# Scan This functionality will scan a webserver / api for common endpoints # Example ```bash vestigo scan --target="" --method="GET" --no-shortlist --report="HTML" ``` # Options ``` -h, --help ``` Show CLI help. ``` -t, --target=target ``` The target that Vestigo will scan ``` -m, --method=(GET|POST|BOTH) [default: POST] ``` Requet methods can be: GET, POST, BOTH. ``` -p, --no-parameters ``` Don't use extra parameters on endpoints (default on). Vestigo will try to connect to urls adding get parameters example: https://myurl.com/privacy/2 ``` -r, --report=(MD|HTML) [default: MD] ``` Type of report to generate ``` -s, --no-shortlist ``` Use to use the long enpoint list (default on). If the shortlist is disabled Vestigo will use a long list of potential endpoints. ``` -w, --whois ``` Perform a whois on the provided domain name ``` -f, --followRedirects ``` Specify a number of redirects to follow. `0` will not follow redirects.