# Default values for cryptlex-enterprise. # Certmanager letsencrypt config certmanager: enabled: false issuer: # Set this to your company email. email: support@mycompany.com # Set this to true once staging certificates are issued successfully. # Otherwise you may run into rate-limiting issues. production: false # Docker registry credentials imageCredentials: registry: https://index.docker.io/v1/ username: password: # Ingress config ingress: forceHttpsRedirect: true # Supported values are: nginx and alb className: nginx internal: false enableStatusPath: true hosts: # Hostname of the Cryptlex Web API server. webApiHost: cryptlex-api.mycompany.com # Hostname of the Cryptlex Admin Portal server adminPortalHost: cryptlex-app.mycompany.com # Hostname of the Cryptlex Customer Portal server customerPortalHost: cryptlex-customer.mycompany.com # Hostname of the Cryptlex Reseller Portal server resellerPortalHost: cryptlex-reseller.mycompany.com # Hostname of the Cryptlex Release server. releaseServerHost: cryptlex-releases.mycompany.com # Hostname of the Cryptlex Web Dashboard server. (Deprecated in favor of admin portal) dashboardHost: cryptlex-app-legacy.mycompany.com # Configure Cryptlex services services: database: # Set this to true in case you are using an external database. external: false storage: 10Gi # Leave empty to use default Kubernetes storage class storageClass: image: repository: postgres tag: 12.3-alpine pullPolicy: IfNotPresent geoip: # Set this to true in case you are using an external geoip service. external: false image: repository: cryptlex/freegeoip tag: 3.7.3 pullPolicy: IfNotPresent filestore: # Set this to false in case you are not using Cryptlex release management feature. enabled: true # Set this to true in case you are using an external filestore like AWS S3, Azure Minio etc. external: false storage: 10Gi # Leave empty to use default Kubernetes storage class storageClass: image: repository: minio/minio tag: RELEASE.2020-07-14T19-14-30Z pullPolicy: IfNotPresent rabbitMq: # Set this to false in case you are not using RabbitMQ. enabled: false # Set this to true in case the "Delayed Message Plugin" is enabled in RabbitMQ instance. delayedMessagePluginEnabled: false # Set the prefetch count prefetchCount: 16 # Set this to true in case you are using an external RabbitMQ instance. external: false storage: 5Gi # Leave empty to use default Kubernetes storage class storageClass: dashboard: image: repository: cryptlex/cryptlex-web-dashboard tag: 3.45.12 pullPolicy: IfNotPresent adminPortal: enabled: false image: repository: cryptlex/admin-portal tag: 5.3.2 pullPolicy: IfNotPresent customerPortal: enabled: false image: repository: cryptlex/customer-portal tag: 5.3.2 pullPolicy: IfNotPresent resellerPortal: enabled: false image: repository: cryptlex/reseller-portal tag: 5.3.2 pullPolicy: IfNotPresent webApi: image: repository: cryptlex/cryptlex-web-api-enterprise tag: 3.77.5 pullPolicy: IfNotPresent releaseServer: image: repository: cryptlex/cryptlex-release-server tag: 3.2.6 pullPolicy: IfNotPresent cache: # Set this to true in case you are using an external Redis database. external: false image: repository: redis tag: 7-alpine pullPolicy: IfNotPresent # Database config (ignored in case you are using an external database) database: name: cryptlex user: postgres password: postgres # RabbitMQ config (ignored in case you are using an external RabbitMQ instance) rabbitMq: username: rabbitmq-admin password: rabbitmq replicaCount: 1 # Filestore config filestore: accessKey: minio secretKey: minio_secret # Set this to 443 in case you are using an external filestore like AWS S3, Azure Minio etc. port: 9000 # Name of the bucket where you want to store all your files. bucket: releases.mycompany.com # This is required in case you are using AWS S3, otherwise leave the default value as such. region: us-east-1 # Set this to true in case you are using an external filestore like AWS S3, Azure Minio etc. useSsl: false # Dashboard config (Deprecated) dashboard: # Your company name. This shows up in the browser title. companyName: My Company # Your company website. companyWebsite: https://mycompany.com # Logo to be displayed. It must have a transparent background. companyLogoUrl: https://mycompany.com/logo.png # Favicon URL. companyFaviconUrl: https://mycompany.com/favicon.ico # Google analytics key. googleAnalyticsKey: UA-XXXXXXXX-X # Geo IP config (only required in case you are using an external service like ipstack.com or ipdata.co) geoip: # The geo ip server url. serverUrl: # The ipstack access key or ipdata API key. apiKey: # Web API config webApi: # Set this to 3 for production environment. replicaCount: 1 # This name appears in email body and 2FA secret url. applicationName: MyCompany # The license key which you get after you purchase the license for the Cryptlex Enterprise (on-premise). serverLicenseKey: PASTE_LICENSE_KEY # The database connection string, only required in case you are using an external database. databaseUrl: postgres://{user}:{password}@{hostname}:{port}/{database-name} # The read only database connection string, only required in case you are using an external database. databaseReaderUrl: "" # The database connections max pool size. databaseMaximumPoolSize: 300 # The encryption key to encrypt the RSA private keys and other secrets. encryptionKey: # Deprecated, use encryptionKey instead rsaPassphrase: PASTE_RSA_SECRET # Enable maintenance mode during DB major version upgrade. maintenanceModeEnabled: false # IP rate limiting options. ipRateLimitOptions: rateLimit: 50 ipWhitelist: [] realIpHeader: # Redis settings redis: # The Redis connection string, only required in case you are using an external Redis database. url: "" # Enable or disable SSL for Redis. enableSsl: false # Enable or disable database caching through Redis. enableDatabaseCaching: false # RabbitMQ settings rabbitMq: # The RabbitMQ connection string, only required in case you are using an external RabbitMQ instance. url: "" username: "" password: "" # Mail settings email: # From email for password reset email. fromAddress: support@mycompany.com # From name for password reset email. fromName: MyCompany Support # Email signature for password reset email. signature:

The MyCompany Team

# SMTP config for sending emails. smtp: host: "" port: 587 enableSsl: true username: "" password: "" # Mailgun config, in case you are using Mailgun for sending emails. mailgun: apiKey: "" domain: "" # Sendgrid config, in case you are using Sendgrid for sending emails. sendgrid: apiKey: "" # Error monitoring bugsnag: apiKey: "" # App metrics newRelic: licenseKey: "" applicationName: "Cryptlex Web API" # OpenTelemetry openTelemetry: otlpEndpoint: "" enableMetrics: true enableTraces: false otlpHeaders: [] # Hangfire dashboard hangfireDashboard: username: "" password: "" # Maxmind GeoLite2-City database maxmind: licenseKey: "" # Postmark postmark: accountToken: "" # Google google: recaptcha: secretKey: "" analytics: # G-XXXXXXX key: "" sso: # Refer to following for enabling Google SSO: https://docs.cryptlex.com/user-management/google-sso clientId: ""