package kastree.ast.psi import kastree.ast.ExtrasMap import kastree.ast.Node import org.jetbrains.kotlin.KtNodeTypes import import import import import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.annotations.AnnotationUseSiteTarget import org.jetbrains.kotlin.lexer.KtTokens import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.* import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.psiUtil.* import java.util.* open class Converter { protected open fun onNode(node: Node, elem: PsiElement) { } open fun convertAnnotated(v: KtAnnotatedExpression) = Node.Expr.Annotated( anns = convertAnnotationSets(v), expr = convertExpr(v.baseExpression ?: error("No annotated expr for $v")) ).map(v).let { // As a special case, instead of annotating a type/binary op, we mean to just annotate its lhs val expr = it.expr when (expr) { is Node.Expr.BinaryOp -> expr.copy( lhs = it.copy(expr = expr.lhs) ) is Node.Expr.TypeOp -> expr.copy( lhs = it.copy(expr = expr.lhs) ) else -> it } } open fun convertAnnotation(v: KtAnnotationEntry) = Node.Modifier.AnnotationSet.Annotation( names = v.typeReference?.names ?: error("Missing annotation name"), typeArgs = { convertType(it) ?: error("No ann typ arg for $v") }, args = convertValueArgs(v.valueArgumentList) ).map(v) open fun convertAnnotationSet(v: KtAnnotation) = Node.Modifier.AnnotationSet( target = v.useSiteTarget?.let(::convertAnnotationSetTarget), anns = ).map(v) open fun convertAnnotationSets(v: KtElement): List = v.children.flatMap { elem -> // We go over the node children because we want to preserve order when (elem) { is KtAnnotationEntry -> listOf(Node.Modifier.AnnotationSet( target = elem.useSiteTarget?.let(::convertAnnotationSetTarget), anns = listOf(convertAnnotation(elem)) ).map(elem)) is KtAnnotation -> listOf(convertAnnotationSet(elem)) is KtFileAnnotationList -> convertAnnotationSets(elem) else -> emptyList() } } open fun convertAnnotationSetTarget(v: KtAnnotationUseSiteTarget) = when (v.getAnnotationUseSiteTarget()) { AnnotationUseSiteTarget.FIELD -> Node.Modifier.AnnotationSet.Target.FIELD AnnotationUseSiteTarget.FILE -> Node.Modifier.AnnotationSet.Target.FILE AnnotationUseSiteTarget.PROPERTY -> Node.Modifier.AnnotationSet.Target.PROPERTY AnnotationUseSiteTarget.PROPERTY_GETTER -> Node.Modifier.AnnotationSet.Target.GET AnnotationUseSiteTarget.PROPERTY_SETTER -> Node.Modifier.AnnotationSet.Target.SET AnnotationUseSiteTarget.RECEIVER -> Node.Modifier.AnnotationSet.Target.RECEIVER AnnotationUseSiteTarget.CONSTRUCTOR_PARAMETER -> Node.Modifier.AnnotationSet.Target.PARAM AnnotationUseSiteTarget.SETTER_PARAMETER -> Node.Modifier.AnnotationSet.Target.SETPARAM AnnotationUseSiteTarget.PROPERTY_DELEGATE_FIELD -> Node.Modifier.AnnotationSet.Target.DELEGATE } open fun convertAnonFunc(v: KtNamedFunction) = Node.Expr.AnonFunc(convertFunc(v)) open fun convertArrayAccess(v: KtArrayAccessExpression) = Node.Expr.ArrayAccess( expr = convertExpr(v.arrayExpression ?: error("No array expr for $v")), indices = ).map(v) open fun convertBinaryOp(v: KtBinaryExpression) = Node.Expr.BinaryOp( lhs = convertExpr(v.left ?: error("No binary lhs for $v")), oper = binaryTokensByText[v.operationReference.text].let { if (it != null) Node.Expr.BinaryOp.Oper.Token(it).map(v.operationReference) else Node.Expr.BinaryOp.Oper.Infix(v.operationReference.text).map(v.operationReference) }, rhs = convertExpr(v.right ?: error("No binary rhs for $v")) ).map(v) open fun convertBinaryOp(v: KtQualifiedExpression) = Node.Expr.BinaryOp( lhs = convertExpr(v.receiverExpression), oper = Node.Expr.BinaryOp.Oper.Token( if (v is KtDotQualifiedExpression) Node.Expr.BinaryOp.Token.DOT else Node.Expr.BinaryOp.Token.DOT_SAFE ), rhs = convertExpr(v.selectorExpression ?: error("No qualified rhs for $v")) ).map(v) open fun convertBlock(v: KtBlockExpression) = Node.Block( stmts = ).map(v) open fun convertBrace(v: KtBlockExpression) = Node.Expr.Brace( params = emptyList(), block = convertBlock(v) ).map(v) open fun convertBrace(v: KtFunctionLiteral) = Node.Expr.Brace( params =, block = v.bodyExpression?.let(::convertBlock) ).map(v) open fun convertBrace(v: KtLambdaExpression) = Node.Expr.Brace( params =, block = v.bodyExpression?.let(::convertBlock) ).map(v) open fun convertBraceParam(v: KtParameter) = Node.Expr.Brace.Param( vars = convertPropertyVars(v), destructType = if (v.destructuringDeclaration != null) v.typeReference?.let(::convertType) else null ).map(v) open fun convertBreak(v: KtBreakExpression) = Node.Expr.Break( label = v.getLabelName() ).map(v) open fun convertCall(v: KtCallExpression) = Node.Expr.Call( expr = convertExpr(v.calleeExpression ?: error("No call expr for $v")), typeArgs =, args = convertValueArgs(v.valueArgumentList), lambda = v.lambdaArguments.singleOrNull()?.let(::convertCallTrailLambda) ).map(v) open fun convertCallTrailLambda(v: KtLambdaArgument): Node.Expr.Call.TrailLambda { var label: String? = null var anns: List = emptyList() fun KtExpression.extractLambda(allowParens: Boolean = false): KtLambdaExpression? = when (this) { is KtLambdaExpression -> this is KtLabeledExpression -> baseExpression?.extractLambda(allowParens).also { label = getLabelName() } is KtAnnotatedExpression -> baseExpression?.extractLambda(allowParens).also { anns = convertAnnotationSets(this) } is KtParenthesizedExpression -> if (allowParens) expression?.extractLambda(allowParens) else null else -> null } val expr = v.getArgumentExpression()?.extractLambda() ?: error("No lambda for $v") return Node.Expr.Call.TrailLambda( anns = anns, label = label, func = convertBrace(expr) ).map(v) } open fun convertCollLit(v: KtCollectionLiteralExpression) = Node.Expr.CollLit( exprs = v.getInnerExpressions().map(::convertExpr) ).map(v) open fun convertConst(v: KtConstantExpression) = Node.Expr.Const( value = v.text, form = when (v.node.elementType) { KtNodeTypes.BOOLEAN_CONSTANT -> Node.Expr.Const.Form.BOOLEAN KtNodeTypes.CHARACTER_CONSTANT -> Node.Expr.Const.Form.CHAR KtNodeTypes.INTEGER_CONSTANT -> Node.Expr.Const.Form.INT KtNodeTypes.FLOAT_CONSTANT -> Node.Expr.Const.Form.FLOAT KtNodeTypes.NULL -> Node.Expr.Const.Form.NULL else -> error("Unrecognized const type for $v") } ) open fun convertConstructor(v: KtSecondaryConstructor) = Node.Decl.Constructor( mods = convertModifiers(v), params =, delegationCall = if (v.hasImplicitDelegationCall()) null else v.getDelegationCall().let { Node.Decl.Constructor.DelegationCall( target = if (it.isCallToThis) Node.Decl.Constructor.DelegationTarget.THIS else Node.Decl.Constructor.DelegationTarget.SUPER, args = convertValueArgs(it.valueArgumentList) ).map(it) }, block = v.bodyExpression?.let(::convertBlock) ).map(v) open fun convertContinue(v: KtContinueExpression) = Node.Expr.Continue( label = v.getLabelName() ).map(v) open fun convertDecl(v: KtDeclaration): Node.Decl = when (v) { is KtEnumEntry -> convertEnumEntry(v) is KtClassOrObject -> convertStructured(v) is KtAnonymousInitializer -> convertInit(v) is KtNamedFunction -> convertFunc(v) is KtDestructuringDeclaration -> convertProperty(v) is KtProperty -> convertProperty(v) is KtTypeAlias -> convertTypeAlias(v) is KtSecondaryConstructor -> convertConstructor(v) else -> error("Unrecognized declaration type for $v") } open fun convertDoubleColonRefCallable(v: KtCallableReferenceExpression) = Node.Expr.DoubleColonRef.Callable( recv = v.receiverExpression?.let { convertDoubleColonRefRecv(it, v.questionMarks) }, name = v.callableReference.getReferencedName() ).map(v) open fun convertDoubleColonRefClass(v: KtClassLiteralExpression) = Node.Expr.DoubleColonRef.Class( recv = v.receiverExpression?.let { convertDoubleColonRefRecv(it, v.questionMarks) } ).map(v) open fun convertDoubleColonRefRecv(v: KtExpression, questionMarks: Int): Node.Expr.DoubleColonRef.Recv = when(v) { is KtSimpleNameExpression -> Node.Expr.DoubleColonRef.Recv.Type( type = Node.TypeRef.Simple( listOf(Node.TypeRef.Simple.Piece(v.getReferencedName(), emptyList()).map(v)) ).map(v), questionMarks = questionMarks ).map(v) is KtCallExpression -> if (v.valueArgumentList == null && v.lambdaArguments.isEmpty()) Node.Expr.DoubleColonRef.Recv.Type( type = Node.TypeRef.Simple(listOf(Node.TypeRef.Simple.Piece( name = v.calleeExpression?.text ?: error("Missing text for call ref type of $v"), typeParams = convertTypeParams(v.typeArgumentList) ).map(v))).map(v), questionMarks = questionMarks ).map(v) else Node.Expr.DoubleColonRef.Recv.Expr(convertExpr(v)).map(v) is KtDotQualifiedExpression -> { val lhs = convertDoubleColonRefRecv(v.receiverExpression, questionMarks) val rhs = v.selectorExpression?.let { convertDoubleColonRefRecv(it, questionMarks) } if (lhs is Node.Expr.DoubleColonRef.Recv.Type && rhs is Node.Expr.DoubleColonRef.Recv.Type) Node.Expr.DoubleColonRef.Recv.Type( type = Node.TypeRef.Simple(lhs.type.pieces + rhs.type.pieces).map(v), questionMarks = 0 ).map(v) else Node.Expr.DoubleColonRef.Recv.Expr(convertExpr(v)).map(v) } else -> Node.Expr.DoubleColonRef.Recv.Expr(convertExpr(v)).map(v) } open fun convertEnumEntry(v: KtEnumEntry) = Node.Decl.EnumEntry( mods = convertModifiers(v), name = ?: error("Unnamed enum"), args = convertValueArgs((v.superTypeListEntries.firstOrNull() as? KtSuperTypeCallEntry)?.valueArgumentList), members = ).map(v) open fun convertExpr(v: KtExpression): Node.Expr = when (v) { is KtIfExpression -> convertIf(v) is KtTryExpression -> convertTry(v) is KtForExpression -> convertFor(v) is KtWhileExpressionBase -> convertWhile(v) is KtBinaryExpression -> convertBinaryOp(v) is KtQualifiedExpression -> convertBinaryOp(v) is KtUnaryExpression -> convertUnaryOp(v) is KtBinaryExpressionWithTypeRHS -> convertTypeOp(v) is KtIsExpression -> convertTypeOp(v) is KtCallableReferenceExpression -> convertDoubleColonRefCallable(v) is KtClassLiteralExpression -> convertDoubleColonRefClass(v) is KtParenthesizedExpression -> convertParen(v) is KtStringTemplateExpression -> convertStringTmpl(v) is KtConstantExpression -> convertConst(v) is KtBlockExpression -> convertBrace(v) is KtFunctionLiteral -> convertBrace(v) is KtLambdaExpression -> convertBrace(v) is KtThisExpression -> convertThis(v) is KtSuperExpression -> convertSuper(v) is KtWhenExpression -> convertWhen(v) is KtObjectLiteralExpression -> convertObject(v) is KtThrowExpression -> convertThrow(v) is KtReturnExpression -> convertReturn(v) is KtContinueExpression -> convertContinue(v) is KtBreakExpression -> convertBreak(v) is KtCollectionLiteralExpression -> convertCollLit(v) is KtSimpleNameExpression -> convertName(v) is KtLabeledExpression -> convertLabeled(v) is KtAnnotatedExpression -> convertAnnotated(v) is KtCallExpression -> convertCall(v) is KtArrayAccessExpression -> convertArrayAccess(v) is KtNamedFunction -> convertAnonFunc(v) is KtProperty -> convertPropertyExpr(v) is KtDestructuringDeclaration -> convertPropertyExpr(v) // TODO: this is present in a recovery test where an interface decl is on rhs of a gt expr is KtClass -> throw Unsupported("Class expressions not supported") else -> error("Unrecognized expression type from $v") } open fun convertFile(v: KtFile) = Node.File( anns = convertAnnotationSets(v), pkg = v.packageDirective?.takeIf { it.packageNames.isNotEmpty() }?.let(::convertPackage), imports =, decls = ).map(v) open fun convertFor(v: KtForExpression) = Node.Expr.For( anns = v.loopParameter?.annotations?.map(::convertAnnotationSet) ?: emptyList(), vars = convertPropertyVars(v.loopParameter ?: error("No param on for $v")), inExpr = convertExpr(v.loopRange ?: error("No in range for $v")), body = convertExpr(v.body ?: error("No body for $v")) ).map(v) open fun convertFunc(v: KtNamedFunction) = Node.Decl.Func( mods = convertModifiers(v), typeParams = if (v.hasTypeParameterListBeforeFunctionName()) else emptyList(), receiverType = v.receiverTypeReference?.let(::convertType), name =, paramTypeParams = if (!v.hasTypeParameterListBeforeFunctionName()) else emptyList(), params =, type = v.typeReference?.let(::convertType), typeConstraints =, body = v.bodyExpression?.let(::convertFuncBody) ).map(v) open fun convertFuncBody(v: KtExpression) = if (v is KtBlockExpression) Node.Decl.Func.Body.Block(convertBlock(v)).map(v) else Node.Decl.Func.Body.Expr(convertExpr(v)).map(v) open fun convertFuncParam(v: KtParameter) = Node.Decl.Func.Param( mods = convertModifiers(v), readOnly = if (v.hasValOrVar()) !v.isMutable else null, name = ?: error("No param name"), type = v.typeReference?.let(::convertType), default = v.defaultValue?.let(::convertExpr) ).map(v) open fun convertIf(v: KtIfExpression) = Node.Expr.If( expr = convertExpr(v.condition ?: error("No cond on if for $v")), body = convertExpr(v.then ?: error("No then on if for $v")), elseBody = v.`else`?.let(::convertExpr) ).map(v) open fun convertImport(v: KtImportDirective) = Node.Import( names = v.importedFqName?.pathSegments()?.map { it.asString() } ?: error("Missing import path"), wildcard = v.isAllUnder, alias = v.aliasName ).map(v) open fun convertInit(v: KtAnonymousInitializer) = Node.Decl.Init( block = convertBlock(v.body as? KtBlockExpression ?: error("No init block for $v")) ).map(v) open fun convertLabeled(v: KtLabeledExpression) = Node.Expr.Labeled( label = v.getLabelName() ?: error("No label name for $v"), expr = convertExpr(v.baseExpression ?: error("No label expr for $v")) ).map(v) open fun convertModifiers(v: KtModifierListOwner) = convertModifiers(v.modifierList) open fun convertModifiers(v: KtModifierList?) = v?.node?.children().orEmpty().mapNotNull { node -> // We go over the node children because we want to preserve order node.psi.let { when (it) { is KtAnnotationEntry -> Node.Modifier.AnnotationSet( target = it.useSiteTarget?.let(::convertAnnotationSetTarget), anns = listOf(convertAnnotation(it)) ).map(it) is KtAnnotation -> convertAnnotationSet(it) is PsiWhiteSpace -> null else -> when (node.text) { // We ignore some modifiers because we handle them elsewhere "enum", "companion" -> null else -> modifiersByText[node.text]?.let { Node.Modifier.Lit(it).let { lit -> (node.psi as? KtElement)?.let { } ?: lit } } ?: error("Unrecognized modifier: ${node.text}") } } } }.toList() open fun convertName(v: KtSimpleNameExpression) = Node.Expr.Name( name = v.getReferencedName() ).map(v) open fun convertObject(v: KtObjectLiteralExpression) = Node.Expr.Object( parents =, members = ).map(v) open fun convertPackage(v: KtPackageDirective) = Node.Package( mods = convertModifiers(v), names = { it.getReferencedName() } ).map(v) open fun convertParen(v: KtParenthesizedExpression) = Node.Expr.Paren( expr = convertExpr(v.expression ?: error("No paren expr for $v")) ) open fun convertParent(v: KtSuperTypeListEntry) = when (v) { is KtSuperTypeCallEntry -> Node.Decl.Structured.Parent.CallConstructor( type = v.typeReference?.let(::convertTypeRef) as? Node.TypeRef.Simple ?: error("Bad type on super call $v"), typeArgs =, args = convertValueArgs(v.valueArgumentList), // TODO lambda = null ).map(v) else -> Node.Decl.Structured.Parent.Type( type = v.typeReference?.let(::convertTypeRef) as? Node.TypeRef.Simple ?: error("Bad type on super call $v"), by = (v as? KtDelegatedSuperTypeEntry)?.delegateExpression?.let(::convertExpr) ).map(v) } open fun convertPrimaryConstructor(v: KtPrimaryConstructor) = Node.Decl.Structured.PrimaryConstructor( mods = convertModifiers(v), params = ).map(v) open fun convertProperty(v: KtDestructuringDeclaration) = Node.Decl.Property( mods = convertModifiers(v), readOnly = !v.isVar, typeParams = emptyList(), receiverType = null, vars =, typeConstraints = emptyList(), delegated = false, expr = v.initializer?.let(::convertExpr), accessors = null ).map(v) open fun convertProperty(v: KtProperty) = Node.Decl.Property( mods = convertModifiers(v), readOnly = !v.isVar, typeParams =, receiverType = v.receiverTypeReference?.let(::convertType), vars = listOf(Node.Decl.Property.Var( name = ?: error("No property name on $v"), type = v.typeReference?.let(::convertType) ).map(v)), typeConstraints =, delegated = v.hasDelegateExpression(), expr = v.delegateExpressionOrInitializer?.let(::convertExpr), accessors = { if (it.isEmpty()) null else Node.Decl.Property.Accessors( first = it.first(), second = it.getOrNull(1) ) } ).map(v) open fun convertPropertyAccessor(v: KtPropertyAccessor) = if (v.isGetter) Node.Decl.Property.Accessor.Get( mods = convertModifiers(v), type = v.returnTypeReference?.let(::convertType), body = v.bodyExpression?.let(::convertFuncBody) ).map(v) else Node.Decl.Property.Accessor.Set( mods = convertModifiers(v), paramMods = v.parameter?.let(::convertModifiers) ?: emptyList(), paramName = v.parameter?.name, paramType = v.parameter?.typeReference?.let(::convertType), body = v.bodyExpression?.let(::convertFuncBody) ).map(v) open fun convertPropertyExpr(v: KtDestructuringDeclaration) = Node.Expr.Property( decl = convertProperty(v) ).map(v) open fun convertPropertyExpr(v: KtProperty) = Node.Expr.Property( decl = convertProperty(v) ).map(v) open fun convertPropertyVar(v: KtDestructuringDeclarationEntry) = if ( == "_") null else Node.Decl.Property.Var( name = ?: error("No property name on $v"), type = v.typeReference?.let(::convertType) ).map(v) open fun convertPropertyVars(v: KtParameter) = v.destructuringDeclaration?.entries?.map(::convertPropertyVar) ?: listOf( if ( == "_") null else Node.Decl.Property.Var( name = ?: error("No property name on $v"), type = v.typeReference?.let(::convertType) ).map(v) ) open fun convertReturn(v: KtReturnExpression) = Node.Expr.Return( label = v.getLabelName(), expr = v.returnedExpression?.let(::convertExpr) ).map(v) open fun convertStmtNo(v: KtExpression) = if (v is KtDeclaration) Node.Stmt.Decl(convertDecl(v)).map(v) else Node.Stmt.Expr(convertExpr(v)).map(v) open fun convertStringTmpl(v: KtStringTemplateExpression) = Node.Expr.StringTmpl( elems =, raw = v.text.startsWith("\"\"\"") ).map(v) open fun convertStringTmplElem(v: KtStringTemplateEntry) = when (v) { is KtLiteralStringTemplateEntry -> Node.Expr.StringTmpl.Elem.Regular(v.text).map(v) is KtSimpleNameStringTemplateEntry -> Node.Expr.StringTmpl.Elem.ShortTmpl(v.expression?.text ?: error("No short tmpl text")).map(v) is KtBlockStringTemplateEntry -> Node.Expr.StringTmpl.Elem.LongTmpl(convertExpr(v.expression ?: error("No expr tmpl"))).map(v) is KtEscapeStringTemplateEntry -> if (v.text.startsWith("\\u")) Node.Expr.StringTmpl.Elem.UnicodeEsc(v.text.substring(2)).map(v) else Node.Expr.StringTmpl.Elem.RegularEsc(v.unescapedValue.first()).map(v) else -> error("Unrecognized string template type for $v") } open fun convertStructured(v: KtClassOrObject) = Node.Decl.Structured( mods = convertModifiers(v), form = when (v) { is KtClass -> when { v.isEnum() -> Node.Decl.Structured.Form.ENUM_CLASS v.isInterface() -> Node.Decl.Structured.Form.INTERFACE else -> Node.Decl.Structured.Form.CLASS } is KtObjectDeclaration -> if (v.isCompanion()) Node.Decl.Structured.Form.COMPANION_OBJECT else Node.Decl.Structured.Form.OBJECT else -> error("Unknown type of $v") }, name = ?: error("Missing name"), typeParams =, primaryConstructor = v.primaryConstructor?.let(::convertPrimaryConstructor), // TODO: this parentAnns = emptyList(), parents =, typeConstraints =, members = ).map(v) open fun convertSuper(v: KtSuperExpression) = Node.Expr.Super( typeArg = v.superTypeQualifier?.let(::convertType), label = v.getLabelName() ).map(v) open fun convertThis(v: KtThisExpression) = Node.Expr.This( label = v.getLabelName() ).map(v) open fun convertThrow(v: KtThrowExpression) = Node.Expr.Throw( expr = convertExpr(v.thrownExpression ?: error("No throw expr for $v")) ).map(v) open fun convertTry(v: KtTryExpression) = Node.Expr.Try( block = convertBlock(v.tryBlock), catches =, finallyBlock = v.finallyBlock?.finalExpression?.let(::convertBlock) ).map(v) open fun convertTryCatch(v: KtCatchClause) = Node.Expr.Try.Catch( anns = v.catchParameter?.annotations?.map(::convertAnnotationSet) ?: emptyList(), varName = v.catchParameter?.name ?: error("No catch param name for $v"), varType = v.catchParameter?.typeReference?. let(::convertTypeRef) as? Node.TypeRef.Simple ?: error("Invalid catch param type for $v"), block = convertBlock(v.catchBody as? KtBlockExpression ?: error("No catch block for $v")) ).map(v) open fun convertType(v: KtTypeProjection) = v.typeReference?.let { convertType(it, v.modifierList) } open fun convertType(v: KtTypeReference, modifierList: KtModifierList?): Node.Type = Node.Type( mods = convertModifiers(modifierList), ref = convertTypeRef(v) ).map(v) open fun convertType(v: KtTypeReference): Node.Type = Node.Type( // Paren modifiers are inside the ref... mods = if (v.hasParentheses()) emptyList() else convertModifiers(v), ref = convertTypeRef(v) ).map(v) open fun convertTypeAlias(v: KtTypeAlias) = Node.Decl.TypeAlias( mods = convertModifiers(v), name = ?: error("No type alias name for $v"), typeParams =, type = convertType(v.getTypeReference() ?: error("No type alias ref for $v")) ).map(v) open fun convertTypeConstraint(v: KtTypeConstraint) = Node.TypeConstraint( anns = v.children.mapNotNull { when (it) { is KtAnnotationEntry -> Node.Modifier.AnnotationSet(target = null, anns = listOf(convertAnnotation(it))).map(it) is KtAnnotation -> convertAnnotationSet(it) else -> null } }, name = v.subjectTypeParameterName?.getReferencedName() ?: error("No type constraint name for $v"), type = convertType(v.boundTypeReference ?: error("No type constraint type for $v")) ).map(v) open fun convertTypeOp(v: KtBinaryExpressionWithTypeRHS) = Node.Expr.TypeOp( lhs = convertExpr(v.left), oper = v.operationReference.let { Node.Expr.TypeOp.Oper(typeTokensByText[it.text] ?: error("Unable to find op ref $it")).map(it) }, rhs = convertType(v.right ?: error("No type op rhs for $v")) ).map(v) open fun convertTypeOp(v: KtIsExpression) = Node.Expr.TypeOp( lhs = convertExpr(v.leftHandSide), oper = v.operationReference.let { Node.Expr.TypeOp.Oper(typeTokensByText[it.text] ?: error("Unable to find op ref $it")).map(it) }, rhs = convertType(v.typeReference ?: error("No type op rhs for $v")) ) open fun convertTypeParam(v: KtTypeParameter) = Node.TypeParam( mods = convertModifiers(v), name = ?: error("No type param name for $v"), type = v.extendsBound?.let(::convertTypeRef) ).map(v) open fun convertTypeParams(v: KtTypeArgumentList?) = v?.arguments?.map { if (it.projectionKind == KtProjectionKind.STAR) null else convertType(it) } ?: emptyList() open fun convertTypeRef(v: KtTypeReference) = convertTypeRef(v.typeElement ?: error("Missing typ elem")).let { if (!v.hasParentheses()) it else Node.TypeRef.Paren( mods = convertModifiers(v), type = it ).map(v) } open fun convertTypeRef(v: KtTypeElement): Node.TypeRef = when (v) { is KtFunctionType -> Node.TypeRef.Func( receiverType = v.receiverTypeReference?.let(::convertType), params = { Node.TypeRef.Func.Param( name =, type = convertType(it.typeReference ?: error("No param type")) ).map(it) }, type = convertType(v.returnTypeReference ?: error("No return type")) ).map(v) is KtUserType -> Node.TypeRef.Simple( pieces = generateSequence(v) { it.qualifier }.toList().reversed().map { Node.TypeRef.Simple.Piece( name = it.referencedName ?: error("No type name for $it"), typeParams = convertTypeParams(it.typeArgumentList) ).map(it) } ).map(v) is KtNullableType -> Node.TypeRef.Nullable( // If there are modifiers or the inner type is a function, the type is a paren type = convertModifiers(v.modifierList).let { mods -> val innerType = convertTypeRef(v.innerType ?: error("No inner type for nullable")) if (v.innerType !is KtFunctionType && mods.isEmpty()) innerType else Node.TypeRef.Paren(mods, convertTypeRef(v.innerType!!)) } ).map(v) is KtDynamicType -> Node.TypeRef.Dynamic().map(v) else -> error("Unrecognized type of $v") } open fun convertUnaryOp(v: KtUnaryExpression) = Node.Expr.UnaryOp( expr = convertExpr(v.baseExpression ?: error("No unary expr for $v")), oper = v.operationReference.let { Node.Expr.UnaryOp.Oper(unaryTokensByText[it.text] ?: error("Unable to find op ref $it")).map(it) }, prefix = v is KtPrefixExpression ).map(v) open fun convertValueArg(v: KtValueArgument) = Node.ValueArg( name = v.getArgumentName()?.asName?.asString(), asterisk = v.getSpreadElement() != null, expr = convertExpr(v.getArgumentExpression() ?: error("No expr for value arg")) ).map(v) open fun convertValueArgs(v: KtValueArgumentList?) = v?.arguments?.map(::convertValueArg) ?: emptyList() open fun convertWhen(v: KtWhenExpression) = Node.Expr.When( expr = v.subjectExpression?.let(::convertExpr), entries = ).map(v) open fun convertWhenCond(v: KtWhenCondition) = when (v) { is KtWhenConditionWithExpression -> Node.Expr.When.Cond.Expr( expr = convertExpr(v.expression ?: error("No when cond expr for $v")) ).map(v) is KtWhenConditionInRange -> Node.Expr.When.Cond.In( expr = convertExpr(v.rangeExpression ?: error("No when in expr for $v")), not = v.isNegated ).map(v) is KtWhenConditionIsPattern -> Node.Expr.When.Cond.Is( type = convertType(v.typeReference ?: error("No when is type for $v")), not = v.isNegated ).map(v) else -> error("Unrecognized when cond of $v") } open fun convertWhenEntry(v: KtWhenEntry) = Node.Expr.When.Entry( conds =, body = convertExpr(v.expression ?: error("No when entry body for $v")) ).map(v) open fun convertWhile(v: KtWhileExpressionBase) = Node.Expr.While( expr = convertExpr(v.condition ?: error("No while cond for $v")), body = convertExpr(v.body ?: error("No while body for $v")), doWhile = v is KtDoWhileExpression ).map(v) protected open fun PsiElement) = also { onNode(it, v) } class Unsupported(message: String) : UnsupportedOperationException(message) open class WithExtras : Converter(), ExtrasMap { // Sometimes many nodes are created from the same element, but we only want the last node we're given. We // remove the previous nodes we've found for the same identity when we see a new one. So we don't have to // keep PSI elems around, we hold a map to the element's identity hash code. Then we use that number to tie // to the extras to keep duplicates out. Usually using identity hash codes would be problematic due to // potential reuse, we know the PSI objects are all around at the same time so it's good enough. protected val nodesToPsiIdentities = IdentityHashMap() protected val psiIdentitiesToNodes = mutableMapOf() protected val extrasBefore = mutableMapOf>() protected val extrasWithin = mutableMapOf>() protected val extrasAfter = mutableMapOf>() // This keeps track of ws nodes we've seen before so we don't duplicate them protected val seenExtraPsiIdentities = mutableSetOf() override fun extrasBefore(v: Node) = nodesToPsiIdentities[v]?.let { extrasBefore[it] } ?: emptyList() override fun extrasWithin(v: Node) = nodesToPsiIdentities[v]?.let { extrasWithin[it] } ?: emptyList() override fun extrasAfter(v: Node) = nodesToPsiIdentities[v]?.let { extrasAfter[it] } ?: emptyList() internal val allExtrasBefore get() = extrasBefore internal val allExtrasAfter get() = extrasAfter override fun onNode(node: Node, elem: PsiElement) { // We ignore whitespace and comments here to prevent recursion if (elem is PsiWhiteSpace || elem is PsiComment) return // If we've done this elem before, just set this node as the curr and move on val elemId = System.identityHashCode(elem) nodesToPsiIdentities[node] = elemId psiIdentitiesToNodes.put(elemId, node)?.also { prevNode -> nodesToPsiIdentities.remove(prevNode) return } // Since we've never done this element before, grab its extras and persist val (beforeElems, withinElems, afterElems) = nodeExtraElems(elem) convertExtras(beforeElems).map { // As a special case, we make sure all non-block comments start a line when "before" if (it is Node.Extra.Comment && !it.startsLine && it.text.startsWith("//")) it.copy(startsLine = true) else it }.also { if (it.isNotEmpty()) extrasBefore[elemId] = it } convertExtras(withinElems).also { if (it.isNotEmpty()) extrasWithin[elemId] = it } convertExtras(afterElems).also { if (it.isNotEmpty()) extrasAfter[elemId] = it } } open fun nodeExtraElems(elem: PsiElement): Triple, List, List> { val before = mutableListOf() var within = mutableListOf() var after = mutableListOf() // Before starts with all directly above ws/comments (reversed to be top-down) before += elem.siblings(forward = false, withItself = false).takeWhile { it is PsiWhiteSpace || it is PsiComment }.toList().reversed() // Go over every child... var seenInvalid = false elem.allChildren.forEach { child -> if (child is PsiWhiteSpace || child is PsiComment) { // If it's a ws/comment before anything else, it's a before if (!seenInvalid) before += child else { // Otherwise it's within or after within.add(child) after.add(child) } } else { seenInvalid = true // Clear after since we've seen a non-ws node after.clear() } } // Within needs to have the after vals trimmed within = within.subList(0, within.size - after.size) // After includes all siblings before the first newline or all if there are only ws/comment siblings var indexOfFirstNewline = -1 var seenNonWs = false elem.siblings(forward = true, withItself = false).forEach { if (it !is PsiWhiteSpace && it !is PsiComment) seenNonWs = true else if (!seenNonWs) { if (indexOfFirstNewline == -1 && it is PsiWhiteSpace && it.textContains('\n')) indexOfFirstNewline = after.size after.add(it) } } if (seenNonWs && indexOfFirstNewline != -1) after = after.subList(0, indexOfFirstNewline) return Triple(before, within, after) } open fun convertExtras(elems: List): List = elems.mapNotNull { elem -> // Ignore elems we've done before val elemId = System.identityHashCode(elem) if (!seenExtraPsiIdentities.add(elemId)) null else when (elem) { is PsiWhiteSpace -> elem.text.count { it == '\n' }.let { newlineCount -> if (newlineCount > 1) Node.Extra.BlankLines(newlineCount - 1).map(elem) else null } is PsiComment -> Node.Extra.Comment( text = elem.text, startsLine = ((elem.prevSibling ?: elem.prevLeaf()) as? PsiWhiteSpace)?.textContains('\n') == true, endsLine = elem.tokenType == KtTokens.EOL_COMMENT || ((elem.nextSibling ?: elem.nextLeaf()) as? PsiWhiteSpace)?.textContains('\n') == true ).map(elem) else -> null } } } companion object : Converter() { internal val modifiersByText = Node.Modifier.Keyword.values().map { to it }.toMap() internal val binaryTokensByText = Node.Expr.BinaryOp.Token.values().map { it.str to it }.toMap() internal val unaryTokensByText = Node.Expr.UnaryOp.Token.values().map { it.str to it }.toMap() internal val typeTokensByText = Node.Expr.TypeOp.Token.values().map { it.str to it }.toMap() internal val KtTypeReference.names get() = (typeElement as? KtUserType)?.names ?: emptyList() internal val KtUserType.names get(): List = referencedName?.let { (qualifier?.names ?: emptyList()) + it } ?: emptyList() internal val KtExpression?.block get() = (this as? KtBlockExpression)?.statements ?: emptyList() internal val KtDoubleColonExpression.questionMarks get() = generateSequence(node.firstChildNode, ASTNode::getTreeNext). takeWhile { it.elementType != KtTokens.COLONCOLON }. count { it.elementType == KtTokens.QUEST } } }