# Sublime Hide Tabs Sublime Text plugin to manage hiding and showing tabs depending on how many views are in the active window. ## Installation The easiest way to install the Hide Tabs plugin is with [Package Control][package_control]. If you don't have it installed, you can always do the following: 1. Either download (and unzip) the [zip file][zip_file] or clone the repository 2. Move the unzipped (or cloned) directory into the [Packages folder][packages_folder] for your platform #### To find the Packages folder 1. Open Sublime Text 2. Open the python console `` Ctrl-` `` 3. Type the following into the python console: ``` >>> import sublime >>> sublime.packages_path() ``` ## Usage To use the Hide Tabs plugin, you must first make sure that the tabs are hidden by default. Anytime the hide/show functionality gets "out of whack", just run through the following steps: 1. Open up Sublime Text (and close all tabs, if any, that are open) 2. Select *View > Hide Tabs* 3. Quit Sublime Text (to make sure your new preferences are saved) [package_control]: http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control [zip_file]: https://github.com/croach/SublimeHideTabs/archive/master.zip [packages_folder]: #to-find-the-packages-folder