#!/usr/bin/bash # # Install the CSS4J artifacts to the local Maven repository. # LOCALREPO=${HOME}/.m2/repository # PLUGIN=org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:2.9:get REMOTEREPO=https://css4j.github.io/maven/ # function errorCheck() { if [ "${1}" -ne "0" ]; then echo "Exit code ${1} at ${2}" exit ${1} fi } # function install() { mvn $PLUGIN -DremoteRepositories=${REMOTEREPO} -Dartifact=${1}:${2}:${3} errorCheck $? "Retrieval of ${1}:${2}:${3} main artifact" mvn $PLUGIN -DremoteRepositories=${REMOTEREPO} -Dartifact=${1}:${2}:${3} -Dpackaging=pom errorCheck $? "Retrieval of ${1}:${2}:${3} POM artifact" mvn $PLUGIN -DremoteRepositories=${REMOTEREPO} -Dartifact=${1}:${2}:${3} -Dclassifier=sources errorCheck $? "Retrieval of ${1}:${2}:${3} source artifact" } # GROUP=io.sf.carte ARTIFACT=tokenproducer VERSION=3.0 install "${GROUP}" "${ARTIFACT}" "${VERSION}" # ARTIFACT=carte-util VERSION=3.6.0 install "${GROUP}" "${ARTIFACT}" "${VERSION}" # ARTIFACT=xml-dtd VERSION=4.3 install "${GROUP}" "${ARTIFACT}" "${VERSION}" # ARTIFACT=css4j VERSION=4.4 install "${GROUP}" "${ARTIFACT}" "${VERSION}" # ARTIFACT=css4j-agent VERSION=4.0 install "${GROUP}" "${ARTIFACT}" "${VERSION}" # ARTIFACT=css4j-awt VERSION=4.0 install "${GROUP}" "${ARTIFACT}" "${VERSION}" # ARTIFACT=css4j-dom4j VERSION=4.2 install "${GROUP}" "${ARTIFACT}" "${VERSION}" # rm -f ${LOCALREPO}/io/sf/carte/*/*/_remote.repositories