# GraphQL Server with Authentication & Permissions This backend is based on: https://github.com/prisma/prisma-examples/tree/latest/javascript/graphql-auth This example shows how to implement a **GraphQL server with an email-password-based authentication workflow and authentication rules**, based on Prisma, [graphql-yoga](https://github.com/prisma/graphql-yoga), [graphql-shield](https://github.com/maticzav/graphql-shield) & [Nexus Schema](https://nxs.li/components/standalone/schema). It is based on a SQLite database, you can find the database file with some dummy data at [`./prisma/dev.db`](./prisma/dev.db). ## How to use ### 1. Download example & install dependencies Install dependencies: ``` yarn install ``` Note that this also generates Prisma Client JS into `node_modules/@prisma/client` via a `postinstall` hook of the `@prisma/client` package from your `package.json`. ### 2. Start the GraphQL server Launch your GraphQL server with this command: ``` yarn dev ``` Navigate to [http://localhost:4000](http://localhost:4000) in your browser to explore the API of your GraphQL server in a [GraphQL Playground](https://github.com/prisma/graphql-playground). ## Understanding the structure ## Using the GraphQL API The schema that specifies the API operations of your GraphQL server is defined in [`./schema.graphql`](./schema.graphql). Below are a number of operations that you can send to the API using the GraphQL Playground. Feel free to adjust any operation by adding or removing fields. The GraphQL Playground helps you with its auto-completion and query validation features. ### Retrieve all published posts and their authors ```graphql query { feed { id title content published author { id name email } } } ```
See more API operations ### Register a new user You can send the following mutation in the Playground to sign up a new user and retrieve an authentication token for them: ```graphql mutation { signup(name: "Sarah", email: "sarah@prisma.io", password: "graphql") { token } } ``` ### Log in an existing user This mutation will log in an existing user by requesting a new authentication token for them: ```graphql mutation { login(email: "sarah@prisma.io", password: "graphql") { token } } ``` ### Check whether a user is currently logged in with the `me` query For this query, you need to make sure a valid authentication token is sent along with the `Bearer`-prefix in the `Authorization` header of the request: ```json { "Authorization": "Bearer __YOUR_TOKEN__" } ``` With a real token, this looks similar to this: ```json { "Authorization": "Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VySWQiOiJjanAydHJyczFmczE1MGEwM3kxaWl6c285IiwiaWF0IjoxNTQzNTA5NjY1fQ.Vx6ad6DuXA0FSQVyaIngOHYVzjKwbwq45flQslnqX04" } ``` Inside the Playground, you can set HTTP headers in the bottom-left corner: ![](https://imgur.com/ToRcCTj.png) Once you've set the header, you can send the following query to check whether the token is valid: ```graphql { me { id name email } } ``` ### Create a new draft You need to be logged in for this query to work, i.e. an authentication token that was retrieved through a `signup` or `login` mutation needs to be added to the `Authorization` header in the GraphQL Playground. ```graphql mutation { createDraft( title: "Join the Prisma Slack" content: "https://slack.prisma.io" ) { id published } } ``` ### Publish an existing draft You need to be logged in for this query to work, i.e. an authentication token that was retrieved through a `signup` or `login` mutation needs to be added to the `Authorization` header in the GraphQL Playground. The authentication token must belong to the user who created the post. ```graphql mutation { publish(id: __POST_ID__) { id published } } ``` > **Note**: You need to replace the `__POST_ID__`-placeholder with an actual `id` from a `Post` item. You can find one e.g. using the `filterPosts`-query. ### Search for posts with a specific title or content You need to be logged in for this query to work, i.e. an authentication token that was retrieved through a `signup` or `login` mutation needs to be added to the `Authorization` header in the GraphQL Playground. ```graphql { filterPosts(searchString: "graphql") { id title content published author { id name email } } } ``` ### Retrieve a single post You need to be logged in for this query to work, i.e. an authentication token that was retrieved through a `signup` or `login` mutation needs to be added to the `Authorization` header in the GraphQL Playground. ```graphql { post(id: __POST_ID__) { id title content published author { id name email } } } ``` > **Note**: You need to replace the `__POST_ID__`-placeholder with an actual `id` from a `Post` item. You can find one e.g. using the `filterPosts`-query. ### Delete a post You need to be logged in for this query to work, i.e. an authentication token that was retrieved through a `signup` or `login` mutation needs to be added to the `Authorization` header in the GraphQL Playground. The authentication token must belong to the user who created the post. ```graphql mutation { deletePost(id: __POST_ID__) { id } } ``` > **Note**: You need to replace the `__POST_ID__`-placeholder with an actual `id` from a `Post` item. You can find one e.g. using the `filterPosts`-query.
## Evolving the app Evolving the application typically requires four subsequent steps: 1. Migrating the database schema using SQL 1. Updating your Prisma schema by introspecting the database with `prisma introspect` 1. Generating Prisma Client to match the new database schema with `prisma generate` 1. Using the updated Prisma Client in your application code For the following example scenario, assume you want to add a "profile" feature to the app where users can create a profile and write a short bio about themselves. ### 1. Change your database schema using SQL The first step would be to add a new table, e.g. called `Profile`, to the database. In SQLite, you can do so by running the following SQL statement: ```sql CREATE TABLE "Profile" ( "id" INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, "bio" TEXT, "user" INTEGER NOT NULL UNIQUE REFERENCES "User"(id) ON DELETE SET NULL ); ``` To run the SQL statement against the database, you can use the `sqlite3` CLI in your terminal, e.g.: ```bash sqlite3 dev.db \ 'CREATE TABLE "Profile" ( "id" INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, "bio" TEXT, "user" INTEGER NOT NULL UNIQUE REFERENCES "User"(id) ON DELETE SET NULL );' ``` Note that we're adding a unique constraint to the foreign key on `user`, this means we're expressing a 1:1 relationship between `User` and `Profile`, i.e.: "one user has one profile". While your database now is already aware of the new table, you're not yet able to perform any operations against it using Prisma Client. The next two steps will update the Prisma Client API to include operations against the new `Profile` table. ### 2. Introspect your database The Prisma schema is the foundation for the generated Prisma Client API. Therefore, you first need to make sure the new `Profile` table is represented in it as well. The easiest way to do so is by introspecting your database: ``` npx prisma introspect ``` > **Note**: You're using [npx](https://github.com/npm/npx) to run Prisma 2 CLI that's listed as a development dependency in [`package.json`](./package.json). Alternatively, you can install the CLI globally using `npm install -g @prisma/cli`. When using Yarn, you can run: `yarn prisma dev`. The `introspect` command updates your `schema.prisma` file. It now includes the `Profile` model and its 1:1 relation to `User`: ```prisma model Post { author User? content String? id Int @id published Boolean @default(false) title String } model User { email String @unique id Int @id name String? post Post[] profile Profile? } model Profile { bio String? id Int @default(autoincrement()) @id user Int @unique User User @relation(fields: [user], references: [id]) } ``` ### 3. Generate Prisma Client With the updated Prisma schema, you can now also update the Prisma Client API with the following command: ``` npx prisma generate ``` This command updated the Prisma Client API in `node_modules/@prisma/client`. ### 4. Use the updated Prisma Client in your application code #### Option A: Expose `Profile` operations via `nexus-prisma` With the `nexus-prisma` package, you can expose the new `Profile` model in the API like so: ```diff // ... as before const User = objectType({ name: 'User', definition(t) { t.model.id() t.model.name() t.model.email() t.model.posts({ pagination: false, }) + t.model.profile() }, }) // ... as before +const Profile = objectType({ + name: 'Profile', + definition(t) { + t.model.id() + t.model.bio() + t.model.user() + }, +}) // ... as before export const schema = makeSchema({ + types: [Query, Mutation, Post, User, Profile], // ... as before } ``` #### Option B: Use the `PrismaClient` instance directly As the Prisma Client API was updated, you can now also invoke "raw" operations via `prisma.profile` directly. ##### Create a new profile for an existing user ```ts const profile = await prisma.profile.create({ data: { bio: "Hello World", user: { connect: { email: "alice@prisma.io" }, }, }, }); ``` ##### Create a new user with a new profile ```ts const user = await prisma.user.create({ data: { email: "john@prisma.io", name: "John", profile: { create: { bio: "Hello World", }, }, }, }); ``` ##### Update the profile of an existing user ```ts const userWithUpdatedProfile = await prisma.user.update({ where: { email: "alice@prisma.io" }, data: { profile: { update: { bio: "Hello Friends", }, }, }, }); ``` ## Next steps - Check out the [Prisma docs](https://www.prisma.io/docs) - Share your feedback in the [`prisma2`](https://prisma.slack.com/messages/CKQTGR6T0/) channel on the [Prisma Slack](https://slack.prisma.io/) - Create issues and ask questions on [GitHub](https://github.com/prisma/prisma/)