#!/bin/bash ARCH=$(uname -m) if [ "$ARCH" == "x86_64" ]; then FILE="goForward.zip" elif [ "$ARCH" == "arm64" ]; then FILE="goForward_arm64.zip" else echo -e "\033[41mError\033[0m: Unsupported architecture: $ARCH" exit 1 fi # Check if unzip is installed if ! command -v unzip &> /dev/null; then echo -e "\033[41mError\033[0m: unzip is not installed. Installing..." # Install unzip based on the package manager if command -v apt-get &> /dev/null; then sudo apt-get install -y unzip elif command -v yum &> /dev/null; then sudo yum install -y unzip else echo -e "\033[41mError\033[0m: Unsupported package manager. Please install unzip manually." exit 1 fi fi # 获取百度的平均延迟(ping 5次并取平均值) ping_result=$(ping -c 5 -q baidu.com | awk -F'/' 'END{print $5}') # 判断延迟是否在100以内 if awk -v ping="$ping_result" 'BEGIN{exit !(ping < 100)}'; then echo "服务器位于中国国内,使用代理下载" url="https://mirror.ghproxy.com/https://github.com/csznet/goForward/releases/latest/download/${FILE}" else echo "服务器位于国外,不使用代理下载" url="https://github.com/csznet/goForward/releases/latest/download/${FILE}" fi # Download and unzip if ! curl -L -O $url; then echo -e "\033[41mError\033[0m: Failed to download $FILE. Please check your internet connection or try again later." exit 1 fi if ! unzip "$FILE"; then echo -e "\033[41mError\033[0m: Failed to unzip $FILE." exit 1 fi rm "$FILE" # Set permissions chmod +x goForward # Output success message echo -e "\033[44mSuccess\033[0m The 'goForward' executable is ready for use."