-30d@d now
Count by month with average over time (`ntsb_index` sourcetype="ntsb_csv") | timechart count span=1mon as Count | streamstats global=f avg(Count) as Average | eval Average = round(Average) $field1.earliest$ $field1.latest$ 1 All by Airport Name (`ntsb_index` sourcetype="ntsb_csv") | rename "Airport Code" as AirportCode | rename "Airport Name" as AirportName | eval AirportName = lower(AirportName) | lookup OurAirports.com ident AS AirportCode OUTPUT latitude_deg, longitude_deg | geostats latfield=latitude_deg longfield=longitude_deg count by AirportName globallimit=0 $field1.earliest$ $field1.latest$ 1 All by City, State (`ntsb_index` sourcetype="ntsb_csv") | eval city_state = lower(City + ", " + State) | geostats latfield=Latitude longfield=Longitude count by city_state globallimit=0 $field1.earliest$ $field1.latest$ 1 Total Fatalities (`ntsb_index` sourcetype="ntsb_csv") | stats sum(Total Fatal Injuries) as "Total Fatalities" | sort -count $field1.earliest$ $field1.latest$ 1
Total Injuries (`ntsb_index` sourcetype="ntsb_csv") | rename "Total Minor Injuries" as tmi | rename "Total Serious Injuries" as tsi | eval totalInjuries = tmi + tsi | stats sum(totalInjuries) as "Total Injuries" | sort -count $field1.earliest$ $field1.latest$ 1
Total Uninjured (`ntsb_index` sourcetype="ntsb_csv") | stats sum(Total Uninjured) as "Total Uninjured" | sort -count $field1.earliest$ $field1.latest$ 1
Count by Operator Name (`ntsb_index` sourcetype="ntsb_csv") | stats count by "Air Carrier" | sort -count $field1.earliest$ $field1.latest$ 1
Count by Report Status (`ntsb_index` sourcetype="ntsb_csv") | stats count by "Report Status" | sort -count -30d@d now 1
Count by Investigation Type (`ntsb_index` sourcetype="ntsb_csv") | stats count by "Investigation Type" | sort - count $field1.earliest$ $field1.latest$ 1
Purpose Of Flight (`ntsb_index` sourcetype="ntsb_csv") | stats count by "Purpose of Flight" | sort - count $field1.earliest$ $field1.latest$ 1
Count by Weather Condition (`ntsb_index` sourcetype="ntsb_csv") | stats count by "Weather Condition" | sort - count $field1.earliest$ $field1.latest$ 1
Count by FAR Description (`ntsb_index` sourcetype="ntsb_csv") | stats count by "FAR Description" | sort - count $field1.earliest$ $field1.latest$ 1
Count by Phase of Flight (`ntsb_index` sourcetype="ntsb_csv") | stats count by "Broad Phase of Flight" | sort - count $field1.earliest$ $field1.latest$ 1
Count by Aircraft Category and Engine Count (`ntsb_index` sourcetype="ntsb_csv") | stats count by "Aircraft Category", "Number of Engines" | sort -count $field1.earliest$ $field1.latest$ 1
Count by Aircraft Damage (`ntsb_index` sourcetype="ntsb_csv") | stats count by "Aircraft Damage" | sort - count $field1.earliest$ $field1.latest$ 1
Count by Make and Model (`ntsb_index` sourcetype="ntsb_csv") | stats count by Make, Model | sort -count $field1.earliest$ $field1.latest$ 1
Count by Aircraft ID (`ntsb_index` sourcetype="ntsb_csv") | stats count by "Registration Number" | sort -count $field1.earliest$ $field1.latest$ 1
Is Amateur Built? (`ntsb_index` sourcetype="ntsb_csv") | stats count by "Amateur Built" | sort - count $field1.earliest$ $field1.latest$ 1
Top-20 by Airport Code (`ntsb_index` sourcetype="ntsb_csv") | sort - count | top limit=20 "Airport Code" $field1.earliest$ $field1.latest$ 1 Top-20 by State (`ntsb_index` sourcetype="ntsb_csv") | sort -count | top limit=20 "State" $field1.earliest$ $field1.latest$ 1 Top-50 by City, State (`ntsb_index` sourcetype="ntsb_csv") | sort - count | eval city_state = City + ", " + State | top limit=50 city_state $field1.earliest$ $field1.latest$ 1 Count by Event Date | pivot ntsb_w_Event_Date RootObject count(RootObject) AS "Count of ntsb_w_Event_Date" SPLITROW _time AS _time PERIOD auto SORT 0 _time ROWSUMMARY 0 COLSUMMARY 0 SHOWOTHER 1 $field1.earliest$ $field1.latest$ 1 Investigation Type by Country (`ntsb_index` sourcetype="ntsb_csv") | chart count by "Investigation Type", Country limit=0 $field1.earliest$ $field1.latest$ 1