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`SublimeText 3 Theme` Port of Seti_UI by [jesseweed]( ### Seti ![Seti Screenshot](./Resource/screenshot-1.png) ### Seti_orig ![Seti Screenshot](./Resource/screenshot-2.png) ## Notes * [Seti_UX]( A New/Better syntax Highlight. * [Seti_JetBrains]( by [zchee]( :tophat:. ## Install Theme is listed as [Seti_UI]( on Will Bond's [Sublime Package Control]( ## Setup Activate the `Theme` by calling `UI: Select Theme` from Sublime Text quick menu. #### Options open your Sublime Text "user settings" and add what you need from below. * note that not all the settings are available in both themes. ```js // tabs "Seti_tabs_small" // tabs height = 35 "Seti_tabs_med" // tabs height = 40 "Seti_tabs_big" // tabs height = "seti=45" / "seti_orig=54" "Seti_tabs_no_min_width" // (issues/223) "Seti_tab_font_12" // tab font size = 12 "mouse_wheel_tabswitch" // scroll through opened tabs "Seti_no_scroll_icons" // remove the l/r arrows, effective when ("enable_tab_scrolling": true) "Seti_no_under_bar" // remove the small colored bar under the un-saved tabs "not available with accents" "Seti_bold_slctdtab_labels" // make active tab label font in bold "Seti_use_system_title_bar" // use the new tabset feature (>=3127) // tabs unsaved bar ("Seti_accent_*": false) "Seti_yellow_tab" "Seti_red_tab" "Seti_indigo_tab" "Seti_purple_tab" "Seti_teal_tab" "Seti_lime_tab" "Seti_seablue_tab" // tab close button ("Seti_accent": false) "Seti_yellow_tabclose" "Seti_red_tabclose" "Seti_indigo_tabclose" "Seti_purple_tabclose" "Seti_teal_tabclose" "Seti_lime_tabclose" // tab label "Seti_blue_label" "Seti_yellow_label" "Seti_red_label" "Seti_indigo_label" "Seti_purple_label" "Seti_teal_label" "Seti_lime_label" // scrollbar "Seti_SB_med" // scrollbars width / height = 6 "Seti_SB_big" // scrollbars width / height = 10 "Seti_blue_scrollbar" "Seti_yellow_scrollbar" "Seti_red_scrollbar" "Seti_indigo_scrollbar" "Seti_purple_scrollbar" "Seti_teal_scrollbar" "Seti_lime_scrollbar" "Seti_seablue_scrollbar" // sidebar // icons "Seti_ClosedFolder_same" // same icon as the "Opened folder" "Seti_ClosedFolder_remove" // remove closed_folder icon "Seti_ClosedFolder_dots" // change closed_folder icon to dot "Seti_ClosedFolder_anim" // animate sidebar folder icons "Seti_sb_no_icons" // (issues/133) "Seti_sb_blank" // (issues/133) // padding "Seti_sb_small_padding" // sidebar entries padding = 3 "Seti_sb_big_padding" // sidebar entries padding = 10 "Seti_sb_tree_med" // sidebar tree padding = 15 "Seti_sb_tree_small" // sidebar tree padding = 10 "Seti_sb_tree_tiny" // (issues/88) "Seti_sb_tree_miny" // (issues/88) "Seti_show_group_arrows" // show the folder/group arrows in sidebar // labels "Seti_bold_slctdfile_labels" // make the sidebar selected file text in bold "Seti_sidebar_font_size_12" // (issues/115) "Seti_sidebar_font_size_13" // (issues/115) "Seti_sidebar_font_size_14" // (issues/115) "Seti_sidebar_font_Ubuntu" // (issues/115) "Seti_sidebar_font_Fira" // (issues/115) "Seti_sidebar_font_Hack" // (issues/115) "Seti_sidebar_font_Source" // (issues/115) "Seti_heading_font_12" // heading font size = 12 // heading "Seti_bold_heading" // make heading font in bold "Seti_no_heading" // remove the "folder,group 1,etc.." "Seti_top_heading_big" // sidebar top header img big "Seti_top_heading_small" // sidebar top header img small "Seti_top_heading_anim" // sidebar top header img animate on hover "not available with accents" "Seti_alt_tree_row" // alternative sidebar row highlight // view "Seti_pad_5" // use with line_padding_bottom / line_padding_top = 5 "Seti_pad_3" // use with line_padding_bottom / line_padding_top = 3 "Seti_panel_nrml" // remove the padding top/down from quick panel "Seti_dark_fold_button" // change the fold arrow to black // map "Seti_yellow_map" "Seti_red_map" "Seti_indigo_map" "Seti_purple_map" "Seti_teal_map" "Seti_lime_map" "Seti_seablue_map" // status bar "Seti_yellow_statusbar" "Seti_red_statusbar" "Seti_indigo_statusbar" "Seti_purple_statusbar" "Seti_teal_statusbar" "Seti_lime_statusbar" "Seti_seablue_statusbar" // accents "Seti_accent" // general options for accents "Seti_accent_yellow" "Seti_accent_red" "Seti_accent_indigo" "Seti_accent_purple" "Seti_accent_teal" "Seti_accent_lime" "Seti_accent_seablue" ``` ## Differences from the original * No file icon in the opened tabs, ST lacks this. * Current line number highlight color, ST lacks this.