# Value Definition Syntax This article describes API to work with [Value Definition Syntax](https://www.w3.org/TR/css-values-4/#value-defs) (or CSS Definition Syntax since it used to define various parts of CSS language beside values). API provides ability to parse a definition into AST, traverse through it and translate AST back to a string (see corresponding section for details). Example of definition syntax - [parse(source)](#parsesource) - [walk(node, options, context)](#walknode-options-context) - [generate(node, options)](#generatenode-options) - [AST format](#ast-format) - [AtKeyword](#atkeyword) - [Comma](#comma) - [Function](#function) - [Group](#group) - [Keyword](#keyword) - [Multiplier](#multiplier) - [Property](#property) - [Range](#range) - [String](#string) - [Token](#token) - [Type](#type) ## parse(source) Arguments: - **source**: `string` A definition to parse ```js import { definitionSyntax } from 'css-tree'; definitionSyntax.parse('foo | bar'); // { Group // terms: // [ { Keyword name: 'foo' }, // { Keyword name: 'bar' } ], // combinator: '|', // disallowEmpty: false, // explicit: false } ``` ## walk(node, options, context) Arguments: - **node**: `Object` AST node - **options**: `{ enter?: function, leave?: function }` or `function` An object to specify enter and/or leave handlers. When value is a function, it treated as `{ enter: function }`. One of handlers is required. - **context** (optional): `any` Defines a value as `this` in enter and leave handlers. ```js import { definitionSyntax } from 'css-tree'; const ast = definitionSyntax.parse('foo | bar'); definitionSyntax.walk(ast, { enter(node) { console.log('enter', node.type, node.combinator || node.name || ''); }, leave(node) { console.log('leave', node.type, node.combinator || node.name || ''); } }); // enter Group | // enter Keyword foo // leave Keyword foo // enter Keyword bar // leave Keyword bar // leave Group | definitionSyntax.walk(ast, node => console.log(node.type, node.combinator || node.name || '') ); // Group | // Keyword foo // Keyword bar ``` ## generate(node, options) - **node**: `Object` AST node to generate a string from - **options** (optional): `Object` An object to specify output behaviour (all options are optional): - **forceBraces**: `Boolean` (default: `false`) Enforce printing brackets for any groups (even implicit). Useful for debugging and priority revelation. - **compact**: `Boolean` (default: `false`) Avoid formatting (primary whitespaces around brackets and so on) when possible. - **decorate**: `function(nodeGenerateResult, node)` A function to post-process result of node translation to a string. Handy to make some kind of result wrapping. ```js import { definitionSyntax } from 'css-tree'; const ast = definitionSyntax.parse('foo && bar || [ baz | qux ]'); definitionSyntax.generate(ast); // "foo && bar || [ baz | qux ]" definitionSyntax.generate(ast, { compact: true }); // "foo&&bar||[baz|qux]" definitionSyntax.generate(ast, { forceBraces: true }); // "[ [ foo && bar ] || [ baz | qux ] ]" definitionSyntax.generate(ast, { decorate(content, node) { return node.type === 'Keyword' && node.name.startsWith('b') ? `${content}` : content; } }); // "foo && bar || [ baz | qux ]" ``` ## AST format ### AtKeyword ```js { type: "AtKeyword", name: String } ``` A CSS at-keyword token (a keyword prescended by commertial at), e.g. `@media` or `@keyframes`. ### Comma ```js { type: "Comma" } ``` Just a comma. Comma is widely used and has complicated rules in definition syntax, that's why it represents by a separate node type. ### Function ```js { type: "Function", name: String } ``` A CSS function token (a keyword followed by left parenthesis), e.g. `foo(` or `rgb(`. ### Group ```js { type: "Group", terms: Array., combinator: String, disallowEmpty: Boolean, explicit: Boolean } ``` A conjunction of `terms` joined by a `combinator`. - **combinator** is enum value of ` ` (single space), `|`, `||` or `&&` (see [Component Value Combinators](https://drafts.csswg.org/css-values-4/#component-combinators) in spec). - **disallowEmpty** is using to express `[ ]!` group (indicates that the group is required and must produce at least one value), only for such groups this field has true value. - **explicit**, when `true`, means brackets was explicitly used for a group. Implicit groups is producing when mixed combinators are used for a term sequence, e.g. `a && b c || d` looks like `[ [ a && [ b c ] ] || d ]` when brackets are used for each group. The field mostly used to restore an original definition from AST. ### Keyword ```js { type: "Keyword", name: String } ``` A keyword value (such as `auto`, `green`, `none` etc) which appear literally. ### Multiplier ```js { type: "Multiplier", comma: Boolean, min: Number, max: Number, term: Object } ``` A multipler of a term. | Definition | AST | {N,M} notation | ---------- | ---------- | -------------- | ? | { comma: false, min: 0, max: 1 } | {0,1} | * | { comma: false, min: 0, max: 0 } | {0,} | + | { comma: false, min: 1, max: 0 } | {1,} | # | { comma: true, min: 1, max: 0 } | – | {3} | { comma: false, min: 3, max: 3 } | {3} | {3,} | { comma: false, min: 3, max: 0 } | {3,} | {3,3} | { comma: false, min: 3, max: 3 } | {3} | {3,6} | { comma: false, min: 3, max: 6 } | {3,6} | #{3} | { comma: true, min: 3, max: 3 } | – | #{3,} | { comma: true, min: 3, max: 0 } | – | #{3,6} | { comma: true, min: 3, max: 6 } | – ### Property ```js { type: "Property", name: String } ``` A reference to property definition, e.g. `<'property'>`. ### Range ```js { type: "Range", min: Number | null, max: Number | null } ``` Represents [bracketed range notation](https://drafts.csswg.org/css-values-4/#numeric-ranges). For example, in definition `` the bracketed range notation is `[0,∞]`. `null` value is used for `min` and `max` to express `-∞` (-infinity) and `∞` (infinity) respectively.
Definition AST
    type: 'Type',
    name: 'length',
    opts: null
<length [0,∞]>
    type: 'Type',
    name: 'length',
    opts: {
        type: 'Range',
        min: 0,
        max: null
<length [-∞,10]>
    type: 'Type',
    name: 'length',
    opts: {
        type: 'Range',
        min: null,
        max: 10
### String ```js { type: "String", value: String } ``` A sequence of characters. ### Token ```js { type: "Token", value: String } ``` Any single code point isn't consumed by any other production excluding whitespaces and symbols used for multipliers, i.e. `*` (asterisk), `+` (plus sign), `?` (question mark), `#` (number sign) and `!` (exclamation mark). ### Type ```js { type: "Type", name: String, opts: Object | null } ``` Represents a reference to a type, e.g. ``. `opts` is used to express something special like bracketed range notation (see [Range](#range) node type)