# CSScomb for Sublime Text ## About CSScomb is a coding style formatter for CSS. You can easily write your own configuration to make your stylesheets beautiful and consistent. ## The Requirements You need Node.js to make this plugin work. ### Caveats If node has been installed with NVM you need to make a symlink to node in `/usr/local/bin`. Using OS X, the binary path would typically be `/Users/[your name]/.nvm/[node version]/bin/node`. ## Plugin usage Press ctrl+shift+c or open "Tools" menu and select "Run CSScomb". ## Custom configuration Custom configuration is fun and simple: just put `.csscomb.json` file in the project root or your `HOME` directory. You can read more about available options [in docs](https://github.com/csscomb/csscomb.js/blob/master/doc/options.md). You can also store config right in ST's settings. Open `Preferences > Package Settings > CSScomb` and see `Settings - Default` for an example. ## Issues & bugs [Plugin tracker](https://github.com/csscomb/sublime-csscomb/issues) [CSScomb tracker](https://github.com/csscomb/csscomb.js/issues) ## Authors [@tonyganch](https://github.com/tonyganch)