openapi: 3.0.2 info: title: Creditsafe Connect version: 1.10.4 description: | Last Updated: 09th July 2024
# Introduction Creditsafe Connect is a REST API that provides access to the Creditsafe Global Company Database. This allows you to:
Check the status of Creditsafe Services HERE ## Customer Feedback Use the buttons below to let us know what you think of this documentation. Please leave comments in your feedback for the author to consider for future versions.

Selecting one of the buttons above will open a new tab to the feedback portal. ## Quick Start To start your Creditsafe Connect API integration you will need to have activated your account and set a password by following the instructions in your Welcome Email. If you have not received a Welcome Email please contact your Creditsafe Account Manager.

By default, you will have been setup on our Sandbox environment.

Using a REST API client construct an `/authenticate` POST request and enter your username & password (case-sensitive) into the POST body. A successful response will return an `authentication token`.

Use the `authentication token` in an `Authorization` header on all other Creditsafe Connect calls as proof of your authenticity. ## Environments Production Environment baseurl:
Sandbox Test Environment baseurl: ## Resources | Item | Description | |----------------|----------------| | A Front End Demo Site | Opens a friendly UI to test the Connect API | | Open API Spec | This will allow you to view the documentation in the swagger portal - this will be discontinued | Help Articles | Opens the Help Hub with a list of common questions and answers | | Data Dictionaries | The connect documentation shows the general use case, the data dictionaries include the additional specific data that is returned by individual countries | | Data Availability per Country | The Data Matrix is a document that outlines all the fields that are available in the company report for an online territory | | Creditsafe Online Country Feature Availability | This matrix displays what features are available with the online Creditsafe Countries and the partner network | | Connect Report Templates | The document identifies the templates available for specific parts of the Company Credit Report, avoiding the need to order the full report object in one API call. | | Connect API Response Codes | Opens up a basic table of response codes, provides a link to a more detailed response code list |
## Versioning and Changes ### Non-Breaking Changes Non-breaking changes will generally include additive functions or bug fixes. It is crucial for the integration of the code to be done in such a way that it does not depend on the sequence in which items are returned. This ensures that updates can be applied seamlessly without affecting the existing functionality. ### Breaking Changes Breaking changes refer to any modifications to the API's functionality that could disrupt the current contract of the API. Such changes necessitate communication with stakeholders and will lead to a major version number update, indicating the significant nature of these changes. servers: - url: - url: tags: - name: Authentication description: This endpoint generates a Bearer JWT (Authentication Token), which is essential for accessing all other endpoints within the API.

To authenticate your requests, you **MUST** include this token in the Authorization header as proof of authenticity.

Please note that each token remains valid for 1 hour from the time of issuance and multiple tokens may exist concurrently. It is imperative to obtain and include a valid token in the Authorization header for every subsequent request made to the API.

Authenticate Help - Access Denied.. - name: User Administration description: Endpoints that allow the customer to identify individual user details. - name: Companies description: Endpoints to search for Companies in the Creditsafe Global Company Database. Companies are uniquely identified by the `connectId` - the identifier used to order a Company Credit Report. The Company Credit Report is a JSON object comprising of key business and financial data points such as Credit Score & Limit, Industry Code, Directors, Balance Sheet and Negative Information. A full list of Company data points can be found in the Data Matrix, in the help resources. - name: People/Directors description: "Endpoints to find People/Directors and order Director Reports. A Director Report will contain a person's registered information and Active & Previous Directorships, where available. This endpoint is not advised to get a list of directors for a specific Company. Instead, order a Company Credit Report using the `/companies/{id}` endpoint, and use the `directors` section in the response.

Please refer to the following matrix for 'persons report' availability in each country:

Feature Availability Matrix" - name: Images description: Endpoints to order official Company Image/Filing Documents from source. Company Filings such as Annual Account Statements, Annual Returns, Liquidations and Changes of Registered Information can be downloaded as PDFs, and are typically used as a resource in extended company auditing/compliance. - name: Fresh Investigations description: Endpoints to manage Fresh Investigation requests. With the need for accurate data, you can check on any company that is not available within our instant online database by placing a Fresh Investigation (Offline Order). Depending on the market, the information we obtain will vary. Using official sources and registries we are able to quickly answer questions about a company's stability and financial health. Where official information is not available we will conduct a direct interview with the business. - name: Global Monitoring Introduction description: Endpoints to Monitor changes to Company Information. Company changes can be retrieved by creating a Portfolio (a collection of companies) and configuring the `eventRules` (the criteria in which to trigger a change, e.g. company name changes, limit changes) on the portfolio. When a company in your Portfolio changes to satisfy an eventRule, a `notificationEvent` will be raised to inform you of the nature of the change. See here for Creditsafe's Global Monitoring capabilities.

Global Monitoring Basic Integration Guide - name: GM User Details - name: GM Create and View All Portfolios - name: GM Importing Portfolios - name: GM User Management of Portfolios - name: GM Individual Portfolio Management - name: GM Event Rules and Notifications - name: Decision Engine Introduction description: Endpoints to access pre-configured decision trees to automate credit decisions. Decision Engine can help you save time and money across your company by automating time consuming processes which drain your company's resources. This can free you and your staff to spend more time to work on achieving your business goals.

A full audit trail of previous decisions is maintained for user access and decisions in a pending state can be manually approved or declined. - name: Instance Management - name: Decision Trees - name: Decision Logs - name: Run Decision - name: Decision Outcome - name: Protect Introduction description: The focus on screening clients and third parties is increasing. International regulators are demanding that firms improve their ongoing sanctions screening process. World Compliance data through Connect allows customers to mitigate risk around Anti-Bribery and Corruption under local and international regulations such as the UK Bribery Act, by enabling users to screen their third party agents, suppliers or employees against watch lists. With World Compliance through Creditsafe Connect, compliance is easy, efficient and cost-effective, even as the regulatory mountain grows.

How to use Protect API Document - name: Protect Profile description: Profiles can be used as an additional category to group related investigations together. For instance - You may want to investigate all Branches, Directors and Shareholders of one business, and keep them in the same Profile. - name: Protect Investigations description: An Investigation is the terminology used within Protect for a search.

Investigations are created against Businesses or Individuals, but you also need to decide which additional parameters you have available to base your Investigation on. This is typically a Name and an Address.

Searches are exclusively populated by Businesses and Individuals that meet a strict criteria e.g. They possess PEPs, SEOs, Sanctions. - name: Protect Audit description: Provides a log of all actions taken against endpoints to evidence any necessary that checks were carried out correctly. - name: Protect Schedules description: A Schedule has a 1:1 relationship with an Investigation. Investigations that are scheduled will automatically check for new re-screen your initial search criteria on a nightly basis allowing you to review any new alerts each day. - name: Protect IDV description: Person identity verification by validating against other known sources. - name: Protect Batch Uploads description: Allows for a file to be uploaded to create multiple searches.

Once the status is 'Complete' you can view all the files by calling - GET List all Protect Investigations.

Refer to the 'Selected Template' endpoint for help guide and file header templates. - name: LS Introduction description: A toolbox of country-specific functionality. See the description under each endpoint for more information on a particular solution. - name: Land Registry - name: Bank Match - name: Finance Agreements - name: GB Consumers and AML description: The identity service endpoints are used to run GB Consumer and AML searches. You must specify the product type and search parameters you want to obtain a response for in the body of the request. - name: US Search Support - name: FR Bank Match - name: NL KVK - name: DC Introduction description: A suite of endpoints to allow you to upload, map, match and then append Creditsafe company data to your own master data. Maintaining the quality of company data is of greatest importance to ensure efficiency and maximisation of opportunity. - name: KYC Introduction description: >- KYC (Know Your Customer) Protect enables you to make better-informed risk management decisions by utilizing our comprehensive business information. This service is designed for both Know Your Business operations and AML (Anti-Money Laundering) screening features.

The application ensures that you can conduct due diligence on customers and suppliers alike, identify key parties, verify individual identity details globally, and screen against international sanctions, regulatory enforcements, PEP (Politically Exposed Persons) lists, and potential adverse media. - name: Consumers description: Endpoints to order Consumer Reports. In order to order a Consumer Report, sufficient information to uniquely identify the Consumer (search criteria) must be provided to filter potential results down to one record. When one record has been found, the returned object will be the Consumer Report. Currently only piloting with German Consumers. - name: Bank Verification description: The Bank Verification API allows you to make a query to validate known details of an individual's or business's bank account against the banks' or building societies' databases.

- name: Misc description: Supporting endpoints for metadata/discovery. Not frequently used directly in integrations. - name: Change Log description: List of updates to the connect API documentation.

Feature being developed

x-tagGroups: - name: Access tags: - Authentication - User Administration - name: Credit and Risk tags: - Companies - People/Directors - GB Consumers and AML - Images - Fresh Investigations - name: Global monitoring tags: - Global Monitoring Introduction - GM User Details - GM Create and View All Portfolios - GM Importing Portfolios - GM User Management of Portfolios - GM Individual Portfolio Management - GM Event Rules and Notifications - name: Check and Decide tags: - Decision Engine Introduction - Instance Management - Decision Trees - Decision Logs - Run Decision - Decision Outcome - name: Compliance tags: - Protect Introduction - Protect Profile - Protect Investigations - Protect Audit - Protect Schedules - Protect IDV - Protect Batch Uploads - name: Local Solutions tags: - LS Introduction - Bank Match - Bank Verification - Land Registry - Finance Agreements - US Search Support - FR Bank Match - NL KVK - name: Data cleaning tags: - DC Introduction - DC Create and View All Jobs - DC Individual Job Management - name: KYC Protect tags: - KYC Introduction - KYC Administrator Resources - KYC Audit - KYC Profile Management - KYC Profile Updates - KYC Profile Key Parties - KYC Batch Uploads - KYC Profile Business / Individual Details - KYC AML Screening - Profile Management - KYC AML Screening - Businesses - KYC AML Screening - Individuals - KYC AML Bulk Screening - KYC AML Monitoring Management - KYC Async AML - KYC Global Monitoring - name: Consumers and Misc tags: - Consumers - Misc paths: /authenticate: post: operationId: Authenticate summary: Authenticate security: [] tags: - Authentication description: > Supply username and password to generate Authentication Token.

Rate Limiting Authenticate

Rate limiting is implemented on the authenticate endpoint to ensure fair usage and protect the service from excessive requests. Please take note of the following rate limiting rules:

  1. **Invalid Request Limit**:
    Up to 5 identical invalid requests are permitted within a 2-minute period. Upon reaching this limit:

  2. **Overall Request Threshold**:
    There is also a threshold for the total number of authentication requests within a given time-frame:

requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Authentication.AuthRequest" required: false responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Authentication.AuthResponse" "401": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Authentication.Unauthorised" /companies/searchcriteria: get: operationId: companySearchCriteria summary: Company Search Criteria tags: - Companies description: Returns the set of available Company Search parameters/fields for a provided list of countries. parameters: - name: countries required: true in: query description: A comma separated list of ISO/Alpha 2 format country codes, or singular country Code. e.g. US,GB will return the common searchable Company fields in the United States and Great Britain. schema: type: string responses: "200": description: Successful content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.SearchCriteriaSchemaCountry" "400": description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.BadRequest" "401": description: Invalid Token content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.InvalidToken" "403": description: Access Forbidden content: application/json: schema: type: object example: message: Access forbidden /companies: get: tags: - Companies description: Endpoint to search for Companies according to the provided Search Criteria. To get the most relevant results, it is recommended to use a unique identifier such as `regNo` where available. If a unique identifier is not available, use a combination of the companies registered `postCode` and `name` for the next best hit rate. summary: Company Search operationId: companySearch security: - bearerToken: [] parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/page" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/pageSize" - name: countries in: query example: GB,FR description: comma-separated list of iso-2 country codes.
The code `PLC` can be used here to search for companies of this type across all countries. required: true schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.CountryCode" - name: language in: query description: "Only used for Countries where more than one Company Name exists for different languages e.g. Japanese Kanji and English.
Country - Languages Available
Japan [JP] - EN & JA " schema: type: string nullable: true default: null maxLength: 2 minLength: 2 - name: id in: query description: connectId - The primary Company identifier that is used to uniquely identify all companies across Creditsafe's Universe and Partner Network. This is returned on all Company Search Results. Use this field to use in other operations such as Ordering Company Credit Report by Id, and Adding Company to Monitoring Portfolio. schema: type: string nullable: true default: null - name: safeNo in: query description: Safe Number - Identifier for Companies in Creditsafe's Home Countries. schema: type: string nullable: true - name: regNo in: query description: Local Company Identifier - The Company identifier associated with it's Domestic Filing Agency. i.e. French SIREN/SIRET, United Kingdom Companies House CRN. schema: type: string nullable: true - name: vatNo in: query description: Company VAT Number schema: type: string nullable: true - name: name in: query description: Company Name schema: type: string nullable: true - name: tradeName in: query description: Trade Name of the Company, typically used in Countries where Name is not uniquely registered. schema: type: string nullable: true - name: acronym in: query description: A (non-unique) identifier to look for Companies by their more commonly known acronym rather than their lesser known full name. Acronym is predominantly available on French Companies. schema: type: string nullable: true - name: exact in: query description: Provide as `true` to find Companies matching a Name exactly.
A list of countries this is available at Here. schema: type: boolean nullable: true - name: address in: query schema: type: string nullable: true - name: street in: query description: Address part identifier - Street of the Company schema: type: string nullable: true default: null - name: houseNo in: query description: Address part identifier - House/Building Number of the Company schema: type: string nullable: true - name: city in: query description: Address part identifier - City of the Company schema: type: string nullable: true - name: postCode in: query description: Address part identifier - Postcode/Zip Code of the Company. Can be provided partially to extend to a region with a * as a wildcard. I.e. CF* can represent all postcodes starting with CF. schema: type: string nullable: true - name: province in: query description: Address part identifier - Province/State of the Company schema: type: string nullable: true - name: callRef in: query description: This parameter allows users to assign a unique identifier to their API queries. By using a callRef, it facilitates easier tracking and logging within Connect. If you provide a callRef, the Connect team can later retrieve and identify the specific requests associated with that identifier, enabling detailed tracing of interactions. schema: type: string nullable: true default: null - name: officeType in: query schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.OfficeType" nullable: true - name: phoneNo in: query description: Provides Array of phone numbers or Null schema: type: array items: type: string nullable: true - name: status in: query schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.CompanyStatus" nullable: true - name: type in: query schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.CompanyType" allowEmptyValue: true - name: website in: query schema: type: string nullable: true - name: customData in: query description: Not currently used. schema: type: string nullable: true responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.SearchResponse_1_Creditsafe.GlobalData.Company" - $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.CompanySearch.NoResults" "400": description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest" "401": description: Invalid Token content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken" /companies/{connectId}: get: operationId: companyCreditReport summary: Company Credit Report tags: - Companies description: Orders a Company Credit Report by connectId.

To acquire a PDF version of the report use the optional request in 'Header'.

This request will provide a 'Base64-encoded' script to convert to a PDF, this will appear at the end of the JSON response. security: - bearerToken: [] parameters: - name: Accept in: header required: false description: Applies request for PDF link to Company Report. schema: type: string example: application/json+pdf - name: language in: query description: Report Language - The JSON structure of the Report is language invariant, but field content will return as the given language, where available. schema: pattern: ^[a-zA-Z]{2}$ type: string default: en nullable: true - name: template in: query description: Optional parameter to request a Templated Company Report. A Template adds/reduces sections of the Credit Report depending on your subscription. Do not include this parameter if you have not been given a template to use.
Connect Report Templates schema: type: string default: full nullable: true - name: includeIndicators in: query description: Optional parameter to include the indicator scores in to a company report -`fsi = Financial Strength` , `pbi = Payment Behaviour Indicator`, `eti = Estimated Turnover`, `pei = Payment Expectation Indicator`

Addition information on indicator acronyms can be found HERE.

Addition information on understanding indicators can be found HERE. schema: type: boolean default: false - name: customData in: query description: Additional Report Parameters e.g. German Report Reason Code value is `de_reason_code::1` . Use /reportcustomdata/{country} endpoint to see all values. schema: type: string nullable: true - name: callRef in: query description: This parameter allows users to assign a unique identifier to their API queries. By using a callRef, it facilitates easier tracking and logging within Connect. If you provide a callRef, the Connect team can later retrieve and identify the specific requests associated with that identifier, enabling detailed tracing of interactions. schema: type: string default: null nullable: true required: false - name: connectId in: path description: The connectId (optionally Safe Number where available) of the Company required to order their Credit Report. Obtained from `/companies` search results. required: true example: GB-0-03836192 schema: type: string responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.CompanyReportResponse" application/json+pdf: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Core.Attachment.BinaryAttachment" "400": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.BadRequest" "401": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.InvalidToken" /access: get: operationId: subscriptionDetails summary: Subscription Details tags: - User Administration description: Returns the available countries in your subscription - Company Report, Director Report, Offline Reports and Monitoring. security: - bearerToken: [] responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Authentication.AccessCountries" "400": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.BadRequest" "401": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.InvalidToken" /companies/match: get: tags: - Companies description: Supply all company search criteria to find potential company matches ranked by a `single score`. - See here for more information. operationId: confidenceMatchSearch summary: Confidence Match Search parameters: - name: country in: query example: GB description: Iso-2 country code required: true schema: type: string - name: matchThreshold in: query example: 905 required: true description: There are 3 main score bands to use for a successful response.
- Use score `898` for a 'good' match on 'name'.
- Use score `899` for a 'good' match on 'name' and 'ok' response on an address component.
- Use scores between `900 - 999` for use on the other searches adjusting for level of 'match' response. schema: type: integer - name: regNo in: query description: Local Company Identifier - The Company identifier associated with it's Domestic Filing Agency. i.e. French SIREN/SIRET, United Kingdom Companies House CRN. schema: type: string nullable: true - name: vatNo in: query description: Company VAT Number schema: type: string nullable: true - name: name in: query description: Company Name schema: type: string nullable: true - name: street in: query description: Address part identifier - Street of the Company schema: type: string nullable: true default: null - name: houseNo in: query description: Address part identifier - House/Building Number of the Company schema: type: string nullable: true - name: city in: query description: Address part identifier - City of the Company schema: type: string nullable: true - name: postCode in: query description: Address part identifier - Postcode/Zip Code of the Company. schema: type: string nullable: true - name: province in: query description: Address part identifier - Province of the Company schema: type: string nullable: true - name: state in: query description: Address part identifier - State of the Company schema: type: string nullable: true - name: phoneNo in: query schema: type: string nullable: true - name: reference1 in: query description: Customer supplied free text reference 1 of 3 example: free text 1 schema: type: string - name: reference2 in: query description: Customer supplied free text reference 2 of 3 example: free text 2 schema: type: string - name: reference3 in: query description: Customer supplied free text reference 3 of 3 example: free text 3 schema: type: string - name: callRef in: query description: This parameter allows users to assign a unique identifier to their API queries. By using a callRef, it facilitates easier tracking and logging within Connect. If you provide a callRef, the Connect team can later retrieve and identify the specific requests associated with that identifier, enabling detailed tracing of interactions. schema: type: string nullable: true default: null responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ConfidenceMatch.MatchResults" - $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ConfidenceMatch.NoResults" "400": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.BadRequest" "401": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.InvalidToken" /people/searchcriteria: get: tags: - People/Directors description: Returns the set of available People Search parameters/fields for a provided list of countries. operationId: people/DirectorSearchCriteria summary: People/Director Search Criteria parameters: - name: countries in: query description: A comma separated list of ISO/Alpha 2 format country codes, or singular country Code. e.g. US,GB will return the common searchable People/Director fields in the United States and Great Britain. schema: type: string responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.SearchCriteriaSchemaSetDirect\ or" "400": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.BadRequest" "401": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.InvalidToken" /people: get: tags: - People/Directors description: Endpoint to find Directors based on search criteria to order a Creditsafe Director Report. operationId: directorSSearch summary: Director Search parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/page" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/pageSize" - name: countries in: query example: GB,FR description: comma-separated list of iso-2 country codes required: true schema: type: object items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.CountryCode" - name: peopleId in: query description: Person/Director Identifier - used to order a Director Report. schema: type: string - name: firstName in: query description: Person's First Name. schema: type: string - name: lastName in: query description: Person's Last Name schema: type: string - name: localDirectorNumber in: query description: Local Identifier of the Director, the PNR in GB. schema: type: string nullable: true - name: dateOfBirth in: query description: Person DOB - provide YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM format. schema: type: string - name: callRef in: query description: This parameter allows users to assign a unique identifier to their API queries. By using a callRef, it facilitates easier tracking and logging within Connect. If you provide a callRef, the Connect team can later retrieve and identify the specific requests associated with that identifier, enabling detailed tracing of interactions. schema: type: string nullable: true responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.SearchResponse_1_Creditsafe.G\ lobalData.DirectorSearchData" "400": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.BadRequest" "401": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.InvalidToken" /people/{peopleId}: get: tags: - People/Directors operationId: directorReport summary: Director Report description: Returns a report from the ID supplied to the search. parameters: - name: language in: query description: Report Language - The JSON structure of the Report is language invariant, but field content will return as the given language, where available. schema: pattern: ^[a-zA-Z]{2}$ type: string default: en - name: callRef in: query description: This parameter allows users to assign a unique identifier to their API queries. By using a callRef, it facilitates easier tracking and logging within Connect. If you provide a callRef, the Connect team can later retrieve and identify the specific requests associated with that identifier, enabling detailed tracing of interactions. schema: type: string - name: peopleId in: path description: Identifier of the Person/Director required to order their Director Report. Obtained from `/people` search results. required: true schema: pattern: ^[a-zA-Z]{2}([0-9]{1,3})?[-]{1}[a-zA-Z0-9$]+$ type: string responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.Directors.DirectorRep\ ortResponse" "400": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.BadRequest" "401": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.InvalidToken" /images/companies: get: tags: - Images description: Returns the available Images for a given Company connectId. operationId: companyImageDocuments summary: Company Image Documents parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/page" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/pageSize" - name: id in: query description: The company's connectId. schema: type: string responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Images.CompanyImages" "400": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.BadRequest" "401": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.InvalidToken" /images/companies/types: get: tags: - Images description: Lists available Image Document formats, types and languages per country. operationId: imageDocumentCategoryTypes summary: Image Document Category Types parameters: - name: countries in: query description: Filter Images by country. schema: type: string responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Images.CompanyImageTypes" "400": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.BadRequest" "401": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.InvalidToken" /images/{imageId}: get: tags: - Images description: Endpoint to order an Image Document by Image ID. operationId: companyImage summary: Company Image parameters: - name: imageId in: path description: Image ID retrieved from `images/companies` required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": description: Image object as a binary stream. content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Core.Attachment.BinaryAttachm\ ent" "400": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.BadRequest" "401": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.InvalidToken" /freshinvestigations: post: operationId: createFreshInvestigation summary: Create Fresh Investigation tags: - Fresh Investigations description: Places an order for a Fresh Investigation (Offline Report). Providing as much detail as possible about the Company, our team will use official sources and registries to quickly answer questions about a company's stability and financial health. Fresh Investigations take 5.5 days on average to complete. By adding `consent:true` to the request, you are allowing Creditsafe to disclose your company details to the company you have requested the Investigation against, to be used only in the aim of improving our Investigation report. requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.FreshInv.CreateInvestigation" responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.FreshInv.InvestigationConfirmed" "400": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.BadRequest" "401": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.InvalidToken" get: operationId: getFreshInvestigations summary: Get Fresh Investigations tags: - Fresh Investigations parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/page" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/pageSize" - name: transactionId in: query description: Fresh Investigation Identifier used internally and with our data partners. schema: type: string - name: reportCreatedAfter in: query schema: type: string description: Returns Fresh Investigations processed after this date example: 2020-01-01T11:23:56Z - name: reportCreatedBefore in: query schema: type: string description: Returns ordered Fresh Investigations that were processed before this date example: 2020-01-01T11:23:56Z - name: createdBefore in: query schema: type: string description: Returns Fresh Investigations created before this date - name: createdSince in: query schema: type: string description: Returns ordered Fresh Investigations created after this date - name: lookUpOrderBy description: Use to search for your Fresh Investigations by either the returned Company Details in the `GET` `freshInvestigations/{orderId}` endpoint or your supplied Search Criteria in the `POST` `/freshInvestigations` endpoint in: query schema: type: string enum: - CompanyDetails - SearchCriteria - name: companyDetailsCountry in: query description: Looks for your returned Fresh Investigations where the returned Company Country is named this. Use with lookUpOrderBy=CompanyDetails schema: type: string - name: companyDetailsName in: query description: Looks for your returned Fresh Investigations where the returned Company Name is named this. Use with lookUpOrderBy=CompanyDetails schema: type: string - name: searchCriteriaCountry in: query description: Looks for your returned Fresh Investigations where your submitted Search Criteria Company Country is this. Use with lookUpOrderBy=searchCriteria schema: type: string - name: searchCriteriaName in: query description: Looks for your Fresh Investigations where your submitted Search Criteria Company Name is this. Use with lookUpOrderBy=searchCriteria schema: type: string - name: sortBy in: query description: Sorts returned Fresh Investigations by this field schema: type: string enum: - creationDate - lastStatusChangeDate - orderID - status - $ref: "#/components/parameters/sortDir" description: Returns a list of your submitted Fresh Investigation Orders. responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.FreshInv.ListInvestigations" "400": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.BadRequest" "401": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.InvalidToken" /freshinvestigations/{orderId}: get: operationId: retrieveFreshInvestigationOrder summary: Retrieve FreshInvestigation Order tags: - Fresh Investigations description: Returns a specific Fresh Investigation order. parameters: - name: orderId in: path required: true schema: type: string - name: sections in: query description: Specify a value to return a single section, or multiple-comma separated sections of the completed Fresh Investigation. Leave null to return all sections. Available sections; - `companyIdentification` - `creditScore` - `contactInformation` - `directors` - `otherInformation` - `groupStructure` - `extendedGroupStructure` - `financialStatements` - `negativeInformation` - `additionalInformation`- `directorships` - `localFinancialStatements` - `paymentData` - `companySummary` - `alternateSummary` schema: type: string example: companyIdentification,creditScore - name: comments in: query description: Selects number of comments which should be returned with the order details. schema: type: string enum: - last - recent - none default: last responses: "200": description: Returns a specific Fresh Investigation Order. For completed orders this will contain the Investigation content as Report Sections. content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.FreshInv.CompletedInvestigation" "400": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.BadRequest" "401": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.InvalidToken" delete: operationId: deleteFreshInvestigations summary: Delete Fresh Investigations tags: - Fresh Investigations description: Deletes specified investigations. parameters: - name: orderId in: path required: true description: Investigation id. schema: type: string responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DeleteFreshInvetigationsByOrderId" "400": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest" "401": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken" "403": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden" patch: operationId: updateFreshInvestigationReportContent summary: Update FreshInvestigation Report Content tags: - Fresh Investigations description: Update the Fresh Investigation Report data for a specific order, after the order has a status of delivered. parameters: - name: orderId description: Fresh investigation orderId in: path required: true schema: type: string requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectUpdateFreshInvestigation" responses: "200": description: Investigation Report. content: application/json: schema: properties: message: type: string description: Success response of updated fresh investigation. example: FreshInvestigation OrderId is being updated "400": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest" "401": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken" "403": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden" "404": description: "" content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: message: type: string example: Resource not found details: type: string description: Provides further information on why the request was rejected /freshinvestigations/{orderId}/attachments: post: operationId: uploadAttachmentsForFreshInvestigationOrderId summary: Upload attachments for fresh investigation orderId tags: - Fresh Investigations description: Returns the status of attachment upload for the particular order. parameters: - name: orderId description: Fresh investigation orderId in: path required: true schema: type: string requestBody: content: multipart/form-data: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/FreshInvestigationAttachmentUploadForOrderRequest" example: file: FILE_PATH required: true responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/FreshInvestigationAttachmentUploadForOrderResponse" "400": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest" "401": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken" get: operationId: getAttachmentsForTheGivenFreshInvestigationOrderId summary: Get attachments for the given fresh investigation orderId tags: - Fresh Investigations description: Returns attachments available for that particular order. parameters: - name: orderId description: fresh investigation orderId in: path required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/FreshInvestigationGetAttachmentsForOrderResponse" "400": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest" "401": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken" /freshinvestigations/{orderId}/attachments/{id}: get: operationId: getAttachmentForTheGivenFreshInvestigationAttachmentId summary: Get attachment for the given fresh investigation attachment Id tags: - Fresh Investigations description: Retrieve attachment for the given attachmentId. parameters: - name: orderId description: fresh investigation orderId in: path required: true schema: type: string - name: id description: fresh investigation attachment id for the given order in: path required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": description: Attachment as a binary stream. content: application/*: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/CreditsafeFreshInvestigationGlobalDataCoreAttachmentBinaryAttachment" text/*: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/CreditsafeFreshInvestigationGlobalDataCoreAttachmentBinaryAttachment" image/*: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/CreditsafeFreshInvestigationGlobalDataCoreAttachmentBinaryAttachment" "400": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest" "401": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken" /freshinvestigations/{orderId}/comments: post: operationId: commentsForFreshInvestigationOrderId summary: Comments for fresh investigation orderId tags: - Fresh Investigations description: Returns the status of comments for the particular order. parameters: - name: orderId description: fresh investigation orderId in: path required: true schema: type: string requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/FreshInvestigationCommentsForOrderRequest" example: comments: comments by user required: true responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/FreshInvestigationCommentsForOrderResponse" "400": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest" "401": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken" get: operationId: retrieveCommentsOfSpecifiedFreshInvestigationReport summary: Retrieve comments of specified FreshInvestigation Report tags: - Fresh Investigations description: Returns the Fresh Investigation Report comments for a specific order. parameters: - name: orderId in: path required: true description: FreshInvestigation Report Id schema: type: string responses: "200": description: Investigation Report. content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/GetFreshInvestigationCommentsByOrderIdResponse" "400": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest" "401": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken" /freshinvestigations/{orderId}/report: get: operationId: retrieveFreshInvestigationReportContent summary: Retrieve FreshInvestigation Report Content tags: - Fresh Investigations description: Returns the Fresh Investigation Report data for a specific order, after the order has a status of delivered. parameters: - name: orderId in: path required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": description: Investigation Report. content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.CompanyReportResponse" "400": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.BadRequest" "401": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.InvalidToken" /monitoring/user/details: get: tags: - GM User Details description: You would use this endpoint to retrieve the user details related to the Global Monitoring product, such as the user's information. operationId: monitoringUserDetails summary: Monitoring User Details responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Monitoring.UserDetails" "400": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.BadRequest" "401": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.InvalidToken" /monitoring/portfolios: get: tags: - GM Create and View All Portfolios description: This endpoint allows you to manage portfolios. You can use the GET method to retrieve all portfolios associated with the user. operationId: listAllPortfolios summary: List All Portfolios parameters: - name: searchQuery in: query description: Return portfolios that match the given value schema: type: string - $ref: "#/components/parameters/gmPage" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/pageSize" responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Monitoring.ListPortfolios" "400": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.BadRequest" "401": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.InvalidToken" "404": description: "" content: application/json: schema: type: object example: message: Portfolio resource not found post: tags: - GM Create and View All Portfolios description: This endpoint to create a new Portfolio based on the supplied criteria.

A portfolio can contain any number of companies that you wish to monitor changes to. The only required Body parameter is "name" for Connect users. operationId: createMonitoringPortfolio summary: Create Monitoring Portfolio requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Monitoring.CreatePortfolioRequest" required: true responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Monitoring.CreatePortfolioResponse" "400": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.BadRequest" "401": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.InvalidToken" /monitoring/portfolios/{portfolioId}/import: post: tags: - GM Importing Portfolios description: Endpoint allows you to import a list of companies to add to the selected portfolio along with some personal information for the company. Importing a portfolio will add the companies to the specified portfolio, duplicates in the import file will be ignored.You may also optionally add an email to the body of the request and get an email notification when the import is processed.. operationId: importAPortfolioFile summary: Import A Portfolio File parameters: - name: portfolioId in: path required: true description: The unique identifier of the portfolio, obtained from `/portfolios`. schema: type: number requestBody: content: multipart/form-data: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Monitoring.ImportAndSyncPortfolioRequest" example: importCsv: FILE_PATH email: required: true responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Monitoring.ImportAndSyncPortfolioResponse" "400": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.BadRequest" "401": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.InvalidToken" "404": description: "" content: application/json: schema: type: object example: message: Portfolio not found /monitoring/portfolios/{portfolioId}/sync: post: tags: - GM Importing Portfolios description: Endpoint allows you to sync a portfolio file with your portfolio. Sync action will delete all companies in your specified portfolio, and then add the companies from the file into the portfolio. operationId: syncAPortfolioFile summary: Sync A Portfolio File parameters: - name: portfolioId in: path required: true description: The unique identifier of the portfolio, obtained from `/portfolios`. schema: type: number requestBody: content: multipart/form-data: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Monitoring.ImportAndSyncPortfolioRequest" example: importCsv: FILE_PATH email: required: true responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Monitoring.ImportAndSyncPortfolioResponse" "400": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.BadRequest" "401": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.InvalidToken" "404": description: "" content: application/json: schema: type: object example: message: Portfolio not found /monitoring/portfolios/{portfolioId}: get: tags: - GM User Management of Portfolios description: This endpoint allows you to retrieve the portfolio details from the portfolioId. operationId: retrievePortfolioById summary: Retrieve Portfolio By Id parameters: - name: portfolioId in: path required: true description: The unique identifier for the portfolio that you wish to retrieve, obtained from `/portfolios`. schema: type: number responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Monitoring.GetPortfolioById" "400": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.BadRequest" "401": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.InvalidToken" "404": description: "" content: application/json: schema: type: object example: message: Portfolio resource not found delete: tags: - GM User Management of Portfolios description: This endpoint allows you to delete the portfolio using the portfolioId. operationId: deletePortfolio summary: Delete Portfolio parameters: - name: portfolioId in: path required: true description: The unique identifier of the portfolio that you wish to delete, obtained from `/portfolios`. schema: type: number responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Monitoring.DeletePortfolio" "400": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.BadRequest" "401": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.InvalidToken" '403': description: 'Forbidden' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' "404": description: "" content: application/json: schema: type: object example: message: Portfolio resource not found patch: tags: - GM User Management of Portfolios description: This endpoint allows you to update Portfolio details such as Name, email recipients, language and subject line. operationId: updatePortfolioDetails summary: Update Portfolio Details parameters: - name: portfolioId in: path required: true description: The unique identifier of the portfolio, obtained from `/portfolios`. schema: type: number requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Monitoring.UpdatePortfolioRequest" example: name: New portfolio Name emails: - firstName: John lastName: Smith emailAddress: frequency: "1" required: true responses: "204": description: No Content content: application/json: schema: properties: message: type: string "400": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.BadRequest" "401": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.InvalidToken" "404": description: "" content: application/json: schema: type: object example: message: Portfolio resource not found /monitoring/portfolios/{portfolioId}/countries: get: tags: - GM Individual Portfolio Management description: This endpoint provides a list of distinct countries associated with the companies monitored within a specific portfolio. operationId: listCountriesOfMonitoredCompanies summary: List Countries of Monitored Companies parameters: - name: portfolioId in: path required: true description: The unique identifier of the portfolio, obtained from `/portfolios`. schema: type: number responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Monitoring.MonitoredCountriesInPortfolio" "400": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.BadRequest" "401": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.InvalidToken" "404": description: "" content: application/json: schema: type: object example: message: Portfolio not found /monitoring/portfolios/{portfolioId}/companies: get: tags: - GM Individual Portfolio Management description: This endpoints gets all companies from a specific portfolio based on the portfolio id, optionally filter with query parameters. operationId: listCompaniesInAPortfolio summary: List Companies In A Portfolio parameters: - name: searchQuery in: query description: Return companies that match the given value schema: type: string - $ref: "#/components/parameters/pageSize" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/gmPage" - name: countryCode in: query description: Return <> that match the given countryCode schema: type: string - name: portfolioId in: path required: true description: The unique identifier of the portfolio, obtained from `/portfolios`. schema: type: number responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Monitoring.CompaniesInAPortfolio" "400": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.BadRequest" "401": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.InvalidToken" "404": description: "" content: application/json: schema: type: object example: message: Portfolio not found post: tags: - GM Individual Portfolio Management description: Endpoint to add a company using a company id, into a portfolio provided in as a path parameter. Additional fields can be used to add a personalReference, freeText, and personalLimit. These fields need to be submitted in the requestBody but can be 'nulled' if not required. See the two examples of the submission with and without these fields. operationId: addCompanyToPortfolio summary: Add Company To Portfolio parameters: - name: portfolioId in: path required: true description: The unique identifier of the portfolio, obtained from `/portfolios`. schema: type: number requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Monitoring.AddCompanyToPortfolioRequest" examples: id only: summary: Submitting a requestBody with only an 'id' value: id: GB-0-12345678 personalReference: "" freeText: "" personalLimit: "" All Fields: summary: Submitting a requestBody with all fields value: id: GB-0-12345678 personalReference: Some Text freeText: Some Useful Text personalLimit: "40" required: false responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Monitoring.AddCompanyToPortfolioResponse" "400": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.BadRequest" "401": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.InvalidToken" "404": description: "" content: application/json: schema: type: object example: message: Company resource not found "409": description: "" content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: correlationId: type: string description: A unique ID assigned to this request. example: 23921650-c073-11ea-860f-06bc8182190e message: type: string description: A status message relating to your request. example: Company GB-1-7586731 already in portfolio /monitoring/portfolios/{portfolioId}/companies/copy: post: tags: - GM User Management of Portfolios description: This endpoint allows you to copy companies from one portfolio to another. You can specify the source and destination portfolios to perform the copy operation. operationId: copyCompaniesBetweenPortfolios summary: Copy Companies Between Portfolios parameters: - name: portfolioId in: path required: true description: The unique identifier of the portfolio you want to copy companies from, obtained from `/portfolios`. schema: type: number - name: copyAll in: query description: When CopyAll query parameter is False, portfolios and companies list needs to be passed. When CopyAll query parameter is True, only portfolios need to be passed and companies List must be empty. All companies are copied from current portfolio are considered here. schema: type: boolean default: false requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Monitoring.CopyAndMoveCompaniesRequest" example: portfolios: - 196854 - 197369 companies: - id: BE-X-733313367 - id: BE-X-868222848 - id: BE-X-835695382 required: true responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Monitoring.CopyAndMoveCompaniesResponse" "400": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.BadRequest" "401": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.InvalidToken" "404": description: "" content: application/json: schema: type: object example: message: Company resource not found /monitoring/portfolios/{portfolioId}/companies/remove: post: tags: - GM User Management of Portfolios description: This endpoint allows you to move companies from one portfolio to single (or) multiple portfolios. Removes the companies from the portfolio provided in the path parameter. operationId: moveCompaniesBetweenPortfolios summary: Move Companies Between Portfolios parameters: - name: portfolioId in: path required: true description: The unique identifier of the portfolio you want to move companies from, obtained from `/portfolios`. schema: type: number - name: removeAll in: query description: When RemoveAll query parameter is False, a portfolios and companies list needs to be passed. When RemoveAll query parameter is True, only portfolios need to be passed and companies List must be empty. All companies are moved and deleted from current portfolio. schema: type: boolean default: false requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Monitoring.CopyAndMoveCompaniesRequest" example: portfolios: - 196854 - 197369 companies: - id: BE-X-733313367 - id: BE-X-868222848 - id: BE-X-835695382 required: true responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Monitoring.CopyAndMoveCompaniesResponse" "400": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.BadRequest" "401": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.InvalidToken" "404": description: "" content: application/json: schema: type: object example: message: Company resource not found /monitoring/portfolios/{portfolioId}/companies/clear: patch: tags: - GM Individual Portfolio Management description: This endpoint allows for companies to be deleted from the specified portfolio. operationId: clearCompaniesFromPortfolio summary: Clear Companies From Portfolio parameters: - name: clearAll in: query description: When ClearAll query parameter is False,Companies List needs to be passed. When ClearAll query parameter is True, Companies List must be empty. All companies will be deleted schema: type: boolean default: false - name: portfolioId in: path required: true description: The unique identifier of the portfolio you want to delete companies from, obtained from `/portfolios`. schema: type: number requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Monitoring.ClearCompaniesRequest" example: companies: - BE-X-733313367 - BE-X-868222848 required: true responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Monitoring.ClearCompaniesResponse" "400": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.BadRequest" "401": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.InvalidToken" "404": description: "" content: application/json: schema: type: object example: message: Portfolios not found /monitoring/portfolios/{portfolioId}/companies/{companyId}: get: tags: - GM Individual Portfolio Management operationId: getCompanyDetailsFromAPortfolio summary: Get Company Details From A Portfolio description: This endpoint allows you to get various company details from a portfolio. Requires a portfolioID and companyID in the PATH of the request. parameters: - name: portfolioId in: path required: true description: The unique identifier of the portfolio, obtained from `/portfolios`. schema: type: number - name: companyId in: path required: true description: A company Safe Number or Connect ID. schema: type: string responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Monitoring.GetCompanyFromPortfolio" "400": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.BadRequest" "401": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.InvalidToken" "404": description: "" content: application/json: schema: type: object example: message: Portfolio not found delete: tags: - GM Individual Portfolio Management description: Endpoint to delete a company from a portfolio. operationId: deleteCompanyFromPortfolio summary: Delete Company From Portfolio parameters: - name: portfolioId in: path required: true description: The unique identifier of the portfolio, obtained from `/portfolios`. schema: type: number - name: companyId in: path required: true description: A company Safe Number or Connect ID. schema: type: string responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Monitoring.DeleteCompanyFromPortfolio" "400": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.BadRequest" "401": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.InvalidToken" "403": description: "" content: application/json: schema: type: object example: message: Access forbidden "404": description: "" content: application/json: schema: type: string example: '{"message": "Company not found" }' patch: tags: - GM Individual Portfolio Management description: Updates the company details in a specified portfolio. operationId: updateCompanyDetailsInPortfolio summary: Update Company Details In Portfolio parameters: - name: portfolioId in: path required: true description: The unique identifier of the portfolio, obtained from `/portfolios`. schema: type: number - name: companyId in: path required: true description: A company Safe Number or Connect ID. schema: type: string requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Monitoring.UpdateCompanyDetailsInPortfolioR\ equest" example: personalReference: personal reference freeText: Some useful text personalLimit: "40" responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Monitoring.UpdateCompanyInPortfolio" "204": description: No Content "400": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.BadRequest" "401": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.InvalidToken" "403": description: "" content: application/json: schema: type: object example: message: Access forbidden "404": description: "" content: application/json: schema: type: object example: message: Company resource not found /monitoring/portfolios/{portfolioId}/eventRules: get: tags: - GM Individual Portfolio Management description: Get all notification `eventRules` for the given `portfolioId`. Notification event rules allow you to control which events you wish to monitor for the `companies` contained within the given `portfolio`. operationId: listPortfolioEventRules summary: List Portfolio Event Rules parameters: - name: portfolioId in: path description: The unique identifier for the portfolio that you wish to retrieve notification event rules for, obtained from `/portfolios`. required: true schema: type: number responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Monitoring.ListPortfolioEventRules" "400": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.BadRequest" "401": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.InvalidToken" "404": description: "" content: application/json: schema: type: object example: message: EventRule resource not found /monitoring/portfolios/{portfolioId}/eventRules/{countryCode}: get: tags: - GM Individual Portfolio Management description: Endpoint to that lists all the eventRules, their status and parameters based on a portfolio Id, filtered by country. Newly created portfolios are without any notification event rules by default, but you can switch rules on/off per country or on a global basis. There are different rules available for each country due to the different type of change event data that's available. The following GET request lists all the available rules for a portfolio. operationId: listPortfolioEventRulesByCountry summary: List Portfolio Event Rules By Country parameters: - name: portfolioId in: path required: true description: The unique identifier of the portfolio, obtained from `/portfolios`. schema: type: number - name: countryCode in: path description: Country code to show events for.
Please note that there is one exception in that `PLC` is the only 3-character that can be accepted here. required: true schema: maxLength: 2 minLength: 2 type: string responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Monitoring.ListPortfolioEventRules" "400": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.BadRequest" "401": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.InvalidToken" "404": description: "" content: application/json: schema: type: object example: message: EventRule resource not found put: tags: - GM Individual Portfolio Management description: Endpoint to update an eventRule in a portfolio. Must provide a portfolio unique identifier and a country code in the URL of the PUT request. The Body of the request must contain the `ruleCode` number of the eventRule you want to update, with an `isActive` parameter. Some event rules may also contain specific parameters, which can be set with `param0`, `param1` and `param2`. parameters. Get the above information by calling the List All eventRules endpoint.

**Important Note**
It is recommended that any changes made to the `Event Rules` are verified using the [List Portfolio Event Rules Endpoint](#listPortfolioEventRules) after the PUT call has been made. operationId: updateEventRules summary: Update EventRules parameters: - name: portfolioId in: path required: true description: The unique identifier of the portfolio, obtained from `/portfolios`. schema: type: number - name: countryCode in: path description: Country code to show events for required: true schema: maxLength: 2 minLength: 2 type: string requestBody: description: To ensure optimal processing efficiency when updating live event rules—whether for removal, addition, or status change—it is best practice to update the entire list of rules in a single operation. content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Monitoring.UpdateEventRulesRequest" example: - ruleCode: 101 isActive: 1 param0: true param1: "15" param2: "10" - ruleCode: 1802 isActive: 1 param0: "10" - ruleCode: 1815 isActive: 0 required: true responses: "204": description: No Content content: application/json: schema: properties: message: type: string "400": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.BadRequest" "401": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.InvalidToken" "404": description: "" content: application/json: schema: type: object example: message: EventRule resource not found /monitoring/portfolios/{portfolioId}/eventRules/setDefault: put: tags: - GM Individual Portfolio Management description: Update a portfolios event rules to default state. In Connect, default state means all rules are turned off. operationId: setPortfolioDefaultRules summary: Set Portfolio Default Rules parameters: - name: portfolioId in: path required: true description: The unique identifier of the portfolio, obtained from `/portfolios`. schema: type: number responses: "204": description: No Content content: application/json: schema: properties: message: type: string "400": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.BadRequest" "401": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.InvalidToken" "404": description: "" content: application/json: schema: type: object example: message: EventRule resource not found /monitoring/portfolios/{portfolioId}/riskSummary: get: tags: - GM Individual Portfolio Management description: Get current portfolio risk summary information. operationId: portfolioRiskSummary summary: Portfolio Risk Summary parameters: - name: portfolioId in: path required: true description: The unique identifier of the portfolio, obtained from `/portfolios`. schema: type: number responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Monitoring.RiskSummary" "400": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.BadRequest" "401": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.InvalidToken" "404": description: "" content: application/json: schema: type: object example: message: Portfolio not found /monitoring/portfolios/{portfolioId}/notificationEvents: get: tags: - GM Individual Portfolio Management description: Get all notificationEvents based on the portfolio id, optionally filter with query parameters. operationId: listPortfolioNotifications summary: List Portfolio Notifications parameters: - name: searchQuery in: query description: Return notificationEvents that match the given value schema: type: string - $ref: "#/components/parameters/sortBy" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/sortDir" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/pageSize" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/gmPage" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/startDate" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/endDate" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/filterByCreatedDate" - name: portfolioId in: path required: true description: The unique identifier of the portfolio, obtained from `/portfolios`. schema: type: number responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Monitoring.AllNotificationsEvents" "400": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.BadRequest" "401": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.InvalidToken" "404": description: "" content: application/json: schema: type: object example: message: Portfolio not found /monitoring/portfolios/{portfolioId}/companies/{companyId}/notificationEvents: get: tags: - GM Individual Portfolio Management operationId: listCompanySpecificNotificationEvents summary: List Company Specific NotificationEvents description: List of notification events based on the company id,optionally filtered with query parameters. parameters: - name: searchQuery in: query description: Return notificationEvents that match the given value schema: type: string - $ref: "#/components/parameters/sortDir" - name: pageSize in: query description: Number of items to return per Page (max 1000) schema: type: integer default: 50 - $ref: "#/components/parameters/gmPage" - name: isProcessed in: query description: A flag that can be set to `true` boolean value to mark it as an event that has been actioned. schema: type: boolean enum: - true - false - name: sortBy in: query description: Sort results by this column. Null values of sort column are listed after non-nulls. schema: type: string default: companyName enum: - companyName - countryCode - eventId - eventDate - name: portfolioId in: path required: true description: The unique identifier of the portfolio, obtained from `/portfolios`. schema: type: string - name: companyId in: path required: true description: A company Safe Number or Connect ID. schema: type: string responses: "204": description: No Content "400": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.BadRequest" "401": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.InvalidToken" "403": description: "" content: application/json: schema: type: object example: message: Access forbidden "404": description: "" content: application/json: schema: type: object example: message: Company resource not found /monitoring/portfolios/{portfolioId}/sharingPermissions: get: tags: - GM User Management of Portfolios operationId: portfolioUserPermissions summary: Portfolio User Permissions description: Retrieve user permissions within the customer for a portfolio. parameters: - name: portfolioId in: path required: true description: The unique identifier of the portfolio, obtained from `/portfolios`. schema: type: number responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Monitoring.ListSharingPermissions" "400": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.BadRequest" "401": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.InvalidToken" "404": description: "" content: application/json: schema: type: object example: message: Portfolio not found patch: tags: - GM User Management of Portfolios description: Update/Create user permissions within the customer for portfolio. operationId: sharePortfolioWithUsers summary: Share Portfolio With Users parameters: - name: portfolioId in: path required: true description: The unique identifier of the portfolio, obtained from `/portfolios`. schema: type: number requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Monitoring.SharePortfolioRequest" example: revokeAll: "false" userPermissions: - csUserId: 101106166 permissions: View,Add - csUserId: 1000027380 permissions: View,Add,Edit,Remove required: true responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Monitoring.SharePortfolioRequestResponse" "400": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.BadRequest" "401": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.InvalidToken" "404": description: "" content: application/json: schema: type: object example: message: Portfolio not found /monitoring/companies/{id}/events: get: tags: - GM Event Rules and Notifications description: Endpoint to return a collection of `events` for the given company, optionally filtered on the supplied search criteria. Event information will only be returned if the company exists in at least one of your `portfolios`. operationId: listCompanyEvents summary: List Company Events parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/startDate" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/endDate" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/gmPage" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/pageSize" - name: id in: path description: The connectId of the company that you wish to retrieve events for. required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Monitoring.CompanyEvents" "400": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.BadRequest" "401": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.InvalidToken" /monitoring/eventRules: get: tags: - GM Event Rules and Notifications description: Get all available notification event rules. Notification event rules allow you to control which events you wish to monitor for the `companies` contained within a given `portfolio`. operationId: allEventRules summary: All EventRules responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Monitoring.EventRulesResponse" "400": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.BadRequest" "401": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.InvalidToken" "404": description: "" content: application/json: schema: type: object example: message: "EventRule resource not found " /monitoring/eventRules/{countryCode}: get: tags: - GM Event Rules and Notifications description: Get all available notification event rules for the given `countryCode`. Notification event rules allow you to control which events you wish to monitor for the `companies` contained within a given `portfolio`. operationId: filteredEventRules summary: Filtered EventRules parameters: - name: countryCode in: path description: ISO/Alpha 2 format country code for which notification event rules will be returned. required: true schema: maxLength: 2 minLength: 2 type: string responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Monitoring.EventRulesResponse" "400": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.BadRequest" "401": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.InvalidToken" "404": description: "" content: application/json: schema: type: object example: message: EventRule resource not found /monitoring/notificationEvents: get: tags: - GM Event Rules and Notifications description: Get all notification events generated for companies monitored in your portfolios, based on the notification rules enabled. The notification events returned will be filtered based upon the supplied search criteria. operationId: allNotificationEvents summary: All Notification Events parameters: - name: searchQuery in: query description: Return notificationEvents that match the given value schema: type: string - $ref: "#/components/parameters/sortBy" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/sortDir" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/startDate" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/endDate" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/gmPage" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/pageSize" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/filterByCreatedDate" responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Monitoring.AllNotificationsEvents" "400": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.BadRequest" "401": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.InvalidToken" "404": description: "" content: application/json: schema: type: object example: message: NotificationEvent resource not found /decisionEngine/instances: get: tags: - Instance Management description: Returns all instances (Decision Trees) a user has permission to access. operationId: returnAllInstances summary: Return All Available Instances parameters: - name: customerId description: The unique identifier of the customer. If used it will return all the Decision Trees associated to that customer. in: query schema: type: integer - name: userId description: The unique identifier of the user. If used it will return all the Decision Trees that user has access to. in: query schema: type: integer responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/GetDecisionEngineInstancesResponse" "400": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest" "401": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken" "403": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden" "404": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesResourceNotFoundRequest" /decisionEngine/instance/{guid}: get: tags: - Instance Management description: Returns instance user has permission to access. operationId: instanceConfiguration summary: Instance Configuration parameters: - name: guid in: path required: true description: Get results by guid. schema: type: string responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: type: object "400": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest" "401": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken" "403": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden" "404": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesResourceNotFoundRequest" put: tags: - Instance Management description: Update the instances information.

You will need to call the `GET /decisionEngine/instance/{guid}` endpoint to get the current configuration and then update the fields you want to change. operationId: updateInstanceConfiguration summary: Update Instance Configuration requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/UpdateDecisionEngineInstanceRequestBodyWithExample" parameters: - name: guid in: path required: true description: get results by guid. schema: type: string responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: type: object "400": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest" "401": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken" "403": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden" "404": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesResourceNotFoundRequest" /decisionEngine/GUID: get: tags: - Decision Trees description: Returns all decision trees that the user has permission to access. operationId: decisionTrees summary: Decision Trees parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/sortDir' - name: type in: query description: Filter the returned decision trees by their associated decision tree type. schema: type: string enum: - Credit Approval - Bespoke - Demo - name: sortBy in: query description: Sort results by this column. schema: type: string enum: - friendlyName - name: decisionOutcome in: query description: Fetch decision outcome in guid list endpoint. schema: type: boolean default: false responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.DecisionEngine.GUIDListResponse" "400": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.BadRequest" "401": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.InvalidToken" /decisionEngine/{provenirId}/userDataFields: get: tags: - Decision Trees description: Returns the user data fields defined for the given decision tree GUID. operationId: userDataFields summary: User Data Fields parameters: - name: provenirId in: path required: true description: The unique identifier of the decision tree, obtained from `/GUID`. schema: type: string responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.DecisionEngine.UserDataFieldsResponse" "400": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.BadRequest" "401": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.InvalidToken" /decisionEngine/{provenirId}: post: tags: - Run Decision description: Runs the provided decision tree for the given company, optionally using the data provided in the body of the call. operationId: runDecisionTree summary: Run Decision Tree parameters: - name: provenirId in: path required: true description: The unique identifier of the decision tree to run, obtained from `/GUID`. schema: type: string - name: companyId in: query required: true description: The Connect ID for the company that you wish to run the decision tree on. Obtained from `/companies` search results. A Connect ID is the primary Company identifier that is used to uniquely identify all companies across Creditsafe's Universe and Partner Network. schema: type: string example: GB-0-03836192 - name: originationId in: query required: false description: An optional field that will allow text passed through to be stored against the decision. Typically used for internal identifiers (e.g. SalesForce IDs). schema: type: string example: SFC-1976 requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: object description: The POST body should contain the User Data Fields for the decision tree you want to run obtained via the `/{guid}/userDataFields` endpoint. example: productType: Product A isCustomer: Yes salesValue: 197600 responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.DecisionEngine.RunDecisionResponse" "400": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.BadRequest" "401": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.InvalidToken" /decisionEngine/usageLog: get: tags: - Decision Logs description: Returns a log of all previously ran decisions that the user has permission to access, optionally filtered. operationId: decisionHistory summary: Decision History parameters: - name: provenirId in: query description: Filter the returned usage log by the GUID for the associated decision trees, obtained from `/GUID`. schema: type: string example: repoObj_0ed6a4aa_16e17d977e9_07ffb16e17d977e9 - name: companyId in: query description: Filter the returned usage log by the Connect ID for the associated companies for each decision. schema: type: string example: US001-X-US60521352 - name: companyName in: query description: Filter the returned usage log by the Company Name for the associated companies for each decision. schema: type: string example: CREDITSAFE - name: status in: query description: Filter the returned usage log by the status for each decision. schema: type: number example: 1 - name: fromDate in: query description: Filter the returned usage log by the date the the decision was run. schema: type: string format: date-time - name: toDate in: query description: Filter the returned usage log by the date the the decision was run. schema: type: string format: date-time - $ref: "#/components/parameters/page" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/pageSize" responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.DecisionEngine.UsageLogResponse" "400": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.BadRequest" "401": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.InvalidToken" /decisionEngine/usageLog/{decisionLogId}: get: tags: - Decision Logs description: Returns a specified decision log for a previously ran decision. operationId: getDecisionLog summary: Get Decision Log parameters: - name: decisionLogId in: path required: true description: The unique identifier of the decision log to retrieve, obtained from `/usageLog`. schema: type: string responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.DecisionEngine.DecisionLogResponse" "400": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.BadRequest" "401": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.InvalidToken" patch: tags: - Decision Logs description: Updates the status and/or notes for a specified decision. operationId: updateDecisionLog summary: Update Decision Log parameters: - name: decisionLogId in: path required: true description: The unique identifier of the decision log to retrieve, obtained from `/usageLog`. schema: type: string requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.DecisionEngine.UpdateDecisionRequest" responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.DecisionEngine.DecisionLogResponse" "400": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.BadRequest" "401": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.InvalidToken" /decisionEngine/decisionOutcome/{guid}: get: tags: - Decision Outcome description: Returns decision outcomes which is set for decision tree. operationId: decisionOutcome summary: Return Decision Outcome parameters: - name: guid in: path required: true description: get results by guid. schema: type: string responses: '200': description: '' headers: Access-Control-Allow-Origin: schema: type: string content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GetDecisionEngineDecisionOutcomeResponse' '400': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' '404': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesResourceNotFoundRequest' patch: tags: - Decision Outcome description: This allows the user to manually update the decision outcome operationId: UpdateDecisionEngineDecisionOutcomeDetails summary: Update Decision Outcome parameters: - name: guid in: path required: true description: updates decision outcomes by guid. schema: type: string requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectDecisionEnginePatchDecisionOutcomeRequest' responses: '200': description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: message: type: string example: Decision outcome updated successfully. '400': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' '404': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesResourceNotFoundRequest' /consumers: get: tags: - Consumers description: Consumer Search and Report endpoint. When sufficient information has been provided to filter potential Consumer results down to one record then the Consumer Report will be returned. operationId: consumerReport summary: Consumer Report parameters: - name: countries in: query example: DE description: ISO-2 country code required: true schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.CountryCode" - name: language in: query description: "" schema: type: string nullable: true default: EN maxLength: 2 minLength: 2 - name: firstName in: query description: Consumer's First Name schema: type: string required: true - name: lastName in: query description: Consumer's Last Name schema: type: string required: true - name: street in: query description: Address part identifier - Street of the Consumer schema: type: string required: true - name: houseNo in: query description: Address part identifier - House/Building Number of the Consumer schema: type: string required: true - name: city in: query description: Address part identifier - City of the Consumer schema: type: string required: true - name: postCode in: query description: Address part identifier - Postcode/Zip Code of the Consumer schema: type: string required: true - name: dateOfBirth in: query schema: type: string format: date-time nullable: true - name: customData in: query example: de_reason_code::ER schema: type: string nullable: true - name: callRef in: query description: This parameter allows users to assign a unique identifier to their API queries. By using a callRef, it facilitates easier tracking and logging within Connect. If you provide a callRef, the Connect team can later retrieve and identify the specific requests associated with that identifier, enabling detailed tracing of interactions. schema: type: string nullable: true default: null responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: totalSize: type: integer format: int32 consumers: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.Consumer.ConsumerRepo\ rt" "400": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.BadRequest" "401": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.InvalidToken" /consumers/searchcriteria: get: tags: - Consumers description: Returns country specific fields that can be used to search for a Consumer. operationId: consumerSearchCriteria summary: Consumer Search Criteria parameters: - name: countries required: true in: query description: Comma-separated list of ISO-2 country codes schema: type: string - name: callRef in: query description: This parameter allows users to assign a unique identifier to their API queries. By using a callRef, it facilitates easier tracking and logging within Connect. If you provide a callRef, the Connect team can later retrieve and identify the specific requests associated with that identifier, enabling detailed tracing of interactions. schema: type: string responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: type: array items: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.ConsumerCriteriaSet" "400": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.BadRequest" "401": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.InvalidToken" /protect/investigations: post: operationId: createProtectInvestigation summary: Create Protect Investigation description: Creates an Investigation according to the provided Investigation criteria. Each result is potential match which is attributed a relevancy/match score between 1-100 and a high level reason for it's inclusion in the World Compliance Database by looking at the Reason Listed and Comments to firstly ascertain whether the entry is a match for you search criteria and then utilize the data available for your own onboarding needs. tags: - Protect Investigations requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Protect.CreateInvestigationQueryDto" required: true responses: "201": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Protect.InvestigationResponse" "400": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Protect.ProblemDetails" default: description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Protect.ProblemDetails" get: operationId: listAllProtectInvestigations summary: List All Protect Investigations description: Endpoint to return all investigations. Filter response by using query parameters. Use the alertsCount parameter to only return Investigations with alerts greater than the supplied value. tags: - Protect Investigations parameters: - name: scheduled in: query schema: type: boolean nullable: false - name: alertsCount in: query schema: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true - name: type in: query schema: type: string enum: - business - individual - name: q description: "Keyword search: It searches in the 'name' fields of the investigation." in: query schema: type: string - name: order in: query schema: type: string enum: - asc - desc - name: orderBy in: query schema: type: string enum: - alertCount - city - country - createdAt - dateOfBirth - name - profile - province - searchAt - street - $ref: "#/components/parameters/page" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/pageSize" responses: "200": description: Successful content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Protect.Investigation" "400": description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest" "401": description: Invalid Token content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken" /protect/investigations/{investigationId}: get: operationId: returnProtectInvestigationById summary: Return Protect Investigation By Id description: Endpoint to return a specific Investigation by ID. Can also be used to retrieve the associated Schedule Id that has been linked to the Investigation. tags: - Protect Investigations parameters: - name: investigationId in: path required: true schema: type: string format: guid nullable: false responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Protect.InvestigationResponse" "404": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Protect.ProblemDetails" delete: tags: - Protect Investigations operationId: deleteInvestigation summary: Delete Investigation description: Deletes an Investigation by {Id} number. This will remove the entire Investigation and all results within it. parameters: - name: investigationId in: path required: true schema: type: string format: guid nullable: false responses: "204": description: Successfully Processed "404": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" text/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" /protect/investigations/{investigationId}/records: post: tags: - Protect Investigations operationId: addInvestigationsRecords summary: Add Investigations Records description: Requires the 'Investigation Id' in path, followed by 'Record Id' in the request body to add a record to the previously created Investigation.

By adding InvestigationRecords you are confirming that the result is a match to your search criteria.

To return to the original Investigation search to allocate other records, use "GET Investigation results by ID.". parameters: - name: investigationId in: path required: true schema: type: string format: guid nullable: false requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Protect.CreateInvestigationRecordBody" text/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Protect.CreateInvestigationRecordBody" application/*+json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Protect.CreateInvestigationRecordBody" required: true responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Protect.Record" text/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Protect.Record" "400": description: "" content: text/plain: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Protect.ProblemDetails" application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Protect.ProblemDetails" text/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Protect.ProblemDetails" "404": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Protect.ProblemDetails" text/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Protect.ProblemDetails" get: tags: - Protect Investigations operationId: returnInvestigationsRecords summary: Return Investigation Records description: Requires the 'Investigation Id' in path. parameters: - name: investigationId description: Investigation Id in: path required: true schema: type: string format: guid nullable: false - $ref: "#/components/parameters/page" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/pageSize" responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Protect.Record" "400": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest" "401": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken" "403": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden" "404": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/MODEL5bb0b0" put: tags: - Protect Investigations operationId: updateInvestigationsRecords summary: Update Investigation Records description: Sends an update to the investigation specified by the ID and changes will be reflected within that investigation. parameters: - name: investigationId in: path required: true schema: type: string format: guid nullable: false requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/UpdateInvestigationRecordsDto" text/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/UpdateInvestigationRecordsDto" application/*+json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/UpdateInvestigationRecordsDto" required: true responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Record" text/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Record" "400": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" text/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" "404": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" text/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" delete: tags: - Protect Investigations operationId: deleteInvestigationRecords summary: Delete Investigation Records description: Deletes a record from an Investigation ID. parameters: - name: investigationId in: path required: true schema: type: string format: guid nullable: false requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DeleteRecordsDto" text/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DeleteRecordsDto" application/*+json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DeleteRecordsDto" required: true responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Record" text/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Record" "400": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" text/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" "404": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" text/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" /protect/investigations/{investigationId}/results: get: tags: - Protect Investigations operationId: getInvestigationResultsById summary: Get Investigation Results By Id description: Returns original Investigation search results to assign any other results to the records. parameters: - name: investigationId in: path required: true schema: type: string format: guid nullable: false - name: page in: query schema: type: integer format: int32 nullable: false - name: limit in: query schema: type: integer format: int32 nullable: false responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: properties: items: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Record" text/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Record" "404": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" text/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" /protect/investigations/{id}/risk: put: tags: - Protect Investigations operationId: assignRiskToInvestigation summary: Assign Risk to Investigation description: Allows user to update the risk with an Investigation. parameters: - name: id in: path required: true schema: type: string format: guid nullable: false requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/AssignRiskToInvestigationDto" text/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/AssignRiskToInvestigationDto" application/*+json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/AssignRiskToInvestigationDto" required: true responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/InvestigationRiskResponse" text/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/InvestigationRiskResponse" "400": description: "" content: application/json: schema: type: string format: binary text/json: schema: type: string format: binary /protect/investigations/file: post: tags: - Protect Investigations description: Creates an investigation and returns a link to the report. operationId: createInvestigationAndReturnReportLink summary: Create Investigation And Return Report Link requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/CreateInvestigationQueryDto" text/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/CreateInvestigationQueryDto" application/*+json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/CreateInvestigationQueryDto" required: true responses: "201": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/FileDownloadResponse" text/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/FileDownloadResponse" "400": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" text/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" default: description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" text/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" /protect/investigations/{investigationId}/records/file: post: tags: - Protect Investigations operationId: returnsInvestigationReport summary: Returns Investigation Report description: This endpoint will Return a report by providing a file path. parameters: - name: investigationId in: path required: true schema: type: string format: guid nullable: false requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/GetInvestigationFileBodyDto" text/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/GetInvestigationFileBodyDto" application/*+json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/GetInvestigationFileBodyDto" required: true responses: "200": description: "" content: text/plain: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/FileDownloadResponse" application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/FileDownloadResponse" text/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/FileDownloadResponse" "404": description: "" content: text/plain: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" text/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" /protect/investigations/{id}/notes: post: tags: - Protect Investigations operationId: createInvestigationNote summary: Create Investigation Note description: Creates a note to a specific investigation ID. parameters: - name: id in: path required: true schema: type: string format: guid nullable: false requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/CreateInvestigationNoteDto" text/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/CreateInvestigationNoteDto" application/*+json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/CreateInvestigationNoteDto" required: true responses: "201": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/InvestigationNote" text/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/InvestigationNote" "400": description: "" content: application/json: schema: type: string format: binary text/json: schema: type: string format: binary get: tags: - Protect Investigations operationId: getInvestigationNotes summary: Get Investigation Notes description: Returns the notes created against a specific investigation ID. parameters: - name: id in: path required: true schema: type: string format: guid nullable: false - name: page in: query schema: type: integer format: int32 nullable: false - name: limit in: query schema: type: integer format: int32 nullable: false responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/InvestigationNote" text/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/InvestigationNote" "404": description: "" content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/InvestigationNote" text/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/InvestigationNote" /protect/profiles: post: operationId: createProtectProfile summary: Create Protect Profile description: Creates an empty profile for collating investigations. tags: - Protect Profile requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Protect.CreateProfileDto" required: true responses: "201": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Protect.Profile" "400": description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest" "401": description: Invalid Token content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken" "403": description: Access Forbidden content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden" get: operationId: listAllProtectProfiles summary: List All Protect Profiles description: Returns all profiles for the logged in user or filtered with a matching profile name. tags: - Protect Profile parameters: - name: name in: query schema: type: string nullable: true - $ref: "#/components/parameters/page" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/pageSize" responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Protect.Profile" /protect/profiles/{profileId}: get: operationId: retrieveProtectProfileByID summary: Retrieve Protect Profile By ID description: Retrieves a profile by Id in the Path. tags: - Protect Profile parameters: - name: profileId in: path required: true schema: type: string format: guid nullable: false responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Protect.Profile" "404": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Protect.ProblemDetails" put: description: Endpoint to change the name of a profile. operationId: editProtectProfile summary: Edit Protect Profile tags: - Protect Profile parameters: - name: profileId in: path required: true schema: type: string format: guid nullable: false requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Protect.CreateProfileDto" required: true responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Protect.Profile" "404": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Protect.ProblemDetails" /protect/profiles/{profileId}/investigations: get: operationId: listInvestigationsInAProfile summary: List Investigations In A Profile. description: Endpoint to retrieve all Investigations associated with a specific Profile. tags: - Protect Profile parameters: - name: profileId in: path required: true schema: type: string format: guid nullable: false - name: query.type in: query schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Protect.CreateInvestigationQueryDto" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/page" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/pageSize" responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Protect.Investigation" "404": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Protect.ProblemDetails" /protect/profiles/{profileId}/investigations/{investigationId}: put: operationId: addInvestigationToProfile summary: Add Investigation To Profile description: Adds an Investigation to a Profile. tags: - Protect Profile parameters: - name: profileId in: path required: true schema: type: string format: guid nullable: false - name: investigationId in: path required: true schema: type: string format: guid nullable: false responses: "204": description: "" content: {} "404": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Protect.ProblemDetails" /protect/investigations/{investigationId}/file: post: operationId: createProtectInvestigationPDF summary: Create Protect Investigation PDF description: Creates a PDF that shows the full report for the selected entities. This report will include search criteria used, user, time/date stamp and full World Compliance Report. It is recommended to call this endpoint before adding InvestigationRecords to an Investigation, as only non-processed alerts populate the PDF. tags: - Protect Investigations parameters: - name: investigationId in: path required: true schema: type: string format: guid nullable: false requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Protect.GetInvestigationFileBodyDto" required: true responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Protect.InvestigationFileResponse" "404": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Protect.ProblemDetails" /protect/schedules: post: operationId: createProtectSchedule summary: Create Protect Schedule description: Creates a Schedule to check against new sanctions that effect your chosen Investigation.
The frequency of the schedule is set to 'daily' as a default.

To receive notifications of alerts you need to follow this POST call with PUT/Update Schedules to set the 'isEmailRequired' to `true`. tags: - Protect Schedules requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectProtectCreateScheduleRequest" required: true responses: "201": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Protect.Schedule" "400": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Protect.ProblemDetails" "404": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Protect.ProblemDetails" /protect/schedules/{id}: put: tags: - Protect Schedules operationId: updatesSchedule summary: " Updates Schedule" description: Endpoint will update the details around the schedule. parameters: - name: id in: path description: Enter the schedule id. required: true schema: type: string format: guid nullable: false requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/CreateScheduleDto" text/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/CreateScheduleDto" application/*+json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/CreateScheduleDto" required: true responses: "200": description: "" content: text/plain: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Schedule" application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Schedule" text/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Schedule" "404": description: "" content: text/plain: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" text/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" get: operationId: retrieveScheduleById summary: Retrieve Schedule By Id description: Endpoint to retrieve a specific Schedule by Id. A Schedule Id can be retrieved from the associated Investigation. tags: - Protect Schedules parameters: - name: id description: Enter the schedule id. in: path required: true schema: type: string nullable: false responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Protect.Schedule" "404": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Protect.ProblemDetails" delete: operationId: deletesScheduleFromInvestigation summary: Deletes Schedule from Investigation description: Deletes a Schedule from an Investigation meaning entity will no longer be monitored on a nightly basis but record will still remain in the audit trail. tags: - Protect Schedules parameters: - name: id description: Enter the schedule id. in: path required: true schema: type: string nullable: false responses: "204": description: "" content: {} "404": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Protect.ProblemDetails" /protect/idv/gdc/search: post: tags: - Protect IDV description: Creates a search request for a GDC IDV search. operationId: idvSearch summary: IDV Search requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/IdvRequestDto" text/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/IdvRequestDto" application/*+json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/IdvRequestDto" required: true responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/IdvResponseDto" text/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/IdvResponseDto" "400": description: "" content: text/plain: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Protect.ProblemDetails" application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Protect.ProblemDetails" text/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Protect.ProblemDetails" /protect/idv/file: get: tags: - Protect IDV operationId: returnsIdvReport summary: Returns IDV Report description: Returns an IDV Report with the potential results and the sources they were matched against. parameters: - name: idvSearchId in: query schema: type: string format: guid nullable: false responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: type: string text/json: schema: type: string "404": description: "" content: text/plain: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Protect.ProblemDetails" application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Protect.ProblemDetails" text/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Protect.ProblemDetails" /protect/audits: get: operationId: retrieveProtectAuditLog summary: Retrieve Protect Audit Log description: Returns logged interactions with Protect endpoints for audit purposes. Actions logged include creating an Investigation, Investigation Record and Schedule. tags: - Protect Audit parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/page" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/pageSize" - name: type in: query schema: type: string nullable: true enum: - alert.accepted - alert.rejected - alert.received - investigation.accepted - investigation.created - investigation.rejected - investigation.removed - investigation.file_downloaded - investigation.risk_assigned - investigation.record_removed - investigation.note_removed - investigation.assigned_to - investigation.status - idv.file_downloaded - idv.gdc_search - note.created - profile.created - profile.added - profile.updated - schedule.created - schedule.recharged - schedule.disabled - schedule.deleted - schedule.removed - schedule.updated - report.monitoring.requested - report.monitoring.submitted - report.monitoring.completed - report.monitoring.failed - name: newerThan in: query schema: type: string format: date-time nullable: true - name: olderThan in: query schema: type: string format: date-time nullable: true - name: profileId in: query schema: type: string format: guid nullable: true - name: order in: query schema: type: string nullable: false responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Protect.AuditDto" "400": description: Bad Request Response content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest" "401": description: Invalid Token response content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken" "403": description: Access Forbidden Response content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden" "404": description: 404 response content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/MODEL5bdbb3" post: operationId: exportAuditLogFile summary: Export Audit Log File description: Produces a collection a csv of Audit records. tags: - Protect Audit requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Protect.AuditExportRequestDto" required: true responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Protect.AuditsExportResponseDto" "400": description: Bad Request Response content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest" "401": description: Invalid Token response content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken" "403": description: Access Forbidden Response content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden" "404": description: 404 response content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/MODEL5bdbb3" /protect/batchUploads: post: tags: - Protect Batch Uploads operationId: batchUploadFile summary: Batch Upload File description: Endpoint to upload a file that generates multiple searches and investigations.

Note - file needs to be structured as per the template. requestBody: content: multipart/form-data: schema: required: - File properties: investigationType: type: string nullable: false enum: - business - individual x-schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/InvestigationType" File: type: string format: binary description: "Uploads a file to the server in `csv` format. Ensure the file follows the same format as the template. " nullable: true responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/BatchUpload" text/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/BatchUpload" "400": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" text/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" get: tags: - Protect Batch Uploads operationId: returnsBatchUploads summary: Returns Batch Uploads description: Returns all the Batch Uploads created by a user. parameters: - name: page in: query schema: type: integer format: int32 nullable: false - name: limit in: query schema: type: integer format: int32 nullable: false responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/BatchUpload" text/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/BatchUpload" "400": description: Bad Request Response content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest" "401": description: Invalid Token response content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken" "403": description: Access Forbidden Response content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden" "404": description: 404 response content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/MODEL5bdbb3" /protect/batchUploads/{batchUploadId}: get: tags: - Protect Batch Uploads operationId: returnsBatchUploadByID summary: Returns Batch Uploads by ID description: Will return the batch upload details of a specific file id. parameters: - name: batchUploadId in: path required: true schema: type: string format: guid nullable: false responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/BatchUpload" text/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/BatchUpload" "400": description: Bad Request Response content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest" "401": description: Invalid Token response content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken" "403": description: Access Forbidden Response content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden" "404": description: 404 response content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/MODEL5bdbb3" /protect/batchUploads/{batchUploadId}/errorFile: get: tags: - Protect Batch Uploads description: Provides a link to the file in error. operationId: returnsErrorFileLink summary: Returns Error File Link parameters: - name: batchUploadId in: path required: true schema: type: string format: guid nullable: false responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/FileDownloadResponse" text/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/FileDownloadResponse" "400": description: Bad Request Response content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest" "401": description: Invalid Token response content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken" "403": description: Access Forbidden Response content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden" "404": description: 404 response content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/MODEL5bdbb3" /protect/batchUploads/templates/{type}: get: tags: - Protect Batch Uploads operationId: returnsSelectedTemplateLink summary: Returns Selected Template Link description: Provides template for the file upload csv structure. parameters: - name: type in: path required: true schema: type: string description: "`template` returns a header list for the file upload." nullable: false enum: - template x-schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/BatchUploadFileType" x-schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/BatchUploadFileType" responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/FileDownloadResponse" text/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/FileDownloadResponse" "400": description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest" /localSolutions/GB/landRegistry/{companyId}: get: tags: - Land Registry operationId: gbLandRegistry summary: GB Land Registry description: Allows users to return Land Registry details of a company. parameters: - name: companyId in: path required: true description: A company Safe Number or Connect ID. schema: type: string - name: language in: query description: language the report is requested in. schema: pattern: ^[a-zA-Z]{2}$ type: string default: en - $ref: "#/components/parameters/page" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/pageSize" responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/CreditsafeLocalSolutionsGBLandRegistry" "400": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest" "401": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken" "403": description: "" content: application/json: schema: type: object example: message: Access forbidden "404": description: "" content: application/json: schema: type: object example: message: Company not found /localSolutions/GB/bankmatch: get: operationId: bankMatch summary: Bank Match tags: - Bank Match description: The Bank Verification tool allows customers to instantly verify that small and medium sized companies you are working with are providing correct bank details, to reduce fraud and avoid delays in your on boarding process. The bank data for these companies is provided to Creditsafe by various financial providers, including major banks. When you provide us with a company number and their bank details, we are able to perform instant checks to verify that those bank details are associated with that company and return -
Match – We have bank information on the company, and the data provided by the customer matches the company records
No Match – We have bank information on the company, but the data provided does not match any of the company records
Data Unavailable - We do not have bank information on the company. parameters: - name: checkType in: query description: Validation uses an algorithm to determine if a SCAN or IBAN exists, but does not let you know if that SCAN or IBAN actually belongs to the company who has provided it. Verification takes this a step further and checks the Creditsafe database for a match on the SCAN/IBAN, and tells you if the bank details actually belong to the company, so you can be assured that you are sending your money to the correct entity. required: true schema: enum: - Both - Validate - Verify - name: companyId in: query description: The connectId or safeNumber of the company to check against. required: true schema: type: string example: GB-0-X9999999 - name: sortCode in: query example: "089997" description: Sort Code to check - Must be passed in with Account Number to form a SCAN Result schema: type: string - name: accountNumber in: query description: Account Number to check - Must be passed in with Sort Code to form a SCAN Result schema: type: string example: 66374958 - name: iban in: query description: IBAN to check schema: type: string example: GB55TEST08999966374957 - name: vatNumber in: query description: VAT Number to check schema: type: string responses: "200": description: Indicates the check has been made successfully and contains the result of the Verification/Validation. A 200 response alone does not immediately indicate the bank account is valid, only that the check was made in the correct format. Check the SCAN text and IBAN text fields for the result of the Check. content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.BankMatch.Result" "400": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.BadRequest" "401": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.InvalidToken" /localSolutions/GB/bankVerification/search: post: operationId: bankVerificationSearch summary: Single Request tags: - Bank Verification description: This endpoint will perform a search with the supplied data against a bank or building society.

NOTE:- This endpoint will charge when a successful request is made to a bank or building society. This endpoint will charge when a result is returned. This includes charging if the no match is found.

All property fields need to be submitted with the request, if information for a specific property is not needed, it is required to pass an empty string. requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GBLocalSolutionBankVerificationSearchRequest' responses: '200': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GBLocalSolutionBankVerificationSearchResponse' '400': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' /localSolutions/GB/bankVerification/validate/{id}: post: operationId: BankVerificationValidate tags: - Bank Verification summary: Validate Bank Verification Request description: This endpoint will return whether the sort code and bank account number match the sort code and bank account number that was provided for the given single request.

Note:- A valid request requires all fields to exist in the request. parameters: - name: id in: path schema: type: string description: request id to fetch details required: true requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: object required: - bankAccount - sortCode properties: bankAccount: type: string description: The bank account number you would like to check matches the bank account number you queried with the the supplier when making the request with request-id sortCode: type: string description: The sort code you would like to check matches the sort code you queried with the the supplier when making the request with request-id responses: '200': description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: isValid: type: boolean description: The result of this endpoint is not a match result and is not indicative of whether the suppliers result. As such:-
This endpoint can return isValid as true for a No Match result.
This endpoint can return isValid as false for a Match result. '400': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' /localSolutions/GB/bankVerification/history/{id}: get: tags: - Bank Verification summary: Returns Request History By ID description: This endpoint will return details of a past request by id. operationId: BankVerificationGetHistoryById parameters: - name: id in: path schema: type: string description: request id to fetch details required: true responses: '200': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GBLocalSolutionGetHistoryRequestResponse' '400': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' /localSolutions/GB/bankVerification/history/{id}/reference: patch: tags: - Bank Verification summary: Update CustomerReference by HistoryId description: This endpoint will update the stored customerReference field of a past request with the provided ID. operationId: BankVerificationUpdateHistory parameters: - name: id in: path schema: type: string description: The id of the history record required: true requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GBLocalSolutionCPHistoryRequestByIdRequest' responses: '204': description: No Content '400': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' /localSolutions/GB/bankVerification/history: get: tags: - Bank Verification summary: Requests Search History description: Bank Verification History list Request

Note:- All property fields need to be submitted with the request, if information for a specific property is not needed, it is required to pass an empty string. operationId: bankVerificationGetHistoryList parameters: - name: searchByCustomer in: query required: true description: A value of false will only search records for your account. If your account manager has configured your account to be able to view other users records within your company, a value of true will search all records made by all accounts within your company. schema: type: boolean - name: customerName in: query description: Name of the customer returned by the supplier. schema: type: string - name: matchResult in: query description: Whether a match or not a match returned by the supplier. Values are 'Full', 'Close' and 'No Match'. schema: type: string - name: dateFrom in: query description: Start date for filtering the results list by. schema: type: string - name: dateTo in: query description: End date for filtering the results list by. schema: type: string - name: accountType in: query description: Type of account queried with the the supplier. Values are 'Business' and 'Personal'. schema: type: string - name: customerReference in: query description: Your Customer reference. schema: type: string responses: '200': description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GBLocalSolutionGetHistoryListResponse' '400': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' /localSolutions/GB/identitysearch: post: tags: - GB Consumers and AML operationId: submitsAGBConsumerOrAmlSearch summary: Submits a GB Consumer or AML Search description: Submits a GB Consumer or AML depending on the Product provided. Validates criteria for each individual search before submitting, and may return a list of error strings instead. requestBody: $ref: "#/components/requestBodies/Identity" responses: "200": description: Success content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.ConsumerSearchResult" - $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.MultiBureauAmlSearchResult" - $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.AmlSearchResult" "400": description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.BasicResponse" "401": description: Invalid Token content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.InvalidToken" "403": description: Access Forbidden content: application/json: schema: type: object example: message: Access forbidden "500": description: Server Error content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.BasicResponse" put: tags: - GB Consumers and AML operationId: resolvesAPicklistAgainstAGivenUniqueId summary: Resolves a picklist against a given UniqueId description: Resolves a picklist belonging to the specified UniqueID, which would have been generated during a prior search. Guids (and thus cached searches) expire after fifteen minutes. parameters: - name: resolved in: query schema: type: array items: type: string nullable: true requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: object responses: "200": description: Success content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.SearchResult" "400": description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.BasicResponse" /localSolutions/GB/identitysearch/history/{uniqueId}/input: get: tags: - GB Consumers and AML description: This will return the input criteria used in a search for a specified id. operationId: retrievesAPriorIdentitySearch'sInput summary: Retrieves a prior identitysearch's input parameters: - name: uniqueId in: path required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": description: Success content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.SearchResult" "400": description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.InputResponse" /localSolutions/GB/identitysearch/history/{uniqueId}: get: tags: - GB Consumers and AML operationId: retrievesAPriorIdentitySearchResult summary: Retrieves a prior identitysearch result. description: Retrieves a prior search result. This will include the search input and any ID/AML searches, but as we cannot hold Consumer search results these are not included. Resubmission is necessary if an updated Consumer result is needed. parameters: - name: uniqueId in: path required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": description: Success content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.SearchResult" "400": description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.BasicResponse" /localSolutions/GB/identitysearch/searchreasons: get: tags: - GB Consumers and AML summary: Gets identitysearch Reasons. description: Returns an object describing which Reasons for Search are available and which are selected by a given customer. All reasons are always listed, with selected reasons specified as true. responses: "200": description: Success content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.ReasonResponse" "400": description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.BasicResponse" /localSolutions/GB/identitysearch/history: get: tags: - GB Consumers and AML summary: Gets a list of identitysearch history items description: Retrieves a paginated history list for the specified customer/user, filtered based on the include* parameters. parameters: - name: page in: query description: The 1-indexed page number to fetch schema: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true - name: pageSize in: query description: The page size number to fetch schema: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true - name: IncludeCustomer in: query description: If true, returns all results for this customer. Valid for senior users only. schema: type: boolean - name: Products in: query description: |- The array of products to include **Below is a list of Definitions for the ENUM** * 0 - Consumer * 1 - Id * 2 - AML * 3 - Bank Match * 4 - AML with Bank Match schema: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.Product" nullable: true - name: DateFrom in: query description: The earliest date to include schema: type: string format: date-time nullable: true - name: DateTo in: query description: The latest date to include schema: type: string format: date-time nullable: true - name: Keyword in: query description: Include this string schema: type: string nullable: true - name: Result in: query description: Return only items with this result schema: type: string nullable: true responses: "200": description: Success content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.HistoryListResponse" "400": description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.BasicResponse" /localSolutions/GB/identitysearch/history/{uniqueId}/reference: put: tags: - GB Consumers and AML description: Allows you to set a reference for an existing history item. This is useful for storing a reference to the record in your own system. operationId: setsTheReferenceForAnExistingHistoryItem summary: Sets the reference for an existing history item parameters: - name: uniqueId in: path description: The ID of the record to update required: true schema: type: string requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: string required: true responses: "200": description: Success content: application/json: schema: type: string "400": description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.BasicResponse" "500": description: Server Error content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.BasicResponse" /localSolutions/GB/identitysearch/revalidation/{uniqueId}: put: tags: - GB Consumers and AML description: Revalidate's a given identitysearch with additional documents. operationId: revalidateAGivenIdentitysearchWithAdditionalDocuments summary: Revalidate a given identitysearch with additional documents parameters: - name: uniqueId in: path description: The ID of the record to update required: true schema: type: string requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.RevalidateRequest" required: true responses: "200": description: Success content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.SearchResult" "400": description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.BasicResponse" "500": description: Server Error content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.BasicResponse" /localSolutions/GB/CCDS/{companyId}: get: operationId: financeAgreements summary: Finance Agreements tags: - Finance Agreements description: This tool provides a detailed view of data supplied via the CCDS scheme(Commercial Credit Data Sharing ). It's tailored for users needing immediate access to current and accurate financial agreement information, enhancing decision-making with up-to-date data insights.

**1. Full CCDS Access** - Gain in-depth insights with access to up to 48 months of historical data on current accounts, loans, and credit card facilities. This tool is perfect for comprehensive long-term financial analysis, offering a thorough understanding of credit history and trends.

**2. Financial Footprint** - Get a summarized view of non performance related credit activity data. This tool simplifies the complex data into an easily understandable summary, ideal for quick assessments and initial screenings.

**3. Finance Performance Indicator** - A predictive tool that evaluates the likelihood of a company defaulting on payments within the next 90 days. This tool is crucial for risk assessment and mitigation, offering foresight and preparation for potential financial challenges. parameters: - name: companyId in: path description: The connectId or safeNumber of the company required: true schema: type: string example: GB-0-X9999999 responses: "200": description: Successful response content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.footprintDataFinance" - $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.footprintIndicatorData" - $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.indicatorData" - $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.fullFinanceData" "400": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.BadRequest" "401": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.InvalidToken" /localSolutions/US/searchSupport: post: operationId: createFreshinvestigationForUsCountry summary: US Fresh Investigation Request tags: - US Search Support description: Places an order for a Fresh Investigation (Offline Report). Providing as much detail as possible about the Company, our team will use official sources and registries to quickly answer questions about a company's stability and financial health. Fresh Investigations take 5.5 days on average to complete. By adding `consent:true` to the request, you are allowing Creditsafe to disclose your company details to the company you have requested the Investigation against, to be used only in the aim of improving our Investigation report. parameters: - name: operationType in: query example: searchSupport description: type of check schema: type: string enum: - searchSupport requestBody: content: multipart/form-data: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectUSLocalSolutionsFreshInvCreateInvestigationFormData' application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectUSLocalSolutionsFreshInvCreateInvestigation' responses: '200': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CreditsafeUSLocalFIResponse' '400': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' /localSolutions/FR/bankmatch: get: tags: - FR Bank Match description: | This endpoint can be used to check the reliability of a company/bank details combination, and ensure that the IBAN is not linked to a risk of fraud.

**NOTE** - There are a set of 'required' parameters for this endpoint, however please note the exceptions in the `countryCode` description. operationId: frBankmatch summary: Bank Match parameters: - name: registrationId in: query required: true description: registrationId of company schema: type: string - name: countryCode in: query required: true description: | Country codes in iso-2 format
The following counties do **NOT** support the `iban` parameter -
`AU`, `CA`,`CN`, `HK`, `IN`,`JP`,`KR`,`MX`, `MY`, `SG`, `US`, `ZA`

Please see the following link for required parameters on these countries:
Unsupported Country parameter requirements schema: type: string - name: bban in: query description: Bank Account Number for countries where IBAN format doesn't support schema: type: string - name: iban in: query required: true description: Bank Account details in IBAN format schema: type: string - name: bic in: query description: Business/Bank Identifier Code to identify the bank/branch holding the account along with BBAN schema: type: string - name: routingCode in: query description: Routing Code to identify the bank/branch holding the account along with BBAN schema: type: string responses: '200': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/LocalSolutionsFRBankMatch' '400': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' /localSolutions/FR/bankmatch/audition: get: tags: - FR Bank Match description: This endpoint is used to check the status of a verification whose status is ‘pending’. operationId: frBankmatchStatus summary: Bank Match Status parameters: - name: audition_id in: query description: identifier to check status schema: type: string required: true responses: '200': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/LocalSolutionsFRBankMatch' '400': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' /localSolutions/NL/extract/{kvkNumber}: get: operationId: ExtractNLKvkNumber summary: Return NL Extract tags: - NL KVK description: NL extract from KVK Number parameters: - name: kvkNumber in: path schema: type: string description: kvkNumber to fetch details required: true responses: '200': description: 'success and returns html text' content: text/html: schema: type: string '400': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: 'Forbidden' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' /companies/schema/{countryCode}: get: operationId: reportSchema summary: Report Schema tags: - Misc description: Returns the Company Report JSON schema of the provided country. Largely redundant as the Company Report 200 response is defined as a superset of all country's JSON schemas and can be used for any country. parameters: - name: section in: query description: Use CompanyReportResponse for the Company Credit Report JSON schema, DirectorReportResponse for the Director Report JSON schema. schema: type: string enum: - CompanyReportResponse - DirectorReportResponse - name: template in: query description: For Templated Company Report JSON Schemas schema: type: string - name: countryCode in: path description: ISO2 / Alpha 2 Country Code required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: type: object "401": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.InvalidToken" /reportcustomdata/{country}: get: tags: - Misc description: Returns the allowed values of the customData parameter, used in the GET Company Report and Director Report endpoints. I.e. Supplying `DE` as a country code will return a list of reasons for requesting a DE Credit Report (a legal requirement to supply with each Credit Report request in Germany). This will provide a list of allowedValues to enter into the mandatory Parameter `customData` = `de_reason_code::allowedValue`. operationId: customReportParameters summary: Custom Report Parameters parameters: - name: country in: path description: An ISO/Alpha-2 country code to display any special mandatory parameters when ordering a Credit Report in that territory. required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: type: object example: customData: - key: de_reason_code optional: false allowedValues: - "1" - "2" - "3" - "4" - "5" - "6" - "7" - "8" description: - "DE report retrieval reason code:" - 1 - Credit Decision' - 2 - Credit Assessment - Future business connection (with credit risk) - 3 - Credit Assessment - Existing business connection (with credit risk) - 4 - Realisation check receivables collection - 5 - Purchase Contract - Intention of signature of purchase contract (with credit risk) - 6 - Goods Credit Insurance (with credit risk) - 7 - Contract - Intention of signature of leasing or rent contract (with credit risk) - 8 - Insurance Contract - Intention of signature of a insurance contract (with credit risk) country: DE "400": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.BadRequest" "401": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ErrorResponses.InvalidToken" /dataCleaning/jobs: post: tags: - DC Create and View All Jobs operationId: createJob summary: Create Job Request description: Enter a name for the 'Job Request' to be associated to the file going to be processed. requestBody: content: application:json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectDataCleaningCreateJobRequest" example: name: Create a Data Cleaning Job 03-10-20xx required: true responses: "200": description: Successful Response content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectDataCleaningJob" "400": description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest" "401": description: Invalid Token content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken" "403": description: Access Forbidden content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden" get: tags: - DC Create and View All Jobs operationId: getAllJobs summary: Returns all Data Cleaning Jobs description: This endpoint can be used to retrieve all created data cleaning job requests as defined by the query parameters. parameters: - name: countries description: Comma separated list of ISO/Alpha-2 country codes to filter the results by. in: query required: false schema: type: string - name: status description: "Returns the individual jobs by status. Possible values are: `pending`, `processing`, `completed`, `failed`." in: query required: false schema: type: string - name: jobName description: Returns the individual jobs by name. in: query required: false schema: type: string - name: fromDate description: Returns the individual jobs created after the specified date. in: query required: false schema: type: integer format: date-time - name: customerId description: Returns the individual jobs by customer id. in: query required: false schema: type: integer - name: toDate description: Returns the individual jobs created before the specified date. in: query required: false schema: type: integer format: date-time - name: userId description: Returns the individual jobs by user id. in: query required: false schema: type: integer - name: pageSize description: Returns the number of individual jobs per page. in: query required: false schema: type: integer - name: companyName description: Returns the individual jobs by company name. in: query required: false schema: type: string - name: page description: Returns the page number of the individual jobs. in: query required: false schema: type: integer - name: archived description: Returns the individual jobs by archived status. in: query required: false schema: type: boolean responses: "200": description: 200 response content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ArrayOfConnectDataCleaningJob" "400": description: 400 Bad Request Response content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest" "401": description: 401 Invalid Token response content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken" "403": description: 403 Access Forbidden response content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden" /dataCleaning/jobs/{id}: get: tags: - DC Individual Job Management operationId: getJobByIdNumber summary: Returns Job by {id} number description: Returns Job by {id} number which is generated from 'Creating Job Request' stage. This endpoint is used to check the `status` of the job. parameters: - name: id in: path required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": description: Successful Response content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectDataCleaningJob" "400": description: Bad Request Response content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest" "401": description: Invalid Token Response content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken" "403": description: Access Forbidden Response content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden" "404": description: 404 response content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/MODEL5b4b1c" /dataCleaning/jobs/{id}/upload: post: tags: - DC Individual Job Management operationId: jobFileUploadWithId summary: Upload a Job File with an {id} description: Upload a Job File for processing, you need to link to the {id} number generated from the 'Job Request'. parameters: - name: id description: The {id} number generated from the 'Job Request'. in: path required: true schema: type: string requestBody: content: multipart/form-data: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/MODEL28cf8d" responses: "200": description: Successful Response content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectDataCleaningUploadResponse" "400": description: Bad Request Response content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest" "401": description: Invalid Token Response content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken" "403": description: Access Forbidden Response content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden" "404": description: 404 response content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/MODEL8790cc" /dataCleaning/jobs/{id}/mappings: put: tags: - DC Individual Job Management operationId: jobUpdateMappings summary: Update Mappings Request description: Update the mapping of the uploaded file to match that of the header within it. You can add or remove the required number of mapping points in the Request Body. parameters: - name: id in: path required: true schema: type: string requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectDataCleaningUpdateMappingsRequest" responses: "200": description: 200 response content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectDataCleaningMappingResponse" "400": description: 400 response content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest" "401": description: 401 response content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken" "403": description: 403 response content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden" "404": description: 404 response content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/MODEL4f561c" /dataCleaning/jobs/{id}/submit: post: tags: - DC Individual Job Management operationId: submitJobRequest summary: Submit Job Request description: Submission of the file after mappings have been carried out. To have a successful submission a blank response body (See example) is required to be posted. parameters: - name: id in: path required: true schema: type: string requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectDataCleaningSubmitJobRequest" responses: "200": description: 200 response content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectDataCleaningResponse" example: messageId: string "400": description: 400 response content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest" "401": description: 401 response content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken" "403": description: 403 response content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden" "404": description: 404 response content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/MODEL7c8060" /dataCleaning/jobs/{id}/enrichments: put: tags: - DC Individual Job Management operationId: updateJobEnrichments summary: Update Enrichments Request description: Detail which package of enrichment settings are to be applied to the uploaded file.

Select one of the three creditTypes to acquire the JSON Enrichment tag schema possible for that product.

Removal of Enrichment tags is possible from each creditType. Addition of Enrichment tags to a creditType is not possible beyond the maximum schema for each. parameters: - name: id in: path required: true schema: type: string requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/basic" - $ref: "#/components/schemas/basicPlus" - $ref: "#/components/schemas/standard" responses: "200": description: Successful Response content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectDataCleaningResponse" example: enrichments: - enrichment: Tag Name from request body "400": description: Bad Request Response content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest" "401": description: Invalid Token Response content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken" "403": description: Access Forbidden Response content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden" "404": description: 404 response content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/MODELcf4983" /dataCleaning/jobs/{id}/enrich: post: tags: - DC Individual Job Management operationId: dataCleaningJobEnrich summary: Start Enrichment Request description: Commencing the Job enrichment to the uploaded file after mapping the enrichment requirements. To have a successful submission a blank response body (See example) is required to be posted.

POST 'enrich' will not commence unless the `Job Status` is `jobMatchingComplete`.

Use the GET/dataCleaning/jobs/{id} to check Status of job. parameters: - name: id in: path required: true schema: type: string requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectDataCleaningEnrichRequest" responses: "200": description: Successful Response content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ArrayOfConnectDataCleaningResponse" "400": description: Bad Request Response content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest" "401": description: Invalid Token response content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken" "403": description: Access Forbidden Response content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden" "404": description: 404 response content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/MODEL5bdbb3" /dataCleaning/jobs/{id}/enrichedFile: get: tags: - DC Individual Job Management operationId: returnsEnrichedJobFile summary: Returns Enriched Job File description: Returns the enriched file after enrichment is complete. Identify the file type to be returned via the query parameter. parameters: - name: fileType in: query required: false schema: type: string example: csv - name: id in: path required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": description: 200 response content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectDataCleaningResponse" example: correlationId: string filePath: string "400": description: 400 response content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest" "401": description: 401 response content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken" "403": description: 403 response content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden" "404": description: 404 response content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/MODELf6df8e" /dataCleaning/jobs/{id}/archive: post: tags: - DC Individual Job Management operationId: archiveJob summary: Archive Job by id description: Archives the job, this can be done at any stage. To have a successful submission a blank response body (See example) is required to be posted. parameters: - name: id in: path required: true schema: type: string requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectDataCleaningArchiveJobRequest" responses: "200": description: 200 response content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectDataCleaningArchiveResponse" "400": description: 400 response content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest" "401": description: 401 response content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken" "403": description: 403 response content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden" "404": description: 404 response content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/MODELcebf3b" /compliance/kyc-protect/profiles: post: tags: - KYC Profile Management description: Uses the name and type provided by the user to create a profile. summary: Create Profile operationId: KYCProtectCreateProfile requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/KycProtectPostProfilesRequest' responses: '201': description: 'Created' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/KycProtectProfileCreatedResponse' '409': description: 'Conflict' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/KycProtectProfileConflictResponse' '400': description: 'Bad Request' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: 'Unauthorized' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: 'Forbidden' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' get: tags: - KYC Profile Management description: Returns a list of profiles ordered by modified date. summary: Return Created Profiles operationId: "ComplianceProtectGetKYCProfiles" parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/page' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/pageSizeKyc' - name: searchTerm in: query description: A search term to filter by. The search term will be matched against names, and internal ids containing the search term. schema: type: string - name: assignees in: query description: The ids of assigned users to filter by. schema: type: integer format: int32 - name: kycReviewAfter in: query description: Filters results based on profiles with a kyc review date after this date. schema: type: string format: date - name: kycReviewBefore in: query description: Filters results based on profiles with a kyc review date after this date. schema: type: string format: date - name: riskRatings in: query description: 'The risk ratings to filter by. Available values: notApplicable, veryLow, low, medium, high, veryHigh' schema: type: array items: type: string - name: sortOrder in: query description: 'The order in which the items should be sorted. Available values: asc, desc' schema: type: string - name: sortBy in: query description: 'The field by which the items should be sorted. Available values: modifiedAt, name' schema: type: string responses: '200': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GetKYCProfiles' '400': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' delete: tags: - KYC Profile Management description: Deletes list of profiles.
This will delete all its dependencies/child items associated to that profileId. summary: Delete All Profiles operationId: complianceProtectDeleteKYCProfiles requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/DeleteKYCProfiles' responses: '204': description: No Content content: application/json: schema: type: boolean '400': description: 'Bad Request' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: 'Invalid Token' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: 'Access Forbidden' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' '404': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesResourceNotFoundRequest' /compliance/kyc-protect/profiles/{profileId}: get: tags: - KYC Profile Management description: Returns a single profile by id. summary: Return Profile By Profile Id operationId: ProtectGetKYCProfilesByProfileId parameters: - name: profileId in: path description: >- Id of a profile. required: true example: 9a7ae0c8-f473-4ab6-8dbb-03fc061630cc schema: type: string responses: '200': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GetKYCProfileByProfileId' '400': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' "404": description: "404 response" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesResourceNotFoundRequest" delete: tags: - KYC Profile Management description: Deletes a single profile by id. summary: Delete Profile By Profile Id operationId: ProtectDeleteKYCProfilesById parameters: - name: profileId in: path description: >- Id of a profile. required: true example: 9a7ae0c8-f473-4ab6-8dbb-03fc061630cc schema: type: string responses: '204': description: No Content '400': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' '404': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesResourceNotFoundRequest' put: tags: - KYC Profile Updates description: Updates a single profile by profile Id. operationId: ProtectUpdatesKYCProfileById summary: Update Profile By Profile Id requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UpdateKYCProfileByProfileIdRequest' parameters: - name: profileId in: path description: >- Id of a profile. required: true example: 9a7ae0c8-f473-4ab6-8dbb-03fc061630cc schema: type: string responses: '200': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UpdateKYCProfileByProfileId' '400': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' '404': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesResourceNotFoundRequest' '409': description: Conflict content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/KycProtectProfileConflictResponse' /compliance/kyc-protect/profiles/types: get: tags: - KYC Administrator Resources description: Returns all the profile Types operationId: ProtectGetKYCProfileTypes summary: Return Profile Types responses: '200': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GetKYCProfileTypes' '400': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' /compliance/kyc-protect/profiles/assign: put: tags: - KYC Profile Management description: Assign a profile to a user operationId: ProtectAssignProfiles summary: Assign Profile To User parameters: - name: profileId in: query description: Id of the profile being assigned to a user required: true schema: type: string - name: userId in: query description: User Id to assign the Profile to schema: type: string responses: '200': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PutKYCProfileAssign' '400': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' '404': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesResourceNotFoundRequest' /compliance/kyc-protect/profiles/{profileId}/notes: post: tags: - KYC Profile Updates description: Adds a note to a profile then Returns the details of the added note. operationId: ProtectPOSTKYCProfileNotes summary: Create Profile Note parameters: - name: profileId in: path description: >- Id of a profile. required: true example: 9a7ae0c8-f473-4ab6-8dbb-03fc061630cc schema: type: string requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PostKYCProfileNotesRequest' responses: '201': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PostKYCProfileNotes' '400': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' '404': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesResourceNotFoundRequest' '409': description: Conflict content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/KycProtectProfileConflictResponse' get: tags: - KYC Profile Updates description: Returns a list of profile notes for the given profile id. operationId: ProtectGETKYCProfileNotes summary: Return Profile Notes parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/page' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/pageSizeKyc' - name: profileId in: path description: >- Id of a profile. required: true example: 9a7ae0c8-f473-4ab6-8dbb-03fc061630cc schema: type: string - name: searchTerm in: query description: >- Filters the note list by notes with body containing the provided string schema: type: string - name: isArchived in: query description: >- Get archived notes based on this flag. Allowed values are true, false or null schema: type: boolean nullable: true responses: '200': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GetKYCProtectProfileIdNotesResponse' '400': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' '404': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesResourceNotFoundRequest' /compliance/kyc-protect/profiles/{profileId}/notes/{noteId}: get: tags: - KYC Profile Updates description: Returns a profile note based on profile id and note id. operationId: ProtectGETKYCProfileNotesByNoteId summary: Return Profile Notes By Note Id parameters: - name: profileId in: path description: >- Id of a profile. required: true example: 9a7ae0c8-f473-4ab6-8dbb-03fc061630cc schema: type: string - name: noteId in: path description: >- Id of a note. required: true example: 047ae398-7639-40af-911e-cc214cf3045c schema: type: string responses: '200': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GetKYCProtectProfileIdNoteIdResponse' '400': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' '404': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesResourceNotFoundRequest' put: tags: - KYC Profile Updates description: Updates a profile note based on profile id and note id. operationId: ProtectUpdateKYCProfileNotesByNoteId summary: Update Profile Note By Note Id parameters: - name: profileId in: path description: >- Id of a profile. required: true example: 9a7ae0c8-f473-4ab6-8dbb-03fc061630cc schema: type: string - name: noteId in: path description: >- Id of a note. required: true example: 047ae398-7639-40af-911e-cc214cf3045c schema: type: string requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PutKYCProfileNotesByNoteIdRequest' responses: '200': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PutKYCProfileNotesByNoteId" '400': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' '404': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesResourceNotFoundRequest' '409': description: Conflict content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/KycProtectProfileConflictResponse' delete: tags: - KYC Profile Updates description: Deletes a profile note based on profile id and note id. operationId: ProtectDELETEKYCProfileIdByNoteId summary: Deletes Profile Note By Note Id parameters: - name: profileId in: path description: >- Id of a profile. required: true example: 9a7ae0c8-f473-4ab6-8dbb-03fc061630cc schema: type: string - name: noteId in: path description: >- Id of a note. required: true example: 047ae398-7639-40af-911e-cc214cf3045c schema: type: string responses: '204': description: No Content '400': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' '404': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesResourceNotFoundRequest' /compliance/kyc-protect/profiles/{profileId}/details: get: tags: - KYC Profile Business / Individual Details description: Fetches details of a profile by profile Id. operationId: ProtectGETKYCProfileDetails summary: Return Profile Details parameters: - name: profileId in: path description: >- Id of a profile. required: true example: 9a7ae0c8-f473-4ab6-8dbb-03fc061630cc schema: type: string responses: '200': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GetKYCProfileDetailsByProfileId' '400': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' '404': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesResourceNotFoundRequest' put: tags: - KYC Profile Business / Individual Details description: Updates the details of profile by the profileId. operationId: ProtectPUTKYCProfileDetails summary: Update Profile Details parameters: - name: profileId in: path description: >- Id of a profile. required: true example: 9a7ae0c8-f473-4ab6-8dbb-03fc061630cc schema: type: string requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PutKYCProfileDetailsByProfileIdRequest' responses: '200': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PutKYCProfileDetailsByProfileId" '400': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' '404': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesResourceNotFoundRequest' /compliance/kyc-protect/profiles/{profileId}/details/addresses: post: tags: - KYC Profile Business / Individual Details description: Creates an address for the given profileId. Returns the created address information. operationId: KYCProtectCreatesAnAddressForTheUser summary: Creates An Address For Profile parameters: - name: profileId in: path description: id of the profile required: true schema: type: string format: uuid requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: object required: - type - description properties: type: type: string description: The type of the address. enum: - registered - trading - other nullable: true buildingDetails: type: string description: "The building details of the address being created. Must have a maximum length of 250 characters." nullable: true street: type: string description: "The street of the address being created. Must have a maximum length of 250 characters." nullable: true city: type: string description: "The city of the address being created. Must have a maximum length of 250 characters." nullable: true region: type: string description: "The region of the address being created. Must have a maximum length of 250 characters." nullable: true postalCode: type: string description: "The postal code of the address being created. Must have a maximum length of 50 characters." nullable: true countryCode: type: string description: Two-letter ISO-3166-2 country code nullable: true description: type: string description: "The description of the address being created. Must have a maximum length of 250 characters" nullable: true responses: '201': description: 'Created' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/KycProtectProfileAddressResponse' '409': description: 'Conflict' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/KycProtectProfileConflictResponse' '400': description: 'Bad Request' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: 'Unauthorized' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: 'Forbidden' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' get: tags: - KYC Profile Business / Individual Details description: Returns list of addresses for the current logged in user based on profileId. operationId: KYCProtectGetsListOfAddresses summary: Return Lists Of Addresses parameters: - name: profileId in: path description: id of the profile required: true schema: type: string format: uuid responses: '200': description: 'Success' content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/KycProtectProfileGetDetailsAddressResponse' '400': description: 'Bad Request' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: 'Unauthorized' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: 'Forbidden' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' '404': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesResourceNotFoundRequest' /compliance/kyc-protect/profiles/{profileId}/details/addresses/{addressId}: get: tags: - KYC Profile Business / Individual Details description: Returns the address by profile Id and address Id. operationId: ProtectGETKYCProfileAddressDetailsByProfileIdAndAddressId summary: Return Profile Address Details By Profile And Address Id parameters: - name: profileId in: path description: >- Id of a profile. required: true example: 9a7ae0c8-f473-4ab6-8dbb-03fc061630cc schema: type: string format: uuid - name: addressId in: path description: >- Id of a user address. required: true example: 9a7ae0c8-f473-4ab6-8dbb-03fc061630cc schema: type: string format: uuid responses: '200': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GetKYCAddressDetailsByTheGivenAddressIdForTheSuppliedProfileIdUser' '400': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' '404': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesResourceNotFoundRequest' put: tags: - KYC Profile Business / Individual Details description: Update Profile Address Details By Profile Id And Address Id operationId: ProtectPUTKYCProfileAddressDetailsByProfileIdAndAddressId summary: Update Profile Address Details By Profile Id And Address Id parameters: - name: profileId in: path description: >- Id of a profile. required: true example: 9a7ae0c8-f473-4ab6-8dbb-03fc061630cc schema: type: string format: uuid - name: addressId in: path description: >- Id of a user address. required: true example: 9a7ae0c8-f473-4ab6-8dbb-03fc061630cc schema: type: string format: uuid requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UpdateKYCAddressDetailsByTheGivenAddressIdForTheSuppliedProfileIdUserRequest' responses: '200': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PutKYCAddressDetailsByTheGivenAddressIdForTheSuppliedProfileIdUser' '400': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' '404': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesResourceNotFoundRequest' '409': description: Conflict content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/KycProtectProfileConflictResponse' delete: tags: - KYC Profile Business / Individual Details description: Deletes the address by profile Id and address id. operationId: ProtectDELETEKYCProfileAddressDetailsByProfileIdAndAddressId summary: Delete Profile Address Details By Profile Id And Address Id parameters: - name: profileId in: path description: >- Id of a profile. required: true example: 9a7ae0c8-f473-4ab6-8dbb-03fc061630cc schema: type: string format: uuid - name: addressId in: path description: >- Id of a addressId. required: true example: 9a7ae0c8-f473-4ab6-8dbb-03fc061630cc schema: type: string format: uuid responses: '204': description: No Content '400': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' '404': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesResourceNotFoundRequest' /compliance/kyc-protect/profiles/{profileId}/keyparties: post: tags: - KYC Profile Key Parties summary: Creates A Key Party Folder Linked To The Profile Id description: Uses the details provided by the user to create key parties. Returns the created key parties information. operationId: compliancepostkyckeypartiesbyprofileid parameters: - name: profileId in: path description: id of the profile required: true schema: type: string format: uuid requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PostKYCKeypartiesByProfileIdRequest' responses: '201': description: Success content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: failed: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PostKYCKeypartiesByProfileIdFailedResponse' successful: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PostKYCKeypartiesByProfileIdResponse' '400': description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: Forbidden content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' '409': description: Conflict content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/KycProtectProfileConflictResponse' '404': description: Not Found content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesResourceNotFoundRequest' get: tags: - KYC Profile Key Parties summary: Return All Key Party Records Linked To A Profile description: This endpoint will return all created Key Party folders linked to the profile id. operationId: compliancegetkyckeypartiesbyprofileid parameters: - name: profileId in: path description: Id of the profile required: true schema: type: string format: uuid - name: entityType in: query description: Entity type of the key party. Available values are individual, business. schema: type: string - name: keyPartyTypes in: query description: Type of the key party. Available values are director, shareholder and ubo. schema: type: string - $ref: '#/components/parameters/page' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/pageSizeKyc' responses: '200': description: Success content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GetKeyPartiesResponseByProfileId' '400': description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: Forbidden content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' '404': description: Not Found content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesResourceNotFoundRequest' put: tags: - KYC Profile Key Parties summary: Update A Batch Of Key Parties description: Updates a batch of key parties operationId: complianceputkyckeypartiesbyprofileid parameters: - name: profileId in: path description: id of the profile required: true schema: type: string format: uuid requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PutKYCKeypartiesByProfileIdRequest' responses: '200': description: Success content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: failed: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PutKYCKeypartiesByProfileIdFailedResponse' successful: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PostKYCKeypartiesByProfileIdResponse' '400': description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: Forbidden content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' '404': description: Not Found content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesResourceNotFoundRequest' delete: tags: - KYC Profile Key Parties summary: Delete a batch of key parties description: Delete a selection of key parties from a specific profile. operationId: compliancedeletekyckeypartiesbyprofileid parameters: - name: profileId in: path description: Id of the profile required: true schema: type: string format: uuid requestBody: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: keyPartyIds: type: array items: type: string format: uuid responses: '200': description: Success content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/DeleteKeyPartiesResponseByProfileId' '400': description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: Forbidden content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' '404': description: Not Found content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesResourceNotFoundRequest' /compliance/kyc-protect/profiles/{profileId}/keyparties/searches: get: tags: - KYC Profile Key Parties summary: Return All Key Party Searches description: Get profile key party searches for the user. operationId: compliancegetkyckeypartiessearches parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/page' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/pageSizeKyc' - name: profileId in: path description: id of the profile required: true schema: type: string format: uuid - name: type in: query description: 'type of searches. Available values: individual, business' schema: type: string - name: keyPartyTypes in: query description: 'keyparty types. Available values: director, shareHolder, ubo' schema: type: string - name: isScheduled in: query description: schedule check. schema: type: boolean responses: '200': description: Success content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GetKeyPartySearchResponse' '400': description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: Forbidden content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' delete: tags: - KYC Profile Key Parties summary: Deletes A Batch Of Key Party Searches description: Delete a batch of key parties searches operationId: compliancedeletekyckeypartiessearches parameters: - name: profileId in: path description: id of the profile required: true schema: type: string format: uuid requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/DeleteKeyPartySearchContractRequest' responses: '200': description: Success content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/DeleteKeyPartySearchContractResponse' '400': description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: Forbidden content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' /compliance/kyc-protect/profiles/{profileId}/keyparties/searches/bulk: post: tags: - KYC Profile Key Parties summary: Request Multiple Searches Linked To A Key Party Asynchronously description: Request multiple searches to be performed and linked to a key party asynchronously operationId: compliancepostkyckeypartiessearchesbulkbyprofileid parameters: - name: profileId in: path description: id of the profile required: true schema: type: string format: uuid requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: items: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AddKeyPartySearchContract' description: The Request Items collection nullable: true responses: '202': description: Accepted '400': description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: Forbidden content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' '404': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesResourceNotFoundRequest' /compliance/kyc-protect/profiles/{profileId}/keyparties/searches/link: post: tags: - KYC Profile Key Parties summary: Links Searches To Key Parties description: Add searches link to key parties for the current logged in user. operationId: compliancepostkyckeypartiessearcheslinkbyprofileid parameters: - name: profileId in: path description: id of the profile required: true schema: type: string format: uuid requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: items: type: array items: type: object properties: keyPartyId: type: string description: Id of the key party to link to the search nullable: true searchId: type: string description: Id of the search to link to the key party nullable: true responses: '201': description: Created content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PostKYCKeypartiesSearchesLinkByProfileIdResponse' '400': description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: Forbidden content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' '409': description: Conflict content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/KycProtectProfileConflictResponse' '404': description: Not Found content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesResourceNotFoundRequest' /compliance/kyc-protect/profiles/{profileId}/keyparties/{keyPartyId}: put: tags: - KYC Profile Key Parties summary: Updates The Key Party By Profile Id and Key Party Id description: Updates a key party on a profile by Id. Returns the updated key party data. operationId: complianceprotectputkycprofileskeypartiesbyprofileidandkeypartyid parameters: - name: profileId in: path description: id of the profile required: true schema: type: string format: uuid - name: keyPartyId in: path description: id of the keyParty required: true schema: type: string format: uuid requestBody: description: Modified key party content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UpdateKeyPartyById' responses: '200': description: Success content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/KeyPartyByIdReturn' '400': description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: Forbidden content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' '404': description: Not Found content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesResourceNotFoundRequest' delete: tags: - KYC Profile Key Parties summary: Deletes a Key PArty By Key Party Id description: Delete a key party by Id. operationId: complianceprotectdeletekycprofileskeypartiesbyprofileidandkeypartyid parameters: - name: profileId in: path description: id of the profile required: true schema: type: string format: uuid - name: keyPartyId in: path description: id of the keyParty required: true schema: type: string format: uuid responses: '204': description: No Content content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/DeleteKeyPartyByIdNoContent' '400': description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: Forbidden content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' '404': description: Not Found content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesResourceNotFoundRequest' /compliance/kyc-protect/lookup/currencyCodes: get: tags: - KYC Administrator Resources description: Returns the list of accepted currency codes. operationId: ProtectGETLookupCurrencyCodes summary: Returns Accepted Currency Codes responses: '200': description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: array items: type: string example: eur '400': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' /compliance/kyc-protect/lookup/countryCodes: get: tags: - KYC Administrator Resources description: Returns the list of accepted country-codes. operationId: ProtectGETLookupCountryCodes summary: Return Accepted Country Codes responses: '200': description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: array items: type: string example: GB '400': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' /compliance/kyc-protect/lookup/kycMonitoring/countryCodes: get: tags: - KYC Global Monitoring description: Gets the list of acceptable country codes for kyc monitoring. operationId: complianceProtectGetLookupMonitoringCountryCodes summary: Returns Available Country Codes responses: '200': description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: array items: type: string '400': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' /access/users/active: get: tags: - User Administration description: Returns a collection of user details with in the customer operationId: ProtectGETActiveCustomerUsers summary: List of Active Users responses: '200': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/KycProtectGetCustomerUsersDetailsResponse' '400': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' /access/users/me: get: tags: - User Administration description: Returns the details of logged in user. operationId: ProtectGETDetailsOfLoggedInUser summary: Logged In User Details responses: '200': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/KycProtectGetMyUserDetailsResponse' '400': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' /compliance/kyc-protect/profiles/document-types: get: tags: - KYC Administrator Resources description: Returns a list of document types valid for the provided profile type. operationId: KYCProtectGetProfileDocumentTypes summary: Return Profile Document Types parameters: - name: type in: query description: The type of the profile the user wants to return. required: true schema: type: string enum: - trust - individual - soleTrader - company - plc - partnership - otherEntity responses: '200': description: 'Success' content: application/json: schema: type: array items: type: string '400': description: 'Bad Request' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: 'Unauthorized' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: 'Forbidden' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' /compliance/kyc-protect/profiles/assign/bulk: put: tags: - KYC Profile Management description: Assigns list of profiles to a user. operationId: KYCProtectAssignsListOfProfilesToUser summary: Assigns A List Of Profiles To User requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/MODEL4df4ca" responses: '200': description: 'Success' content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/KycProtectProfileAssignBulkResponse" '400': description: 'Bad Request' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: 'Unauthorized' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: 'Forbidden' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' '404': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesResourceNotFoundRequest' /compliance/kyc-protect/profiles/{profileId}/attachments: post: tags: - KYC Profile Updates description: Adds an attachment to a profile. Returns the details of the added attachment. operationId: KYCProtectAddAnAttachmentToTheGivenProfile summary: Add An Attachment To The Given Profile parameters: - name: profileId in: path description: id of the profile required: true schema: type: string format: uuid requestBody: content: multipart/form-data: schema: type: object properties: File: type: string description: The attachment to be added. Size Limited to 50MB. format: binary DocumentType: type: string description: The document type of the attachment Description: type: string description: >- The description of the attachment. Limited to 250 characters. encoding: File: style: form DocumentType: style: form Description: style: form responses: '201': description: 'Created' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/KycProtectProfileAttachmentResponse' '400': description: 'Bad Request' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '409': description: 'Conflict' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/KycProtectProfileConflictResponse' '401': description: 'Unauthorized' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: 'Forbidden' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' '404': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesResourceNotFoundRequest' get: tags: - KYC Profile Updates description: Gets a list of attachments on the given profile ordered by modified date. operationId: KYCProtectGetListOfAttachmentsOnTheGivenProfile summary: Return List Of Attachments On The Given Profile parameters: - name: profileId in: path description: id of the profile required: true schema: type: string format: uuid - name: page in: query description: The page number to fetch. Should be a positive integer. schema: type: integer format: int32 - $ref: '#/components/parameters/pageSizeKyc' responses: '200': description: 'Success' content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: totalSize: type: integer format: int32 items: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/KycProtectProfileGetAttachmentResponse' '400': description: 'Bad Request' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: 'Unauthorized' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: 'Forbidden' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' '404': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesResourceNotFoundRequest' /compliance/kyc-protect/profiles/{profileId}/attachments/{attachmentId}: get: tags: - KYC Profile Updates description: Returns an attachment by the provided attachment Id and profile Id. operationId: ProtectGETKYCProfileAttachmentByProfileIdAndAttachmentId summary: Return A Profile Attachment By Profile And Attachment Id parameters: - name: profileId in: path description: >- Id of a profile. required: true example: 9a7ae0c8-f473-4ab6-8dbb-03fc061630cc schema: type: string format: uuid - name: attachmentId in: path description: >- Id of an attachment. required: true example: 24faad02-7e20-4912-bdd9-51e4797380c5 schema: type: string format: uuid responses: '200': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GetKYCProfileAttachmentDetailsByAttachmentId' '400': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' '404': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesResourceNotFoundRequest' put: tags: - KYC Profile Updates description: Updates A Profile Attachment By Profile And Attachment Id operationId: ProtectPutKYCProfileAttachmentByProfileIdAndAttachmentId summary: Update Profile Attachment By Profile And Attachment Id parameters: - name: profileId in: path description: Id of a profile. required: true example: 9a7ae0c8-f473-4ab6-8dbb-03fc061630cc schema: type: string format: uuid - name: attachmentId in: path description: Id of a attachmentId. required: true example: 9a7ae0c8-f473-4ab6-8dbb-03fc061630cc schema: type: string format: uuid requestBody: content: multipart/form-data: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UpdateKYCAttachmentsByAttachmentIdRequest' responses: '200': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UpdateKYCAttachmentsByAttachmentId' '400': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' '404': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesResourceNotFoundRequest' '409': description: Conflict content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/KycProtectProfileConflictResponse' delete: tags: - KYC Profile Updates description: Deletes A Profile Attachment By Profile And Attachment Id operationId: ProtectDeleteKYCProfileAttachmentByProfileIdAndAttachmentId summary: Delete Attachment By Profile And Attachment Id parameters: - name: profileId in: path description: >- Id of a profile. required: true example: 9a7ae0c8-f473-4ab6-8dbb-03fc061630cc schema: type: string format: uuid - name: attachmentId in: path description: >- Id of a attachmentId. required: true example: 9a7ae0c8-f473-4ab6-8dbb-03fc061630cc schema: type: string format: uuid responses: '204': description: No Content '400': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' '404': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesResourceNotFoundRequest' '409': description: Conflict content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/KycProtectProfileConflictResponse' /compliance/kyc-protect/profiles/{profileId}/attachments/{attachmentId}/download: get: tags: - KYC Profile Updates description: Gets profile attachment's download link. operationId: ProtectDownloadKYCProfileAttachmentByProfileIdAndAttachmentId summary: Download Profile Attachment By Profile And Attachment Id parameters: - name: profileId in: path description: >- Id of a profile. required: true example: 9a7ae0c8-f473-4ab6-8dbb-03fc061630cc schema: type: string format: uuid - name: attachmentId in: path description: >- Id of a note. required: true example: 24faad02-7e20-4912-bdd9-51e4797380c5 schema: type: string format: uuid responses: '200': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/DownloadAttachmentResponse' '400': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' '404': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesResourceNotFoundRequest' /compliance/kyc-protect/profiles/{profileId}/searches: get: tags: - KYC AML Screening - Profile Management description: Returns a list of searches both business and individual associated to the profile for the profile Id. operationId: KYCProtectGetSListOfSearchesOnTheGivenProfile summary: Return List Of AML Searches On The Given Profile parameters: - name: profileId in: path description: id of the profile required: true schema: type: string format: uuid - $ref: '#/components/parameters/page' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/pageSizeKyc' - name: "isScheduled" in: "query" schema: type: "boolean" responses: '200': description: 'Success' content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/MODEL5941c0" '400': description: 'Bad Request' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: 'Unauthorized' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: 'Forbidden' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' '404': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesResourceNotFoundRequest' /compliance/kyc-protect/profiles/{profileId}/searches/link: post: tags: - KYC AML Screening - Profile Management description: Adds a list of searches to a profile. operationId: KYCProtectAddsASearchToTheGivenProfile summary: Adds AML Searches To The Given Profile parameters: - name: profileId in: path description: id of the profile required: true schema: type: string format: uuid requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: searchIds: type: array items: type: string format: uuid description: List of searches to link to a profile responses: '200': description: Success content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: successful: type: array items: type: string format: uuid nullable: true failed: type: array items: type: object properties: failedItem: type: string format: uuid error: $ref: '#/components/schemas/KycProtectProblemDetails' nullable: true '400': description: 'Bad Request' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: 'Unauthorized' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: 'Forbidden' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' '409': description: Conflict content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/KycProtectProfileConflictResponse' delete: tags: - KYC AML Screening - Profile Management description: Deletes AML searches from a profile by profile Id and Search Id. operationId: DeleteKYCProfileSearchesByProfileId summary: Deletes AML searches linked to a profile parameters: - name: profileId in: path description: >- Id of a profile. required: true example: 9a7ae0c8-f473-4ab6-8dbb-03fc061630cc schema: type: string requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/DeleteKYCProfileSearchesByProfileIdRequestBody' required: true responses: '200': description: Success content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DeleteKYCProfileSearchesByProfileIdResponse" '400': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' '404': description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: message: type: string example: 'Resource not found' '409': description: Conflict content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/KycProtectProfileConflictResponse' /compliance/kyc-protect/profiles/{profileId}/searches/bulk: post: tags: - KYC AML Bulk Screening summary: Perform Bulk AML Screening description: Request multiple searches to be performed and linked to a profile asynchronously operationId: compliancepostkycsearchesbulkbyprofileid parameters: - name: profileId in: path description: id of the profile required: true schema: type: string format: uuid requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: items: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AddSearchContract' description: The Request Items collection nullable: true responses: '202': description: Accepted '400': description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: Forbidden content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' '409': description: Conflict content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/KycProtectProfileConflictResponse' '404': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesResourceNotFoundRequest' /compliance/kyc-protect/searches/businesses: post: tags: - KYC AML Screening - Businesses summary: Performs An AML Search For A Business And Saves The Results To The Database description: A request requires a name, at least one valid dataset, and a threshold. User will be deducted 1 credit for each AML search. operationId: KYCSearchBusiness requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: "object" required: - threshold - name - dataset properties: countryCodes: type: "array" description: "List of Two-letter country code ISO-3166-2." items: type: "string" threshold: type: "integer" description: "Hits with scores below the chosen value will not be shown.
Must be one of 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, or 100" format: "int32" name: type: "string" description: Name of the business to be searched.
Example - Google Inc
Max 200 characters allowed. datasets: type: "array" description: "Specifies which datasets will be searched

`PEP` - Politically Exposed Persons (All)
`PEP-LINKED` - Only linked PEPs (PEP by Association)
`SAN` - Sanctioned (All)
`SAN-CURRENT` - Only current Sanctions
`SAN-FORMER` - Only former Sanctions
`INS` - Insolvency
`AM` - Adverse Media
`POI` - Profile of Interest
`ENF` - Enforcement
`SOE` - State Owned Enterprises (All)
`SOE-CURRENT` - Only current SOE
`SOE-FORMER` - Only former SOE
" items: type: string required: true responses: '201': description: 'Success' content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/MODEL931a1b" '400': description: 'Bad Request' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: 'Unauthorized' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: 'Forbidden' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' get: tags: - KYC AML Screening - Businesses description: Returns a list of business AML searches ordered by modified date. summary: Returns Business AML Searches operationId: KYCSearchBusinessGet parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/page' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/pageSizeKyc' - name: isScheduled in: query schema: type: boolean responses: '200': description: 'Success' content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/MODELf73bb1" '400': description: 'Bad Request' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: 'Unauthorized' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: 'Forbidden' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' put: tags: - KYC AML Screening - Businesses description: Updates a batch of business AML searches. summary: Update Business AML Searches operationId: KYCSearchBusinessPut requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: "object" properties: items: type: array items: type: object required: - searchId - riskRating properties: assignedToUserId: type: integer nullable: true description: Id of the User to assign to the Search format: int32 status: type: string nullable: true description: Status of the Search. Available values are new, approved, declined, pending, cancelled, referred and closed. riskRating: type: string nullable: true description: Risk rating of the Search. Available values are notApplicable, veryLow, low, medium, high AND veryHigh. note: type: string nullable: true description: Note associated with the search searchId: type: string description: The Id of the search to be updated format: uuid responses: '200': description: 'Success' content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/KYCPUTSearchBusinessesResponse" '400': description: 'Bad Request' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: 'Unauthorized' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: 'Forbidden' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' /compliance/kyc-protect/searches/businesses/{searchId}: get: tags: - KYC AML Screening - Businesses summary: Return Business AML Search By Search Id description: Returns a single AML search based on Search id. operationId: GetKYCSearchBusinessBySearchId parameters: - name: searchId in: path required: true schema: type: string responses: '200': description: 'Success' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/KYCGetSearchBusinessesBySearchIdResponse' '400': description: 'Bad Request' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: 'Unauthorized' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: 'Forbidden' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' put: tags: - KYC AML Screening - Businesses summary: Update A Business AML Search By Search Id description: Updates a business AML search. operationId: PutKYCSearchBusinessBySearchId parameters: - name: searchId in: path required: true schema: type: string requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: assignedToUserId: type: integer description: Id of the User to assign to the Search format: int32 status: type: string description: Status of the Search. Available values are new, approved, declined, pending, cancelled, referred and closed. riskRating: type: string description: Risk rating of the Search. Available values are notApplicable, veryLow, low, medium, high AND veryHigh. note: type: string description: Note associated with the search responses: '200': description: 'Success' content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/KYCPutSearchBusinessesBySearchIdResponse" '400': description: 'Bad Request' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: 'Unauthorized' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: 'Forbidden' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' /compliance/kyc-protect/searches/businesses/{searchId}/hits: get: tags: - KYC AML Screening - Businesses description: Returns the business AML search hits from the AML search results. operationId: GetKYCSearchBusinessHitsBySearchId summary: Return Business AML Search Hits parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/page' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/pageSizeKyc' - name: searchId in: path required: true schema: type: string - name: hitDecisions description: The hit decisions.
Available Values - [undecided, truematch, falsepositive, discarded] in: query schema: type: string responses: '200': description: 'Success' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/KYCGetSearchBusinessesBySearchIdHitsResponse' '400': description: 'Bad Request' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: 'Unauthorized' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: 'Forbidden' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' '404': description: Not Found content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesResourceNotFoundRequest' put: tags: - KYC AML Screening - Businesses description: Updates a batch of business AML search hits. operationId: PutKYCSearchBusinessHitsBySearchId summary: Update Batch Of Business AML Search Hits parameters: - name: searchId in: path required: true schema: type: string requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/MODEL7b2457" responses: '200': description: 'Success' content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/KYCPutSearchBusinessesBySearchIdHitsResponse" '400': description: 'Bad Request' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: 'Unauthorized' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: 'Forbidden' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' '404': description: Not Found content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesResourceNotFoundRequest' /compliance/kyc-protect/searches/businesses/{searchId}/hits/{hitId}: get: tags: - KYC AML Screening - Businesses description: This endpoint will return the full hit information by search Id and hitId.
Once this information is requested the information returned is stored to the database as a snap shot of that point in time. operationId: GetKYCSearchBusinessHitsBySearchIdAndHitId summary: Return Full AML Search Hit Information By SearchId And HitId parameters: - name: searchId in: path description: Id of the search required: true schema: type: string - name: hitId in: path description: Id of the hit required: true schema: type: string responses: '200': description: 'Success' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsBusinessSearchResultHitResponse' '400': description: 'Bad Request' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: 'Unauthorized' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: 'Forbidden' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' '404': description: Not Found content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesResourceNotFoundRequest' put: tags: - KYC AML Screening - Businesses description: This endpoint will update a single business AML search hit by searchId and hitId. operationId: PutKYCSearchBusinessBySearchIdAndHitId summary: Update A Single Business Hit parameters: - name: searchId in: path required: true schema: type: string - name: hitId in: path required: true schema: type: string requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: decision: type: string description: "The Decision of the Hit to be updated. The Decision can only be made once.
Allowed values are undecided,trueMatch and falsePositive" note: type: string description: Note associated with the Hit responses: '200': description: 'Success' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/KYCBusinessSearchResultHitSummaryResponse' '400': description: 'Bad Request' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: 'Unauthorized' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: 'Forbidden' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' '404': description: Not Found content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesResourceNotFoundRequest' /compliance/kyc-protect/searches/individuals: post: tags: - KYC AML Screening - Individuals summary: Performs An AML Search For An Individual And Saves The Results To The Database description: A request requires a name, or first name and last name, at least one valid dataset and a threshold.

Length of name or combination of first name, middle name and last name must not exceed 200 characters. If user is providing first name, middle name and last name combination, the max characters limit includes the formatted name in this format {lastName} {firstName} {middleName}.

User will be deducted 1 credit for each search. operationId: ComplianceKYCProtectCreateIndividualsSearch requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/KYCPostIndividualSearchContract' responses: '201': description: 'Created' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/KycProtectPostPostIndividualSearchResponse' '409': description: 'Conflict' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/KycProtectProfileConflictResponse' '400': description: 'Bad Request' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: 'Unauthorized' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: 'Forbidden' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' get: tags: - KYC AML Screening - Individuals description: Returns a list of individual AML searches ordered by modified date. operationId: ComplianceKYCProtectGetIndividualsSearch summary: Returns Individual AML Searches parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/page' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/pageSize' - name: isScheduled in: query required: false schema: type: boolean responses: '200': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/KycProtectIndividualSearchResponse' '400': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' put: tags: - KYC AML Screening - Individuals description: Updates a batch of individual AML searches. summary: Update Individual AML Searches operationId: ComplianceKYCProtectUpdateIndividualsSearch requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PutKYCIndividualSearchRequest" responses: '200': description: 'Success' content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PutKYCSearchIndividualResponse" '409': description: 'Conflict' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/KycProtectProfileConflictResponse' '400': description: 'Bad Request' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: 'Unauthorized' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: 'Forbidden' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' /compliance/kyc-protect/searches/individuals/{searchId}: get: tags: - KYC AML Screening - Individuals summary: Return Individual AML Search By Search Id description: Returns a single AML Search based on searchId. operationId: GetsAnIndividualSearchForTheCurrentLoggedInUsersCustomerBasedOnSearchId parameters: - name: searchId in: path description: search id to fetch required: true schema: type: string format: uuid responses: '200': description: Success content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/KYCGetSearchIndividualBySearchIdResponse' '400': description: 'Bad Request' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: 'Unauthorized' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' put: tags: - KYC AML Screening - Individuals summary: Updates An Individual AML Search By SearchID operationId: updatesAnIndividualSearch description: Updates an Individual AML Search by Search Id. parameters: - name: searchId in: path description: search id to update required: true schema: type: string format: uuid requestBody: description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PutKYCIndividualSearchBySearchIdRequest' responses: '200': description: Success content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/KYCPutSearchIndividualBySearchIdResponse" '400': description: 'Bad Request' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: 'Unauthorized' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '404': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesResourceNotFoundRequest' /compliance/kyc-protect/searches/individuals/{searchId}/hits: get: tags: - KYC AML Screening - Individuals summary: Returns Individual AML Search Hits operationId: getsTheIndividualSearchHits description: Returns the individual AML search hits from the AML search results. parameters: - name: searchId in: path description: The search identifier. required: true schema: type: string format: uuid - name: hitDecisions in: query description: The hit decisions. It can be the collection of undecided, trueMatch, falsePositive, discarded schema: type: string - $ref: '#/components/parameters/page' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/pageSizeKyc' responses: '200': description: Success content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GetIndividualSearchIdHitsResponse' '400': description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: 'Forbidden' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' '404': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesResourceNotFoundRequest' put: tags: - KYC AML Screening - Individuals summary: Updates A Batch Of individual AML search Hits operationId: updatesABatchOfIndividualHits description: Update a batch of Individual AML Search Hits. parameters: - name: searchId in: path description: Id of the search required: true schema: type: string format: uuid requestBody: description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/MODEL20274f" responses: '200': description: Success content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PutIndividualSearchIdHitsResponse" '400': description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: 'Forbidden' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' '404': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesResourceNotFoundRequest' /compliance/kyc-protect/searches/individuals/{searchId}/hits/{hitId}: get: tags: - KYC AML Screening - Individuals summary: Return Full AML Search Hit Information By SearchId And HitId operationId: returnsFullProfileInformationOfAIndividualHitByHitId description: This endpoint will return the full hit information by search Id and hitId.
Once this information is requested the information returned is stored to the database as a snap shot of that point in time. parameters: - name: searchId in: path description: Id of the search required: true schema: type: string format: uuid - name: hitId in: path description: Id of the hit required: true schema: type: string format: uuid responses: '200': description: Success content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/IndividualSearchResultHitResponse" '400': description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: 'Forbidden' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' '404': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesResourceNotFoundRequest' put: tags: - KYC AML Screening - Individuals summary: Update A Single Individual Hit operationId: updateSingleIndividualHit description: This endpoint will update a single individual AML search hit by searchId and hitId. parameters: - name: searchId in: path description: Id of the search required: true schema: type: string format: uuid - name: hitId in: path description: Id of the hit required: true schema: type: string format: uuid requestBody: description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/IndividualsSearchResultUpdateHits" responses: '200': description: Success content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PutIndividualSearchIdHitsByHitIdResponse" '400': description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: 'Forbidden' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' '404': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesResourceNotFoundRequest' '409': description: 'Conflict' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/KycProtectProfileConflictResponse' /compliance/kyc-protect/schedules: post: tags: - KYC AML Monitoring Management description: Adds the specified searches to AML monitoring, i.e. schedules them for screening. If thresholds and datasets are amended from the original search, new results will generated. Any existing hits will be overridden and any previous match decisions will be reset. operationId: KYCProtectCreateSchedule summary: Add Search To AML Monitoring requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: items: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PostKYCProtectSchedulesRequest' responses: '200': description: Success content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PostKYCProtectSchedulesResponse' '400': description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: Forbidden content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' get: tags: - KYC AML Monitoring Management description: Returns all schedules ordered by modified date. summary: Return All Ordered Schedules operationId: KYCProtectGetSchedules parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/page' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/pageSizeKyc' responses: '200': description: Success content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ScheduleResponse' '400': description: Forbidden content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: Forbidden content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' '404': description: Not Found content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesResourceNotFoundRequest' delete: tags: - KYC AML Monitoring Management description: Removes the specified searches from AML monitoring. operationId: KYCProtectDeleteSchedules summary: Delete Searches From AML Monitoring requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: items: type: array items: type: string format: uuid responses: '200': description: Success content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/DeleteKYCProtectSchedulesResponse' '400': description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: Forbidden content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' put: tags: - KYC AML Monitoring Management description: Updates schedules in AML monitoring. operationId: KYCProtectPutSchedules summary: Update Schedules requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/MODEL1e2683" responses: '200': description: Success content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PutKYCProtectSchedulesResponse" '400': description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest" '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: Forbidden content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' /compliance/kyc-protect/schedules/{scheduleId}: get: tags: - KYC AML Monitoring Management description: Returns a schedule in AML monitoring. summary: Returns A Schedule operationId: kycprotectgetschedulesbyscheduleid parameters: - name: scheduleId in: path description: id of the profile required: true schema: type: string format: uuid responses: '200': description: Success content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: id: type: string description: The id of the schedule format: uuid searchId: type: string description: The id of the search that was being scheduled format: uuid isEmailRequired: type: boolean description: Indicates whether the schedule requires an email to be sent when the search is run emailRecipients: type: array items: type: string description: The email recipients that the email should be sent to when the search is run nullable: true createdById: type: integer description: The id of the user who created the schedule format: int32 createdAt: type: string description: The time the schedule was created format: date-time createdBy: type: string description: The name of the user who created the schedule modifiedById: type: integer description: The id of the user who last modified the schedule format: int32 modifiedAt: type: string description: The time the schedule was last modified format: date-time modifiedBy: type: string description: The name of the user who last modified the schedule type: type: string description: The type of the schedule, i.e. business or individual name: type: string description: The name used in the search criteria nullable: true firstName: type: string description: The first name used in the search criteria nullable: true middleName: type: string description: The middle name used in the search criteria nullable: true lastName: type: string description: The last name used in the search criteria nullable: true gender: type: string description: The gender used in the search criteria, i.e. male or female nullable: true dateOfBirth: type: string description: The date of birth used in the search criteria format: date nullable: true countries: type: array items: type: string description: The list of country codes used in the search criteria nullable: true threshold: type: integer description: The threshold used in the search criteria format: int32 datasets: type: array items: type: string description: The datasets used in the search criteria pepTiers: type: array items: type: string description: The pep tiers used in the search criteria, i.e. pepTier1, pepTier2, pepTier3 nullable: true '400': description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: Forbidden content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' '404': description: Not Found content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesResourceNotFoundRequest' delete: tags: - KYC AML Monitoring Management description: Removes a search from AML monitoring. operationId: KYCProtectDeleteSchedulesByScheduleId summary: Delete A Search From AML Monitoring parameters: - name: scheduleId in: path description: id of the profile required: true schema: type: string format: uuid responses: '204': description: No Content '400': description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: Forbidden content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' '404': description: Not Found content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesResourceNotFoundRequest' put: tags: - KYC AML Monitoring Management description: Updates a schedule in AML monitoring.

When there is a change in threshold or datasets, the system will deduct one credit for screening. operationId: KYCProtectPutSchedulesByScheduleId summary: Update A Schedule In Monitoring parameters: - name: scheduleId in: path description: id of the profile required: true schema: type: string format: uuid requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/MODEL6bcc20" responses: '200': description: Success content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/MODEL1c736e" '400': description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest" '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: Forbidden content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' /compliance/kyc-protect/profiles/{profileId}/schedules: get: tags: - KYC AML Screening - Profile Management description: Returns all schedules based on profileId ordered by modified date. operationId: KYCProtectGetProfileSchedules summary: Return All Schedules By ProfileId And Modified Date parameters: - name: profileId in: path description: id of the profile required: true schema: type: string format: uuid - $ref: '#/components/parameters/page' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/pageSizeKyc' responses: '200': description: Success content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/KYCProfileScheduleResponse" '400': description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: Forbidden content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' '404': description: Not Found content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesResourceNotFoundRequest' /compliance/kyc-protect/profiles/{profileId}/schedules/{scheduleId}: get: tags: - KYC AML Screening - Profile Management description: Returns a schedule by profileId and scheduleId. operationId: KYCProtectGetProfileSchedulesByScheduleId summary: Return Schedule By ProfileId And ScheduleId parameters: - name: profileId in: path description: id of the profile required: true schema: type: string format: uuid - name: scheduleId in: path description: id of the schedule required: true schema: type: string responses: '200': description: Success content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: totalSize: type: integer format: int32 items: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/KYCProfileIdSchedulesScheduleIdResponse' '400': description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: Forbidden content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' /compliance/kyc-protect/schedules/amlAlerts: get: tags: - KYC AML Monitoring Management description: Get all hits for an AML monitoring schedule ordered by hit created date. operationId: KYCProtectGetSchedulesAMLAlerts summary: Return All Hits For A Schedule By Created Date parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/page' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/pageSizeKyc' - name: hitDecisions in: query description: The hit decisions to filter by. It can be the collection of undecided, truematch, falsepositive, discarded schema: type: array items: type: string responses: '200': description: 'Success' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/KYCProtectScheduleHitResponse' '400': description: 'Bad Request' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: 'Unauthorized' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: 'Forbidden' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' '409': description: 'Conflict' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/KycProtectProfileConflictResponse' /compliance/kyc-protect/profiles/{profileId}/amlAlerts: get: tags: - KYC AML Screening - Profile Management description: Returns hits of all searches linked to the profile and key parties. operationId: KYCProtectGetAmlAlertsByProfileId summary: Return All Hits Linked To The Profile parameters: - name: profileId in: path description: id of the profile required: true schema: type: string format: uuid - $ref: '#/components/parameters/page' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/pageSizeKyc' - name: hitDecisions in: query description: The hit decisions to filter by. It can be the collection of undecided, truematch, falsepositive, discarded schema: type: array items: type: string responses: '200': description: 'Success' content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: totalSize: type: integer format: int32 items: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/KYCProtectScheduleHitResponse' '400': description: 'Bad Request' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: 'Unauthorized' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: 'Forbidden' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' '404': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesResourceNotFoundRequest' '409': description: 'Conflict' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/KycProtectProfileConflictResponse' /compliance/kyc-protect/profiles/{profileId}/hits: get: tags: - KYC AML Screening - Profile Management summary: Return All Hits Of Searches Linked To A Profile description: Return hits of the searches linked to a profile. operationId: getkychitsofthesearcheslinkedtoprofile parameters: - name: profileId in: path description: Id of the profile required: true schema: type: string - name: hitDecisions in: query description: The hit decisions. It can be the collection of undecided, truematch, falsepositive, discarded required: false schema: type: array items: type: string - $ref: '#/components/parameters/page' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/pageSizeKyc' responses: '200': description: Success content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GetProfileHitsByProfileIdResponse' '400': description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: Forbidden content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' '404': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesResourceNotFoundRequest' /compliance/kyc-protect/asyncAmlJobs: get: tags: - KYC Async AML summary: Return All Async AML Jobs description: Gets a list of async aml jobs for user. operationId: compliancegetkycasyncamljobs parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/page' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/pageSizeKyc' - name: statuses in: query description: The async job statuses. It can be the collection of created, processing, completed schema: type: array items: type: string - name: targetType in: query description: The async job's target type. It can be either Profile or KeyParty schema: type: string enum: - profile - keyParty responses: '200': description: Success content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GetKycProtectAsyncAmlJobResponse' '400': description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: Forbidden content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' '404': description: Not Found content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesResourceNotFoundRequest' '409': description: Conflict content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/KycProtectProfileConflictResponse' /compliance/kyc-protect/asyncAmlJobs/{jobId}: get: tags: - KYC Async AML summary: Return Async AML Jobs By Id description: Returns a list of async aml jobs for user. operationId: compliancegetkycasyncamljobsjobid parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/page' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/pageSizeKyc' - name: jobId in: path description: id of the async aml job required: true schema: type: string format: uuid responses: '200': description: Success content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GetKycProtectAsyncAmlJobItemResponse' '400': description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: Forbidden content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' '404': description: Not Found content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesResourceNotFoundRequest' '409': description: Conflict content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/KycProtectProfileConflictResponse' /compliance/kyc-protect/asyncAmlJobs/{jobId}/criteria: get: tags: - KYC Async AML summary: Return Async Job Criteria By Id description: Gets a list of job criteria by async job id for user. operationId: compliancegetkycasyncamljobsjobidcriteria parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/page' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/pageSizeKyc' - name: jobId in: path description: id of the async aml job required: true schema: type: string format: uuid - name: statuses in: query description: The async job criteria statuses. It can be the collection of submitted, processing, completed, failed. schema: type: array items: type: string responses: '200': description: Success content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GetKycProtectAsyncAmlJobCriteriaResponse' '400': description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: Forbidden content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' '404': description: Not Found content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesResourceNotFoundRequest' '409': description: Conflict content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/KycProtectProfileConflictResponse' /compliance/kyc-protect/audits: get: tags: - KYC Audit summary: Return Audit Trail description: Returns a list of audits which can be filtered by various categories. operationId: complianceGetKycAudits parameters: - name: profileIds description: Select the profileId's for the filter. in: query schema: type: array items: type: string - name: categories description: Available categories for the filter. in: query schema: type: array items: type: string enum: - profile - amlSearch - name: subcategories description: Available subcategories for the filter. in: query schema: type: array items: type: string enum: - profileDetails - keyParty - amlMonitoring - name: actions description: Available actions for the filter. in: query schema: type: array items: type: string enum: - created - updated - deleted - searchRemoved - searchLinked - attachmentCreated - attachmentUpdated - attachmentDeleted - noteCreated - noteUpdated - noteDeleted - noteArchived - noteUnarchived - addressCreated - addressUpdated - addressDeleted - kycStatusUpdated - addedToAmlMonitoring - updatedInAmlMonitoring - removedFromAmlMonitoring - name: userIds description: User Ids for the filter. in: query schema: type: array items: type: integer - name: startDate in: query description: Start date for the filter. schema: type: string format: date - name: endDate in: query description: End date for the filter. schema: type: string format: date - $ref: '#/components/parameters/page' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/pageSizeKyc' responses: '200': description: Success content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GetAuditsResponse' '400': description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: Forbidden content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' '404': description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesResourceNotFoundRequest' /compliance/kyc-protect/batchUploads/template: get: tags: - KYC Batch Uploads summary: Return Template For Batch Upload description:

This endpoint the HTTP Request is planned to be altered in the next release

Returns the template to complete a batch upload. operationId: complianceGetKycBatchUploadsTemplate responses: '200': description: Success content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GetBatchUploadsTemplateResponse' '400': description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: Forbidden content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' '502': description: Server Error content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' /compliance/kyc-protect/batchUploads: post: tags: - KYC Batch Uploads summary: Request Batch Upload description: Submits the batch file process request. Returns the details of the accepted request. operationId: compliancePostKycBatchUploads requestBody: content: multipart/form-data: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PostKycProtectBatchUploadsRequest' responses: '202': description: Success content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PostKycProtectBatchUploadsResponse' '400': description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: Forbidden content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' '409': description: Conflict content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/KycProtectProfileConflictResponse' '502': description: Server Error content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' get: tags: - KYC Batch Uploads summary: Return A List Of Requested Uploads description: Returns a list of uploads that have been requested. operationId: complianceGetKycBatchUploads parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/page' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/pageSizeKyc' - name: statuses in: query description: The statuses list to filter by. It can be the collection of submitted, validating, rejected, validated, insufficientCredits, queued, inProgress, processed, completed, partiallyCompleted, failed. schema: type: array items: type: string - name: uploadedById in: query description: The id of the uploaded user to filter by. schema: type: integer format: int32 responses: '200': description: Success content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GetKycProtectBatchUploadsByUploadsResponse' '400': description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: Forbidden content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' '409': description: Conflict content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/KycProtectProfileConflictResponse' '502': description: Server Error content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' /compliance/kyc-protect/batchUploads/{uploadId}: get: tags: - KYC Batch Uploads summary: Return Batch Upload File Details description: Returns a batch Upload response as specified by the provided id. operationId: complianceGetKycBatchUploadByUploadId parameters: - name: uploadId in: path description: id of the upload. required: true schema: type: integer format: int32 responses: '200': description: Success content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GetKycProtectBatchUploadsByUploadIdItemResponse' '400': description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: Forbidden content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' '409': description: Conflict content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/KycProtectProfileConflictResponse' '502': description: Server Error content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' /compliance/kyc-protect/batchUploads/{uploadId}/errors/download: get: tags: - KYC Batch Uploads summary: Download Batch Upload Error File description: Returns a link to download the error file if it has does fail during the upload this is acquired using the upload Id.. operationId: complianceGetKycBatchUploadsDownloadErrorsByUploadId parameters: - name: uploadId in: path description: id of the upload required: true schema: type: string format: uuid responses: '200': description: Created content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GetBatchUploadsDownloadErrorsByUploadIdResponse' '502': description: Server Error content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '400': description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: Forbidden content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' /compliance/kyc-protect/batchUploads/{uploadId}/retry: put: tags: - KYC Batch Uploads summary: Retry Previous Upload description: Re-uploads the file if it was previously failed due to 'insufficientCredits' status. operationId: complianceGetKycBatchUploadsRetryByUploadId parameters: - name: uploadId in: path description: id of the upload required: true schema: type: string format: uuid responses: '202': description: Accepted content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PutBatchUploadsRetryByIdResponse' '409': description: Conflict content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/KycProtectProfileConflictResponse' '502': description: Server Error content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: Forbidden content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' /compliance/kyc-protect/kycMonitoring/profiles/bulk: post: tags: - KYC Global Monitoring summary: Add Profiles To Monitoring description: Adds a list of profile/s to monitoring. operationId: compliancePostKycMonitoringProfilesBulk requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PostKYCMonitoringProfilesBulkResquest' responses: '200': description: Success content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PostKYCMonitoringProfilesBulkResponse' '400': description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '502': description: Server Error content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: Forbidden content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' '409': description: Conflict content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/KycProtectProfileConflictResponse' '404': description: Not Found content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectResourceNotFoundErrorResponse' /compliance/kyc-protect/kycMonitoring/profiles: delete: tags: - KYC Global Monitoring summary: Delete Profiles From Monitoring description: Removes list of profiles from kyc monitoring operationId: complianceDeleteKycMonitoringProfiles requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/DeleteKYCMonitoringProfilesResquest' responses: '200': description: Success content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/DeleteKYCMonitoringProfilesResponse' '400': description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: Forbidden content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' '404': description: Not Found content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectResourceNotFoundErrorResponse' '409': description: Conflict content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/KycProtectProfileConflictResponse' '502': description: Server Error content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' /compliance/kyc-protect/kycMonitoring/profiles/{profileId}/alerts: get: tags: - KYC Global Monitoring summary: Return List Of Alerts By Profile description: Gets a list of kyc alerts by profile. operationId: compliancegetkycmonitoringprofilealertsbyprofileid parameters: - name: profileId in: path description: id of the profile required: true schema: type: string format: uuid - $ref: '#/components/parameters/page' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/pageSizeKyc' - name: statuses in: query description: Statuses of kyc alert to filter. Allowed values are Open, ClosedProcessed and ClosedUnprocessed schema: type: array items: type: string responses: '200': description: Accepted content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: items: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/KycMonitoringKycAlertResponse' totalSize: type: integer format: int64 '400': description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: Forbidden content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' '409': description: Conflict content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/KycProtectProfileConflictResponse' '404': description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: message: type: string example: Resource not found /compliance/kyc-protect/kycMonitoring/profiles/{profileId}/alerts/{alertId}: get: tags: - KYC Global Monitoring summary: Return Alert By Alert Id And ProfileId description: Gets a kyc alert associated with a given profile. operationId: compliancegetkycmonitoringindividualprofilealertsbyalertid parameters: - name: profileId in: path description: id of the profile required: true schema: type: string format: uuid - name: alertId in: path description: id of the kyc alert required: true schema: type: string format: uuid responses: '200': description: Accepted content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/KycMonitoringKycAlertResponse' '400': description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: Forbidden content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' '409': description: Conflict content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/KycProtectProfileConflictResponse' '404': description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: message: type: string example: Resource not found put: tags: - KYC Global Monitoring summary: Update Status of Alert By Profile Id And Alert Id description: Updates a kyc alert associated with a given profile operationId: complianceputkycmonitoringindividualprofilealertsbyalertid parameters: - name: profileId in: path description: id of the profile required: true schema: type: string format: uuid - name: alertId in: path description: id of the kyc alert required: true schema: type: string format: uuid requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UpdateKycAlertContract' responses: '200': description: Success content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/KycMonitoringKycAlertResponse' '400': description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken' '403': description: Forbidden content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden' '404': description: Not Found content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectErrorResponsesResourceNotFoundRequest' '409': description: Conflict content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/KycProtectProfileConflictResponse' components: parameters: startDate: name: startDate in: query description: The start date on which results are filtered. schema: type: string format: date-time endDate: name: endDate in: query description: The end date on which results are filtered. schema: type: string format: date-time page: name: page in: query description: Starting page number. schema: type: integer default: 1 gmPage: name: page in: query description: Starting page number inGlobal Monitoring is `0`. If all items are displayed on one page this can also be left blank. schema: type: integer default: 0 pageSize: name: pageSize in: query description: Number of items to return per Page. schema: type: integer pageSizeKyc: name: pageSize in: query description: Specifies the number of items to be displayed per page. Allowed values are between 1 and 100. schema: type: integer default: 10 format: int32 sortBy: name: sortBy in: query description: Sort results by this column. Null values of sort column are listed after non-nulls. schema: type: string default: companyName enum: - companyName - countryCode - eventId - eventDate sortDir: name: sortDir in: query description: The direction that you wish to sort results by. schema: type: string default: asc enum: - asc - desc filterByCreatedDate: name: filterByCreatedDate in: query description: Set to `true` to filter the Notification Events of the "createdDate" field when using `startDate` and `endDate` parameters. By default this is set to `false`, with the date parameters filtering using the "eventDate" field. schema: type: boolean default: false enum: - false - true requestBodies: Identity: description: Select the relevant tab for the request body for one of the products `AML`, `AMLMultiBureau` or `Consumer`.

NOTE:' If a previous address is used in addition to current the `postCode` becomes required. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/AMLSearch" - $ref: "#/components/schemas/AMLMultiBureauSearch" - $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConsumerSearch" schemas: Connect.Authentication.AuthRequest: type: object properties: username: type: string description: Credentials assigned upon sign up example: password: type: string example: ^1gHySRA56aj>tf421o Connect.Authentication.AuthResponse: type: object properties: token: type: string description: Authentication Token example: eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6ImRodTNnNkFtTG5QQXVpOEJSMUFEVnp5ZHBnZyIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsIng1dCI6ImRodTNnNkFtTG5QQXVpOEJSMUFEVnp5ZHBnZyJ9.eyJuYmYiOjE1OTU0MTYyMDksImV4cCI6MTU5NTQxOTgwOSwiaXNzIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9teWxvZ2luLnRlc3QuY3JlZGl0c2FmZS5jb20iLCJhdWQiOlsiaHR0cHM6Ly9teWxvZ2luLnRlc3QuY3JlZGl0c2FmZS5jb20vcmVzb3VyY2VzIiwiY29ubmVjdF9hcGkiLCJ1Ym9fYXBpX2dhdGV3YXkiXSwiY2xpZW50X2lkIjoiY29ubmVjdC5hcGkuY2xpZW50Iiwic3ViIjoiMTAxNTIwMjg1IiwiYXV0aF90aW1lIjoxNTk1NDE2MjA5LCJpZHAiOiJsb2NhbCIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiQ29ubmVjdHUxIiwiZW1haWwiOiJDb25uZWN0MUBnbWFpbC5jb20iLCJjdXN0b21lcklkIjoiMTAxNzY0NDA1IiwiY291bnRyeSI6IkMwIiwidXNlclJvbGUiOiJDcm1BZG1pblBsdXMiLCJzYl9jb3VudHJ5IjoiVVMiLCJzY29wZSI6WyJjb25uZWN0X2FwaSIsInVib19hcGlfZ2F0ZXdheSJdLCJhbXIiOlsicHdkIl19.p8kPAlKNB9iWEKiQbfbRXBoLQuBG7NuEDN__A8AQ55CL-gcIwkS1717Af1f9W0uifwIQ6HAZQR_x191LVkvuWD94Zw8zLzzr1ioUIhQny_zYuAS3G6EFNaTHh_mvOQ9XVi1FyuIy6YYcYcNLNZurFuITF2w5LuX4YQBjQy3rhEAdRoKcUKbtCClMFaH2dV35jiX2d7BqyhtJ8GeZyJ6yfMfdzznqxlJ4Osf5aasKUy8RYKEpjU2pkCURojoy5_oviGs8X4U9mJWcuajmPF3i5DHkqbhq1Mp0UZrDyoq_0BDStV5xqRgq6aOY8mc45kX7cwY3O2hPeGE7Ak8YtKFbA Connect.Authentication.Unauthorised: type: object properties: message: type: string Connect.CompanySearch.NoResults: type: object properties: totalSize: type: number companies: type: object messages: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/CreditsafeGlobalDataMessage" CreditsafeGlobalDataMessage: type: object properties: type: $ref: "#/components/schemas/CreditsafeGlobalDataMessageType" code: $ref: "#/components/schemas/CreditsafeGlobalDataMessageCode" text: type: string CreditsafeGlobalDataMessageType: type: string enum: - Information - Warning - Error CreditsafeGlobalDataMessageCode: type: string enum: - NoResults - TooManyResults - ReportUnavailable - ReportUnavailableDueToLegal - ReportUnavailableOnline - LegalNotice - InvalidCredentials - AccessRestricted - AccessLimitsNearing - InsufficientCustomerData - ReportboxAlmostFull - ReportboxFull - InvalidRequestXml - InvalidOperationParameters - OperationNotSupported - InvalidCustomData - ChangeNotification - TemporarySystemProblem - EndpointShutdown - UnexpectedInternalError - Other - DataServiceAccessProblems - DataServiceInvalidResponse Connect.ErrorResponses.BadRequest: type: object description: "" properties: correlationId: type: string description: A unique ID assigned to this request. message: type: string details: type: string description: Provides further information on why the request was rejected Connect.ErrorResponses.InvalidToken: type: object description: Authorization Token has either expired or is not a valid Connect Authorization Token properties: error: type: string Connect.CompanySearch.SearchCriteria: type: object Connect.Authentication.AccessCountries: type: object properties: correlationId: type: string countryAccess: type: object properties: creditsafeConnectOnlineReports: type: array description: Country usage for Company Reports service items: type: object properties: countryName: type: string templateName: type: string description: Company Report template. Full reports are default countryIso2: type: string startDate: type: string description: Date of when the service was enabled expireDate: type: string description: Date of when the service will expire paid: type: integer description: Measure of total usage available in the service used: type: integer description: Service usage creditsafeConnectOfflineReports: type: array items: type: object properties: name: type: string countryIso2: type: string startDate: type: string description: Date of when the service was enabled expireDate: type: string description: Date of when the service will expire paid: type: integer description: Measure of total usage available in the service used: type: integer description: Service usage creditsafeConnectMonitoring: type: array items: type: object properties: name: type: string startDate: type: string description: Date of when the service was enabled expireDate: type: string description: Date of when the service will expire paid: type: integer description: Measure of total usage available in the service used: type: integer description: Service usage creditsafeConnectDirectorReports: type: array items: type: object properties: countryName: type: string countryIso2: type: string startDate: type: string description: Date of when the service was enabled expireDate: type: string description: Date of when the service will expire paid: type: integer description: Measure of total usage available in the service used: type: integer description: Service usage creditsafeConnectImageDocuments: type: array items: type: object properties: name: type: string countryIso2: type: string startDate: type: string description: Date of when the service was enabled expireDate: type: string description: Date of when the service will expire paid: type: integer description: Measure of total usage available in the service used: type: integer description: Service usage creditsafeConnectBankValidation: type: array items: type: object properties: name: type: string startDate: type: string description: Date of when the service was enabled expireDate: type: string description: Date of when the service will expire paid: type: integer description: Measure of total usage available in the service used: type: integer description: Service usage creditsafeConnectBankVerification: type: array items: type: object properties: name: type: string startDate: type: string description: Date of when the service was enabled expireDate: type: string description: Date of when the service will expire paid: type: integer description: Measure of total usage available in the service used: type: integer description: Service usage Connect.Images.CompanyImages: type: object properties: totalSize: type: integer data: type: array items: type: object properties: imageId: type: string company: type: object properties: id: type: string localId: type: string country: type: string name: type: string type: type: string document: type: object properties: imageType: type: string imageCode: type: string description: type: string format: type: string source: type: string filingDate: type: string uploadDate: type: string accountingDate: type: string language: type: string comments: type: string status: type: string availableFormats: type: array items: type: string localProperties: type: object properties: accountRefNumber: type: string Connect.Images.CompanyImageTypes: type: array items: type: object properties: country: type: string companyId: type: object properties: required: type: boolean validationRegExp: type: string minLength: type: integer maxLength: type: integer imageReference: type: object properties: required: type: boolean validationRegExp: type: string minLength: type: integer maxLength: type: integer availableLanguages: type: array items: type: object properties: language: type: string filingTypes: type: array items: type: object properties: type: type: string description: type: string availableImageFormats: type: array items: type: string default: type: boolean Connect.FreshInv.CreateInvestigation: type: object properties: consent: type: boolean description: Including this allows Creditsafe to disclose your company details to the target company in the aim of improving the quality of our Investigation Report contactInfo: description: Your contact information type: object properties: name: type: string description: Your name nullable: false emailAddress: type: string description: The address where Investigation creation confirmations are sent nullable: false telephoneNumber: type: string description: Your contact number nullable: true company: type: object description: your company information properties: name: type: string description: Your company name nullable: false number: type: string nullable: false description: Your company VAT number/Reg Number/Tax Number chargeReference: type: string description: Free text field to add your own personal reference to the order searchCriteria: type: object description: Details on the company you are investigating - the target company properties: name: type: string description: Target company name nullable: false additionalInfo: type: string description: Any further details on your target company that will assist our Investigation nullable: true telephoneNumber: type: string description: Target company telephone number nullable: true address: type: object description: Target company address nullable: true properties: simple: type: string postcode: type: string city: type: string regNo: type: string description: Target company registration number nullable: true vatNo: type: string description: Target company VAT number nullable: true countryCode: type: string description: Target company ISO2 country code nullable: false Connect.FreshInv.InvestigationConfirmed: type: object properties: correlationId: type: string description: A unique ID assigned to this request. message: type: string orderID: type: string description: Fresh Investigation Unique Identifier transactionID: type: string description: Fresh Investigation Internal Identifier Connect.FreshInv.CompletedInvestigation: type: object properties: chargeReference: type: string contactDetails: properties: emailAddress: type: string name: type: string telephoneNumber: type: string type: object creationDate: type: string lastStatusChangeDate: type: string orderID: type: integer reportDate: type: string searchCriteria: properties: additionalInfo: type: string address: properties: city: type: string postcode: type: string simple: type: string type: object countryCode: type: string name: type: string regNo: type: string vatNo: type: string type: object sections: items: anyOf: - properties: content: type: string contentType: type: string creationDate: type: string name: type: string type: object type: array status: properties: code: type: string description: type: string type: object transactionID: type: integer Connect.FreshInv.ListInvestigations: type: object properties: totalCount: type: integer orders: type: array items: type: object properties: orderID: type: integer description: Fresh Investigation Unique Identifier userID: type: string description: Fresh Investigation user Identifier creationDate: type: string description: Fresh Investigation Creation Date lastStatusChangeDate: type: string description: Fresh Investigation Last Status Change Date transactionID: type: integer description: Fresh Investigation Internal Identifier chargeReference: type: string contactDetails: type: object description: Contact details of the person who requested the investigation, and where the information will be sent. properties: name: type: string description: Contact name of the person who requested the investigation emailAddress: type: string description: The address to which the investigation report will be sent telephoneNumber: type: string description: Your telephone number sectionNames: type: string status: type: object description: The status of the investigation properties: code: type: string description: type: string consent: type: boolean description: Whether permission was granted by the requesting company to disclose the identity of the investigating party to the target company. searchCriteria: type: object description: The search criteria used to perform the investigation properties: name: type: string description: Target company name vatNo: type: string regNo: type: string additionalInfo: type: string address: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.AddressData" reportDate: type: string format: date-time Connect.Monitoring.UserDetails: type: array items: properties: countryCode: type: string example: US description: The ISO/Alpha 2 format country code for the user's country. createdDate: type: string format: date-time example: 2020-01-01T00:00:00 description: The date that the Global Monitoring user account was created. csCustomerId: type: number example: 101662701 description: The unique identifier for the user's customer account, used across the Creditsafe product suite. csUserId: type: number example: 101445010 description: The unique identifier for the user's account, used across the Creditsafe product suite. isAutoTracker: type: boolean example: false description: If auto-tracker is enabled, any companies that you pull a credit report for are automatically added to the portfolio that you have selected as default. languageCode: type: string example: en description: The language code for the user's preferred language. lastAccessDate: type: string nullable: true format: date-time example: 2020-02-01T14:30:00 description: The date the the user last accessed the Global Monitoring product. modifiedDate: type: string nullable: true format: date-time example: 2020-02-01T14:30:00 description: The date that the user's details were last modified. contractEndDate: type: string nullable: true format: date-time example: 2021-01-01T00:00:00 description: The date that the user's contract is currently set to expire. From this date onward, the user will be unable to access to Global Monitoring product. userId: type: number example: 10804 description: The internal identifier used to reference the user's account through the Global Monitoring product. Connect.Monitoring.CompanyEvents: type: object properties: correlationId: type: string description: A unique ID assigned to this request. example: 23921650-c073-11ea-860f-06bc8182190e totalCount: type: number description: The total number of events returned for the given company. example: 1 data: type: array items: type: object properties: eventId: type: number description: The unique identifier for the event. example: 192873729 companyId: type: string description: The Safe Number (Creditsafe's identifier on all Companies owned in the Creditsafe Universe) of the company that triggered the event. example: UK00004371 portfolioId: type: number description: The portfolio Id of the portfolio that contains the company that you requested event information for. example: 589960 ruleName: type: string description: A short description of the company event. example: Credit Limit Change localEventCode: type: string description: The local event code for the event. example: CL globalEventCode: type: string description: The global event code that has been mapped to the local event. example: CL newValue: type: string description: Some events contain an `oldValue` and `newValue` (e.g. a change in Credit Limit). example: 7050000 oldValue: type: string description: Some events contain an `oldValue` and `newValue` (e.g. a change in Credit Limit). example: 6100000 eventDate: type: string format: date-time description: The date that the event occurred. example: 2019-03-14T22:21:50 createdDate: type: string format: date-time description: The date that the event was created in the Creditsafe database. example: 2019-03-14T22:21:50 paging: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Monitoring.Paging" Connect.Monitoring.EventRulesResponse: type: array items: properties: isActive: type: boolean description: Shows whether the notification event rule has been enabled for the given portfolio. example: 0 ruleCode: type: number description: The unique identifier for the notification event rule. example: 101 ruleCountryCode: type: string description: The ISO/Alpha 2 format country code for the notification event rule. "XX" is used for global rules that apply to companies from all countries. example: XX ruleType: type: number description: The unique identifier of the `ruleType` for the notification event rule. example: 4 ruleTypeName: type: string description: A short description of the `ruleType` for the notification event rule. example: Rating band change - 3 input name: type: string description: The name for the notification event rule. example: International Rating | Reduce by {0} Band(s) OR Less than Band {1} param0: type: string description: Some notification event rules may include input parameters used to tailor the notifications generated to your preference. example: "1" param1: type: string description: Some notification event rules may include input parameters used to tailor the notifications generated to your preference. example: A Connect.Monitoring.AllNotificationsEvents: type: object properties: correlationId: type: string description: A unique ID assigned to this request. example: 23921650-c073-11ea-860f-06bc8182190e totalCount: type: number description: The total number of events returned for the given company. example: 36 data: type: array items: properties: company: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Monitoring.CompanyInfo" eventId: type: number description: The unique identifier of the event that triggered the generation of the `notificationEvent`. This identifier is consistent across all portfolios in the Global Monitoring product. example: 426992366 eventDate: type: string format: date-time description: The date that the event occurred. example: 2019-12-06T08:23:37 newValue: type: string nullable: true description: Some events contain an `oldValue` and `newValue` (e.g. a change in Credit Limit). example: 1600 AMPHITHEATRE PARKWAY, MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA, 94043-1351 oldValue: type: string nullable: true description: Some events contain an `oldValue` and `newValue` (e.g. a change in Credit Limit). example: 1604 AMPHITHEATRE PARKWAY, MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA, 94043-1351 notificationEventId: type: number description: The unique identifier for the `notificationEvent`. This identifier is tied to a specific `eventId` and `portfolioId`. example: 51861887 notificationId: type: number description: The unique identifier for the `notificationEvent`. This identifier is tied to a specific `eventId` and `portfolioId`. example: null nullable: true processedDate: type: string format: date-time description: If the Notification was sent by email, the date will be populated with when the notification was sent. example: null nullable: true ruleCode: type: number description: The unique identifier for the `ruleCode` that triggered the generation of the `notificationEvent`. example: 105 ruleName: type: string description: The name of the notification event rule that triggered the generation of the `notificationEvent`. example: Address summary: type: string description: A short description of the notification event rule that triggered the `notificationEvent`. example: Address Change reported nullable: true ruleText: type: string description: A short description of the notification event rule that triggered the `notificationEvent`. example: Address Change reported nullable: true localEventCode: type: string description: The local code of the `notificationEvent`. example: LI2013 nullable: true isProcessed: type: boolean description: a `true` or `false` flag for each event. Can be updated using the PATCH endpoint. example: true paging: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Monitoring.Paging" Connect.Monitoring.ListPortfolios: type: object properties: correlationId: type: string description: A unique ID assigned to this request. example: 23921650-c073-11ea-860f-06bc8182190e totalCount: type: number description: The total number of events returned for the given company. example: 1 paging: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Monitoring.Paging" data: type: object properties: portfolios: type: array items: properties: portfolioId: type: number description: A unique ID assigned to each portfolio. example: 131318 name: type: string description: The name of the portfolio example: Customers 2 isDefault: type: string description: A true or false value which shows if the portfolio is set as default example: false emails: type: array items: properties: firstName: type: string description: The first name of the user to receive the email notification. example: John lastName: type: string description: The last name of the user to receive the email notification. example: Doe email: type: string description: The email address of the user to receive the email notification. example: isSharedPortfolio: type: number description: Shows if the portfolio is shared with other users or not. 1 means the portfolio is shared. example: 1 sharedPortfolios: type: array nullable: true items: properties: portfolioId: type: number description: A unique ID assigned to each portfolio. example: 131318 name: type: string description: A name of the portfolio example: Customers 2 Connect.Monitoring.CreatePortfolioRequest: type: object properties: name: type: string description: The name of the portfolio example: Test Portfolio isDefault: type: boolean description: can set the portfolio as default for company monitoring events. example: false emails: type: array description: The email address of the user to receive the email notification. items: properties: firstName: type: string description: The first name of the user to receive the email notification. example: John lastName: type: string description: The last name of the user to receive the email notification. example: Doe emailAddress: type: string description: The email address of the user to receive the email notification. example: emailSubject: type: string description: The subject of the email notification. example: Creditsafe Monitoring Notification on portfolio {{portfolioName}} emailLanguage: type: string description: The language of the email notification. example: en frequency: type: string required: - name Connect.Monitoring.CreatePortfolioResponse: type: object properties: correlationId: type: string description: A unique ID assigned to this request. example: 14cc64a0-c108-11ea-b9af-06bcc69a383e portfolioId: type: number description: A unique ID assigned to each portfolio. example: 131318 name: type: string description: The name that was assigned to this portfolio example: My New Portfolio isDefault: type: boolean description: Shows if the portfolio is set as Default for the user. example: false Connect.Monitoring.GetPortfolioById: type: object properties: correlationId: type: string description: A unique ID assigned to this request. example: 23921650-c073-11ea-860f-06bc8182190e portfolioId: type: number description: A unique ID assigned to each portfolio. example: 36 name: type: string description: The name of the portfolio example: Customers 2 isDefault: type: boolean description: States if the portfolio is set as Default or not example: false emailSubject: type: string description: The subject of the email notification. example: Creditsafe Monitoring Notification on portfolio {{portfolioName}} emails: type: array description: The email addresses of the user to receive the email notification. items: properties: firstName: type: string description: The first name of the user to receive the email notification. example: John lastName: type: string description: The last name of the user to receive the email notification. example: Doe emailAddress: type: string description: The email address of the user to receive the email notification. example: Connect.Monitoring.DeletePortfolio: type: object properties: message: type: string description: Message stating if your request was successful example: Portfolio removed and service usage will be updated shortly Connect.Monitoring.UpdatePortfolioRequest: type: object properties: name: type: string description: The name of the portfolio isDefault: type: boolean description: Change the setting of the portfolio as default for company monitoring events.

Changing the default portfolio will automatically change the status of the previous default to 'false'. emails: type: array description: The email addresses of the user to receive the email notification. items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Monitoring.UpdatePortfolioRequestEmail" emailSubject: type: string description: The subject of the email notification. emailLanguage: type: string description: The language of the email notification. frequency: type: string description: For emails to be activated you must submit a value of '1' required: - name Connect.Monitoring.UpdatePortfolioRequestEmail: type: object properties: firstName: type: string description: The first name of the user to receive the email notification. lastName: type: string description: The last name of the user to receive the email notification. emailAddress: type: string description: The email address of the user to receive the email notification. required: - emailAddress Connect.Monitoring.MonitoredCountriesInPortfolio: type: array items: type: string example: - FR - LU - DE Connect.Monitoring.ListPortfolioEventRules: type: array items: type: object properties: isActive: type: boolean description: Shows whether the notification event rule has been enabled for the given portfolio. example: 0 ruleCode: type: number description: The unique identifier for the notification event rule. example: 101 ruleCountryCode: type: string description: The ISO/Alpha 2 format country code for the notification event rule. "XX" is used for global rules that apply to companies from all countries. example: XX ruleType: type: number description: The unique identifier of the `ruleType` for the notification event rule. example: 4 ruleTypeName: type: string description: A short description of the `ruleType` for the notification event rule. example: Rating band change - 3 input name: type: string description: The name for the notification event rule. example: International Rating | Reduce by {0} Band(s) OR Less than Band {1} param0: type: string description: Some notification event rules may include input parameters used to tailor the notifications generated to your preference. example: "1" param1: type: string description: Some notification event rules may include input parameters used to tailor the notifications generated to your preference. example: A param2: type: string description: Some notification event rules may include input parameters used to tailor the notifications generated to your preference. example: A Connect.Monitoring.UpdateEventRulesRequest: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Monitoring.UpdateEventRulesBody" Connect.Monitoring.UpdateEventRulesBody: type: object properties: ruleCode: type: integer description: The unique ID of the EventRule isActive: type: integer description: Flag to show if EventRule is active or not. 0 for false, 1 for true. param0: anyOf: - type: string - type: integer param1: anyOf: - type: string - type: integer param2: anyOf: - type: string - type: integer required: - ruleCode - isActive Connect.Monitoring.RiskSummary: type: object properties: correlationId: type: string description: A unique ID assigned to this request. example: 23921650-c073-11ea-860f-06bc8182190e totalCompanies: type: number description: Total Companies in the portfolio example: 66 bandACount: type: number example: 20 bandApc: type: number example: 40.625 bandBCount: type: number example: 17 bandBpc: type: number example: 26.5625 bandCCount: type: number example: 14 bandCpc: type: number example: 21.8775 bandDCount: type: number example: 5 bandDpc: type: number example: 7.8125 bandECount: type: number example: 2 bandEpc: type: number example: 3.125 Connect.Monitoring.IsProcessedRequest: type: object properties: isProcessed: type: boolean Connect.Monitoring.IsProcessedResponse: type: object properties: correlationId: type: string description: A unique ID assigned to this request. example: 23921650-c073-11ea-860f-06bc8182190e data: type: object properties: message: type: string example: Update successful Connect.Monitoring.CompaniesInAPortfolio: type: object properties: correlationId: type: string description: A unique ID assigned to this request. example: 23921650-c073-11ea-860f-06bc8182190e totalCount: type: number description: The total number of events returned for the given company. example: 1 paging: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Monitoring.Paging" data: type: array items: properties: id: type: string description: The connectId of the company. A connectId is the primary Company identifier that is used to uniquely identify all companies across Creditsafe's Universe and Partner Network. example: US-X-US22384484 safeNumber: type: string description: The Safe Number (Creditsafe's identifier on all Companies owned in the Creditsafe Universe) of the company. example: US22384484 name: type: string description: The name of the company . example: GOOGLE LLC address: type: string description: The address of the company. example: VIA PABLO NERUDA, 4, TREZZANO SUL NAVIGLIO, 20090 countryCode: type: string description: ISO/Alpha 2 format country code of the company. example: US portfolioId: type: number description: The portfolio Id of the portfolio that contains the company. example: 589960 creditLimit: type: number description: The credit limit of the company. example: 10000 nullable: true dateLastEvent: type: string description: The date of the most recent event the company has had. example: 2018-06-14T00:59:06 nullable: true freeText: type: string description: Field that can be used to add a free text note to when adding a company to a portfolio. example: null nullable: true personalLimit: type: string description: Field that can be used to add a personal limit number against the company in a portfolio. example: 10000 nullable: true personalReference: type: string description: Field that can be used to add a personal reference against the company in a portfolio. example: Follow up Jan 2021 nullable: true ratingCommon: type: string description: The rating score band that the company is in. example: A nullable: true ratingLocal: type: string description: Country specific rating score. example: Not rated - insufficient information to rate nullable: true companyStatus: type: string description: The current status of the company example: 1 nullable: true dateAdded: type: string format: date-time dateModified: type: string format: date-time Connect.Monitoring.AddCompanyToPortfolioRequest: type: object properties: id: type: string description: The company Safe Number or Connect ID personalReference: description: A personal reference for the company type: string nullable: true freeText: description: A free field to add any additional text to the company in the portfolio type: string nullable: true personalLimit: description: A personal limit for the company - separate from the credit limit type: string nullable: true required: - id - personalReference - freeText - personalLimit Connect.Monitoring.AddCompanyToPortfolioResponse: type: object properties: correlationId: type: string description: A unique ID assigned to this request. example: 23921650-c073-11ea-860f-06bc8182190e message: type: string description: A status message relating to your request. example: Company Added Connect.Monitoring.CopyAndMoveCompaniesRequest: type: object properties: portfolios: description: Comma separated portfolioId(s). type: array items: type: integer description: Comma separated portfolioId(s) companies: description: Array of companies to copy. type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Monitoring.CopyAndMoveCompaniesBodyCompanie\ s" required: - portfolios Connect.Monitoring.CopyAndMoveCompaniesBodyCompanies: type: object properties: id: type: string description: Company Safe Number or Connect ID. Not required when copyAll query parameter is set to true. Connect.Monitoring.CopyAndMoveCompaniesResponse: type: object properties: correlationId: type: string description: A unique ID assigned to this request. example: 23921650-c073-11ea-860f-06bc8182190e data: type: object properties: totalPortfoliosCompanies: type: integer description: Total amount of companies attempted to copy. example: 5 successfulPortfoliosCompanies: type: integer description: Amount of companies successfully copied. example: 3 failedPortfoliosCompanies: type: integer description: Amount of companies successfully copied. example: 2 reason: type: string description: A message with a reason for why there was failures. example: Duplicate entry '199483-FR00002855' for key 'PRIMARY Connect.Monitoring.ClearCompaniesRequest: type: object properties: companies: type: array items: type: string description: Comma separated Company Safe Number or Connect ID. Not required when copyAll query parameter is set to true. Connect.Monitoring.ClearCompaniesResponse: type: object properties: correlationId: type: string description: A unique ID assigned to this request. example: 23921650-c073-11ea-860f-06bc8182190e message: type: string description: A message stating if your request was successful. example: Companies deleted from portfolio Connect.Monitoring.GetCompanyFromPortfolio: type: object properties: correlationId: type: string description: A unique ID assigned to this request. example: 23921650-c073-11ea-860f-06bc8182190e connectId: type: string description: The connectId of the company. A connectId is the primary Company identifier that is used to uniquely identify all companies across Creditsafe's Universe and Partner Network. example: US-X-US22384484 portfolioId: type: number description: The portfolio Id of the portfolio that contains the company. example: 589960 personalReference: type: string description: Field that can be used to add a personal reference against the company in a portfolio. example: Follow up Jan 2021 nullable: true freeText: type: string description: Field that can be used to add a free text note to when adding a company to a portfolio. example: null nullable: true personalLimit: type: string description: Field that can be used to add a personal limit number against the company in a portfolio. example: 10000 nullable: true safeNumber: type: string description: The Safe Number (Creditsafe's identifier on all Companies owned in the Creditsafe Universe) of the company. example: US22384484 name: type: string description: The name of the company . example: GOOGLE LLC countryCode: type: string description: ISO/Alpha 2 format country code of the company. example: US address: type: string description: The address of the company. example: VIA PABLO NERUDA, 4, TREZZANO SUL NAVIGLIO, 20090 companyStatus: type: string description: The current status of the company example: 1 nullable: true creditLimit: type: number description: The credit limit of the company. example: 10000 nullable: true ratingCommon: type: string description: The rating score band that the company is in. example: A nullable: true ratingLocal: type: string description: Country specific rating score. example: Not rated - insufficient information to rate nullable: true dateLastEvent: type: string format: date-time description: The date of the most recent event the company has had. example: 2018-06-14T00:59:06 nullable: true dateAdded: type: string format: date-time description: The date the company was added to the portfolio. example: 2020-07-01T00:59:06 nullable: true dateModified: type: string format: date-time description: The date the company was last modified in the portfolio. example: 2020-07-01T00:59:06 nullable: true Connect.Monitoring.UpdateCompanyInPortfolio: type: object properties: correlationId: type: string description: A unique ID assigned to this request. example: 23921650-c073-11ea-860f-06bc8182190e message: type: string description: A message stating successful update. example: Company updated successfully Connect.Monitoring.DeleteCompanyFromPortfolio: type: object properties: correlationId: type: string description: A unique ID assigned to this request. example: 23921650-c073-11ea-860f-06bc8182190e message: type: string description: A message stating successful deletion. example: Company removed Connect.Monitoring.UpdateCompanyDetailsInPortfolioRequest: type: object properties: personalReference: description: Field that can be used to add a personal reference against the company in a portfolio. type: string freeText: description: Field that can be used to add a free text note to when adding/updating a company to a portfolio. type: string personalLimit: description: Field that can be used to add a personal limit number against the company in a portfolio. type: string required: - personalReference - freeText - personalLimit Connect.Monitoring.ListSharingPermissions: type: object properties: correlationId: type: string description: A unique ID assigned to this request. example: 23921650-c073-11ea-860f-06bc8182190e data: type: object properties: portfolioId: type: string description: A unique ID assigned to each portfolio. example: "13437356" customerId: type: number description: A unique ID assigned to your customer account. example: 101375376 userPermission: type: array items: type: object properties: csUserId: type: number description: The unique ID assigned to the user account the portfolios are shared with. example: 101435674 userName: type: string description: The username of the user. example: UPPStage permission: type: string description: The permissions this user has for this portfolio. example: View, Add, Remove Connect.Monitoring.SharePortfolioRequest: type: object properties: revokeAll: type: string description: If set to "true", all user permissions will be revoked for the portfolio. By default set to "false". userPermissions: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Monitoring.SharePortfolioRequestBody" Connect.Monitoring.SharePortfolioRequestBody: type: object properties: csUserId: type: integer description: A creditsafe user id. permissions: type: string description: Comma separated permissions. "View" permission gets automatically added to the user if "Add", "Edit", "Remove" permissions are set. Connect.Monitoring.SharePortfolioRequestResponse: type: object properties: correlationId: type: string description: A unique ID assigned to this request. example: 23921650-c073-11ea-860f-06bc8182190e data: type: object properties: portfolioId: type: string description: A unique ID assigned to each portfolio. example: "13437356" customerId: type: number description: A unique ID assigned to your customer account. example: 101375376 status: type: string description: A message about the status of this request. example: Success Connect.Monitoring.ImportAndSyncPortfolioRequest: type: object properties: importcsv: type: string format: binary description: The import file ideally needs to be a .csv file. email: type: string description: Option field. Provide an email and get a notification when the import has been completed with the details about the import. example: Connect.Monitoring.ImportAndSyncPortfolioResponse: type: object properties: correlationId: type: string description: A unique ID assigned to this request. example: 23921650-c073-11ea-860f-06bc8182190e status: type: string description: A message about the status of this request. example: Accepted for processing. Import Id 339523 Connect.Monitoring.CompanyInfo: type: object properties: id: type: string description: The connectId of the company that triggered the `notificationEvent`. A connectId is the primary Company identifier that is used to uniquely identify all companies across Creditsafe's Universe and Partner Network. example: US-X-US22384484 safeNumber: type: string description: The Safe Number (Creditsafe's identifier on all Companies owned in the Creditsafe Universe) of the company that triggered the `notificationEvent`. example: US22384484 name: type: string description: The name of the company that triggered the `notificationEvent`. example: GOOGLE LLC countryCode: type: string description: ISO/Alpha 2 format country code of the company that triggered the `notificationEvent`. example: US portfolioId: type: number description: The portfolio Id of the portfolio that contains the company that triggered the `notificationEvent`. example: 589960 portfolioName: type: string description: The name of the portfolio that contains the company that triggered the `notificationEvent`. example: Default Connect.Monitoring.Paging: type: object description: Paging parameters. properties: size: type: number nullable: true description: The maximum number of results returned per page. example: 10 prev: type: number nullable: true description: The page number of the previous page, null if there is no previous page available. example: 0 next: type: number nullable: true description: The page number of the next page, null if there is no next page available. example: 2 last: type: number nullable: true description: The page number of the last page. example: 3 Connect.DecisionEngine.GUIDListResponse: type: object properties: correlationId: type: string description: A unique ID assigned to this request. example: 23921650-c073-11ea-860f-06bc8182190e GUIDList: type: array items: properties: friendlyName: type: string description: The name of the decision tree. example: Check & Decide Demo GUID: type: string description: The unique reference for the decision tree. example: repoObj_0ed6a4aa_16e17d977e9_07ffb16e17d977e9 type: type: string enum: - Credit Approval - Bespoke - Demo description: The type of the decision tree. serviceLine: type: string description: The internal reference for the service line that credits will be deducted from on each decision tree run. example: dec_eng_cas nullable: true Connect.DecisionEngine.UserDataFieldsResponse: type: object properties: decisionEngineId: type: string description: The unique reference for the decision tree. example: repoObj_0ed6a4aa_16e17d977e9_07ffb16e17d977e9 fields: type: array description: A list of user-input data fields that are supported by the provided decision tree. The values for these fields should be passed to the `/{guid}` endpoint call when running a decision. items: properties: orderIndex: type: number description: Used to assist ordering of the user data fields on a UI. example: 100 label: type: string description: The user-friendly label for the field for display on a UI. example: Product Type paramName: type: string description: The string value for the parameter to be used when calling the `/{guid}` endpoint. example: productType fieldType: type: string enum: - Text - Integer - Dropdown description: The type of user data field. example: Dropdown mandatory: type: boolean description: Flag to dictate whether the user data field is required when running the associated decision tree. example: true dropdownDetails: type: array nullable: true items: properties: label: type: string description: The user-friendly label for the drop-down option for display on a UI. example: Product A presentationOrder: type: number description: Used to assist ordering of the drop-down options on a UI. example: 100 validation: type: array nullable: true description: Optional validation rules that should be applied to the corresponding user data field prior to running the decision tree. items: properties: validationType: type: string enum: - Regex Match - Maximum - Minimum - Length - Custom description: The type of validation rule. example: Minimum validationValue: type: string description: The value for the validation rule. example: 100 description: type: string description: A description for the validation rule. example: Minimum Sales Value $100 Connect.DecisionEngine.RunDecisionResponse: type: object properties: Decision: type: string description: The decision returned by the automated decision model. example: Reject nullable: true DecisionText: type: string description: The text output to accompany the decision returned by the decision model. example: The Sales Value requested is greater than Creditsafe's recommended credit limit. nullable: true Audits: type: array description: An array of audit values. The parameters output for audit are tailored and bespoke to each decision tree. nullable: true items: properties: description: type: string description: The value for the audit parameter at the point in time in which the decision tree was run. example: A nullable: true RuleName: type: string description: The friendly name for the audit parameter. example: International Score nullable: true originationId: type: string description: Displays the optional text passed through to be stored against the decision in the original call to `/{provenirId}`. Typically used for internal identifiers (e.g. SalesForce IDs). example: SFC-1976 nullable: true statusCode: type: string description: The status of the decision. typically, 1 is reserved for positive outcomes, 2 for pending status and 3 for negative outcomes. example: 3 nullable: true Connect.DecisionEngine.UsageLogResponse: type: object properties: totalCount: type: number description: The total number of previous decisions matching the defined filter criteria. example: 3108 usageLog: type: array items: properties: decisionLogId: type: number description: The unique identifier for the decision log. example: 64492 provenirId: type: string description: The unique identifier of the decision tree. example: repoObj_0ed6a4aa_16e17d977e9_07ffb16e17d977e9 friendlyName: type: string description: The name of the decision tree. example: Check & Decide Demo userId: type: number description: The unique identifier for the user's account, used across the Creditsafe product suite. example: 101445010 companyId: type: string description: The connectId of the company that the decision was ran on. A connectId is the primary Company identifier that is used to uniquely identify all companies across Creditsafe's Universe and Partner Network. example: US001-X-US60521352 companyName: type: string description: The name of the company that the decision was ran on. example: CREDITSAFE USA INC. nullable: true response: type: object properties: Decision: type: string description: The decision returned by the automated decision model. example: Reject DecisionText: type: string description: The text output to accompany the decision returned by the decision model. example: The Sales Value requested is greater than Creditsafe's recommended credit limit. Audits: type: array description: An array of audit values. The parameters output for audit are tailored and bespoke to each decision tree. items: properties: description: type: string description: The value for the audit parameter at the point in time in which the decision tree was run. example: A RuleName: type: string description: The friendly name for the audit parameter. example: International Score originationId: type: string description: Displays the optional text passed through to be stored against the decision in the original call to `/{provenirId}`. Typically used for internal identifiers (e.g. SalesForce IDs). example: SFC-1976 nullable: true statusCode: type: string description: The status of the decision. typically, 1 is reserved for positive outcomes, 2 for pending status and 3 for negative outcomes. example: 3 decisionDate: type: string format: date-time description: The timestamp that the decision model was run. notes: type: string nullable: true description: The notes associated with this decision. status: type: number description: The status of the decision. typically, 1 is reserved for positive outcomes, 2 for pending status and 3 for negative outcomes. example: 3 Connect.DecisionEngine.DecisionLogResponse: type: object properties: correlationId: type: string description: A unique ID assigned to this request. example: 23921650-c073-11ea-860f-06bc8182190e deprecated: true decisionLogId: type: number description: The unique identifier for the decision log. example: 64492 provenirId: type: string description: The unique identifier of the decision tree. example: repoObj_0ed6a4aa_16e17d977e9_07ffb16e17d977e9 friendlyName: type: string description: The name of the decision tree. example: Check & Decide Demo userId: type: number description: The unique identifier for the user's account, used across the Creditsafe product suite. example: 101445010 companyId: type: string description: The connectId of the company that the decision was ran on. A connectId is the primary Company identifier that is used to uniquely identify all companies across Creditsafe's Universe and Partner Network. example: US001-X-US60521352 companyName: type: string description: The name of the company that the decision was ran on. example: CREDITSAFE USA INC. nullable: true response: type: object properties: Decision: type: string description: The decision returned by the automated decision model. example: Reject DecisionText: type: string description: The text output to accompany the decision returned by the decision model. example: The Sales Value requested is greater than Creditsafe's recommended credit limit. Audits: type: array description: An array of audit values. The parameters output for audit are tailored and bespoke to each decision tree. items: properties: description: type: string description: The value for the audit parameter at the point in time in which the decision tree was run. example: A RuleName: type: string description: The friendly name for the audit parameter. example: International Score statusCode: type: string description: The status of the decision. Typically, 1 is reserved for positive outcomes, 2 for pending status and 3 for negative outcomes. example: 3 decisionDate: type: string format: date-time description: The timestamp that the decision model was run. originationId: type: string description: Displays the optional text passed through to be stored against the decision in the original call to `/{provenirId}`. Typically used for internal identifiers (e.g. SalesForce IDs). example: SFC-1976 nullable: true status: type: number description: The status of the decision. typically, 1 is reserved for positive outcomes, 2 for pending status and 3 for negative outcomes. example: 3 notes: type: string nullable: true description: The notes associated with this decision. modifiedDate: type: string format: date-time description: The timestamp that this decision was last modified. Connect.DecisionEngine.UpdateDecisionRequest: type: object properties: statusCode: type: number description: The status that the decision will be updated to. Typically, 1 is reserved for positive outcomes, 2 for pending status and 3 for negative outcomes. example: 1 notes: type: string description: Free text field to allow for the saving of notes on the associated decision object. example: Manually approved by Senior Credit Controller. Connect.BankMatch.Result: type: object properties: totalSize: type: integer example: 1 bankMatchResults: type: array items: type: object properties: companyNumber: type: string nullable: true example: X9999999 accountNumber: type: string nullable: true example: "66374957" iban: type: string nullable: true example: GB55TEST08999966374957 ibanResult: type: string description: Match or No Match nullable: true ibanText: type: string nullable: true example: The IBAN provided does not match the company UK07499628. logDate: type: string nullable: true example: 2020-06-04T11:04:32.7301608+00:00 safeNumber: type: string nullable: true example: UK07499628 scanResult: type: string description: Match or No Match nullable: true scanText: type: string nullable: true example: The Sort Code and Account Number provided does not match the company UK07499628. sortCode: type: string nullable: true example: "089999" statusResult: type: string description: Request status, e.g. Success, Error, Warning nullable: true statusText: type: string description: Explanation for error or warning, if applicable, otherwise empty quotation marks nullable: true vatResult: type: string description: Match or No Match nullable: true vatText: type: string nullable: true example: The VAT provided matches the company UK07499628. Creditsafe.GlobalData.CountryCode: enum: - AF - AX - AL - DZ - AS - AD - AO - AI - AQ - AG - AR - AM - AW - AU - AT - AZ - BS - BH - BD - BB - BY - BE - BZ - BJ - BM - BT - BO - BA - BW - BV - BR - IO - BN - BG - BF - BI - KH - CM - CA - CV - KY - CF - TD - CL - CN - CX - CC - CO - KM - CG - CD - CK - CR - CI - HR - CU - CY - CZ - DK - DJ - DM - DO - EC - EG - SV - GQ - ER - EE - ET - FK - FO - FJ - FI - FR - GF - PF - TF - GA - GM - GE - DE - GH - GI - GR - GL - GD - GP - GU - GT - GG - GN - GW - GY - HT - HM - HN - HK - HU - IS - IN - ID - IR - IQ - IE - IM - IT - JM - JP - JE - JO - KZ - KE - KI - KP - KR - KW - KG - LA - LV - LB - LS - LR - LY - LI - LT - LU - MO - MK - MG - MW - MY - MV - ML - MT - MH - MQ - MR - MU - YT - MX - FM - MD - ME - MS - MA - MZ - MM - NA - NR - NP - NL - AN - NC - NZ - NI - NE - NG - NU - NF - MP - NO - OM - PK - PW - PS - PA - PG - PY - PE - PH - PN - PL - PT - PR - QA - RE - RO - RU - RW - BL - SH - KN - LC - MF - PM - VC - WS - ST - SA - SN - RS - SC - SL - SG - SK - SI - SB - SO - ZA - GS - ES - LK - SD - SR - SJ - SZ - SE - CH - SY - TW - TJ - TZ - TH - TL - TG - TK - TO - TT - TN - TR - TM - TC - TV - UG - UA - AE - GB - US - UM - UY - UZ - VU - VA - VE - VN - VG - VI - WF - EH - YE - ZM - ZW - XK - SS - SX - CW - BQ - WW - PLC type: string Creditsafe.GlobalData.Language: enum: - OM - AB - AA - AF - SQ - AM - AR - HY - AS - AY - AZ - BA - EU - BN - DZ - BH - BI - BR - BG - MY - BE - KM - CA - ZH - CO - HR - CS - DA - NL - EN - EO - ET - FO - FJ - FI - FR - FY - GL - KA - DE - EL - KL - GN - GU - HA - HE - HI - HU - IS - ID - IA - IE - IK - IU - GA - IT - JA - JW - KN - KS - KK - RW - KY - RN - KO - KU - LO - LA - LV - LN - LT - MK - MG - MS - ML - MT - MI - MR - MO - MN - NA - NE - NO - OC - OR - PS - FA - PL - PT - PA - QU - RM - RO - RU - SM - SG - SA - GD - SR - SH - ST - TN - SN - SD - SI - SS - SK - SL - SO - ES - SU - SW - SV - TL - TG - TA - TT - TE - TH - BO - TI - TO - TS - TR - TK - TW - UG - UK - UR - UZ - VI - VO - CY - WO - XH - YI - YO - ZA - ZU type: string Creditsafe.GlobalData.CompanyType: description: "`NonLtdNonReg` is only available for countries in Norway." enum: - NotSet - Ltd - NonLtd - NonLtdNonReg type: string Creditsafe.GlobalData.Country: type: object properties: code: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.CountryCode" onlineReports: type: boolean monitoring: type: boolean availableLanguages: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Language" availableCompanyTypes: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.CompanyType" Creditsafe.GlobalData.MessageType: enum: - Information - Warning - Error type: string Creditsafe.GlobalData.MessageCode: enum: - NoResults - TooManyResults - ReportUnavailable - ReportUnavailableDueToLegal - ReportUnavailableOnline - LegalNotice - InvalidCredentials - AccessRestricted - AccessLimitsNearing - InsufficientCustomerData - ReportboxAlmostFull - ReportboxFull - InvalidRequestXml - InvalidOperationParameters - OperationNotSupported - InvalidCustomData - ChangeNotification - TemporarySystemProblem - EndpointShutdown - UnexpectedInternalError - Other - DataServiceAccessProblems - DataServiceInvalidResponse type: string Creditsafe.GlobalData.Message: type: object properties: type: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.MessageType" code: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.MessageCode" text: type: string Creditsafe.GlobalData.ServiceResponse: type: object properties: messages: description: Provides information about the request and the response. type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Message" Creditsafe.GlobalData.CountriesList: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.ServiceResponse" - type: object properties: countries: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Country" Creditsafe.GlobalData.CustomDataEntrySchema: type: object properties: key: type: string optional: type: boolean allowedValues: type: array items: type: string description: type: string Creditsafe.GlobalData.CustomDataSchema: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.ServiceResponse" - type: object properties: customData: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.CustomDataEntrySchema" country: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.CountryCode" Creditsafe.GlobalData.SearchCriteriaSchema-ValueSchema_1_System.String: type: object properties: required: type: boolean minLength: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true maxLength: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true allowedValues: type: array items: type: string validationRegExp: type: string Creditsafe.GlobalData.QueryMatchType: enum: - MatchBeginning - MatchBlock - MatchAnyParts - MatchWords - MatchBlockOrWords - ExactValue - ClosestKeywords type: string Creditsafe.GlobalData.SearchCriteriaSchema-QueryStringSchema: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.SearchCriteriaSchema-ValueSch\ ema_1_System.String" Creditsafe.GlobalData.SearchCriteriaSchema-ValueSchema_1_Creditsafe.GlobalData.CompanyType: type: object properties: optional: type: boolean minLength: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true maxLength: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true allowedValues: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.CompanyType" validationRegExp: type: string Creditsafe.GlobalData.OfficeType: enum: - registered - trading - headOffice - branch - subsidiary - franchise - franchisor - singleOffice - other type: string Creditsafe.GlobalData.SearchCriteriaSchema-ValueSchema_1_Creditsafe.GlobalData.OfficeType: type: object properties: optional: type: boolean minLength: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true maxLength: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true allowedValues: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.OfficeType" validationRegExp: type: string Creditsafe.GlobalData.CompanyStatus: enum: - Active - NonActive - Pending - Other type: string Creditsafe.GlobalData.SearchCriteriaSchema-ValueSchema_1_Creditsafe.GlobalData.CompanyStatus: type: object properties: optional: type: boolean minLength: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true maxLength: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true allowedValues: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.CompanyStatus" validationRegExp: type: string Creditsafe.GlobalData.AddressCriteriaSchema: type: object properties: simpleValue: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.SearchCriteriaSchema-QueryStr\ ingSchema" street: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.SearchCriteriaSchema-ValueSch\ ema_1_System.String" houseNo: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.SearchCriteriaSchema-ValueSch\ ema_1_System.String" city: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.SearchCriteriaSchema-ValueSch\ ema_1_System.String" postCode: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.SearchCriteriaSchema-ValueSch\ ema_1_System.String" province: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.SearchCriteriaSchema-ValueSch\ ema_1_System.String" Creditsafe.GlobalData.SearchCriteriaSchema-ValueSchema_1_System.Boolean: type: object properties: optional: type: boolean minLength: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true maxLength: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true allowedValues: type: array items: type: boolean validationRegExp: type: string Creditsafe.GlobalData.SearchCriteriaSchemaBase: type: object Creditsafe.GlobalData.SearchCriteriaSchema: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.SearchCriteriaSchemaBase" - type: object properties: id: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.SearchCriteriaSchema-ValueSch\ ema_1_System.String" safeNo: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.SearchCriteriaSchema-ValueSch\ ema_1_System.String" regNo: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.SearchCriteriaSchema-ValueSch\ ema_1_System.String" vatNo: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.SearchCriteriaSchema-ValueSch\ ema_1_System.String" name: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.SearchCriteriaSchema-QueryStr\ ingSchema" type: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.SearchCriteriaSchema-ValueSch\ ema_1_Creditsafe.GlobalData.CompanyType" officeType: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.SearchCriteriaSchema-ValueSch\ ema_1_Creditsafe.GlobalData.OfficeType" status: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.SearchCriteriaSchema-ValueSch\ ema_1_Creditsafe.GlobalData.CompanyStatus" address: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.AddressCriteriaSchema" phoneNumber: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.SearchCriteriaSchema-ValueSch\ ema_1_System.String" website: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.SearchCriteriaSchema-ValueSch\ ema_1_System.String" includeTradingNames: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.SearchCriteriaSchema-ValueSch\ ema_1_System.Boolean" includeTradingAddresses: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.SearchCriteriaSchema-ValueSch\ ema_1_System.Boolean" Creditsafe.GlobalData.SearchCriteriaSchemaCountry: type: object properties: correlationId: type: string description: A unique ID assigned to this request. countries: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.CountryCode" languages: type: array description: Available languages to perform a company search in the country queried items: type: string criteriaSets: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.SearchCriteriaSchema" Creditsafe.GlobalData.SearchCriteriaSchemaSet: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.ServiceResponse" - type: object properties: customData: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.CustomDataEntrySchema" Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.IdType: enum: - Other - SafeNumber - RegistrationNumber - VATNumber - TaxID - PersonNumber - ExternalID - InternalID type: string Creditsafe.GlobalData.AddressDataReport: type: object properties: type: type: string simpleValue: type: string street: type: string houseNumber: type: string city: type: string postalCode: type: string province: type: string telephone: type: string directMarketingOptOut: type: boolean nullable: true directMarketingOptIn: type: boolean nullable: true country: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.CountryCode" Creditsafe.GlobalData.AddressData: type: object properties: type: type: string simpleValue: type: string street: type: string houseNumber: type: string city: type: string postalCode: type: string province: type: string telephone: type: string directMarketingOptOut: type: boolean nullable: true directMarketingOptIn: type: boolean nullable: true country: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.CountryCode" Creditsafe.GlobalData.CompanyActivityClassification: type: object properties: code: type: string industrySector: type: string description: type: string classification: type: string Creditsafe.GlobalData.CompanyData: type: object properties: id: type: string country: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.CountryCode" regNo: type: string safeNo: type: string idType: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.IdType" name: type: string type: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.CompanyType" officeType: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.OfficeType" status: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.CompanyStatus" vatNo: oneOf: - type: string nullable: true - type: array items: type: string nullable: true address: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.AddressData" activity: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.CompanyActivityClassification" legalForm: type: string additionalData: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.CompanyDataAdditionalData" Creditsafe.GlobalData.Company: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.CompanyData" - type: object properties: dateOfLatestAccounts: type: string format: date-time nullable: true dateOfLatestChange: type: string format: date-time nullable: true activityCode: type: string nullable: true Creditsafe.GlobalData.SearchResponse_1_Creditsafe.GlobalData.Company: allOf: - type: object properties: correlationId: type: string description: A unique ID assigned to this request. messages: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/CreditsafeGlobalDataMessage" totalSize: type: integer format: int32 companies: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Company" Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.ReportSection: enum: - CompanySummary - CompanySummaryExtra - AlternateSummary - CompanyIdentification - CompanyIdentificationExtra - CreditScore - CreditScoreExtra - ContactInformation - ContactInformationExtra - ShareCapitalStructure - ShareCapitalStructureExtra - Directors - DirectorsExtra - Directorships - DirectorshipsExtra - OtherInformation - OtherInformationExtra - GroupStructure - GroupStructureExtra - ExtendedGroupStructure - ExtendedGroupStructureExtra - GlobalFinancialStatements - GlobalFinancialStatementsExtra - LocalFinancialStatements - LocalFinancialStatementsExtra - PaymentData - PaymentDataExtra - NegativeInformation - NegativeInformationExtra - AdditionalInformation - AdditionalInformationExtra - UPPData - Unused type: string Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.CompanyStatusDescription: type: object properties: status: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.CompanyStatus" description: type: string Creditsafe.GlobalData.Currency: enum: - AFA - ALL - DZD - ADF - ADP - AOA - ARA - ARS - AMD - AWG - AUD - AZM - BSD - BHD - BDT - BBD - BYR - BZD - BMD - BTN - BOB - BAM - BWP - BRC - BRL - GBP - BND - BGN - BIF - XOF - XAF - KHR - CAD - CVE - KYD - CLP - CNY - COP - KMF - CDF - CRC - HRK - CUP - CZK - DKK - DJF - DOP - NLG - EUR - ECS - EGP - SVC - EEK - ETB - FKP - FJD - FRF - GMD - GEL - GHC - GIP - XAU - GTQ - GNF - GWP - GYD - HTG - HNL - HKD - HUF - ISK - INR - IDR - IRR - IQD - ILS - JMD - JPY - JOD - KZT - KES - KRW - KWD - KGS - LAK - LVL - LBP - LSL - LRD - LYD - LTL - MOP - MKD - MGF - MWK - MYR - MVR - MTL - MRO - MUR - MXN - MDL - MNT - MAD - MZM - MMK - ANG - NAD - NPR - NZD - NIO - NGN - KPW - NOK - OMR - PKR - XPD - PAB - PGK - PYG - PEN - PHP - XPT - PLN - QAR - RON - RUB - RWF - WST - STD - SAR - RSD - SCR - SLL - XAG - SGD - SKK - SIT - SBD - SOS - ZAR - LKR - SHP - SDD - SDG - SDP - SRD - SRG - SZL - SEK - CHF - SYP - TWD - TJS - TZS - THB - TOP - TTD - TND - TRY - TMM - USD - UGX - UAG - UAK - AED - UYU - UZS - VUV - VEF - VND - YUN - ZMK - ZWD - AFN - ATS - AZN - BYN - BEF - BOV - GRD - FIM - DEM - GHS - IEP - ITL - LUF - PTE - ESP - XDR - TMT - UAH - ERN - MGA - MRU - MZN - SSP - STN - YER - XPF - XCD - ZMW - ZWL type: string Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.FinancialValue_1_System.Decimal: type: object properties: currency: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Currency" value: type: number format: double Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.CommonRatingValue: enum: - A - B - C - D - E type: string Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.FinancialValue_1_System.String: type: object properties: currency: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Currency" value: type: string Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.RangeDescribedValue_1_System.String: type: object properties: maxValue: type: string minValue: type: string value: type: string Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.CreditRating: type: object properties: commonValue: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.CommonRatingValue" commonDescription: type: string creditLimit: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.FinancialValue_1_Syst\ em.String" providerValue: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.RangeDescribedValue_1\ _System.String" providerDescription: type: string pod: type: number format: double nullable: true assessment: type: string Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.LtdCompanySummary: type: object properties: businessName: type: string country: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.CountryCode" companyNumber: type: string companyRegistrationNumber: type: string ggsID: type: string mainActivity: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.CompanyActivityClassification" companyStatus: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.CompanyStatusDescript\ ion" latestTurnoverFigure: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.FinancialValue_1_Syst\ em.Decimal" latestShareholdersEquityFigure: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.FinancialValue_1_Syst\ em.Decimal" creditRating: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.CreditRating" Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.LegalForm: type: object properties: commonCode: type: string providerCode: type: string description: type: string Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.LtdCompanyBasicInformation: type: object properties: businessName: type: string nullable: true registeredCompanyName: type: string companyRegistrationNumber: type: string country: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.CountryCode" vatRegistrationNumber: type: string vatRegistrationDate: type: string format: date-time nullable: true companyRegistrationDate: type: string format: date-time nullable: true operationsStartDate: type: string format: date-time nullable: true commercialCourt: type: string legalForm: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.LegalForm" ownershipType: type: string companyStatus: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.CompanyStatusDescript\ ion" principalActivity: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.CompanyActivityClassification" contactAddress: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.AddressData" Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.CompanyActivity: type: object properties: code: type: string description: type: string Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.CompanyActivityList: type: object properties: classification: type: string activities: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.CompanyActivity" Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.PreviousValue: type: object properties: dateChanged: type: string format: date-time nullable: true Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.PreviousName: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.PreviousValue" - type: object properties: name: type: string Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.PreviousLegalForm: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.PreviousValue" - type: object properties: legalForm: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.LegalForm" Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.LtdCompanyIdentification: type: object properties: basicInformation: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.LtdCompanyBasicInform\ ation" activityClassifications: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.CompanyActivityList" previousNames: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.PreviousName" previousLegalForms: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.PreviousLegalForm" Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.LtdCreditScore: type: object properties: currentCreditRating: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.CreditRating" currentContractLimit: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.FinancialValue_1_Syst\ em.Decimal" previousCreditRating: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.CreditRating" latestRatingChangeDate: type: string format: date-time nullable: true Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.LtdContactInformation: type: object properties: mainAddress: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.AddressDataReport" otherAddresses: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.AddressDataReport" previousAddresses: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.AddressDataReport" emailAddresses: type: array items: type: string websites: type: array items: type: string Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.Indicators: type: array items: type: object properties: type: type: string enum: - eti - pei - fsi - pbi value: type: string example: X changeDate: type: string format: date-time industryComparison: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.IndicatorIndustryComp\ arison" Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.EntityType: enum: - Other - Person - Company type: string Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.ShareClass: type: object properties: shareType: type: string currency: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Currency" valuePerShare: type: number format: double nullable: true jointlyOwned: type: boolean nullable: true numberOfSharesOwned: type: integer format: int64 nullable: true valueOfSharesOwned: type: number format: double nullable: true additionalData: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.ShareClassAdditionalD\ ata" Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.EntityFullName: type: object properties: id: type: string idType: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.IdType" name: type: string title: type: string firstNames: type: string firstName: type: string middleName: type: string surname: type: string address: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.AddressData" Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.ShareHolder: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.EntityFullName" - type: object properties: shareholderType: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.EntityType" shareType: type: string currency: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Currency" totalValueOfSharesOwned: type: number format: double nullable: true totalNumberOfSharesOwned: type: integer format: int64 nullable: true percentSharesHeld: type: number format: double nullable: true startDate: type: string format: date-time nullable: true endDate: type: string format: date-time nullable: true hasNegativeInfo: type: boolean nullable: true shareClasses: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.ShareClass" Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.LtdShareCapitalStructure: type: object properties: nominalShareCapital: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.FinancialValue_1_Syst\ em.Decimal" issuedShareCapital: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.FinancialValue_1_Syst\ em.Decimal" shareCapitalCurrency: type: string numberOfSharesIssued: type: integer format: int64 nullable: true description: "`int64` refers to the `long` type " shareHolders: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.ShareHolder" Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.Gender: enum: - Unknown - Male - Female - NotApplicable type: string Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.CorporatePosition: type: object properties: dateAppointed: type: string format: date-time nullable: true commonCode: type: string providerCode: type: string positionName: type: string authority: type: string apptDurationType: type: string additionalData: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.CorporatePositionAddi\ tionalData" Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.Director: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.EntityFullName" - type: object properties: gender: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.Gender" birthName: type: string dateOfBirth: type: string format: date-time nullable: true placeOfBirth: type: string nationality: type: string countryOfResidence: type: string country: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.CountryCode" directorType: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.EntityType" hasNegativeInfo: description: Linked with DE searches, may return with other countries if data is available. type: boolean nullable: true signingAuthority: description: Linked with DE searches, may return with other countries if data is available. type: boolean nullable: true positions: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.CorporatePosition" additionalData: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.DirectorAdditionalDat\ a" Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.PreviousDirector: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.Director" - type: object properties: resignationDate: type: string format: date-time nullable: true Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.LtdDirectors: type: object properties: currentDirectors: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.Director" previousDirectors: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.PreviousDirector" Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.CorporatePositionResigned: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.CorporatePosition" - type: object properties: resignationDate: type: string format: date-time nullable: true Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.Directorship: type: object properties: id: type: string title: type: string initials: type: string name: type: string position: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.CorporatePositionResi\ gned" registrationNumber: type: string companyName: type: string status: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.CompanyStatusDescript\ ion" Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.Directorships: type: object properties: currentDirectorships: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.Directorship" previousDirectorships: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.Directorship" Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.Entity: type: object properties: name: type: string address: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.AddressData" Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.Banker: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.Entity" - type: object properties: bankCode: type: string bic: type: string Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.Advisor: type: object properties: auditorName: type: string solicitorName: type: string accountantName: type: string Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.EmployeeInformation: type: object properties: year: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true numberOfEmployees: type: string Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.LtdOtherInformation: type: object properties: bankers: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.Banker" advisors: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.Advisor" employeesInformation: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.EmployeeInformation" Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.LtdGroupStructure: type: object properties: ultimateParent: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.CompanyData" immediateParent: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.CompanyData" subsidiaryCompanies: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.CompanyData" affiliatedCompanies: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.CompanyData" Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.CompanyInGroup: type: object properties: id: type: string country: type: string safeNumber: type: string idType: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.IdType" companyName: type: string registeredNumber: type: string latestAnnualAccounts: type: string format: date-time nullable: true level: type: integer format: int32 percentOfOwnership: type: number format: double nullable: true status: type: string commonRatingBand: type: string additionalData: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.CompanyInGroupAdditio\ nalData" Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.ProfitAndLossFigures: type: object properties: revenue: type: number format: double nullable: true operatingCosts: type: number format: double nullable: true operatingProfit: type: number format: double nullable: true wagesAndSalaries: type: number format: double nullable: true pensionCosts: type: number format: double nullable: true depreciation: type: number format: double nullable: true amortisation: type: number format: double nullable: true financialIncome: type: number format: double nullable: true financialExpenses: type: number format: double nullable: true extraordinaryIncome: type: number format: double nullable: true extraordinaryCosts: type: number format: double nullable: true profitBeforeTax: type: number format: double nullable: true tax: type: number format: double nullable: true profitAfterTax: type: number format: double nullable: true dividends: type: number format: double nullable: true minorityInterests: type: number format: double nullable: true otherAppropriations: type: number format: double nullable: true retainedProfit: type: number format: double nullable: true Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.BalanceSheet: type: object properties: landAndBuildings: type: number format: double nullable: true plantAndMachinery: type: number format: double nullable: true otherTangibleAssets: type: number format: double nullable: true totalTangibleAssets: type: number format: double nullable: true goodwill: type: number format: double nullable: true otherIntangibleAssets: type: number format: double nullable: true totalIntangibleAssets: type: number format: double nullable: true investments: type: number format: double nullable: true loansToGroup: type: number format: double nullable: true otherLoans: type: number format: double nullable: true miscellaneousFixedAssets: type: number format: double nullable: true totalOtherFixedAssets: type: number format: double nullable: true totalFixedAssets: type: number format: double nullable: true rawMaterials: type: number format: double nullable: true workInProgress: type: number format: double nullable: true finishedGoods: type: number format: double nullable: true otherInventories: type: number format: double nullable: true totalInventories: type: number format: double nullable: true tradeReceivables: type: number format: double nullable: true groupReceivables: type: number format: double nullable: true receivablesDueAfter1Year: type: number format: double nullable: true miscellaneousReceivables: type: number format: double nullable: true totalReceivables: type: number format: double nullable: true cash: type: number format: double nullable: true otherCurrentAssets: type: number format: double nullable: true totalCurrentAssets: type: number format: double nullable: true totalAssets: type: number format: double nullable: true tradePayables: type: number format: double nullable: true bankLiabilities: type: number format: double nullable: true otherLoansOrFinance: type: number format: double nullable: true groupPayables: type: number format: double nullable: true miscellaneousLiabilities: type: number format: double nullable: true totalCurrentLiabilities: type: number format: double nullable: true tradePayablesDueAfter1Year: type: number format: double nullable: true bankLiabilitiesDueAfter1Year: type: number format: double nullable: true otherLoansOrFinanceDueAfter1Year: type: number format: double nullable: true groupPayablesDueAfter1Year: type: number format: double nullable: true miscellaneousLiabilitiesDueAfter1Year: type: number format: double nullable: true totalLongTermLiabilities: type: number format: double nullable: true totalLiabilities: type: number format: double nullable: true calledUpShareCapital: type: number format: double nullable: true sharePremium: type: number format: double nullable: true revenueReserves: type: number format: double nullable: true otherReserves: type: number format: double nullable: true totalShareholdersEquity: type: number format: double nullable: true Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.OtherFinancials: type: object properties: contingentLiabilities: type: string workingCapital: type: number format: double nullable: true netWorth: type: number format: double nullable: true Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.FinancialRatios: type: object properties: preTaxProfitMargin: type: number format: double nullable: true returnOnCapitalEmployed: type: number format: double nullable: true returnOnTotalAssetsEmployed: type: number format: double nullable: true returnOnNetAssetsEmployed: type: number format: double nullable: true salesOrNetWorkingCapital: type: number format: double nullable: true stockTurnoverRatio: type: number format: double nullable: true debtorDays: type: number format: double nullable: true creditorDays: type: number format: double nullable: true currentRatio: type: number format: double nullable: true liquidityRatioOrAcidTest: type: number format: double nullable: true currentDebtRatio: type: number format: double nullable: true gearing: type: number format: double nullable: true equityInPercentage: type: number format: double nullable: true totalDebtRatio: type: number format: double nullable: true Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.LtdFinancialStatement: type: object properties: type: type: string yearEndDate: type: string format: date-time numberOfWeeks: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true currency: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Currency" consolidatedAccounts: type: boolean nullable: true Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.GlobalFinancialsGGS: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.LtdFinancialStatement" - type: object properties: profitAndLoss: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.ProfitAndLossFigures" balanceSheet: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.BalanceSheet" otherFinancials: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.OtherFinancials" ratios: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.FinancialRatios" Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.ReportNegativeInformation: type: object Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.ReportAdditionalInformation: type: object Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.CompanyReport: type: object properties: companyId: type: string language: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Language" companySummary: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.LtdCompanySummary" companyIdentification: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.LtdCompanyIdentificat\ ion" creditScore: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.LtdCreditScore" contactInformation: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.LtdContactInformation" indicators: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.Indicators" shareCapitalStructure: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.LtdShareCapitalStruct\ ure" directors: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.LtdDirectors" directorships: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.Directorships" otherInformation: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.LtdOtherInformation" groupStructure: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.LtdGroupStructure" extendedGroupStructure: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.CompanyInGroup" financialStatements: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.GlobalFinancialsGGS" localFinancialStatements: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.LtdFinancialStatement" negativeInformation: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.ReportNegativeInforma\ tion" additionalInformation: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.ReportAdditionalInfor\ mation" directorsExtra: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.LtdDirectorsExtra" extendedGroupStructureExtra: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.LtdExtendedGroupStruc\ tureExtra" paymentData: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.ReportPaymentData" paymentDataExtra: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.ReportPaymentDataExtr\ a" alternateSummary: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.ReportAlternateSummar\ y" negativeInformationExtra: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.ReportNegativeInforma\ tionExtra" Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.CompanyReportResponse: allOf: - type: object properties: correlationId: type: string description: A unique ID assigned to this request. failedSections: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.ReportSection" report: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.CompanyReport" companyId: type: string dateOfOrder: type: string format: date-time language: type: string userId: type: integer Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.AdditionalData: type: object Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.ShareClassAdditionalData: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.AdditionalData" - type: object Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.DirectorAdditionalData: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.AdditionalData" - type: object Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.CompanyReportExtraSection: type: object Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.LtdDirectorsExtra: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.CompanyReportExtraSec\ tion" - type: object Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.LtdExtendedGroupStructureExtra: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.CompanyReportExtraSec\ tion" - type: object Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.ReportPaymentData: type: object Creditsafe.GlobalData.SearchCriteriaSchemaDirector: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.SearchCriteriaSchemaBase" - type: object properties: id: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.SearchCriteriaSchema-ValueSch\ ema_1_System.String" firstName: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.SearchCriteriaSchema-QueryStr\ ingSchema" lastName: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.SearchCriteriaSchema-QueryStr\ ingSchema" companyId: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.SearchCriteriaSchema-ValueSch\ ema_1_System.String" companyName: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.SearchCriteriaSchema-QueryStr\ ingSchema" companyType: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.SearchCriteriaSchema-ValueSch\ ema_1_Creditsafe.GlobalData.CompanyType" companyRegistrationNumber: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.SearchCriteriaSchema-ValueSch\ ema_1_System.String" address: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.AddressCriteriaSchema" status: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.SearchCriteriaSchema-ValueSch\ ema_1_System.String" Creditsafe.GlobalData.SearchCriteriaSchemaCountryDirector: type: object properties: country: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.CountryCode" schemas: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.SearchCriteriaSchemaDirector" Creditsafe.GlobalData.SearchCriteriaSchemaSetDirector: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.ServiceResponse" - type: object properties: countriesCriteria: description: The list of available parameters for the search in the given country. type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.SearchCriteriaSchemaCountryDi\ rector" customData: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.CustomDataEntrySchema" Creditsafe.GlobalData.DirectorSearchData: type: object properties: peopleId: description: The unique identifier of the person. type: string firstName: description: The first name of the director. type: string lastName: description: The last name of the director. type: string country: description: The country of the director. $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.CountryCode" company: type: object properties: id: description: The unique identifier of the company. type: string companyName: description: The name of the company. type: string companyType: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.CompanyType" companyRegistrationNumber: description: The registration number of the company. type: string status: type: string address: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.AddressData" dateOfLatestChange: description: The date of the latest change to the director information. type: string format: date-time nullable: true dateOfBirth: description: The date of birth of the director. type: string format: date-time localDirectorNumber: description: The local director number of the director. type: string score: type: integer taxCode: type: string searchRanking: type: string Creditsafe.GlobalData.SearchResponse_1_Creditsafe.GlobalData.DirectorSearchData: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.ServiceResponse" - type: object properties: correlationId: type: string directors: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.DirectorSearchData" totalSize: description: The total number of results. type: integer format: int32 Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.Directors.DirectorSummary: type: object properties: currentAppointments: type: integer format: int32 inactiveAppointments: type: integer format: int32 previousAppointments: type: integer format: int32 Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.Directors.DirectorshipAdditionalData: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.AdditionalData" - type: object Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.Directors.Directorship: type: object properties: id: type: string idType: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.IdType" companyName: type: string companyNumber: type: string companyRegistrationNumber: type: string address: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.AddressData" status: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.CompanyStatus" activity: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.CompanyActivity" position: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.CorporatePositionResi\ gned" signingAuthority: type: boolean nullable: true companyRegistrationDate: type: string format: date-time nullable: true legalForm: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.LegalForm" state: type: string yearEndDate: type: string format: date-time nullable: true currency: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Currency" latestTurnoverFigure: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.FinancialValue_1_Syst\ em.Decimal" netWorth: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.FinancialValue_1_Syst\ em.Decimal" legalCount: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true legalAmount: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.FinancialValue_1_Syst\ em.Decimal" legalCountInLast12Months: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true creditScore: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.LtdCreditScore" dbt: type: number format: double nullable: true additionalData: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.Directors.Directorshi\ pAdditionalData" Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.Directors.Directorships: type: object properties: current: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.Directors.Directorshi\ p" previous: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.Directors.Directorshi\ p" inactive: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.Directors.Directorshi\ p" Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.Directors.DirectorReport: type: object properties: directorId: type: string directorSummary: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.Directors.DirectorSum\ mary" directorDetails: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.Director" otherAddresses: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.AddressData" directorships: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.Directors.Directorshi\ ps" Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.Directors.DirectorReportResponse: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.ServiceResponse" - type: object properties: report: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.Directors.DirectorRep\ ort" Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.CorporatePositionAdditionalData: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.AdditionalData" - type: object Creditsafe.GlobalData.Services.BEDataService.RawClient.RawWrappedUPPResponse: type: object Creditsafe.GlobalData.ServiceResponse_1_Creditsafe.GlobalData.Services.BEDataService.RawClient.RawWrappedUPPResponse: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.ServiceResponse" - type: object properties: data: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Services.BEDataService.RawCli\ ent.RawWrappedUPPResponse" Creditsafe.GlobalData.CompanyDataAdditionalData: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.AdditionalData" - type: object Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.CompanyInGroupAdditionalData: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.AdditionalData" - type: object Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.ReportPaymentDataExtra: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.CompanyReportExtraSec\ tion" - type: object Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.ReportAlternateSummary: type: object Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.ReportNegativeInformationExtra: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.CompanyReportExtraSec\ tion" - type: object Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.Consumer.ConsumerInformationAdditionalData: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.AdditionalData" - type: object Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.Consumer.ConsumerInformation: type: object properties: name: type: string firstName: type: string surname: type: string age: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true dateOfBirth: type: string format: date-time nullable: true gender: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.Gender" consumerID: type: string address: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.AddressData" additionalData: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.Consumer.ConsumerInfo\ rmationAdditionalData" Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.Consumer.ConsumerIncome: type: object properties: incomeYear: type: integer format: int32 taxClass: type: string netWealth: type: number format: double nullable: true netIncome: type: number format: double nullable: true sumTax: type: number format: double nullable: true grossIncome: type: number format: double nullable: true municipalityNr: type: string Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.Consumer.ConsumerDirectorship: type: object properties: companyName: type: string companyStatus: type: string appointmentDate: type: string format: date-time nullable: true turnover: type: number format: double nullable: true creditRating: type: string companyNumber: type: string function: type: string companyRegistrationDate: type: string format: date-time nullable: true netWorth: type: number format: double nullable: true creditLimit: type: number format: double nullable: true Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.Consumer.ConsumerPaymentSummary: type: object properties: unsettledROPNumber: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true partlySettledROPNumber: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true voluntaryPledgeNumber: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true unsettledROPAmount: type: number format: double nullable: true partlySettledROPAmount: type: number format: double nullable: true voluntaryPledgeAmount: type: number format: double nullable: true Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.Consumer.ConsumerRemarkOfPayment: type: object properties: type: type: string date: type: string format: date-time nullable: true source: type: string refNr: type: string amount: type: number format: double nullable: true creditor: type: string status: type: string Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.Consumer.ConsumerCreditRating: type: object properties: providerValue: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.RangeDescribedValue_1\ _System.String" providerDescription: type: string Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.Consumer.ConsumerCreditScore: type: object properties: currentCreditRating: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.Consumer.ConsumerCred\ itRating" currentContractLimit: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.FinancialValue_1_Syst\ em.Decimal" previousCreditRating: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.CreditRating" latestRatingChangeDate: type: string format: date-time nullable: true Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.Consumer.ConsumerAdditionalInformation: type: object Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.Consumer.ConsumerReport: type: object properties: consumerInformation: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.Consumer.ConsumerInfo\ rmation" incomes: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.Consumer.ConsumerInco\ me" registeredProperty: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true registeredHousingShare: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true directorships: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.Consumer.ConsumerDire\ ctorship" paymentRemarks: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.Consumer.ConsumerPaym\ entSummary" paymentRemarksDetails: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.Consumer.ConsumerRema\ rkOfPayment" voluntaryPledges: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.Consumer.ConsumerRema\ rkOfPayment" consumerRating: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.Consumer.ConsumerCred\ itScore" additionalInformation: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.Consumer.ConsumerAddi\ tionalInformation" Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.ConsumerCriteriaSet: properties: countries: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.CountryCode" criteriaSets: type: array items: type: object Creditsafe.GlobalData.Core.Attachment.BinaryAttachment: type: object properties: correlationID: type: string description: A unique ID assigned to this request. failedSections: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.ReportSection" report: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.CompanyReport" pdfReportStream: type: string format: byte description: Base64-encoded contents of the PDF. companyID: type: string dateOfOrder: type: string format: date-time language: type: string userID: type: integer Creditsafe.GlobalData.Core.SupplierConnector.ConsumerReportResponse: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.ServiceResponse" - type: object properties: consumer: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.Consumer.ConsumerRepo\ rt" attachment: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Core.Attachment.BinaryAttachm\ ent" Creditsafe.GlobalData.Services.DEDataService.RawClient.CompanyBankruptcy.Search.Bankruptcy: type: object allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.ServiceResponse" - type: object properties: bankruptcies: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Services.DEDataService.RawCli\ ent.CompanyBankruptcy.Search.Bankruptcy" page: type: integer format: int32 pageSize: type: integer format: int32 totalRecords: type: integer format: int32 Creditsafe.GlobalData.Services.DEDataService.RawClient.CompanyBankruptcy.BankruptcyReportResponse: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.ServiceResponse" - type: object Creditsafe.GlobalData.Services.DEDataService.Model.Shareholder.ShareholderSummary: type: object properties: currentAppointments: type: integer format: int32 inactiveAppointments: type: integer format: int32 previousAppointments: type: integer format: int32 Creditsafe.GlobalData.Services.DEDataService.Model.Shareholder.AdditionalDataShareholderDetail: type: object properties: numberDirectShareholdings: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true numberIndirectShareholdings: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true numberBeneficialOwnerships: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true Creditsafe.GlobalData.Services.DEDataService.Model.Shareholder.Shareholder: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.EntityFullName" - type: object properties: country: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.CountryCode" additionalData: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Services.DEDataService.Model.\ Shareholder.AdditionalDataShareholderDetail" Creditsafe.GlobalData.Services.DEDataService.Model.Shareholder.ShareholderStructure: type: object properties: groupLevel: type: string groupLevelID: type: string parentShareholderID: type: string ultimateShareholderID: type: string Creditsafe.GlobalData.Services.DEDataService.Model.Shareholder.ShareholdingAdditionalData: type: object properties: statusDescription: type: string Creditsafe.GlobalData.Services.DEDataService.Model.Shareholder.Shareholding: type: object properties: id: type: string idType: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.IdType" companyName: type: string companyNumber: type: string companyRegistrationNumber: type: string address: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.AddressData" status: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.CompanyStatus" companyRegistrationDate: type: string format: date-time nullable: true latestTurnoverFigure: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.FinancialValue_1_Syst\ em.Decimal" netWorth: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.FinancialValue_1_Syst\ em.Decimal" legalCount: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true legalAmount: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.FinancialValue_1_Syst\ em.Decimal" legalCountInLast12Months: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true creditScore: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.LtdCreditScore" dbt: type: number format: double nullable: true gearing: type: number format: double nullable: true share: type: number format: double nullable: true shareholderStructure: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Services.DEDataService.Model.\ Shareholder.ShareholderStructure" additionalData: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Services.DEDataService.Model.\ Shareholder.ShareholdingAdditionalData" Creditsafe.GlobalData.Services.DEDataService.Model.Shareholder.Shareholdings: type: object properties: current: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Services.DEDataService.Model.\ Shareholder.Shareholding" previous: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Services.DEDataService.Model.\ Shareholder.Shareholding" inactive: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Services.DEDataService.Model.\ Shareholder.Shareholding" Creditsafe.GlobalData.Services.DEDataService.Model.Shareholder.ShareholderReport: type: object properties: shareholderSummary: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Services.DEDataService.Model.\ Shareholder.ShareholderSummary" shareholderDetails: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Services.DEDataService.Model.\ Shareholder.Shareholder" shareholdings: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Services.DEDataService.Model.\ Shareholder.Shareholdings" shareholdingsStructure: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Services.DEDataService.Model.\ Shareholder.Shareholding" Creditsafe.GlobalData.Services.DEDataService.Model.Shareholder.BeneficialOwnershipReport: type: object properties: beneficialOwnershipSummary: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Services.DEDataService.Model.\ Shareholder.ShareholderSummary" beneficialOwnershipDetails: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Services.DEDataService.Model.\ Shareholder.Shareholder" beneficialOwnerships: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Services.DEDataService.Model.\ Shareholder.Shareholdings" Creditsafe.GlobalData.Services.DEDataService.Model.Shareholder.ShareholderAndBeneficialOwnershipReport: type: object properties: shareholderReport: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Services.DEDataService.Model.\ Shareholder.ShareholderReport" beneficialOwnershipReport: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Services.DEDataService.Model.\ Shareholder.BeneficialOwnershipReport" Creditsafe.GlobalData.Services.DEDataService.RawClient.Shareholders.ShareholderReportResponse: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.ServiceResponse" - type: object properties: report: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.Services.DEDataService.Model.\ Shareholder.ShareholderAndBeneficialOwnershipReport" Connect.Protect.AuditDto: type: object properties: id: type: string format: guid description: type: string type: type: string userId: type: string payload: type: object additionalProperties: type: object createdAt: type: string format: date-time Connect.Protect.AuditsExportResponseDto: type: object properties: location: type: string format: uri Connect.Protect.AuditExportRequestDto: required: - fileType type: object properties: fileType: type: string enum: - csv auditType: type: string enum: - alert.accepted - alert.rejected - alert.received - profile.added - profile.created - investigation.accepted - investigation.created - investigation.file_downloaded - schedule.created - schedule.removed userId: type: integer format: int32 keywordSearch: type: string createdAtOrAfter: type: string format: date-time createdAtOrBefore: type: string format: date-time payload: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Protect.AuditExportPayloadDto" Connect.Protect.AuditExportPayloadDto: type: object properties: profileId: type: string format: guid investigationId: type: string format: guid Connect.Protect.ProblemDetails: type: object properties: type: type: string title: type: string status: type: integer format: int32 detail: type: string instance: type: string extensions: type: object additionalProperties: type: object Connect.Protect.InvestigationResponse: required: - createdAt - createdBy - id - results - searchCriteria type: object properties: correlationId: type: string description: A unique ID assigned to this request. format: GUID id: type: string format: guid createdAt: type: string format: date-time createdBy: type: integer format: int32 searchCriteria: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Protect.InvestigationQuery" scheduleId: type: string format: guid profileId: type: string format: guid profileName: type: string alertsCount: type: integer format: int32 currentAlert: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Protect.ListAllInvestigationsCurrentAlert" results: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Protect.Record" Connect.Protect.InvestigationQuery: required: - type type: object nullable: true properties: type: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Protect.InvestigationType" name: type: string houseNo: type: string street: type: string province: type: string city: type: string postCode: type: string countryCode: type: string firstName: type: string middleName: type: string lastName: type: string generation: type: string dateOfBirth: type: string nationalId: type: string citizenship: type: string phoneNo: type: string searchName: type: string screeningThreshold: type: integer format: int32 description: "Can only enter the following options: 85, 90, 95, 100" source: type: string Connect.Protect.InvestigationType: type: string description: "" enum: - Business - Individual Connect.Protect.Record: type: object properties: id: type: integer format: int64 description: " Unique ID number relating to the World Compliance report. It is also known as the InvestigationRecord." matchType: type: string resultId: type: integer entityId: type: string matchScore: type: integer format: int32 description: A percentage based score depicting how accurate the search parameters relate to the report name. sourceDate: type: string format: date-time description: This is the date the report was last updated. dateListed: type: string description: T​he date the report was originally created. name: type: string fullName: type: string firstName: type: string middleName: type: string lastName: type: string reasonListed: type: string entityType: type: string description: Business or Individual. dateOfBirth: type: string generation: type: string gender: type: string occupation: type: string placeOfBirth: type: string hasAdverseMedia: type: boolean otherNames: type: array items: type: string addresses: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Protect.Address" comments: type: array items: type: string sources: type: array items: type: string Connect.Protect.Address: type: object properties: street: type: string city: type: string province: type: string postCode: type: string country: type: string Connect.Protect.ListAllInvestigationsCurrentAlert: type: object properties: id: type: string format: GUID status: type: string alertCount: type: integer format: int64 totalRecordCount: type: integer format: int64 unprocessedRecordCount: type: integer format: int64 resultId: type: integer format: GUID screeningThreshold: type: integer format: int32 description: "Can only enter the following options: 85, 90, 95, 100" createdAt: type: string format: date-time alertType: type: string Connect.Protect.CreateInvestigationQueryDto: type: object required: - type properties: type: description: Individual relates to individuals
Business relates to businesses and organisations e.g political parties and terrorist groups. type: string enum: - business - individual name: description: The full or partial business or individual name type: string nullable: true screeningThreshold: description: "Default Threshold is 85. Can only enter the following options: 85, 90, 95, 100" type: integer format: int32 nullable: true countryCode: type: string nullable: true firstName: description: Individual Only - To be used instead of ''name'' field should the user want to split out the name into first, middle, last. type: string nullable: true middleName: description: Individual Only - To be used instead of ''name'' field should the user want to split out the name into first, middle, last. type: string nullable: true lastName: description: Individual Only - To be used instead of ''name'' field should the user want to split out the name into first, middle, last. type: string nullable: true dateOfBirth: type: string nullable: true gender: type: string nullable: true enum: - male - female Connect.Protect.Investigation: type: object properties: id: type: string format: guid createdAt: type: string format: date-time userId: type: integer format: int32 customerId: type: integer format: int32 query: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Protect.InvestigationQuery" scheduleId: type: string format: guid scheduledOn: type: string format: date-time profileId: type: string format: guid profileName: type: string alertCreatedAt: type: string format: date-time alertsCount: type: integer format: int32 noteCount: type: integer format: int32 assignedRisk: type: string enum: - noRisk - low - medium - high investigationName: type: string currentAlert: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Protect.ListAllInvestigationsCurrentAlert" status: type: string Connect.Protect.InvestigationFileResponse: required: - filePath type: object properties: filePath: type: string Connect.Protect.GetInvestigationFileBodyDto: type: object properties: recordIds: type: array items: type: integer format: int32 Connect.Protect.CreateInvestigationRecordBody: type: object properties: recordIds: type: array items: type: integer format: int64 Connect.Protect.Profile: required: - createdAt - customerId - id - modifiedAt - name - userId type: object properties: id: type: string format: guid userId: type: integer format: int32 customerId: type: integer format: int32 name: type: string createdAt: type: string format: date-time modifiedAt: type: string format: date-time Connect.Protect.CreateProfileDto: required: - name type: object properties: name: type: string description: Assign a unique name to the profile for ease of identification. Connect.Protect.Schedule: required: - createdAt - customerId - frequency - id - investigation - investigationId - screeningThreshold - userId type: object properties: correlationId: type: string description: A unique ID assigned to this request. id: type: string format: guid customerId: type: integer format: int32 userId: type: integer format: int32 investigationId: type: string format: guid investigation: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Protect.Investigation" frequency: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Protect.AlertsFrequency" screeningThreshold: type: integer format: int32 description: "Can only enter the following options: 85, 90, 95, 100" createdAt: type: string format: date-time isEmailRequired: type: boolean isDisabled: type: boolean Connect.Protect.AlertsFrequency: type: string description: "" enum: - Daily ConnectProtectCreateScheduleRequest: required: - screeningThreshold - investigationId type: object properties: investigationId: type: string format: guid screeningThreshold: type: integer format: int32 description: "The match score you will be alerted above. Can only enter the following options: 85, 90, 95, 100" Connect.Identity.CurrentName: type: object description: Contains the current name details of the person. required: - forename - surname properties: title: type: string description: The title or honorific of the person (e.g., Mr., Mrs., Dr.). nullable: true forename: type: string description: The person's first name. nullable: true otherNames: type: string description: Any middle names or additional names the person may have. nullable: true surname: type: string description: The person's family name or last name. nullable: true suffix: type: string description: Suffixes following the surname (e.g., Jr., Sr., III). nullable: true Connect.Identity.Name: type: object description: Contains previous name details if the person has changed their name. properties: title: type: string description: The previous title or honorific of the person, if applicable. nullable: true forename: type: string description: The person's previous first name. nullable: true otherNames: type: string description: Any previous middle names or additional names the person may have had. nullable: true surname: type: string description: The person's previous family name or last name. nullable: true suffix: type: string description: Suffixes following the surname (e.g., Jr., Sr., III). nullable: true Connect.Identity.Gender: description: Gender of the individual being searched enum: - Unknown - Male - Female type: string Connect.Identity.Address: type: object description: Address details, including location identifiers and geographical information. required: - postCode properties: abodeNo: type: string description: The specific abode number within a building complex or estate. buildingNo: type: string description: The number identifying the building within a street or area. nullable: true buildingName: type: string description: The official name of the building, if applicable. nullable: true street: type: string description: The street name where the building is located. nullable: true subStreet: type: string description: Any additional street-level details, like a quadrant or alley. city: type: string description: The city or locality of the address. nullable: true postCode: type: string description: The postal code for the address, aiding mail delivery and geographic identification. nullable: true organisation: type: string description: The name of any organisation associated with the address. subBuilding: type: string description: Specific information about a part of a building, like a suite or apartment number. district: type: string description: A broader area or district encompassing the address, often used in urban address schemas. Connect.Identity.Address1: type: object description: Contains previous address details, including location identifiers and geographical information. properties: abodeNo: type: string description: The specific abode number within a building complex or estate. buildingNo: type: string description: The number identifying the building within a street or area. nullable: true buildingName: type: string description: The official name of the building, if applicable. nullable: true street: type: string description: The street name where the building is located. nullable: true subStreet: type: string description: Any additional street-level details, like a quadrant or alley. city: type: string description: The city or locality of the address. nullable: true postCode: type: string description: The postal code for the address, aiding mail delivery and geographic identification. nullable: true organisation: type: string description: The name of any organisation associated with the address. subBuilding: type: string description: Specific information about a part of a building, like a suite or apartment number. district: type: string description: A broader area or district encompassing the address, often used in urban address schemas. Connect.Identity.AddressList: type: object description: Lists current and historical addresses of the person. properties: current: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.Address" previous1: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.Address1" previous2: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.Address1" Connect.Identity.Person: type: object description: Represents a person's identity, including current and historical names and addresses. properties: currentName: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.CurrentName" previousName: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.Name" dateOfBirth: type: string description: The birth date of the person, in YYYY-MM-DD format. format: date-time nullable: true gender: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.Gender" addresses: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.AddressList" Connect.Identity.AmlCommonSearchCriteria: type: object description: Person search criteria properties: person: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.Person" reference: type: string nullable: true description: A string value that a user can submit during their search. This reference value is stored alongside the search details/customer/user ID values. Is typically passed in to allow users to retrieve past searches based on the reference value supplied. Connect.Identity.ConsumerCommonSearchCriteria: type: object properties: person: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.Person" reference: type: string nullable: true description: A string value that a user can submit during their search. This reference value is stored alongside the search details/customer/user ID values. Is typically passed in to allow users to retrieve past searches based on the reference value supplied. Connect.Identity.CommonSearchCriteria: type: object description: General results from the search that are applicable across different types of identity checks. properties: person: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.Person" customerId: type: integer format: int64 description: ID value of a customer account, typically passed in to allow users to retrieve past searches on a customer. userId: type: integer format: int64 description: ID value of the user account, a customer account may have multiple user accounts, this is typically passed in to retrieve past searches by a user. reference: type: string nullable: true description: A string value that a user can submit during their search. This reference value is stored alongside the search details/customer/user ID values. Is typically passed in to allow users to retrieve past searches based on the reference value supplied. Connect.Identity.ReasonCode: description: List of definitions for potential reason codes enum: - AddressVerification - BusinessSearch - CreditApplication - DebtCollection - DirectorsSearch - QuotationSearch - EmployeeCheck - TenantVet - GeneralInsurance type: string Connect.Identity.ConsumerSearchCriteria: type: object required: - reason properties: reason: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.ReasonCode" thirdPartyOptIn: description: Is always set to false on ID/AML/Bankmatch searches. Can be set to true on Consumer searches if need be. If true, does an additional charge against the user account to allow for more data coverage. type: boolean addressLink: type: boolean associateLink: type: boolean Connect.Identity.idAml: type: object description: Selection of additional service line (Paid Service) properties: isAMLMultiBureau: type: boolean Connect.Identity.AmlMultiBureauSearchCriteria: type: object description: Contains information relevant for anti-money laundering (AML) identity verification, including contact details, banking information, and documentation status. properties: landlineNumber: type: integer description: The person's landline telephone number. Useful for verification calls or as a contact method. ExDirectory: type: boolean description: Indicates whether the person's landline number is excluded from public directories, typically for privacy reasons. isAMLMultiBureau: type: boolean description: Indicates whether multiple bureaus were used for AML verification. True if data from multiple sources was consulted to enhance accuracy. example: true Connect.Identity.AmlSearchCriteria: type: object description: Contains information relevant for anti-money laundering (AML) identity verification, including contact details, banking information, and documentation status. properties: landlineNumber: type: integer description: The person's landline telephone number. Useful for verification calls or as a contact method. ExDirectory: type: boolean description: Indicates whether the person's landline number is excluded from public directories, typically for privacy reasons. isAMLMultiBureau: type: boolean description: Indicates whether multiple bureaus were used for AML verification. True if data from multiple sources was consulted to enhance accuracy. example: false Connect.Identity.Product: type: string example: AML Connect.Identity.AMLSearchRequest: type: object description: The input data submitted for the AML search, detailing the information used to initiate the search. properties: uniqueId: type: string description: A unique identifier for the result, distinct from the correlation ID, which may be used internally for further processing or reference. nullable: true common: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.CommonSearchCriteria" idAml: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.AmlSearchCriteria" products: type: array description: |- Below is a list of Definitions for the ENUM items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.Product" nullable: true Connect.Identity.AMLMultiBureauSearchRequest: type: object description: The input data submitted for the AML search, detailing the information used to initiate the search. properties: uniqueId: type: string description: A unique identifier for the result, distinct from the correlation ID, which may be used internally for further processing or reference. nullable: true common: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.CommonSearchCriteria" idAml: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.AmlMultiBureauSearchCriteria" products: type: array description: |- Below is a list of Definitions for the ENUM items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.Product" nullable: true Connect.Identity.CommonResult: type: object description: General results from the search that are applicable across different types of identity checks. properties: customerId: type: integer format: int64 description: A unique identifier for the customer who initiated the search. This ID helps in associating the search with a specific customer in the database. userId: type: integer format: int64 description: The unique identifier of the user who performed the search. This can be used for audit trails and to track user activity. uniqueId: type: string nullable: true description: An optional unique identifier for the search result, which can be used for referencing and retrieval in subsequent operations. searchText: type: string nullable: true description: The text input provided by the user for the search. This field captures the query terms used in the search process. reference: type: string nullable: true description: A reference code or string that may be used to link this search to other transactions or processes within the system. searchTime: type: string format: date-time description: The exact date and time when the search was executed, recorded in ISO 8601 format. This timestamp is crucial for logging and chronological analysis. Connect.Identity.MultiBureauAmlSupplierResult: type: object description: Detailed results specifically from AML verification sources, including data from multiple bureaus if applicable. properties: bandText: type: string description: A descriptive label or category assigned based on the results of the AML checks. Typically, this text will indicate the level of risk or compliance category identified through the verification process. birthIndexMatch: type: boolean description: Indicates whether there was a match found in the birth index database, a critical aspect of verifying an individual's identity against official records. noRetry: type: boolean description: A flag to indicate whether the AML process should not be retried for this individual. This can be set to true in scenarios where repeated verification attempts are unlikely to yield different results. resultCodes: type: object description: A collection of codes that provide detailed information about the outcome of the AML search. Each code corresponds to a specific finding or decision point in the AML verification process. properties: UKEditedVotersDatabase: $ref: "#/components/schemas/UKEditedVotersDatabase" UKCreditHeaderAml: $ref: "#/components/schemas/UKCreditHeaderAml" UKCreditBureau: $ref: "#/components/schemas/UKCreditBureau" CombinedDecision: $ref: "#/components/schemas/CombinedDecision" UKNationalIdentityRegister: $ref: "#/components/schemas/UKNationalIdentityRegister" UKDeceasedPersonDatabase: $ref: "#/components/schemas/UKDeceasedPersonDatabase" UKNCOA: $ref: "#/components/schemas/UKNCOA" InternationalSanctions: $ref: "#/components/schemas/InternationalSanctions" InternationalEnhancedPepDatabase: $ref: "#/components/schemas/InternationalEnhancedPepDatabase" score: type: integer description: A numerical value representing the calculated risk score or validation level derived from the AML checks. This score can guide decision-making processes regarding the subject's verification status. searchText: type: string description: The exact query text used in the search, allowing for audit and review of the search parameters and terms used. legacyUniqueID: type: string description: A unique identifier from a legacy system that may still be used to track or reference the subject within older datasets or parallel systems. validationID: type: string description: A unique identifier assigned to the validation process, facilitating tracking and cross-referencing of the validation attempts across multiple systems. hasAlerts: type: boolean description: Indicates whether any alerts were triggered during the verification process. This is typically used to flag profiles that require further investigation or immediate attention. success: type: boolean description: Reflects whether the AML search and verification process was successful, based on the predefined criteria and thresholds set within the system. creditsIncurred: type: integer description: The number of credits or cost units consumed during the AML search process. This is relevant for systems where operations incur a variable cost based on usage or complexity. Connect.Identity.AmlSupplierResult: type: object description: Detailed results specifically from AML verification sources, including data from multiple bureaus if applicable. properties: bandText: type: string description: A descriptive label or category assigned based on the results of the AML checks. Typically, this text will indicate the level of risk or compliance category identified through the verification process. birthIndexMatch: type: boolean description: Indicates whether there was a match found in the birth index database, a critical aspect of verifying an individual's identity against official records. noRetry: type: boolean description: A flag to indicate whether the AML process should not be retried for this individual. This can be set to true in scenarios where repeated verification attempts are unlikely to yield different results. resultCodes: type: object description: A collection of codes that provide detailed information about the outcome of the AML search. Each code corresponds to a specific finding or decision point in the AML verification process. properties: UKEditedVotersDatabase: $ref: "#/components/schemas/UKEditedVotersDatabase" UKNationalIdentityRegister: $ref: "#/components/schemas/UKNationalIdentityRegister" UKLandlineTelephoneDatabase: $ref: "#/components/schemas/UKLandlineTelephoneDatabase" UKCreditHeaderAml: $ref: "#/components/schemas/UKCreditHeaderAml" UKDeceasedPersonDatabase: $ref: "#/components/schemas/UKDeceasedPersonDatabase" InternationalSanctions: $ref: "#/components/schemas/InternationalSanctions" InternationalEnhancedPepDatabase: $ref: "#/components/schemas/InternationalEnhancedPepDatabase" UKBirthsRegistryDatabase: $ref: "#/components/schemas/UKBirthsRegistryDatabase" InternationalAgeAlgorithm: $ref: "#/components/schemas/InternationalAgeAlgorithm" score: type: integer description: A numerical value representing the calculated risk score or validation level derived from the AML checks. This score can guide decision-making processes regarding the subject's verification status. searchText: type: string description: The exact query text used in the search, allowing for audit and review of the search parameters and terms used. legacyUniqueID: type: string description: A unique identifier from a legacy system that may still be used to track or reference the subject within older datasets or parallel systems. validationID: type: string description: A unique identifier assigned to the validation process, facilitating tracking and cross-referencing of the validation attempts across multiple systems. hasAlerts: type: boolean description: Indicates whether any alerts were triggered during the verification process. This is typically used to flag profiles that require further investigation or immediate attention. success: type: boolean description: Reflects whether the AML search and verification process was successful, based on the predefined criteria and thresholds set within the system. creditsIncurred: type: integer description: The number of credits or cost units consumed during the AML search process. This is relevant for systems where operations incur a variable cost based on usage or complexity. UKEditedVotersDatabase: type: object description: UK Edited Voters database that provides authentication of name and address; also includes 5 year history and some date of birth coverage. properties: id: type: integer description: A unique identifier for the result entry, used internally for tracking individual results within the system. name: type: string description: The name associated with the identity check result, typically representing a label or category for quick reference. description: type: string description: A detailed description of the result or status indicated by this entry, providing deeper insight into the verification outcome. address: type: string description: The address information as returned or matched in the identity verification process. alert: type: string description: Indicates any alerts triggered by the verification process. This might include fraud warnings or other critical flags. dateOfBirth: type: string description: The date of birth matched or verified against the input data, often used in age or identity confirmation. forename: type: string description: The first name as it was matched or verified during the identity check. surname: type: string description: The surname as it was matched or verified during the identity check. pass: type: string description: Indicates whether the identity verification passed the set criteria or thresholds, typically as a simple 'pass' or 'fail' outcome. comments: type: array description: An array of comments related to the verification process, where each item contains a code and its associated description. These comments are used to provide detailed feedback, notes, or annotations that clarify aspects of the verification findings. items: type: object properties: code: type: integer description: A specific code representing a comment or note made during the verification process, used for detailed feedback or annotations. description: type: string description: The description associated with each comment code, providing context or additional details about the feedback. match: type: array description: An array that captures all successful matches identified during the verification process. Each item in the array includes a code and a detailed description, explaining the matched data and its relevance, which helps in affirming the identity or data accuracy. items: type: object properties: code: type: integer description: A code representing a successful match in the verification process, such as matching personal details with database records. description: type: string description: Describes the nature of the match, explaining what was matched and the relevance of the match. misMatch: type: array description: An array detailing mismatches or discrepancies encountered during the verification process. Each mismatch is noted with a code and a comprehensive description, which helps in understanding what information was incorrect or did not meet the verification criteria. items: type: object properties: code: type: integer description: A code indicating a mismatch or discrepancy found during the verification process. description: type: string description: Provides details about the mismatch, including what information did not align with the expected or provided data. warning: type: array description: Contains warnings that were identified during the verification process. These are not severe enough to be considered alerts but are significant enough to be noted. Each warning is represented by a code and a description that outlines potential concerns or minor issues. items: type: object properties: code: type: integer description: A code that flags potential issues or warnings that were not severe enough to trigger an alert but still noteworthy. description: type: string description: Describes the warning, providing details about minor issues or potential concerns noted during verification. UKNationalIdentityRegister: type: object description: UK National Identity Register check. Performs authentication of first, last name, date of birth, address and phone numbers against UK National Identity Register. properties: id: type: integer description: A unique identifier for the result entry, used internally for tracking individual results within the system. name: type: string description: The name associated with the identity check result, typically representing a label or category for quick reference. description: type: string description: A detailed description of the result or status indicated by this entry, providing deeper insight into the verification outcome. address: type: string description: The address information as returned or matched in the identity verification process. alert: type: string description: Indicates any alerts triggered by the verification process. This might include fraud warnings or other critical flags. dateOfBirth: type: string description: The date of birth matched or verified against the input data, often used in age or identity confirmation. forename: type: string description: The first name as it was matched or verified during the identity check. surname: type: string description: The surname as it was matched or verified during the identity check. pass: type: string description: Indicates whether the identity verification passed the set criteria or thresholds, typically as a simple 'pass' or 'fail' outcome. comments: type: array description: An array of comments related to the verification process, where each item contains a code and its associated description. These comments are used to provide detailed feedback, notes, or annotations that clarify aspects of the verification findings. items: type: object properties: code: type: integer description: A specific code representing a comment or note made during the verification process, used for detailed feedback or annotations. description: type: string description: The description associated with each comment code, providing context or additional details about the feedback. match: type: array description: An array that captures all successful matches identified during the verification process. Each item in the array includes a code and a detailed description, explaining the matched data and its relevance, which helps in affirming the identity or data accuracy. items: type: object properties: code: type: integer description: A code representing a successful match in the verification process, such as matching personal details with database records. description: type: string description: Describes the nature of the match, explaining what was matched and the relevance of the match. misMatch: type: array description: An array detailing mismatches or discrepancies encountered during the verification process. Each mismatch is noted with a code and a comprehensive description, which helps in understanding what information was incorrect or did not meet the verification criteria. items: type: object properties: code: type: integer description: A code indicating a mismatch or discrepancy found during the verification process. description: type: string description: Provides details about the mismatch, including what information did not align with the expected or provided data. warning: type: array description: Contains warnings that were identified during the verification process. These are not severe enough to be considered alerts but are significant enough to be noted. Each warning is represented by a code and a description that outlines potential concerns or minor issues. items: type: object properties: code: type: integer description: A code that flags potential issues or warnings that were not severe enough to trigger an alert but still noteworthy. description: type: string description: Describes the warning, providing details about minor issues or potential concerns noted during verification. UKLandlineTelephoneDatabase: type: object description: Encapsulates various result codes and related information obtained from an identity verification process. This schema includes identifiers, personal information matches, alerts, and assessment outcomes. properties: id: type: integer description: A unique identifier for the result entry, used internally for tracking individual results within the system. name: type: string description: The name associated with the identity check result, typically representing a label or category for quick reference. description: type: string description: A detailed description of the result or status indicated by this entry, providing deeper insight into the verification outcome. address: type: string description: The address information as returned or matched in the identity verification process. alert: type: string description: Indicates any alerts triggered by the verification process. This might include fraud warnings or other critical flags. dateOfBirth: type: string description: The date of birth matched or verified against the input data, often used in age or identity confirmation. forename: type: string description: The first name as it was matched or verified during the identity check. surname: type: string description: The surname as it was matched or verified during the identity check. pass: type: string description: Indicates whether the identity verification passed the set criteria or thresholds, typically as a simple 'pass' or 'fail' outcome. comments: type: array description: An array of comments related to the verification process, where each item contains a code and its associated description. These comments are used to provide detailed feedback, notes, or annotations that clarify aspects of the verification findings. items: type: object properties: code: type: integer description: A specific code representing a comment or note made during the verification process, used for detailed feedback or annotations. description: type: string description: The description associated with each comment code, providing context or additional details about the feedback. match: type: array description: An array that captures all successful matches identified during the verification process. Each item in the array includes a code and a detailed description, explaining the matched data and its relevance, which helps in affirming the identity or data accuracy. items: type: object properties: code: type: integer description: A code representing a successful match in the verification process, such as matching personal details with database records. description: type: string description: Describes the nature of the match, explaining what was matched and the relevance of the match. misMatch: type: array description: An array detailing mismatches or discrepancies encountered during the verification process. Each mismatch is noted with a code and a comprehensive description, which helps in understanding what information was incorrect or did not meet the verification criteria. items: type: object properties: code: type: integer description: A code indicating a mismatch or discrepancy found during the verification process. description: type: string description: Provides details about the mismatch, including what information did not align with the expected or provided data. warning: type: array description: Contains warnings that were identified during the verification process. These are not severe enough to be considered alerts but are significant enough to be noted. Each warning is represented by a code and a description that outlines potential concerns or minor issues. items: type: object properties: code: type: integer description: A code that flags potential issues or warnings that were not severe enough to trigger an alert but still noteworthy. description: type: string description: Describes the warning, providing details about minor issues or potential concerns noted during verification. UKCreditHeaderAml: type: object description: UK Credit Header Database. Provides authentication of name, address and date of birth against Credit Header information for an Anti Money Laundering Check. properties: id: type: integer description: A unique identifier for the result entry, used internally for tracking individual results within the system. name: type: string description: The name associated with the identity check result, typically representing a label or category for quick reference. description: type: string description: A detailed description of the result or status indicated by this entry, providing deeper insight into the verification outcome. address: type: string description: The address information as returned or matched in the identity verification process. alert: type: string description: Indicates any alerts triggered by the verification process. This might include fraud warnings or other critical flags. dateOfBirth: type: string description: The date of birth matched or verified against the input data, often used in age or identity confirmation. forename: type: string description: The first name as it was matched or verified during the identity check. surname: type: string description: The surname as it was matched or verified during the identity check. pass: type: string description: Indicates whether the identity verification passed the set criteria or thresholds, typically as a simple 'pass' or 'fail' outcome. comments: type: array description: An array of comments related to the verification process, where each item contains a code and its associated description. These comments are used to provide detailed feedback, notes, or annotations that clarify aspects of the verification findings. items: type: object properties: code: type: integer description: A specific code representing a comment or note made during the verification process, used for detailed feedback or annotations. description: type: string description: The description associated with each comment code, providing context or additional details about the feedback. match: type: array description: An array that captures all successful matches identified during the verification process. Each item in the array includes a code and a detailed description, explaining the matched data and its relevance, which helps in affirming the identity or data accuracy. items: type: object properties: code: type: integer description: A code representing a successful match in the verification process, such as matching personal details with database records. description: type: string description: Describes the nature of the match, explaining what was matched and the relevance of the match. misMatch: type: array description: An array detailing mismatches or discrepancies encountered during the verification process. Each mismatch is noted with a code and a comprehensive description, which helps in understanding what information was incorrect or did not meet the verification criteria. items: type: object properties: code: type: integer description: A code indicating a mismatch or discrepancy found during the verification process. description: type: string description: Provides details about the mismatch, including what information did not align with the expected or provided data. warning: type: array description: Contains warnings that were identified during the verification process. These are not severe enough to be considered alerts but are significant enough to be noted. Each warning is represented by a code and a description that outlines potential concerns or minor issues. items: type: object properties: code: type: integer description: A code that flags potential issues or warnings that were not severe enough to trigger an alert but still noteworthy. description: type: string description: Describes the warning, providing details about minor issues or potential concerns noted during verification. accountsInfo: type: array description: A collection of financial account details, capturing various aspects of a person's credit history with different lenders. This array provides insight into the types and statuses of accounts held by an individual. items: type: object properties: lenderType: type: string description: Specifies the type of lender (e.g., bank, credit union, mortgage company) associated with the accounts listed. accounts: type: integer description: The total number of accounts opened with the specified lender. This count includes both active and inactive accounts. activeAccounts: type: integer description: The number of currently active accounts, indicating those that are in use and have not been closed or written off. oldestAccountStartDate: type: string description: The start date of the oldest account held by the individual with this lender, formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. Provides a timeline of the person's credit history. youngestAccountStartDate: type: string description: The start date of the most recently opened account with this lender, also formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. Indicates how recently the individual has engaged in new credit activities. UKCreditBureau: type: object description: Performs authentication of voter details and credit account details against Electoral Register, Credit Database and Credit type information. Search is carried out using forename, surname, address and DOB. properties: id: type: integer description: A unique identifier for the result entry, used internally for tracking individual results within the system. name: type: string description: The name associated with the identity check result, typically representing a label or category for quick reference. description: type: string description: A detailed description of the result or status indicated by this entry, providing deeper insight into the verification outcome. address: type: string description: The address information as returned or matched in the identity verification process. alert: type: string description: Indicates any alerts triggered by the verification process. This might include fraud warnings or other critical flags. dateOfBirth: type: string description: The date of birth matched or verified against the input data, often used in age or identity confirmation. forename: type: string description: The first name as it was matched or verified during the identity check. surname: type: string description: The surname as it was matched or verified during the identity check. pass: type: string description: Indicates whether the identity verification passed the set criteria or thresholds, typically as a simple 'pass' or 'fail' outcome. comments: type: array description: An array of comments related to the verification process, where each item contains a code and its associated description. These comments are used to provide detailed feedback, notes, or annotations that clarify aspects of the verification findings. items: type: object properties: code: type: integer description: A specific code representing a comment or note made during the verification process, used for detailed feedback or annotations. description: type: string description: The description associated with each comment code, providing context or additional details about the feedback. match: type: array description: An array that captures all successful matches identified during the verification process. Each item in the array includes a code and a detailed description, explaining the matched data and its relevance, which helps in affirming the identity or data accuracy. items: type: object properties: code: type: integer description: A code representing a successful match in the verification process, such as matching personal details with database records. description: type: string description: Describes the nature of the match, explaining what was matched and the relevance of the match. misMatch: type: array description: An array detailing mismatches or discrepancies encountered during the verification process. Each mismatch is noted with a code and a comprehensive description, which helps in understanding what information was incorrect or did not meet the verification criteria. items: type: object properties: code: type: integer description: A code indicating a mismatch or discrepancy found during the verification process. description: type: string description: Provides details about the mismatch, including what information did not align with the expected or provided data. warning: type: array description: Contains warnings that were identified during the verification process. These are not severe enough to be considered alerts but are significant enough to be noted. Each warning is represented by a code and a description that outlines potential concerns or minor issues. items: type: object properties: code: type: integer description: A code that flags potential issues or warnings that were not severe enough to trigger an alert but still noteworthy. description: type: string description: Describes the warning, providing details about minor issues or potential concerns noted during verification. accountsInfo: type: array description: A collection of financial account details, capturing various aspects of a person's credit history with different lenders. This array provides insight into the types and statuses of accounts held by an individual. items: type: object properties: lenderType: type: string description: Specifies the type of lender (e.g., bank, credit union, mortgage company) associated with the accounts listed. accounts: type: integer description: The total number of accounts opened with the specified lender. This count includes both active and inactive accounts. activeAccounts: type: integer description: The number of currently active accounts, indicating those that are in use and have not been closed or written off. oldestAccountStartDate: type: string description: The start date of the oldest account held by the individual with this lender, formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. Provides a timeline of the person's credit history. youngestAccountStartDate: type: string description: The start date of the most recently opened account with this lender, also formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. Indicates how recently the individual has engaged in new credit activities. CombinedDecision: type: object description: This item check is to be used alongside the UK Credit Header & Bureau checks to allow a combined decision to be made within profile scoring. Combined Decision must be placed after the credit item checks to make use of the outcomes of both results. properties: id: type: integer description: A unique identifier for the result entry, used internally for tracking individual results within the system. name: type: string description: The name associated with the identity check result, typically representing a label or category for quick reference. description: type: string description: A detailed description of the result or status indicated by this entry, providing deeper insight into the verification outcome. address: type: string description: The address information as returned or matched in the identity verification process. alert: type: string description: Indicates any alerts triggered by the verification process. This might include fraud warnings or other critical flags. dateOfBirth: type: string description: The date of birth matched or verified against the input data, often used in age or identity confirmation. forename: type: string description: The first name as it was matched or verified during the identity check. surname: type: string description: The surname as it was matched or verified during the identity check. pass: type: string description: Indicates whether the identity verification passed the set criteria or thresholds, typically as a simple 'pass' or 'fail' outcome. comments: type: array description: An array of comments related to the verification process, where each item contains a code and its associated description. These comments are used to provide detailed feedback, notes, or annotations that clarify aspects of the verification findings. items: type: object properties: code: type: integer description: A specific code representing a comment or note made during the verification process, used for detailed feedback or annotations. description: type: string description: The description associated with each comment code, providing context or additional details about the feedback. match: type: array description: An array that captures all successful matches identified during the verification process. Each item in the array includes a code and a detailed description, explaining the matched data and its relevance, which helps in affirming the identity or data accuracy. items: type: object properties: code: type: integer description: A code representing a successful match in the verification process, such as matching personal details with database records. description: type: string description: Describes the nature of the match, explaining what was matched and the relevance of the match. misMatch: type: array description: An array detailing mismatches or discrepancies encountered during the verification process. Each mismatch is noted with a code and a comprehensive description, which helps in understanding what information was incorrect or did not meet the verification criteria. items: type: object properties: code: type: integer description: A code indicating a mismatch or discrepancy found during the verification process. description: type: string description: Provides details about the mismatch, including what information did not align with the expected or provided data. warning: type: array description: Contains warnings that were identified during the verification process. These are not severe enough to be considered alerts but are significant enough to be noted. Each warning is represented by a code and a description that outlines potential concerns or minor issues. items: type: object properties: code: type: integer description: A code that flags potential issues or warnings that were not severe enough to trigger an alert but still noteworthy. description: type: string description: Describes the warning, providing details about minor issues or potential concerns noted during verification. accountsInfo: type: array description: A collection of financial account details, capturing various aspects of a person's credit history with different lenders. This array provides insight into the types and statuses of accounts held by an individual. items: type: object properties: lenderType: type: string description: Specifies the type of lender (e.g., bank, credit union, mortgage company) associated with the accounts listed. accounts: type: integer description: The total number of accounts opened with the specified lender. This count includes both active and inactive accounts. activeAccounts: type: integer description: The number of currently active accounts, indicating those that are in use and have not been closed or written off. oldestAccountStartDate: type: string description: The start date of the oldest account held by the individual with this lender, formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. Provides a timeline of the person's credit history. youngestAccountStartDate: type: string description: The start date of the most recently opened account with this lender, also formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. Indicates how recently the individual has engaged in new credit activities. UKDeceasedPersonDatabase: type: object description: UK Deceased Persons Database. Provides checking of a first and last name at an address against the registered deceased persons database. properties: id: type: integer description: A unique identifier for the result entry, used internally for tracking individual results within the system. name: type: string description: The name associated with the identity check result, typically representing a label or category for quick reference. description: type: string description: A detailed description of the result or status indicated by this entry, providing deeper insight into the verification outcome. address: type: string description: The address information as returned or matched in the identity verification process. alert: type: string description: Indicates any alerts triggered by the verification process. This might include fraud warnings or other critical flags. dateOfBirth: type: string description: The date of birth matched or verified against the input data, often used in age or identity confirmation. forename: type: string description: The first name as it was matched or verified during the identity check. surname: type: string description: The surname as it was matched or verified during the identity check. pass: type: string description: Indicates whether the identity verification passed the set criteria or thresholds, typically as a simple 'pass' or 'fail' outcome. comments: type: array description: An array of comments related to the verification process, where each item contains a code and its associated description. These comments are used to provide detailed feedback, notes, or annotations that clarify aspects of the verification findings. items: type: object properties: code: type: integer description: A specific code representing a comment or note made during the verification process, used for detailed feedback or annotations. description: type: string description: The description associated with each comment code, providing context or additional details about the feedback. match: type: array description: An array that captures all successful matches identified during the verification process. Each item in the array includes a code and a detailed description, explaining the matched data and its relevance, which helps in affirming the identity or data accuracy. items: type: object properties: code: type: integer description: A code representing a successful match in the verification process, such as matching personal details with database records. description: type: string description: Describes the nature of the match, explaining what was matched and the relevance of the match. misMatch: type: array description: An array detailing mismatches or discrepancies encountered during the verification process. Each mismatch is noted with a code and a comprehensive description, which helps in understanding what information was incorrect or did not meet the verification criteria. items: type: object properties: code: type: integer description: A code indicating a mismatch or discrepancy found during the verification process. description: type: string description: Provides details about the mismatch, including what information did not align with the expected or provided data. warning: type: array description: Contains warnings that were identified during the verification process. These are not severe enough to be considered alerts but are significant enough to be noted. Each warning is represented by a code and a description that outlines potential concerns or minor issues. items: type: object properties: code: type: integer description: A code that flags potential issues or warnings that were not severe enough to trigger an alert but still noteworthy. description: type: string description: Describes the warning, providing details about minor issues or potential concerns noted during verification. UKNCOA: type: object description: UK NCOA (Alert Flag) Database check. Provides a set of fraud flag warnings against name and address of individuals who have moved house and registered on the national change of address database. properties: id: type: integer description: A unique identifier for the result entry, used internally for tracking individual results within the system. name: type: string description: The name associated with the identity check result, typically representing a label or category for quick reference. description: type: string description: A detailed description of the result or status indicated by this entry, providing deeper insight into the verification outcome. address: type: string description: The address information as returned or matched in the identity verification process. alert: type: string description: Indicates any alerts triggered by the verification process. This might include fraud warnings or other critical flags. dateOfBirth: type: string description: The date of birth matched or verified against the input data, often used in age or identity confirmation. forename: type: string description: The first name as it was matched or verified during the identity check. surname: type: string description: The surname as it was matched or verified during the identity check. pass: type: string description: Indicates whether the identity verification passed the set criteria or thresholds, typically as a simple 'pass' or 'fail' outcome. comments: type: array description: An array of comments related to the verification process, where each item contains a code and its associated description. These comments are used to provide detailed feedback, notes, or annotations that clarify aspects of the verification findings. items: type: object properties: code: type: integer description: A specific code representing a comment or note made during the verification process, used for detailed feedback or annotations. description: type: string description: The description associated with each comment code, providing context or additional details about the feedback. match: type: array description: An array that captures all successful matches identified during the verification process. Each item in the array includes a code and a detailed description, explaining the matched data and its relevance, which helps in affirming the identity or data accuracy. items: type: object properties: code: type: integer description: A code representing a successful match in the verification process, such as matching personal details with database records. description: type: string description: Describes the nature of the match, explaining what was matched and the relevance of the match. misMatch: type: array description: An array detailing mismatches or discrepancies encountered during the verification process. Each mismatch is noted with a code and a comprehensive description, which helps in understanding what information was incorrect or did not meet the verification criteria. items: type: object properties: code: type: integer description: A code indicating a mismatch or discrepancy found during the verification process. description: type: string description: Provides details about the mismatch, including what information did not align with the expected or provided data. warning: type: array description: Contains warnings that were identified during the verification process. These are not severe enough to be considered alerts but are significant enough to be noted. Each warning is represented by a code and a description that outlines potential concerns or minor issues. items: type: object properties: code: type: integer description: A code that flags potential issues or warnings that were not severe enough to trigger an alert but still noteworthy. description: type: string description: Describes the warning, providing details about minor issues or potential concerns noted during verification. InternationalSanctions: type: object description: International Sanctions (Enhanced) check. Provides authentication against multiple Sanctions and Enforcement lists across the globe (lists are selectable at profile level). properties: id: type: integer description: A unique identifier for the result entry, used internally for tracking individual results within the system. name: type: string description: The name associated with the identity check result, typically representing a label or category for quick reference. description: type: string description: A detailed description of the result or status indicated by this entry, providing deeper insight into the verification outcome. address: type: string description: The address information as returned or matched in the identity verification process. alert: type: string description: Indicates any alerts triggered by the verification process. This might include fraud warnings or other critical flags. dateOfBirth: type: string description: The date of birth matched or verified against the input data, often used in age or identity confirmation. forename: type: string description: The first name as it was matched or verified during the identity check. surname: type: string description: The surname as it was matched or verified during the identity check. pass: type: string description: Indicates whether the identity verification passed the set criteria or thresholds, typically as a simple 'pass' or 'fail' outcome. comments: type: array description: An array of comments related to the verification process, where each item contains a code and its associated description. These comments are used to provide detailed feedback, notes, or annotations that clarify aspects of the verification findings. items: type: object properties: code: type: integer description: A specific code representing a comment or note made during the verification process, used for detailed feedback or annotations. description: type: string description: The description associated with each comment code, providing context or additional details about the feedback. match: type: array description: An array that captures all successful matches identified during the verification process. Each item in the array includes a code and a detailed description, explaining the matched data and its relevance, which helps in affirming the identity or data accuracy. items: type: object properties: code: type: integer description: A code representing a successful match in the verification process, such as matching personal details with database records. description: type: string description: Describes the nature of the match, explaining what was matched and the relevance of the match. misMatch: type: array description: An array detailing mismatches or discrepancies encountered during the verification process. Each mismatch is noted with a code and a comprehensive description, which helps in understanding what information was incorrect or did not meet the verification criteria. items: type: object properties: code: type: integer description: A code indicating a mismatch or discrepancy found during the verification process. description: type: string description: Provides details about the mismatch, including what information did not align with the expected or provided data. warning: type: array description: Contains warnings that were identified during the verification process. These are not severe enough to be considered alerts but are significant enough to be noted. Each warning is represented by a code and a description that outlines potential concerns or minor issues. items: type: object properties: code: type: integer description: A code that flags potential issues or warnings that were not severe enough to trigger an alert but still noteworthy. description: type: string description: Describes the warning, providing details about minor issues or potential concerns noted during verification. sanctions: type: array description: An array of sanction details related to individuals or entities. Each entry provides comprehensive information about the sanctions imposed, including identities, addresses, affiliating sanction bodies, and relevant dates. items: type: object properties: detail: type: object description: Detailed information about the sanctioned individual or entity, including aliases, full name, identity specifics, addresses, sanctioning bodies, and important dates. properties: aliases: type: array items: type: string description: A list of alternative names or aliases used by the sanctioned individual or entity. fullName: type: string description: The full legal name of the sanctioned individual or entity. identityInformation: type: array items: type: object description: Additional identity information which may include details like nationality, date of birth, and other identifying particulars. addresses: type: array description: Lists the addresses associated with the individual or entity, providing detailed locational information. Each address entry includes city, country, the first line of the address, and the region, all of which contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the sanctioned party's location. items: type: object properties: city: type: string description: The city part of the address associated with the sanctioned individual or entity. country: type: string description: The country where the sanctioned individual or entity is located or registered. firstLine: type: string description: The first line of the address, typically including the street name and number. region: type: string description: The region or state part of the address, providing additional locational context within the country. sanctionBodies: type: array items: type: string description: A list of sanctioning bodies that have imposed sanctions on the individual or entity, indicating the authority or government entity responsible. dates: type: array description: Contains a list of significant dates related to the sanctions, such as the date of imposition, expiration, or review. Each date is associated with a specific type to clarify its relevance to the sanction details. items: type: object properties: date: type: string format: date-time description: The specific date relevant to the sanction, such as the date it was imposed or when it will be reviewed. dateType: type: string description: A description of what the date represents in the context of the sanction (e.g., imposition date, review date). id: type: string description: A unique identifier for the sanction record, facilitating tracking and reference across systems. score: type: integer description: A score indicating the severity or level of the sanction imposed, which can help in assessing the impact or seriousness of the sanction. url: type: string format: uri description: A URL providing additional information or the source of the data concerning the sanctions, allowing users to access more detailed documentation or reports. InternationalEnhancedPepDatabase: type: object description: International PEP (Enhanced) Database check. Provides authentication against Politically Exposed Persons lists from across the globe (contains known associates and known alias details). properties: id: type: integer description: A unique identifier for the result entry, used internally for tracking individual results within the system. name: type: string description: The name associated with the identity check result, typically representing a label or category for quick reference. description: type: string description: A detailed description of the result or status indicated by this entry, providing deeper insight into the verification outcome. address: type: string description: The address information as returned or matched in the identity verification process. alert: type: string description: Indicates any alerts triggered by the verification process. This might include fraud warnings or other critical flags. dateOfBirth: type: string description: The date of birth matched or verified against the input data, often used in age or identity confirmation. forename: type: string description: The first name as it was matched or verified during the identity check. surname: type: string description: The surname as it was matched or verified during the identity check. pass: type: string description: Indicates whether the identity verification passed the set criteria or thresholds, typically as a simple 'pass' or 'fail' outcome. comments: type: array description: An array of comments related to the verification process, where each item contains a code and its associated description. These comments are used to provide detailed feedback, notes, or annotations that clarify aspects of the verification findings. items: type: object properties: code: type: integer description: A specific code representing a comment or note made during the verification process, used for detailed feedback or annotations. description: type: string description: The description associated with each comment code, providing context or additional details about the feedback. match: type: array description: An array that captures all successful matches identified during the verification process. Each item in the array includes a code and a detailed description, explaining the matched data and its relevance, which helps in affirming the identity or data accuracy. items: type: object properties: code: type: integer description: A code representing a successful match in the verification process, such as matching personal details with database records. description: type: string description: Describes the nature of the match, explaining what was matched and the relevance of the match. misMatch: type: array description: An array detailing mismatches or discrepancies encountered during the verification process. Each mismatch is noted with a code and a comprehensive description, which helps in understanding what information was incorrect or did not meet the verification criteria. items: type: object properties: code: type: integer description: A code indicating a mismatch or discrepancy found during the verification process. description: type: string description: Provides details about the mismatch, including what information did not align with the expected or provided data. warning: type: array description: Contains warnings that were identified during the verification process. These are not severe enough to be considered alerts but are significant enough to be noted. Each warning is represented by a code and a description that outlines potential concerns or minor issues. items: type: object properties: code: type: integer description: A code that flags potential issues or warnings that were not severe enough to trigger an alert but still noteworthy. description: type: string description: Describes the warning, providing details about minor issues or potential concerns noted during verification. peps: type: array description: An array detailing Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs), crucial for compliance with anti-money laundering (AML) and counter-financing of terrorism (CFT) regulations. Each entry provides a complete profile including personal, positional, and historical data necessary for conducting enhanced due diligence. Profiles include aliases, full names, comprehensive identity information, addresses, key dates, and official positions held, accompanied by a risk score and a reference URL for further information. items: type: object properties: detail: type: object description: Contains in-depth details about the individual PEP, including personal identifiers and historical data essential for identity verification and risk assessment. properties: aliases: type: array items: type: string description: List of known aliases or other names used by the PEP, which may appear in legal or financial documents. fullName: type: string description: The complete legal name of the PEP as recognized by governmental or international authorities. identityInformation: type: array items: type: object description: Additional identity details such as nationality, other citizenships, and important personal identifiers. addresses: type: array items: type: object description: A list of current and past addresses associated with the PEP, providing geographic data crucial for background checks. properties: city: type: string description: The city component of the PEP’s address. country: type: string description: The country where the PEP resides or has significant connections. firstLine: type: string description: The primary line of the address, typically including street name and number. region: type: string description: The region or state of the address, adding another layer of locational detail. dates: type: array items: type: object description: Significant dates related to the PEP’s life and career, such as birth date, dates of appointment, and other key milestones. properties: date: type: string format: date-time description: Specific dates relevant to the PEP's personal or professional timeline. dateType: type: string description: Describes the context of the date, clarifying whether it pertains to personal events or professional appointments. tier: type: integer description: Indicates the level or tier of exposure or risk associated with the PEP, typically determined by their political influence and the positions they hold. positions: type: array items: type: object description: Records of official positions held by the PEP, both current and historical, which are essential for understanding their potential influence and risk level. properties: position: type: string description: A description of the official position held by the PEP, detailing the role and its relevance in political or social terms. id: type: string description: A unique identifier assigned to each PEP entry for tracking and referencing within the database. score: type: integer description: A numerical score that quantifies the risk associated with the PEP based on their positions, history, and current status. url: type: string format: uri description: A URL linking to additional information or official documentation about the PEP, facilitating deeper research or verification. UKBirthsRegistryDatabase: type: object description: Encapsulates various result codes and related information obtained from an identity verification process. This schema includes identifiers, personal information matches, alerts, and assessment outcomes. properties: id: type: integer description: A unique identifier for the result entry, used internally for tracking individual results within the system. name: type: string description: The name associated with the identity check result, typically representing a label or category for quick reference. description: type: string description: A detailed description of the result or status indicated by this entry, providing deeper insight into the verification outcome. address: type: string description: The address information as returned or matched in the identity verification process. alert: type: string description: Indicates any alerts triggered by the verification process. This might include fraud warnings or other critical flags. dateOfBirth: type: string description: The date of birth matched or verified against the input data, often used in age or identity confirmation. forename: type: string description: The first name as it was matched or verified during the identity check. surname: type: string description: The surname as it was matched or verified during the identity check. pass: type: string description: Indicates whether the identity verification passed the set criteria or thresholds, typically as a simple 'pass' or 'fail' outcome. comments: type: array description: An array of comments related to the verification process, where each item contains a code and its associated description. These comments are used to provide detailed feedback, notes, or annotations that clarify aspects of the verification findings. items: type: object properties: code: type: integer description: A specific code representing a comment or note made during the verification process, used for detailed feedback or annotations. description: type: string description: The description associated with each comment code, providing context or additional details about the feedback. match: type: array description: An array that captures all successful matches identified during the verification process. Each item in the array includes a code and a detailed description, explaining the matched data and its relevance, which helps in affirming the identity or data accuracy. items: type: object properties: code: type: integer description: A code representing a successful match in the verification process, such as matching personal details with database records. description: type: string description: Describes the nature of the match, explaining what was matched and the relevance of the match. misMatch: type: array description: An array detailing mismatches or discrepancies encountered during the verification process. Each mismatch is noted with a code and a comprehensive description, which helps in understanding what information was incorrect or did not meet the verification criteria. items: type: object properties: code: type: integer description: A code indicating a mismatch or discrepancy found during the verification process. description: type: string description: Provides details about the mismatch, including what information did not align with the expected or provided data. warning: type: array description: Contains warnings that were identified during the verification process. These are not severe enough to be considered alerts but are significant enough to be noted. Each warning is represented by a code and a description that outlines potential concerns or minor issues. items: type: object properties: code: type: integer description: A code that flags potential issues or warnings that were not severe enough to trigger an alert but still noteworthy. description: type: string description: Describes the warning, providing details about minor issues or potential concerns noted during verification. InternationalAgeAlgorithm: type: object description: Encapsulates various result codes and related information obtained from an identity verification process. This schema includes identifiers, personal information matches, alerts, and assessment outcomes. properties: id: type: integer description: A unique identifier for the result entry, used internally for tracking individual results within the system. name: type: string description: The name associated with the identity check result, typically representing a label or category for quick reference. description: type: string description: A detailed description of the result or status indicated by this entry, providing deeper insight into the verification outcome. address: type: string description: The address information as returned or matched in the identity verification process. alert: type: string description: Indicates any alerts triggered by the verification process. This might include fraud warnings or other critical flags. dateOfBirth: type: string description: The date of birth matched or verified against the input data, often used in age or identity confirmation. forename: type: string description: The first name as it was matched or verified during the identity check. surname: type: string description: The surname as it was matched or verified during the identity check. pass: type: string description: Indicates whether the identity verification passed the set criteria or thresholds, typically as a simple 'pass' or 'fail' outcome. comments: type: array description: An array of comments related to the verification process, where each item contains a code and its associated description. These comments are used to provide detailed feedback, notes, or annotations that clarify aspects of the verification findings. items: type: object properties: code: type: integer description: A specific code representing a comment or note made during the verification process, used for detailed feedback or annotations. description: type: string description: The description associated with each comment code, providing context or additional details about the feedback. match: type: array description: An array that captures all successful matches identified during the verification process. Each item in the array includes a code and a detailed description, explaining the matched data and its relevance, which helps in affirming the identity or data accuracy. items: type: object properties: code: type: integer description: A code representing a successful match in the verification process, such as matching personal details with database records. description: type: string description: Describes the nature of the match, explaining what was matched and the relevance of the match. misMatch: type: array description: An array detailing mismatches or discrepancies encountered during the verification process. Each mismatch is noted with a code and a comprehensive description, which helps in understanding what information was incorrect or did not meet the verification criteria. items: type: object properties: code: type: integer description: A code indicating a mismatch or discrepancy found during the verification process. description: type: string description: Provides details about the mismatch, including what information did not align with the expected or provided data. warning: type: array description: Contains warnings that were identified during the verification process. These are not severe enough to be considered alerts but are significant enough to be noted. Each warning is represented by a code and a description that outlines potential concerns or minor issues. items: type: object properties: code: type: integer description: A code that flags potential issues or warnings that were not severe enough to trigger an alert but still noteworthy. description: type: string description: Describes the warning, providing details about minor issues or potential concerns noted during verification." Connect.Identity.SupplierResult: type: object properties: success: type: boolean supplierId: type: string nullable: true supplierOriginalId: type: string nullable: true creditsIncurred: type: integer format: int32 Connect.Identity.PicklistInputs: type: object properties: name: type: string nullable: true address: type: string nullable: true Connect.Identity.PicklistOption: type: object properties: option: type: string nullable: true value: type: string nullable: true Connect.Identity.Picklist: type: object properties: type: type: string nullable: true applicantId: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true address: type: string nullable: true name: type: string nullable: true inputs: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.PicklistInputs" options: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.PicklistOption" nullable: true Connect.Identity.SearchResult: type: object properties: correlationId: type: string description: A unique ID assigned to this request. uniqueId: type: string input: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.AMLSearchRequest" common: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.CommonResult" consumer: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.SupplierResult" id: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.SupplierResult" amlResult: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.SupplierResult" bankMatch: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.SupplierResult" picklist: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.Picklist" nullable: true message: type: string nullable: true errors: type: object additionalProperties: type: array items: type: string nullable: true Connect.Identity.MultiBureauAmlSearchResult: type: object properties: correlationId: type: string description: A unique identifier for the AML search request, used to track and correlate responses with their respective requests. uniqueId: type: string description: A unique identifier for the result, distinct from the correlation ID, which may be used internally for further processing or reference. input: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.AMLMultiBureauSearchRequest" common: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.CommonResult" amlResult: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.MultiBureauAmlSupplierResult" errors: type: object description: Contains any errors that occurred during the search process, listed as an array of string messages. Each string provides details on specific issues encountered. additionalProperties: type: array items: type: string nullable: true Connect.Identity.AmlSearchResult: type: object properties: correlationId: type: string description: A unique identifier for the AML search request, used to track and correlate responses with their respective requests. uniqueId: type: string description: A unique identifier for the result, distinct from the correlation ID, which may be used internally for further processing or reference. input: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.AMLSearchRequest" common: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.CommonResult" amlResult: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.AmlSupplierResult" errors: type: object description: Contains any errors that occurred during the search process, listed as an array of string messages. Each string provides details on specific issues encountered. additionalProperties: type: array items: type: string nullable: true Connect.Identity.ConsumerSearchResult: type: object properties: correlationId: type: string example: a2093b41-b7fe-4973-8eba-78f3627168a7 uniqueId: type: string example: 43d27878fa4b4e74b336a6c1b21d690d input: type: object properties: uniqueId: type: string example: 43d27878fa4b4e74b336a6c1b21d690d common: type: object properties: person: type: object properties: currentName: $ref: '#/components/schemas/consumerCommonName' previousName: $ref: '#/components/schemas/consumerCommonName' dateOfBirth: type: string format: date-time example: 1948-06-04T00:00:00 gender: type: string example: Female addresses: type: object properties: current: $ref: '#/components/schemas/consumerCommonCurrentAddress' previous1: $ref: '#/components/schemas/consumerCommonAddress' previous2: $ref: '#/components/schemas/consumerCommonAddress' customerId: type: integer example: 106828872 userId: type: integer example: 101686746 reference: type: string example: Test - Consumer Search consumer: type: object properties: reason: type: string example: QuotationSearch thirdPartyOptIn: type: boolean example: false addressLink: type: boolean example: false associateLink: type: boolean example: false idAml: type: object properties: isAMLMultiBureau: type: boolean example: true products: type: array items: type: string example: Consumer common: type: object properties: customerId: type: integer example: 106828872 userId: type: integer example: 101686746 uniqueId: type: string example: 43d27878fa4b4e74b336a6c1b21d690d searchText: type: string example: Miss Anne Delta (4/06/1948) X9 8JD reference: type: string example: Test - Consumer Search searchTime: type: string format: date-time example: 024-04-23T11:19:35.180004+00:00 consumerResult: type: object properties: applicant1Report: type: object properties: reportTitle: type: string example: MS SARAH HAWKINS reportType: type: string example: Individual report summary: $ref: '#/components/schemas/consumerResultReportSummary' score: type: object properties: band: type: integer example: 2 version: type: string example: G1 score: type: integer example: 542 address: type: object properties: address: type: string example: 6 HAZELTREE COURT, TROWBRIDGE, BA99 7SZ isCurrent: type: boolean example: true residents: type: array items: type: object properties: matchType: type: string example: House Match name: type: string example: MR MICHAEL WATTS duration: type: string example: P52M startDate: type: string format: date-time example: 2016-09-01T00:00:00 endDate: type: string format: date-time example: 2020-09-01T00:00:00 electoralRollValid: type: boolean example: true electoralRollHistory: type: array items: type: object items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/consumerResultElectoralRollHistory' previousAddress1: type: object properties: address: type: string example: 6 HAZELTREE COURT, TROWBRIDGE, BA99 7SZ isCurrent: type: boolean example: true residents: type: array items: type: object properties: matchType: type: string example: House Match name: type: string example: MR MICHAEL WATTS duration: type: string example: P52M startDate: type: string format: date-time example: 2016-09-01T00:00:00 endDate: type: string format: date-time example: 2020-09-01T00:00:00 electoralRollValid: type: boolean example: true electoralRollHistory: type: array items: type: object items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/consumerResultElectoralRollHistory' undeclaredAddressType: type: string example: Undeclared previous Address Link previousAddress2: type: object properties: address: type: string example: 6 HAZELTREE COURT, TROWBRIDGE, BA99 7SZ isCurrent: type: boolean example: true residents: type: array items: type: object properties: matchType: type: string example: House Match name: type: string example: MR MICHAEL WATTS duration: type: string example: P52M startDate: type: string format: date-time example: 2016-09-01T00:00:00 endDate: type: string format: date-time example: 2020-09-01T00:00:00 electoralRollValid: type: boolean example: true electoralRollHistory: type: array items: type: object items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/consumerResultElectoralRollHistory' undeclaredAddressType: type: string example: Undeclared previous Address Link links: type: object properties: undeclaredAddresses: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/consumerResultLinksUndeclaredAddresses' aliases: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/consumerResultLinkAliases' associates: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/consumerResultLinkAssociates' insolvencies: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/consumerResultInsolvencies' judgements: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/consumerResultJudgements' history: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/consumerResultHistory' notices: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/consumerResultNotices' demographics: type: object properties: cameoCode: type: string example: "01C" cameoInvestorCode: type: string example: "56" cameoIncomeCode: type: string example: "36" cameoUnemploymentCode: type: string example: "09" cameoPropertyCode: type: string example: "06" cameoFinanceCode: type: string example: "66" cameoFinanceGroup: type: string example: "6" cameoIncomeGroup: type: string example: "3" cameoInvestmentGroup: type: string example: "5" cameoGroup: type: string example: "01" ageComposition: type: object properties: description: type: string description: This score describes the age structure of the postcode. A high score describes postcodes with a young age profile, whereas a low score describes an old profile. label: type: string example: "Score:" score: type: string example: 96.42 / 100 economicActivityComposition: type: object properties: description: type: string description: This score describes the the level of economically active individuals within the area. A high score describes postcodes with a high proportion of the population being economically inactive, whereas a low score indicates an area with above average economical activity. label: type: string example: "Score:" score: type: string example: 83.98 / 100 hasValues: type: boolean example: true householdComposition: type: object properties: description: type: string description: This score describes the household composition of the postcode. A high score describes postcodes with a high proportion of families present, whereas a low score describes an area with high proportions of single person homes. label: type: string example: "Score:" score: type: string example: 8.03 / 100 lifestageComposition: type: object properties: description: type: string description: This score describes the lifestage within the area. A high score describes postcodes with a high proportion of the population being married, whereas a low score indicated an area with above average proportion of singles. label: type: string example: "Score:" score: type: string example: 12.25 / 100 mortgageComposition: type: object properties: description: type: string description: This score describes the proportion and size of the houses within the area. A high score indicates a postcode with a large proportion of the houses being larger than average and mostly owned outright, whereas a low score indicates smaller houses that are not owned by their occupiers. label: type: string example: "Score:" score: type: string example: 4.17 / 100 neighbourhoodDefinition: type: object properties: financeGroup: type: string example: "Above Average Risk" financeGroupHouseholdPerc: type: string example: "18.41" income: type: string example: "Young Managers & Professionals" incomeGroup: type: string example: "Many households with an income of between £50 - £75K" investorHouseholdPerc: type: string example: "19.73" investorIndex: type: string example: "38 - 76" riskFactor: type: string example: "20% - 36%" uk: type: string example: "Urban Living Professional Singles & Couples" ukGroup: type: string example: "Affluent Singles & Couples In Exclusive Urban Neighbourhoods" ukHouseholdPerc: type: string example: "3.47" description: type: string occupationComposition: type: object properties: description: type: string description: This score describes the occupational composition within the area. A high score indicates a postcode with a large proportion of the population working in professional and managerial positions, whereas a low score indicates a population working in elementary occupations. label: type: string example: "Score:" score: type: string example: 88.57 / 100 propertyComposition: type: object properties: activity: type: integer example: 168 averageDetachedPropertyValue: type: string example: "£213630" averageDetachedPropertyValueDescription: type: string averageDetachedPropertyIndex: type: integer example: 120 averageFlatPropertyValue: type: string example: "£74000" averageFlatPropertyIndex: type: integer example: 100 averageHouseAge: type: string example: "16+" averageSemiDetachedPropertyValue: type: string example: "£130636" averageSemiDetachedPropertyValueDescription: type: string averageSemiDetachedPropertyIndex: type: integer example: 80 averageTerracePropertyValue: type: string example: "£106269" averageTerracePropertyValueDescription: type: string averageTerracePropertyIndex: type: integer example: 1158 councilTaxBand: type: string example: "E" councilTaxBandDescription: type: string householdDensity: type: string example: "2000.12 per square kilometre" locationType: type: string example: "a small town" nationalAverageHousePrice: type: string example: "£161361" nationalAverageHousePriceAboveOrBelow: type: string example: "below" nationalAverageHousePriceDifference: type: string example: "increased" nationalAverageHousePriceIndex: type: integer example: 349996 averageFlatPropertyValueDescription: type: string shareholderComposition: type: object properties: averageInvestments: type: string example: "0.31" averageInvestmentsDescription: type: string description: This is a standardized score between -1 and 1, where a score greater than 0 represents an above average of companies invested in within in the postcode, and vice-versa. averageInvestmentsLabel: type: string example: "Investments:" averageShareholders: type: string example: "0.71" averageShareholdersDescription: type: string description: This is a standardized score between -1 and 1, where a score greater than 0 represents an above average of individuals with shares relative to the number of households in the postcode, and vice-versa. averageShareholdersLabel: type: string example: "Shareholders:" averageShares: type: string example: "-0.02" averageSharesDescription: type: string description: This is a standardized score between -1 and 1, where a score greater than 0 represents an above average levels of shares held, and vice-versa. averageSharesLabel: type: string example: "Shares:" averageValue: type: string example: "-0.01" averageValueDescription: type: string description: This is a standardized score between -1 and 1, where a score greater than 0 represents an above average value, and vice-versa. averageValueLabel: type: string example: "Value:" proportionOfHouseholdsWithShares: type: string example: "-0.08" proportionOfHouseholdsWithSharesDescription: type: string description: This is a standardized score between -1 and 1, where a score greater than 0 represents an above average levels of share-ownership, and vice-versa. proportionOfHouseholdsWithSharesLabel: type: string example: "Households:" socialClassComposition: type: object properties: description: type: string description: This score describes the social class composition within the area. A high score indicates a postcode with a large proportion of the population being classed as AB, whereas a low score indicates a population classified in the lower social groups. label: type: string example: "Score:" score: type: string example: 58.27 / 100 tenureComposition: type: object properties: description: type: string description: This score describes the housing tenure of the postcode. A high score describes postcodes with a high proportion of houses owned outright, whereas a low score decribes an area with high proportions of Local Authority rented properties. label: type: string example: "Score:" score: type: string example: 97.12 / 100 unemploymentComposition: type: object properties: maleLongTermUnemploymentDescription: type: string description: This rate is a measure of unemployment for males within the post sector, the rate is based on a per thousand basis. Long-term unemployment is most strongly associated with extreme poverty. maleLongTermUnemploymentLabel: type: string example: "Male Long-Term:" unemploymentAmong18to24YearOlds: type: string example: "0.00" unemploymentAmong18to24YearOldsDescription: type: string description: This rate is a measure of unemployment for 18 to 24 year olds within the post sector, the rate is based on a per thousand basis. unemploymentAmong18to24YearOldsLabel: type: string example: "18 to 24 Year Olds:" unemploymentAmong25to39YearOlds: type: string example: "15.99" unemploymentAmong25to39YearOldsDescription: type: string description: This rate is a measure of unemployment for 25 to 39 year olds within the post sector, the rate is based on a per thousand basis. unemploymentAmong25to39YearOldsLabel: type: string example: "25 to 39 Year Olds:" unemploymentAmongThoseAged40andOlder: type: string example: "15.99" unemploymentAmongThoseAged40andOlderDescription: type: string description: This rate is a measure of unemployment for 40 year olds and older within the post sector, the rate is based on a per thousand basis. unemploymentAmongThoseAged40andOlderLabel: type: string example: "40 and Older:" unemploymentScoreLabel: type: string example: "Score:" unemploymentScoreDescription: type: string description: This score describes the level of unemployment and economic inactivity within the area. A high score indicates a postcode with a large proportion of the population being unemployed and inactive, whereas a low score indicates a below average rate. unemploymentScore: type: string example: "77.36" maleLongTermUnemploymentScore: type: string example: "5.33" share: type: object properties: summary: type: object properties: accountCount: type: integer example: 7 activeAccountCount: type: integer example: 6 settledAccountCount: type: integer example: 1 accountsOpenedLast6Months: type: integer example: 2 delinquentAccountsLast12Months: type: integer example: 0 defaultsLast12MonthsCount: type: integer example: 0 defaultsLast36MonthsCount: type: integer example: 0 accounts: type: array items: type: object properties: supplierDetails: type: object properties: supplierType: type: string example: "Current Account" supplierTypeCode: type: string example: "CA" history: type: array items: type: object properties: yearAndMonth: type: string example: "2013-07" balance: type: integer example: 0 limit: type: integer example: 500 status: type: string example: "Okay - (repayment requirements fulfilled)" statusCode: type: string example: "OK" paymentStatus: type: string example: "Account up-to-date or less than the equivalent of one PAE(payment arrears equivalent) in arrears" paymentStatusCode: type: string example: "0" holderDetails: type: object properties: name: type: string example: "Sarah Hawkins" address: type: object properties: address: type: string example: "6 Hazeltree Court, Trowbridge, BA99 7SZ" isCurrent: type: boolean example: true undeclaredAddressType: type: string example: "Unknown" dateOfBirth: type: string format: date-time example: "1974-07-07T00:00:00" status: type: string example: "Normal" startDate: type: string format: date-time example: "2013-04-12T00:00:00" endDate: type: string format: date-time example: "2018-01-01T00:00:00" details: type: object properties: accountNumber: type: string example: "123456" accountSuffix: type: string example: "Unknown" joint: type: boolean example: false status: type: string example: "Normal" dateUpdated: type: string format: date-time example: "2013-07-31T00:00:00" currencyCode: type: string example: "GBP" balance: type: integer example: 0 limit: type: integer example: 500 openingBalance: type: integer example: 22 paymentStartDate: type: string format: date-time example: "2013-04-12T00:00:00" accountStartDate: type: string format: date-time example: "2013-04-12T00:00:00" regularPayment: type: integer example: 50 repaymentPeriod: type: integer example: 12 lumpPayment: type: integer example: 0 repaymentFrequencyCode: type: string example: "M" repaymentFrequency: type: string example: "Monthly" indebtedness: type: object properties: totalActiveBalance: type: integer example: 81751 totalBalancedRevolvingCreditAndBudget: type: integer example: 6893 balanceToLimitRatio: type: integer example: 28 totalLimit: type: integer example: 24550 totalBalancedLoansOrInstallmentCredit: type: integer example: 10552 totalBalancedMortgageAccounts: type: integer example: 64306 shareAvailable: type: boolean example: true dateAndTimeOfReport: type: string format: date-time example: 2021-01-01T12:00:48 gaugeVersion: type: string example: G1 reason: type: string example: Quotation Search success: type: boolean example: false supplierId: type: string example: "{AAAAE42F-92E5-4ED9-B322-XXXXXXXXXXXX}" creditsIncurred: type: integer example: 1 errors: type: object items: type: string Connect.Identity.BasicResponse: type: object properties: message: type: string nullable: true errors: type: object additionalProperties: type: array items: type: string nullable: true Connect.Identity.InputResponse: type: object properties: data: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.AMLSearchRequest" message: type: string nullable: true errors: type: object additionalProperties: type: array items: type: string nullable: true Connect.Identity.AmlResultCode: enum: - 0 - 1 - 2 type: integer format: int32 Connect.Identity.ReportMatchedData: type: object properties: dateOfBirth: type: string format: date-time nullable: true name: type: string nullable: true addressLine1: type: string nullable: true addressLine2: type: string nullable: true addressLine3: type: string nullable: true addressLine4: type: string nullable: true isSelected: type: boolean Connect.Identity.ReportResidencyConfirmation: type: object properties: address: type: string nullable: true currentAddress: type: boolean id: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true message: type: string nullable: true undeclaredAddressType: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true Connect.Identity.ReportCreditSearchesAtCurrentAddress: type: object properties: numberInLast3Months: type: integer format: int32 numberInLast12Months: type: integer format: int32 totalInLast3Months: type: integer format: int32 Connect.Identity.ReportInsolvencyAtAddress: type: object properties: restricted: type: boolean nullable: true currentlyInsolvent: type: boolean totalDischarged: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true Connect.Identity.SummaryLinks: type: object properties: undeclaredAddressCount: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true undeclaredAliasCount: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true undeclaredAssociatesCount: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true undeclaredAddressSearchedCount: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true undeclaredAddressUnsearchedCount: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true Connect.Identity.ReportSummaryJudgements: type: object properties: total: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true total3Years: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true totalActive: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true totalSatisfied: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true totalActiveAmount: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true totalSatisfiedAmount: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true Connect.Identity.SummaryShare: type: object properties: accountCount: type: integer format: int32 activeAccountCount: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true settledAccountCount: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true accountsOpenedInLast6MonthsCount: type: integer format: int32 delinquentAccountsInLast12MonthsCount: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true worstPaymentStatusInLast12MonthsCount: type: string nullable: true worstPaymentStatusInLast36MonthsCount: type: string nullable: true defaultsInLast12MonthsCount: type: integer format: int32 defaultsInLast36MonthsCount: type: integer format: int32 Connect.Identity.SummaryBehaviouralData: type: object properties: minPayments12Months: type: integer format: int32 minPayments36Months: type: integer format: int32 cashAdvanceValue12Months: type: integer format: int32 cashAdvanceValue36Months: type: integer format: int32 Connect.Identity.SummaryIch: type: object properties: impairedCredit: type: boolean secured: type: boolean nullable: true unsecured: type: boolean nullable: true judgement: type: boolean nullable: true individualVoluntaryAgreement: type: boolean nullable: true bankruptcy: type: boolean nullable: true Connect.Identity.SummaryThirdParty: type: object properties: alertDecision: type: integer format: int32 alertReview: type: integer format: int32 householdOverride: type: integer format: int32 Connect.Identity.SummaryAddress: type: object properties: paf: type: boolean rollingRoll: type: boolean nullable: true message: type: string nullable: true Connect.Identity.SummaryInDebt: type: object properties: totalActiveBalance: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true totalBalance: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true balanceLimitRatio: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true totalLimit: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true totalLoanBalance: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true totalMortgageBalance: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true Connect.Identity.SummaryCardData: type: object properties: totalMinPayments12Months: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true totalMinPayments36Months: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true totalCashAdvance12Months: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true totalCashAdvance36Months: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true Connect.Identity.Summary: type: object properties: name: type: string nullable: true matchedData: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.ReportMatchedData" nullable: true matchLevel: type: string nullable: true noticesOfCorrections: type: boolean nullable: true totalDisputes: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true confirmedAddress: type: string nullable: true residency: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.ReportResidencyConfirmation" nullable: true creditSearchesAtCurrentAddress: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.ReportCreditSearchesAtCurrentAddre\ ss" insolvencyAtAddress: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.ReportInsolvencyAtAddress" links: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.SummaryLinks" judgements: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.ReportSummaryJudgements" totalCifas: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true rtr: type: boolean nullable: true share: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.SummaryShare" behaviouralData: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.SummaryBehaviouralData" impairedCreditHistory: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.SummaryIch" thirdParty: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.SummaryThirdParty" address: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.SummaryAddress" inDebt: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.SummaryInDebt" cardData: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.SummaryCardData" Connect.Identity.CreditScore: type: object properties: band: type: integer format: int32 version: type: string nullable: true score: type: integer format: int32 Connect.Identity.ReportNotice: type: object properties: name: type: string nullable: true address: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.ReportAddress" reference: type: string nullable: true comment: type: string nullable: true type: type: string nullable: true dateRaised: type: string format: date-time nullable: true Connect.Identity.ReportElectoralRollHistory: type: object properties: startDate: type: string format: date-time nullable: true optOut: type: boolean rollingRoll: type: boolean notices: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.ReportNotice" nullable: true Connect.Identity.ReportResident: type: object properties: matchType: type: string nullable: true name: type: string nullable: true duration: type: string nullable: true startDate: type: string format: date-time nullable: true endDate: type: string format: date-time nullable: true electoralRollValid: type: boolean electoralRollHistory: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.ReportElectoralRollHistory" nullable: true notices: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.ReportNotice" nullable: true Connect.Identity.ReportAddress: type: object properties: address: type: string nullable: true isCurrent: type: boolean isPaf: type: boolean nullable: true residents: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.ReportResident" nullable: true otherResidents: type: boolean nullable: true electoralRollHistory: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.ReportElectoralRollHistory" nullable: true undeclaredAddressType: type: string nullable: true Connect.Identity.ReportUndeclaredAddress: type: object properties: undeclaredAddress: type: string nullable: true undeclaredAddressTo: type: string nullable: true source: type: string nullable: true lastConfirmation: type: string nullable: true earliestConfirmation: type: string nullable: true navigationLinkIdentifier: type: string nullable: true navigationLinkIdentifierTo: type: string nullable: true notices: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.ReportNotice" nullable: true Connect.Identity.SupplierDetails: type: object properties: supplierName: type: string nullable: true supplierType: type: string nullable: true Connect.Identity.ReportAlias: type: object properties: declared: type: boolean name: type: string nullable: true alias: type: string nullable: true source: type: string nullable: true sourceType: type: string nullable: true creationDate: type: string format: date-time nullable: true lastConfirmation: type: string format: date-time nullable: true supplierDetails: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.SupplierDetails" notices: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.ReportNotice" nullable: true Connect.Identity.ReportAssociate: type: object properties: navigationLinkId: type: string nullable: true name: type: string nullable: true creationDate: type: string format: date-time nullable: true lastConfirmation: type: string format: date-time nullable: true supplierDetails: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.SupplierDetails" declared: type: boolean associateId: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true notices: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.ReportNotice" nullable: true Connect.Identity.ReportLinks: type: object properties: undeclaredAddresses: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.ReportUndeclaredAddress" nullable: true aliases: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.ReportAlias" nullable: true associates: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.ReportAssociate" nullable: true notices: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.ReportNotice" nullable: true Connect.Identity.ReportCifas: type: object Connect.Identity.ReportRtr: type: object Connect.Identity.InsolvencyRestriction: type: object properties: type: type: string nullable: true startDate: type: string format: date-time nullable: true endDate: type: string format: date-time nullable: true Connect.Identity.ReportInsolvency: type: object properties: address: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.ReportAddress" companyName: type: string nullable: true court: type: string nullable: true dischargeDate: type: string format: date-time nullable: true name: type: string nullable: true orderDate: type: string format: date-time nullable: true orderType: type: string nullable: true status: type: string nullable: true tradingName: type: string nullable: true lineOfBusiness: type: string nullable: true amount: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true caseYear: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true caseRef: type: string nullable: true dateOfBirth: type: string format: date-time nullable: true notices: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.ReportNotice" nullable: true restriction: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.InsolvencyRestriction" Connect.Identity.ReportJudgement: type: object properties: name: type: string nullable: true address: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.ReportAddress" addressCurrent: type: boolean dateOfBirth: type: string format: date-time nullable: true judgementDate: type: string format: date-time nullable: true amount: type: integer format: int32 status: type: string nullable: true court: type: string nullable: true courtType: type: string nullable: true caseNumber: type: string nullable: true satifiedDate: type: string format: date-time nullable: true notices: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.ReportNotice" nullable: true Connect.Identity.ReportHistory: type: object properties: address: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.ReportAddress" addressMatch: type: string nullable: true balance: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true date: type: string format: date-time nullable: true dateOfBirth: type: string format: date-time nullable: true startDate: type: string format: date-time nullable: true endDate: type: string format: date-time nullable: true jointApplication: type: boolean nullable: true linkType: type: string nullable: true name: type: string nullable: true tpOptIn: type: boolean organisationName: type: string nullable: true organisationType: type: string nullable: true ownSearch: type: boolean purpose: type: string nullable: true reason: type: string nullable: true reference: type: string nullable: true supplierReference: type: string nullable: true subsequentEnquiry: type: boolean term: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true transient: type: boolean nullable: true creditType: type: string nullable: true unitName: type: string nullable: true userName: type: string nullable: true searchDate: type: string format: date-time nullable: true searchUnitName: type: string nullable: true searchOrganisationName: type: string nullable: true searchOrganisationType: type: string nullable: true Connect.Identity.Demographic: type: object properties: sortOrder: type: integer format: int32 description: type: string nullable: true label: type: string nullable: true score: type: string nullable: true Connect.Identity.DemographicsNeighbourhoodDefinition: type: object properties: financeGroup: type: string nullable: true financeGroupHouseholdPerc: type: string nullable: true income: type: string nullable: true incomeGroup: type: string nullable: true investorHouseholdPerc: type: string nullable: true investorIndex: type: string nullable: true riskFactor: type: string nullable: true uk: type: string nullable: true ukGroup: type: string nullable: true ukHouseholdPerc: type: string nullable: true description: type: string nullable: true Connect.Identity.DemographicsPropertyComposition: type: object properties: averageDetachedPropertyValue: type: string nullable: true averageDetachedPropertyValueDescription: type: string nullable: true averageFlatPropertyValue: type: string nullable: true averageFlatPropertyValueDescriptionField: type: string nullable: true averageHouseAge: type: string nullable: true averageSemiDetachedPropertyValue: type: string nullable: true averageSemiDetachedPropertyValueDescription: type: string nullable: true averageTerracePropertyValue: type: string nullable: true averageTerracePropertyValueDescription: type: string nullable: true councilTaxBand: type: string nullable: true councilTaxBandDescription: type: string nullable: true householdDensity: type: string nullable: true locationType: type: string nullable: true nationalAverageHousePrice: type: string nullable: true nationalAverageHousePriceAboveOrBelow: type: string nullable: true nationalAverageHousePriceDifference: type: string nullable: true averageFlatPropertyValueDescription: type: string nullable: true Connect.Identity.DemographicsShareholderComposition: type: object properties: averageInvestments: type: string nullable: true averageInvestmentsDescription: type: string nullable: true averageInvestmentsLabel: type: string nullable: true averageShareholders: type: string nullable: true averageShareholdersDescription: type: string nullable: true averageShareholdersLabel: type: string nullable: true averageShares: type: string nullable: true averageSharesDescription: type: string nullable: true averageSharesLabel: type: string nullable: true averageValue: type: string nullable: true averageValueDescription: type: string nullable: true averageValueLabel: type: string nullable: true proportionOfHouseholdsWithShares: type: string nullable: true proportionOfHouseholdsWithSharesDescription: type: string nullable: true proportionOfHouseholdsWithSharesLabel: type: string nullable: true Connect.Identity.DemographicsUnemploymentComposition: type: object properties: maleLongTermUnemployment: type: string nullable: true maleLongTermUnemploymentDescription: type: string nullable: true maleLongTermUnemploymentLabel: type: string nullable: true unemploymentAmong18to24YearOlds: type: string nullable: true unemploymentAmong18to24YearOldsDescription: type: string nullable: true unemploymentAmong18to24YearOldsLabel: type: string nullable: true unemploymentAmong25to39YearOlds: type: string nullable: true unemploymentAmong25to39YearOldsDescription: type: string nullable: true unemploymentAmong25to39YearOldsLabel: type: string nullable: true unemploymentAmongThoseAged40andOlder: type: string nullable: true unemploymentAmongThoseAged40andOlderDescription: type: string nullable: true unemploymentAmongThoseAged40andOlderLabel: type: string nullable: true unemploymentScoreLabel: type: string nullable: true unemploymentScoreDescription: type: string nullable: true unemploymentScore: type: string nullable: true maleLongTermUnemploymentScore: type: string nullable: true Connect.Identity.ReportDemographics: type: object properties: cameoCode: type: string nullable: true cameoInvestorCode: type: string nullable: true cameoIncomeCode: type: string nullable: true cameoUnemploymentCode: type: string nullable: true cameoPropertyCode: type: string nullable: true cameoFinanceCode: type: string nullable: true cameoFinanceGroup: type: string nullable: true cameoIncomeGroup: type: string nullable: true cameoInvestmentGroup: type: string nullable: true cameoGroup: type: string nullable: true familyComposition: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.Demographic" ageComposition: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.Demographic" economicComposition: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.Demographic" economicActivityComposition: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.Demographic" hasValues: type: boolean houseTypeComposition: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.Demographic" nullable: true householdComposition: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.Demographic" lifestageComposition: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.Demographic" mortgageComposition: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.Demographic" neighbourhoodDefinition: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.DemographicsNeighbourhoodDefinitio\ n" occupationComposition: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.Demographic" propertyComposition: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.DemographicsPropertyComposition" shareholderComposition: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.DemographicsShareholderComposition" socialClassComposition: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.Demographic" tenureComposition: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.Demographic" unemploymentComposition: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.DemographicsUnemploymentCompositio\ n" Connect.Identity.ThirdPartyAlerts: type: object properties: decision: type: integer format: int32 review: type: integer format: int32 hho: type: integer format: int32 Connect.Identity.ShareAccountSupplierDetails: type: object properties: behaviouralData: type: boolean nullable: true supplierName: type: string nullable: true supplierType: type: string nullable: true Connect.Identity.ShareAccountHistory: type: object properties: yearAndMonth: type: string nullable: true balance: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true limit: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true status: type: string nullable: true statusDescription: type: string nullable: true paymentStatus: type: string nullable: true paymentStatusDescription: type: string nullable: true statementBalance: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true paymentAmount: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true cashAdvanceCount: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true cashAdvancesTotal: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true Connect.Identity.ShareAccountHolderDetails: type: object properties: name: type: string nullable: true address: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.ReportAddress" dateOfBirth: type: string format: date-time nullable: true status: type: string nullable: true startDate: type: string format: date-time nullable: true endDate: type: string format: date-time nullable: true Connect.Identity.ShareAccountDefault: type: object properties: date: type: string format: date-time nullable: true originalBalance: type: integer format: int32 terminationBalance: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true satisfactionDate: type: string format: date-time nullable: true repossessionDate: type: string format: date-time nullable: true Connect.Identity.ShareAccountDelinquency: type: object properties: date: type: string format: date-time nullable: true balance: type: integer format: int32 Connect.Identity.ShareAccountHistoryBatch: type: object properties: accountHistory: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.ShareAccountHistory" nullable: true isFirstBatch: type: boolean isLastBatch: type: boolean Connect.Identity.ShareAccountDetails: type: object properties: accountNumber: type: string nullable: true accountSuffix: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true joint: type: boolean status: type: string nullable: true dateUpdated: type: string format: date-time nullable: true currencyCode: type: string nullable: true balance: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true limit: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true openingBalance: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true arrangementStartDate: type: string format: date-time nullable: true arrangementEndDate: type: string format: date-time nullable: true paymentStartDate: type: string format: date-time nullable: true accountStartDate: type: string format: date-time nullable: true accountEndDate: type: string format: date-time nullable: true regularPayment: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true expectedPayment: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true actualPayment: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true repaymentPeriod: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true lumpPayment: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true penaltyInterestAmount: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true promotionalRate: type: boolean nullable: true minimumPayment: type: boolean nullable: true statementBalance: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true typeCode: type: string nullable: true type: type: string nullable: true groupId: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true repaymentFrequencyCode: type: string nullable: true repaymentFrequency: type: string nullable: true Connect.Identity.ReportShareAccount: type: object properties: supplierDetails: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.ShareAccountSupplierDetails" history: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.ShareAccountHistory" nullable: true holderDetails: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.ShareAccountHolderDetails" default: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.ShareAccountDefault" delinquency: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.ShareAccountDelinquency" historyBatches: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.ShareAccountHistoryBatch" nullable: true details: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.ShareAccountDetails" notices: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.ReportNotice" nullable: true Connect.Identity.CreditReport: type: object properties: reportTitle: type: string nullable: true reportType: type: string nullable: true summary: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.Summary" score: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.CreditScore" address: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.ReportAddress" previousAddress1: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.ReportAddress" previousAddress2: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.ReportAddress" links: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.ReportLinks" cifas: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.ReportCifas" rtr: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.ReportRtr" nullable: true insolvencies: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.ReportInsolvency" nullable: true judgements: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.ReportJudgement" nullable: true history: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.ReportHistory" nullable: true notices: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.ReportNotice" nullable: true demographics: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.ReportDemographics" thirdPartyAlerts: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.ThirdPartyAlerts" shareAccounts: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.ReportShareAccount" nullable: true Connect.Identity.TransUnionResult: type: object properties: applicant1Report: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.CreditReport" applicant2Report: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.CreditReport" dateAndTimeOfReport: type: string format: date-time nullable: true gaugeVersion: type: string nullable: true reason: type: string nullable: true success: type: boolean supplierId: type: string nullable: true supplierOriginalId: type: string nullable: true creditsIncurred: type: integer format: int32 Connect.Identity.MappedDocuments: type: object Connect.Identity.MatchValue: enum: - 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 type: integer format: int32 Connect.Identity.MappedResultCodeDetails: type: object properties: code: type: integer format: int32 description: type: string nullable: true override: type: string nullable: true Connect.Identity.PepSanctionAddress: type: object properties: city: type: string nullable: true country: type: string nullable: true firstLine: type: string nullable: true region: type: string nullable: true Connect.Identity.DateType: enum: - 0 - 1 - 2 type: integer format: int32 Connect.Identity.PepSanctionDate: type: object properties: date: type: string format: date-time nullable: true dateType: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.DateType" Connect.Identity.MappedSanctionDetail: type: object properties: aliases: type: array items: type: string nullable: true fullName: type: string nullable: true identityInformation: type: array items: type: string nullable: true addresses: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.PepSanctionAddress" nullable: true sanctionBodies: type: array items: type: string nullable: true dates: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.PepSanctionDate" nullable: true Connect.Identity.MappedSanctionMatch: type: object properties: detail: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.MappedSanctionDetail" id: type: string nullable: true score: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true url: type: string nullable: true Connect.Identity.MappedPepMatch: type: object Connect.Identity.MappedResultCode: type: object properties: id: type: integer format: int32 name: type: string nullable: true description: type: string nullable: true address: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.MatchValue" alert: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.MatchValue" dateOfBirth: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.MatchValue" forename: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.MatchValue" surname: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.MatchValue" pass: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.MatchValue" comments: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.MappedResultCodeDetails" nullable: true match: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.MappedResultCodeDetails" nullable: true misMatch: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.MappedResultCodeDetails" nullable: true sanctions: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.MappedSanctionMatch" nullable: true peps: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.MappedPepMatch" nullable: true Connect.Identity.IdAmlResult: type: object properties: authenticationID: type: string nullable: true bandText: type: string nullable: true birthIndexMatch: type: boolean nullable: true chainID: type: string nullable: true documents: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.MappedDocuments" noRetry: type: boolean nullable: true resultCodes: type: object additionalProperties: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.MappedResultCode" nullable: true score: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true searchText: type: string nullable: true legacyUniqueID: type: string nullable: true validationID: type: string nullable: true hasAlerts: type: boolean success: type: boolean supplierId: type: string nullable: true supplierOriginalId: type: string nullable: true creditsIncurred: type: integer format: int32 Connect.Identity.IdentityHistoryItem: type: object properties: uniqueId: type: string nullable: true customerId: type: integer format: int64 userId: type: integer format: int64 searchTime: type: string format: date-time searchText: type: string nullable: true reference: type: string nullable: true hasConsumerInt: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true hasConsumer: type: boolean nullable: true hasIdInt: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true hasId: type: boolean nullable: true hasAmlInt: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true hasAml: type: boolean nullable: true hasBankMatchInt: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true hasBankMatch: type: boolean nullable: true hasAmlWithBankMatchInt: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true hasAmlWithBankMatch: type: boolean nullable: true consumerId: type: string nullable: true consumerOriginalId: type: string nullable: true consumerBand1: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true consumerScore1: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true consumerBand2: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true consumerScore2: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true gaugeVersion: type: string nullable: true consumerReason: type: string nullable: true linkedReport: type: string nullable: true idId: type: string nullable: true idAuthenticationId: type: string nullable: true idChainId: type: string nullable: true idValidationId: type: string nullable: true idLegacyID: type: string nullable: true idResult: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.AmlResultCode" idHasAlertsInt: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true idHasAlerts: type: boolean nullable: true amlType: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.Product" amlId: type: string nullable: true amlAuthenticationId: type: string nullable: true amlChainId: type: string nullable: true amlValidationId: type: string nullable: true amlLegacyID: type: string nullable: true amlResult: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.AmlResultCode" amlHasAlertsInt: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true amlHasAlerts: type: boolean nullable: true idRevalidatedInt: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true idHasRevalidated: type: boolean nullable: true idCanRevalidate: type: boolean nullable: true amlRevalidatedInt: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true amlHasRevalidated: type: boolean nullable: true amlCanRevalidate: type: boolean nullable: true input: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.AMLSearchRequest" consumer: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.TransUnionResult" id: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.IdAmlResult" aml: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.IdAmlResult" Connect.Identity.HistoryListResponse: type: object properties: totalCount: type: integer format: int32 data: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.IdentityHistoryItem" nullable: true message: type: string nullable: true errors: type: object additionalProperties: type: array items: type: string nullable: true Connect.Identity.Passport: type: object Connect.Identity.DriversLicense: type: object Connect.Identity.ElectricitySupplier: type: object Connect.Identity.EuropeanIDCard: type: object Connect.Identity.NINumber: type: object Connect.Identity.BankAccountDetails: type: object Connect.Identity.RevalidateRequest: type: object properties: uniqueId: type: string nullable: true passport: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.Passport" driversLicense: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.DriversLicense" electricitySupplier: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.ElectricitySupplier" europeanIDCard: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.EuropeanIDCard" niNumber: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.NINumber" bankAccountDetails: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.BankAccountDetails" Connect.Identity.PepOrSanction: enum: - 0 - 1 type: integer format: int32 Connect.Identity.PepDetails: type: object Connect.Identity.BatchSearchRequest: type: object Connect.Identity.CameoResponse: type: object properties: data: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.DemographicsNeighbourhoodDefinitio\ n" message: type: string nullable: true errors: type: object additionalProperties: type: array items: type: string nullable: true Connect.Identity.ReasonResponse: type: object properties: data: type: object additionalProperties: type: boolean nullable: true message: type: string nullable: true errors: type: object additionalProperties: type: array items: type: string nullable: true Connect.Identity.SetReasonRequest: required: - reasons type: object properties: customerId: type: integer format: int64 userId: type: integer format: int64 reasons: type: object additionalProperties: type: boolean Connect.Identity.Supplier: enum: - 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 type: integer format: int32 Connect.Identity.Action: enum: - 0 - 1 - 2 type: integer format: int32 Connect.Identity.UpdateUserPackage: type: object properties: userId: type: integer format: int64 customerId: type: integer format: int64 supplier: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.Supplier" action: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.Action" payload: type: string nullable: true AMLSearch: description: Search parameters for AML product properties: common: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.AmlCommonSearchCriteria" idAml: type: object description: Contains information relevant for anti-money laundering (AML) identity verification, including contact details, banking information, and documentation status. properties: landlineNumber: type: integer description: The person's landline telephone number. Useful for verification calls or as a contact method. ExDirectory: type: boolean description: Indicates whether the person's landline number is excluded from public directories, typically for privacy reasons. Documents: type: string nullable: true description: Specifies any documents associated with AML procedures. This can include IDs, utility bills, or other proof of address and identity. products: type: array description: Enter `AML` for this product search example: AML items: type: string example: common: person: currentName: title: "" forename: "Doe" otherNames: "" surname: "John" suffix: "" previousName": title: null forename: null otherName": null surname: null suffix: null dateOfBirth: "1991-04-05" gender: "" addresses: current: abodeNo: "" buildingNo: "110" buildingName: "" street: "Pierhead Street" subStreet: "" city: "Cardiff" postCode: "CF10 4DQ" organisation: "" subBuilding: "" district: "" previous1: abodeNo: "" buildingNo: "" buildingName: "" street: "" subStreet: "" city: "" postCode: "" organisation: "" subBuilding: "" district: "" previous2: abodeNo: "" buildingNo: "" buildingName: "" street: "" subStreet: "" city: "" postCode: "" organisation: "" subBuilding: "" district: "" reference: "24680" IdAml: LandlineNumber: "" ExDirectory: false Documents: null products: - AML uniqueId: null AMLMultiBureauSearch: description: Search parameters for AML product properties: common: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.AmlCommonSearchCriteria" idAml: type: object description: Contains information relevant for anti-money laundering (AML) identity verification, including contact details, banking information, and documentation status. properties: landlineNumber: type: integer description: The person's landline telephone number. Useful for verification calls or as a contact method. ExDirectory: type: boolean description: Indicates whether the person's landline number is excluded from public directories, typically for privacy reasons. isAMLMultiBureau: type: boolean description: Indicates whether multiple bureaus were used for AML verification. True if data from multiple sources was consulted to enhance accuracy. Documents: type: string nullable: true description: Specifies any documents associated with AML procedures. This can include IDs, utility bills, or other proof of address and identity. products: type: array description: Enter `AML` for this product search example: AML items: type: string example: common: person: currentName: title: "" forename: "Doe" otherNames: "" surname: "John" suffix: "" previousName": title: null forename: null otherName": null surname: null suffix: null dateOfBirth: "1991-04-05" gender: "" addresses: current: abodeNo: "" buildingNo: "110" buildingName: "" street: "Pierhead Street" subStreet: "" city: "Cardiff" postCode: "CF10 4DQ" organisation: "" subBuilding: "" district: "" previous1: abodeNo: "" buildingNo: "" buildingName: "" street: "" subStreet: "" city: "" postCode: "" organisation: "" subBuilding: "" district: "" previous2: abodeNo: "" buildingNo: "" buildingName: "" street: "" subStreet: "" city: "" postCode: "" organisation: "" subBuilding: "" district: "" reference: "24680" IdAml: LandlineNumber: "" ExDirectory: false isAMLMultiBureau: true Documents: null products: - AML uniqueId: null ConsumerSearch: description: Search parameters for a consumer product properties: common: description: Person search criteria allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.ConsumerCommonSearchCriteria" consumer: description: Consumer Specific Search Criteria allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Identity.ConsumerSearchCriteria" products: description: Enter `Consumer` for this product search type: array items: type: string description: Enter `Consumer` for this product search example: consumer example: common: person: currentName: title: Miss forename: Anne otherNames: "" surname: Delta suffix: "" previousName: title: Miss forename: Anne otherNames: "" surname: Alpha suffix: "" dateOfBirth: 1948-06-04 gender: Female addresses: current: buildingNo: "7" buildingName: "" street: Twelve Acre Cresent city: Barton-Le-Willows postCode: X9 8JD startDate: 2010-05-13 endDate: "" previous1: buildingNo: "6" buildingName: "" street: Twelve Acre Cresent city: Barton-Le-Willows postCode: X9 8JD startDate: 2012-05-08 endDate: 2013-05-08 previous2: buildingNo: "1" buildingName: "" street: Twelve Acre Cresent city: Barton-Le-Willows postCode: X9 8JD startDate: 2010-05-13 endDate: 2012-05-08 reference: Test - Consumer Search consumer: reason: QuotationSearch thirdPartyOptIn: "False" products: - Consumer Connect.ConfidenceMatch.MatchResults: properties: totalMatches: type: integer matchedCompanies: type: array items: type: object properties: matchScoreConfidence: type: integer id: type: string country: type: string regNo: type: string safeNo: type: string name: type: string phoneNumber: type: integer address: type: object properties: simpleValue: type: string street: type: string city: type: string postcode: type: string country: type: string state: type: string status: type: string type: type: string officeType: type: string description: Only available with US companies. dateOfLatestAccounts: type: string dateOfLatestChange: type: string matchScoreExplainPlan: type: object properties: matchScore: type: integer matchScoreAlpha: type: string matchScoreLocal Id: type: string matchScoreName: type: string matchScoreHouseNo: type: string matchScoreStreet: type: string matchScorePoBox: type: string matchScoreCity: type: string matchScoreState: type: string matchScorePostCode: type: string matchScoreCountry: type: string matchScoreVatNo: type: string matchScoreRegNo: type: string matchScorePhoneNo: type: string matchScoreSimpleValue: type: string matchScoreNum: type: string Connect.ConfidenceMatch.NoResults: properties: totalMatches: type: integer matchedCompanies: type: array items: type: string Connect.creditSafeCcdsCompany: type: object properties: creditSafeCompanyId: type: string example: NI008172 nullable: true Connect.BankMatch.Totals: type: object properties: totalAccounts: type: integer format: int64 totalBalance: type: integer format: int64 totalOverdraftOrCreditLimit: type: integer format: int64 remainingBalance: type: integer format: int64 nullable: true totalAverageBalance: type: integer format: int64 Connect.BankMatch.PerOrganisationAggregation: type: object properties: providerId: type: string nullable: true creditCards: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.BankMatch.Totals" currentAccounts: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.BankMatch.Totals" loans: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.BankMatch.Totals" Connect.BankMatch.Aggregations: type: object properties: totalCreditCards: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.BankMatch.Totals" totalCurrentAccounts: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.BankMatch.Totals" totalLoans: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.BankMatch.Totals" perOrganisationAggregations: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.BankMatch.PerOrganisationAggregation" nullable: true Connect.BankMatch.BusinessAddress: type: object properties: line1: type: string nullable: true line2: type: string nullable: true line3: type: string nullable: true line4: type: string nullable: true line5: type: string nullable: true line6: type: string nullable: true postcode: type: string nullable: true Connect.BankMatch.Facility: type: object properties: businessTypeIndicator: type: string nullable: true businessName: type: string nullable: true businessAddress: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.BankMatch.BusinessAddress" additionalTradingStyle: type: string nullable: true businessTelephoneNumber: type: string nullable: true companyRegistrationNumber: type: string nullable: true vatNumber: type: string nullable: true specialInstructionIndicator: type: string nullable: true startDateOfAgreement: type: string format: date-time closeDateOfAgreement: type: object nullable: true currentBalance: type: integer format: int64 currentBalanceCreditIndicator: type: string nullable: true actualCurrentBalance: type: integer format: int64 facilityStatus: type: string nullable: true originalDefaultBalance: type: integer format: int64 defaultSatisfactionDate: type: object nullable: true creditOrOverdraftLimit: type: integer format: int64 flagSettings: type: string nullable: true transferredToConsolidatedDebtAccount: type: string nullable: true repaymentPeriod: type: integer format: int64 paymentAmount: type: integer format: int64 paymentFrequencyIndicator: type: string nullable: true numberOfCashAdvances: type: integer format: int64 valueOfCashAdvances: type: integer format: int64 minimumBalance: type: integer format: int64 minimumBalanceCreditIndicator: type: string nullable: true actualMinimumBalance: type: integer format: int64 maximumBalance: type: integer format: int64 maximumBalanceCreditIndicator: type: string nullable: true actualMaximumBalance: type: integer format: int64 averageBalance: type: integer format: int64 averageBalanceCreditIndicator: type: string nullable: true actualAverageBalance: type: integer format: int64 creditTurnover: type: integer format: int64 creditTurnoverNetOrGrossIndicator: type: string nullable: true debitTurnover: type: integer format: int64 debitTurnoverNetOrGrossIndicator: type: string nullable: true rejectedPayments: type: integer format: int64 maximumDurationOfExcess: type: integer format: int64 changedFacilityNumber: type: string nullable: true bankSortCode: type: string nullable: true bankAccountNumber: type: string nullable: true bankAccountIban: type: string nullable: true currentAccountReportingLevelIndicator: type: string nullable: true sourceCode: type: string nullable: true facilityNumber: type: string nullable: true facilityId: type: string nullable: true identifier: type: string nullable: true providerType: type: string nullable: true bankCode: type: string nullable: true batch: type: string nullable: true facilityType: type: integer format: int64 facilityTypeCategory: type: string nullable: true Connect.BankMatch.Data: description: Data provided by an alternative finance provider. type: object properties: aggregations: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.BankMatch.Aggregations" facilities: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.BankMatch.Facility" nullable: true Connect.footprintDataFinance: type: object properties: correlationId: type: string description: A unique ID assigned to this request. safeNumber: type: string description: Safe Number - Identifier for Companies in Creditsafe's Home Countries. example: UK08368892 creditSafe: type: object properties: creditSafeCompanyId: type: string example: NI008172 overallAggregations: type: object allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ccds.overallAggregations" example: totalAccounts: -1 totalBalance: 0 totalOverdraftOrCreditLimit: 0 remainingBalance: 0 totalAverageBalance: 0 history: description: List of accounts connected to the company, snapshot of account at point in time each month. type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ccds.history" example: - businessTypeIndicator: L businessName: POTS & CO LTD businessAddress: line1: UNIT 3&7 DAN HOUSE line2: ELVEDEN ROAD line3: LONDON line4: "" line5: "" line6: "" postcode: NW10 7ST additionalTradingStyle: null businessTelephoneNumber: null companyRegistrationNumber: null vatNumber: null specialInstructionIndicator: null startDateOfAgreement: 2017-05-15T00:00:00 currentBalance: 0 currentBalanceCreditIndicator: null actualCurrentBalance: 0 facilityStatus: 0 originalDefaultBalance: 0 creditOrOverdraftLimit: 0 flagSettings: "" transferredToConsolidatedDebtAccount: null repaymentPeriod: 0 paymentAmount: 0 paymentFrequencyIndicator: null numberOfCashAdvances: 0 valueOfCashAdvances: 0 minimumBalance: 0 minimumBalanceCreditIndicator: null actualMinimumBalance: 0 maximumBalance: 0 maximumBalanceCreditIndicator: null actualMaximumBalance: 0 averageBalance: 0 averageBalanceCreditIndicator: null actualAverageBalance: 0 creditTurnover: 0 creditTurnoverNetOrGrossIndicator: null debitTurnover: 0 debitTurnoverNetOrGrossIndicator: null rejectedPayments: 0 maximumDurationOfExcess: 0 currentAccountReportingLevelIndicator: null facilityType: "01" facilityTypeCategory: LOAN batchDate: "20220131" date: "20220131" facilityId: baffec1bd22b1f30ec6ebce04c9c1ad158d7fce6c9f693c53f880b5db631dd9a footprintData: description: A version of a summarisation of companies account details which omits any sensitive data and can be shown to non-CCDS members. type: object properties: year: type: object properties: month: type: object properties: loans: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ccds.footprintDataFinance" currentAccounts: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ccds.footprintDataFinance" all: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ccds.footprintDataFinance" creditCards: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ccds.footprintDataFinance" example: "2023": "10": loans: ActiveAccounts: 10 SettledAccounts: 1 EarliestStartDate: 2016-08-17T00:00:00 LatestStartDate: 2019-09-18T00:00:00 currentAccounts: ActiveAccounts: 1 SettledAccounts: 0 EarliestStartDate: 2012-07-03T00:00:00 LatestStartDate: 2012-07-03T00:00:00 all: activeAccounts: 11 settledAccounts: 1 earliestStartDate: 2012-07-03T00:00:00 latestStartDate: 2019-09-18T00:00:00 creditCards: activeAccounts: 0 settledAccounts: 0 "11": loans: ActiveAccounts: 1 SettledAccounts: 0 EarliestStartDate: 2012-07-03T00:00:00 LatestStartDate: 2012-07-03T00:00:00 currentAccounts: ActiveAccounts: 1 SettledAccounts: 0 EarliestStartDate: 2012-07-03T00:00:00 LatestStartDate: 2012-07-03T00:00:00 all: activeAccounts: 1 settledAccounts: 1 earliestStartDate: 2012-07-03T00:00:00 latestStartDate: 2019-09-18T00:00:00 creditCards: activeAccounts: 0 settledAccounts: 0 indicatorData: description: "" type: object properties: year: type: object properties: month: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ccds.indicatorDataFinance" example: "2023": "10": 30_day_pod: 0 30_day_indicator: 0 60_day_pod: 0 60_day_indicator: 0 90_day_pod: 0 90_day_indicator: 0 "11": 30_day_pod: 0 30_day_indicator: 0 60_day_pod: 0 60_day_indicator: 0 90_day_pod: 0 90_day_indicator: 0 Connect.ccds.indicatorDataFinance: type: object properties: 30_day_pod: type: integer 30_day_indicator: type: integer 60_day_pod: type: integer 60_day_indicator: type: integer 90_day_pod: type: integer 90_day_indicator: type: integer Connect.ccds.financialIndicatorData: type: object properties: id: type: string updated_date: type: string 30_day_pod: type: integer 30_day_indicator: type: integer 60_day_pod: type: integer 60_day_indicator: type: integer 90_day_pod: type: integer 90_day_indicator: type: integer Connect.ccds.footprintDataFinance: type: object properties: activeAccounts: type: integer format: int64 settledAccounts: type: integer format: int64 earliestStartDate: type: string format: date-time latestStartDate: type: string format: date-time Connect.fullFinanceData: type: object properties: correlationId: type: string description: A unique ID assigned to this request. safeNumber: description: Safe Number - Identifier for Companies in Creditsafe's Home Countries. type: string example: UK07499628 creditSafe: type: object properties: creditSafeCompanyId: type: string example: NI008172 overallAggregations: type: object $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ccds.overallAggregations" history: description: List of accounts connected to the company, snapshot of account at point in time each month. type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ccdsFull.history" example: - businessTypeIndicator: L businessName: TEST COMPANY LIMITED - THE businessAddress: line1: BRYN HOUSE line2: CAERPHILLY BUSINESS PARK line3: VAN ROAD line4: CARDIFF line5: "" line6: "" postcode: CF83 3GG additionalTradingStyle: null businessTelephoneNumber: null companyRegistrationNumber: X9999999 vatNumber: null specialInstructionIndicator: null startDateOfAgreement: 2017-05-15T00:00:00 currentBalance: 0 currentBalanceCreditIndicator: null actualCurrentBalance: 0 facilityStatus: 0 originalDefaultBalance: 0 creditOrOverdraftLimit: 0 flagSettings: "" transferredToConsolidatedDebtAccount: null repaymentPeriod: 0 paymentAmount: 0 paymentFrequencyIndicator: null numberOfCashAdvances: 0 valueOfCashAdvances: 0 minimumBalance: 0 minimumBalanceCreditIndicator: null actualMinimumBalance: 0 maximumBalance: 0 maximumBalanceCreditIndicator: null actualMaximumBalance: 0 averageBalance: 0 averageBalanceCreditIndicator: null actualAverageBalance: 0 creditTurnover: 0 creditTurnoverNetOrGrossIndicator: null debitTurnover: 0 debitTurnoverNetOrGrossIndicator: null rejectedPayments: 0 maximumDurationOfExcess: 0 changedfacilitynumber: "" bankaccountiban: "0000000000000000000000000000000000" currentAccountReportingLevelIndicator: "" sourceCode: 999 facilitynumber: 00007684-3000701331 facilityid: 999_00007684-3000701331 identifier: 999_00007684-3000701331 providertype: Bank bankcode: TST facilityType: "32" facilityTypeCategory: LOAN isvalid: true bank: TEST portfolio: 999 date: "20211231" financialIndicator: description: A version of a summarisation of companies account details which omits any sensitive data and can be shown to non-CCDS members. type: object properties: year: type: object properties: month: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ccds.financialIndicatorData" example: "2023": "10": - id: UK1234567890 updated_date: 2020-10-21 30_day_pod: 0.07 30_day_indicator: 7 60_day_pod: 0.08 60_day_indicator: 8 90_day_pod: 0.08 90_day_indicator: 8 footprintData: description: A version of a summarisation of companies account details which omits any sensitive data and can be shown to non-CCDS members. type: object properties: year: type: object properties: month: type: object properties: loans: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ccds.footprintDataFinance" currentAccounts: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ccds.footprintDataFinance" all: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ccds.footprintDataFinance" creditCards: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ccds.footprintDataFinance" example: "2023": "10": loans: ActiveAccounts: 10 SettledAccounts: 1 EarliestStartDate: 2016-08-17T00:00:00 LatestStartDate: 2019-09-18T00:00:00 currentAccounts: ActiveAccounts: 1 SettledAccounts: 0 EarliestStartDate: 2012-07-03T00:00:00 LatestStartDate: 2012-07-03T00:00:00 all: activeAccounts: 11 settledAccounts: 1 earliestStartDate: 2012-07-03T00:00:00 latestStartDate: 2019-09-18T00:00:00 creditCards: activeAccounts: 0 settledAccounts: 0 Connect.footprintIndicatorData: type: object properties: correlationId: type: string description: A unique ID assigned to this request. safeNumber: description: Safe Number - Identifier for Companies in Creditsafe's Home Countries. type: string example: UK07005751 creditSafe: type: object properties: creditSafeCompanyId: type: string example: NI008172 overallAggregations: type: object allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ccds.overallAggregations" example: totalAccounts: -1 totalBalance: 0 totalOverdraftOrCreditLimit: 0 remainingBalance: 0 totalAverageBalance: 0 history: description: List of accounts connected to the company, snapshot of account at point in time each month. type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ccds.history" example: - businessTypeIndicator: L businessName: TEST COMPANY LIMITED - THE businessAddress: line1: BRYN HOUSE line2: CAERPHILLY BUSINESS PARK line3: VAN ROAD line4: CARDIFF line5: "" line6: CF83 3GG postcode: CF83 3GG additionalTradingStyle: null businessTelephoneNumber: null companyRegistrationNumber: X9999999 vatNumber: null specialInstructionIndicator: null startDateOfAgreement: 2017-05-15T00:00:00 currentBalance: 0 currentBalanceCreditIndicator: null actualCurrentBalance: 0 facilityStatus: 0 originalDefaultBalance: 0 creditOrOverdraftLimit: 0 flagSettings: "" transferredToConsolidatedDebtAccount: null repaymentPeriod: 0 paymentAmount: 0 paymentFrequencyIndicator: null numberOfCashAdvances: 0 valueOfCashAdvances: 0 minimumBalance: 0 minimumBalanceCreditIndicator: null actualMinimumBalance: 0 maximumBalance: 0 maximumBalanceCreditIndicator: null actualMaximumBalance: 0 averageBalance: 0 averageBalanceCreditIndicator: null actualAverageBalance: 0 creditTurnover: 0 creditTurnoverNetOrGrossIndicator: null debitTurnover: 0 debitTurnoverNetOrGrossIndicator: null rejectedPayments: 0 maximumDurationOfExcess: 0 currentAccountReportingLevelIndicator: null facilityType: "01" facilityTypeCategory: LOAN batchDate: "20220131" date: "20220131" facilityId: baffec1bd22b1f30ec6ebce04c9c1ad158d7fce6c9f693c53f880b5db631dd9a financialIndicator: description: A version of a summarisation of companies account details which omits any sensitive data and can be shown to non-CCDS members. type: object properties: year: type: object properties: month: items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ccds.financialIndicatorData" example: "2023": "10": - id: UK123456790 updated_date: 2020-10-21 30_day_pod: 0.07 30_day_indicator: 7 60_day_pod: 0.08 60_day_indicator: 8 90_day_pod: 0.08 90_day_indicator: 8 footprintData: description: A version of a summarisation of companies account details which omits any sensitive data and can be shown to non-CCDS members. type: object properties: year: type: object properties: month: type: object properties: loans: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ccds.footprintDataFinance" currentAccounts: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ccds.footprintDataFinance" all: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ccds.footprintDataFinance" creditCards: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ccds.footprintDataFinance" example: "2023": "10": loans: ActiveAccounts: 10 SettledAccounts: 1 EarliestStartDate: 2016-08-17T00:00:00 LatestStartDate: 2019-09-18T00:00:00 currentAccounts: ActiveAccounts: 1 SettledAccounts: 0 EarliestStartDate: 2012-07-03T00:00:00 LatestStartDate: 2012-07-03T00:00:00 all: activeAccounts: 11 settledAccounts: 1 earliestStartDate: 2012-07-03T00:00:00 latestStartDate: 2019-09-18T00:00:00 creditCards: activeAccounts: 0 settledAccounts: 0 Connect.indicatorData: type: object properties: correlationId: type: string description: A unique ID assigned to this request. safeNumber: description: Safe Number - Identifier for Companies in Creditsafe's Home Countries. type: string example: UK07005751 creditSafe: type: object properties: creditSafeCompanyId: type: string example: NI008172 overallAggregations: type: object allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ccds.overallAggregations" example: totalAccounts: -1 totalBalance: 0 totalOverdraftOrCreditLimit: 0 remainingBalance: 0 totalAverageBalance: 0 history: description: List of accounts connected to the company, snapshot of account at point in time each month. type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ccds.history" example: - businessTypeIndicator: L businessName: TEST COMPANY LIMITED - THE businessAddress: line1: BRYN HOUSE line2: CAERPHILLY BUSINESS PARK line3: VAN ROAD line4: CARDIFF line5: "" line6: CF83 3GG postcode: CF83 3GG additionalTradingStyle: null businessTelephoneNumber: null companyRegistrationNumber: X9999999 vatNumber: null specialInstructionIndicator: null startDateOfAgreement: 2017-05-15T00:00:00 currentBalance: 0 currentBalanceCreditIndicator: null actualCurrentBalance: 0 facilityStatus: 0 originalDefaultBalance: 0 creditOrOverdraftLimit: 0 flagSettings: "" transferredToConsolidatedDebtAccount: null repaymentPeriod: 0 paymentAmount: 0 paymentFrequencyIndicator: null numberOfCashAdvances: 0 valueOfCashAdvances: 0 minimumBalance: 0 minimumBalanceCreditIndicator: null actualMinimumBalance: 0 maximumBalance: 0 maximumBalanceCreditIndicator: null actualMaximumBalance: 0 averageBalance: 0 averageBalanceCreditIndicator: null actualAverageBalance: 0 creditTurnover: 0 creditTurnoverNetOrGrossIndicator: null debitTurnover: 0 debitTurnoverNetOrGrossIndicator: null rejectedPayments: 0 maximumDurationOfExcess: 0 currentAccountReportingLevelIndicator: null facilityType: "01" facilityTypeCategory: LOAN batchDate: "20220131" date: "20220131" facilityId: baffec1bd22b1f30ec6ebce04c9c1ad158d7fce6c9f693c53f880b5db631dd9a financialIndicator: description: A version of a summarisation of companies account details which omits any sensitive data and can be shown to non-CCDS members. type: object properties: year: type: object properties: month: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ccds.financialIndicatorData" example: "2023": "10": - id: UK1234567890 updated_date: 2020-10-21 30_day_pod: 0.07 30_day_indicator: 7 60_day_pod: 0.08 60_day_indicator: 8 90_day_pod: 0.08 90_day_indicator: 8 footprintData: description: A version of a summarisation of companies account details which omits any sensitive data and can be shown to non-CCDS members. type: object properties: year: type: object properties: month: type: object properties: loans: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ccds.footprintDataFinance" currentAccounts: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ccds.footprintDataFinance" all: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ccds.footprintDataFinance" creditCards: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.ccds.footprintDataFinance" example: "2023": "10": loans: ActiveAccounts: 0 SettledAccounts: 0 EarliestStartDate: "" LatestStartDate: "" currentAccounts: ActiveAccounts: 1 SettledAccounts: 0 EarliestStartDate: 2012-07-03T00:00:00 LatestStartDate: 2012-07-03T00:00:00 all: activeAccounts: 11 settledAccounts: 1 earliestStartDate: 2012-07-03T00:00:00 latestStartDate: 2019-09-18T00:00:00 creditCards: activeAccounts: 0 settledAccounts: 0 Connect.ccds.overallAggregations: description: A summarisation of the companies account details. type: object properties: totalAccounts: type: integer example: "33" totalBalance: type: integer example: "-813844" totalOverdraftOrCreditLimit: type: integer example: "250000" totalAverageBalance: type: integer example: "273009" remainingBalance: type: integer example: "485247" Connect.ccds.aggregations: type: object properties: totalCreditCards: type: object properties: totalAccounts: type: integer example: "0" totalBalance: type: integer example: "0" totalOverdraftOrCreditLimit: type: integer example: "0" remainingBalance: type: integer example: "0" totalAverageBalance: type: integer example: "0" totalCurrentAccounts: type: object properties: totalAccounts: type: integer example: "0" totalBalance: type: integer example: "0" totalOverdraftOrCreditLimit: type: integer example: "0" remainingBalance: type: integer example: "0" totalAverageBalance: type: integer example: "0" totalLoans: type: object properties: totalAccounts: type: integer example: "0" totalBalance: type: integer example: "0" totalOverdraftOrCreditLimit: type: integer example: "0" totalAverageBalance: type: integer example: "0" perOrganisationAggregations: type: array items: type: object properties: providerId: type: string creditCards: type: object properties: totalAccounts: type: integer example: "0" totalBalance: type: integer example: "0" totalOverdraftOrCreditLimit: type: integer example: "0" remainingBalance: type: integer example: "0" totalAverageBalance: type: integer example: "0" currentAccounts: type: object properties: totalAccounts: type: integer example: "0" totalBalance: type: integer example: "0" totalOverdraftOrCreditLimit: type: integer example: "0" remainingBalance: type: integer example: "0" totalAverageBalance: type: integer example: "0" loans: type: object properties: totalAccounts: type: integer example: "0" totalBalance: type: integer example: "0" totalOverdraftOrCreditLimit: type: integer example: "0" remainingBalance: type: integer example: "0" totalAverageBalance: type: integer example: "0" Connect.ccds.facilities: type: object properties: startDateOfAgreement: type: string format: date-time currentBalance: type: integer example: "0" actualCurrentBalance: type: integer example: "0" originalDefaultBalance: type: integer example: "0" creditOrOverdraftLimit: type: integer example: "0" repaymentPeriod: type: integer example: "0" paymentAmount: type: integer example: "0" numberOfCashAdvances: type: integer example: "0" valueOfCashAdvances: type: integer example: "0" minimumBalance: type: integer example: "0" actualMinimumBalance: type: integer example: "0" maximumBalance: type: integer example: "0" actualMaximumBalance: type: integer example: "0" averageBalance: type: integer example: "0" actualAverageBalance: type: integer example: "0" creditTurnover: type: integer example: "0" debitTurnover: type: integer example: "0" rejectedPayments: type: integer example: "0" maximumDurationOfExcess: type: integer example: "0" Connect.ccds.history: type: object properties: businessTypeIndicator: type: string nullable: true businessName: type: string nullable: true businessAddress: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.BankMatch.BusinessAddress" additionalTradingStyle: type: string nullable: true businessTelephoneNumber: type: string nullable: true companyRegistrationNumber: type: string nullable: true vatNumber: type: string nullable: true specialInstructionIndicator: type: string nullable: true startDateOfAgreement: type: string format: date-time currentBalance: type: integer format: int64 currentBalanceCreditIndicator: type: string nullable: true actualCurrentBalance: type: integer format: int64 facilityStatus: type: string nullable: true originalDefaultBalance: type: integer format: int64 creditOrOverdraftLimit: type: integer format: int64 flagSettings: type: string nullable: true transferredToConsolidatedDebtAccount: type: string nullable: true repaymentPeriod: type: integer format: int64 paymentAmount: type: integer format: int64 paymentFrequencyIndicator: type: string nullable: true numberOfCashAdvances: type: integer format: int64 valueOfCashAdvances: type: integer format: int64 minimumBalance: type: integer format: int64 minimumBalanceCreditIndicator: type: string nullable: true actualMinimumBalance: type: integer format: int64 maximumBalance: type: integer format: int64 maximumBalanceCreditIndicator: type: string nullable: true actualMaximumBalance: type: integer format: int64 averageBalance: type: integer format: int64 averageBalanceCreditIndicator: type: string nullable: true actualAverageBalance: type: integer format: int64 creditTurnover: type: integer format: int64 creditTurnoverNetOrGrossIndicator: type: string nullable: true debitTurnover: type: integer format: int64 debitTurnoverNetOrGrossIndicator: type: string nullable: true rejectedPayments: type: integer format: int64 maximumDurationOfExcess: type: integer format: int64 currentAccountReportingLevelIndicator: type: string nullable: true facilityType: type: string facilityTypeCategory: type: string nullable: true batchDate: type: string nullable: true date: type: string facilityId: type: string nullable: true Connect.ccdsFull.history: type: object properties: businessTypeIndicator: type: string nullable: true businessName: type: string nullable: true businessAddress: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.BankMatch.BusinessAddress" additionalTradingStyle: type: string nullable: true businessTelephoneNumber: type: string nullable: true companyRegistrationNumber: type: string nullable: true vatNumber: type: string nullable: true specialInstructionIndicator: type: string nullable: true startDateOfAgreement: type: string format: date-time currentBalance: type: integer format: int64 currentBalanceCreditIndicator: type: string nullable: true actualCurrentBalance: type: integer format: int64 facilityStatus: type: string nullable: true originalDefaultBalance: type: integer format: int64 creditOrOverdraftLimit: type: integer format: int64 flagSettings: type: string nullable: true transferredToConsolidatedDebtAccount: type: string nullable: true repaymentPeriod: type: integer format: int64 paymentAmount: type: integer format: int64 paymentFrequencyIndicator: type: string nullable: true numberOfCashAdvances: type: integer format: int64 valueOfCashAdvances: type: integer format: int64 minimumBalance: type: integer format: int64 minimumBalanceCreditIndicator: type: string nullable: true actualMinimumBalance: type: integer format: int64 maximumBalance: type: integer format: int64 maximumBalanceCreditIndicator: type: string nullable: true actualMaximumBalance: type: integer format: int64 averageBalance: type: integer format: int64 averageBalanceCreditIndicator: type: string nullable: true actualAverageBalance: type: integer format: int64 creditTurnover: type: integer format: int64 creditTurnoverNetOrGrossIndicator: type: string nullable: true debitTurnover: type: integer format: int64 debitTurnoverNetOrGrossIndicator: type: string nullable: true rejectedPayments: type: integer format: int64 maximumDurationOfExcess: type: integer format: int64 changedfacilitynumber: type: string bankaccountiban: type: string currentAccountReportingLevelIndicator: type: string nullable: true sourceCode: type: integer format: int64 facilitynumber: type: string facilityid: type: string identifier: type: string providertype: type: string bankcode: type: string facilityType: type: string facilityTypeCategory: type: string nullable: true isvalid: type: boolean bank: type: string portfolio: type: string date: type: string BatchUpload: required: - createdAt - customerId - errorFilename - fileName - id - rowCount - status - storageFileName - userId type: object properties: id: type: string format: guid userId: type: integer format: int32 customerId: type: integer format: int32 type: $ref: "#/components/schemas/InvestigationType" fileName: type: string storageFileName: type: string errorFilename: type: string rowCount: type: integer format: int32 status: $ref: "#/components/schemas/BatchUploadStatus" createdAt: type: string format: date-time modifiedAt: type: string format: date-time InvestigationType: type: string description: "" enum: - business - individual x-enumNames: - Business - Individual BatchUploadStatus: type: string description: "" enum: - inProgress - completed - partiallyCompleted - failed x-enumNames: - InProgress - Completed - PartiallyCompleted - Failed FileDownloadResponse: required: - filePath type: object properties: filePath: type: string BatchUploadFileType: type: string description: "" enum: - business - individual - template - templateUserGuide x-enumNames: - Business - Individual - Template - TemplateUserGuide CountryOption: required: - code - label type: object properties: label: type: string code: type: string ProblemDetails: type: object properties: type: type: string title: type: string status: type: integer format: int32 detail: type: string instance: type: string extensions: type: object additionalProperties: type: object additionalProperties: type: object CreateScheduleDto: required: - frequency - isEmailRequired - investigationId - screeningThreshold type: object properties: investigationId: type: string format: guid frequency: type: string description: " Need to enter `Daily`." screeningThreshold: type: integer format: int32 description: "Can only enter the following options: 85, 90, 95, 100" isEmailRequired: type: boolean description: Select `true` if you wish to recieve notifications when an alert is detected. Schedule: required: - createdAt - customerId - frequency - id - investigation - investigationId - isEmailRequired - screeningThreshold - userId type: object properties: id: type: string format: guid customerId: type: integer format: int32 userId: type: integer format: int32 investigationId: type: string format: guid investigation: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Investigation" frequency: $ref: "#/components/schemas/AlertsFrequency" screeningThreshold: type: integer format: int32 description: "Can only enter the following options: 85, 90, 95, 100" createdAt: type: string format: date-time isEmailRequired: type: boolean AlertsFrequency: type: string description: "" enum: - daily x-enumNames: - Daily Investigation: required: - alertCreatedAt - assignedRisk - createdAt - customerId - id - investigationName - query - status - userId type: object properties: id: type: string format: guid createdAt: type: string format: date-time userId: type: integer format: int32 customerId: type: integer format: int32 query: $ref: "#/components/schemas/InvestigationQuery" scheduleId: type: string format: guid scheduledOn: type: string format: date-time profileId: type: string format: guid profileName: type: string alertCreatedAt: type: string format: date-time alertsCount: type: integer format: int32 noteCount: type: integer format: int32 assignedRisk: $ref: "#/components/schemas/InvestigationRisk" investigationName: type: string currentAlert: $ref: "#/components/schemas/InvestigationAlert" assignedToUserId: type: integer format: int32 status: $ref: "#/components/schemas/InvestigationStatus" InvestigationRiskResponse: type: object properties: id: type: string format: guid createdAt: type: string format: date-time userId: type: integer format: int32 customerId: type: integer format: int32 query: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Protect.InvestigationQuery" scheduleId: type: string format: guid scheduledOn: type: string format: date-time profileId: type: string format: guid profileName: type: string alertCreatedAt: type: string format: date-time alertsCount: type: integer format: int32 noteCount: type: integer format: int32 assignedRisk: type: string enum: - noRisk - low - medium - high investigationName: type: string currentAlert: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Connect.Protect.ListAllInvestigationsCurrentAlert" status: type: string InvestigationRisk: type: string enum: - noRisk - high - medium - low x-enumNames: - NoRisk - High - Medium - Low InvestigationStatus: type: string description: "" enum: - none - approved - declined - pending - cancelled - referred - closed x-enumNames: - None - Approved - Declined - Pending - Cancelled - Referred - Closed InvestigationOrderBys: type: string description: "" enum: - alertCount - name - city - profile - searchedAt - street - province - country - dateOfBirth - createdAt x-enumNames: - AlertCount - Name - City - Profile - SearchedAt - Street - Province - Country - DateOfBirth - CreatedAt OrderDirection: type: string description: "" enum: - asc - desc x-enumNames: - Asc - Desc GetInvestigationFileBodyDto: type: object properties: recordIds: type: array items: type: integer format: int64 CreateInvestigationRecordBody: type: object properties: recordIds: type: array items: type: integer format: int64 records: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/InvestigationRecordDto" InvestigationRecordDto: required: - recordId - type type: object properties: recordId: type: integer format: int64 type: $ref: "#/components/schemas/MatchType" UpdateInvestigationRecordsDto: type: object properties: records: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/InvestigationRecordDto" DeleteRecordsDto: required: - recordIds type: object properties: recordIds: type: array items: type: integer format: int64 InvestigationNote: required: - createdAt - id - investigationId - subject - userId type: object properties: id: type: string format: guid createdAt: type: string format: date-time subject: type: string text: type: string userId: type: integer format: int32 investigationId: type: string format: guid CreateInvestigationNoteDto: required: - subject type: object properties: subject: type: string text: type: string AssignRiskToInvestigationDto: required: - assignedRisk type: object properties: assignedRisk: $ref: "#/components/schemas/InvestigationRisk" UpdateInvestigationRequestDto: required: - investigationStatus type: object properties: investigationStatus: $ref: "#/components/schemas/InvestigationStatus" assignedToUserId: type: integer format: int32 InvestigationQuery: required: - screeningThreshold - searchName - type type: object properties: type: $ref: "#/components/schemas/InvestigationType" name: type: string houseNo: type: string street: type: string province: type: string city: type: string postCode: type: string countryCode: type: string firstName: type: string middleName: type: string lastName: type: string generation: type: string dateOfBirth: type: string nationalId: type: string citizenship: type: string phoneNo: type: string gender: $ref: "#/components/schemas/GenderType" searchName: type: string screeningThreshold: type: integer format: int32 source: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceType" GenderType: type: string description: "" enum: - male - female x-enumNames: - Male - Female SourceType: type: string description: "" enum: - app - upp - api x-enumNames: - App - Upp - Api InvestigationAlert: required: - alertCount - alertType - createdAt - id - screeningThreshold - status - totalRecordCount - unprocessedRecordCount type: object properties: id: type: string format: guid status: $ref: "#/components/schemas/InvestigationAlertStatus" alertCount: type: integer format: int32 totalRecordCount: type: integer format: int32 unprocessedRecordCount: type: integer format: int32 resultId: type: integer format: int64 screeningThreshold: type: integer format: int32 createdAt: type: string format: date-time alertType: $ref: "#/components/schemas/AlertType" InvestigationAlertStatus: type: string description: "" enum: - open - closedUnprocessed - closedProcessed - refetch x-enumNames: - Open - ClosedUnprocessed - ClosedProcessed - Refetch AlertType: type: string description: "" enum: - initialSearch - alert x-enumNames: - InitialSearch - Alert Record: required: - addresses - comments - dateListed - entityId - hasAdverseMedia - id - matchScore - name - otherNames - resultId - sourceDate - sources type: object properties: id: type: integer format: int64 matchType: $ref: "#/components/schemas/MatchType" resultId: type: integer format: int64 entityId: type: string matchScore: type: integer format: int32 sourceDate: type: string dateListed: type: string name: type: string fullName: type: string firstName: type: string middleName: type: string lastName: type: string reasonListed: type: string entityType: type: string dateOfBirth: type: string generation: type: string gender: type: string occupation: type: string placeOfBirth: type: string hasAdverseMedia: type: boolean otherNames: type: array items: type: string addresses: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Address" comments: type: array items: type: string sources: type: array items: type: string MatchType: type: string description: "" enum: - trueMatch - falsePositive x-enumNames: - TrueMatch - FalsePositive Address: type: object properties: street: type: string city: type: string province: type: string postalCode: type: string country: type: string CreateInvestigationQueryDto: required: - screeningThreshold - type - name type: object properties: type: type: string enum: - business - individual name: type: string countryCode: type: string firstName: type: string middleName: type: string lastName: type: string dateOfBirth: type: string gender: $ref: "#/components/schemas/GenderType" searchName: type: string screeningThreshold: type: integer format: int32 source: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceType" IdvResponseDto: required: - address - country - dateOfBirth - fullName - id - idvSearchId - matchRate - sources type: object properties: matchRate: $ref: "#/components/schemas/MatchRate" fullName: type: string dateOfBirth: type: string format: date-time address: type: string country: type: string sources: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/IdvSourcesDto" id: type: string format: guid idvSearchId: type: string format: guid MatchRate: type: string description: "" enum: - fullMatch - partialMatch - noMatch x-enumNames: - FullMatch - PartialMatch - NoMatch IdvSourcesDto: required: - category - matchType type: object properties: category: type: string matchType: type: string IdvRequestDto: required: - address - country - dateOfBirth - id - name type: object properties: name: type: string dateOfBirth: type: string format: date-time address: type: string city: type: string state: type: string country: type: string postalCode: type: string acceptCulture: type: string id: type: string format: guid InvestigationResponse: required: - createdAt - createdBy - id - investigationName - notFoundRecordIds - results - searchCriteria type: object properties: id: type: string format: guid createdAt: type: string format: date-time createdBy: type: integer format: int32 searchCriteria: $ref: "#/components/schemas/InvestigationQuery" scheduleId: type: string format: guid profileId: type: string format: guid profileName: type: string alertsCount: type: integer format: int32 currentAlert: $ref: "#/components/schemas/InvestigationAlert" results: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Record" notFoundRecordIds: type: array items: type: integer format: int64 investigationName: type: string Investigation_Query: required: - screeningThreshold - searchName - type type: object properties: type: $ref: "#/components/schemas/InvestigationType" name: type: string houseNo: type: string street: type: string province: type: string city: type: string postCode: type: string countryCode: type: string firstName: type: string middleName: type: string lastName: type: string generation: type: string dateOfBirth: type: string nationalId: type: string citizenship: type: string phoneNo: type: string gender: $ref: "#/components/schemas/GenderType" searchName: type: string screeningThreshold: type: integer format: int32 source: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceType" MODEL5bb0b0: type: object properties: message: type: string description: Provides further information on why the request was rejected MODELf73bb1: type: "object" properties: items: type: "array" items: type: "object" properties: id: type: "string" description: "Id of the search" format: "uuid" name: type: "string" description: "Name provided for the search. Length must not exceed\ \ 200 characters" nullable: true countryCodes: type: "array" description: "Countries provided to the search" nullable: true items: type: "string" threshold: type: "integer" description: "Hits with scores below this value will not be shown." format: "int32" type: type: "string" description: "Indicates whether search type is individual or business" datasets: type: "array" description: "Provided datasets for the search" items: type: "string" status: type: "string" description: "Status of the search. Available values are new, approved,\ \ declined, pending, cancelled, referred and closed." riskRating: type: "string" description: "Risk associated with the search. Available values are\ \ notApplicable, veryLow, low, medium, high AND veryHigh." assignedToUserId: type: "integer" description: "Id of the user assigned to the search" nullable: true format: "int32" assignedUser: type: "string" description: "Name of the user assigned to the search" nullable: true createdById: type: "integer" description: "Id of the user who created the search" format: "int32" createdBy: type: "string" description: "Name of the user who created the search" createdAt: type: "string" description: "Search created date time" format: "date-time" modifiedById: type: "integer" description: "Id of the user who modified the search" format: "int32" modifiedBy: type: "string" description: "Name of the user who modified the search" modifiedAt: type: "string" description: "Search modified date time" format: "date-time" note: type: "string" description: "Note associated with the search" nullable: true scheduleId: type: "string" description: "Schedule Id linked to the search" format: "uuid" nullable: true totalHitCount: type: "integer" description: "Total number of hits in the search" format: "int32" truePositiveHitsCount: type: "integer" description: "The number of true-positive hits in the search" format: "int32" falsePositiveHitsCount: type: "integer" description: "The number of false-positive hits in the search" format: "int32" undecidedHitsCount: type: "integer" description: "The number of undecided hits in the search" format: "int32" totalSize: type: "number" MODEL931a1b: type: "object" properties: id: type: "string" description: "Id of the search" format: "uuid" name: type: "string" description: "Name provided for the search. Length must not exceed 200 characters" countryCodes: type: "array" description: "Countries provided to the search" items: type: "string" threshold: type: "integer" description: "Hits with scores below this value will not be shown." format: "int32" type: type: "string" description: "Indicates whether search type is individual or business" datasets: type: "array" description: "Provided datasets for the search" items: type: "string" status: type: "string" description: "Status of the search. Available values are new, approved,\ \ declined, pending, cancelled, referred and closed." riskRating: type: "string" description: "Risk associated with the search. Available values are notApplicable,\ \ veryLow, low, medium, high AND veryHigh." assignedToUserId: type: "integer" description: "Id of the user assigned to the search" format: "int32" assignedUser: type: "string" description: "Name of the user assigned to the search" createdById: type: "integer" description: "Id of the user who created the search" format: "int32" createdBy: type: "string" description: "Name of the user who created the search" createdAt: type: "string" description: "Search created date time" format: "date-time" modifiedById: type: "integer" description: "Id of the user who modified the search" format: "int32" modifiedBy: type: "string" description: "Name of the user who modified the search" modifiedAt: type: "string" description: "Search modified date time" format: "date-time" note: type: "string" description: "Note associated with the search" scheduleId: type: "string" description: "Schedule Id linked to the search" format: "uuid" totalHitCount: type: "integer" description: "Total number of hits in the search" format: "int32" truePositiveHitsCount: type: "integer" description: "The number of true-positive hits in the search" format: "int32" falsePositiveHitsCount: type: "integer" description: "The number of false-positive hits in the search" format: "int32" undecidedHitsCount: type: "integer" description: "The number of undecided hits in the search" format: "int32" correlationId: type: string description: A unique ID assigned to this request. MODELe000b1: type: "object" properties: countryCodes: type: "array" description: "List of Two-letter country code ISO-3166-2." items: type: "string" threshold: type: "integer" description: "Hits with scores below the chosen value will not be shown.
Must be one of 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, or 100" format: "int32" name: type: "object" description: "Required if FirstName and LastName are not provided example:\ \ Google Inc Max 200 characters allowed." datasets: type: "array" description: "Specifies which datasets will be searched

`PEP` - Politically Exposed Persons (All)
`PEP-LINKED` - Only linked PEPs (PEP by Association)
`SAN` - Sanctioned (All)
`SAN-CURRENT` - Only current Sanctions
`SAN-FORMER` - Only former Sanctions
`INS` - Insolvency
`AM` - Adverse Media
`POI` - Profile of Interest
`ENF` - Enforcement
`SOE` - State Owned Enterprises (All)
`SOE-CURRENT` - Only current SOE
`SOE-FORMER` - Only former SOE
" items: type: string MODEL3eb319: type: "object" properties: successful: type: "array" items: type: "string" format: "uuid" failed: type: "array" items: type: "object" properties: failedItem: type: "string" format: "uuid" error: $ref: "#/components/schemas/KycProtectProblemDetails" DownloadAttachmentResponse: type: object properties: downloadUrl: type: string description: Url of the file to download fileName: type: string description: Name of the file expiresAt: type: string description: Date and time when the url will expire format: date-time example: downloadUrl: fileName: NL-X-170661060000.pdf expiresAt: '2023-08-09T08:06:34.3212061Z' correlationId: ee4228cc-68ed-413a-a547-79c5703017eb KycProtectProfileGetAttachmentResponse: type: object properties: id: type: string description: Attachment Id. format: uuid fileName: type: string description: Example:passport.pdf (Attachment Name). fileSizeInBytes: type: integer description: Size of the attachment in bytes. format: int64 documentType: type: string description: Document type of the attachment. description: type: string description: Description of the attachment. createdAt: type: string description: Attachment uploaded time. format: date-time createdById: type: integer description: Attachment uploaded by user id format: int32 createdBy: type: string description: Attachment uploaded by user modifiedAt: type: string description: Attachment modified time format: date-time modifiedById: type: integer description: Attachment modified by user id format: int32 modifiedBy: type: string description: Attachment modified by user linkedTo: type: string description: The profile component to which current attachment is linked to. Available values are profile and profileDetails. KycProtectProfileGetDetailsAddressResponse: type: object properties: id: type: string description: Id of the address format: uuid buildingDetails: type: string description: Building details of the address street: type: string description: Street of the address city: type: string description: City of the address region: type: string description: Region of the address postalCode: type: string description: Postalcode of the address countryCode: type: string description: Two-letter country code ISO-3166-2 type: type: string description: Type of the address (registered, trading, other) description: type: string description: Description of the address createdAt: type: string description: Address created date time format: date-time createdById: type: integer description: Id of the user who created the Address format: int32 createdBy: type: string description: Name of the user who created the Address modifiedAt: type: string description: Address last updated date time format: date-time modifiedById: type: integer description: Id of the user who last modified the Address format: int32 modifiedBy: type: string description: Name of the user who last modified the Address LocalSolutionsFRBankMatch: type: object description: Represents a match result from the Local Solutions FR Bank system. properties: '@domain': type: string description: The domain associated with the match. createdBy: type: string description: The user or system that created the match record. createdDate: type: string format: date-time description: The date and time when the match record was created. lastModifiedBy: type: string description: The user or system that last modified the match record. lastModifiedDate: type: string format: date-time description: The date and time when the match record was last modified. id: type: string description: The unique identifier of the match record. score: type: integer description: The score assigned to the match. classification: type: string description: The classification of the match. status: type: string description: The current status of the match. entity: type: object description: Details of the entity involved in the match. properties: createdDate: type: string format: date-time description: The date and time when the entity was created. lastModifiedDate: type: string format: date-time description: The date and time when the entity was last modified. paymentIdentity: type: object description: Payment identity information. properties: iban: type: string description: The International Bank Account Number (IBAN). type: type: string description: The type of payment identity. company: type: object description: Company information associated with the entity. properties: createdDate: type: string format: date-time description: The date and time when the company was created. lastModifiedDate: type: string format: date-time description: The date and time when the company was last modified. registrationId: type: string description: The registration ID of the company. name: type: string description: The name of the company. legalPerson: type: boolean description: Indicates if the company is a legal entity. codeTva: type: string description: The VAT code of the company. typeId: type: string description: The type ID of the company. countryCode: type: string description: The country code of the company. status: type: string description: The current status of the company. additionalProperties: type: object description: Additional properties related to the entity. properties: vatRequestInfo: type: object description: VAT request information. properties: valid: type: boolean description: Indicates if the VAT request is valid. requestIdentifier: type: string description: The identifier for the VAT request. date: type: string format: date description: The date of the VAT request. issuerCompany: type: object description: Information about the issuer company. properties: createdBy: type: string description: The user or system that created the issuer company record. createdDate: type: string format: date-time description: The date and time when the issuer company record was created. lastModifiedBy: type: string description: The user or system that last modified the issuer company record. lastModifiedDate: type: string format: date-time description: The date and time when the issuer company record was last modified. id: type: string description: The unique identifier of the issuer company. registrationId: type: string description: The registration ID of the issuer company. name: type: string description: The name of the issuer company. typeId: type: string description: The type ID of the issuer company. countryCode: type: string description: The country code of the issuer company. input: type: object description: Input data for the match. properties: '@input': type: string description: The input data identifier. paymentIdentity: type: object description: Payment identity information from the input. properties: iban: type: string description: The International Bank Account Number (IBAN) from the input. company: type: object description: Company information from the input. properties: registrationId: type: string description: The registration ID of the company from the input. countryCode: type: string description: The country code of the company from the input. withDeferredResult: type: boolean description: Indicates if the match result is deferred. byAPI: type: boolean description: Indicates if the match was processed via API. byFTP: type: boolean description: Indicates if the match was processed via FTP. workflow: type: string description: The workflow associated with the match. reasons: type: array items: type: string description: The reasons associated with the match. reasonLabels: type: object description: Labels for the reasons associated with the match. additionalProperties: type: string ConnectErrorResponsesBadRequest: type: object description: '' properties: correlationId: type: string description: A unique ID assigned to this request. message: type: string details: type: string description: Provides further information on why the request was rejected ConnectErrorResponsesInvalidToken: type: object properties: error: type: string description: Authorization Token has either expired or is not a valid Connect Connect.Protect.ErrorResponsesAccessForbidden: type: object properties: message: type: string description: Simple access forbidden message error response ArrayOfConnectDataCleaningJob: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectDataCleaningJob" ConnectDataCleaningJob: type: object properties: id: description: ID number associated to the created job - used for future searches type: string name: description: The name associated to the 'Job Number' created by the user in the 'POST - Create Job Request' type: string createdAt: type: string format: date-time modifiedAT: type: string format: date-time managingUserId: type: integer managingCustomerId: type: integer owningCustomerId: type: integer owningUserId: type: integer status: type: string enum: - created - uploading - uploadError - uploaded - ready - matching - matchingError - matched - addingToPortfolio - addedToPortfolio - addedToPortfolioError - aggregating - aggregatingComplete - aggregatingError - enriching - enrichmentError - enriched - transformFileError - generateTrilliumFileError - jobMatchingCompletionError - jobMatchingComplete - readyForEnriching - enrichmentComplete - enrichmentCompletionError - pdfGenerationError countryCode: description: Available after Enrichment type: string portfolioId: type: string description: Available after Enrichment source: type: string enum: - dataCleaning - prospects jobSummary: description: Available after Enrichment type: object properties: totalRows: type: integer matched: type: integer manualMatched: type: integer unmatched: type: integer duplicates: type: integer jobEnrichmentSettings: description: Available after Enrichment type: object properties: creditType: type: string archived: type: boolean ConnectDataCleaningCreateJobRequest: type: object required: - name properties: name: type: string description: The name associated to the Data Cleaning job created by the user in the 'POST - Create Job Request' ConnectDataCleaningArchiveJobRequest: type: object ConnectDataCleaningEnrichRequest: type: object ConnectDataCleaningUpdateMappingsRequest: type: object required: - mappings properties: mappings: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/JobMappingDto" JobMappingDto: type: object required: - mapping - value properties: mapping: type: string enum: - companyId - orgNumber - name - tradingName - aliasName - previousName - phone - email - address1 - address2 - address3 - town - postcode - region - country - countryCode - vatNumber - taxCode - personalID - personalLimit value: type: string description: "Value follows array indexing, meaning each column is identified by number, starting at 0 " example: mapping: name value: "0" ConnectDataCleaningSubmitJobRequest: type: object ArrayOfConnectDataCleaningResponse: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectDataCleaningResponse" ConnectMonitoringCreatePortfolioRequest: type: object required: - name properties: name: type: string isDefault: type: boolean emails: type: array items: type: object properties: firstName: type: string lastName: type: string emailAddress: type: string emailSubject: type: string emailLanguage: type: string frequency: type: string webhookUrl: type: string webhookEnabled: type: boolean MODEL5bdbb3: type: object properties: message: type: string MODEL28cf8d: type: object required: - hasHeader - jobFile properties: jobFile: type: string format: binary description: The file to be uploaded hasHeader: type: boolean description: Indicates if the file has a header row MODEL4f561c: type: object properties: message: type: string MODELf6df8e: type: object properties: message: type: string MODEL8790cc: type: object properties: message: type: string MODELcebf3b: type: object properties: message: type: string MODELcf4983: type: object properties: message: type: string MODEL5b4b1c: type: object properties: message: type: string MODEL7c8060: type: object properties: message: type: string ConnectDataCleaningResponse: type: object ConnectDataCleaningArchiveResponse: type: object properties: id: type: string name: type: string createdAt: type: string modifiedAt: type: string format: date-time managingUserId: type: integer managingCustomerId: type: integer owningCustomerId: type: integer owningUserId: type: integer status: type: string countryCode: type: string source: type: string jobEnrichmentSettings: $ref: "#/components/schemas/jobEnrichmentSettings" archived: type: boolean jobEnrichmentSettings: type: object properties: creditType: type: string ConnectDataCleaningMappingResponse: type: array items: type: object properties: mapping: type: string value: type: string example: - mapping: name value: "0" ConnectDataCleaningUploadResponse: type: object properties: id: type: string sourceFilename: type: string hasHeader: type: boolean createdAt: type: string format: date-time modifiedAt: type: string format: date-time managingUserId: type: integer managingCustomerId: type: integer status: type: string active: type: boolean ConnectErrorResponsesAccessForbidden: type: object description: Simple access forbidden message error response properties: message: type: string example: Access forbidden ConnectErrorResponsesResourceNotFoundRequest: type: object description: "" properties: correlationId: type: string description: A unique ID assigned to this request. format: uuid message: type: string details: type: string description: Provides further information on why the request was rejected basic: type: object properties: enrichments: type: array items: type: object properties: enrichment: type: string example: enrichments: - enrichment: general.safeNumber - enrichment: general.connectId - enrichment: general.ggsId - enrichment: general.companyName - enrichment: general.companyId - enrichment: general.companyNameKanji - enrichment: general.companyNameKana - enrichment: general.aliasName - enrichment: general.tradeName - enrichment: general.tradeNumber - enrichment: general.acronym - enrichment: general.organisationNumber - enrichment: general.legalRegistrationNumber - enrichment: general.siret - enrichment: general.siren - enrichment: general.companyNumber - enrichment: general.kvkNumber - enrichment: contact.eircode - enrichment: - enrichment: - enrichment: general.companyType - enrichment: general.companyTypeDesc.en - enrichment: general.legalName - enrichment: general.legalNameAlt - enrichment: general.rsin - enrichment: general.tradingName - enrichment: general.regDeletionNumber - enrichment: general.pattern - enrichment: general.banding - enrichment: general.bandingDesc - enrichment: general.rowNumber - enrichment: general.duplicate - enrichment: general.duplicateId - enrichment: basicPlus: type: object properties: enrichments: type: array items: type: object properties: enrichment: type: string example: enrichments: - enrichment: general.safeNumber - enrichment: general.connectId - enrichment: general.ggsId - enrichment: general.companyName - enrichment: general.companyId - enrichment: general.companyNameKanji - enrichment: general.companyNameKana - enrichment: general.aliasName - enrichment: general.tradeName - enrichment: general.tradeNumber - enrichment: general.acronym - enrichment: general.organisationNumber - enrichment: general.legalRegistrationNumber - enrichment: general.siret - enrichment: general.siren - enrichment: general.companyNumber - enrichment: general.kvkNumber - enrichment: contact.eircode - enrichment: - enrichment: - enrichment: general.companyType - enrichment: general.companyTypeDesc.en - enrichment: general.legalName - enrichment: general.legalNameAlt - enrichment: general.rsin - enrichment: general.tradingName - enrichment: general.regDeletionNumber - enrichment: general.pattern - enrichment: general.banding - enrichment: general.bandingDesc - enrichment: general.rowNumber - enrichment: general.duplicate - enrichment: general.duplicateId - enrichment: - enrichment: general.taxCode - enrichment: general.vatNumber - enrichment: general.vatLiable - enrichment: general.principalActivity - enrichment: general.principalActivity2 - enrichment: general.principalActivity3 - enrichment: general.principalActivity4 - enrichment: general.principalActivity5 - enrichment: general.statusDesc.en - enrichment: contact.addressLine1 - enrichment: contact.addressLine3 - enrichment: contact.addressLine4 - enrichment: contact.addressLine5 - enrichment: contact.addressLine6 - enrichment: contact.streetName - enrichment: contact.houseNumber - enrichment: contact.state - enrichment: contact.postBox - enrichment: contact.zip4 - enrichment: contact.region - enrichment: contact.municipality - enrichment: contact.province - enrichment: contact.mailing.addressLine1 - enrichment: contact.mailing.addressLine2 - enrichment: contact.mailing.addressLine3 - enrichment: contact.mailing.addressLine4 - enrichment: contact.mailing.streetName - enrichment: contact.mailing.houseNumber - enrichment: contact.mailing.province - enrichment: contact.mailing.postalCode - enrichment: contact.nonMailingIndicator - enrichment: contact.officeAddress1 - enrichment: contact.officeAddress2 - enrichment: contact.officeAddress3 - enrichment: contact.addressType - enrichment: contact.paf.addressLine1 - enrichment: contact.paf.addressLine2 - enrichment: contact.paf.addressLine3 - enrichment: contact.paf.addressLine4 - enrichment: contact.paf.postalCode - enrichment: general.locationType - enrichment: contact.contactPhone - enrichment: contact.tps - enrichment: contact.marketingAllowed - enrichment: contact.fax - enrichment: contact.specialDistribution - enrichment: contact.additionToAddress - enrichment: general.activityCode - enrichment: general.activityCodeDesc.en - enrichment: - enrichment: - enrichment: - enrichment: - enrichment: - enrichment: general.activityCode2 - enrichment: general.activityCode2Desc.en - enrichment: - enrichment: general.activityCode3 - enrichment: general.activityCode3Desc.en - enrichment: general.sectorCode - enrichment: general.legalForm - enrichment: general.legalFormCategory - enrichment: general.legalFormDetails - enrichment: general.legalFormDesc.en - enrichment: - enrichment: - enrichment: - enrichment: - enrichment: - enrichment: general.naicsCode - enrichment: general.naicsCodeDesc.en - enrichment: - enrichment: - enrichment: general.establishDate - enrichment: general.registrationDate - enrichment: general.registrationLocation - enrichment: general.employees - enrichment: general.workforceCode - enrichment: general.workforceCodeDesc.en - enrichment: - enrichment: general.minimalWorkforceRange - enrichment: general.annualSales - enrichment: general.juridicalForm - enrichment: general.juridicalFormDesc.en - enrichment: - enrichment: - enrichment: general.status - enrichment: - enrichment: - enrichment: general.statusDescShort.en - enrichment: - enrichment: - enrichment: financials.shareCapital - enrichment: financials.bankName - enrichment: financials.shareCapitalCurrency - enrichment: financials.bankCode - enrichment: general.sosFederalTaxId - enrichment: general.sosCharterNo - enrichment: general.sosStatus - enrichment: general.incorporatedState - enrichment: general.sosAddress - enrichment: general.sosCity - enrichment: general.sosState - enrichment: general.sosZip - enrichment: general.sosZip4 - enrichment: general.incorporationDate - enrichment: group.parent.siret - enrichment: group.parent.siren - enrichment: group.ultimateParent.siren - enrichment: general.importFlag - enrichment: general.exportFlag - enrichment: general.ltdNonLtdFlag - enrichment: general.priority - enrichment: - enrichment: general.mainOfficeFlag - enrichment: general.yearsTrading - enrichment: general.foundingDeedDate - enrichment: general.continuanceDate - enrichment: general.discontinuanceDate - enrichment: general.mortgages.partiallySatisfied - enrichment: general.mortgages.satisfied - enrichment: general.mortgages.outstanding - enrichment: - enrichment: general.managerType - enrichment: general.managerTypeDesc.en - enrichment: - enrichment: financials.consolidationCode - enrichment: contact.addressLine2 - enrichment: contact.postalCode standard: type: object properties: enrichments: type: array items: type: object properties: enrichment: type: string example: enrichments: - enrichment: general.safeNumber - enrichment: general.connectId - enrichment: general.ggsId - enrichment: general.companyName - enrichment: general.companyId - enrichment: general.companyNameKanji - enrichment: general.companyNameKana - enrichment: general.aliasName - enrichment: general.tradeName - enrichment: general.tradeNumber - enrichment: general.acronym - enrichment: general.organisationNumber - enrichment: general.legalRegistrationNumber - enrichment: general.siret - enrichment: general.siren - enrichment: general.companyNumber - enrichment: general.kvkNumber - enrichment: contact.eircode - enrichment: - enrichment: - enrichment: general.companyType - enrichment: general.companyTypeDesc.en - enrichment: general.legalName - enrichment: general.legalNameAlt - enrichment: general.rsin - enrichment: general.tradingName - enrichment: general.regDeletionNumber - enrichment: general.pattern - enrichment: general.banding - enrichment: general.bandingDesc - enrichment: general.rowNumber - enrichment: general.duplicate - enrichment: general.duplicateId - enrichment: - enrichment: general.taxCode - enrichment: general.vatNumber - enrichment: general.vatLiable - enrichment: general.principalActivity - enrichment: general.principalActivity2 - enrichment: general.principalActivity3 - enrichment: general.principalActivity4 - enrichment: general.principalActivity5 - enrichment: general.statusDesc.en - enrichment: contact.addressLine1 - enrichment: contact.addressLine3 - enrichment: contact.addressLine4 - enrichment: contact.addressLine5 - enrichment: contact.addressLine6 - enrichment: contact.streetName - enrichment: contact.houseNumber - enrichment: contact.state - enrichment: contact.postBox - enrichment: contact.zip4 - enrichment: contact.region - enrichment: contact.municipality - enrichment: contact.province - enrichment: contact.mailing.addressLine1 - enrichment: contact.mailing.addressLine2 - enrichment: contact.mailing.addressLine3 - enrichment: contact.mailing.addressLine4 - enrichment: contact.mailing.streetName - enrichment: contact.mailing.houseNumber - enrichment: contact.mailing.province - enrichment: contact.mailing.postalCode - enrichment: contact.nonMailingIndicator - enrichment: contact.officeAddress1 - enrichment: contact.officeAddress2 - enrichment: contact.officeAddress3 - enrichment: contact.addressType - enrichment: contact.paf.addressLine1 - enrichment: contact.paf.addressLine2 - enrichment: contact.paf.addressLine3 - enrichment: contact.paf.addressLine4 - enrichment: contact.paf.postalCode - enrichment: general.locationType - enrichment: contact.contactPhone - enrichment: contact.tps - enrichment: contact.marketingAllowed - enrichment: contact.fax - enrichment: contact.specialDistribution - enrichment: contact.additionToAddress - enrichment: general.activityCode - enrichment: general.activityCodeDesc.en - enrichment: - enrichment: - enrichment: - enrichment: - enrichment: - enrichment: general.activityCode2 - enrichment: general.activityCode2Desc.en - enrichment: - enrichment: general.activityCode3 - enrichment: general.activityCode3Desc.en - enrichment: general.sectorCode - enrichment: general.legalForm - enrichment: general.legalFormCategory - enrichment: general.legalFormDetails - enrichment: general.legalFormDesc.en - enrichment: - enrichment: - enrichment: - enrichment: - enrichment: - enrichment: general.naicsCode - enrichment: general.naicsCodeDesc.en - enrichment: - enrichment: - enrichment: general.establishDate - enrichment: general.registrationDate - enrichment: general.registrationLocation - enrichment: general.employees - enrichment: general.workforceCode - enrichment: general.workforceCodeDesc.en - enrichment: - enrichment: general.minimalWorkforceRange - enrichment: general.annualSales - enrichment: general.juridicalForm - enrichment: general.juridicalFormDesc.en - enrichment: - enrichment: - enrichment: general.status - enrichment: - enrichment: - enrichment: general.statusDescShort.en - enrichment: - enrichment: - enrichment: financials.shareCapital - enrichment: financials.bankName - enrichment: financials.shareCapitalCurrency - enrichment: financials.bankCode - enrichment: general.sosFederalTaxId - enrichment: general.sosCharterNo - enrichment: general.sosStatus - enrichment: general.incorporatedState - enrichment: general.sosAddress - enrichment: general.sosCity - enrichment: general.sosState - enrichment: general.sosZip - enrichment: general.sosZip4 - enrichment: general.incorporationDate - enrichment: group.parent.siret - enrichment: group.parent.siren - enrichment: group.ultimateParent.siren - enrichment: general.importFlag - enrichment: general.exportFlag - enrichment: general.ltdNonLtdFlag - enrichment: general.priority - enrichment: - enrichment: general.mainOfficeFlag - enrichment: general.yearsTrading - enrichment: general.foundingDeedDate - enrichment: general.continuanceDate - enrichment: general.discontinuanceDate - enrichment: general.mortgages.partiallySatisfied - enrichment: general.mortgages.satisfied - enrichment: general.mortgages.outstanding - enrichment: - enrichment: general.managerType - enrichment: general.managerTypeDesc.en - enrichment: - enrichment: financials.consolidationCode - enrichment: contact.addressLine2 - enrichment: contact.postalCode - enrichment: general.federalTaxId - enrichment: general.inactivityDate - enrichment: negatives.legalFilings - enrichment: negatives.uccCount - enrichment: negatives.lienCount - enrichment: negatives.lienAmount - enrichment: negatives.lienDate - enrichment: negatives.suitCount - enrichment: negatives.suitAmount - enrichment: negatives.suitDate - enrichment: negatives.bankruptcyCount - enrichment: negatives.bankruptcyAmount - enrichment: negatives.bankruptcyDate - enrichment: negatives.judgementCount - enrichment: negatives.judgementAmount - enrichment: negatives.judgementDate - enrichment: negatives.chequeCount - enrichment: negatives.chequeAmount - enrichment: negatives.chequeDate - enrichment: negatives.otherItemCount - enrichment: negatives.otherItemAmount - enrichment: negatives.otherItemDate - enrichment: negatives.uccCautionaryCount - enrichment: negatives.legalFilingsAmount - enrichment: negatives.ofacFlag - enrichment: negatives.ccjCount - enrichment: negatives.ccjValue - enrichment: financials.pretaxNetOperatingIncome - enrichment: financials.extraordinaryIncome - enrichment: financials.extraordinaryCharges - enrichment: financials.extraordinaryProfitLoss - enrichment: financials.tradingMargin - enrichment: financials.addedValue - enrichment: financials.grossOperatingSurplus - enrichment: financials.balance.period1Late - enrichment: financials.balance.period2Late - enrichment: financials.balance.period3Late - enrichment: financials.lastUpdateDate - enrichment: financials.closureDate - enrichment: financials.accountPeriodInMonths - enrichment: financials.capitalNotCalled - enrichment: financials.financialAssets - enrichment: financialsNonConsolidated.financialAssets - enrichment: financials.netCurrentAssets - enrichment: financials.advancedPayments - enrichment: financials.receivables - enrichment: financials.securitiesAndCash - enrichment: financials.prepaidExpenses - enrichment: financialsNonConsolidated.prepaidExpenses - enrichment: financials.shareholdersEquity - enrichment: financials.otherCapitalResources - enrichment: financials.riskProvisions - enrichment: financials.liabilities - enrichment: financialsNonConsolidated.liabilities - enrichment: financials.financialLiabilities - enrichment: financials.advancedPaymentsReceived - enrichment: financials.tradeAccountPayables - enrichment: financials.taxAndSocialLiabilities - enrichment: financials.currency - enrichment: financialsNonConsolidated.currency - enrichment: financials.otherDebtsAndFixedAssets - enrichment: financials.accountsRegularisation - enrichment: financials.salesOfGoods - enrichment: financials.netTurnover - enrichment: financials.netExportTurnover - enrichment: financials.operatingCharges - enrichment: financials.financialProfit - enrichment: financials.accountsOfRegularisation - enrichment: - enrichment: rating.current.score - enrichment: rating.current.description.en - enrichment: - enrichment: - enrichment: - enrichment: - enrichment: rating.current.fullDescription.en - enrichment: - enrichment: rating.current.local - enrichment: rating.current.creditIndex - enrichment: rating.current.cds - enrichment: rating.current.pod - enrichment: limit.current.value - enrichment: - enrichment: rating.current.common - enrichment: rating.current.colour - enrichment: rating.previous.score - enrichment: rating.previous.description.en - enrichment: - enrichment: rating.previous.fullDescription.en - enrichment: - enrichment: - enrichment: limit.previous.value - enrichment: - enrichment: rating.previous.common - enrichment: rating.creditworthy - enrichment: financials.plAccountReserve - enrichment: financials.otherShortTermFinance - enrichment: financials.retainedProfit - enrichment: financials.reserves - enrichment: financials.debtorDays - enrichment: financials.bankOverdraftLtl - enrichment: financials.otherCurrentDebtors - enrichment: financials.paidShareCapital - enrichment: financials.preTaxProfitMargin - enrichment: financials.auditComments - enrichment: financials.bankers - enrichment: financials.bankBranchCode - enrichment: financials.dbt.current - enrichment: financials.dbt.previous - enrichment: financials.dbt.local - enrichment: financials.amortizationAndDepreciation - enrichment: financials.directorRemuneration - enrichment: financials.dividends - enrichment: financials.employeeCosts - enrichment: financials.employeePensionCosts - enrichment: financials.equityInPercentage - enrichment: financials.extraordinaryItems - enrichment: financials.financialCharges - enrichment: financials.financialFixedAssets - enrichment: financials.financialIncome - enrichment: financials.finishedGoods - enrichment: financials.intangibleFixedAssets - enrichment: financials.inventories - enrichment: financials.issuedShareCapital - enrichment: financials.landAndBuilding - enrichment: financials.operatingIncome - enrichment: financials.otherAmountsReceivable - enrichment: financials.otherEmployeeCosts - enrichment: financials.otherStocks - enrichment: financials.turnover - enrichment: financials.otherTangibleAssets - enrichment: financials.otherTermLiabilities - enrichment: financials.otherTermLoans - enrichment: financials.plantAndMachinery - enrichment: financials.preProfitMargin - enrichment: financials.profitBeforeTax - enrichment: financials.rawAndConsumables - enrichment: financials.resultsAfterTaxation - enrichment: financials.salesWorkingCapital - enrichment: financials.sharePremiumAccount - enrichment: financials.socialSecurityContributions - enrichment: financials.tangibleFixedAssets - enrichment: financials.totalOperatingExpenses - enrichment: financials.totalTermDebts - enrichment: financials.workInProgress - enrichment: financials.accountingDate - enrichment: financialsNonConsolidated.accountingDate - enrichment: financials.numberOfWeeks - enrichment: financialsNonConsolidated.numberOfWeeks - enrichment: financials.assets - enrichment: financialsNonConsolidated.assets - enrichment: financials.tradeUpdateDate - enrichment: financials.tradelines - enrichment: financials.fixedAssets - enrichment: financialsNonConsolidated.fixedAssets - enrichment: financials.currentAssets - enrichment: financialsNonConsolidated.currentAssets - enrichment: financials.inventory - enrichment: financialsNonConsolidated.inventory - enrichment: financials.receivablesAndOther - enrichment: financialsNonConsolidated.receivablesAndOther - enrichment: financials.therefromTradeReceivables - enrichment: financialsNonConsolidated.therefromTradeReceivables - enrichment: financials.securities - enrichment: financialsNonConsolidated.securities - enrichment: financials.liquidAssets - enrichment: financialsNonConsolidated.liquidAssets - enrichment: financials.deferedTax - enrichment: financialsNonConsolidated.deferedTax - enrichment: financials.activeDiffBetweenAssetAllocation - enrichment: financialsNonConsolidated.activeDiffBetweenAssetAllocation - enrichment: financials.deficitNcbCapital - enrichment: financialsNonConsolidated.deficitNcbCapital - enrichment: financials.deficitNcblLossCapital - enrichment: financialsNonConsolidated.deficitNcblLossCapital - enrichment: financials.balanceSheetTotalAssets - enrichment: financialsNonConsolidated.balanceSheetTotalAssets - enrichment: financials.equity - enrichment: financialsNonConsolidated.equity - enrichment: financials.subscribedCapital - enrichment: financialsNonConsolidated.subscribedCapital - enrichment: financials.privateAccount - enrichment: financialsNonConsolidated.privateAccount - enrichment: financials.sharesNcblUnlimitedPartners - enrichment: financialsNonConsolidated.sharesNcblUnlimitedPartners - enrichment: financials.sharesNcblLimitedPartners - enrichment: financialsNonConsolidated.sharesNcblLimitedPartners - enrichment: financials.fixedEquity - enrichment: financialsNonConsolidated.fixedEquity - enrichment: financials.variableEquity - enrichment: financialsNonConsolidated.variableEquity - enrichment: financials.balance.current - enrichment: financials.balance.1to30 - enrichment: financials.balance.31to60 - enrichment: financials.balance.61to90 - enrichment: financials.balance.91plus - enrichment: - enrichment: financials.capitalReserve - enrichment: financialsNonConsolidated.capitalReserve - enrichment: financials.revenueReserve - enrichment: financialsNonConsolidated.revenueReserve - enrichment: financials.retainedEarnings - enrichment: financialsNonConsolidated.retainedEarnings - enrichment: financials.balanceSheetNetIncome - enrichment: financialsNonConsolidated.balanceSheetNetIncome - enrichment: financials.accruals - enrichment: financialsNonConsolidated.accruals - enrichment: financials.therefromAccrualsPension - enrichment: financialsNonConsolidated.therefromAccrualsPension - enrichment: financials.therefromAccrualsTax - enrichment: financialsNonConsolidated.therefromAccrualsTax - enrichment: financials.therefromTradePayables - enrichment: financialsNonConsolidated.therefromTradePayables - enrichment: financials.defferedIncome - enrichment: financialsNonConsolidated.defferedIncome - enrichment: financials.defferedLiabilities - enrichment: financialsNonConsolidated.defferedLiabilities - enrichment: financials.balanceSheetTotal - enrichment: financialsNonConsolidated.balanceSheetTotal - enrichment: financials.inventoryChange - enrichment: financialsNonConsolidated.inventoryChange - enrichment: financials.ownWork - enrichment: financialsNonConsolidated.ownWork - enrichment: financials.otherOperationalRevenue - enrichment: financialsNonConsolidated.otherOperationalRevenue - enrichment: financials.materials - enrichment: financialsNonConsolidated.materials - enrichment: financials.staff - enrichment: financialsNonConsolidated.staff - enrichment: financials.amortisation - enrichment: financialsNonConsolidated.amortisation - enrichment: financials.otherCosts - enrichment: financialsNonConsolidated.otherCosts - enrichment: financials.profitLoss - enrichment: financialsNonConsolidated.profitLoss - enrichment: financials.profit - enrichment: financials.operationalResult - enrichment: financialsNonConsolidated.operationalResult - enrichment: financials.therefromOtherInterestSimilarIncome - enrichment: financialsNonConsolidated.therefromOtherInterestSimilarIncome - enrichment: financials.therefromInterestsSimilarExpenses - enrichment: financialsNonConsolidated.therefromInterestsSimilarExpenses - enrichment: financials.financialResult - enrichment: financialsNonConsolidated.financialResult - enrichment: financials.ordinaryOperationalResult - enrichment: financialsNonConsolidated.ordinaryOperationalResult - enrichment: financials.extraordinaryResult - enrichment: financialsNonConsolidated.extraordinaryResult - enrichment: - enrichment: - enrichment: financials.otherTaxes - enrichment: financialsNonConsolidated.otherTaxes - enrichment: financials.netIncome - enrichment: financialsNonConsolidated.netIncome - enrichment: financials.yearOfBalance - enrichment: financials.totalShareholdersEquity - enrichment: financials.totalOperatingIncome - enrichment: financials.salesRevenue - enrichment: financials.otherOperatingIncome - enrichment: financials.costOfStocks - enrichment: financials.changeInStock - enrichment: financials.changeInWorkInProgress - enrichment: financials.writeDownOfFixedAssets - enrichment: financials.otherOperatingExpenses - enrichment: financials.allocatedDividend - enrichment: financials.revenueSubsidiaries - enrichment: financials.revenueGroupCompanies - enrichment: financials.revenueAssociatedCompanies - enrichment: financials.interestIncomeGroup - enrichment: financials.otherInterestIncome - enrichment: financials.otherFinancialIncome - enrichment: financials.changeValueCurrentAssets - enrichment: financials.writedownsCurrentAssets - enrichment: financials.writedownsFixedAssets - enrichment: financials.otherInterestExpensesGroup - enrichment: financials.otherInterestExpenses - enrichment: financials.otherFinancialExpenses - enrichment: financials.otherFinancialCosts - enrichment: financials.financialExpenses - enrichment: financials.totalNetFinancialItems - enrichment: financials.netProfitLoss - enrichment: financials.taxOnExtraordinaryResult - enrichment: financials.minorityShare - enrichment: financials.netResultAfterDividends - enrichment: financials.groupContributions - enrichment: financials.allocationOtherEquity - enrichment: financials.totalTransfersAllocations - enrichment: financials.researchAndDevelopment - enrichment: financials.concessions - enrichment: financials.deferredTaxAsset - enrichment: financials.goodwillIntangibleAssets - enrichment: financials.otherIntangibleFixedAssets - enrichment: financials.landAndBuildings - enrichment: financials.shipsRigsAircraft - enrichment: financials.operatingEquipment - enrichment: financials.otherOperationFactors - enrichment: financials.totalTangibleAssets - enrichment: financials.sharesInvestmentSubsidiaries - enrichment: financials.investmentsInGroupCompanies - enrichment: financials.investmentsInAssociatedCompanies - enrichment: financials.investmentsInShares - enrichment: financials.bondsAndAccountsReceivables - enrichment: financials.pensionFunds - enrichment: financials.otherFinancialFixedAssets - enrichment: financials.bonds - enrichment: financials.otherReceivables - enrichment: financials.otherReceivables2 - enrichment: financials.otherFixedAssets - enrichment: financials.rawMaterials - enrichment: financials.otherInventories - enrichment: financials.totalInventories - enrichment: financials.tradeReceivables - enrichment: financials.receivablesToCompInGroup - enrichment: financials.totalReceivable - enrichment: financials.sharesAndInterestsInGroup - enrichment: financials.quotedInvestmentShares - enrichment: financials.quotedBonds - enrichment: financials.otherMarkedBasedFinancial - enrichment: financials.otherFinancialInstr - enrichment: financials.otherInvestments - enrichment: financials.cashAndBankDeposits - enrichment: financials.totalFunds - enrichment: financials.ownShares - enrichment: financials.sharePremiumReserve - enrichment: financials.otherPaidInCapital - enrichment: financials.totalEquityDeposits - enrichment: financials.valuationReserve - enrichment: financials.otherEquity - enrichment: financials.minorityInterestsGroups - enrichment: financials.totalRetainedEarnings - enrichment: financials.otherReserves - enrichment: financials.longtermPensionCommitments - enrichment: financials.deferredTaxLiabilities - enrichment: financials.otherProvisions - enrichment: financials.totalProvisionsLiabilities - enrichment: financials.convertibleLoans - enrichment: financials.otherLongtermLoans - enrichment: financials.longtermLiabilitiesFinInst - enrichment: financials.longtermGroupContrLiabilities - enrichment: financials.liableLoanCapital - enrichment: financials.otherLongtermLiabilities - enrichment: financials.totalOtherLongtermLiabilities - enrichment: financials.convertibleLoan - enrichment: financials.certificateLoan - enrichment: financials.shorttermLiabilitiesFinInst - enrichment: financials.payableTax - enrichment: financials.specialGovernmentTaxes - enrichment: financials.suggestedDividend - enrichment: financials.shorttermLiabilitiesGroup - enrichment: financials.otherCreditors - enrichment: financials.totalLiabilitiesEquity - enrichment: financials.solvencyRatio - enrichment: financials.recentHighCredit - enrichment: financials.operatingProfit - enrichment: financials.depreciation - enrichment: financials.auditFees - enrichment: financials.currentRatio - enrichment: financials.netWorkingCapital - enrichment: financials.gearingRatio - enrichment: financials.creditorDays - enrichment: financials.liquidityAcidTest - enrichment: financials.returnOnCapitalEmployed - enrichment: financials.returnOnTotalAssetsEmployed - enrichment: financials.currentDebtRatio - enrichment: financials.totalDebtRatio - enrichment: financials.stockTurnoverRatio - enrichment: financials.returnOnNetAssetsEmployed - enrichment: financials.netCashflowFromOperations - enrichment: financials.netCashflowBeforeFinancing - enrichment: financials.netCashflowFromFinancing - enrichment: financials.auditorsQualification - enrichment: financials.auditors - enrichment: financials.capitalEmployed - enrichment: financials.contingentLiability - enrichment: financials.latestAccountDate - enrichment: financials.profitLossAccount - enrichment: financials.paidUpCapital - enrichment: financials.accountsType - enrichment: financials.accountsFrom - enrichment: financials.accountsTo - enrichment: financials.accountsMonths - enrichment: financials.preTaxMargin - enrichment: financials.retainedProfits - enrichment: financials.dividendsPayable - enrichment: financials.profitAfterTax - enrichment: financials.taxation - enrichment: financials.preTaxProfit - enrichment: financials.interestPayments - enrichment: financials.consolidatedAccounts - enrichment: financials.exports - enrichment: financials.costOfSales - enrichment: financials.grossProfit - enrichment: financialsNonConsolidated.grossProfit - enrichment: financials.wagesSalaries - enrichment: financials.directorsEmoluments - enrichment: negatives.totalCollectionAmount - enrichment: negatives.bankruptcy - enrichment: negatives.delinquencyCount - enrichment: negatives.delinquencyAmount - enrichment: negatives.collectionCases - enrichment: negatives.collectionCount - enrichment: negatives.collectionAmount - enrichment: negatives.collectionDate - enrichment: financials.netAssets - enrichment: financials.totalLiabilities - enrichment: financials.totalLongTermLiabilities - enrichment: financials.otherLongTermFinance - enrichment: financials.miscCurrentLiabilities - enrichment: financials.otherShortTermFinancials - enrichment: financials.bankOverdraft - enrichment: financials.totalAssets - enrichment: financials.miscCurrentAssets - enrichment: financials.otherCurrentAssets - enrichment: financials.tradeDebtors - enrichment: financials.intangibleAssets - enrichment: financialsNonConsolidated.intangibleAssets - enrichment: financials.tangibleAssets - enrichment: financials.stocks - enrichment: - enrichment: financials.shareholderFunds - enrichment: financials.revaluationReserve - enrichment: financials.sundryReserves - enrichment: financials.coefficientLinear - enrichment: financials.workingCapital - enrichment: financials.accountsStartDate - enrichment: financials.accountsEndDate - enrichment: financials.totalFixedAssets - enrichment: financials.totalCurrentAssets - enrichment: financials.tradeCreditors - enrichment: financials.totalCurrentLiabilities - enrichment: financials.longTermLiabilities - enrichment: financials.totalEquity - enrichment: financials.netWorth - enrichment: financials.liquidityRatio - enrichment: financials.netResult - enrichment: - enrichment: financials.nominalCapital - enrichment: financials.placedCapital - enrichment: financials.depositedCapital - enrichment: - enrichment: - enrichment: - enrichment: group.parent.safeNumber - enrichment: - enrichment: group.parent.companyNo - enrichment: group.parent.rating.current.score - enrichment: group.parent.rating.current.description.en - enrichment: - enrichment: group.parent.limit.current.value - enrichment: group.parent.addressLine1 - enrichment: - enrichment: group.parent.postalCode - enrichment: - enrichment: - enrichment: group.ultimateParent.safeNumber - enrichment: - enrichment: group.ultimateParent.companyNo - enrichment: group.ultimateParent.rating.current.score - enrichment: group.ultimateParent.rating.current.description.en - enrichment: - enrichment: group.ultimateParent.limit.current.value - enrichment: - enrichment: group.ultimateParent.entityType - enrichment: group.ultimateParent.isoCode - enrichment: group.ultimateParent.address - enrichment: group.ultimateParent.poBox - enrichment: - enrichment: group.ultimateParent.inseeCityCode - enrichment: group.ultimateParent.postalCode - enrichment: group.ultimateParent.contactPhone - enrichment: - enrichment: directors.title.en - enrichment: - enrichment: - enrichment: directors.firstName - enrichment: directors.fullNameKana - enrichment: directors.middleName - enrichment: directors.lastName - enrichment: directors.fullName - enrichment: directors.salutation - enrichment: directors.gender - enrichment: directors.addressLine1 - enrichment: directors.addressLine2 - enrichment: directors.addressLine3 - enrichment: directors.addressLine4 - enrichment: - enrichment: directors.region - enrichment: directors.state - enrichment: directors.postalCode - enrichment: - enrichment: directors.birthDate - enrichment: directors.birthPlace - enrichment: directors.appointmentDate - enrichment: directors.endDate - enrichment: directors.nationality - enrichment: directors.honours - enrichment: directors.managerPositionCode - enrichment: - enrichment: - enrichment: shareholders.currency - enrichment: general.isHeadquarter CreditsafeLocalSolutionsGBLandRegistry: type: object example: totalSize: 64293 data: - rn: 1 address: Land at Gorse Hill, Farningham, Dartford, Kent, South East tenure: Freehold registeredTitle: K945315 proprietorship: Limited Company or Public Limited Company correspondenceAddress: Bridge House, 1 Walnut Tree Close, Guildford, Surrey GU1 4LZ, Ash House Falcon Road, Sowton, Exeter EX2 7LB changeDate: 2015-08-20T00:00:00 propertyType: Other newlyBuild: No companyRegistrationNo: "09346363" - rn: 2 address: Land at Gorse Hill, Farningham, Dartford, Kent, South East tenure: Freehold registeredTitle: K945323 proprietorship: Limited Company or Public Limited Company correspondenceAddress: Bridge House, 1 Walnut Tree Close, Guildford, Surrey GU1 4LZ, Ash House Falcon Road, Sowton, Exeter EX2 7LB changeDate: 2015-08-20T00:00:00 propertyType: Other newlyBuild: No companyRegistrationNo: "09346363" GetDecisionEngineInstancesResponse: type: object properties: correlationId: type: string description: A unique ID assigned to this request. instances: description: The list of decision trees and GUID's available to user. type: array items: type: object properties: guid: type: string decisionTreeName: type: string UpdateDecisionEngineInstanceRequestBodyWithExample: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/UpdateDecisionEngineInstanceRequestBody" - type: object example: $ref: "#/components/examples/UpdateDecisionEngineInstanceRequestBodyExample" UpdateDecisionEngineInstanceRequestBody: type: object required: - templateId - guid - decisionTreeName properties: templateId: type: string description: The template ID of the decision tree to be updated. example: 72a7e73e799a4c3ea2a8b89bd2002829 guid: type: string description: The GUID to be updated. example: 02dce1bbb81b11ed962c01ff1787b18e decisionTreeName: type: string description: The name of the decision tree to be updated. example: Test US after NL test update5 customerId: type: integer description: The customer ID to be updated. example: 103361848 inputParams: type: object description: The input parameters to be updated can be obtained from the `GET/instance configuration` endpoint. configurationVariables: type: object description: The Configuration Variables to be updated can be obtained from the `GET/instance configuration` endpoint. scalarVariables: type: object description: The Scalar Variables to be updated can be obtained from the `GET/instance configuration` endpoint. DeleteFreshInvetigationsByOrderId: type: object properties: message: type: string ConnectUpdateFreshInvestigation: type: object additionalProperties: false properties: consent: type: boolean description: Including this allows Creditsafe to disclose your company details to the target company in the aim of improving the quality of our Investigation Report contactInfo: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectFreshInvInvestigationContactInfo" chargeReference: type: string description: Free text field to add your own personal reference to the order searchCriteria: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectFreshInvInvestigationCompanyData" pendingInfo: type: object description: PendingInfo property contains the information of respective sections, that someone has requested respective information to be modified. properties: contactDetails: description: Your Contact details of fresh investigation for updating. $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectFreshInvInvestigationContactInfo" searchCriteria: description: Search criteria details of the company. $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectFreshInvInvestigationCompanyData" ConnectFreshInvInvestigationContactInfo: description: Your contact information type: object additionalProperties: false properties: name: type: string description: Your name nullable: false emailAddress: type: string description: The address where Investigation creation confirmations are sent nullable: false telephoneNumber: type: string description: Your contact number nullable: true company: type: object additionalProperties: false description: your company information properties: name: type: string description: Your company name nullable: false number: type: string nullable: false description: Your company VAT number/Reg Number/Tax Number ConnectFreshInvInvestigationCompanyData: type: object additionalProperties: false description: Details on the company. properties: name: type: string description: Company name. additionalInfo: type: string description: Further details on the company. telephoneNumber: type: string description: Company telephone number address: type: object additionalProperties: false description: Company address properties: simple: type: string postcode: type: string city: type: string regNo: type: string description: Company registration number vatNo: type: string description: Company VAT number countryCode: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creditsafe.GlobalData.CountryCode" FreshInvestigationAttachmentUploadForOrderRequest: type: object additionalProperties: false properties: importFile: type: string format: binary description: The file which we want to attach to the fresh investigation order description: type: string description: Description of the file which we want to attach to the fresh investigation order FreshInvestigationAttachmentUploadForOrderResponse: description: Attachment upload status for the order type: object additionalProperties: false properties: correlationId: type: string description: A unique ID assigned to this request. message: type: string details: type: string FreshInvestigationGetAttachmentsForOrderResponse: description: Attachments for the fresh investigation order type: object additionalProperties: false properties: correlationId: type: string description: A unique ID assigned to this request. Attachments: type: array items: type: object properties: id: type: string fileName: type: string fileType: type: string description: type: string FreshInvestigationCommentsForOrderRequest: type: object additionalProperties: false properties: comments: description: comments for fresh investigation orderId type: string FreshInvestigationCommentsForOrderResponse: description: comments for the fresh investigation orderId type: object additionalProperties: false properties: correlationId: type: string description: A unique ID assigned to this request. message: type: string GetFreshInvestigationCommentsByOrderIdResponse: type: object properties: totalCount: type: integer description: Total number of comments for a FreshInvestigation Report comments: type: array items: type: object properties: userID: type: string example: CSC_123456 description: user id comment: type: string example: testing comments description: comments about the FreshInvestigation Report creationDate: type: string example: 2023-03-10T05:44:06.000Z description: The time when comment has been posted. CreditsafeFreshInvestigationGlobalDataCoreAttachmentBinaryAttachment: type: string format: binary Creditsafe.GlobalData.Reports.IndicatorIndustryComparison: type: object properties: sectorCode: type: string sectorAverage: type: string sectorCount: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true totalAverage: type: string totalCount: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true KycProtectPostProfilesRequest: type: object required: [name, type] properties: name: description: The name of the profile being created.
This MUST be unique across your profiles. type: string type: description: The profile type to be created. This will effect searches later for validations.
i.e. Not being able to apply certain datasets (Example - State Owned Enterprises) to an Individual profile. Ensure the correct type is applied for intended search. type: string enum: - trust - individual - soleTrader - company - plc - partnership - otherEntity example: trust internalId: description: Internal ID of the profile, this MUST be unique across your profiles. type: string assignedToId: description: Creditsafe Id of the user to assign the profile to. type: integer kycReviewOn: description: The date to which the profile should be reviewed.
Validates when the date changes and is either current or in the future. type: string status: description: Status of the profile. type: string enum: - new - approved - declined - pending - cancelled - referred - closed - approvedReviewDue riskRating: description: Risk rating of the profile. type: string enum: - notApplicable - veryLow - low - medium - high - veryHigh kycComments: description: Free text field for users to highlight key information to other users.
Maximum characters allowed is 250 type: string details: type: object description: Please note the required property in this object. required: [legalName] properties: legalName: type: string description: Name of the Business or Individual
Maximum length is 150 characters example: Creditsafe Ltd tradingName: type: string example: null description: Valid for profile type - SoleTrader
Maximum length is 150 characters aliases: type: string description: Name of any Aliases
Maximum length of each alias is 150 characters example: null activity: type: string description: Activity of the Business e.g. NAIC S/SIC Codes
Valid for profile types - Trust, Company, Partnership, OtherEntity and PLC
Maximum length of activity is 150 characters example: "62409" description: type: string example: Example Free Text description: Description of the business/individual entity
Valid for the profile types Trust, Company, Partnership, OtherEntity and PLC contactName: type: string description: Contact person at the organisation. example: null email: type: string description: Contact email address of the entity example: website: type: string example: description: Website address of the entity
Valid for the profile types Trust, Company, Partnership, OtherEntity and PLC telephone: type: string example: null description: Telephone number of the entity.
Valid for the profile types Trust, Company, Partnership, OtherEntity and PLC turnover: type: object properties: currencyCode: type: string description: The currency the amount is in enum: [eur, gbp, usd, cny, cad, aud, nzd, inr, jpy, chf, zar ,dkk ,sek ,nok] amount: description: Total Turnover Figure type: integer assetsUnderManagement: type: object properties: currencyCode: type: string description: The currency the amount is in enum: [eur, gbp, usd, cny, cad, aud, nzd, inr, jpy, chf, zar ,dkk ,sek ,nok] amount: type: integer description: The total value of the assets under management organizationNumber: type: string description: Property valid for profile type - Trust, Company, Partnership, OtherEntity and PLC example: "12345678" internalContact: type: string description: Internal contact name to contact regarding this profile,
Property valid for profile type - Trust, Company, Partnership, OtherEntity and PLC. example: null internalEmail: type: string description: Internal email address to contact regarding this profile.
Property valid for profile type - Trust, Company, Partnership, OtherEntity and PLC example: null dateOfBirth: type: string format: date example: 2024-03-25 description: Date YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY format. Must be after 1900 and not in the future
Valid for the profile types Individual and SoleTrader countryCode: type: string example: GB description: Two-letter country code ISO-3166-2.
Valid for the profile types Individual and SoleTrader vatNo: type: string example: GB12345678 description: Tax Identification Number of the business
Valid for the profile types Company, Partnership, OtherEntity and PLC isListedOnExchange: type: boolean description: Property valid for profile type PLC example: null exchangeName: type: string description: Property valid for profile type PLC example: null KYCGetSearchIndividualBySearchIdResponse: type: object properties: id: type: string description: Id of the search format: uuid name: type: string nullable: true description: Name provided for the search. Length must not exceed 200 characters countryCodes: type: array items: type: string nullable: true description: Countries provided to the search threshold: type: integer description: Hits with scores below this value will not be shown. format: int32 type: type: string description: Indicates whether search type is individual or business datasets: type: array items: type: string description: Provided datasets for the search status: type: string description: Status of the search riskRating: type: string description: The risk rating being assigned to the profile enum: - notApplicable - veryLow - low - medium - high - veryHigh assignedToUserId: type: integer nullable: true description: Id of the user assigned to the search format: int32 assignedUser: type: string nullable: true description: Name of the user assigned to the search createdById: type: integer description: Id of the user who created the search format: int32 createdBy: type: string description: Name of the user who created the search createdAt: type: string description: Search created date time format: date-time modifiedById: type: integer description: Id of the user who modified the search format: int32 modifiedBy: type: string description: Name of the user who modified the search modifiedAt: type: string description: Search modified date time format: date-time note: type: string nullable: true description: Note associated with the search totalHitCount: type: integer description: Total number of hits in the search format: int32 truePositiveHitsCount: type: integer description: The number of true-positive hits in the search format: int32 falsePositiveHitsCount: type: integer description: The number of false-positive hits in the search format: int32 undecidedHitsCount: type: integer description: The number of undecided hits in the search format: int32 firstName: type: string nullable: true description: "First name provided in the search.\r\nThe combination of first\ \ name, middle name, and last name must not exceed 200 characters" middleName: type: string nullable: true description: "Middle name provided in the search.\r\nThe combination of\ \ first name, middle name, and last name must not exceed 200 characters" lastName: type: string nullable: true description: "Last name provided in the search.\r\nThe combination of first\ \ name, middle name, and last name must not exceed 200 characters" gender: type: string nullable: true description: Gender provided in the search dateOfBirth: type: string nullable: true description: DOB provided in the search format: date pepTiers: type: array items: type: string nullable: true description: Pep Tiers provided in the search scheduleId: type: string nullable: true description: Schedule Id linked to the search PutKYCSearchIndividualResponse: type: "object" properties: failed: type: "array" items: type: "object" properties: failedItem: type: "object" properties: assignedToUserId: type: "integer" description: "Id of the User to assign to the Search" format: "int32" status: type: "string" description: "Status of the Search. Available values are new,\ \ approved, declined, pending, cancelled, referred and closed." riskRating: type: "string" description: "Risk rating of the Search. Available values are\ \ notApplicable, veryLow, low, medium, high AND veryHigh." note: type: "string" description: "Note associated with the search" searchId: type: "string" description: "The Id of the search to be updated" format: "uuid" error: type: "object" properties: type: type: "string" title: type: "string" status: type: "integer" detail: type: "string" instance: type: "string" successful: type: "array" items: type: "object" properties: id: type: "string" description: "Id of the search" format: "uuid" name: type: "string" description: "Name provided for the search. Length must not exceed\ \ 200 characters" countryCodes: type: "array" description: "Countries provided to the search" items: type: "string" threshold: type: "integer" description: "Hits with scores below this value will not be shown." format: "int32" type: type: "string" description: "Indicates whether search type is individual or business" datasets: type: "array" description: "Provided datasets for the search" items: type: "string" status: type: "string" description: "Status of the search" riskRating: type: "string" description: "Risk associated with the search" assignedToUserId: type: "integer" description: "Id of the user assigned to the search" format: "int32" assignedUser: type: "string" description: "Name of the user assigned to the search" createdById: type: "integer" description: "Id of the user who created the search" format: "int32" createdBy: type: "string" description: "Name of the user who created the search" createdAt: type: "string" description: "Search created date time" format: "date-time" modifiedById: type: "integer" description: "Id of the user who modified the search" format: "int32" modifiedBy: type: "string" description: "Name of the user who modified the search" modifiedAt: type: "string" description: "Search modified date time" format: "date-time" note: type: "string" description: "Note associated with the search" totalHitCount: type: "integer" description: "Total number of hits in the search" format: "int32" truePositiveHitsCount: type: "integer" description: "The number of true-positive hits in the search" format: "int32" falsePositiveHitsCount: type: "integer" description: "The number of false-positive hits in the search" format: "int32" undecidedHitsCount: type: "integer" description: "The number of undecided hits in the search" format: "int32" firstName: type: "string" description: "First name provided in the search.\r\nThe combination\ \ of first name, middle name, and last name must not exceed 200\ \ characters" middleName: type: "string" description: "Middle name provided in the search.\r\nThe combination\ \ of first name, middle name, and last name must not exceed 200\ \ characters" lastName: type: "string" description: "Last name provided in the search.\r\nThe combination\ \ of first name, middle name, and last name must not exceed 200\ \ characters" gender: type: "string" description: "Gender provided in the search" dateOfBirth: type: "string" description: "DOB provided in the search" format: "date" pepTiers: type: "array" description: "Pep Tiers provided in the search" items: type: "string" correlationId: type: string description: A unique ID assigned to this request. KycProtectPostPostIndividualSearchResponse: type: object properties: id: type: string description: Id of the search format: uuid name: type: string nullable: true description: Name provided for the search. Length must not exceed 200 characters countryCodes: type: array items: type: string nullable: true description: Countries provided to the search threshold: type: integer description: Hits with scores below this value will not be shown. format: int32 type: type: string description: Indicates whether search type is individual or business datasets: type: array items: type: string description: Provided datasets for the search status: type: string description: Status of the search riskRating: type: string description: Risk associated with the search assignedToUserId: type: integer nullable: true description: Id of the user assigned to the search format: int32 assignedUser: type: string nullable: true description: Name of the user assigned to the search createdById: type: integer description: Id of the user who created the search format: int32 createdBy: type: string description: Name of the user who created the search createdAt: type: string description: Search created date time format: date-time modifiedById: type: integer description: Id of the user who modified the search format: int32 modifiedBy: type: string description: Name of the user who modified the search modifiedAt: type: string description: Search modified date time format: date-time note: type: string nullable: true description: Note associated with the search totalHitCount: type: integer description: Total number of hits in the search format: int32 truePositiveHitsCount: type: integer description: The number of true-positive hits in the search format: int32 falsePositiveHitsCount: type: integer description: The number of false-positive hits in the search format: int32 undecidedHitsCount: type: integer description: The number of undecided hits in the search format: int32 firstName: type: string nullable: true description: "First name provided in the search.\r\nThe combination of first\ \ name, middle name, and last name must not exceed 200 characters" middleName: type: string nullable: true description: "Middle name provided in the search.\r\nThe combination of\ \ first name, middle name, and last name must not exceed 200 characters" lastName: type: string nullable: true description: "Last name provided in the search.\r\nThe combination of first\ \ name, middle name, and last name must not exceed 200 characters" gender: type: string nullable: true description: Gender provided in the search dateOfBirth: type: string nullable: true description: DOB provided in the search format: date pepTiers: type: array items: type: string nullable: true description: Pep Tiers provided in the search scheduleId: type: string nullable: true description: Schedule Id linked to the search KYCPostIndividualSearchContract: type: object required: - threshold - datasets properties: countryCodes: type: array nullable: true items: type: string description: List of Two-letter country code ISO-3166-2. threshold: type: integer description: Hits with scores below the chosen value will not be shown.
Must be one of 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, or 100 format: int32 name: type: string nullable: true description: Required if FirstName and LastName are not provided firstName: type: string nullable: true description: If firstName is provided then lastName must also be provided middleName: type: string nullable: true description: middleName is optional, valid along with firstName and lastName only lastName: type: string nullable: true description: If LastName is provided then FirstName must also be provided dateOfBirth: type: string nullable: true description: Date YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY format. Must be after 1900 and not in the future. format: date gender: enum: - male - female type: string nullable: true description: Define the gender of the individual you are searching for. Available values are male and female. pepTiers: type: array nullable: true items: enum: - pepTier1 - pepTier2 - pepTier3 type: string description: 'When searching the PEP dataset, define what tiers of the PEP profiles should be included in the results.
PEP Tier 1 indicates senior roles
PEP Tier 2 - middle-ranking
PEP Tier 3 - junior officials

If the PEP Dataset is NOT included on the list of searched datasets, then this value is ignored.

The PEP Tier filter does not apply to PEP-LINKED Profiles.
' datasets: type: array nullable: true items: type: string description: Specifies which datasets will be searched
PEP - Politically Exposed Persons (All)
PEP-CURRENT - Only current PEPs
PEP-FORMER - Only former PEPs
PEP-LINKED - Only linked PEPs (PEP by Association)
SAN - Sanctioned (All)
SAN-CURRENT - Only current Sanctions
SAN-FORMER - Only former Sanctions
INS - Insolvency
AM - Averse Media
POI - Profile of Interest
ENF - Enforcement DD - Disqualified Director KycProtectProfileCreatedResponse: type: object properties: id: type: string description: Id of the Profile format: uuid name: type: string description: Name of the Profile riskRating: type: string description: Risk rating given to profile (notApplicable, veryLow, low, medium, high, veryHigh) status: type: string description: Status of the profile (new, approved, declined, pending, cancelled, referred, closed, approvedReviewDue) type: type: string description: Type of the profile (trust, individual, soleTrader, company, plc, partnership, otherEntity) internalId: type: string nullable: true description: Internal Id given to profile by customer assignedToId: type: integer nullable: true description: Id of the user assigned to the profile assignedTo: type: string nullable: true description: Name of the user assigned to the profile safeNumber: type: string nullable: true description: safe number of the business linked to the profile companyId: type: string nullable: true description: company id of the business linked to the profile formationDate: type: string nullable: true description: Formation date of the business linked to the profile format: date createdAt: type: string description: Profile created time format: date-time createdById: type: integer description: Id of the user who created the profile format: int32 createdBy: type: string description: Name of the user who created the profile modifiedAt: type: string nullable: true description: Profile last updated time format: date-time modifiedById: type: integer nullable: true description: Id of the user who last modified the profile format: int32 modifiedBy: type: string nullable: true description: Name of the user who last modified the profile kycApprovedAt: type: string nullable: true description: Date when the profile got approved format: date-time kycReviewOn: type: string nullable: true description: Date when profile is to be reviewed format: date kycStatusUpdatedOn: type: string nullable: true description: Date when the profile status was last updated format: date-time kycComments: type: string nullable: true description: Profile comments noteCount: type: integer description: Count of notes associated with profile format: int32 attachmentCount: type: integer description: Count of attachments associated with profile format: int32 keyPartyCount: type: integer description: Count of key parties associated with profile format: int32 uboCount: type: integer description: Count of UBOs associated with profile format: int32 openAlertCount: type: integer description: Count of Open Alerts format: int32 modeOfCreation: type: string description: Mode of profile creation (manual, import) importStatus: type: string nullable: true description: Status of profile creation (submitted, preprocessed, validated, queued, inProgress, processed, completed, partiallyCompleted, failed) isLocked: type: boolean description: Value indicating whether the profile is locked details: type: object properties: profileId: type: string description: Id of the profile format: uuid legalName: type: string description: Name of the business/individual tradingName: type: string nullable: true description: Trading name of the entity aliases: type: array items: type: string nullable: true description: Alias names given for the entity activity: type: string nullable: true description: Activity of the business e.g., NAICS/SIC codes description: type: string description: Description of the entity nullable: true contactName: type: string description: Contact person name nullable: true email: type: string description: Contact email address nullable: true website: type: string description: Entity website address nullable: true telephone: type: string description: Contact telephone number nullable: true turnover: description: Turnover type: object properties: currencyCode: description: Currency Code(eur, gbp, usd, cny, cad, aud, nzd, inr, jpy, chf, zar, dkk, sek, nok). type: string nullable: true amount: description: Turnover Amount. type: number nullable: true assetsUnderManagement: description: Assets Under Management type: object properties: currencyCode: description: Currency Code(eur, gbp, usd, cny, cad, aud, nzd, inr, jpy, chf, zar, dkk, sek, nok). type: string nullable: true amount: description: Assets Under Management Amount. type: number nullable: true dateOfBirth: type: string nullable: true description: Date of birth of the individual format: date countryCode: type: string nullable: true description: Two-letter country code ISO-3166-2 vatNo: type: string nullable: true description: Tax Identification Number of the business isListedOnExchange: type: boolean nullable: true description: Details of company listed on exchange exchangeName: type: string nullable: true description: Gets the name of the exchange. organizationNumber: type: string nullable: true description: Gets the organisation number. internalContact: type: string nullable: true description: Gets the internal contact. internalEmail: type: string nullable: true description: Gets the internal email. internationalScore: type: string nullable: true description: Gets the international score. createdAt: type: string description: Profile details created time format: date-time createdById: type: integer description: Id of the user who created profile format: int32 createdBy: type: string description: Name of the user who created profile modifiedAt: type: string nullable: true description: Profile details last updated time format: date-time modifiedById: type: integer nullable: true description: Id of the user who last modified the profile format: int32 modifiedBy: type: string nullable: true description: Name of the user who last modified the profile noteCount: type: integer description: Count of notes associated with profile details format: int32 attachmentCount: type: integer description: Count of attachment associated with profile details format: int32 MODEL4df4ca: type: "object" required: - profileIds properties: userId: type: "integer" description: "Id of the User to assign the Profiles. Passing null will unassign\ \ the profile" format: "int32" profileIds: type: "array" description: "List of profiles to assign a user" items: type: "string" format: "uuid" KycProtectProfileAssignBulkResponse: type: "object" properties: id: type: "string" description: "Id of the Profile" format: "uuid" name: type: "string" description: "Name of the Profile" riskRating: type: "string" description: "Risk rating given to profile. Available values are notApplicable,\ \ veryLow, low, medium, high and veryHigh." status: type: "string" description: "Status of the profile. Available values are new, approved,\ \ declined, pending, cancelled, referred, closed and approvedReviewDue." type: type: "string" description: "Type of the profile. Available values are trust, individual,\ \ soleTrader, company, plc, partnership and otherEntity." internalId: type: "object" description: "Internal Id given to profile by customer" assignedToId: type: "object" description: "Id of the user assigned to the profile" format: "int32" assignedTo: type: "object" description: "Name of the user assigned to the profile" safeNumber: type: "object" description: "safe number of the business linked to the profile" companyId: type: "object" description: "company id of the business linked to the profile" formationDate: type: "object" description: "Formation date of the business linked to the profile" format: "date" createdAt: type: "string" description: "Profile created time" format: "date-time" createdById: type: "integer" description: "Id of the user who created the profile" format: "int32" createdBy: type: "string" description: "Name of the user who created the profile" modifiedAt: type: "object" description: "Profile last updated time" format: "date-time" modifiedById: type: "object" description: "Id of the user who last modified the profile" format: "int32" modifiedBy: type: "object" description: "Name of the user who last modified the profile" kycApprovedAt: type: "string" description: "Date when the profile got approved" format: "date-time" kycReviewOn: type: "object" description: "Date when profile is to be reviewed" format: "date" kycStatusUpdatedOn: type: "object" description: "Date when the profile status was last updated" format: "date-time" kycComments: type: "object" description: "Profile comments" noteCount: type: "integer" description: "Count of notes associated with profile" format: "int32" attachmentCount: type: "integer" description: "Count of attachments associated with profile" format: "int32" keyPartyCount: type: "integer" description: "Count of key parties associated with profile" format: "int32" uboCount: type: "integer" description: "Count of UBOs associated with profile" format: "int32" openAlertCount: type: "integer" description: "Count of Open Alerts" format: "int32" modeOfCreation: type: "string" description: "Mode of profile creation. Available values are manual, import\ \ and batchUpload." importStatus: type: "object" description: "Status of profile creation. Available values are submitted,\ \ preprocessed, validated, queued, inProgress, processed, completed, partiallyCompleted\ \ and failed." isLocked: type: "boolean" description: "Value indicating whether the profile is locked" KycProtectProfileConflictResponse: type: object properties: correlationId: type: string message: type: string details: type: string KycProtectProfileAttachmentResponse: type: object properties: id: type: string description: Attachment Id. format: uuid fileName: type: string description: "Example:passport.pdf (Attachment Name)." fileSizeInBytes: type: integer description: Size of the attachment in bytes. format: int64 documentType: type: string description: Document type of the attachment. description: type: string description: Description of the attachment. createdAt: type: string description: Attachment uploaded time. format: date-time createdById: type: integer description: Attachment uploaded by user id format: int32 createdBy: type: string description: Attachment uploaded by user modifiedAt: type: string description: Attachment modified time format: date-time modifiedById: type: integer description: Attachment modified by user id format: int32 modifiedBy: type: string description: Attachment modified by user KycProtectProfileAddressResponse: type: object properties: id: type: string description: Id of the address format: uuid buildingDetails: type: string description: Building details of the address nullable: true street: type: string description: Street of the address nullable: true city: type: string description: City of the address nullable: true region: type: string description: Region of the address nullable: true postalCode: type: string description: Postalcode of the address nullable: true countryCode: type: string description: Two-letter country code ISO-3166-2 nullable: true type: type: string description: Type of the address (registered, trading, other) description: type: string description: Description of the address nullable: true createdAt: type: string description: Address created date time format: date-time createdById: type: integer description: Id of the user who created the Address format: int32 createdBy: type: string description: Name of the user who created the Address modifiedAt: type: string description: Address last updated date time format: date-time nullable: true modifiedById: type: integer description: Id of the user who last modified the Address format: int32 nullable: true modifiedBy: type: string description: Name of the user who last modified the Address nullable: true DeleteKYCProfiles: type: array items: type: string example: "fd91185f-c10e-4a42-b0b4-cc367371ebdb" GetKYCProfiles: type: object properties: items: type: array items: type: object properties: id: type: string description: Id of the Profile name: type: string description: Name of the Profile riskRating: type: string description: Risk rating given to profile Available values [notApplicable, veryLow, low, medium, high, veryHigh] status: type: string description: Status of the profile - Available value [new, approved, declined, pending, cancelled, referred, closed, approvedReviewDue] type: type: string description: Type of the profile Available values [trust, individual, soleTrader, company, plc, partnership, otherEntity] internalId: type: string description: Internal Id given to profile by customer assignedToId: type: integer description: Id of the user assigned to the profile assignedTo: type: string description: Name of the user assigned to the profile safeNumber: type: string description: safe number of the business linked to the profile companyId: type: string description: company id of the business linked to the profile formationDate: type: string description: Formation date of the business linked to the profile format: date createdAt: type: string description: Profile created time format: date-time createdById: type: integer description: Id of the user who created the profile format: int32 createdBy: type: string description: Name of the user who created the profile modifiedAt: type: string description: Profile last updated time format: date-time modifiedById: type: integer description: Id of the user who last modified the profile format: int32 modifiedBy: type: string description: Name of the user who last modified the profile kycApprovedAt: type: string description: Date when the profile got approved format: date-time kycReviewOn: type: string description: Date when profile is to be reviewed format: date kycStatusUpdatedOn: type: string description: Date when the profile status was last updated format: date-time kycComments: type: string description: Profile comments noteCount: type: integer description: Count of notes associated with profile format: int32 attachmentCount: type: integer description: Count of attachments associated with profile format: int32 keyPartyCount: type: integer description: Count of key parties associated with profile format: int32 uboCount: type: integer description: Count of UBOs associated with profile format: int32 openAlertCount: type: integer description: Count of Open Alerts format: int32 modeOfCreation: type: string description: Mode of profile creation (manual, import) importStatus: type: string description: Status of profile creation (submitted, preprocessed,\ \ validated, queued, inProgress, processed, completed, partiallyCompleted,\ \ failed) isLocked: type: boolean description: Value indicating whether the profile is locked totalSize: type: number correlationId: type: string description: A unique ID assigned to this request. UpdateKYCProfileByProfileId: type: object properties: id: type: string description: Id of the Profile format: uuid name: type: string description: Name of the Profile riskRating: type: string description: The risk rating being assigned to the profile enum: - notApplicable - veryLow - low - medium - high - veryHigh status: type: string description: Status of the profile (new, approved, declined, pending, cancelled, referred, closed, approvedReviewDue) type: type: string description: Type of the profile (trust, individual, soleTrader, company, plc, partnership, otherEntity) internalId: type: string description: Internal Id of the profile. assignedToId: type: integer description: Id of the user assigned to the profile assignedTo: type: string description: Name of the user assigned to the profile safeNumber: type: string description: safe number of the business linked to the profile companyId: type: string description: company id of the business linked to the profile formationDate: type: string description: Formation date of the business linked to the profile format: date createdAt: type: string description: Profile created time format: date-time createdById: type: integer description: Id of the user who created the profile format: int32 createdBy: type: string description: Name of the user who created the profile modifiedAt: type: string description: Profile last updated time format: date-time modifiedById: type: integer description: Id of the user who last modified the profile format: int32 modifiedBy: type: string description: Name of the user who last modified the profile kycApprovedAt: type: string description: Date when the profile got approved format: date-time kycReviewOn: type: string description: Date when profile is to be reviewed format: date kycStatusUpdatedOn: type: string description: Date when the profile status was last updated format: date-time kycComments: type: string description: Profile comments noteCount: type: integer description: Count of notes associated with profile format: int32 attachmentCount: type: integer description: Count of attachments associated with profile format: int32 keyPartyCount: type: integer description: Count of key parties associated with profile format: int32 uboCount: type: integer description: Count of UBOs associated with profile format: int32 openAlertCount: type: integer description: Count of Open Alerts format: int32 modeOfCreation: type: string description: Mode of profile creation (manual, import) importStatus: type: string description: Status of profile creation (submitted, preprocessed, validated, queued, inProgress, processed, completed, partiallyCompleted, failed) isLocked: type: boolean description: Value indicating whether the profile is locked PutKYCProfileAssign: type: object properties: id: type: string description: Id of the Profile format: uuid name: type: string description: Name of the Profile riskRating: type: string description: The risk rating being assigned to the profile enum: - notApplicable - veryLow - low - medium - high - veryHigh status: type: string description: Status of the profile (new, approved, declined, pending, cancelled, referred, closed, approvedReviewDue) type: type: string description: Type of the profile (trust, individual, soleTrader, company, plc, partnership, otherEntity) internalId: type: string description: Internal Id given to profile by customer assignedToId: type: integer description: Id of the user assigned to the profile assignedTo: type: string description: Name of the user assigned to the profile safeNumber: type: string description: safe number of the business linked to the profile companyId: type: string description: company id of the business linked to the profile formationDate: type: string description: Formation date of the business linked to the profile format: date createdAt: type: string description: Profile created time format: date-time createdById: type: integer description: Id of the user who created the profile format: int32 createdBy: type: string description: Name of the user who created the profile modifiedAt: type: string nullable: true description: Profile last updated time format: date-time modifiedById: type: integer description: Id of the user who last modified the profile format: int32 modifiedBy: type: string description: Name of the user who last modified the profile kycApprovedAt: type: string description: Date when the profile got approved format: date-time kycReviewOn: type: string description: Date when profile is to be reviewed format: date kycStatusUpdatedOn: type: string description: Date when the profile status was last updated format: date-time kycComments: type: string description: Profile comments noteCount: type: integer description: Count of notes associated with profile format: int32 attachmentCount: type: integer description: Count of attachments associated with profile format: int32 keyPartyCount: type: integer description: Count of key parties associated with profile format: int32 uboCount: type: integer description: Count of UBOs associated with profile format: int32 openAlertCount: type: integer description: Count of Open Alerts format: int32 modeOfCreation: type: string description: Mode of profile creation (manual, import) importStatus: type: string description: Status of profile creation (submitted, preprocessed, validated, queued, inProgress, processed, completed, partiallyCompleted, failed) isLocked: type: boolean description: Value indicating whether the profile is locked GetKYCProfileByProfileId: type: object properties: id : type: string format: uuid description: Id of the profile assigned name : type: string description: The name of the profile riskRating : type: string description: The risk rating being assigned to the profile enum: - notApplicable - veryLow - low - medium - high - veryHigh status : type: string description: The current status of the profile enum: - new - approved - declined - pending - cancelled - referred - closed - approvedReviewDue type : type: string description: The type of the profile enum: - trust - individual - soleTrader - company - plc - partnership - otherEntity internalId : type: string description: The internal Id given to the profile by the customer assignedToId : type: integer description: Id of the user assigned to the profile assignedTo : type: string description: Name of the user assigned to the profile safeNumber : type: string description: The safe number linked to the profile companyId : type: string description: The companyID linked to the profile formationDate : type: string format: date description: Formation date of the business linked to the profile createdAt : type: string format: date-time description: The profile creating time createdById : type: integer description: Id of the user who created the profile createdBy : type: string description: Name of the user who created the profile modifiedAt : type: string format: date-time description: The time the profile was last updated modifiedById : type: integer description: Id of the user who last modified the profile modifiedBy : type: string description: Name of the user who last modified the profile kycApprovedAt : type: string format: date-time description: The date when the profile got approved at kycReviewOn : type: string format: date description: The date to which the profile is to be reviewed kycStatusUpdatedOn : type: string format: date-time description: Date when the profile status was last updated kycComments : type: string description: Profile comments noteCount : type: integer description: Count of the number of notes associated to the profile attachmentCount : type: integer description: Count of the number of attachments associated to the profile keyPartyCount : type: integer description: Count of the number of key parties associated to the profile uboCount : type: integer description: Count of the number of UBO's associated to the profile openAlertCount : type: integer description: Count of the number of open alerts associated to the profile modeOfCreation : type: string description: How the record was created [manual, batch] importStatus : type: string description: The current status of the import isLocked : type: boolean correlationId : type: string description: A unique ID assigned to this request. example: id: fd91185f-c10e-4a42-b0b4-cc367371ebdb name: tej riskRating: notApplicable status: new type: trust internalId: null customerId: 103077765 assignedToId: 101562008 assignedTo: Amol safeNumber: null formationDate: null createdAt: '2023-07-25T09:32:40.428637Z' createdById: 101562008 createdBy: Amol modifiedAt: '2023-07-25T14:50:50.170613Z' modifiedById: 101562008 modifiedBy: Amol kycApprovedAt: null kycReviewOn: null kycStatusUpdatedOn: '2023-07-25T09:32:40.428637Z' kycComments: null noteCount: 0 attachmentCount: 0 keyPartyCount: 0 uboCount: 0 openAlertCount: 0 GetKYCProfileTypes: type: array items: type: string example: trust PostKYCProfileNotes: type: object properties: id: type: string description: Id of the note format: uuid body: type: string nullable: true description: Body of the note isArchived: type: boolean description: Value indicating whether the note is archived createdAt: type: string description: Note created time format: date-time createdById: type: integer description: Id of the user who created note format: int32 createdBy: type: string description: Name of the user who created note modifiedAt: type: string description: Note last updated time format: date-time modifiedById: type: integer description: Id of the user who last modified the note format: int32 modifiedBy: type: string nullable: true description: Name of the user who last modified the note example: id: c3966c5f-576e-4770-902b-eaab894b83d7 body: testing isArchived: false createdAt: '2023-08-08T07:32:06.4989594Z' createdById: 101562008 createdBy: Amol modifiedAt: '2023-08-08T07:32:06.4989594Z' modifiedById: 101562008 modifiedBy: Amol correlationId: f447fa87-d538-4ccb-9bac-43084d840a12 PostKYCProfileNotesRequest: type: object properties: body: type: string description: The body of the note to be added. Limited to 1000 characters nullable: true example: body: The body of the note to be added. Limited to 1000 characters GetKYCProfileNotesByNoteIdRequest: example: body: testing isArchived: true PutKYCProfileNotesByNoteId: type: "object" properties: id: type: "string" description: "Id of the note" format: "uuid" body: type: "string" description: "Body of the note" isArchived: type: "boolean" description: "Value indicating whether the note is archived" createdAt: type: "string" description: "Note created time" format: "date-time" createdById: type: "integer" description: "Id of the user who created note" format: "int32" createdBy: type: "string" description: "Name of the user who created note" modifiedAt: type: "string" description: "Note last updated time" format: "date-time" modifiedById: type: "integer" description: "Id of the user who last modified the note" format: "int32" modifiedBy: type: "string" description: "Name of the user who last modified the note" PutKYCProfileNotesByNoteIdRequest: type: object properties: body: type: string description: The body of the note to be added. Limited to 1000 characters nullable: true isArchived: type: boolean example: body: testing isArchived: true GetKYCProfileNotesByNoteId: type: object properties: id: type: string body: type: string isArchived: type: boolean createdAt: type: string format: date-time createdById: type: integer createdBy: type: string modifiedAt: type: string format: date-time modifiedById: type: integer modifiedBy: type: string correlationId: type: string description: A unique ID assigned to this request. example: id: c3966c5f-576e-4770-902b-eaab894b83d7 body: testing isArchived: false createdAt: '2023-08-08T07:32:06.4989594Z' createdById: 101562008 createdBy: Amol modifiedAt: '2023-08-08T07:32:06.4989594Z' modifiedById: 101562008 modifiedBy: Amol correlationId: f447fa87-d538-4ccb-9bac-43084d840a12 GetKYCProfileDetailsByProfileId: type: object properties: profileId: type: string description: Id of the profile format: uuid legalName: type: string description: Name of the business/individual tradingName: type: string description: Trading name of the entity aliases: type: array description: Alias names given for the entity items: type: string activity: type: string description: Activity of the business e.g., NAICS/SIC codes description: type: string description: Description of the entity contactName: type: string description: Contact person name email: type: string description: Contact email address website: type: string description: Entity website address telephone: type: string description: Contact telephone number turnover: type: object properties: currencyCode: type: string description: The Currency code the amount is in amount: type: number description: The currency code associated with this amount should be provided format: double assetsUnderManagement: type: object properties: currencyCode: type: string description: The Currency code the amount is in amount: type: number description: The currency code associated with this amount should be provided format: double dateOfBirth: type: string description: Date of birth of the individual format: date countryCode: type: string description: Two-letter country code ISO-3166-2 vatNo: type: string description: Tax Identification Number of the business isListedOnExchange: type: boolean description: Details of company listed on exchange exchangeName: type: string description: Gets the name of the exchange. organizationNumber: type: string description: Gets the organisation number. internalContact: type: string description: Gets the internal contact. internalEmail: type: string description: Gets the internal email. internationalScore: type: string description: Gets the international score. createdAt: type: string description: Profile details created time format: date-time createdById: type: integer description: Id of the user who created profile format: int32 createdBy: type: string description: Name of the user who created profile modifiedAt: type: string description: Profile details last updated time format: date-time modifiedById: type: integer description: Id of the user who last modified the profile format: int32 modifiedBy: type: string description: Name of the user who last modified the profile noteCount: type: integer description: Count of notes associated with profile details format: int32 attachmentCount: type: integer description: Count of attachment associated with profile details format: int32 example: profileId: 2770ac31-8d12-4f69-8f93-326e93cd8c34 legalName: string tradingName: string aliases: - string activity: string description: string contactName: string email: string website: string telephone: string turnover: currencyCode: eur amount: 0 assetsUnderManagement: currencyCode: eur amount: 0 dateOfBirth: 2024-02-27 countryCode: string vatNo: string isListedOnExchange: true exchangeName: string organizationNumber: string internalContact: string internalEmail: string createdAt: '2023-08-07T07:12:43.331308Z' createdById: 101562008 createdBy: Amol modifiedAt: '2023-08-08T07:16:27.734212Z' modifiedById: 101562008 modifiedBy: Amol noteCount: 0 attachmentCount: 2 correlationId: 70fd7603-1f75-4de6-8e38-a3c79ac24947 PutKYCProfileDetailsByProfileId: type: "object" properties: profileId: type: "string" description: "Id of the profile" format: "uuid" legalName: type: "string" description: "Name of the business/individual" tradingName: type: "string" description: "Trading name of the entity" aliases: type: "array" description: "Alias names given for the entity" items: type: "string" activity: type: "string" description: "Activity of the business e.g., NAICS/SIC codes" description: type: "string" description: "Description of the entity" contactName: type: "string" description: "Contact person name" email: type: "string" description: "Contact email address" website: type: "string" description: "Entity website address" telephone: type: "string" description: "Contact telephone number" turnover: type: "object" properties: currencyCode: type: "string" description: "The Currency code the amount is in" amount: type: "number" description: "The currency code associated with this amount should be\ \ provided" format: "double" assetsUnderManagement: type: "object" properties: currencyCode: type: "string" description: "The Currency code the amount is in" amount: type: "number" description: "The currency code associated with this amount should be\ \ provided" format: "double" dateOfBirth: type: "string" description: "Date of birth of the individual" format: "date" countryCode: type: "string" description: "Two-letter country code ISO-3166-2" vatNo: type: "string" description: "Tax Identification Number of the business" isListedOnExchange: type: "boolean" description: "Details of company listed on exchange" exchangeName: type: "string" description: "Gets the name of the exchange." organizationNumber: type: "string" description: "Gets the organisation number." internalContact: type: "string" description: "Gets the internal contact." internalEmail: type: "string" description: "Gets the internal email." internationalScore: type: "string" description: "Gets the international score." createdAt: type: "string" description: "Profile details created time" format: "date-time" createdById: type: "integer" description: "Id of the user who created profile" format: "int32" createdBy: type: "string" description: "Name of the user who created profile" modifiedAt: type: "string" description: "Profile details last updated time" format: "date-time" modifiedById: type: "integer" description: "Id of the user who last modified the profile" format: "int32" modifiedBy: type: "string" description: "Name of the user who last modified the profile" noteCount: type: "integer" description: "Count of notes associated with profile details" format: "int32" attachmentCount: type: "integer" description: "Count of attachment associated with profile details" format: "int32" PutKYCProfileDetailsByProfileIdRequest: type: object required: - legalName properties: legalName: type: string description: Name of the Business or Individual
Maximum length is 150 characters example: Creditsafe Ltd tradingName: type: string example: null description: Valid for profile type - SoleTrader
Maximum length is 150 characters aliases: type: "array" description: Name of any Aliases
Maximum length of each alias is 150 characters items: type: "string" example: null activity: type: string description: Activity of the Business e.g. NAIC S/SIC Codes
Valid for profile types - Trust, Company, Partnership, OtherEntity and PLC
Maximum length of activity is 150 characters example: "62409" description: type: string example: Example Free Text description: Description of the business/individual entity
Valid for the profile types Trust, Company, Partnership, OtherEntity and PLC contactName: type: string description: Contact person at the organisation. example: null email: type: string description: Contact email address of the entity example: website: type: string example: description: Website address of the entity
Valid for the profile types Trust, Company, Partnership, OtherEntity and PLC telephone: type: string example: null description: Telephone number of the entity.
Valid for the profile types Trust, Company, Partnership, OtherEntity and PLC turnover: type: object properties: currencyCode: type: string description: The currency code the amount is in enum: [eur, gbp, usd, cny, cad, aud, nzd, inr, jpy, chf, zar ,dkk ,sek ,nok] amount: description: Total Turnover Figure type: integer assetsUnderManagement: type: object properties: currencyCode: type: string description: The currency code the amount is in enum: [eur, gbp, usd, cny, cad, aud, nzd, inr, jpy, chf, zar ,dkk ,sek ,nok] amount: type: integer description: The total value of the assets under management organizationNumber: type: string description: Property valid for profile type - Trust, Company, Partnership, OtherEntity and PLC example: "12345678" internalContact: type: string description: Internal contact name to contact regarding this profile,
Property valid for profile type - Trust, Company, Partnership, OtherEntity and PLC. example: null internalEmail: type: string description: Internal email address to contact regarding this profile.
Property valid for profile type - Trust, Company, Partnership, OtherEntity and PLC example: null dateOfBirth: type: string format: date example: 2024-03-25 description: Date YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY format. Must be after 1900 and not in the future
Valid for the profile types Individual and SoleTrader countryCode: type: string example: GB description: Two-letter country code ISO-3166-2.
Valid for the profile types Individual and SoleTrader vatNo: type: string example: GB12345678 description: Tax Identification Number of the business
Valid for the profile types Company, Partnership, OtherEntity and PLC isListedOnExchange: type: boolean description: Property valid for profile type PLC example: null exchangeName: type: string description: Property valid for profile type PLC example: null GetKYCProfileAttachmentDetailsByAttachmentId: type: object properties: id: type: string description: Attachment Id. format: uuid fileName: type: string description: "Example : passport.pdf\r\nAttachment Name." fileSizeInBytes: type: integer description: Size of the attachment in bytes. format: int64 documentType: type: string description: Document type of the attachment. description: type: string nullable: true description: Description of the attachment. createdAt: type: string description: Attachment uploaded time. format: date-time createdById: type: integer description: Attachment uploaded by user id format: int32 createdBy: type: string description: Attachment uploaded by user modifiedAt: type: string description: Attachment modified time format: date-time modifiedById: type: integer description: Attachment modified by user id format: int32 modifiedBy: type: string description: Attachment modified by user linkedTo: type: string description: The profile component to which current attachment is linked to. example: id: 24faad02-7e20-4912-bdd9-51e4797380c5 fileName: NL-X-170661060000.pdf fileSizeInBytes: 424860 documentType: financials description: test1 createdAt: '2023-08-07T07:30:03.186352Z' createdById: 101562008 createdBy: Amol modifiedAt: '2023-08-07T07:30:25.630464Z' modifiedById: 101562008 modifiedBy: Amol correlationId: 23b5a4a7-148f-4b82-8631-eab69bbe0a67 DownloadAttachment: example: downloadUrl: >- fileName: NL-X-170661060000.pdf expiresAt: '2023-08-09T08:06:34.3212061Z' correlationId: ee4228cc-68ed-413a-a547-79c5703017eb UpdateKYCProfileByProfileIdRequest: type: object required: [name, riskRating, status] properties: name: type: string description: The name of the profile to be updated. riskRating: type: string enum: - notApplicable - veryLow - low - medium - high - veryHigh description: Risk rating of the profile. example: notApplicable status: description: Status of the profile. type: string enum: - new - approved - declined - pending - cancelled - referred - closed - approvedReviewDue example: new internalId: type: string description: Internal ID of the profile, this MUST be unique across your profiles. assignedToId: type: object format: int32 description: Creditsafe Id of the user to assign the profile to.
Passing null will unassign the profile. kycReviewOn: type: object format: date example: '2021-04-20' description: The date to which the profile should be reviewed.
Validates when the date changes and is either current or in the future. kycComments: type: string description: Free text field for users to highlight key information to other users.
Maximum characters allowed is 250 GetKYCAddressDetailsByTheGivenAddressIdForTheSuppliedProfileIdUser: type: object properties: id: type: string description: The id of the address. format: uuid buildingDetails: type: string description: The building details of the address being created. Must have a maximum length of 250 characters. street: type: string description: The street of the address being created. Must have a maximum length of 250 characters. city: type: string description: The city of the address being created. Must have a maximum length of 250 characters. region: type: string description: The region of the address being created. Must have a maximum length of 250 characters. postalCode: type: string description: The postal code of the address being created. Must have a maximum length of 50 characters. countryCode: type: string description: The country code of the address being created. type: type: string description: The type of the address. enum: - registered - trading - other description: type: string description: The description of the address being created. Must have a maximum length of 250 characters. createdAt: type: string description: Address created date time format: date-time createdById: type: integer description: Id of the user who created the Address format: int32 createdBy: type: string description: Name of the user who created the Address modifiedAt: type: string description: Address last updated date time format: date-time modifiedById: type: integer description: Id of the user who last modified the Address format: int32 modifiedBy: type: string description: Name of the user who last modified the Address UpdateKYCAddressDetailsByTheGivenAddressIdForTheSuppliedProfileIdUserRequest: type: object properties: buildingDetails: type: string description: The building details of the address being created. Must have a maximum length of 250 characters. street: type: string description: The street of the address being created. Must have a maximum length of 250 characters. city: type: string description: The city of the address being created. Must have a maximum length of 250 characters. region: type: string description: The region of the address being created. Must have a maximum length of 250 characters. postalCode: type: string description: The postal code of the address being created. Must have a maximum length of 50 characters. countryCode: type: string description: The country code of the address being created. type: type: string description: The type of the address. enum: - registered - trading - other description: type: string description: The description of the address being created. Must have a maximum length of 250 characters. PutKYCAddressDetailsByTheGivenAddressIdForTheSuppliedProfileIdUser: type: object properties: id: type: string description: Id of the address format: uuid buildingDetails: type: string description: Building details of the address street: type: string description: Street of the address city: type: string description: City of the address region: type: string description: Region of the address postalCode: type: string description: Postalcode of the address countryCode: type: string description: Two-letter country code ISO-3166-2 type: type: string description: Type of the address (registered, trading, other) description: type: string description: Description of the address createdAt: type: string description: Address created date time format: date-time createdById: type: integer description: Id of the user who created the Address format: int32 createdBy: type: string description: Name of the user who created the Address modifiedAt: type: string description: Address last updated date time format: date-time modifiedById: type: integer description: Id of the user who last modified the Address format: int32 modifiedBy: type: string description: Name of the user who last modified the Address GetKYCProtectProfileIdNotesResponse: type: object properties: items: type: array items: type: object properties: id: type: string description: Id of the note. body: type: string description: Body of the note. isArchived: type: boolean description: Value indicating whether the note is archived. createdAt: type: string description: Note created time. createdById: type: number description: Id of the user who created note. createdBy: type: string description: Name of the user who created note. modifiedAt: type: string description: Note last updated time. modifiedById: type: number description: Id of the user who last modified the note. modifiedBy: type: string description: Name of the user who last modified the note. linkedTo: type: string nullable: true description: The profile component to which current not is linked to. totalSize: type: number description: The total number of notes returned for the given profileId. correlationId: type: string description: A unique ID assigned to this request. GetKYCProtectProfileIdNoteIdResponse: type: object properties: id: type: string description: Id of the note. body: type: string description: Body of the note. isArchived: type: boolean description: Value indicating whether the note is archived. createdAt: type: string description: Note created time. createdById: type: number description: Id of the user who created note. createdBy: type: string description: Name of the user who created note. modifiedAt: type: string description: Note last updated time. modifiedById: type: number description: Id of the user who last modified the note. modifiedBy: type: string description: Name of the user who last modified the note. linkedTo: type: string description: The profile component to which current not is linked to. correlationId: type: string description: A unique ID assigned to this request. KycProtectProfileDetailsResponse: type: object properties: legalName: type: string nullable: true tradingName: type: string nullable: true aliases: type: array items: type: string nullable: true activity: type: string nullable: true description: type: string nullable: true contactName: type: string nullable: true email: type: string nullable: true website: type: string nullable: true telephone: type: string nullable: true turnover: type: object properties: currencyCode: type: string amount: type: number format: double nullable: true assetsUnderManagement: type: object properties: currencyCode: type: string amount: type: number format: double nullable: true dateOfBirth: type: string description: Can be in the format YYYY or YYYY-MM-DD format: date nullable: true countryCode: type: string nullable: true vatNo: type: string nullable: true isListedOnExchange: type: boolean nullable: true exchangeName: type: string nullable: true organizationNumber: type: string nullable: true internalContact: type: string nullable: true internalEmail: type: string nullable: true createdAt: type: string format: date-time createdById: type: integer format: int32 createdBy: type: string modifiedAt: type: string format: date-time nullable: true modifiedById: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true modifiedBy: type: string nullable: true noteCount: type: integer format: int32 attachmentCount: type: integer format: int32 KycProtectGetMyUserDetailsResponse: type: object properties: username: type: string description: The name of the user. example: 'Raj' emailAddress: type: string description: The email address of the user. example: '' owningEntity: type: string description: Owning entity of the user. example: 'CSUS' defaultLanguage: type: string description: user default language. example: 'EN' primaryContact: type: object properties: title: type: string description: Title of the user primart contact. example: '' firstName: type: string description: firstName of the user primart contact. example: '' surname: type: string description: surname of the user primart contact. example: '' ietfLanguage: type: string description: user default language. example: 'en-GB' countryCode: type: string description: country code of the user. example: 'en-GB' isActive: type: string description: status of the user. example: true correlationId: type: string description: A unique ID assigned to this request. example: 23921650-c073-11ea-860f-06bc8182190e KycProtectGetCustomerUsersDetailsResponse: type: object properties: items: type: array items: type: object properties: firstName: type: string description: First name of the user. example: connect surname: type: string description: Surname name of the user. example: connect userId: type: integer description: Id of the user. format: int32 example: 101534481 totalSize: type: integer format: int64 KycProtectIndividualSearchResponse: type: object properties: totalSize: type: integer format: int32 items: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/KycProtectGetIndividualSearchItems' KycProtectGetIndividualSearchItems: type: object properties: id: type: string description: Id of the search format: uuid name: type: string nullable: true description: Name provided for the search. Length must not exceed 200 characters countryCodes: type: array nullable: true items: type: string description: Countries provided to the search threshold: type: integer description: Hits with scores below this value will not be shown. format: int32 type: type: string description: Indicates whether search type is individual or business. Available values are individual, business. datasets: type: array items: type: string description: Provided datasets for the search status: type: string description: Status of the search. Available values are new, approved, declined, pending, cancelled, referred, closed. riskRating: type: string description: Risk associated with the search. Available values are notApplicable, veryLow, low, medium, high, veryHigh. assignedToUserId: type: integer nullable: true description: Id of the user assigned to the search format: int32 assignedUser: type: string nullable: true description: Name of the user assigned to the search createdById: type: integer description: Id of the user who created the search format: int32 createdBy: type: string description: Name of the user who created the search createdAt: type: string description: Search created date time format: date-time modifiedById: type: integer description: Id of the user who modified the search format: int32 modifiedBy: type: string description: Name of the user who modified the search modifiedAt: type: string description: Search modified date time format: date-time note: type: string nullable: true description: Note associated with the search scheduleId: type: string nullable: true description: Schedule Id linked to the search format: uuid totalHitCount: type: integer description: Total number of hits in the search format: int32 truePositiveHitsCount: type: integer description: The number of true-positive hits in the search format: int32 falsePositiveHitsCount: type: integer description: The number of false-positive hits in the search format: int32 undecidedHitsCount: type: integer description: The number of undecided hits in the search format: int32 firstName: type: string nullable: true description: "First name of individual provided in the search.\r\nThe combination\ \ of first name, middle name, and last name must not exceed 200 characters" middleName: type: string nullable: true description: "Middle name of individual provided in the search.\r\nThe combination\ \ of first name, middle name, and last name must not exceed 200 characters" lastName: type: string nullable: true description: "Last name of individual provided in the search.\r\nThe combination\ \ of first name, middle name, and last name must not exceed 200 characters" gender: type: string nullable: true description: Gender of individual provided in the search. Available values are male, female. dateOfBirth: type: string nullable: true description: DOB of individual provided in the search format: date pepTiers: type: array nullable: true items: type: string description: Pep Tiers provided in the search of individual. Available values are pepTier1, pepTier2, pepTier3 MODEL5941c0: type: "object" properties: totalSize: type: "integer" format: "int32" items: type: "array" items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/KycProtectGetSearchResponse" KycProtectGetSearchResponse: type: "object" properties: id: type: "string" description: "Id of the search" format: "uuid" name: type: "object" description: "Name provided for the search. Length must not exceed 200 characters" countryCodes: type: "array" description: "Countries provided to the search" items: type: "string" threshold: type: "integer" description: "Hits with scores below this value will not be shown." format: "int32" type: type: "string" description: "Indicates whether search type is individual or business" datasets: type: "array" description: "Provided datasets for the search" items: type: "string" status: type: "string" description: "Status of the search" riskRating: type: "string" description: "Risk associated with the search" assignedToUserId: type: "object" description: "Id of the user assigned to the search" format: "int32" assignedUser: type: "object" description: "Name of the user assigned to the search" createdById: type: "integer" description: "Id of the user who created the search" format: "int32" createdBy: type: "string" description: "Name of the user who created the search" createdAt: type: "string" description: "Search created date time" format: "date-time" modifiedById: type: "integer" description: "Id of the user who modified the search" format: "int32" modifiedBy: type: "string" description: "Name of the user who modified the search" modifiedAt: type: "string" description: "Search modified date time" format: "date-time" note: type: "object" description: "Note associated with the search" totalHitCount: type: "integer" description: "Total number of hits in the search" format: "int32" truePositiveHitsCount: type: "integer" description: "The number of true-positive hits in the search" format: "int32" falsePositiveHitsCount: type: "integer" description: "The number of false-positive hits in the search" format: "int32" undecidedHitsCount: type: "integer" description: "The number of undecided hits in the search" format: "int32" firstName: type: "object" description: "First name provided in the search.\r\nThe combination of first\ \ name, middle name, and last name must not exceed 200 characters" middleName: type: "object" description: "Middle name provided in the search.\r\nThe combination of\ \ first name, middle name, and last name must not exceed 200 characters" lastName: type: "object" description: "Last name provided in the search.\r\nThe combination of first\ \ name, middle name, and last name must not exceed 200 characters" gender: type: "object" description: "Gender provided in the search. Available values are male,\ \ female." dateOfBirth: type: "object" description: "DOB provided in the search" format: "date" pepTiers: type: "array" description: "Pep Tiers provided in the search. Avaialable values are pepTier1,\ \ pepTier2, pepTier3." items: type: "string" scheduleId: type: "object" description: "Schedule Id linked to the search" format: "uuid" DeleteKYCProfileSearchesByProfileIdRequestBody: type: object properties: searchIds: type: array description: List of searches to de-link from a profile items: type: string example: ["1255eebd-7f75-4163-a8b4-ab95e8f7be74"] DeleteKYCProfileSearchesByProfileIdResponse: type: object properties: failed: type: array items: type: object properties: failedItem: type: string error: type: object properties: type: type: string nullable: true title: type: string nullable: true status: type: number nullable: true detail: type: string nullable: true instance: type: string nullable: true additionalProp1: type: string additionalProp2: type: string additionalProp3: type: string successful: type: array items: type: "string" format: uuid KycProtectProblemDetails: type: object properties: type: type: string nullable: true title: type: string nullable: true status: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true detail: type: string nullable: true instance: type: string nullable: true KYCBusinessSearchResultHitSummaryResponse: type: "object" properties: id: type: "string" description: "The Id of the search hit." format: "uuid" hitScore: type: "integer" description: "The hit score associated to the search hit." format: "int32" name: type: "string" description: "The name associated to the search hit." match: type: "string" description: "The match string associated to the search hit." countries: type: "array" description: "The countries associated to the search hit." items: type: "string" datasets: type: "array" description: "The datasets associated to the search hit." items: type: "string" decision: type: "string" description: "The decision made on the search hit. Available values are\ \ undecided, trueMatch, falsePositive, discarded." note: type: "string" description: "The note added to the search hit." modifiedById: type: "integer" description: "The search hit last modified by user id." format: "int32" modifiedBy: type: "string" description: "The search hit last modified by user name." modifiedAt: type: "string" description: "The search hit last modified date and time." format: "date-time" createdAt: type: "string" description: "The search hit created date and time." format: "date-time" supersededHit: $ref: "#/components/schemas/KYCBaseBusinessSearchResultHitSummaryResponse" KYCBaseBusinessSearchResultHitSummaryResponse: type: "object" properties: id: type: "string" description: "The Id of the search hit." format: "uuid" hitScore: type: "integer" description: "The hit score associated to the search hit." format: "int32" name: type: "object" description: "The name associated to the search hit." match: type: "object" description: "The match string associated to the search hit." countries: type: "array" description: "The countries associated to the search hit." items: type: "string" datasets: type: "array" description: "The datasets associated to the search hit." items: type: "string" decision: type: "string" description: "The decision made on the search hit. Available values are\ \ undecided, trueMatch, falsePositive, discarded." note: type: "object" description: "The note added to the search hit." modifiedById: type: "integer" description: "The search hit last modified by user id." format: "int32" modifiedBy: type: "object" description: "The search hit last modified by user name." modifiedAt: type: "string" description: "The search hit last modified date and time." format: "date-time" createdAt: type: "string" description: "The search hit created date and time." format: "date-time" AttachmentNotFound: type: object description: 'Not Found' properties: type: type: string example: AttachmentNotFound title: type: string example: Attachment Not Found status: type: number example: 404 detail: type: string example: Attachment with the id '90aa871a-9e41-4ce5-a737-cff44fe57020' could not be found exceptionId: type: string example: dd131799-8095-4263-8261-1e5f3334a063 UpdateKYCAttachmentsByAttachmentId: type: object properties: id: type: string description: Attachment Id. format: uuid fileName: type: string description: "Example : passport.pdf\r\nAttachment Name." fileSizeInBytes: type: integer description: Size of the attachment in bytes. format: int64 documentType: type: string description: Document type of the attachment. description: type: string description: Description of the attachment. createdAt: type: string description: Attachment uploaded time. format: date-time createdById: type: integer description: Attachment uploaded by user id format: int32 createdBy: type: string description: Attachment uploaded by user modifiedAt: type: string description: Attachment modified time format: date-time modifiedById: type: integer description: Attachment modified by user id format: int32 modifiedBy: type: string description: Attachment modified by user UpdateKYCAttachmentsByAttachmentIdRequest: type: object properties: documentType: type: string description: The document type of the attachment description: type: string description: The description of the attachment. Limited to 250 characters. KYCProtectProfileDetailsNoteByNoteIdNotFound: type: object properties: type: type: string example: 'ProfileDetailNoteNotFound' title: type: string example: 'Profile Detail Note Not Found' status: type: number example: 404 detail: type: string example: 'A profile detail note with the id "a5ce72c1-e9e4-43ef-b0db-b22b031b6d7f" could not be found' exceptionId: type: string example: "55237e00-0eaf-4bd7-b4b1-dec4ee000c0a" UpdateKYCAttchmentsByAttachmentId: type: object properties: id: type: string description: Attachment Id. format: uuid fileName: type: string description: "Example : passport.pdf\r\nAttachment Name." fileSizeInBytes: type: integer description: Size of the attachment in bytes. format: int64 documentType: type: string description: Document type of the attachment. description: type: string nullable: true description: Description of the attachment. createdAt: type: string description: Attachment uploaded time. format: date-time createdById: type: integer description: Attachment uploaded by user id format: int32 createdBy: type: string description: Attachment uploaded by user modifiedAt: type: string nullable: true description: Attachment modified time format: date-time modifiedById: type: integer nullable: true description: Attachment modified by user id format: int32 modifiedBy: type: string nullable: true description: Attachment modified by user KycProtectPostPutIndividualSearchRequest: type: object required: - threshold - datasets properties: countryCodes: type: array items: type: string nullable: true description: Countries provided to the search threshold: type: integer description: "Hits with scores below the chosen value will not be shown.
Must be one of 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, or 100" format: int32 name: type: string nullable: true description: Name provided for the search. Length must not exceed 200 characters

firstName: type: string nullable: true description: "First name provided in the search.\r\nThe combination of first name, middle name, and last name must not exceed 200 characters" middleName: type: string nullable: true description: "Middle name provided in the search.\r\nThe combination of first name, middle name, and last name must not exceed 200 characters" lastName: type: string nullable: true description: "Last name provided in the search.\r\nThe combination of first name, middle name, and last name must not exceed 200 characters" gender: type: string nullable: true enum: [male, female] description: Gender provided in the search dateOfBirth: type: string nullable: true description: DOB provided in the search format: date pepTiers: type: array items: type: string nullable: true description: Pep Tiers provided in the search datasets: type: array items: type: string description: Provided datasets for the search

`AM` - Adverse Media
`DD` - Disqualified Director
`INS` - Insolvency
`PEP` - Politically Exposed Persons (All)
`PEP-CURRENT` - Only Current PEPS
`PEP-FORMER` - Only Former PEPS
`PEP-LINKED` - Only linked PEPs (PEP by Association)
`POI` - Profile of Interest
`ENF` - Enforcement
`SAN` - Sanctioned (All)
`SAN-CURRENT` - Only current Sanctions
`SAN-FORMER` - Only former Sanctions
PutKYCIndividualSearchBySearchIdRequest: type: object required: - riskRating - status properties: assignedToUserId: type: integer description: Id of the User to assign to the Search format: int32 status: type: string description: Status of the Search. Available values are new, approved, declined, pending, cancelled, referred and closed. riskRating: type: string description: Risk rating of the Search and allowed values notApplicable,veryLow,low,medium,high and veryHigh note: type: string description: Note associated with the search KYCPutSearchIndividualBySearchIdResponse: type: "object" properties: id: type: "string" description: "Id of the search" format: "uuid" name: type: "string" description: "Name provided for the search. Length must not exceed 200 characters" countryCodes: type: "array" description: "Countries provided to the search" items: type: "string" threshold: type: "integer" description: "Hits with scores below this value will not be shown." format: "int32" type: type: "string" description: "Indicates whether search type is individual or business" datasets: type: "array" description: "Provided datasets for the search" items: type: "string" status: type: "string" description: "Status of the search" riskRating: type: "string" description: The risk rating being assigned to the profile enum: - notApplicable - veryLow - low - medium - high - veryHigh assignedToUserId: type: "integer" description: "Id of the user assigned to the search" format: "int32" assignedUser: type: "string" description: "Name of the user assigned to the search" createdById: type: "integer" description: "Id of the user who created the search" format: "int32" createdBy: type: "string" description: "Name of the user who created the search" createdAt: type: "string" description: "Search created date time" format: "date-time" modifiedById: type: "integer" description: "Id of the user who modified the search" format: "int32" modifiedBy: type: "string" description: "Name of the user who modified the search" modifiedAt: type: "string" description: "Search modified date time" format: "date-time" note: type: "string" description: "Note associated with the search" totalHitCount: type: "integer" description: "Total number of hits in the search" format: "int32" truePositiveHitsCount: type: "integer" description: "The number of true-positive hits in the search" format: "int32" falsePositiveHitsCount: type: "integer" description: "The number of false-positive hits in the search" format: "int32" undecidedHitsCount: type: "integer" description: "The number of undecided hits in the search" format: "int32" firstName: type: "string" description: "First name provided in the search.\r\nThe combination of first\ \ name, middle name, and last name must not exceed 200 characters" middleName: type: "string" description: "Middle name provided in the search.\r\nThe combination of\ \ first name, middle name, and last name must not exceed 200 characters" lastName: type: "string" description: "Last name provided in the search.\r\nThe combination of first\ \ name, middle name, and last name must not exceed 200 characters" gender: type: "string" description: "Gender provided in the search" dateOfBirth: type: "string" description: "DOB provided in the search" format: "date" pepTiers: type: "array" description: "Pep Tiers provided in the search" items: type: "string" scheduleId: type: string nullable: true description: Schedule Id linked to the search correlationId: type: string description: A unique ID assigned to this request. GetKYCIndividualSearchResponse: type: object properties: items: type: array items: type: object properties: id: type: string name: type: string countryCodes: type: array items: type: string threshold: type: number type: type: string enum: - individual datasets: type: array items: type: string status: type: string enum: - new riskRating: type: string enum: - notApplicable assignedToUserId: type: number assignedUser: type: string createdById: type: number createdBy: type: string createdAt: type: string modifiedById: type: number modifiedBy: type: string modifiedAt: type: string note: type: string scheduleId: type: string totalHitCount: type: number truePositiveHitsCount: type: number falsePositiveHitsCount: type: number undecidedHitsCount: type: number firstName: type: string middleName: type: string lastName: type: string gender: type: string dateOfBirth: type: string pepTiers: type: array items: type: string totalSize: type: number correlationId: type: string description: A unique ID assigned to this request. PutIndividualSearchIdHitsResponse: type: object properties: failed: type: array items: type: object properties: failedItem: type: object properties: decision: description: The Decision of the Hit to be updated Decision can only be made once. Available values are undecided, truematch, falsepositive, discarded type: string nullable: true note: type: string nullable: true description: Note associated with the Hit hitId: type: string nullable: true description: The Id of the Hit to be updated error: type: object properties: type: type: string nullable: true title: type: string nullable: true status: type: integer nullable: true detail: type: string nullable: true instance: type: string nullable: true successful: type: array items: type: object properties: id: type: string description: The Id of the search hit. format: uuid hitScore: type: integer description: The hit score associated to the search hit. format: int32 name: type: string description: The name associated to the search hit. nullable: true match: type: string nullable: true description: The match string associated to the search hit. countries: type: array nullable: true items: type: string description: The countries associated to the search hit. datasets: type: array items: type: string description: The datasets associated to the search hit. decision: type: string description: The decision made on the search hit. Available values are undecided, trueMatch, falsePositive anddiscarded. note: type: string nullable: true description: The note added to the search hit. modifiedById: type: integer description: The search hit last modified by user id. format: int32 modifiedBy: type: string nullable: true description: The search hit last modified by user name. modifiedAt: type: string description: The search hit last modified date and time. format: date-time createdAt: type: string description: The search hit created date and time. format: date-time firstName: type: string nullable: true description: The first name of the search hit. middleName: type: string nullable: true description: The middle name of the search hit. lastName: type: string nullable: true description: The last name of the search hit. gender: type: string nullable: true description: The gender associated to the search hit. (male, female) datesOfBirth: type: array nullable: true items: type: string description: Can be in the format YYYY or YYYY-MM-DD format: date description: The dates of birth associated to the search hit. pepTier: type: string nullable: true description: The pep tier associated to the search hit. (pepTier1, pepTier2, pepTier3) profileImages: type: array nullable: true items: type: string description: The profile images associated to the search hit. supersededHit: type: object properties: id: type: string description: The Id of the search hit. format: uuid hitScore: type: integer description: The hit score associated to the search hit. format: int32 name: type: string nullable: true description: The name associated to the search hit. match: type: string nullable: true description: The match string associated to the search hit. countries: type: array nullable: true items: type: string description: The countries associated to the search hit. datasets: type: array items: type: string description: The datasets associated to the search hit. decision: type: string description: The decision made on the search hit. Available values are undecided, trueMatch, falsePositive and discarded. note: type: string nullable: true description: The note added to the search hit. modifiedById: type: integer description: The search hit last modified by user id. format: int32 modifiedBy: type: string nullable: true description: The search hit last modified by user name. modifiedAt: type: string description: The search hit last modified date and time. format: date-time createdAt: type: string description: The search hit created date and time. firstName: type: string nullable: true description: The first name of the search hit. middleName: type: string nullable: true description: The middle name of the search hit. lastName: type: string nullable: true description: The last name of the search hit. gender: type: string nullable: true description: The gender associated to the search hit. (male, female) datesOfBirth: type: array nullable: true items: type: string description: Can be in the format YYYY or YYYY-MM-DD format: date description: The dates of birth associated to the search hit. pepTier: type: string nullable: true description: The pep tier associated to the search hit. (pepTier1, pepTier2, pepTier3) profileImages: type: array nullable: true items: type: string description: The profile images associated to the search hit. correlationId: type: string description: A unique ID assigned to this request. GetIndividualSearchIdHitsResponse: properties: items: type: array items: type: object properties: id: type: string description: The Id of the search hit. format: uuid hitScore: type: integer description: The hit score associated to the search hit. format: int32 name: type: string nullable: true description: The name associated to the search hit. match: type: string nullable: true description: The match string associated to the search hit. countries: type: array nullable: true items: type: string description: The countries associated to the search hit. datasets: type: array items: type: string description: The datasets associated to the search hit. decision: type: string description: The decision made on the search hit. Available values are undecided, trueMatch, falsePositive and discarded. note: type: string nullable: true description: The note added to the search hit. modifiedById: type: integer description: The search hit last modified by user id. format: int32 modifiedBy: type: string nullable: true description: The search hit last modified by user name. modifiedAt: type: string description: The search hit last modified date and time. format: date-time createdAt: type: string description: The search hit created date and time. format: date-time firstName: type: string nullable: true description: The first name of the search hit. middleName: type: string nullable: true description: The middle name of the search hit. lastName: type: string nullable: true description: The last name of the search hit. gender: type: string nullable: true description: The gender associated to the search hit. (male, female) datesOfBirth: type: array nullable: true items: type: string description: Can be in the format YYYY or YYYY-MM-DD format: date description: The dates of birth associated to the search hit. pepTier: type: string nullable: true description: The pep tier associated to the search hit. (pepTier1, pepTier2, pepTier3) profileImages: type: string nullable: true items: type: string description: The profile images associated to the search hit. supersededHit: type: object properties: id: type: string description: The Id of the search hit. format: uuid hitScore: type: integer description: The hit score associated to the search hit. format: int32 name: type: string nullable: true description: The name associated to the search hit. match: type: string nullable: true description: The match string associated to the search hit. countries: type: array nullable: true items: type: string description: The countries associated to the search hit. datasets: type: array items: type: string description: The datasets associated to the search hit. decision: type: string description: The decision made on the search hit. Available values are undecided, trueMatch, falsePositive and discarded. note: type: string nullable: true description: The note added to the search hit. modifiedById: type: integer description: The search hit last modified by user id. format: int32 modifiedBy: type: string nullable: true description: The search hit last modified by user name. modifiedAt: type: string description: The search hit last modified date and time. format: date-time createdAt: type: string description: The search hit created date and time. format: date-time firstName: type: string nullable: true description: The first name of the search hit. middleName: type: string nullable: true description: The middle name of the search hit. lastName: type: string nullable: true description: The last name of the search hit. gender: type: string nullable: true description: The gender associated to the search hit. (male, female) datesOfBirth: type: array nullable: true items: type: string description: Can be in the format YYYY or YYYY-MM-DD format: date description: The dates of birth associated to the search hit. pepTier: type: string nullable: true description: The pep tier associated to the search hit. (pepTier1, pepTier2, pepTier3) profileImages: type: array nullable: true items: type: string description: The profile images associated to the search hit. totalSize: type: number IndividualSearchResultHitSummaryResponse: type: object properties: id: type: string description: The Id of the search hit. format: uuid hitScore: type: integer description: The hit score associated to the search hit. format: int32 name: type: string description: The name associated to the search hit. match: type: string description: The match string associated to the search hit. countries: type: string items: type: string description: The countries associated to the search hit. datasets: type: array items: type: string description: The datasets associated to the search hit. decision: enum: - undecided - trueMatch - falsePositive type: string description: The decision made on the search hit. note: type: string description: The note added to the search hit. modifiedById: type: integer description: The search hit last modified by user id. format: int32 modifiedBy: type: string description: The search hit last modified by user name. modifiedAt: type: string description: The search hit last modified date and time. format: date-time createdAt: type: string description: The search hit created date and time. format: date-time firstName: type: string description: The first name of the search hit. middleName: type: string description: The middle name of the search hit. lastName: type: string description: The last name of the search hit. gender: enum: - male - female type: string description: The gender associated to the search hit. datesOfBirth: type: string items: type: string description: Can be in the format YYYY or YYYY-MM-DD format: date description: The dates of birth associated to the search hit. pepTier: enum: - pepTier1 - pepTier2 - pepTier3 type: string description: The pep tier associated to the search hit. profileImages: type: string items: type: string description: The profile images associated to the search hit. MODEL20274f: type: "object" properties: items: type: "array" items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/IndividualSearchUpdateHitRequest" IndividualSearchUpdateHitRequest: type: object required: - hitId properties: decision: type: string nullable: true description: "The Decision of the Hit to be updated\r\nDecision can only be made once and allowed values are undecided,trueMatch and falsePositive" note: type: string nullable: true description: Note associated with the Hit hitId: type: string nullable: true description: The Id of the Hit to be updated format: uuid additionalProperties: false IndividualSearchResultHitResponse: type: object properties: id: type: string description: The Id of the search hit format: uuid hitScore: type: integer description: The hit score associated to the search hit. format: int32 name: type: string description: The name associated to the search hit. match: type: string description: The match string associated to the search hit. note: type: string description: The note added to the search hit. countries: type: array items: type: string description: The countries associated to the search hit. datasets: type: array items: type: string description: The datasets associated to the search hit. profileImages: type: array items: type: string description: The profile images associated to the search hit. screeningNotes: type: array items: type: string description: The screening notes associated to the search hit. modifiedAt: type: string description: The search hit modified date and time. format: date-time modifiedById: type: integer description: The search hit modified by user id. format: int32 modifiedBy: type: string description: The search hit modified by user name. createdAt: type: string description: The search hit created date and time. format: date-time decision: enum: - undecided - trueMatch - falsePositive type: string description: The decision made on the search hit. identifiers: type: array items: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SearchResultHitsIdentifierResponse" description: The identifiers associated to the search hit. addresses: type: array items: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SearchResultHitsAddressResponse" description: The addresses associated to the search hit. contacts: type: array items: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SearchResultHitsContactResponse" description: The contact details associated to the search hit. businessLinks: type: array items: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SearchResultHitsBusinessLinkResponse" description: The business links associated to the search hit. individualLinks: type: array items: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SearchResultHitsIndividualLinkResponse" description: The individual links associated to the search hit. sources: type: array items: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SearchResultHitsSourceResponse" description: The sources associated to the search hit. firstName: type: string description: The first name of the individual search hit. middleName: type: string description: The middle name of the individual search hit. lastName: type: string description: The last name of the individual search hit. gender: enum: - male - female type: string nullable: true description: The gender associated with the search hit. datesOfBirth: type: array items: type: string description: Can be in the format YYYY or YYYY-MM-DD format: date description: The dates of birth associated to the search hit. isDeceased: type: boolean description: The deceased status of the individual associated to the search hit datesOfDeath: type: array items: type: string description: Can be in the format YYYY or YYYY-MM-DD format: date description: The dates of death associated to the search hit. pepTier: enum: - tier1 - tier2 - tier3 type: string description: The pep tier associated to the search hit. aliases: type: array items: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SearchResultHitsIndividualAliasResponse" description: The aliases associated to the search hit. amlResults: type: object properties: AM: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsEntriesAdverseMediaEntryResponse' ENF: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsEntriesEnforcementEntryResponse' INS: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsEntriesInsolvencyEntryResponse' POI: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsEntriesProfileOfInterestEntryResponse' SAN: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsHitAmlResultsSanctionsResponse' DD: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsEntriesDisqualifiedDirectorEntryResponse' PEP: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsHitAmlResultsPepsResponse' SearchResultHitsIdentifierResponse: type: object properties: type: type: string description: The type of the hit identifier. value: type: string description: The value of the hit identifier. SearchResultHitsAddressResponse: type: object properties: postalCode: type: string nullable: true description: The postal code of the address. line1: type: string nullable: true description: The line1 of the address. line2: type: string nullable: true description: The line2 of the address. type: type: string nullable: true description: The type of the address. county: type: string nullable: true description: The county of the address. countryCode: type: string nullable: true description: The country code of the address. city: type: string nullable: true description: The city of the address. additionalProperties: false SearchResultHitsContactResponse: type: object properties: type: enum: - telephone - fax - mobile - email - website type: string value: type: string additionalProperties: false PutKYCProtectSchedulesResponse: type: "object" properties: failed: type: "array" items: type: "object" properties: failedItem: type: "object" properties: threshold: type: "integer" description: "The threshold to use when running the schedule.\ \ Must be one of 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100.\r\nChanging threshold\ \ will cause even decided results to come back again and a new\r\ \ndecision will need to be made." format: "int32" datasets: type: "array" description: "The datasets to use when running the schedule.\r\ \nChanging datasets will cause even decided results to come\ \ back again and a new\r\ndecision will need to be made." items: type: "string" isEmailRequired: type: "boolean" description: "Set to true to send an email when the schedule is\ \ run. If there are no email recipients set then\r\nthis will\ \ be ignored." emailRecipients: type: "array" description: "The list of email recipients to send the email to\ \ when the schedule is run. Email will not be sent if IsEmailRequired\ \ is false." items: type: "string" scheduleId: type: "string" description: "The id of the schedule to be updated" format: "uuid" error: type: "object" properties: type: type: "string" title: type: "string" status: type: "integer" format: "int32" detail: type: "string" instance: type: "string" successful: type: "array" items: type: "object" properties: id: type: "string" description: "The id of the schedule" format: "uuid" searchId: type: "string" description: "The id of the search that was being scheduled" format: "uuid" isEmailRequired: type: "boolean" description: "Indicates whether the schedule requires an email to\ \ be sent when the search is run" emailRecipients: type: "array" description: "The email recipients that the email should be sent to\ \ when the search is run" items: type: "string" createdById: type: "integer" description: "The id of the user who created the schedule" format: "int32" createdAt: type: "string" description: "The time the schedule was created" format: "date-time" createdBy: type: "string" description: "The name of the user who created the schedule" modifiedById: type: "integer" description: "The id of the user who last modified the schedule" format: "int32" modifiedAt: type: "string" description: "The time the schedule was last modified" format: "date-time" modifiedBy: type: "string" description: "The name of the user who last modified the schedule" type: type: "string" description: "The type of the schedule, i.e. business or individual" name: type: "string" description: "The name used in the search criteria" firstName: type: "string" description: "The first name used in the search criteria" middleName: type: "string" description: "The middle name used in the search criteria" lastName: type: "string" description: "The last name used in the search criteria" gender: type: "string" description: "The gender used in the search criteria, i.e. male or\ \ female" dateOfBirth: type: "string" description: "The date of birth used in the search criteria" format: "date" countries: type: "array" description: "The list of country codes used in the search criteria" items: type: "string" threshold: type: "integer" description: "The threshold used in the search criteria" format: "int32" datasets: type: "array" description: "The datasets used in the search criteria" items: type: "string" pepTiers: type: "array" description: "The pep tiers used in the search criteria, i.e. pepTier1,\ \ pepTier2, pepTier3" items: type: "string" correlationId: type: string description: A unique ID assigned to this request. MODEL6bcc20: type: "object" properties: threshold: type: "integer" description: "The threshold to use when running the schedule. Must be one\ \ of 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100.\r\nChanging threshold will cause even decided\ \ results to come back again and a new\r\ndecision will need to be made." format: "int32" datasets: type: "array" description: "The datasets to use when running the schedule.\r\nChanging\ \ datasets will cause even decided results to come back again and a new\r\ \ndecision will need to be made.

Note: Please refer to the corresponding endpoint that the schedule is set against for the correct dataset options" items: type: "string" isEmailRequired: type: "boolean" description: "Set to true to send an email when the schedule is run. If\ \ there are no email recipients set then\r\nthis will be ignored." emailRecipients: type: "array" description: "The list of email recipients to send the email to when the\ \ schedule is run. Email will not be sent if IsEmailRequired is false." items: type: "string" MODEL1c736e: type: "object" properties: id: type: "string" description: "The id of the schedule" format: "uuid" searchId: type: "string" description: "The id of the search that was being scheduled" format: "uuid" isEmailRequired: type: "boolean" description: "Indicates whether the schedule requires an email to be sent\ \ when the search is run" emailRecipients: type: "array" description: "The email recipients that the email should be sent to when\ \ the search is run" items: type: "string" createdById: type: "integer" description: "The id of the user who created the schedule" format: "int32" createdAt: type: "string" description: "The time the schedule was created" format: "date-time" createdBy: type: "string" description: "The name of the user who created the schedule" modifiedById: type: "integer" description: "The id of the user who last modified the schedule" format: "int32" modifiedAt: type: "string" description: "The time the schedule was last modified" format: "date-time" modifiedBy: type: "string" description: "The name of the user who last modified the schedule" type: type: "string" description: "The type of the schedule, i.e. business or individual" name: type: "string" description: "The name used in the search criteria" firstName: type: "string" description: "The first name used in the search criteria" middleName: type: "string" description: "The middle name used in the search criteria" lastName: type: "string" description: "The last name used in the search criteria" gender: type: "string" description: "The gender used in the search criteria, i.e. male or female" dateOfBirth: type: "string" description: "The date of birth used in the search criteria" format: "date" countries: type: "array" description: "The list of country codes used in the search criteria" items: type: "string" threshold: type: "integer" description: "The threshold used in the search criteria" format: "int32" datasets: type: "array" description: "The datasets used in the search criteria" items: type: "string" pepTiers: type: "array" description: "The pep tiers used in the search criteria, i.e. pepTier1,\ \ pepTier2, pepTier3" items: type: "string" correlationId: type: string description: A unique ID assigned to this request. MODEL1e2683: type: "object" properties: items: type: "array" description: "" items: type: "object" properties: threshold: type: "integer" description: "The threshold to use when running the schedule. Must\ \ be one of 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100.\r\nChanging threshold will\ \ cause even decided results to come back again and a new\r\ndecision\ \ will need to be made." format: "int32" datasets: type: "array" description: "The datasets to use when running the schedule.\r\nChanging\ \ datasets will cause even decided results to come back again and\ \ a new\r\ndecision will need to be made." items: type: "string" isEmailRequired: type: "boolean" description: "Set to true to send an email when the schedule is run.\ \ If there are no email recipients set then\r\nthis will be ignored." emailRecipients: type: "array" description: "The list of email recipients to send the email to when\ \ the schedule is run. Email will not be sent IsEmailRequired is\ \ false." items: type: "string" scheduleId: type: "string" description: "The id of the schedule to be updated" format: "uuid" SearchResultHitsBusinessLinkResponse: type: object properties: relationship: type: string description: The relationship of the associated link. ownershipPercentage: type: integer description: The ownership percentage of the associated link. format: int32 nullable: true datasets: type: array items: type: string description: The datasets associated with the link. name: type: string description: The name of the link. individualLinks: type: array items: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SearchResultHitsIndividualLinkResponse" description: The individual links associated to the business link. additionalProperties: false SearchResultHitsIndividualLinkResponse: type: object properties: relationship: type: string description: The relationship of the associated link. ownershipPercentage: type: integer nullable: true description: The ownership percentage of the associated link. format: int32 datasets: type: array items: type: string description: The datasets associated with the link. firstName: type: string nullable: true description: The first name of the individual link. middleName: type: string nullable: true description: The middle name of the individual link. lastName: type: string nullable: true description: The last name of the individual link. additionalProperties: false SearchResultHitsSourceResponse: type: object properties: title: type: string nullable: true description: The title of the hit source. description: type: string nullable: true description: The description of the hit source. link: type: string description: The URL associated to the hit source. dateAdded: type: string nullable: true description: The date when the hit source is added. format: date isCopyrighted: type: string nullable: true description: Represents whether hit source is copyrighted. datePublished: type: string nullable: true description: The date when hit source is published. format: date documentLink: type: string nullable: true description: The document link associated to the hit source. datasets: type: string nullable: true items: type: string description: The datasets associated with the hit source. additionalProperties: false SearchResultHitsIndividualAliasResponse: type: object properties: type: type: string nullable: true firstName: type: string nullable: true middleName: type: string nullable: true lastName: type: string nullable: true additionalProperties: false PutIndividualSearchIdHitsByHitIdResponse: type: "object" properties: id: type: "string" description: "The Id of the search hit." format: "uuid" hitScore: type: "integer" description: "The hit score associated to the search hit." format: "int32" name: type: "string" description: "The name associated to the search hit." match: type: "string" description: "The match string associated to the search hit." countries: type: "array" description: "The countries associated to the search hit." items: type: "string" datasets: type: "array" description: "The datasets associated to the search hit." items: type: "string" decision: type: "string" description: "The decision made on the search hit. Available values\ \ are undecided, trueMatch, falsePositive and discarded." note: type: "string" description: "The note added to the search hit." modifiedById: type: "integer" description: "The search hit last modified by user id." format: "int32" modifiedBy: type: "string" description: "The search hit last modified by user name." modifiedAt: type: "string" description: "The search hit last modified date and time." format: "date-time" createdAt: type: "string" description: "The search hit created date and time." format: "date-time" firstName: type: "string" description: "The first name of the search hit." middleName: type: "string" description: "The middle name of the search hit." lastName: type: "string" description: "The last name of the search hit." gender: type: "string" description: "The gender associated to the search hit. (male, female)" datesOfBirth: type: "array" description: "The dates of birth associated to the search hit." items: type: "string" description: "Can be in the format YYYY or YYYY-MM-DD" format: "date" pepTier: type: "string" description: "The pep tier associated to the search hit. (pepTier1,\ \ pepTier2, pepTier3)" profileImages: type: "array" description: "The profile images associated to the search hit." items: type: "string" supersededHit: type: "object" properties: id: type: "string" description: "The Id of the search hit." format: "uuid" hitScore: type: "integer" description: "The hit score associated to the search hit." format: "int32" name: type: "string" description: "The name associated to the search hit." match: type: "string" description: "The match string associated to the search hit." countries: type: "array" description: "The countries associated to the search hit." items: type: "string" datasets: type: "array" description: "The datasets associated to the search hit." items: type: "string" decision: type: "string" description: "The decision made on the search hit. Available values\ \ are undecided, trueMatch, falsePositive and discarded." note: type: "string" description: "The note added to the search hit." modifiedById: type: "integer" description: "The search hit last modified by user id." format: "int32" modifiedBy: type: "string" description: "The search hit last modified by user name." modifiedAt: type: "string" description: "The search hit last modified date and time." format: "date-time" createdAt: type: "string" description: "The search hit created date and time." format: "date-time" firstName: type: "string" description: "The first name of the search hit." middleName: type: "string" description: "The middle name of the search hit." lastName: type: "string" description: "The last name of the search hit." gender: type: "string" description: "The gender associated to the search hit. (male, female)" datesOfBirth: type: "array" description: "The dates of birth associated to the search hit." items: type: "string" description: "Can be in the format YYYY or YYYY-MM-DD" format: "date" pepTier: type: "string" description: "The pep tier associated to the search hit. (pepTier1,\ \ pepTier2, pepTier3)" profileImages: type: "array" description: "The profile images associated to the search hit." items: type: "string" correlationId: type: string description: A unique ID assigned to this request. IndividualsSearchResultUpdateHits: type: object properties: decision: type: "string" description: "The Decision of the Hit to be updated. The Decision can only be made once.
Allowed values are undecided,trueMatch and falsePositive" note: type: "string" description: "Note associated with the Hit" PostKYCProtectSchedulesRequest: type: object properties: threshold: type: integer description: "The threshold to use when running the schedule. Must be one\ \ of 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100.\r\nChanging threshold will cause even decided\ \ results to come back again and a new\r\ndecision will need to be made." format: int32 datasets: type: array items: type: string description: "The datasets to use when running the schedule.\r\nChanging\ \ datasets will cause even decided results to come back again and a new\r\ \ndecision will need to be made." isEmailRequired: type: boolean description: "Set to true to send an email when the schedule is run. If\ \ there are no email recipients set then\r\nthis will be ignored." emailRecipients: type: array nullable: true items: type: string description: The list of email recipients to send the email to when the schedule is run. Email will not be sent if IsEmailRequired is false. searchId: type: string description: The id of the search to be scheduled format: uuid ScheduleResponse: type: object properties: items: type: array items: type: object properties: id: type: string description: The id of the schedule format: uuid searchId: type: string description: The id of the search that was being scheduled format: uuid isEmailRequired: type: boolean description: Indicates whether the schedule requires an email to be sent when the search is run emailRecipients: type: array items: type: string description: The email recipients that the email should be sent to when the search is run createdById: type: integer description: The id of the user who created the schedule format: int32 createdAt: type: string description: The time the schedule was created format: date-time createdBy: type: string description: The name of the user who created the schedule modifiedById: type: integer description: The id of the user who last modified the schedule format: int32 modifiedAt: type: string description: The time the schedule was last modified format: date-time modifiedBy: type: string description: The name of the user who last modified the schedule type: type: string description: The type of the schedule, i.e. business or individual name: type: string description: The name used in the search criteria firstName: type: string description: The first name used in the search criteria middleName: type: string description: The middle name used in the search criteria lastName: type: string description: The last name used in the search criteria gender: type: string description: The gender used in the search criteria, i.e. male or female dateOfBirth: type: string description: The date of birth used in the search criteria format: date countries: type: array items: type: string description: The list of country codes used in the search criteria threshold: type: integer description: The threshold used in the search criteria format: int32 datasets: type: array items: type: string description: The datasets used in the search criteria pepTiers: type: array items: type: string description: The pep tiers used in the search criteria totalSize: type: number PutKYCIndividualSearchRequest: type: "object" properties: items: type: array items: type: object required: - searchId - riskRating properties: assignedToUserId: type: "object" description: "Id of the User to assign to the Search" format: "int32" status: type: "object" description: "Status of the Search and allowed values are new,approved,declined,pending,cancelled,referred\ \ and closed" riskRating: type: "object" description: "Risk rating of the Search and allowed values notApplicable,veryLow,low,medium,high\ \ and veryHigh" note: type: "object" description: "Note associated with the search" searchId: type: "string" description: "The Id of the search to be updated" format: "uuid" PostKYCProtectSchedulesResponse: type: object properties: failed: type: array items: type: object properties: failedItem: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PostKYCProtectSchedulesRequest' error: $ref: '#/components/schemas/KycProtectErrorObject' successful: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ScheduleResponse' DeleteKYCProtectSchedulesResponse: type: object properties: failed: type: array items: type: object properties: failedItem: type: string format: uuid error: $ref: '#/components/schemas/KycProtectErrorObject' successful: type: array items: type: string format: uuid WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsBusinessSearchResultHitResponse: type: object properties: id: type: string description: The Id of the search hit format: uuid hitScore: type: integer description: The hit score associated to the search hit format: int32 name: type: string nullable: true description: The name associated to the search hit match: type: string nullable: true description: The match string associated to the search hit note: type: string nullable: true description: The note added to the search hit countries: type: array nullable: true items: type: string description: The countries associated to the search hit datasets: type: array items: type: string description: The datasets associated to the search hit profileImages: type: array nullable: true items: type: string description: The profile images associated to the search hit screeningNotes: type: array nullable: true items: type: string description: The screening notes associated to the search hit modifiedAt: type: string description: The search hit modified date and time format: date-time modifiedById: type: integer description: The search hit modified by user id format: int32 modifiedBy: type: string description: The search hit modified by user name createdAt: type: string description: The search hit created date and time format: date-time decision: type: string description: The decision made on the search hit Avaialable values are undecided, trueMatch, falsePositive, discarded identifiers: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsHitIdentifierResponse' description: The identifiers associated to the search hit addresses: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsHitAddressResponse' description: The addresses associated to the search hit contacts: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsHitContactResponse' description: The contact details associated to the search hit businessLinks: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsHitBusinessLinkResponse' description: The business links associated to the search hit individualLinks: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsHitIndividualLinkResponse' description: The individual links associated to the search hit sources: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsHitSourceResponse' description: The sources associated to the search hit activities: type: array nullable: true items: type: string description: The activities associated to the search hit aliases: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsHitBusinessAliasResponse' description: The aliases associated to the search hit amlResults: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsBusinessHitAmlResultsResponse' description: type: string nullable: true description: The description associated to the search hit businessTypes: type: array nullable: true items: type: string description: The business types associated to the search hit WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsHitIdentifierResponse: type: object properties: type: type: string description: The type of the hit identifier value: type: string description: The value of the hit identifier WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsHitAddressResponse: type: object properties: postalCode: type: string nullable: true description: The postal code of the address line1: type: string nullable: true description: The line1 of the address line2: type: string nullable: true description: The line2 of the address type: type: string nullable: true description: The type of the address county: type: string nullable: true description: The county of the address countryCode: type: string nullable: true description: The country code of the address city: type: string nullable: true description: The city of the address WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsHitContactResponse: type: object properties: type: type: string description: Avaialable values are telephone, fax, mobile, email, website value: type: string WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsHitBusinessLinkResponse: type: object properties: relationship: type: string description: The relationship of the associated link ownershipPercentage: type: integer nullable: true description: The ownership percentage of the associated link format: int32 datasets: type: array items: type: string description: The datasets associated with the link name: type: string description: The name of the link individualLinks: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsHitIndividualLinkResponse' description: The individual links associated to the business link WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsHitIndividualLinkResponse: type: object properties: relationship: type: string description: The relationship of the associated link ownershipPercentage: type: integer nullable: true description: The ownership percentage of the associated link format: int32 datasets: type: array items: type: string description: The datasets associated with the link firstName: type: string nullable: true description: The first name of the individual link middleName: type: string nullable: true description: The middle name of the individual link lastName: type: string nullable: true description: The last name of the individual link WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsHitSourceResponse: type: object properties: title: type: string nullable: true description: The title of the hit source description: type: string nullable: true description: The description of the hit source link: type: string description: The URL associated to the hit source dateAdded: type: string nullable: true description: The date when the hit source is added format: date isCopyrighted: type: boolean nullable: true description: Represents whether hit source is copyrighted datePublished: type: string nullable: true description: The date when hit source is published format: date documentLink: type: string nullable: true description: The document link associated to the hit source datasets: type: array nullable: true items: type: string description: The datasets associated with the hit source WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsHitBusinessAliasResponse: type: object properties: type: type: string nullable: true name: type: string nullable: true WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsBusinessHitAmlResultsResponse: type: object properties: AM: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsEntriesAdverseMediaEntryResponse' ENF: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsEntriesEnforcementEntryResponse' INS: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsEntriesInsolvencyEntryResponse' POI: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsEntriesProfileOfInterestEntryResponse' SAN: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsHitAmlResultsSanctionsResponse' SOE: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsEntriesStateOwnedEnterpriseEntryResponse' WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsEntriesAdverseMediaEntryResponse: type: object properties: events: type: array nullable: true items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsEntriesEventsHitEventResponse' sources: type: array nullable: true items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsHitSourceResponse' type: type: string description: Avaialable values are adverseMedia, disqualifiedDirector, insolvencyRegister, pep, pepLinked, profileOfInterest, enforcement, sanction, stateOwnedEnterprise value: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsEntriesAdverseMediaEntryValueResponse' WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsEntriesAdverseMediaEntryValueResponse: type: object properties: category: type: string subCategory: type: string WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsEntriesEnforcementEntryResponse: type: object properties: events: type: array nullable: true items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsEntriesEventsHitEventResponse' sources: type: array nullable: true items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsHitSourceResponse' type: type: string description: Avaialable values are adverseMedia, disqualifiedDirector, insolvencyRegister, pep, pepLinked, profileOfInterest, enforcement, sanction, stateOwnedEnterprise value: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsEntriesEnforcementEntryValueResponse' WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsEntriesEnforcementEntryValueResponse: type: object properties: category: type: string subCategory: type: string WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsEntriesInsolvencyEntryResponse: type: object properties: events: type: array nullable: true items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsEntriesEventsHitEventResponse' sources: type: array nullable: true items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsHitSourceResponse' type: type: string description: Avaialable values are adverseMedia, disqualifiedDirector, insolvencyRegister, pep, pepLinked, profileOfInterest, enforcement, sanction, stateOwnedEnterprise value: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsEntriesInsolvencyEntryValueResponse' WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsEntriesInsolvencyEntryValueResponse: type: object properties: insolvencyIdNumber: type: string type: type: string debtAmount: type: string startDate: type: string nullable: true format: date-time endDate: type: string nullable: true format: date-time caseReferenceNumbers: type: array items: type: string solicitor: type: string court: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsEntriesCourtResponse' orderDate: type: string nullable: true format: date-time gazetteIssuedDate: type: string nullable: true format: date-time awardDate: type: string nullable: true format: date-time WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsEntriesCourtResponse: type: object properties: name: type: string petitioner: type: string hearingDate: type: string nullable: true format: date-time petitionPresentedDate: type: string nullable: true format: date-time WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsEntriesProfileOfInterestEntryResponse: type: object properties: events: type: array nullable: true items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsEntriesEventsHitEventResponse' sources: type: array nullable: true items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsHitSourceResponse' type: type: string description: Avaialable values are adverseMedia, disqualifiedDirector, insolvencyRegister, pep, pepLinked, profileOfInterest, enforcement, sanction, stateOwnedEnterprise value: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsEntriesProfileOfInterestEntryValueResponse' WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsEntriesProfileOfInterestEntryValueResponse: type: object properties: category: type: string positions: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsEntriesPositionResponse' additionalProperties: false WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsEntriesPositionResponse: type: object properties: name: type: string segment: type: string country: type: string fromDate: type: string nullable: true description: Can be in the format YYYY or YYYY-MM-DD format: date toDate: type: string nullable: true description: Can be in the format YYYY or YYYY-MM-DD format: date WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsHitAmlResultsSanctionsResponse: type: object properties: CURRENT: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsEntriesSanctionEntryResponse' FORMER: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsEntriesSanctionEntryResponse' WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsEntriesSanctionEntryResponse: type: object properties: events: type: array nullable: true items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsEntriesEventsHitEventResponse' sources: type: array nullable: true items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsHitSourceResponse' type: type: string description: Avaialable values are adverseMedia, disqualifiedDirector, insolvencyRegister, pep, pepLinked, profileOfInterest, enforcement, sanction, stateOwnedEnterprise value: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsEntriesSanctionEntryValueResponse' WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsEntriesSanctionEntryValueResponse: type: object properties: sanctionId: type: string nullable: true issuingBody: type: string nullable: true origin: type: string nullable: true sanctionTypes: type: string nullable: true items: type: string measures: type: array nullable: true items: type: string regime: type: string nullable: true WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsEntriesStateOwnedEnterpriseEntryResponse: type: object properties: events: type: array nullable: true items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsEntriesEventsHitEventResponse' sources: type: array nullable: true items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsHitSourceResponse' type: type: string description: Avaialable values are adverseMedia, disqualifiedDirector, insolvencyRegister, pep, pepLinked, profileOfInterest, enforcement, sanction, stateOwnedEnterprise value: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsEntriesStateOwnedEnterpriseEntryValueResponse' WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsEntriesStateOwnedEnterpriseEntryValueResponse: type: object properties: type: type: string description: Avaialable values are current, former level: type: string WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsIndividualHitAmlResultsResponse: type: object properties: AM: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsEntriesAdverseMediaEntryResponse' ENF: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsEntriesEnforcementEntryResponse' INS: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsEntriesInsolvencyEntryResponse' POI: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsEntriesProfileOfInterestEntryResponse' SAN: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsHitAmlResultsSanctionsResponse' DD: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsEntriesDisqualifiedDirectorEntryResponse' PEP: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsHitAmlResultsPepsResponse' WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsHitAmlResultsPepsResponse: type: object properties: CURRENT: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsEntriesPepEntryResponse' FORMER: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsEntriesPepEntryResponse' LINKED: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsEntriesPepByAssociationEntryResponse' WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsEntriesPepEntryResponse: type: object properties: events: type: array nullable: true items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsEntriesEventsHitEventResponse' sources: type: array nullable: true items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsHitSourceResponse' type: type: string description: Available values are adverseMedia, disqualifiedDirector, insolvencyRegister, pep, pepLinked, profileOfInterest, enforcement, sanction, stateOwnedEnterprise value: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsEntriesPepEntryValueResponse' WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsEntriesPepEntryValueResponse: type: object properties: country: type: string position: type: string fromDate: type: string nullable: true description: Can be in the format YYYY or YYYY-MM-DD format: date toDate: type: string nullable: true description: Can be in the format YYYY or YYYY-MM-DD format: date segment: type: string WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsEntriesPepByAssociationEntryResponse: type: object properties: events: type: array nullable: true items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsEntriesEventsHitEventResponse' sources: type: array nullable: true items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsHitSourceResponse' type: type: string description: Available values are adverseMedia, disqualifiedDirector, insolvencyRegister, pep, pepLinked, profileOfInterest, enforcement, sanction, stateOwnedEnterprise value: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsEntriesPepByAssociationEntryValueResponse' WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsEntriesPepByAssociationEntryValueResponse: type: object properties: firstName: type: string nullable: true middleName: type: string nullable: true lastName: type: string relationship: type: string ownershipPercentage: type: integer nullable: true format: int32 datasets: type: array items: type: string WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsEntriesEventsHitEventResponse: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid type: type: string date: type: string nullable: true description: Can be in the format YYYY or YYYY-MM-DD format: date amount: type: integer nullable: true format: int32 currencyCode: type: string nullable: true duration: type: string nullable: true sources: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsHitSourceResponse' WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsEntriesDisqualifiedDirectorEntryResponse: type: object properties: events: type: array nullable: true items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsEntriesEventsHitEventResponse' sources: type: array nullable: true items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WebApiModelsSearchesSearchResultHitsHitSourceResponse' type: type: string description: Available values are adverseMedia, disqualifiedDirector, insolvencyRegister, pep, pepLinked, profileOfInterest, enforcement, sanction, stateOwnedEnterprise value: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ApplicationSearchesModelsHitsEntriesDisqualifiedDirectorEntryValue' ApplicationSearchesModelsHitsEntriesDisqualifiedDirectorEntryValue: type: object properties: referenceNumber: type: string nullable: true fromDate: type: string nullable: true format: date-time toDate: type: string nullable: true format: date-time organisations: type: array nullable: true items: type: string reason: type: string KYCPutSearchBusinessesBySearchIdHitsResponse: type: "object" properties: failed: type: "array" items: type: "object" properties: failedItem: type: "object" properties: decision: type: "string" description: "The Decision of the Hit to be updated Decision can\ \ only be made once. Available values are undecided, truematch,\ \ falsepositive, discarded" note: type: "string" description: "Note associated with the Hit" hitId: type: "string" description: "The Id of the Hit to be updated" error: type: "object" properties: type: type: "string" title: type: "string" status: type: "integer" detail: type: "string" instance: type: "string" successful: type: "array" items: type: "object" properties: items: type: "array" items: type: "object" properties: id: type: "string" description: "The Id of the search hit." format: "uuid" hitScore: type: "integer" description: "The hit score associated to the search hit." format: "int32" name: type: "string" description: "The name associated to the search hit." match: type: "string" description: "The match string associated to the search hit." countries: type: "array" description: "The countries associated to the search hit." items: type: "string" datasets: type: "array" description: "The datasets associated to the search hit." items: type: "string" decision: type: "string" description: "The decision made on the search hit. Available\ \ values are undecided, trueMatch, falsePositive anddiscarded." note: type: "string" description: "The note added to the search hit." modifiedById: type: "integer" description: "The search hit last modified by user id." format: "int32" modifiedBy: type: "string" description: "The search hit last modified by user name." modifiedAt: type: "string" description: "The search hit last modified date and time." format: "date-time" createdAt: type: "string" description: "The search hit created date and time." format: "date-time" supersededHit: type: "object" properties: id: type: "string" description: "The Id of the search hit." format: "uuid" hitScore: type: "integer" description: "The hit score associated to the search hit." format: "int32" name: type: "string" description: "The name associated to the search hit." match: type: "string" description: "The match string associated to the search\ \ hit." countries: type: "array" description: "The countries associated to the search hit." items: type: "string" datasets: type: "array" description: "The datasets associated to the search hit." items: type: "string" decision: type: "string" description: "The decision made on the search hit. Available\ \ values are undecided, trueMatch, falsePositive and discarded." note: type: "string" description: "The note added to the search hit." modifiedById: type: "integer" description: "The search hit last modified by user id." format: "int32" modifiedBy: type: "string" description: "The search hit last modified by user name." modifiedAt: type: "string" description: "The search hit last modified date and time." format: "date-time" createdAt: type: "string" description: "The search hit created date and time." format: "date-time" MODEL7b2457: type: "object" properties: items: type: "array" items: type: "object" required: - hitId properties: decision: type: "string" description: "The Decision of the Hit to be updated Decision can only\ \ be made once. Available values are undecided, truematch, falsepositive,\ \ discarded" note: type: "string" description: "Note associated with the Hit" hitId: type: "string" description: "The Id of the Hit to be updated" KYCGetSearchBusinessesBySearchIdResponse: type: object properties: id: type: string description: Id of the search format: uuid name: type: string description: Name provided for the search. Length must not exceed 200 characters countryCodes: type: array items: type: string description: Countries provided to the search threshold: type: integer description: Hits with scores below this value will not be shown. format: int32 type: type: string description: Indicates whether search type is individual or business datasets: type: array items: type: string description: Provided datasets for the search status: type: string description: Status of the search. Available values are new, approved, declined, pending, cancelled, referred and closed. riskRating: type: string description: The risk rating being assigned to the profile enum: - notApplicable - veryLow - low - medium - high - veryHigh assignedToUserId: type: integer description: Id of the user assigned to the search format: int32 assignedUser: type: string description: Name of the user assigned to the search createdById: type: integer description: Id of the user who created the search format: int32 createdBy: type: string description: Name of the user who created the search createdAt: type: string description: Search created date time format: date-time modifiedById: type: integer description: Id of the user who modified the search format: int32 modifiedBy: type: string description: Name of the user who modified the search modifiedAt: type: string description: Search modified date time format: date-time note: type: string description: Note associated with the search scheduleId: type: string description: Schedule Id linked to the search format: uuid totalHitCount: type: integer description: Total number of hits in the search format: int32 truePositiveHitsCount: type: integer description: The number of true-positive hits in the search format: int32 falsePositiveHitsCount: type: integer description: The number of false-positive hits in the search format: int32 undecidedHitsCount: type: integer description: The number of undecided hits in the search format: int32 MODELb33a65: type: "object" required: - searchId properties: assignedToUserId: type: "object" description: "Id of the User to assign to the Search" format: "int32" status: type: "object" description: "Status of the Search.
Available values are [new, approved,\ \ declined, pending, cancelled, referred and closed]." riskRating: type: "object" description: "Risk rating of the Search. Available values are notApplicable,\ \ veryLow, low, medium, high AND veryHigh." note: type: "object" description: "Note associated with the search" searchId: type: "string" description: "The Id of the search to be updated" format: "uuid" MODEL7fba1c: type: "object" properties: assignedToUserId: type: "object" description: "Id of the User to assign to the Search" format: "int32" status: type: "object" description: "Status of the Search. Available values are new, approved,\ \ declined, pending, cancelled, referred and closed." riskRating: type: "object" description: "Risk rating of the Search. Available values are notApplicable,\ \ veryLow, low, medium, high AND veryHigh." note: type: "object" description: "Note associated with the search" KYCGetSearchBusinessesBySearchIdHitsResponse: type: object properties: items: type: array items: type: object properties: id: type: string description: The Id of the search hit. format: uuid hitScore: type: integer description: The hit score associated to the search hit. format: int32 name: type: string description: The name associated to the search hit. nullable: true match: type: string description: The match string associated to the search hit. countries: type: array items: type: string description: The countries associated to the search hit. datasets: type: array items: type: string description: The datasets associated to the search hit. decision: type: string description: The decision made on the search hit. Available values are undecided, trueMatch, falsePositive and discarded. note: type: string description: The note added to the search hit. modifiedById: type: integer description: The search hit last modified by user id. format: int32 modifiedBy: type: string description: The search hit last modified by user name. modifiedAt: type: string description: The search hit last modified date and time. format: date-time createdAt: type: string description: The search hit created date and time. format: date-time supersededHit: type: object properties: id: type: string description: The Id of the search hit. format: uuid hitScore: type: integer description: The hit score associated to the search hit. format: int32 name: type: string description: The name associated to the search hit. match: type: string description: The match string associated to the search hit. countries: type: array items: type: string description: The countries associated to the search hit. datasets: type: array items: type: string description: The datasets associated to the search hit. decision: type: string description: The decision made on the search hit. Available values are undecided, trueMatch, falsePositive anddiscarded. note: type: string description: The note added to the search hit. modifiedById: type: integer description: The search hit last modified by user id. format: int32 modifiedBy: type: string description: The search hit last modified by user name. modifiedAt: type: string description: The search hit last modified date and time. format: date-time createdAt: type: string description: The search hit created date and time. format: date-time totalSize: type: number KYCPutSearchBusinessesBySearchIdResponse: type: object properties: id: type: string description: Id of the search format: uuid name: type: string description: Name provided for the search. Length must not exceed 200 characters countryCodes: type: array items: type: string description: Countries provided to the search threshold: type: integer description: Hits with scores below this value will not be shown. format: int32 type: type: string description: Indicates whether search type is individual or business datasets: type: array items: type: string description: Provided datasets for the search status: type: string description: Status of the search. Available values are new, approved, declined, pending, cancelled, referred and closed. riskRating: type: string description: The risk rating being assigned to the profile enum: - notApplicable - veryLow - low - medium - high - veryHigh assignedToUserId: type: integer description: Id of the user assigned to the search format: int32 assignedUser: type: string description: Name of the user assigned to the search createdById: type: integer description: Id of the user who created the search format: int32 createdBy: type: string description: Name of the user who created the search createdAt: type: string description: Search created date time format: date-time modifiedById: type: integer description: Id of the user who modified the search format: int32 modifiedBy: type: string description: Name of the user who modified the search modifiedAt: type: string description: Search modified date time format: date-time note: type: string description: Note associated with the search scheduleId: type: string description: Schedule Id linked to the search format: uuid totalHitCount: type: integer description: Total number of hits in the search format: int32 truePositiveHitsCount: type: integer description: The number of true-positive hits in the search format: int32 falsePositiveHitsCount: type: integer description: The number of false-positive hits in the search format: int32 undecidedHitsCount: type: integer description: The number of undecided hits in the search format: int32 KYCPUTSearchBusinessesResponse: type: "object" properties: failed: type: "array" items: type: "object" properties: failedItem: type: "object" properties: assignedToUserId: type: "integer" description: "Id of the User to assign to the Search" format: "int32" nullable: true status: type: "string" description: "Status of the Search. Available values are new,\ \ approved, declined, pending, cancelled, referred and closed." nullable: true riskRating: type: "string" description: "Risk rating of the Search. Available values are\ \ notApplicable, veryLow, low, medium, high AND veryHigh." nullable: true note: type: "string" description: "Note associated with the search" nullable: true searchId: type: "string" description: "The Id of the search to be updated" format: "uuid" error: type: "object" properties: type: type: "string" nullable: true title: type: "string" nullable: true status: type: "integer" nullable: true detail: type: "string" nullable: true instance: type: "string" nullable: true successful: type: "array" items: type: "object" properties: id: type: "string" description: "Id of the search" format: "uuid" name: type: "string" description: "Name provided for the search. Length must not exceed\ \ 200 characters" nullable: true countryCodes: type: "array" description: "Countries provided to the search" nullable: true items: type: "string" threshold: type: "integer" description: "Hits with scores below this value will not be shown." format: "int32" type: type: "string" description: "Indicates whether search type is individual or business" datasets: type: "array" description: "Provided datasets for the search" items: type: "string" status: type: "string" description: "Status of the search. Available values are new, approved,\ \ declined, pending, cancelled, referred and closed." riskRating: type: "string" description: "Risk associated with the search. Available values are\ \ notApplicable, veryLow, low, medium, high AND veryHigh." assignedToUserId: type: "integer" description: "Id of the user assigned to the search" format: "int32" nullable: true assignedUser: type: "string" description: "Name of the user assigned to the search" nullable: true createdById: type: "integer" description: "Id of the user who created the search" format: "int32" createdBy: type: "string" description: "Name of the user who created the search" createdAt: type: "string" description: "Search created date time" format: "date-time" modifiedById: type: "integer" description: "Id of the user who modified the search" format: "int32" modifiedBy: type: "string" description: "Name of the user who modified the search" modifiedAt: type: "string" description: "Search modified date time" format: "date-time" note: type: "string" description: "Note associated with the search" nullable: true scheduleId: type: "string" description: "Schedule Id linked to the search" format: "uuid" nullable: true totalHitCount: type: "integer" description: "Total number of hits in the search" format: "int32" truePositiveHitsCount: type: "integer" description: "The number of true-positive hits in the search" format: "int32" falsePositiveHitsCount: type: "integer" description: "The number of false-positive hits in the search" format: "int32" undecidedHitsCount: type: "integer" description: "The number of undecided hits in the search" format: "int32" KycProtectErrorObject: type: object properties: type: type: string title: type: string status: type: number detail: type: string instance: type: string additionalProp1: type: string additionalProp2: type: string additionalProp3: type: string KYCProtectScheduleHitResponse: type: object properties: id: type: string description: The Id of the search hit. format: uuid hitScore: type: integer description: The hit score associated to the search hit. format: int32 name: type: string nullable: true description: The name associated to the search hit. match: type: string nullable: true description: The match string associated to the search hit. countries: type: array nullable: true items: type: string description: The countries associated to the search hit. datasets: type: array nullable: true items: type: string description: The datasets associated to the search hit. decision: enum: - undecided - trueMatch - falsePositive - discarded type: string description: The decision made on the search hit. note: type: string nullable: true description: The note added to the search hit. modifiedById: type: integer description: The search hit last modified by user id. format: int32 modifiedBy: type: string nullable: true description: The search hit last modified by user name. modifiedAt: type: string description: The search hit last modified date and time. format: date-time createdAt: type: string description: The search hit created date and time. format: date-time firstName: type: string nullable: true description: The first name of the search hit. middleName: type: string nullable: true description: The middle name of the search hit. lastName: type: string nullable: true description: The last name of the search hit. gender: enum: - male - female type: string nullable: true description: The gender associated to the search hit. datesOfBirth: type: array nullable: true items: type: string description: Can be in the format YYYY or YYYY-MM-DD format: date description: The dates of birth associated to the search hit. pepTier: enum: - pepTier1 - pepTier2 - pepTier3 type: string nullable: true description: The pep tier associated to the search hit. profileImages: type: array nullable: true items: type: string description: The profile images associated to the search hit. supersededHit: $ref: '#/components/schemas/KYCProtectBaseIndividualSearchResultHitSummaryResponse' searchId: type: string description: The id of the search that was being scheduled format: uuid profileId: type: string nullable: true description: The id of the profile linked to the search that was being scheduled format: uuid scheduleId: type: string description: The id of the schedule format: uuid keyPartyId: type: string nullable: true description: The id of the key party linked to the search that was being scheduled format: uuid searchType: enum: - individual - business type: string description: The type of the search that was being scheduled additionalProperties: false KYCProtectBaseIndividualSearchResultHitSummaryResponse: type: object properties: id: type: string description: The Id of the search hit. format: uuid hitScore: type: integer description: The hit score associated to the search hit. format: int32 name: type: string nullable: true description: The name associated to the search hit. match: type: string nullable: true description: The match string associated to the search hit. countries: type: array nullable: true items: type: string description: The countries associated to the search hit. datasets: type: array nullable: true items: type: string description: The datasets associated to the search hit. decision: enum: - undecided - trueMatch - falsePositive - discarded type: string description: The decision made on the search hit. note: type: string nullable: true description: The note added to the search hit. modifiedById: type: integer description: The search hit last modified by user id. format: int32 modifiedBy: type: string nullable: true description: The search hit last modified by user name. modifiedAt: type: string description: The search hit last modified date and time. format: date-time createdAt: type: string description: The search hit created date and time. format: date-time firstName: type: string nullable: true description: The first name of the search hit. middleName: type: string nullable: true description: The middle name of the search hit. lastName: type: string nullable: true description: The last name of the search hit. gender: enum: - male - female type: string nullable: true description: The gender associated to the search hit. datesOfBirth: type: string nullable: true items: type: string description: Can be in the format YYYY or YYYY-MM-DD format: date description: The dates of birth associated to the search hit. pepTier: enum: - pepTier1 - pepTier2 - pepTier3 type: string nullable: true description: The pep tier associated to the search hit. profileImages: type: array nullable: true items: type: string description: The profile images associated to the search hit. additionalProperties: false KYCProfileIdSchedulesScheduleIdResponse: type: "object" properties: id: type: "string" description: "The id of the schedule" format: "uuid" searchId: type: "string" description: "The id of the search that was being scheduled" format: "uuid" isEmailRequired: type: "boolean" description: "Indicates whether the schedule requires an email to be sent\ \ when the search is run" emailRecipients: type: "array" description: "The email recipients that the email should be sent to when\ \ the search is run" items: type: "string" createdById: type: "integer" description: "The id of the user who created the schedule" format: "int32" createdAt: type: "string" description: "The time the schedule was created" format: "date-time" createdBy: type: "string" description: "The name of the user who created the schedule" modifiedById: type: "integer" description: "The id of the user who last modified the schedule" format: "int32" modifiedAt: type: "string" description: "The time the schedule was last modified" format: "date-time" modifiedBy: type: "string" description: "The name of the user who last modified the schedule" type: type: "string" description: "The type of the schedule, i.e. business or individual" name: type: "object" description: "The name used in the search criteria" firstName: type: "object" description: "The first name used in the search criteria" middleName: type: "object" description: "The middle name used in the search criteria" lastName: type: "object" description: "The last name used in the search criteria" gender: type: "object" description: "The gender used in the search criteria, i.e. male or female" dateOfBirth: type: "object" description: "The date of birth used in the search criteria" format: "date" countries: type: "array" description: "The list of country codes used in the search criteria" items: type: "string" threshold: type: "integer" description: "The threshold used in the search criteria" format: "int32" datasets: type: "array" description: "The datasets used in the search criteria" items: type: "string" pepTiers: type: "array" description: "The pep tiers used in the search criteria, i.e. pepTier1,\ \ pepTier2, pepTier3" items: type: "string" correlationId: type: string description: A unique ID assigned to this request. KYCProfileScheduleResponse: type: object properties: id: type: "string" description: "The id of the schedule" format: "uuid" searchId: type: "string" description: "The id of the search that was being scheduled" format: "uuid" isEmailRequired: type: "boolean" description: "Indicates whether the schedule requires an email to be sent\ \ when the search is run" emailRecipients: type: "array" description: "The email recipients that the email should be sent to when\ \ the search is run" items: type: "string" createdById: type: "integer" description: "The id of the user who created the schedule" format: "int32" createdAt: type: "string" description: "The time the schedule was created" format: "date-time" createdBy: type: "string" description: "The name of the user who created the schedule" modifiedById: type: "integer" description: "The id of the user who last modified the schedule" format: "int32" modifiedAt: type: "string" description: "The time the schedule was last modified" format: "date-time" modifiedBy: type: "string" description: "The name of the user who last modified the schedule" type: type: "string" description: "The type of the schedule, i.e. business or individual" name: type: "string" description: "The name used in the search criteria" firstName: type: "string" description: "The first name used in the search criteria" middleName: type: "string" description: "The middle name used in the search criteria" lastName: type: "string" description: "The last name used in the search criteria" gender: type: "string" description: "The gender used in the search criteria, i.e. male or female" dateOfBirth: type: "string" description: "The date of birth used in the search criteria" format: "date" countries: type: "array" description: "The list of country codes used in the search criteria" items: type: "string" threshold: type: "integer" description: "The threshold used in the search criteria" format: "int32" datasets: type: "array" description: "The datasets used in the search criteria" items: type: "string" pepTiers: type: "array" description: "The pep tiers used in the search criteria, i.e. pepTier1,\ \ pepTier2, pepTier3" items: type: "string" correlationId: type: string description: A unique ID assigned to this request. GetDecisionEngineDecisionOutcomeResponse: type: object properties: correlationId: type: string description: A unique ID assigned to this request. example: 23921650-c073-11ea-860f-06bc8182190e includeInManualReview: type: boolean description: This key is used to enable or restrict the manual review process for pending status. example: true decisionOutcomes: type: object properties: items: type: array items: type: object properties: status: type: number description: The status of the decision. typically, 1 is reserved for positive outcomes, 2 for pending status, 3 for negative outcomes,5 for manually approved outcomes and 6 for manually rejected outcomes. label: type: string description: Value that is typically chosen to depict the possible outcome for different statuses. description: type: string description: Statement that defines the reasoning behind an outcome for a status. ConnectDecisionEnginePatchDecisionOutcomeRequest: type: object properties: includeInManualReview: type: boolean description: This key is used to enable or restrict the manual review process for pending status. example: true decisionOutcomes: type: array items: type: object properties: status: type: number description: The status of the decision. typically, 1 is reserved for positive outcomes, 2 for pending status, 3 for negative outcomes, 5 for manually approved outcomes and 6 for manually rejected outcomes. label: type: string description: Value that is typically chosen to depict the possible outcome for different statuses. description: type: string description: Statement that defines the reasoning behind an outcome for a status. PostKYCKeypartiesByProfileIdRequest: type: object properties: items: type: array items: type: object properties: name: type: string description: Name of the key party
Maximum length is 200 characters nullable: true firstName: type: string description: First name of the key party
Valid for entity type Individual
Maximum length is 200 characters combining First name, Middle name and Last name nullable: true middleName: type: string description: Middle name of the key party
Valid for entity type Individual
Maximum length is 200 characters combining First name, Middle name and Last name nullable: true lastName: type: string description: Last name of the key party
Valid for entity type Individual
Maximum length is 200 characters combining First name, Middle name and Last name nullable: true entityType: type: string description: Entity type of the key party
Types - individual, business nullable: true keyPartyType: type: string description: Entity type of the key party
Types - director, shareHolder, ubo nullable: true gender: type: string description: Gender of the key party
Valid for entity type Individual enum: - male - female nullable: true dateOfBirth: type: string description: Date of birth of the key party Date YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY format. Must be after 1900 and not in the future Valid for the entity type Individual nullable: true organisationNumber: type: string description: Key party organisation number
Valid for entity type Business nullable: true activityCode: type: string description: Activity code of the key party
Valid for entity type Business nullable: true percentageOfShares: type: number description: Share percentage of the key party
Valid for key party type ShareHolder nullable: true role: type: string description: Role of the key party
Valid for key party type Director nullable: true countryCode: type: string description: Country code of the key party nullable: true address: type: object required: - type properties: buildingDetails: type: string description: The building details of the address being created. Must have a maximum length of 250 characters nullable: true street: type: string description: The street of the address being created. Must have a maximum length of 250 characters nullable: true city: type: string description: The city of the address being created. Must have a maximum length of 250 characters nullable: true region: type: string description: The region of the address being created. Must have a maximum length of 250 characters nullable: true postalCode: type: string description: The postal code of the address being created Must have a maximum length of 50 characters nullable: true countryCode: type: string description: Two-letter ISO-3166-2 country code nullable: true type: type: string description: Type of the address, registered, trading, other nullable: true description: type: string description: The description of the address being created Must have a maximum length of 250 characters nullable: true PostKYCKeypartiesByProfileIdResponse: type: object properties: id: type: string description: Id of the key party format: uuid name: type: string description: Name of the key party firstName: type: string description: First name of the key party middleName: type: string description: Middle name of the key party nullable: true lastName: type: string description: Last name of the key party entityType: type: string description: Entity type of the key party, individual, business keyPartyType: type: string description: Type of the key party, director,shareHolder,ubo gender: type: string description: Gender of the key party, male, female nullable: true dateOfBirth: type: string description: Date of birth of the key party format: date nullable: true organisationNumber: type: string description: Key party organization number nullable: true activityCode: type: string description: Activity code of the key party nullable: true percentageOfShares: type: number description: Share percentage of the key party format: double nullable: true role: type: string description: Role of the key party nullable: true countryCode: type: string description: Country code of the key party nullable: true address: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PostKYCKeypartiesByProfileIdAddressContractResponse' searchId: type: string description: Search Id of the key party format: uuid nullable: true createdAt: type: string description: Key party created time format: date-time createdById: type: integer description: Id of the user who created the key party format: int32 createdBy: type: string description: Name of the user who created the key party modifiedAt: type: string description: key party last updated time format: date-time nullable: true modifiedById: type: string description: Id of the user who last modified the key party format: int32 nullable: true modifiedBy: type: string description: Name of the user who last modified the key party nullable: true PostKYCKeypartiesByProfileIdFailedResponse: type: object properties: failedItem: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PostKYCKeypartiesByProfileIdFailedAddKeyPartyContractResponse' error: $ref: '#/components/schemas/KycProtectErrorObject' PostKYCKeypartiesByProfileIdFailedAddKeyPartyContractResponse: type: object properties: name: type: string description: "Name of the key party\r\nMaximum length is 200 characters" nullable: true firstName: type: string description: "First name of the key party\r\n
Valid for only entity\ \ type Individual
Maximum length is 200 characters combining First\ \ name, Middle name and Last name" nullable: true middleName: type: string description: "Middle name of the key party\r\n
Valid for only entity\ \ type Individual
Maximum length is 200 characters combining First\ \ name, Middle name and Last name" nullable: true lastName: type: string description: "Last name of the key party\r\n
Valid for only entity type\ \ Individual
Maximum length is 200 characters combining First name,\ \ Middle name and Last name" nullable: true entityType: type: string description: Entity type of the key party, individual, business nullable: true keyPartyType: type: string description: "Type of the key party\r\n
Valid Key Party types for entity\ \ type Individual are Director, Ubo and ShareHolder
Valid Key Party\ \ types for entity type Business are Ubo and ShareHolder , director, shareHolder,\ \ ubo" nullable: true gender: type: string description: "Gender of the key party\r\nValid for entity type Individual,\ \ male, female" nullable: true dateOfBirth: type: string description: "Date of birth of the key party\r\nDate YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY\ \ format. Must be after 1900 and not in the future\r\n
Valid for the\ \ entity type Individual " format: date nullable: true organisationNumber: type: string description: "
Key party organisation number \r\n
Valid for entity\ \ type Business " nullable: true activityCode: type: string description: "Activity code of the key party\r\n
Valid for entity type\ \ Business " nullable: true percentageOfShares: type: number description: "Share percentage of the key party\r\n
Valid for key party\ \ type ShareHolder " format: double nullable: true role: type: string description: "Role of the key party\r\n
Valid for key party type Director " nullable: true countryCode: type: string description: Country code of the key party nullable: true address: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PostKYCKeypartiesByProfileIdAddressRequestContractResponse' PostKYCKeypartiesByProfileIdAddressRequestContractResponse: type: object properties: buildingDetails: type: string description: "The building details of the address being created.\r\nMust\ \ have a maximum length of 250 characters" nullable: true street: type: string description: "The street of the address being created.\r\nMust have a maximum\ \ length of 250 characters" nullable: true city: type: string description: "The city of the address being created.\r\nMust have a maximum\ \ length of 250 characters" nullable: true region: type: string description: "The region of the address being created.\r\nMust have a maximum\ \ length of 250 characters" nullable: true postalCode: type: string description: "The postal code of the address being created\r\nMust have\ \ a maximum length of 50 characters" nullable: true countryCode: type: string description: Two-letter ISO-3166-2 country code nullable: true type: type: string description: Type of address, registered,trading, other nullable: true description: type: string description: "The description of the address being created\r\nMust have\ \ a maximum length of 250 characters" nullable: true PostKYCKeypartiesByProfileIdAddressContractResponse: type: object properties: id: type: string description: Id of the address format: uuid buildingDetails: type: string description: Building details of the address nullable: true street: type: string description: Street of the address nullable: true city: type: string description: City of the address nullable: true region: type: string description: Region of the address nullable: true postalCode: type: string description: Postalcode of the address nullable: true countryCode: type: string description: Two-letter country code ISO-3166-2 nullable: true type: type: string description: Type of the address,registered,trading, other description: type: string description: Description of the address nullable: true createdAt: type: string description: Address created date time format: date-time createdById: type: integer description: Id of the user who created the Address format: int32 createdBy: type: string description: Name of the user who created the Address modifiedAt: type: string description: Address last updated date time format: date-time nullable: true modifiedById: type: integer description: Id of the user who last modified the Address format: int32 nullable: true modifiedBy: type: string description: Name of the user who last modified the Address nullable: true PutKYCKeypartiesByProfileIdRequest: type: object properties: items: type: array items: type: object required: - keyPartyId properties: name: type: string description: Name of the key party Maximum length is 200 characters nullable: true firstName: type: string description: First name of the key party
Valid for only entity type Individual
Maximum length is 200 characters combining First name, Middle name and Last name nullable: true middleName: type: string description: Middle name of the key party
Valid for only entity type Individual
Maximum length is 200 characters combining First name, Middle name and Last name nullable: true lastName: type: string description: Last name of the key party
Valid for only entity type Individual
Maximum length is 200 characters combining First name, Middle name and Last name nullable: true gender: type: string description: Gender of the key party Valid for entity type Individual, male , female. nullable: true dateOfBirth: type: string description: Date of birth of the key party Date YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY format. Must be after 1900 and not in the future Valid for the entity type Individual nullable: true organisationNumber: type: string description: Key party organisation number
Valid for entity type Business nullable: true activityCode: type: string description: Activity code of the key party
Valid for entity type Business nullable: true percentageOfShares: type: number description: Share percentage of the key party
Valid for key party type ShareHolder nullable: true role: type: string description: Role of the key party
Valid for key party type Director nullable: true countryCode: type: string description: Country code of the key party nullable: true keyPartyId: type: string description: The Id of the key party to be updated nullable: true address: type: object required: - type properties: buildingDetails: type: string description: The building details of the address being created. Must have a maximum length of 250 characters nullable: true street: type: string description: The street of the address being created. Must have a maximum length of 250 characters nullable: true city: type: string description: The city of the address being created. Must have a maximum length of 250 characters nullable: true region: type: string description: The region of the address being created. Must have a maximum length of 250 characters nullable: true postalCode: type: string description: The postal code of the address being created Must have a maximum length of 50 characters nullable: true countryCode: type: string description: Two-letter ISO-3166-2 country code nullable: true type: type: string description: Type of the address, registered, trading, other nullable: true description: type: string description: The description of the address being created Must have a maximum length of 250 characters nullable: true PutKYCKeypartiesByProfileIdFailedResponse: type: object properties: failedItem: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PutKYCKeypartiesByProfileIdFailedContractResponse' error: $ref: '#/components/schemas/KycProtectErrorObject' PutKYCKeypartiesByProfileIdFailedContractResponse: type: object properties: name: type: string description: "Name of the key party\r\nMaximum length is 200 characters" nullable: true firstName: type: string description: "First name of the key party\r\n
Valid for only entity\ \ type Individual
Maximum length is 200 characters combining First\ \ name, Middle name and Last name" nullable: true middleName: type: string description: "Middle name of the key party\r\n
Valid for only entity\ \ type Individual
Maximum length is 200 characters combining First\ \ name, Middle name and Last name" nullable: true lastName: type: string description: "Last name of the key party\r\n
Valid for only entity type\ \ Individual
Maximum length is 200 characters combining First name,\ \ Middle name and Last name" nullable: true gender: type: string description: "Gender of the key party\r\nValid for entity type Individual,\ \ male, female" nullable: true dateOfBirth: type: string description: "Date of birth of the key party\r\nDate YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY\ \ format. Must be after 1900 and not in the future\r\n
Valid for the\ \ entity type Individual " format: date nullable: true organisationNumber: type: string description: "
Key party organisation number \r\n
Valid for entity\ \ type Business " nullable: true activityCode: type: string description: "Activity code of the key party\r\n
Valid for entity type\ \ Business " nullable: true percentageOfShares: type: number description: "Share percentage of the key party\r\n
Valid for key party\ \ type ShareHolder " format: double nullable: true role: type: string description: "Role of the key party\r\n
Valid for key party type Director " nullable: true countryCode: type: string description: Country code of the key party nullable: true address: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PutKYCKeypartiesByProfileIdAddressContract' keyPartyId: type: string description: The Id of the key party to be updated format: uuid PutKYCKeypartiesByProfileIdAddressContract: required: - type type: object properties: buildingDetails: type: string description: "The building details of the address being created.\r\nMust\ \ have a maximum length of 250 characters" nullable: true street: type: string description: "The street of the address being created.\r\nMust have a maximum\ \ length of 250 characters" nullable: true city: type: string description: "The city of the address being created.\r\nMust have a maximum\ \ length of 250 characters" nullable: true region: type: string description: "The region of the address being created.\r\nMust have a maximum\ \ length of 250 characters" nullable: true postalCode: type: string description: "The postal code of the address being created.\r\nMust have\ \ a maximum length of 50 characters" nullable: true countryCode: type: string description: The country code of the address being created. nullable: true type: type: string description: The country code of the address being created.registered, trading,other description: type: string description: "The description of the address being created.\r\nMust have\ \ a maximum length of 250 characters" nullable: true PostKYCKeypartiesSearchesLinkByProfileIdResponse: type: object properties: failed: type: array items: type: object properties: failedItem: type: object properties: keyPartyId: type: string description: Id of the key party to link to the search searchId: type: string description: Id of the search to link to the key party error: type: object properties: type: type: string title: type: string status: type: number detail: type: string instance: type: string additionalProp1: type: string additionalProp2: type: string additionalProp3: type: string successful: type: array items: type: object properties: keyPartyId: type: string description: Id of the key party to link to the search searchId: type: string description: Id of the search to link to the key party PutKYCProfileDetailsNoteByNoteIdResponse: type: object properties: id: type: string description: Id of the note format: uuid body: type: string description: Body of the note nullable: true isArchived: type: boolean description: Value indicating whether the note is archived createdAt: type: string description: Note created time format: date-time createdById: type: number description: Id of the user who created note format: int32 createdBy: type: string description: Name of the user who created note modifiedAt: type: string description: Note last updated time format: date-time modifiedById: type: number description: Id of the user who last modified the note format: int32 modifiedBy: type: string description: Name of the user who last modified the note nullable: true GetProfileHitsByProfileIdResponse: type: object properties: items: type: array items: type: object properties: id: type: string description: The Id of the search hit. hitScore: type: number description: The hit score associated to the search hit. name: description: The name associated to the search hit. type: string nullable: true match: description: The match string associated to the search hit. type: string nullable: true countries: description: The countries associated to the search hit. type: array items: type: string nullable: true datasets: description: The datasets associated to the search hit. type: array items: type: string nullable: true decision: type: string description: The decision made on the search hit. note: description: The note added to the search hit. type: string nullable: true modifiedById: type: number description: The search hit last modified by user id. modifiedBy: description: The search hit last modified by user name. type: string nullable: true modifiedAt: type: string description: The search hit last modified date and time. createdAt: type: string description: The search hit created date and time. firstName: description: The first name of the search hit. type: string nullable: true middleName: description: The middle name of the search hit. type: string nullable: true lastName: description: The last name of the search hit. type: string nullable: true gender: description: The gender associated to the search hit. type: string nullable: true datesOfBirth: description: The dates of birth associated to the search hit. type: array items: type: string nullable: true pepTier: description: The pep tier associated to the search hit. type: string nullable: true profileImages: description: The profile images associated to the search hit. type: array items: type: string nullable: true supersededHit: type: object properties: id: type: string description: The Id of the search hit. hitScore: type: number description: The hit score associated to the search hit. name: description: The name associated to the search hit. type: string nullable: true match: description: The match string associated to the search hit. type: string nullable: true countries: description: The countries associated to the search hit. type: array items: type: string nullable: true datasets: description: The datasets associated to the search hit. type: array items: type: string nullable: true decision: type: string description: The decision made on the search hit. note: description: The note added to the search hit. type: string nullable: true modifiedById: type: number description: The search hit last modified by user id. modifiedBy: description: The search hit last modified by user name. type: string nullable: true modifiedAt: type: string description: The search hit last modified date and time. createdAt: type: string description: The search hit created date and time. firstName: description: The first name of the search hit. type: string nullable: true middleName: description: The middle name of the search hit. type: string nullable: true lastName: description: The last name of the search hit. type: string nullable: true gender: description: The gender associated to the search hit. type: string nullable: true datesOfBirth: description: The dates of birth associated to the search hit. type: array items: type: string nullable: true pepTier: description: The pep tier associated to the search hit. type: string nullable: true profileImages: description: The profile images associated to the search hit. type: array items: type: string nullable: true searchId: type: string description: The id of the search associated to the hit. searchType: type: string description: The type of search associated to the hit. totalSize: type: number GetKycProtectAsyncAmlJobResponse: type: object properties: items: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GetKycProtectAsyncAmlJobItemResponse' totalSize: type: integer GetKycProtectAsyncAmlJobItemResponse: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid status: type: string enum: - created - processing - completed createdAt: type: string format: date-time createdById: type: integer format: int32 createdBy: type: string startedAt: type: string format: date-time nullable: true finishedAt: type: string format: date-time nullable: true criteriaCount: type: integer format: int32 GetKycProtectAsyncAmlJobCriteriaResponse: type: object properties: items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/KycProtectAsyncJobCriteriaResponse' totalSize: type: integer format: int64 KycProtectAsyncJobCriteriaResponse: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid jobId: type: string format: uuid status: enum: - submitted - processing - completed - failed type: string errorMessage: type: string nullable: true targetType: enum: - profile - keyParty type: string targetId: type: string format: uuid type: enum: - individual - business type: string startedAt: type: string format: date-time nullable: true finishedAt: type: string format: date-time nullable: true countryCodes: type: array items: type: string nullable: true threshold: type: integer format: int32 name: type: string nullable: true firstName: type: string nullable: true middleName: type: string nullable: true lastName: type: string nullable: true dateOfBirth: type: string description: Can be in the format YYYY or YYYY-MM-DD format: date nullable: true gender: enum: - male - female type: string nullable: true pepTiers: type: array items: type: string enum: - pepTier1 - pepTier2 - pepTier3 nullable: true datasets: type: array items: type: string AddKeyPartySearchContract: type: object properties: type: type: string description: The entity type of the search. Available values are individual and business. name: type: string description: Required if FirstName and LastName are not provided nullable: true firstName: type: string description: If FirstName is provided then LastName must also be provided nullable: true middleName: type: string description: Middle name is optional, valid along with Firstname and LastName only nullable: true lastName: type: string description: If LastName is provided then FirstName must also be provided nullable: true dateOfBirth: type: string description: Date YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY format. Must be after 1900 and not in the future. format: date nullable: true gender: type: string description: Define the gender of the individual you are searching for. nullable: true pepTiers: type: array items: type: string description: When searching the PEP dataset, define what tiers of the PEP profiles should be included in the results. Where PEP Tier 1 indicates senior roles, PEP Tier 2 - middle-ranking, and PEP Tier 3 - junior officials. If the PEP Dataset is NOT included on the list of searched datasets, then this value is ignored. The PEP Tier filter does not apply to PEP-LINKED Profiles. nullable: true datasets: type: array items: type: string description: UPDATE THIS SO IT DETAILS BOT INDIVIDUALS AND BUSINESSES Specifies which datasets will be searched PEP - Politically Exposed Persons (All) PEP-CURRENT - Only current PEPs PEP-FORMER - Only former PEPs PEP-LINKED - Only linked PEPs (PEP by Association) SAN - Sanctioned (All) SAN-CURRENT - Only current Sanctions SAN-FORMER - Only former Sanctions INS - Insolvency AM - Averse Media POI - Profile of Interest ENF - Enforcement DD - Disqualified Director nullable: true countryCodes: type: array items: type: string nullable: true threshold: type: integer description: Must be one of 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, or 100 format: int32 keyPartyId: type: string format: uuid AddSearchContract: type: object properties: type: type: string description: The entity type of the search. Available values are individual and business. name: type: string description: Required if FirstName and LastName are not provided nullable: true firstName: type: string description: If FirstName is provided then LastName must also be provided nullable: true middleName: type: string description: Middle name is optional, valid along with Firstname and LastName only nullable: true lastName: type: string description: If LastName is provided then FirstName must also be provided nullable: true dateOfBirth: type: string description: Date YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY format. Must be after 1900 and not in the future. format: date nullable: true gender: type: string description: Define the gender of the individual you are searching for. nullable: true pepTiers: type: array items: type: string description: When searching the PEP dataset, define what tiers of the PEP profiles should be included in the results.

PEP Tier 1 indicates senior roles
PEP Tier 2 - middle-ranking
PEP Tier 3 - junior officials

If the PEP Dataset is NOT included on the list of searched datasets, then this value is ignored. The PEP Tier filter does not apply to PEP-LINKED Profiles. nullable: true datasets: type: array items: type: string description: Specifies which datasets will be searched

PEP - Politically Exposed Persons (All)
PEP-CURRENT - Only current PEPs
PEP-FORMER - Only former PEPs PEP-LINKED - Only linked PEPs (PEP by Association)
SAN - Sanctioned (All)
SAN-CURRENT - Only current Sanctions
SAN-FORMER - Only former Sanctions
INS - Insolvency
AM - Averse Media
POI - Profile of Interest
ENF - Enforcement
DD - Disqualified Director nullable: true countryCodes: type: array items: type: string nullable: true threshold: type: integer description: Must be one of 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, or 100 format: int32 GetKeyPartiesResponseByProfileId: properties: items: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GetKeyPartiesResponseByProfileIdItems' totalSize: type: integer format: int64 GetKeyPartiesResponseByProfileIdItems: type: object properties: id: type: string description: Id of the key party format: uuid name: type: string description: Name of the key party firstName: type: string description: First name of the key party middleName: type: string description: Middle name of the key party nullable: true lastName: type: string description: Last name of the key party entityType: type: string description: Entity type of the key party. Avaialable values are individual and business. keyPartyType: type: string description: Type of the key party. Available values are director, shareHolder and ubo. gender: type: string description: Gender of the key party. Available values are male and female. nullable: true dateOfBirth: type: string description: Date of birth of the key party format: date nullable: true organisationNumber: type: string description: Key party organization number nullable: true activityCode: type: string description: Activity code of the key party nullable: true percentageOfShares: type: number description: Share percentage of the key party format: double nullable: true role: type: string description: Role of the key party nullable: true countryCode: type: string description: Country code of the key party nullable: true address: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GetKeyPartiesResponseByProfileIdItemsAddressResponse' searchId: type: string description: Search Id of the key party format: uuid nullable: true createdAt: type: string description: Key party created time format: date-time createdById: type: integer description: Id of the user who created the key party format: int32 createdBy: type: string description: Name of the user who created the key party modifiedAt: type: string description: key party last updated time format: date-time nullable: true modifiedById: type: integer description: Id of the user who last modified the key party format: int32 nullable: true modifiedBy: type: string description: Name of the user who last modified the key party nullable: true GetKeyPartiesResponseByProfileIdItemsAddressResponse: type: object properties: id: type: string description: Id of the address format: uuid buildingDetails: type: string description: Building details of the address nullable: true street: type: string description: Street of the address nullable: true city: type: string description: City of the address nullable: true region: type: string description: Region of the address nullable: true postalCode: type: string description: Postalcode of the address nullable: true countryCode: type: string description: Two-letter country code ISO-3166-2 nullable: true type: type: string description: Type of the address. Available values are registered, trading and other. description: type: string description: Description of the address nullable: true createdAt: type: string description: Address created date time format: date-time createdById: type: integer description: Id of the user who created the Address format: int32 createdBy: type: string description: Name of the user who created the Address modifiedAt: type: string description: Address last updated date time format: date-time nullable: true modifiedById: type: integer description: Id of the user who last modified the Address format: int32 nullable: true modifiedBy: type: string description: Name of the user who last modified the Address nullable: true DeleteKeyPartiesResponseByProfileId: type: object properties: failed: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/DeleteKeyPartiesResponseByProfileIdFailedObjectResponse' successful: type: array items: type: string format: uuid DeleteKeyPartiesResponseByProfileIdFailedObjectResponse: type: object properties: failedItem: type: string format: uuid GetKeyPartySearchResponse: type: object properties: id: type: string description: Id of the search format: uuid name: type: string description: Name provided for the search. Length must not exceed 200 characters nullable: true countryCodes: type: array items: type: string description: Countries provided to the search nullable: true threshold: type: integer description: Hits with scores below this value will not be shown. format: int32 type: type: string description: Indicates whether search type is individual or business datasets: type: array items: type: string description: Provided datasets for the search status: type: string description: Status of the search, i.e. new, approved, declined, pending, cancelled, referred, closed riskRating: type: string description: Risk associated with the search, i.e. notApplicable, veryLow, low, medium, high, veryHigh assignedToUserId: type: integer description: Id of the user assigned to the search format: int32 nullable: true assignedUser: type: string description: Name of the user assigned to the search nullable: true createdById: type: integer description: Id of the user who created the search format: int32 createdBy: type: string description: Name of the user who created the search createdAt: type: string description: Search created date time format: date-time modifiedById: type: integer description: Id of the user who modified the search format: int32 modifiedBy: type: string description: Name of the user who modified the search modifiedAt: type: string description: Search modified date time format: date-time note: type: string description: Note associated with the search nullable: true scheduleId: type: string description: Schedule Id linked to the search format: uuid nullable: true totalHitCount: type: integer description: Total number of hits in the search format: int32 truePositiveHitsCount: type: integer description: The number of true-positive hits in the search format: int32 falsePositiveHitsCount: type: integer description: The number of false-positive hits in the search format: int32 undecidedHitsCount: type: integer description: The number of undecided hits in the search format: int32 firstName: type: string description: First name of individual provided in the search. The combination of first name, middle name, and last name must not exceed 200 characters nullable: true middleName: type: string description: Middle name of individual provided in the search. The combination of first name, middle name, and last name must not exceed 200 characters nullable: true lastName: type: string description: Last name of individual provided in the search. The combination of first name, middle name, and last name must not exceed 200 characters nullable: true gender: type: string description: Gender of individual provided in the search. i.e. male. female nullable: true dateOfBirth: type: string description: DOB of individual provided in the search format: date nullable: true pepTiers: type: array items: type: string description: Pep Tiers provided in the search of individual, i.e. pepTier1. pepTier2, pepTier3 nullable: true keyPartyId: type: string description: Id of the key party format: uuid keyPartyType: type: string description: Type of key party, i.e. director, shareHolder, ubo DeleteKeyPartySearchContractRequest: type: object properties: items: type: array description: Array of objects containing key party and search IDs. items: type: object properties: keyPartyId: type: string description: Key party Id of the linked search. format: uuid searchId: type: string description: Search Id of the linked key party. format: uuid DeleteKeyPartySearchContractResponse: type: object properties: failed: type: array items: type: object properties: failedItem: type: object properties: keyPartyId: type: string description: key party Id of the linked search format: uuid searchId: type: string description: search Id of the linked key party format: uuid error: type: object properties: type: type: string nullable: true title: type: string nullable: true status: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true detail: type: string nullable: true instance: type: string nullable: true nullable: true successful: type: array nullable: true items: type: object properties: keyPartyId: type: string description: key party Id of the linked search format: uuid searchId: type: string description: search Id of the linked key party format: uuid error: $ref: '#/components/schemas/DeleteKeyPartiesResponseByProfileIdFailedObjectResponseError' DeleteKeyPartiesResponseByProfileIdFailedObjectResponseError: type: object properties: type: type: string nullable: true title: type: string nullable: true status: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true detail: type: string nullable: true instance: type: string nullable: true UpdateKeyPartyById: type: object properties: name: type: string description: "Name of the key party\r\nMaximum length is 200 characters" nullable: true firstName: type: string description: "First name of the key party\r\n
Valid for only entity\ \ type Individual
Maximum length is 200 characters combining First\ \ name, Middle name and Last name" nullable: true middleName: type: string description: "Middle name of the key party\r\n
Valid for only entity\ \ type Individual
Maximum length is 200 characters combining First\ \ name, Middle name and Last name" nullable: true lastName: type: string description: "Last name of the key party\r\n
Valid for only entity type\ \ Individual
Maximum length is 200 characters combining First name,\ \ Middle name and Last name" nullable: true gender: type: string description: "Gender of the key party\r\nValid for entity type Individual\ \ (male, female)" nullable: true dateOfBirth: type: string description: "Date of birth of the key party\r\nDate YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY\ \ format. Must be after 1900 and not in the future\r\n
Valid for the\ \ entity type Individual " format: date nullable: true organisationNumber: type: string description: "
Key party organisation number \r\n
Valid for entity\ \ type Business " nullable: true activityCode: type: string description: "Activity code of the key party\r\n
Valid for entity type\ \ Business " nullable: true percentageOfShares: type: number description: "Share percentage of the key party\r\n
Valid for key party\ \ type ShareHolder " format: double nullable: true role: type: string description: "Role of the key party\r\n
Valid for key party type Director " nullable: true countryCode: type: string description: Country code of the key party nullable: true address: type: object properties: buildingDetails: type: string description: "The building details of the address being created.\r\n\ Must have a maximum length of 250 characters" nullable: true street: type: string description: "The street of the address being created.\r\nMust have\ \ a maximum length of 250 characters" nullable: true city: type: string description: "The city of the address being created.\r\nMust have a\ \ maximum length of 250 characters" nullable: true region: type: string description: "The region of the address being created.\r\nMust have\ \ a maximum length of 250 characters" nullable: true postalCode: type: string description: "The postal code of the address being created.\r\nMust\ \ have a maximum length of 50 characters" nullable: true countryCode: type: string description: The country code of the address being created. nullable: true type: type: string description: 'Allowed values: registered, trading, other' nullable: true description: type: string description: "The description of the address being created.\r\nMust\ \ have a maximum length of 250 characters" nullable: true KeyPartyByIdReturn: type: object properties: id: type: string description: Id of the key party format: uuid name: type: string description: Name of the key party firstName: type: string description: First name of the key party middleName: type: string description: Middle name of the key party nullable: true lastName: type: string description: Last name of the key party entityType: type: string description: Entity type of the key party, i.e. individual, business keyPartyType: type: string description: Type of the key party, i.e. director, shareHolder, ubo gender: type: string description: Gender of the key party, i.e. male, female nullable: true dateOfBirth: type: string description: Date of birth of the key party format: date nullable: true organisationNumber: type: string description: Key party organization number nullable: true activityCode: type: string description: Activity code of the key party nullable: true percentageOfShares: type: number description: Share percentage of the key party format: double nullable: true role: type: string description: Role of the key party nullable: true countryCode: type: string description: Country code of the key party nullable: true address: properties: id: type: string description: Id of the address format: uuid buildingDetails: type: string description: Building details of the address nullable: true street: type: string description: Street of the address nullable: true city: type: string description: City of the address nullable: true region: type: string description: Region of the address nullable: true postalCode: type: string description: Postalcode of the address nullable: true countryCode: type: string description: Two-letter country code ISO-3166-2 nullable: true type: type: string description: Type of the address, i.e. registered, trading, other description: type: string description: Description of the address nullable: true createdAt: type: string description: Address created date time format: date-time createdById: type: integer description: Id of the user who created the Address format: int32 createdBy: type: string description: Name of the user who created the Address modifiedAt: type: string description: Address last updated date time format: date-time nullable: true modifiedById: type: integer description: Id of the user who last modified the Address format: int32 nullable: true modifiedBy: type: string description: Name of the user who last modified the Address nullable: true searchId: type: string description: Search Id of the key party format: uuid nullable: true createdAt: type: string description: Key party created time format: date-time createdById: type: integer description: Id of the user who created the key party format: int32 createdBy: type: string description: Name of the user who created the key party modifiedAt: type: string description: key party last updated time format: date-time nullable: true modifiedById: type: integer description: Id of the user who last modified the key party format: int32 nullable: true modifiedBy: type: string description: Name of the user who last modified the key party nullable: true DeleteKeyPartyByIdNoContent: type: object properties: statusCode: type: integer format: int32 example: 0 GBLocalSolutionBankVerificationSearchResponse: type: object properties: supplierRequestData: type: object properties: customerName: type: string description: Name of the customer queried with the the supplier bankAccount: type: string description: Bank account number queried with the the supplier sortCode: type: string description: Sort code queried with the the supplier accountType: type: string description: Type of account - Business or Personal secondaryReference: type: string description: Secondary reference queried with the the supplier customerReference: type: string description: Your Customer reference as described in the requestBody supplierResponse: type: object properties: customerName: type: string description: Name of the customer returned by the supplier bankAccount: type: string description: The bank account number returned by the supplier sortCode: type: string description: The sort code returned by the supplier returnedCustomerName: type: string description: A potential name of the customer returned by the supplier when the result is a close match returned by the supplier result: type: boolean description: Whether the result is a match or not a match returned by the supplier resultText: type: string description: A detailed result returned by the supplier, this includes details of a close match nameMatchResult: type: string description: The name match result returned by the supplier. Values are "No Match", "Full" or "Close" accountTypeResult: type: boolean description: The account type match returned by the supplier. When 'nameMatchResult' is "Full" or "Close" and this is false then this indicates that the "accountType" provided does not match reasonCode: type: string description: A reason code returned by the supplier requestDatetime: type: string description: The date time this request was returned requestId: type: string description: A unique reference to your request used for querying the below endpoints where is required GBLocalSolutionBankVerificationSearchRequest: type: object required: - customerName - bankAccount - sortCode - accountType properties: customerName: type: string description: This field is for the name on the account you are matching against with the bankAccount, sortCode and secondaryReference fields bankAccount: type: string description: Must be numeric and a length of 8 characters sortCode: type: string description: Must be numeric and a length of 6 characters accountType: type: string description: field must be either Business or Personal, it can not be blank or any other value secondaryReference: type: string description: Should not be used unless you have been advised to use this by a bank or building society
This field will affect the results data customerReference: type: string description: Field is for text input and does not affect the search result
This field can be used for filtering your past results at a later date GBLocalSolutionGetHistoryListResponse: type: object properties: requestId: type: string format: date-time description: A unique reference to your request used for querying the endpoints where {id} is required customerName: type: string description: Name of the customer returned by the supplier accountType: type: string description: Type of account queried with the the supplier. Possible values are Business or Personal customerReference: type: string description: Your Customer reference matchResult: type: string description: Whether a match or not a match returned by the supplier. Possible values are Full, Close, No Match requestDatetime: type: string format: date-time description: The date time this request was first returned GBLocalSolutionGetHistoryRequestResponse: type: object properties: supplierRequestData: type: object properties: customerName: type: string description: Name of the customer queried with the the supplier accountType: type: string description: Type of account queried with the the supplier secondaryReference: type: string description: Secondary reference queried with the the supplier customerReference: type: string description: Your Customer reference supplierResponse: type: object properties: customerName: type: string description: Name of the customer returned by the supplier returnedCustomerName: type: string description: A potential name of the customer returned by the supplier when the result is a close match returned by the supplier result: type: boolean description: Whether the result is a match or not a match returned by the supplier resultText: type: string description: A detailed result returned by the supplier, this includes details of a close match nameMatchResult: type: string description: The name match result returned by the supplier. Values are "No Match", "Full" or "Close" accountTypeResult: type: boolean description: The account type match returned by the supplier. When 'nameMatchResult' is "Full" or "Close" and this is false then this indicates that the "accountType" provided does not match reasonCode: type: string description: A reason code returned by the supplier requestDatetime: type: string description: The date time this request was returned requestId: type: string description: A unique reference to your request used for querying the endpoints where {id} is required GBLocalSolutionCPHistoryRequestByIdRequest: type: object required: - customerReference properties: customerReference: type: string description: The replacement text to overwrite the previous customerReference in the selected history Id. consumerCommonName: type: object properties: title: type: string example: Miss forename: type: string example: Anne otherNames: type: string example: "" surname: type: string example: Delta suffix: type: string example: "" consumerCommonCurrentAddress: type: object properties: buildingNo: type: string example: "7" buildingName: type: string example: "" street: type: string example: Twelve Acre Crescent city: type: string example: Barton-Le-Willows postCode: type: string example: X9 8JD startDate: type: string format: date-time example: 2010-05-13T00:00:00 consumerCommonAddress: type: object properties: buildingNo: type: string example: "7" buildingName: type: string example: "" street: type: string example: Twelve Acre Crescent city: type: string example: Barton-Le-Willows postCode: type: string example: X9 8JD startDate: type: string format: date-time example: 2010-05-13T00:00:00 endDate: type: string format: date-time example: 2010-05-13T00:00:00 consumerResultElectoralRollHistory: type: object properties: startDate: type: string format: date-time example: 016-09-01T00:00:00 endDate: type: string format: date-time example: 2020-09-01T00:00:00 optOut: type: boolean example: false rollingRoll: type: boolean example: false consumerResultLinksUndeclaredAddresses: type: object properties: undeclaredAddress: type: string example: 21 JAMES COURT, BATH, BA99 3UP undeclaredAddressTo: type: string example: 6 HAZELTREE COURT, TROWBRIDGE, BA99 7SZ lastConfirmation: type: string format: date-time example: 2004-01-01T00:00:00 earliestConfirmation: type: string format: date-time example: 2004-01-01T00:00:00 supplierDetails: type: object properties: supplierName: type: string example: Building Society Name supplierType: type: string example: Building Society consumerResultLinkAliases: type: object properties: declared: type: boolean example: false name: type: string example: MS SARAH HAWKINS alias: type: string example: MS SARAH WATTS creationDate: type: string format: date-time example: 2021-01-01T00:00:00 lastConfirmation: type: string format: date-time example: 2021-01-01T00:00:00 supplierDetails: type: object properties: supplierName: type: string example: Building Society Name supplierType: type: string example: Building Society consumerResultLinkAssociates: type: object properties: navigationLinkId: type: string example: testid name: type: string example: MR MICHAEL WATTS creationDate: type: string format: date-time example: 2021-01-01T00:00:00 lastConfirmation: type: string format: date-time example: 2021-01-01T00:00:00 supplierDetails: type: object properties: supplierName: type: string example: Building Society Name supplierType: type: string example: Building Society declared: type: boolean example: false consumerResultInsolvencies: type: object properties: address: type: object properties: address: type: string example: 6 HAZELTREE COURT, TROWBRIDGE, BA99 7SZ isCurrent: type: boolean example: true undeclaredAddressType: type: string example: "" court: type: string example: "Bath County Court" name: type: string example: "MS SARAH HAWKINS" orderDate: type: string format: date-time example: "2016-06-17T00:00:00" orderTypeCode: type: string example: "BO" orderType: type: string example: "Bankruptcy Order" status: type: string example: "Active" statusCode: type: string example: "A" tradingName: type: string example: "" lineOfBusiness: type: string example: "Unknown" amount: type: integer example: 10000 caseYear: type: integer example: 2016 caseRef: type: string example: "TEST2" dateOfBirth: type: string format: date-time example: "1974-07-07T00:00:00" restriction: type: object properties: type: type: string example: "Bankruptcy Restriction Order" startDate: type: string format: date-time example: "2016-06-17T00:00:00" endDate: type: string format: date-time example: "2025-08-15T00:00:00" consumerResultJudgements: type: object properties: name: type: string example: "MS SARAH HAWKINS" address: type: object properties: address: type: string example: "6 HAZELTREE COURT, TROWBRIDGE, BA99 7SZ" isCurrent: type: boolean example: true addressCurrent: type: boolean example: false dateOfBirth: type: string format: date-time example: "1974-07-07T00:00:00" judgementDate: type: string format: date-time example: "2019-03-05T00:00:00" amount: type: integer example: 21196 status: type: string example: "Active" court: type: string example: "Bath County Court" courtType: type: string example: "County Court Judgment" caseNumber: type: string example: "BCT11081" satisfiedDate: type: string format: date-time nullable: true example: "2016-11-29T00:00:00" consumerResultHistory: type: object properties: address: type: object properties: address: type: string example: "6 HAZELTREE COURT, TROWBRIDGE, BA99 7SZ" isCurrent: type: boolean example: false balance: type: integer example: 10000 dateOfBirth: type: string format: date-time example: "1974-07-07T00:00:00" startDate: type: string format: date-time example: "2020-01-01T00:00:00" endDate: type: string format: date-time example: "2021-01-01T00:00:00" jointApplication: type: boolean example: true name: type: string example: "MS SARAH HAWKINS" tpOptIn: type: boolean example: true ownSearch: type: boolean example: false reason: type: string example: "Address Verification" reference: type: string example: "Some reference" supplierReference: type: string example: "{XXXX-XXXX-XXX}" subsequentEnquiry: type: boolean example: false term: type: integer example: 12 transient: type: boolean example: true creditType: type: string example: "Hire Purchase" userName: type: string example: "placeholder" searchDate: type: string format: date-time example: "2021-01-05T00:00:00" searchUnitName: type: string example: "Creditsafe Business Solutions" searchOrganisationName: type: string example: "Creditsafe Business Solutions" searchOrganisationType: type: string example: "Finance House" consumerResultNotices: type: object properties: name: type: string example: "MS SARAH HAWKINS" address: type: object properties: address: type: string example: "6 HAZELTREE COURT, TROWBRIDGE, BA99 7SZ" isCurrent: type: boolean example: true reference: type: string example: "12356" comment: type: string example: "I, Sarah Hawkins, am a test record and have no identity. Please do not lend me money as I do not exist." dateRaised: type: string format: date-time example: "2019-12-14T00:00:00" consumerResultReportSummary: type: object properties: matchedData: type: array items: type: object properties: dateOfBirth: type: string format: date-time example: 1974-07-07T00:00:00 name: type: string example: MS SARAH HAWKINS addressLine1: type: string example: 6 HAZELTREE COURT addressLine2: type: string example: "" addressLine3: type: string example: TROWBRIDGE addressLine4: type: string example: BA99 7SZ isSelected: type: boolean example: true matchLevel: type: string example: Individual report noticesOfCorrections: type: boolean example: true totalDisputes: type: integer example: 0 confirmedAddress: type: string example: 6 HAZELTREE COURT, TROWBRIDGE, BA99 7SZ residency: type: array items: type: object properties: address: type: string currentAddress: type: boolean id: type: integer message: type: string undeclaredAddressType: type: integer example: - address: 6 HAZELTREE COURT, TROWBRIDGE, BA99 7SZ currentAddress: true id: 1 message: Individual confirmed using the Electoral Roll. - address: 28 SUGAR TERRACE, BRIGHTON, BN99 2TR currentAddress: false id: 2 message: Individual confirmed using a previous Electoral Roll. - address: 13 FISKERTON LANE, BRIGHTON, BN99 5BX currentAddress: false id: 2 message: Individual confirmed using credit data. undeclaredAddressType: 3 creditSearchesAtCurrentAddress: type: object properties: numberInLast3Months: type: integer example: 3 numberInLast12Months: type: integer example: 12 totalinLast3Months: type: integer example: 3000 insolvencyAtAddress: type: object properties: restricted: type: boolean example: false currentlyInsolvent: type: boolean example: true totalDischarged: type: integer example: 4 links: type: object properties: undeclaredAddressCount: type: integer example: 1 undeclaredAliasCount: type: integer example: 1 undeclaredAssociatesCount: type: integer example: 1 undeclaredAddressSearchedCount: type: integer example: 1 undeclaredAddressUnsearchedCount: type: integer example: 0 judgements: type: object properties: totalActive: type: integer example: 2 totalSatisfied: type: integer example: 10 totalActiveAmount: type: integer example: 28675 totalCifas: type: integer example: 0 rtr: type: boolean example: true impairedCreditHistory: type: object properties: impairedCredit: type: boolean example: true secured: type: boolean example: false unsecured: type: boolean example: false judgement: type: boolean example: true individualVoluntaryAgreement: type: boolean example: true bankruptcy: type: boolean example: true thirdParty: type: object properties: alertDecision: type: integer example: 3 alertReview: type: integer example: 2 householdOverride: type: integer example: 1 address: type: object properties: paf: type: boolean example: true rollingRoll: type: boolean example: true message: type: string example: "11" cardData: type: object properties: totalMinPayments12Months: type: integer example: 2 totalMinPayments36Months: type: integer example: 2 totalCashAdvance12Months: type: integer example: 400 totalCashAdvance36Months: type: integer example: 1200 GetAuditsResponse: type: object properties: items: type: array items: type: object properties: id: type: string description: Id of the Audit format: uuid description: type: string description: Description of the Audit category: enum: - profile - amlSearch type: string description: Category of the audit subcategory: enum: - profileDetails - keyParty - amlMonitoring type: string description: Subcategory of the audit nullable: true action: enum: - created - updated - deleted - searchRemoved - searchLinked - attachmentCreated - attachmentUpdated - attachmentDeleted - noteCreated - noteUpdated - noteDeleted - noteArchived - noteUnarchived - addressCreated - addressUpdated - addressDeleted - kycStatusUpdated - addedToAmlMonitoring - updatedInAmlMonitoring - removedFromAmlMonitoring type: string description: Action of the audit createdAt: type: string description: Audit created date and time format: date-time createdById: type: integer description: Id of the user who created the audit format: int32 createdBy: type: string description: Name of the user who created the audit payload: type: object description: The `payload` property represents the state of involved entities at the time of action taking place.

This property contains dynamic data that varies depending on the request parameters and the context of the request. The response and can differ even with the same parameters under different conditions or contexts.

This means the content of this property is not fixed and can include various data types such as GUIDs, strings, integers, and complex objects.

Due to its dynamic nature, the `payload` can include any of the following potential structures, but is not limited to these examples
  • A single key-value pair where the value is a string or number.
  • A nested object containing detailed data structures.
  • An array of objects each with different attributes.

    Consumers of this API should handle the `payload` dynamically and be prepared to encounter different data types and structures.
    Detailed processing logic based on the specific application needs and context checks is recommended when utilising this field. additionalProperties: true # This allows the object to include any properties example: companyId: GB-0-0123456789 profileId: 12345f68-1234-1234-1a2b-1a12bb4c578 safeNumber: UK0122345678 profileName: Example Profile additionalProperties: false description: Represents a response object for audits. totalSize: type: integer correlationId: type: string GetBatchUploadsTemplateResponse: type: object properties: downloadUrl: type: string description: Url of the file to download fileName: type: string description: Name of the file expiresAt: type: string description: Date and time when the url will expire format: date-time correlationId: type: string description: Unique GUID for the specific request GetBatchUploadsDownloadErrorsByUploadIdResponse: type: object properties: downloadUrl: type: string description: Url of the file to download fileName: type: string description: Name of the file expiresAt: type: string description: Date and time when the url will expire format: date-time PutBatchUploadsRetryByIdResponse: type: object properties: id: type: string description: Batch upload request Id format: uuid filename: type: string description: User given file name status: type: string description: Batch upload status (submitted, validating, rejected, validated, insufficientCredits, queued, inProgress, processed, completed, partiallyCompleted, failed) rowCount: type: integer description: Batch upload file record count format: int32 successCount: type: integer description: Successful record count in batch upload file format: int32 uploadedAt: type: string description: Batch upload requested timestamp format: date-time uploadedById: type: integer description: Batch upload requested by user id format: int32 uploadedBy: type: string description: Batch file uploaded by user completedAt: type: string nullable: true description: Batch upload completed timestamp format: date-time GetKycProtectBatchUploadsByUploadsResponse: type: object properties: items: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GetKycProtectBatchUploadsByUploadIdItemResponse' totalSize: type: integer GetKycProtectBatchUploadsByUploadIdItemResponse: description: Model for batch upload response type: object additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string description: Batch upload request Id format: uuid filename: type: string description: User given file name status: enum: - submitted - validating - rejected - validated - insufficientCredits - queued - inProgress - processed - completed - partiallyCompleted - failed type: string description: Batch upload status rowCount: type: integer description: Batch upload file record count format: int32 successCount: type: integer description: Successful record count in batch upload file format: int32 uploadedAt: type: string description: Batch upload requested timestamp format: date-time uploadedById: type: integer description: Batch upload requested by user id format: int32 uploadedBy: type: string description: Batch file uploaded by user completedAt: type: string description: Batch upload completed timestamp format: date-time nullable: true PostKycProtectBatchUploadsRequest: type: object required: - File properties: File: type: string description: The batch file to be processed. Size Limited to 10MB format: binary PostKycProtectBatchUploadsResponse: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GetKycProtectBatchUploadsByUploadIdItemResponse' PostKYCMonitoringProfilesBulkResquest: type: object properties: items: type: array items: type: string format: uuid description: Provide the list of profile Id's in the array. nullable: true PostKYCMonitoringProfilesBulkResponse: type: object properties: failed: type: array items: type: object properties: failedItem: type: string format: uuid description: Provides a list of failed profiles error: type: object description: Expanded detail about the error on the listed profile properties: type: type: string nullable: true title: type: string nullable: true status: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true detail: type: string nullable: true instance: type: string nullable: true nullable: true successful: type: array items: type: string format: uuid description: Provides a list of the profiles that have successfully been uploaded nullable: true DeleteKYCMonitoringProfilesResquest: type: object properties: items: type: array items: type: string format: uuid description: The Request Items collection nullable: true DeleteKYCMonitoringProfilesResponse: type: object properties: failed: type: array items: type: object properties: failedItem: type: string format: uuid error: type: object properties: type: type: string nullable: true title: type: string nullable: true status: type: integer format: int32 nullable: true detail: type: string nullable: true instance: type: string nullable: true nullable: true successful: type: array items: type: string format: uuid nullable: true ConnectResourceNotFoundErrorResponse: type: object description: '' properties: correlationId: description: The unique identifier. (A UUID specified by RFC4122). type: string format: uuid message: type: string details: type: string description: Provides further information on why the request was rejected KycMonitoringKycAlertResponse: type: object properties: id: type: string description: Id of the kyc alert format: uuid profileId: type: string description: Id of the profile format: uuid safeNumber: description: Safe number of the profile type: string nullable: true companyId: type: string description: Company id of the profile nullable: true previousValue: type: string description: Previous value from the kyc alert nullable: true newValue: type: string description: New value from the kyc alert nullable: true ruleName: type: string description: Rule name from the kyc alert nullable: true eventAt: type: string description: Date of the kyc alert when it got created format: date-time status: type: string description: Status of kyc alert, open, closedProcessed, closedUnprocessed note: type: string description: Note of kyc alert createdAt: type: string description: Kyc alert created time format: date-time createdById: type: integer description: Id of the user who created the kyc alert format: int32 createdBy: type: string description: Name of the user who created the kyc alert modifiedAt: type: string description: kyc alert last updated time format: date-time nullable: true modifiedById: description: Id of the user who last modified the kyc alert format: int32 type: integer nullable: true modifiedBy: type: string description: Name of the user who last modified the kyc alert nullable: true UpdateKycAlertContract: type: object properties: note: type: string description: Note of kyc alert nullable: true status: type: string description: Status of kyc alert. Allowed values are open, closedProcessed, closedUnprocessed nullable: true ConnectUSLocalSolutionsFreshInvCreateInvestigationFormData: type: object description: Represents the data form used to submit a new investigation request within the US local solutions context. This form includes comprehensive details about the customer initiating the request as well as the target of the investigation. additionalProperties: false properties: attachment: type: string description: Base64 encoded string of any relevant document or file that supports the investigation request. fiBody: type: object description: Contains all necessary details about the investigation, focusing on both the customer submitting the request and the target subject. additionalProperties: false properties: companyId: type: string description: Unique identifier for the company on behalf of which the investigation is being conducted. comments: type: string description: Additional comments or instructions provided by the customer to guide the investigation process. companyName: type: string description: The name of the company initiating the investigation. consent: type: string description: Explicit consent provided by the customer for conducting the investigation, usually required for legal compliance. customerEmail: type: string description: Email address of the customer initiating the investigation. customerId: type: string description: Unique identifier of the customer requesting the investigation. customerName: type: string description: Full name of the customer who is initiating the investigation. customerPhoneNo: type: string description: Phone number of the customer, used for contact purposes related to the investigation. customerUserId: type: string description: Unique user identifier for the customer within the system. executiveName: type: string description: Name of the executive or representative of the company who is directly handling the investigation. ipAddress: type: string description: IP address from which the investigation request was submitted, used for logging or security purposes. targetBuildingNumber: type: string description: The building number of the address associated with the target of the investigation. targetCity: type: string description: The city where the target of the investigation is located. targetCompanyName: type: string description: The legal name of the company being investigated. targetContact: type: string description: Contact information for the target of the investigation, such as a direct phone number or email. targetPhoneNo: type: string description: Phone number associated with the target of the investigation. targetSosNumber: type: string description: Secretary of State file number or other governmental identifier for the target entity. targetState: type: string description: State in which the target of the investigation is located. targetStreet: type: string description: Street address of the target entity. targetTaxId: type: string description: Tax identification number of the target company, used for verifying its business identity. targetTradeName: type: string description: Trade name or DBA (Doing Business As) under which the target company operates, if different from the legal name. targetWebsiteUrl: type: string description: URL of the target company's website, providing a direct link to their online presence. targetZip: type: string description: Postal code for the target company's location, used for further location-specific investigations. ConnectUSLocalSolutionsFreshInvCreateInvestigation: type: object additionalProperties: false properties: companyId: type: string description: Unique identifier for the company on behalf of which the investigation is being conducted. comments: type: string description: Additional comments or instructions provided by the customer to guide the investigation process. companyName: type: string description: The name of the company initiating the investigation. consent: type: string description: Explicit consent provided by the customer for conducting the investigation, usually required for legal compliance. customerEmail: type: string description: Email address of the customer initiating the investigation. customerId: type: string description: Unique identifier of the customer requesting the investigation. customerName: type: string description: Full name of the customer who is initiating the investigation. customerPhoneNo: type: string description: Phone number of the customer, used for contact purposes related to the investigation. customerUserId: type: string description: Unique user identifier for the customer within the system. executiveName: type: string description: Name of the executive or representative of the company who is directly handling the investigation. ipAddress: type: string description: IP address from which the investigation request was submitted, used for logging or security purposes. targetBuildingNumber: type: string description: The building number of the address associated with the target of the investigation. targetCity: type: string description: The city where the target of the investigation is located. targetCompanyName: type: string description: The legal name of the company being investigated. targetContact: type: string description: Contact information for the target of the investigation, such as a direct phone number or email. targetPhoneNo: type: string description: Phone number associated with the target of the investigation. targetSosNumber: type: string description: Secretary of State file number or other governmental identifier for the target entity. targetState: type: string description: State in which the target of the investigation is located. targetStreet: type: string description: Street address of the target entity. targetTaxId: type: string description: Tax identification number of the target company, used for verifying its business identity. targetTradeName: type: string description: Trade name or DBA (Doing Business As) under which the target company operates, if different from the legal name. targetWebsiteUrl: type: string description: URL of the target company's website, providing a direct link to their online presence. targetZip: type: string description: Postal code for the target company's location, used for further location-specific investigations. CreditsafeUSLocalFIResponse: type: object properties: freshInvestigationRequestResult: type: object properties: Message: type: string example: "" Status: type: string example: "Success" TransId: type: string example: "27079" examples: UpdateDecisionEngineInstanceRequestBodyExample: value: templateId: 72a7e73e799a4c3ea2a8b89bd2002829 guid: 232101f5cfbf11edb2a53f274007bfbe decisionTreeName: Default US-Test Tree publilshed: true customerId: 103361848 inputParams: creditAmount: labelName: Sales Amount failedStatus: 3 unavailableStatus: 2 isMandatory: true orderInde: 100 fieldType: Integer configurationVariables: companyStatus: isRequired: true failedStatus: 2 unavailableStatus: 2 internationalScore: isRequired: true failedStatus: 2 unavailableStatus: 2 value: B riskScore: isRequired: true failedStatus: 2 unavailableStatus: 2 value: 50 dbt: isRequired: true failedStatus: 2 unavailableStatus: 2 value: 1 possibleOFAC: isRequired: true failedStatus: 2 unavailableStatus: 2 estimatedAnnualRevenue: isRequired: true failedStatus: 2 unavailableStatus: 2 value: 1000 yearsInBusiness: isRequired: true failedStatus: 2 unavailableStatus: 2 value: 5 derogatoryLegalFilingsCount: isRequired: true failedStatus: 2 unavailableStatus: 2 value: 3 derogatoryLegalFilingsValue: isRequired: true failedStatus: 2 unavailableStatus: 2 value: 1000 numberOfEmployees: isRequired: true failedStatus: 2 unavailableStatus: 2 value: 1000 bankruptcy: isRequired: true failedStatus: 2 unavailableStatus: 2 totalNumberOfTradeLines: isRequired: true failedStatus: 2 unavailableStatus: 2 value: 25 percentageOfTotalPastDue: isRequired: true failedStatus: 2 unavailableStatus: 2 value: 15 percentageSeverelyPastDue: isRequired: true failedStatus: 2 unavailableStatus: 2 value: 10 businessCompliance: isRequired: false failedStatus: null unavailableStatus: 2 value: null directorCompliance: isRequired: true failedStatus: null unavailableStatus: null value: null scalarVariables: creditLimitAdjustmentModifier: isRequired: false value: 1 securitySchemes: bearerToken: type: http scheme: bearer bearerFormat: JWT description: This API requires authentication for access to protected endpoints. Authentication is performed by providing a valid JWT token in the `Authorization` header of each request. security: - bearerToken: []