// If you find yourself always using the same command-line flag, you can set it // here as a default. module.exports = { /** * WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! * * THE NEXT 8 OPTIONS CONTAIN POTENTIALLY SENSITIVE INFORMATION * THERE IS A NOTE WHERE YOU WILL WANT TO START COPYING FROM * IF YOU ARE TRYING TO SHARE YOUR CONFIGURATION SETTINGS! * * WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! **/ /** * Provide your own API key here to override the autogenerated one. * Not recommended - prefer using the autogenerated API key via * `cross-seed api-key`. * Must be 24+ characters. */ apiKey: undefined, /** * List of Torznab URLs. * For Jackett, click "Copy RSS feed". * For Prowlarr, click on the indexer name and copy the Torznab Url, then * append "?apikey=YOUR_PROWLARR_API_KEY". Wrap each URL in quotation marks * and separate them with commas, and surround the entire set in brackets. */ torznab: [], /** * Bind to a specific host address. * Example: "" * Default is "" */ host: undefined, /** * The port you wish to listen on for daemon mode. */ port: 2468, /** * cross-seed will send POST requests to this url with a JSON payload of * { title, body }. Conforms to the caronc/apprise REST API. */ notificationWebhookUrl: undefined, /** * The url of your rtorrent XMLRPC interface. * Only relevant with action: "inject". * Could be something like "http://username:password@localhost:1234/RPC2 */ rtorrentRpcUrl: undefined, /** * The url of your qBittorrent webui. * Only relevant with action: "inject". * Supply your username and password inside the url like so: * "http://username:password@localhost:8080" */ qbittorrentUrl: undefined, /** * The url of your Transmission RPC interface. * Usually ends with "/transmission/rpc". * Only relevant with action: "inject". * Supply your username and password inside the url like so: * "http://username:password@localhost:9091/transmission/rpc" */ transmissionRpcUrl: undefined, /** * The url of your Deluge JSON-RPC interface. * Usually ends with "/json". * Only relevant with action: "inject". * Supply your WebUI password as well like so: * "http://:password@localhost:8112/json" */ delugeRpcUrl: undefined, /** * END OF POTENTIALLY SENSITIVE CONFIGURATION OPTIONS */ /** * Pause at least this many seconds in between each search. Higher is safer * for you and friendlier for trackers. * Minimum value of 10. */ delay: 30, /** * To search with already downloaded data, you can enter in the directories * to your downloaded torrent data to find matches, rather than relying * entirely on the .torrent files themselves for matching. * * If directories are entered, they must all be on the one line and they * need to be surrounded by brackets. * Windows users will need to use double backslash in all paths in this * config. * * example: * dataDirs: ["/downloads/movies", "/downloads/packs"], * or for windows users * dataDirs: ["C:\\My Data\\Downloads\\Movies"], */ dataDirs: [], /** * Defines what qBittorrent or Deluge category to set on linked torrents * Default is "cross-seed-link". * * qBittorrent: If you have linking enabled, all torrents will be injected * to this category. * * Default is "cross-seed-data". */ linkCategory: "cross-seed-link", /** * If this is specified, cross-seed will create links to matched files in * the specified directory. * It will create a different link for every changed file name or directory * structure. * * Unlike dataDirs, this is just a quoted string WITHOUT []'s around it. * * If you are a Windows user you need to put double '\' (e.g. "C:\\links") * * IF YOU ARE USING HARDLINKS, THIS MUST BE UNDER THE SAME VOLUME AS YOUR * DATADIRS. THIS PATH MUST ALSO BE ACCESSIBLE VIA YOUR TORRENT CLIENT * USING THE SAME PATH. */ linkDir: undefined, /** * cross-seed will use links of this type to inject data-based matches into * your client. * https://www.cross-seed.org/docs/basics/faq-troubleshooting#what-linktype-should-i-use * Options: "symlink", "hardlink". */ linkType: "hardlink", /** * Enabling this will link files using v5's flat folder style. * * Each individual Torznab tracker's cross-seeds, otherwise, will have it's * own folder with the tracker's name and it's links within it. * * qBittorent: If you are using qBittorrent with Auto Torrent Management in any capacity * it is recommended to enable this to avoid issues. * * Default: false. */ flatLinking: false, /** * Determines flexibility of naming during matching. * "safe" will allow only perfect name/size matches using the standard * matching algorithm. * "risky" uses filesize as its only comparison point. * "partial" is like risky but allows matches if they are missing small * files like .nfo/.srt. * Options: "safe", "risky", "partial". */ matchMode: "safe", /** * Determines how deep into the specified dataDirs to go to generate new * searchees. Setting this to higher values will result in more searchees * and more API hits to your indexers. */ maxDataDepth: 1, /** * Directory containing .torrent files. * For qBittorrent, this is BT_Backup. * For rtorrent, this is your session directory as configured in your * .rtorrent.rc file. * For Deluge, this is ~/.config/deluge/state. * For Transmission, this would be ~/.config/transmission/torrents. * * If you are a Windows user you need to put double '\' (e.g. "C:\\torrents") */ torrentDir: "/path/to/torrent/file/dir", /** * Where to save the torrent files that cross-seed finds for you. * * If you are a Windows user you need to put double '\' (e.g. "C:\\output") */ outputDir: ".", /** * Whether to search for all episode torrents, including those from season * packs. * This option overrides includeSingleEpisodes when set to true. */ includeEpisodes: false, /** * Whether to include single episode torrents in the search (not those from * season packs). * Like `includeEpisodes` but slightly more restrictive. */ includeSingleEpisodes: false, /** * Include torrents which contain non-video files. * This option does not override includeEpisodes or includeSingleEpisodes. * * If this option is set to false, any folders or torrents containing ANY * non-video files will automatically be excluded from cross-seed searches. * * For example, if you have .srt or .nfo files inside your folders/torrents * you would set this as true. * For full disc based folders (not .ISO) you may wish to set this as true. * You may also want to set this as false to exclude things like music, * games, or books. * * To search for everything except episodes, use: * * includeEpisodes: false * includeSingleEpisodes: false * includeNonVideos: true * * To search for everything including episodes, use: * * includeEpisodes: true * includeNonVideos: true * * To search for everything except season pack episodes (data-based) use: * * includeEpisodes: false * includeSingleEpisodes: true * includeNonVideos: true * */ includeNonVideos: false, /** * You should NOT modify this unless you have good reason. * The following option is the preliminary value to compare sizes of * releases for further comparison. * * decimal value (0.02 = 2%) */ fuzzySizeThreshold: 0.02, /** * Time based options below use the following format: * https://github.com/vercel/ms */ /** * Exclude torrents first seen by cross-seed more than this long ago. * Examples: * "10 minutes" * "1 day" * "0" - this will search everything exactly once, never more. */ excludeOlder: "2 weeks", /** * Exclude torrents which have been searched more recently than this long * ago. * Doesn't exclude previously failed searches. * Examples: * "2 days" * "1 year" */ excludeRecentSearch: "3 days", /** * What action to take upon a match being found. * Options: "save", "inject". */ action: "inject", /** * qBittorrent and Deluge specific. * Whether to inject using the same labels/categories as the original * torrent. * * qBittorrent: This will apply the category's original category as a tag. * * Example: if you have a original label/category called "Movies", this will * automatically inject cross-seeds to "Movies.cross-seed". */ duplicateCategories: false, /** * Run rss scans on a schedule. * Set to undefined or null to disable. Minimum of 10 minutes. * Examples: * "10 minutes" * "1 hour" */ rssCadence: "30 minutes", /** * Run searches on a schedule. * Set to undefined or null to disable. Minimum of 1 day. * Examples: * "2 weeks" * "3 days" */ searchCadence: "1 day", /** * Fail snatch requests that haven't responded after this long. * Set to null for an infinite timeout. * Examples: * "30 seconds" * null */ snatchTimeout: undefined, /** * Fail search requests that haven't responded after this long. * Set to null for an infinite timeout. * Examples: * "30 seconds" * null */ searchTimeout: undefined, /** * The number of searches to make in one run/batch. * If more than this many searches are queued, * "searchCadence" will determine how long until the next batch. * * Combine this with "excludeRecentSearch" and "searchCadence" to smooth * long-term API usage patterns. * * Set to null for no limit. */ searchLimit: 100, /** * The list of infohashes or strings which are contained in torrents that * you want to be excluded from cross-seed. This is the same format as * torznab, surround the entire set of quoted strings in square brackets * You can use any combination which must be entered on the one line. * Leave as undefined to disable. * * examples: * * blockList: ["-excludedGroup", "-excludedGroup2"], * blocklist: ["x265"], * blocklist: ["Release.Name"], * blocklist: ["3317e6485454354751555555366a8308c1e92093"], */ blockList: undefined, };