# cslint for sublime text 3 A plugin to lint and format js and css/scss for sublime text3 base on [cslint][1] ## Installation **With Package Control**: Run “Package Control: Install Package” command, find and install `cslint` plugin. **Manually**: Clone or [download][1] git repo into your packages folder (in ST3, find Browse Packages… menu item to open this folder) ```bash $ git clone git@github.com:cslint/sublime-cslint.git ``` ## Usage First of all, make sure [cslint][1] has been installed, and cslint path is in `cslint.sublime-settings` which looks like below: (`Preferences->Package Settings->cslint->Settings-User`) ```json { "node_bin": "/usr/local/bin/node", "cslint_bin": "/usr/local/bin/cslint", "show_popup": false } ``` 1. lint automatically 2. press `ctrl+cmd+f` to format ![screenshot](https://github.com/cslint/sublime-cslint/blob/master/img/screen.gif) `Tips:` for now, this plugin only works on *st3* and *OS X* ### License [MIT][3] [1]: https://github.com/cslint/cslint [2]: https://codeload.github.com/cslint/sublime-cslint/zip/master [3]: http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT