#!/bin/bash # ====================================================================================== # This script is for downloading Reddcoin Core wallet v3.0.0 on a unix environment # with a non-SSE2 CPU such as Raspberry Pi's (ARM processor). # # Required operating system Raspbian Jessie, Stretch, Buster or Bullseye # ------------------------- download Jessie: https://downloads.raspberrypi.org/raspbian/images/raspbian-2017-07-05 # download Stretch: https://downloads.raspberrypi.org/raspbian/images/raspbian-2019-04-09 # download Buster: https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/raspbian # download Bullseye: https://www.raspberrypi.com/software/operating-systems/#raspberry-pi-os-32-bit # # How to run this script set permission: chmod +x reddcoin_core_download_raspbian.sh # ---------------------- run script: ./reddcoin_core_download_raspbian.sh # start wallet: reddcoind -daemon # get wallet info: reddcoin-cli getinfo # logfile: tail -f ~/.reddcoin/debug.log # # More info script created by: cryptoBUZE # --------- github: https://github.com/cryptoBUZE # reddcoin website: https://reddcoin.com # ====================================================================================== ## General settings cd ~ ## OS info RASPBIAN_VERSION=`cat /etc/os-release | grep VERSION=` case $RASPBIAN_VERSION in *jessie*) RASPBIAN_VERSION="jessie" ;; *stretch*) RASPBIAN_VERSION="stretch" ;; *buster*) RASPBIAN_VERSION="buster" ;; *bullseye*) RASPBIAN_VERSION="bullseye" ;; *) echo "You are not running Rasbian Jessie, Stretch, Buster or Bullseye" && exit 1 ;; esac ## SWAP file config (needed for Raspberry Pi's with 1G or less memory) echo "" echo "--- Setting swap file to 2G ---" sudo sed -i "/CONF_SWAPSIZE=/ s/=.*/=2000/" /etc/dphys-swapfile sudo dphys-swapfile setup sudo dphys-swapfile swapon ## Download and install dependencies for running binaries (if not already installed) + downloading pre compiled Reddcoin Core wallet binaries if [ $RASPBIAN_VERSION = "jessie" ] then echo "" echo "--- Installing dependencies for Raspbian Jessie ---" sudo apt-get update -y && sudo apt-get install -y libqt4-dev libprotobuf-dev libboost-all-dev libminiupnpc-dev wget pkg-config unzip sudo apt-mark hold libqt4-dev libprotobuf-dev libboost-all-dev libssl-dev libminiupnpc-dev # Downloading pre compiled Reddcoin Core wallet binaries with ARM cpu support echo "" echo "--- Downloading pre compiled Reddcoin Core wallet for Raspbian Jessie ---" wget https://github.com/cryptoBUZE/reddcoin/releases/download/rpi_raspbian_jessie_v3.0.0/reddcoind wget https://github.com/cryptoBUZE/reddcoin/releases/download/rpi_raspbian_jessie_v3.0.0/reddcoin-cli wget https://github.com/cryptoBUZE/reddcoin/releases/download/rpi_raspbian_jessie_v3.0.0/reddcoin-qt fi if [ $RASPBIAN_VERSION = "stretch" ] then echo "" echo "--- Installing dependencies for Raspbian Stretch ---" sudo apt-get update -y && sudo apt-get install -y libqt4-dev libprotobuf-dev libboost-all-dev wget pkg-config unzip sudo sed -i 's/stretch/jessie/g' /etc/apt/sources.list sudo apt-get update -y && sudo apt-get install -y libssl-dev sudo sed -i 's/jessie/stretch/g' /etc/apt/sources.list sudo apt-mark hold libqt4-dev libprotobuf-dev libboost-all-dev libssl-dev && sudo apt-get update -y # Downloading pre compiled Reddcoin Core wallet binaries with ARM cpu support echo "" echo "--- Downloading pre compiled Reddcoin Core wallet for Raspbian Stretch ---" wget https://github.com/cryptoBUZE/reddcoin/releases/download/rpi_raspbian_stretch_v3.0.0/reddcoind wget https://github.com/cryptoBUZE/reddcoin/releases/download/rpi_raspbian_stretch_v3.0.0/reddcoin-cli wget https://github.com/cryptoBUZE/reddcoin/releases/download/rpi_raspbian_stretch_v3.0.0/reddcoin-qt fi if [ $RASPBIAN_VERSION = "buster" ] then echo "" echo "--- Installing dependencies for Raspbian Buster ---" sudo apt update -y && sudo apt install -y --allow-change-held-packages qt5-default libssl1.0-dev libprotobuf17 libboost-thread1.62-dev libboost-program-options1.62-dev libboost-filesystem1.62-dev libboost-system1.62-dev # Downloading pre compiled Reddcoin Core wallet binaries with ARM cpu support echo "" echo "--- Downloading pre compiled Reddcoin Core wallet for Raspbian Buster ---" wget -O reddcoin-3.10.3-armhf.zip https://sourceforge.net/projects/reddpi/files/update/reddcoin-3.10.3-armhf.zip/download unzip reddcoin-3.10.3-armhf.zip && rm reddcoin-3.10.3-armhf.zip fi if [ $RASPBIAN_VERSION = "bullseye" ] then echo "" echo "--- Installing dependencies for Raspbian Bullseye ---" sudo sed -i 's/bullseye/buster/g' /etc/apt/sources.list sudo apt update -y && sudo apt install -y --allow-change-held-packages libssl1.0-dev libprotobuf17 libboost-thread1.62-dev libboost-program-options1.62-dev libboost-filesystem1.62-dev libboost-system1.62-dev sudo sed -i 's/buster/bullseye/g' /etc/apt/sources.list sudo apt update # Downloading pre compiled Reddcoin Core wallet binaries with ARM cpu support echo "" echo "--- Downloading pre compiled Reddcoin Core wallet for Raspbian Bullseye ---" wget -O reddcoin-3.10.3-armhf.zip https://sourceforge.net/projects/reddpi/files/update/reddcoin-3.10.3-armhf.zip/download unzip reddcoin-3.10.3-armhf.zip && rm reddcoin-3.10.3-armhf.zip # Create desktop icon wget -O rdd_logo.svg https://redd.love/assets/img/logos/R-Graphic-CLR.svg cd ~/Desktop rm Reddcoin\ Core.desktop > /dev/null 2>&1 echo "[Desktop Entry]" > Reddcoin\ Core.desktop echo "Version=1.0" >> Reddcoin\ Core.desktop echo "Exec=reddcoin-qt" >> Reddcoin\ Core.desktop echo "Name=Reddcoin Core 3.10.3" >> Reddcoin\ Core.desktop echo "Comment=Reddcoin Core QT Desktop Wallet" >> Reddcoin\ Core.desktop echo "Icon=/home/pi/rdd_logo.svg" >> Reddcoin\ Core.desktop echo "Encoding=UTF-8" >> Reddcoin\ Core.desktop echo "Terminal=false" >> Reddcoin\ Core.desktop echo "Type=Application" >> Reddcoin\ Core.desktop cd ~ fi ## Setting permissions sudo chown pi reddcoin* && sudo chmod +x reddcoin* sudo mv reddcoind reddcoin-cli reddcoin-qt /usr/local/bin ## Create reddcoin.conf file for using Reddcoin Core command line interface and RPC calls if test -f ~/.reddcoin/reddcoin.conf; then echo "" echo "--- Skipping step for creating reddcoin.conf configuration file (already exists) ---" else echo "" echo "--- Creating reddcoin.conf configuration file ---" mkdir -p ~/.reddcoin && cd ~/.reddcoin echo "rpcuser="$USER >> reddcoin.conf read RPC_PWD < <(date +%s | sha256sum | base64 | head -c 32 ; echo) echo "rpcpassword="$RPC_PWD >> reddcoin.conf fi ## Download snapshot of blockchain data if there is no wallet.dat in .reddcoin folder if test -f ~/.reddcoin/wallet.dat; then echo "" echo "--- Skipping downloading of latest blockchain data for fast synchronization of blocks after wallet startup ---" else echo "" echo "--- Downloading latest blockchain data for fast synchronization of blocks after wallet startup ---" curl -o rdd_blkchain.zip https://download.reddcoin.com/bin/bootstrap/blockchain-latest.zip unzip rdd_blkchain.zip rm rdd_blkchain.zip fi ## Reddcoin Stakebox update from v2 to v3 wallet if test -f ~/reddcoin-; then echo "" echo "--- Hey Stakebox user! Replacing now old v2 wallet links to new v3 wallet links ---" # Removing older v2 wallet files cd ~ mv reddcoin- . rm -r reddcoin- wget https://github.com/cryptoBUZE/reddcoin/releases/download/rpi_raspbian_jessie_v3.0.0/download_blockchain.sh chmod +x download_blockchain.sh # Set new wallpaper wget -O reddcoin_wallpaper.png https://i.imgur.com/RoTUmUc.png pcmanfm --set-wallpaper /home/pi/reddcoin_wallpaper.png # Update desktop links echo "[Desktop Entry]" > Desktop/Download\ Blockchain echo "Version=1.0" >> Desktop/Download\ Blockchain echo "Exec=/home/pi/download_blockchain.sh" >> Desktop/Download\ Blockchain echo "Name=Download ReddCoin blockchain" >> Desktop/Download\ Blockchain echo "Comment=Script for downloading the ReddCoin blockchain" >> Desktop/Download\ Blockchain echo "Encoding=UTF-8" >> Desktop/Download\ Blockchain echo "Terminal=true" >> Desktop/Download\ Blockchain echo "Type=Application" >> Desktop/Download\ Blockchain echo "[Desktop Entry]" > Desktop/Reddcoin\ Core.desktop echo "Version=1.0" >> Desktop/Reddcoin\ Core.desktop echo "Exec=reddcoin-qt" >> Desktop/Reddcoin\ Core.desktop echo "Name=Reddcoin Core 3.0.0" >> Desktop/Reddcoin\ Core.desktop echo "Comment=Reddcoin Core QT Desktop Wallet" >> Desktop/Reddcoin\ Core.desktop echo "Icon=/home/pi/rdd_logo.png" >> Desktop/Reddcoin\ Core.desktop echo "Encoding=UTF-8" >> Desktop/Reddcoin\ Core.desktop echo "Terminal=false" >> Desktop/Reddcoin\ Core.desktop echo "Type=Application" >> Desktop/Reddcoin\ Core.desktop fi echo "" echo "Done! You can now start the Reddcoin Core wallet as a daemon process with 'reddcoind -daemon' or reddcoin-qt for running the wallet in desktop mode."