# Sublime Jasmine Overview A Sublime Text plugin to give an overview of Jasmine functions & their descriptions ## Usage The only default shortcut is `ctrl+k, ctrl+j` to show the Jasmine Overview quick panel (ignoring `beforeEach`/`afterEach`): ![Jasmine Overview](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/csudcy/sublime-jasmine-overview/master/jasmine-overview.png) If you want to include `beforeEach`/`afterEach`, you can add a shortcut like this: ```json { "keys": ["ctrl+k", "ctrl+j"], "command": "jasmine_overview", "args": {"include_before_after": true} } ``` You can also open the Jasmine Overview quick panel through the menu at `Tools > Jasmine Overview`. ## Installing ### Using Sublime Package Control If you are using [Sublime Package Control](http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control), you can easily install Jasmine Overview via the `Package Control: Install Package` menu item. 1. Press `CTRL+SHIFT+p` 1. Type *"Install Package"* 1. Find `Jasmine Overview` 1. Done! ### Download Manually You're going to have to work this out on your own (or, you know, just use package control...). ## Developing ### Running tests To run the tests, execute: ```bash pip install pytest py.test ``` ## Changelog * v0.1.0 * First release * v0.2.0 * Moved menu to `Tools > Jasmine Overview` * Added tests for regex searching & string manipulation * Jump back to original cursor location if quick panel is cancelled ## Todo * Allow exact list of keywords to be specified * Update tests * Add CI