# Changelog All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/), and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html). ## [0.23.0](https://github.com/crev-dev/cargo-crev/compare/v0.23.0...v0.24.3) - Added `--direct` flag to trust paramaters to use only directly trusted Ids - Added command "proof reissue" to reissue reviews under a different id. The original proof will be referenced in the new proof under the "original:" field - Fix crash on systems with libgit2 v1.4 - Fix the `crate clean` working directory check. - Fix the `crate review` working directory check. ## [0.23.0](https://github.com/crev-dev/cargo-crev/compare/v0.22.2...v0.23.0) - 2022-01-22 - Ignore cargo directory source replacements - this essentially ignores `cargo vendor` and `cargo crev` will not read vendored sources - Proofs moved from the config directory (e.g. ~/.config/crev/proofs) to the data directory (e.g. ~/.local/share/crev/proofs). - Added command `config data-dir`. - Added command `config cache-dir`. - `crate verify`: better column width detection - Better broken pipe errors handling - Fix `verify --no-dev-dependencies` being ignored - Deprecate `--no-dev-dependencies`. Make it the default. Introduce `--dev-dependencies` instead. - Fix binary releases by switching to Github Actions - Make `crate {goto,dir,open,expand}` assume `-u` outside of an existing Rust project. - Introduce trust and package review "overrides" which allow overriding (ignoring) specific trust / package review - Add `cargo crev wot log` to help understand your WoT. ## [0.22.2](https://github.com/dpc/crev/compare/cargo-crev-v0.21.4...v0.22.2) - 2022-01-11 - Use `cargo-release` to make our release process more reasonable. - Display better diagnostics for any digest mismatch. - Fix interactive use of `trust` and `id trust` to actually read the proofs edited ## [0.21.1](https://github.com/dpc/crev/compare/cargo-crev-v0.18.0...cargo-crev-v0.21.0) - 2020-05-29 - Lots of minor improvements - We're really sorry, but it takes a considerable effort to maintain a clean CHANGELOG for a project still going through a lot of smaller and bigger changes. ## [0.18.0](https://github.com/dpc/crev/compare/cargo-crev-v0.16.1...cargo-crev-v0.17.0) - 2020-04-29 - Faster fetching on `repo fetch ...` - Fix `verify` reporting missing user dir ## [0.17.0](https://github.com/dpc/crev/compare/cargo-crev-v0.16.1...cargo-crev-v0.17.0) - 2020-04-29 - user interface now exposes distinction between URLs self-reported by an owner of a Crev Id, and unverified URLs reported about others. - `id query all` displays whether URLs have been verified to belong to their Crev Id: `==` signed and verified, `~=` signed but not fetched, `??` reported by others only. - `id trust` propagates only URLs signed by their own Crev Id. - `repo fetch url` reports which Crev Ids belong to the repo (have the same URL) and which were copied from other repos. ## [0.16.1](https://github.com/dpc/crev/compare/cargo-crev-v0.16.0...cargo-crev-v0.16.1) - 2020-02-11 ### Fixed - Fix default `features` not recognized in some crates ## [0.16.0](https://github.com/dpc/crev/compare/cargo-crev-v0.15.0...cargo-crev-v0.16.0) - 2020-02-11 ### Fixed - Support for new cargo lockfile version ## [0.15.0](https://github.com/dpc/crev/compare/cargo-crev-v0.14.0...cargo-crev-v0.15.0) - 2020-01-14 ### Fixed - `crate verify` no longer hangs on unpublished local crates - Use effective instead of direct trust in WoT graph calculations ### Changed - Make most columns in `crate verify` optional with `--show-xyz` options. - Added some helpful informative messages. ## [0.14.0](https://github.com/dpc/crev/compare/cargo-crev-v0.13.0...cargo-crev-v0.14.0) - 2019-12-16 ### Fixed - `crate verify` performance for local crates - `cargo install` works without `--locked` flag ### Changed - `alternatives` are reported in both source and destination ## [0.13.0](https://github.com/dpc/crev/compare/cargo-crev-v0.12.0...cargo-crev-v0.13.0) - 2019-11-26 ### Changed - Handle local packages more consistently ### Fixed - `comment` field serialization in trust proofs - `crate verify` return code - Stale documentation ## [0.12.0](https://github.com/dpc/crev/compare/cargo-crev-v0.11.0...cargo-crev-v0.12.0) - 2019-11-19 ### Changed - Comment field handling in proofs and drafts ### Fixed - Documentation here and there - Backfill `kind` field when deserializing old-format content - `--skip-known-owners` and `--skip-verified` returning errors ## Added - Add `config dir` and `repo dir` ## [0.11.0](https://github.com/dpc/crev/compare/cargo-crev-v0.10.1...cargo-crev-v0.11.0) - 2019-11-01 # Changed - Change the proof format to simplify it and allow 3rd party "kinds" of them. The main goal is to support `git-crev` project: - Tune tokei line counts to exclude tests and examples ## Added - Ability report the crate as unmaintained and/or list alternatives to it - `--target` to `crate verify` to ignore crates not compiled on the given (default: current) target - `--for-id` for `cargo crev repo fetch trusted` - Autocompletion generation with `config completions` - `crate info` subcommand to get some detailed info for a single dependency ### Fixed - Stale old-syntax commands in documentation - Minor help messages ## [0.10.1](https://github.com/dpc/crev/compare/cargo-crev-v0.10.0...cargo-crev-v0.10.1) - 2019-10-13 # Changed - Fixed "Getting Started" documentation module - Updated dependencies - Fixed minor bugs & some QoL improvements ## [0.10.0](https://github.com/dpc/crev/compare/cargo-crev-v0.9.0...cargo-crev-v0.10.0) - 2019-10-07 ### Changed - **BREAKING**: `cargo crev ` was change to `cargo crev ` - Introduces one letter aliases for most (all?) commands - Commands quering proofs will now print them as a multi-object yaml document for easier parsing - Shortened `=1.2.3` in `latest_t` to just `=` ### Added - `id untrust` and `crate unreview` to overwrite/clean errnous review/trust proofs - `crate mvp` to discovering best reviewers - `crate search` for looking up best reviewed dependency candidates - `crate verify --recursive` - `CREV_PASSPHRASE_CMD` for users of `pass` and similiar - Multiple flags and arguments to narrow down `crate verify` scope - Handling of `--level ` in many commands - "Tips and tricks" in user documentation ## [0.9.0](https://github.com/dpc/crev/compare/cargo-crev-v0.8.0...cargo-crev-v0.9.0) - 2019-08-26 ### Changed - Performance improvement in `verify` ### Fixed - Fixed detailed help for `verify` not showing. - Renamed `cargo crev * id` to `cargo crev id *`, e.g. `cargo crev id new`, `cargo crev id export`. Added `cargo crev id show`. - Combined `advise`, `flag`, `report` into `review --advisory` and `review --issue` ## [0.8.0](https://github.com/dpc/crev/compare/cargo-crev-v0.7.0...cargo-crev-v0.8.0) - 2019-07-11 ### Changed - `verify deps` was renamed to just `verify` - Not saving the default draft is considered as canceling the operation. - Revamp *advisories* system and add ### Added - Statically compiled release binaries - User Documentation, including Getting Started Guide - `query dir` command - Differential reviews with `diff` and `review --diff` commands - New options, particularily for `verify` ## [0.7.0](https://github.com/dpc/crev/compare/cargo-crev-v0.6.0...cargo-crev-v0.7.0) - 2019-04-27 ### Added - Advisories () - `cargo crev advise [name [version]]` - `cargo crev query advisory [name [version]]` ## [0.6.0](https://github.com/dpc/crev/compare/cargo-crev-v0.5.0...cargo-crev-v0.6.0) - 2019-04-13 ### Changed - BREAKING: Switch cryptography to standard Ed25519/RFC8032. This will render existing IDs and artificates invalid. We're sorry for that. Please recreate your IDs, and use `cargo crev import proof` to recreate your reviews. ### Added - `cargo crev edit config` allows interactive user config edition - `open-cmd` in user config for customizing `cargo crev open` command - `cargo crev import proof` for mass-import of proofs ## [0.5.0](https://github.com/dpc/crev/compare/cargo-crev-v0.4.0...cargo-crev-v0.5.0) - 2019-03-06 ### Added - `unsafe` counts via `geiger` crate ## [0.4.0](https://github.com/dpc/crev/compare/cargo-crev-v0.3.0...cargo-crev-v0.4.0) - 2019-01-12 ### Added - This `CHANGELOG.md` file. - `LICENSE` files - Ability to work without an Id for most commands. - `open` command to help IDE users. - Tracking effective trust level in WoT. - Distrust calculation when calculating WoT. - `review` command options: `--print-[un]signed` and `-no-store`. - `export` and `import` commands for Ids. - New column in `verify deps`: `lines` - line counts using `tokei`. - New column in `verify dpes`: `flags` - Custom Build. - `verify deps` option: `--for-id`. - Exit status on `verify deps` to make it usable in CI pipelines. - Counts of new proofs on `fetch` commands. - Effecttive trust level column in `query id trusted` output. - `update` command. ### Changed - Windows cache folder changed from `%AppData%\Local\Dawid Ci,281,,380,arkiewicz\crev` to `%AppData%\Local\crev`. - Windows config folder changed from `%AppData%\Roaming\Dawid Ci,281,,380,arkiewicz\crev` to `%AppData%\Roaming\crev`. - MacOS config folder changed from `$HOME/Library/Application Support/crev` to `$HOME/Library/Preferences/crev`. - Improve `verify deps` names and format. - Handle error messages better in many places. - Use host-specific salt in paths of proof files, to prevent dealing with git conflicts when sharing Id between many machines - Make newer reviews (for the same package and version) effectively overwrite older ones. - Change `push`, `pull`, `publish` to be more ID-sharing (between hosts) friendly - Rename `--independent` to `--unrelated` and add `-u` as a short version. - Avoid fetching things during normal work (helps offline use). - Hardcode dpc's proof-repo url on `fetch all` to help bootstrap the ecosystem. ### Fixed - Fix `$EDITOR`/`$VISUAL` handling, especially on Windows - Save `lanes` in `LockedId`. Old Ids need to be fixed manually. ## \[0.3.0\] - 2018-12-28 Changelog was not maintained for this and earlier releases