## master - Support SLES-15 - Pass APP_PKG_VERSION and APP_PKG_ITERATION during compilation step - Update python buildpack to v221-1 ## 1.9.0 - add support for Ubuntu 22.04 - create crons dir if missing - update nodejs buildpack to v197 - upgrade ruby buildpack - add --no-gpg-checks for SLES11 and SLES12 when setting up **build** dependencies. This is suboptimal, but helps with outdated package repos. ## 1.8.0 - Publish docker images to simplify build - Upgrade ruby buildpack to v227-1 - Improve log file display ## 1.7.3 - Add support for Ubuntu 20.04 - Update ruby buildpack to v212-1 ## 1.7.2 - Add support for RHEL 8. - Update ruby buildpack to v206-1. Supports Rails6. - Add support for Debian 10 "buster" - Add `config:unset` to CLI. - Update ruby buildpack to v199-1. Supports bundler2. ## 1.7.1 - Work around bundler requiring a writable home dir for executing bundle install ## 1.7.0 - Ubuntu 18.04 - Ruby buildpack v183-1 ## 1.6.0 - Handle both opt/ logs and systemd logs - Support for debian 9 - Support for configuring app environment through `cat env-file | my-app configure` - Running `my-app configure` will try to run a configure script if one found in `packaging/scripts/configure` - Introduction of `my-app restart [process]` command, to abstract differences among init systems - `my-app logs` now forwards to journalctl, on systemd-enabled distributions - Lots of fixes and improvements as to how PORTs are defined - Interactive runs properly handle PORT given on command line, e.g. `PORT=xxx my-app run web` - A PORT is now assigned for each Procfile process, offset by 100 from base PORT for each process type - Each worker of a specific process type is assigned a PORT equal to BASE_PORT+PORT_OFFSET+WORKER_INDEX-1 - Existing PORT configuration is not touched for backwards compatibility (you only get the new configuration when running the `scale` command). - Permit specifying multiple buildpacks to execute - Upgrade default ruby and nodejs buildpacks to v164 and v104 - Fix runtime postgres dependency for sles12 - Add home parameter in CLI - Do not attempt to create /usr/bin if CLI disabled - Ensure existence of the logs directory - Travis updates and build status image ## 1.5.1 - 20160908 - Update Ruby buildpack URL to get the latest ruby versions asutomatically - Add support for Python! ## 1.5.0 - 20160908 - Fix upstart job for CentOS - Reinstall master and process master init scripts whenever scale is called - Run chroot with the user's configured groups - Add SLES11 support - Fix postinstall shebang - Can now disable default dependencies with `default_dependencies: false` - Allow to override `data_dir` folder - Generate init files with correct PORT - Allow hard-coded defaults to be overridden by pkgr.yml - Pass ENV_DIR to compile script - Replace only instances of `/app/` and not `/app` in buildpacks - Create /app dir, which is required by some buildpacks to compile (e.g. GO) - Pass TARGET as an env variable when compiling, so that it can be used to fetch binaries from buildcurl.com - Add possibility to set category and directories fpm option - Support for Ubuntu 16.04 - Add command-line flags for disabling default dependencies and CLI ## 1.4.4 - 20150512 - Add CentOS / RHEL 7 support with systemd - Add Debian 8 "jessie" support with systemd - Upstart: make sure to start once filesystem is up - Add Amazon Linux 2015 support - Allow addons to be installed from a local relative path - Add SLES12 support - Extract SVN version number, if available - Changed interpreter in maintainer scripts to /bin/bash in order to avoid forbidden-postrm-interpreter errors on Debian 7 ## 1.4.3 - 20150304 - Allow to run some commands as the APP_USER instead of root - Some profile.d scripts output stuff (e.g. newest nodejs buildpack), so redirect to /dev/null ## 1.4.2 - 20150227 - Use Shellwords to escape command line args - Allow scaledowns to finish even if stopping the service does not work - Retry the packaging command at most 3 times if the package verification failed - Add CLI options for `--before-remove` and `--after-remove` scripts - Make sure `.git` directories are not included in the resulting package ## 1.4.1 - 20150217 - Allow to set config variables with equal signs in their values - Add --vendor option - Add net-tools to dependencies when using installer - Add which to dependencies when using installer - Add support for SLES12 (rpm) - Get remote compiling working - All processes from Procfile are now exported as potential services - Add option to verify the generated packages - CLI support: allow to overwrite default CLI to point to custom executable ## 1.4.0 - 20141015 - Add support for Fedora 20. - Add support for packaging Go apps. - Add support for installing cron files automatically. - Allow to output a compressed version of the compile cache. - Update ruby buildpack to use universal branch of https://github.com/pkgr/heroku-buildpack-ruby. - Preliminary support for installer wizards. New configure and reconfigure CLI commands. ## 1.3.2 - 20140527 - Added more relaxed curl timeouts for Ubuntu Trusty ruby buildpack. ## 1.3.1 - 20140506 - Add buildpacks for Ubuntu 14.04. - Add support for pre/post install files. ## 1.3.0 - 20140502 - CLI: Support for Ubuntu Trusty 14.04 - Put the CLI in /usr/bin. - Properly set HOME environment variable to /home/:user - Add more relaxed timeouts on ruby buildpacks. - Add PROCESS_MANAGER env variable if custom runner is forced. - Fix issues with .pkgr.yml custom runner not being picked up - Allow to force a custom runner (upstart, sysvinit). - Handles termination of processes that fork upon starting. - Fix sysvinit script. - Fix permissions on /etc/appname. - Fix dependencies installation. - Make user:group the owner of /etc/appname/\* - Add tests for CLI - CentOS experimental support - Added --after-precompile and --license options. - Move slow test to integration. - Outputs buildpack cloning step. ## 1.2.0 - 20140409 - Add --buildpack-list option, with support for environment variables to be given to a buildpack. - Reduce list of builtin buildpacks to Ruby and NodeJS. - Remove upstart dependency. - Add sysvinit support for debian distros. - Fix PORT_NUM substitution. - Allow to set a maintainer for the package. - Rescue more errors, for better display. - Add debug output when launching buildpack compile command. ## 1.1.8 - 20140326 - Fix master init script. - Allow after hooks. ## 1.1.7 - 20140325 - Expand given path when packaging. ## 1.1.6 - 20140320 - Correctly export environment variables in /etc/default/your-app.