Bump clang to 8.0.8 7adc7d101 potter: address a new set of denials 61b5224f8 potter: modified manifest entries to allow drm 1.1 * frameworks/av/ 9c9c3ee13 CameraService: Default to HAL1 for OPCam if not specified * frameworks/base/ 7397abb4690 Camera: Update prop for hal1 packagelist 6ebc78b5861 Add optional OP cam support 271e320d514 New Crowdin translations (#199) * packages/apps/crDroidSettings/ bb9b22f New Crowdin translations (#377) ==================== 02-13-2019 ==================== * device/huawei/kiwi/ 9bb1531 kiwi: Use crdroid.dependencies 0bc083b [DNM] kiwi: SELinux permissive 36bc303 kiwi: overlay: Changing SUPL_ES=1 for SUPL end point control * device/motorola/potter/ 181bfc7ce potter: init: Resolve vendor HALs for early bootanimation start 9bfe42891 potter: Pre-opt SystemUI f59706524 potter: overlay: Correct SystemUI paths for pinner service 8576d11cd potter: overlay: Pin home application fcbe48d51 potter: overlay: Pin critical apps and system services that get swapped 7ac81e4b0 potter: add perms for FMRadio app 323d06ab3 potter: update privapp perms de785d450 potter: don't break hotspot again fc603c3d3 potter: sepolicy: Remove duplicates 8399b7702 potter: address some denials 98b573c0c potter: add back FM support 484375913 potter: Change WCNSS_qcom_cfg.ini file path 10de696de potter: address some wcnss_service denials d5cca1195 potter: set TARGET_ENABLE_MEDIADRM_64 cefe98094 potter: sync init.qcom.rc with last CAF changes 4409d6e46 potter: update manifest * frameworks/av/ eb50b57e2 CameraService: Allow new msg types for OP cam * frameworks/base/ f6ed9f3432f FontService: Protect font changed broadcast 91b991275bc PebbleBerry: Switch styles [1/3] 60c26907eb2 Add synchronization for invokeForAllObservers call 34dec22ba59 SystemUI: Fix NPE when DozeService is destroyed 9b88a97730a AlarmManagerService: Add null check to QCNsrmAlarmExtension call f39982c1a66 ActivityRecord: .app must not be null when you call .setVisible c00096fa92c Get new surface if it was released from setWindowStopped f84cc6b71b4 Pass correct preserve window value to performStop 40c8df38ec4 Fix to hide phone number printed in the log 4d54f4088de AccountManagerService: Fix ConnectionRecord Leak 40f637f5ddc Update boot image profile to include Object.wait() 3f8a1bd0cbd WifiDisplay: Merge changes from gerrit 427c2e0e948 Revert "PhoneWindowManager: Check if proposed rotation is in range" 4b2f6b85546 New Crowdin translations (#198) * packages/apps/crDroidSettings/ 8432c04 PebbleBerry: Switch styles [2/3] c4651d1 New Crowdin translations (#376) 49070e5 crdroid: Add couple of missing fragment titles 0d38e9f crdroid: Improve custom seekbar usage for few settings ad8b895 crdroid: Fix displaying units for CustomSeekBarPreference * vendor/addons/ 9cca73a PebbleBerry: Switch styles [3/3] ==================== 02-12-2019 ==================== * device/lineage/sepolicy/ 79697dc Allow launcher access system data file cdd4684 Allow switch sysfs access for system apps 954204e Allow more access for theme_data_file 1c3bf1b sepolicy: address denials for init/vendor_init d07447d Allow webview_zygote to read /dev/ion 8893bf0 Add sepolicy for edge gesture service aea948a Sepolicy exceptions for font engine assets 6da4019 sepolicy: Alow CPUInfo access to thermal sysfs 583f27f sepolicy: Move in pocket service sepolicy * frameworks/av/ 74c121848 Merge 'lineage-16.0' into 9.0 d1f45ec34 CameraService: Fix missing torch state callback 3cf5e724a libstagefright: Allow HFR-60 in HAL-3 recording 244cc250a aaudio: fix race condition in timestamp path * hardware/qcom/display-caf/apq8084/ 215f9732b Make memtrack build with the VNDK. 7676dcabb Add missing includes. bdf8b28bf libmemtrack: Add open method for apq8084.memtrack a59401577 display: Use generated kernel headers 3ac0314c9 hal: Added LOCAL_VENDOR_MODULE to set output path of the binaries a04c97c6c Use header lib instead of using global include path * hardware/qcom/media-caf/apq8084/ 020312314 Revert "media: Avoid collision with FFMPEG plugin" * hardware/ril-caf/ b475875 Encode the Number of MNC Digits in CellIdentity * kernel/motorola/msm8953/ 38fece29248f binder: fix race between munmap() and direct reclaim 17ed7a9b3118 Backport "update supported page-orders for ion pool" * packages/apps/Snap2/ 540bcdb31 Snap: make support for bokeh mode configurable per device d91ac340d Snap: use platform cert a85ad7ba9 CameraSettings: Do not crash if zoom ratios are not exposed e5fa527b6 Snap: Avoid crash with empty RAW output size 5c4831a0a Do not crash if we don't have support for RAW files 43ba04a62 Snap: check tags before using them 785d1a0d6 Snap: Check various feature support before applying ==================== 02-11-2019 ==================== * device/lineage/sepolicy/ db35068 Move snap/gallery definitions back to private 2a2773a Clean-up a bit recovery rules d0c3919 Revert "sepolicy: recovery: Allow (re)mounting system" 6fe48f6 Make backuptool permissive only in non user builds * external/chromium-webview/ fbc003a Update x86/x64 Chromium Webviews to 71.0.3578.99 * frameworks/base/ 798f8297ea3 Improve performance of unclipped save layers df0555b33bb Adjust AsyncTask.THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR config 8ed93f004a4 SystemUI: Fix an issue where jumping to black after screen turned on 8aaa57636e7 New Crowdin translations (#196) * hardware/qcom/wlan-caf/ 9a9fda5 wcnss-service: Opt-in to disable copying WCNSS_qcom_cfg.ini to userdata * packages/apps/crDroidSettings/ 37bfb69 New Crowdin translations (#375) * vendor/motorola/potter/ 41c82d4 potter: Update SDM blobs from LA.UM.7.5.r1-03700-8x96.0 ==================== 02-10-2019 ==================== * external/skia/ cbb5592f4a Add rect-parameter to makeImageSnapshot and stop using chromium config options * frameworks/av/ 7abefe9e8 effects: fix volume burst on pause/resume with AudioFX * frameworks/base/ 8ed9e961bd4 Volume dialog timeout (1/2) a63fde83eab VolumeDialogImpl: Create settings observer only once aaf84fddcc4 Switching audio panel position [1/2] d9371aaa9f4 Remove signature spoofing toggle ee6023a1ece New Crowdin translations (#194) 73252901260 Disable edge gesture service by default f0a7d79913a PIE: Add back landscape check properly * packages/apps/crDroidSettings/ 294c5fd Volume dialog timeout (2/2) 7d0c5d6 crdroid: Extend custom seekbar preferences ee747e7 Remove signature spoofing toggle 9c86f8f Switching audio panel position [2/2] 362071b New Crowdin translations (#374) 48b03d0 Add EdgeGesture service for system gestures 0c39df2 crdroid: PA PIE Controls 3.0 [3/3] ==================== 02-09-2019 ==================== * device/huawei/kiwi/ 332ce6f kiwi: overlay: Unpin SystemUI c770d75 kiwi: Add overlay to prevent cleanup of unused fingerprint * device/qcom/sepolicy-legacy/ b49a3dd legacy: Ignore neverallows e1238b4 Display: Remove vendor property context for lcd density * frameworks/base/ 6a3dc5669f4 PIE: Fix animation for settings icon and clean up 1aedb7bd9b1 PIE: Clean up for orientation mess 0fb06e33240 PIE: Fix auto dark theming and use tuner API e651c85fdfe Frameworks: PA PIE Controls 3.0 [1/3] * frameworks/native/ 73da3b29e renderengine: clamp XYZ to [0.0, 1.0] in shaders 203682c0b renderengine: avoid divide-by-zero in shaders 5b2d93119 binder: Remove thread shutdown logic c17c005eb Remove more "template" keywords from non templated calls 0808ef456 input: libbfqio: Adjust priority b655c0f9a binder: Don't initialize ProcessState unless we need to ab0064cf7 sf : Change fatal to error for IGBP list leak d7440af71 libgui: Fix array out of bound c51356aca Cleanup previous replacing NULL with nullptr 2d306e337 binder: Replace NULL/0 with nullptr b97d588bc Modernize codebase by replacing NULL with nullptr 9fcbea557 Modernize codebase by replacing NULL with nullptr f93782979 libs: ui: Fix shadow-field warnings 3cf0f948c binder: Release tracking lock before invoking binder_proxy_limit_callback * hardware/broadcom/libbt/ 0919027 libbt: Align Samsung CID strings to those created by macloader * packages/apps/Settings/ 2d22fd3f11 Settings: PA PIE Controls 3.0 [2/3] * packages/apps/crDroidSettings/ 532a75a New Crowdin translations (#373) * system/sepolicy/ 040aec06 Ignore newly added selinux objects ==================== 02-08-2019 ==================== * device/lineage/sepolicy/ d17608c Make sysinit permissive ff9271d Snap and gallery require to run vendor code da24d05 Remove not allowed rule de42705 Revert "common: Add sf_lcd_density_prop type and labelled props" b986852 qcom: Remove power HAL 1.0 label * device/qcom/sepolicy-legacy/ f6d960e legacy: Label some more sysfs_net * external/sqlite/ 3482bee sqlite: upgrade to SQLite 3.27.1 48ffcc9 sqlite: upgrade to SQLite 3.27.0 * frameworks/base/ dc1327c7a30 Forward-port support for chained input filters 72bf8eb07b7 Add EdgeGesture service for system gestures [1/3] 66d1faef5d7 Phonewindowmanager: Rectify import order a9e64f5822e QS tiles customizer: respect user tiles columns value 2628225354d New Crowdin translations (#192) * packages/apps/crDroidSettings/ a5ed009 New Crowdin translations (#372) ==================== 02-07-2019 ==================== * frameworks/base/ c16ec20e288 Informing app idle listeners on enabled state changes 355cce1c235 Clear all lingering notifications when network is disconnected * hardware/lineage/livedisplay/ 781eb9d livedisplay: sysfs: Remove unused HALs 8475e6c livedisplay: sysfs: Add LineageOS copyrights 733de0b livedisplay: sysfs: Add autogenerated code 62d6ecd livedisplay: sdm: Fix restoring default mode 36ab575 livedisplay: sdm: Fix isSupported() checks d4eb8a8 livedisplay: The module isn't proprietary 0d26b6b livedisplay: Nuke color balance d421085 livedisplay: Minor code cleanup 950336a livedisplay: Fix racy init * hardware/qcom/media-caf/apq8084/ fd36f77fd media: Use generated kernel headers 3fe787adc Add -Wno-error to compile with global -Werror. 4cc25ca7b Build libstagefrighthw with BOARD_VNDK_VERSION 4a86c80bf Build libc2dcolorconvert with BOARD_VNDK_VERSION ea15be0a7 Build mm-video-v4l2 with BOARD_VNDK_VERSION a901ed3d0 mm-video-v4l2: Fix KW resported issues * lineage-sdk/ 7592f34 lineage-sdk: Remove DB upgrade for FORCE_SHOW_NAVBAR 513d27d LineageSettingsProvider: Fix migration of FORCE_SHOW_NAVBAR 0b02cc4 Add emergency power menu constant * packages/apps/Settings/ 441ee5f02a Settings: Fix ordering of crdroid settings category 0ef864e0b7 Settings: Use correct icon to reset battery stats * packages/apps/crDroidSettings/ e928a91 New Crowdin translations (#371) 639e542 crdroid: Improve string for battery stats reset