Attribute VB_Name = "RLaserV5" '*************************************************************************************************** ' Reader (Shenzhen) Ltd. ' ' (c) Coyright 2009, Shen Zhen Reader Ltd., ' '* All rights reserved. Reader's source code is an unpublished work and the use of a copyright '* notice does not imply otherwise. This source code contains confidential, trade secret material of '* Shen Zhen Reader Ltd. Any attempt or participation in deciphering, decoding, reverse engineering '* or in any way altering the source code is strictly prohibited, unless the prior written consent '* of Shen Zhen Reader Ltd. is obtained. '* '* Filename: RLaser.bas '* Programmer: Chen Zhi Xin '* Created: 09-11-10 '* Description: Execute RLaser.exe file with starting coreldraw.exe file and release ai/dxf/plt file '* Note: '* '*************************************************************************************************** Private Type VariableBuffer VariableParameter() As Byte End Type Private Declare Function ShellExecute Lib "shell32.dll" Alias "ShellExecuteA" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal lpOperation As String, ByVal lpFile As String, ByVal lpParameters As String, ByVal lpDirectory As String, ByVal nShowCmd As Long) As Long Private Declare Function LoadModule Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "LoadLibraryA" (ByVal lpLibFileName As String) As Long Private Declare Function FreeModule Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "FreeLibrary" (ByVal hLibModule As Long) As Boolean Private Declare Function GetModuleEntry Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "GetProcAddress" (ByVal hModule As Long, ByRef lpProcName As String) As Long Private Declare Function StrCat Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "lstrcatW" (ByVal lpstring1 As String, ByVal lpstring2 As String) Private Declare Function StrCpy Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "lstrcpy" (ByVal lpstring1 As String, ByVal lpstring2 As String) Private Declare Function CallWindowProc Lib "User32" Alias "CallWindowProcA" (ByVal lpPrevWndFunc As Long, ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal Msg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (lpDest As Any, lpSource As Any, ByVal cBytes As Long) Private Declare Function SaveEmbroiderData Lib "drIptBdrFe.dll" (ByVal lpFileName As String) As Boolean Private Declare Function GetLang Lib "rdloadV5.dll" () As Integer Private Declare Function RunProgram Lib "rdloadV5.dll" () As Integer Dim VectorFilterType As Integer Private m_opIndex As Long Private m_OpCode() As Byte Dim ret As Long Dim VectorFiltType As Integer Dim ProgramType As Integer Dim AIPrecision As Double Dim DxfPrecision As Double Dim DxfEnOptText As Integer Dim DelReapt As Integer Dim VelUnit As Integer Dim nLanuage As Integer Private Function GetProgPath() As String GetProgPath = Application.SetupPath + "Programs\" End Function Sub LaserWorking() '================================================================================================ '判断CorelDraw是否有数据,若无数据则直接打开LaserWork应用程序 If ActiveDocument Is Nothing Then RunProgram Exit Sub End If If ActivePage Is Nothing Then RunProgram Exit Sub End If If ActivePage.Shapes.Count <= 0 Then RunProgram Exit Sub End If ActiveDocument.Unit = cdrMillimeter ActiveDocument.ReferencePoint = cdrBottomLeft 'ActivePage.Shapes.All.UngroupAll '=================================================================================================== '获取程序的当前路径 '检查保存参数的文件夹是否存在,若不存在则创建文件夹 Dim ProgPath As String Dim fileName As String ProgPath = GetProgPath fileName = ProgPath + "LaserWorkV5\temp" If 0 = DirExists(fileName) Then MkDir fileName End If '=================================================================================================== Set srAll = ActivePage.Shapes.All Set srBmp = ActivePage.Shapes.FindShapes(Type:=cdrBitmapShape) Set srText = ActivePage.Shapes.FindShapes(Type:=cdrTextShape) If srBmp.Count <> 0 Then srAll.RemoveRange srBmp End If If srText.Count <> 0 Then For Each s In srText If s.Outline.Type = cdrNoOutline Then s.Outline.Width = 0.0762 If s.Fill.Type = cdrUniformFill Then '有颜色填充 s.Outline.Color = s.Fill.UniformColor End If End If s.Fill.ApplyNoFill Next s srText.ConvertToCurves End If Dim nBmp As Integer Dim PositionX As Double Dim PositionY As Double Dim Width As Double Dim Height As Double Dim expflt As ExportFilter '=================================================================================================== '判断当前图形中是否包含位图,若不包含则直接输出矢量图形 nBmp = srBmp.Count If nBmp = 0 Then fileName = ProgPath + "LaserWorkV5\temp\dest.tmp" Open fileName For Binary Access Write As #1 Put #1, , 0 Put #1, , 0 Close #1 ActiveDocument.CreateSelection srAll fileName = ProgPath + "LaserWorkV5\temp\dest2.tmp" Width = srAll.SizeWidth Height = srAll.SizeHeight PositionX = srAll.PositionX PositionY = srAll.PositionY Open fileName For Binary Access Write As #1 Put #1, , Width Put #1, , Height Put #1, , PositionX Put #1, , PositionY Close #1 fileName = ProgPath + "LaserWorkV5\temp\" Set expflt = ActiveDocument.ExportEx(fileName, cdrAI, cdrSelection) With expflt .Version = 0 .TextAsCurves = True .Platform = 0 .ConvertSpotColors = False .UseColorProfile = False .SimulateOutlines = False .SimulateFills = False .IncludePlacedImages = False .IncludePreview = False .Finish End With ActiveDocument.ClearSelection RunProgram Exit Sub End If fileName = ProgPath + "LaserWorkV5\temp\dest.tmp" Open fileName For Binary Access Write As #1 Put #1, , 0 Put #1, , nBmp Dim PixelWidth As Long Dim PixelHeight As Long Dim ResolutionX As Long Dim ResolutionY As Long Dim CurShape As Shape Dim ShapeType As Integer nBmp = 0 For Each CurShape In srBmp ActiveDocument.ClearSelection ShapeType = CurShape.Type If cdrBitmapShape = ShapeType Then CurShape.Selected = True CurShape.GetPosition PositionX, PositionY CurShape.GetSize Width, Height fileName = ProgPath + "LaserWorkV5\temp\" + Format(nBmp + 1, y) + ".bmp" PixelWidth = CurShape.Bitmap.SizeWidth PixelHeight = CurShape.Bitmap.SizeHeight ResolutionX = CurShape.Bitmap.ResolutionX ResolutionY = CurShape.Bitmap.ResolutionY Dim eFilt As ExportFilter Set eFilt = ActiveDocument.ExportBitmap(fileName, cdrBMP, cdrSelection, cdrGrayscaleImage, _ PixelWidth, PixelHeight, ResolutionX, ResolutionY, cdrNomalAntiAliasing, _ False, False, False) eFilt.Finish PositionX = PositionX + Width / 2 PositionY = PositionY + Height / 2 Put #1, , Width Put #1, , Height Put #1, , PositionX Put #1, , PositionY nBmp = nBmp + 1 End If Next CurShape Close #1 '=======================================================再输出矢量图============================================================================ ActiveDocument.CreateSelection srAll Dim Xmin As Double Dim Xmax As Double Dim Ymin As Double Dim Ymax As Double Xmin = Xmax = Ymin = Ymax = 0 Dim VectCount As Long VectCount = 0 '统计矢量图形个数及矢量图形的边框==================== For Each CurShape In srAll If cdrBitmapShape <> CurShape.Type Then VectCount = VectCount + 1 CurShape.GetSize Width, Height CurShape.GetPosition PositionX, PositionY If 1 = VectCount Then Xmin = PositionX Xmax = Xmin + Width Ymin = PositionY Ymax = Ymin + Height Else If Xmin > PositionX Then Xmin = PositionX End If If Xmax < (PositionX + Width) Then Xmax = PositionX + Width End If If Ymin > PositionY Then Ymin = PositionY End If If Ymax < (PositionY + Height) Then Ymax = PositionY + Height End If End If bHaveFile = True Else CurShape.Selected = False End If Next CurShape If VectCount > 0 Then '输出矢量图形边框数据========================================== fileName = ProgPath + "LaserWorkV5\temp\dest2.tmp" Width = Abs(Xmax - Xmin) Height = Abs(Ymax - Ymin) PositionX = (Xmax + Xmin) / 2 PositionY = (Ymax + Ymin) / 2 Open fileName For Binary Access Write As #1 Put #1, , Width Put #1, , Height Put #1, , PositionX Put #1, , PositionY Close #1 fileName = ProgPath + "LaserWorkV5\temp\" Set expflt = ActiveDocument.ExportEx(fileName, cdrAI, cdrSelection) With expflt .Version = 0 .TextAsCurves = True .Platform = 0 .ConvertSpotColors = False .UseColorProfile = False .SimulateOutlines = False .SimulateFills = False .IncludePlacedImages = False .IncludePreview = False .Finish End With End If ActiveDocument.ClearSelection RunProgram End Sub Sub ImportDstFile() Dim strTemp As String Dim strCurPath As String Dim rtn As Long Dim im As ImportFilter Dim sio As StructImportOptions strTemp = Application.UserDataPath + "" If ActiveLayer Is Nothing Then Else rtn = SaveEmbroiderData(strTemp) If rtn > 0 Then Set im = ActiveLayer.ImportEx(strTemp, cdrAI) im.Finish ActiveDocument.SelectionRange.SetOutlineProperties 0.001, , CreateRGBColor(0, 0, 0) End If End If End Sub Sub UserInit() Dim i As Long Dim bInstallRD As Boolean Dim strRunning As String, strImport As String bInstallRD = False For i = 1 To CommandBars.Count With CommandBars(i) If .Name = "RLaserCut5.0" Then bInstallRD = True Exit For End If End With Next Dim fileName As String Dim ProgPath As String ProgPath = GetProgPath nLanuage = GetLang() If 0 = nLanuage Then '简体中文 strRunning = "激光加工" strImport = "导入Dst/Dsb数据" ElseIf 1 = nLanuage Then '繁体中文 strRunning = "激光加工" strImport = "導入Dst/Dsb數據" Else '英文 strRunning = "Laser Running" strImport = "Import Dst/Dsb Data" End If If bInstallRD = False Then Application.FrameWork.CommandBars.Add "RLaserCut5.0" Application.FrameWork.CommandBars("RLaserCut5.0").Enabled = True Application.FrameWork.CommandBars("RLaserCut5.0").Visible = True fileName = ProgPath + "LaserWorkV5\icon\runV5.bmp" With Application.FrameWork.CommandBars("RLaserCut5.0").Controls.AddCustomButton("2cc24a3e-fe24-4708-9a74-9c75406eebcd", "GlobalMacros.RLaserV5.LaserWorking") .SetCustomIcon (fileName) End With fileName = ProgPath + "LaserWorkV5\icon\importV5.bmp" With Application.FrameWork.CommandBars("RLaserCut5.0").Controls.AddCustomButton("2cc24a3e-fe24-4708-9a74-9c75406eebcd", "GlobalMacros.RLaserV5.ImportDstFile") .SetCustomIcon (fileName) End With End If Application.FrameWork.CommandBars("RLaserCut5.0").Controls(1).ToolTipText = strRunning Application.FrameWork.CommandBars("RLaserCut5.0").Controls(1).DescriptionText = "" Application.FrameWork.CommandBars("RLaserCut5.0").Controls(2).ToolTipText = strImport Application.FrameWork.CommandBars("RLaserCut5.0").Controls(2).DescriptionText = "" End Sub Public Function DirExists(ByVal strDirName As String) As Integer Const strWILDCARD$ = "*.*" Dim strDummy As String On Error Resume Next If Trim(strDirName) = "" Then DirExists = 0 Exit Function End If 'AddDirStep strDirName strDummy = Dir$(strDirName & strWILDCARD, vbDirectory) DirExists = Not (strDummy = vbNullString) Err = 0 End Function