package kastree.ast open class Writer( val app: Appendable = StringBuilder(), val extrasMap: ExtrasMap? = null, val includeExtraBlankLines: Boolean = extrasMap == null ) : Visitor() { protected var indent = "" protected var elemsSinceLastLine = emptyList() protected fun endLine() = also { val elems = elemsSinceLastLine elemsSinceLastLine = emptyList() elems.forEach { it.writeExtrasLineEnd() } append('\n') } protected fun line() = endLine() protected fun line(str: String) = append(indent).append(str).endLine() protected fun lineBegin(str: String = "") = append(indent).append(str) protected fun lineEnd(str: String = "") = append(str).endLine() protected fun append(ch: Char) = also { app.append(ch) } protected fun append(str: String) = also { app.append(str) } protected fun appendName(name: String) = if (name.shouldEscapeIdent) append("`$name`") else append(name) protected fun appendNames(names: List, sep: String) = also { names.forEachIndexed { index, name -> if (index > 0) append(sep) appendName(name) } } protected fun indented(fn: () -> T): T = run { indent += " " fn().also { indent = indent.dropLast(4) } } fun write(v: Node) { visit(v, v) } override fun visit(v: Node?, parent: Node) { v?.writeExtrasBefore() v?.apply { when (this) { is Node.File -> { if (anns.isNotEmpty()) childAnns().line() childrenLines(pkg, extraEndLines = 1) childrenLines(imports, extraEndLines = 1) childrenLines(decls, extraMidLines = 1) } is Node.Package -> childMods().append("package ").appendNames(names, ".") is Node.Import -> { append("import ").appendNames(names, ".") if (wildcard) append(".*") else if (alias != null) append(" as ").appendName(alias) } is Node.Decl.Structured -> childMods().also { append(when (form) { Node.Decl.Structured.Form.CLASS -> "class " Node.Decl.Structured.Form.ENUM_CLASS -> "enum class " Node.Decl.Structured.Form.INTERFACE -> "interface " Node.Decl.Structured.Form.OBJECT -> "object " Node.Decl.Structured.Form.COMPANION_OBJECT -> "companion object " }) if (form != Node.Decl.Structured.Form.COMPANION_OBJECT || name != "Companion") appendName(name) bracketedChildren(typeParams) children(primaryConstructor) if (parents.isNotEmpty()) { append(" : ") children(parentAnns) children(parents, ", ") } childTypeConstraints(typeConstraints) if (members.isNotEmpty()) lineEnd(" {").indented { // First, do all the enum entries if there are any val enumEntries = { it as? Node.Decl.EnumEntry }.takeWhile { it != null } enumEntries.forEachIndexed { index, enumEntry -> lineBegin().also { children(enumEntry) } when (index) { members.size - 1 -> lineEnd() enumEntries.size - 1 -> lineEnd(";").line() else -> lineEnd(",") } } // Now the rest of the members childrenLines(members.drop(enumEntries.size), extraMidLines = 1) }.lineBegin("}") // As a special case, if an object is nameless and bodyless, we should give it an empty body // to avoid ambiguities with the next item // See: if ((form == Node.Decl.Structured.Form.COMPANION_OBJECT || form == Node.Decl.Structured.Form.OBJECT) && name == "Companion" && members.isEmpty()) append("{}") } is Node.Decl.Structured.Parent.CallConstructor -> { children(type) parenChildren(args) } is Node.Decl.Structured.Parent.Type -> { children(type) if (by != null) append(" by ").also { children(by) } } is Node.Decl.Structured.PrimaryConstructor -> { if (mods.isNotEmpty()) append(" ").also { childMods(newlines = false).append("constructor") } parenChildren(params) } is Node.Decl.Init -> append("init ").also { children(block) } is Node.Decl.Func -> { childMods().append("fun") if (name != null || typeParams.isNotEmpty() || receiverType != null) append(' ') bracketedChildren(typeParams, " ") if (receiverType != null) children(receiverType).append(".") name?.also { appendName(it) } bracketedChildren(paramTypeParams) parenChildren(params) if (type != null) append(": ").also { children(type) } childTypeConstraints(typeConstraints) if (body != null) append(' ').also { children(body) } } is Node.Decl.Func.Param -> { if (mods.isNotEmpty()) childMods(newlines = false).append(' ') if (readOnly == true) append("val ") else if (readOnly == false) append("var ") appendName(name) if (type != null) append(": ").also { children(type) } if (default != null) append(" = ").also { children(default) } } is Node.Decl.Func.Body.Block -> children(block) is Node.Decl.Func.Body.Expr -> append("= ").also { children(expr) } is Node.Decl.Property -> { childMods().append(if (readOnly) "val " else "var ") bracketedChildren(typeParams, " ") if (receiverType != null) children(receiverType).append('.') childVars(vars) childTypeConstraints(typeConstraints) if (expr != null) { if (delegated) append(" by ") else append(" = ") children(expr) } if (accessors != null) lineEnd().indented { children(accessors) } } is Node.Decl.Property.Var -> { appendName(name) if (type != null) append(": ").also { children(type) } } is Node.Decl.Property.Accessors -> { childrenLines(first) if (second != null) childrenLines(second) } is Node.Decl.Property.Accessor.Get -> { childMods().append("get") if (body != null) { append("()") if (type != null) append(": ").also { children(type) } append(' ').also { children(body) } } } is Node.Decl.Property.Accessor.Set -> { childMods().append("set") if (body != null) { append('(') childMods(paramMods, newlines = false) appendName(paramName ?: error("Missing setter param name when body present")) if (paramType != null) append(": ").also { children(paramType) } append(") ") children(body) } } is Node.Decl.TypeAlias -> { childMods().append("typealias ").appendName(name) bracketedChildren(typeParams).append(" = ") children(type) } is Node.Decl.Constructor -> { childMods().append("constructor") parenChildren(params) if (delegationCall != null) append(": ").also { children(delegationCall) } if (block != null) append(' ').also { children(block) } } is Node.Decl.Constructor.DelegationCall -> append( { parenChildren(args) } is Node.Decl.EnumEntry -> { childMods().appendName(name) if (args.isNotEmpty()) parenChildren(args) if (members.isNotEmpty()) lineEnd(" {").indented { childrenLines(members, extraMidLines = 1) }.lineBegin("}") } is Node.TypeParam -> { childMods(newlines = false).appendName(name) if (type != null) append(": ").also { children(type) } } is Node.TypeConstraint -> childAnns(sameLine = true).appendName(name).append(": ").also { children(type) } is Node.TypeRef.Paren -> append('(').also { childModsBeforeType(type).also { children(type) } }.append(')') is Node.TypeRef.Func -> { if (receiverType != null) children(receiverType).append('.') parenChildren(params).append(" -> ").also { children(type) } } is Node.TypeRef.Func.Param -> { if (name != null) appendName(name).append(": ") children(type) } is Node.TypeRef.Simple -> children(pieces, ".") is Node.TypeRef.Simple.Piece -> appendName(name).also { bracketedChildren(typeParams) } is Node.TypeRef.Nullable -> children(type).append('?') is Node.TypeRef.Dynamic -> append("dynamic") is Node.Type -> childModsBeforeType(ref).also { children(ref) } is Node.ValueArg -> { if (name != null) appendName(name).append(" = ") if (asterisk) append('*') children(expr) } is Node.Expr.If -> { append("if (").also { children(expr) }.append(") ") children(body) if (elseBody != null) append(" else ").also { children(elseBody) } } is Node.Expr.Try -> { append("try ") children(block) if (catches.isNotEmpty()) children(catches, " ", prefix = " ") if (finallyBlock != null) append(" finally ").also { children(finallyBlock) } } is Node.Expr.Try.Catch -> { append("catch (") childAnns(sameLine = true) appendName(varName).append(": ").also { children(varType) }.append(") ") children(block) } is Node.Expr.For -> { append("for (") childAnns(sameLine = true) childVars(vars).append(" in ").also { children(inExpr) }.append(") ") children(body) } is Node.Expr.While -> { if (!doWhile) append("while (").also { children(expr) }.append(") ").also { children(body) } else append("do ").also { children(body) }.append(" while (").also { children(expr) }.append(')') } is Node.Expr.BinaryOp -> { // Some operations don't have separators val noSep = oper is Node.Expr.BinaryOp.Oper.Token && oper.token.let { it == Node.Expr.BinaryOp.Token.RANGE || it == Node.Expr.BinaryOp.Token.DOT || it == Node.Expr.BinaryOp.Token.DOT_SAFE } children(listOf(lhs, oper, rhs), if (noSep) "" else " ") } is Node.Expr.BinaryOp.Oper.Infix -> append(str) is Node.Expr.BinaryOp.Oper.Token -> append(token.str) is Node.Expr.UnaryOp -> if (prefix) children(oper, expr) else children(expr, oper) is Node.Expr.UnaryOp.Oper -> append(token.str) is Node.Expr.TypeOp -> children(listOf(lhs, oper, rhs), " ") is Node.Expr.TypeOp.Oper -> append(token.str) is Node.Expr.DoubleColonRef.Callable -> { if (recv != null) children(recv) append("::").appendName(name) } is Node.Expr.DoubleColonRef.Class -> { if (recv != null) children(recv) append("::class") } is Node.Expr.DoubleColonRef.Recv.Expr -> children(expr) is Node.Expr.DoubleColonRef.Recv.Type -> children(type).append("?".repeat(questionMarks)) is Node.Expr.Paren -> append('(').also { children(expr) }.append(')') is Node.Expr.StringTmpl -> if (raw) append("\"\"\"").also { children(elems) }.append("\"\"\"") else append('"').also { children(elems) }.append('"') is Node.Expr.StringTmpl.Elem.Regular -> append(str) is Node.Expr.StringTmpl.Elem.ShortTmpl -> append('$').appendName(str) is Node.Expr.StringTmpl.Elem.UnicodeEsc -> append("\\u").append(digits) is Node.Expr.StringTmpl.Elem.RegularEsc -> append('\\').append(when (char) { '\b' -> 'b' '\n' -> 'n' '\t' -> 't' '\r' -> 'r' else -> char }) is Node.Expr.StringTmpl.Elem.LongTmpl -> append("\${").also { children(expr) }.append('}') is Node.Expr.Const -> append(value) is Node.Expr.Brace -> { append('{') if (params.isNotEmpty()) append(' ').also { children(params, ", ", "", " ->") } children(block).append('}') } is Node.Expr.Brace.Param -> { childVars(vars) if (destructType != null) append(": ").also { children(destructType) } } is Node.Expr.This -> { append("this") if (label != null) append('@').appendName(label) } is Node.Expr.Super -> { append("super") if (typeArg != null) append('<').also { children(typeArg) }.append('>') if (label != null) append('@').appendName(label) } is Node.Expr.When -> { append("when") if (expr != null) append('(').also { children(expr) }.append(')') lineEnd(" {").indented { childrenLines(entries) }.lineBegin("}") } is Node.Expr.When.Entry -> { if (conds.isEmpty()) append("else") else children(conds, ", ") append(" -> ").also { children(body) } } is Node.Expr.When.Cond.Expr -> children(expr) is Node.Expr.When.Cond.In -> { if (not) append('!') append("in ").also { children(expr) } } is Node.Expr.When.Cond.Is -> { if (not) append('!') append("is ").also { children(type) } } is Node.Expr.Object -> { append("object") if (parents.isNotEmpty()) append(" : ").also { children(parents, ", ") } if (members.isEmpty()) append(" {}") else lineEnd(" {").indented { childrenLines(members, extraMidLines = 1) }.lineBegin("}") } is Node.Expr.Throw -> append("throw ").also { children(expr) } is Node.Expr.Return -> { append("return") if (label != null) append('@').appendName(label) if (expr != null) append(' ').also { children(expr) } } is Node.Expr.Continue -> { append("continue") if (label != null) append('@').appendName(label) } is Node.Expr.Break -> { append("break") if (label != null) append('@').appendName(label) } is Node.Expr.CollLit -> children(exprs, ", ", "[", "]") is Node.Expr.Name -> appendName(name) is Node.Expr.Labeled -> appendName(label).append("@ ").also { children(expr) } is Node.Expr.Annotated -> childAnnsBeforeExpr(expr).also { children(expr) } is Node.Expr.Call -> { children(expr) bracketedChildren(typeArgs) if (args.isNotEmpty() || lambda == null) parenChildren(args) if (lambda != null) append(' ').also { children(lambda) } } is Node.Expr.Call.TrailLambda -> { if (anns.isNotEmpty()) childAnns(sameLine = true).append(' ') if (label != null) appendName(label).append("@ ") children(func) } is Node.Expr.ArrayAccess -> { children(expr) children(indices, ", ", "[", "]") } is Node.Expr.AnonFunc -> children(func) is Node.Expr.Property -> children(decl) is Node.Block -> { // Special case, no braces if the parent is a brace if (parent is Node.Expr.Brace) { if (stmts.isNotEmpty()) lineEnd().indented { childrenLines(stmts) }.lineBegin() } else if (stmts.isEmpty()) append("{}") else lineEnd("{").indented { childrenLines(stmts) }.lineBegin("}") } is Node.Stmt.Decl -> { children(decl) } is Node.Stmt.Expr -> children(expr) is Node.Modifier.AnnotationSet -> { append('@') if (target != null) append(':') if (anns.size == 1) children(anns) else children(anns, " ", "[", "]") } is Node.Modifier.AnnotationSet.Annotation -> { appendNames(names, ".") bracketedChildren(typeArgs) if (args.isNotEmpty()) parenChildren(args) } is Node.Modifier.Lit -> append( else -> error("Unrecognized node type: $this") } } v?.writeExtrasAfter() v?.also { elemsSinceLastLine += it } } protected open fun Node.writeExtrasBefore() { if (extrasMap == null) return // Write everything before writeExtras(extrasMap.extrasBefore(this)) } protected open fun Node.writeExtrasAfter() { if (extrasMap == null) return // Write everything after that doesn't start a line or end a line writeExtras(extrasMap.extrasAfter(this).takeWhile { it is Node.Extra.Comment && !it.startsLine && !it.endsLine }) } protected open fun Node.writeExtrasLineEnd() { if (extrasMap == null) return // Write everything after the first non-line starter/ender writeExtras(extrasMap.extrasAfter(this).dropWhile { it is Node.Extra.Comment && !it.startsLine && !it.endsLine }) } protected open fun Node.writeExtras(extras: List) { extras.forEach { when (it) { is Node.Extra.BlankLines -> { ( { line() } lineEnd().lineBegin() } is Node.Extra.Comment -> { if (it.startsLine && it.endsLine) lineEnd(it.text).lineBegin() else { if (!it.startsLine) append(' ') append(it.text) if (!it.endsLine) append(' ') } } } } } protected fun Node.childTypeConstraints(v: List) = this@Writer.also { if (v.isNotEmpty()) append(" where ").also { children(v, ", ") } } protected fun Node.childVars(vars: List) = if (vars.size == 1) { if (vars.single() == null) append('_') else children(vars) } else { append('(') vars.forEachIndexed { index, v -> if (v == null) append('_') else children(v) if (index < vars.size - 1) append(", ") } append(')') } // Ends with newline (or space if sameLine) if there are any protected fun Node.WithAnnotations.childAnns(sameLine: Boolean = false) = this@Writer.also { if (anns.isNotEmpty()) (this@childAnns as Node).apply { if (sameLine) children(anns, " ", "", " ") else anns.forEach { ann -> lineBegin().also { children(ann) }.lineEnd() } } } protected fun Node.WithAnnotations.childAnnsBeforeExpr(expr: Node.Expr) = this@Writer.also { if (anns.isNotEmpty()) { // As a special case, if there is a trailing annotation with no args and expr is paren, // then we need to add an empty set of parens ourselves val lastAnn = anns.lastOrNull()?.anns?.singleOrNull()?.takeIf { it.args.isEmpty() } val shouldAddParens = lastAnn != null && expr is Node.Expr.Paren (this as Node).children(anns, " ") if (shouldAddParens) append("()") append(' ') } } // Ends with newline if last is ann or space is last is mod or nothing if empty protected fun Node.WithModifiers.childMods(newlines: Boolean = true) = (this@childMods as Node).childMods(mods, newlines) protected fun Node.childMods(mods: List, newlines: Boolean = true) = this@Writer.also { if (mods.isNotEmpty()) this@childMods.apply { mods.forEachIndexed { index, mod -> children(mod) if (newlines && (mod is Node.Modifier.AnnotationSet || mods.getOrNull(index + 1) is Node.Modifier.AnnotationSet)) lineEnd().lineBegin() else append(' ') } } } protected fun Node.WithModifiers.childModsBeforeType(ref: Node.TypeRef) = this@Writer.also { if (mods.isNotEmpty()) { // As a special case, if there is a trailing annotation with no args and the ref has a paren which is a paren // type or a non-receiver fn type, then we need to add an empty set of parens ourselves val lastAnn = (mods.lastOrNull() as? Node.Modifier.AnnotationSet)?.anns?. singleOrNull()?.takeIf { it.args.isEmpty() } val shouldAddParens = lastAnn != null && (ref is Node.TypeRef.Paren || (ref is Node.TypeRef.Func && ( ref.receiverType == null || ref.receiverType.ref is Node.TypeRef.Paren))) (this as Node).children(mods, " ") if (shouldAddParens) append("()") append(' ') } } protected inline fun Node.children(vararg v: Node?) = this@Writer.also { v.forEach { visitChildren(it) } } // Null list values are asterisks protected fun Node.bracketedChildren(v: List, appendIfNotEmpty: String = "") = this@Writer.also { if (v.isNotEmpty()) { append('<') v.forEachIndexed { index, node -> if (index > 0) append(", ") if (node == null) append('*') else children(node) } append('>').append(appendIfNotEmpty) } } protected fun Node.parenChildren(v: List) = children(v, ", ", "(", ")") protected fun Node.childrenLines(v: Node?, extraMidLines: Int = 0, extraEndLines: Int = 0) = this@Writer.also { if (v != null) childrenLines(listOf(v), extraMidLines, extraEndLines) } protected fun Node.childrenLines(v: List, extraMidLines: Int = 0, extraEndLines: Int = 0) = this@Writer.also { v.forEachIndexed { index, node -> lineBegin().also { children(node) } if (stmtRequiresEmptyBraceSetBeforeLineEnd(node, v.getOrNull(index + 1))) append(" {}") if (stmtRequiresSemicolonSetBeforeLineEnd(node, v.getOrNull(index + 1))) append(';') lineEnd() if (includeExtraBlankLines) (0 until if (index == v.size - 1) extraEndLines else extraMidLines).forEach { line() } } } protected fun stmtRequiresEmptyBraceSetBeforeLineEnd(v: Node?, next: Node?): Boolean { // As a special case, if this is a local memberless class decl stmt and the next line is a paren // or ann+paren, we have to explicitly provide an empty brace set // See: // TODO: is there a better place to do this? if (v !is Node.Stmt.Decl || v.decl !is Node.Decl.Structured || v.decl.members.isNotEmpty() || v.decl.form != Node.Decl.Structured.Form.CLASS) return false if (next !is Node.Stmt.Expr || (next.expr !is Node.Expr.Paren && (next.expr !is Node.Expr.Annotated || next.expr.expr !is Node.Expr.Paren))) return false return true } protected fun stmtRequiresSemicolonSetBeforeLineEnd(v: Node?, next: Node?) = stmtHasModifierLocalVarDeclAmbiguity(v, next) || stmtHasTrailingLambdaAmbiguity(v, next) protected fun stmtHasModifierLocalVarDeclAmbiguity(v: Node?, next: Node?): Boolean { // As a special case, if there is just a name stmt, and it is a modifier, and the next stmt is // a decl, we need a semicolon // See: // TODO: is there a better place to do this if (v !is Node.Stmt.Expr || v.expr !is Node.Expr.Name || next !is Node.Stmt.Decl) return false val name = return Node.Modifier.Keyword.values().any { == name } } protected fun stmtHasTrailingLambdaAmbiguity(v: Node?, next: Node?): Boolean { // As a special case, if there is a function call stmt w/ no trailing lambda followed by a brace // stmt, the call needs a semicolon if (v !is Node.Stmt.Expr || v.expr !is Node.Expr.Call || v.expr.lambda != null) return false return next is Node.Stmt.Expr && next.expr is Node.Expr.Brace } protected fun Node.children(v: List, sep: String = "", prefix: String = "", postfix: String = "") = this@Writer.also { append(prefix) v.forEachIndexed { index, t -> visit(t, this) if (index < v.size - 1) append(sep) } append(postfix) } // We accept lots of false positives to be simple and not have to bring in JVM dep to do accurate check protected val String.shouldEscapeIdent get() = KEYWORDS.contains(this) || all { it == '_' } || first() in '0'..'9' || any { it !in 'a'..'z' && it !in 'A'..'Z' && it !in '0'..'9' && it != '_' } companion object { protected val KEYWORDS = setOf( "as", "break", "class", "continue", "do", "else", "false", "for", "fun", "if", "in", "interface", "is", "null", "object", "package", "return", "super", "this", "throw", "true", "try", "typealias", "typeof", "val", "var", "when", "while" ) fun write(v: Node, extrasMap: ExtrasMap? = null) = write(v, StringBuilder(), extrasMap).toString() fun write(v: Node, app: T, extrasMap: ExtrasMap? = null) = app.also { Writer(it, extrasMap).write(v) } } }