Plugin Name: Commons In A Box
Plugin URI: http://commonsinabox.org
Description: A suite of community and collaboration tools for WordPress, designed especially for academic communities
Version: 1.3.4
Author: CUNY Academic Commons
Author URI: http://commons.gc.cuny.edu
Licence: GPLv3
Network: true
Core: >=4.9.8
Text Domain: commons-in-a-box
Domain Path: /languages

// Exit if accessed directly
if ( !defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) exit;

class Commons_In_A_Box {
	 * Holds the single-running CBOX object
	 * @var Commons_In_A_Box
	private static $instance = false;

	 * Package holder.
	 * @since 1.1.0
	 * @var object Extended class of {@link CBox_Package}
	private $package;

	 * Static bootstrapping init method
	 * @since 0.1
	public static function init() {
		if ( ! self::$instance ) {
			self::$instance = new self();

		return self::$instance;

	 * Private constructor. Intentionally left empty.
	 * Instantiate this class by using {@link cbox()} or {@link Commons_In_A_Box::init()}.
	 * @since 0.1
	private function __construct() {}

	 * Sets up our constants
	 * @since 0.2
	 * @todo Figure out a reliable way to use plugin_dir_path()
	private function constants() {
		if ( ! defined( 'CBOX_PLUGIN_DIR' ) )
			define( 'CBOX_PLUGIN_DIR', trailingslashit( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) );

		if ( ! defined( 'CBOX_LIB_DIR' ) )
			define( 'CBOX_LIB_DIR',    trailingslashit( CBOX_PLUGIN_DIR . 'lib' ) );


	 * Sets up some class data
	 * @since 0.1
	private function setup_globals() {

		/** VERSION ***********************************************************/

		// CBOX version
		$this->version       = '1.3.4';

		// UTC date of CBOX version release
		$this->revision_date = '2022-10-10 16:00 UTC';

		/** FILESYSTEM ********************************************************/

		// the absolute directory CBOX is running from
		$this->plugin_dir    = constant( 'CBOX_PLUGIN_DIR' );

		// the URL to the CBOX directory
		$this->plugin_url    = plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ );

	 * Includes necessary files
	 * @since 0.1
	private function includes() {
		// pertinent functions used everywhere
		require( $this->plugin_dir . 'includes/functions.php' );
		require( $this->plugin_dir . 'includes/plugins.php' );

		// Admin.
		if ( cbox_is_admin() ) {
			require( $this->plugin_dir . 'admin/admin-loader.php' );

		// frontend
		} else {
			require( $this->plugin_dir . 'includes/frontend.php' );

		// Upgrades API - runs in admin area and on AJAX.
		if ( is_admin() || defined( 'WP_CLI' ) ) {
			// @todo maybe use autoloader.
			require( $this->plugin_dir . 'includes/upgrades/upgrade-item.php' );
			require( $this->plugin_dir . 'includes/upgrades/upgrade.php' );
			require( $this->plugin_dir . 'includes/upgrades/upgrade-registry.php' );

		// WP-CLI integration
		if ( defined( 'WP_CLI' ) ) {

	 * Setup actions.
	 * @since 1.0-beta4
	private function setup_actions() {
		// Package hooks.
		add_action( 'cbox_admin_loaded',      array( $this, 'load_package' ), 11 );
		add_action( 'cbox_frontend_includes', array( $this, 'load_package_frontend' ) );

		// Add actions to plugin activation and deactivation hooks
		add_action( 'activate_'   . plugin_basename( __FILE__ ), function() { do_action( 'cbox_activation' ); } );
		add_action( 'deactivate_' . plugin_basename( __FILE__ ), function() { do_action( 'cbox_deactivation' ); } );

		// localization
		add_action( 'init', array( $this, 'localization' ), 0 );

		 * CLI-specific actions.
		 * This could be improved...
		if ( defined( 'WP_CLI') ) {
			add_filter( 'upgrader_source_selection', 'cbox_rename_github_folder', 1, 4 );
			add_action( 'cbox_plugins_loaded', function() {
				require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php';
			}, 91 );
			add_action( 'cbox_plugins_loaded', array( 'Plugin_Dependencies', 'init' ), 91 );

		// Upgrader routine.
		add_action( 'wp_loaded', function() {
			// Ensure we're in the admin area or WP CLI.
			if ( is_admin() || defined( 'WP_CLI') ) {
				// Ensure upgrader items are registered.
				$packages = cbox_get_packages();
				$current  = cbox_get_current_package_id();
				if ( isset( $packages[ $current ] ) && class_exists( $packages[ $current ] ) ) {
					call_user_func( array( $packages[ $current ], 'upgrader' ) );

			// AJAX handler.
			if ( wp_doing_ajax() && ! empty( $_POST['action'] ) &&
				( 0 === strpos( $_POST['action'], 'cbox_' ) && false !== strpos( $_POST['action'], '_upgrade' ) )
			) {
				require CBOX_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/upgrades/ajax-handler.php';
		} );

	 * Load up our components.
	 * @since 1.0-beta2
	private function load_components() {
		// admin area
		if ( cbox_is_admin() ) {
			$this->admin    = new CBox_Admin;
			$this->plugins  = new CBox_Plugins;

		// frontend
		} else {
			$this->frontend = new CBox_Frontend;

		// WP-CLI integration
		if ( defined( 'WP_CLI' ) ) {
			\WP_CLI::add_command( 'cbox',         '\CBOX\CLI\Core' );
			\WP_CLI::add_command( 'cbox package', '\CBOX\CLI\Package' );
			\WP_CLI::add_command( 'cbox update',  '\CBOX\CLI\Update' );
			\WP_CLI::add_command( 'cbox upgrade', '\CBOX\CLI\Upgrade' );

		 * Hook to load components.
		 * @since 1.1.0
		 * @param Commons_In_A_Box $this
		do_action( 'cbox_load_components', $this );

	/** HOOKS *********************************************************/

	 * Loads the active package into CBOX.
	 * @since 1.1.0
	public function load_package() {
		// Package autoloader.

		$current = cbox_get_current_package_id();
		if ( empty( $current ) ) {

		// Load our package.
		$packages = cbox_get_packages();
		if ( isset( $packages[$current] ) && class_exists( $packages[$current] ) ) {
			$this->package = call_user_func( array( $packages[$current], 'init' ) );

	 * Loads package code for the frontend.
	 * @since 1.1.0
	public function load_package_frontend() {
		// Minimal package code needed for main site.
		if ( cbox_is_main_site() ) {

		// Multisite: Load up all package code on sub-sites and if user is logged in.
		} elseif ( is_multisite() && cbox_get_current_package_id() ) {

			 * Load registered package plugin list.
			 * Need to run this on 'init' due to user login check.
			add_action( 'init', array( $this, 'init_package' ), 0 );

	 * Initialize package.
	 * @since 1.1.1
	public function init_package() {
		$plugins = get_site_option( 'active_sitewide_plugins' );
		$loader  = plugin_basename( __FILE__ );
		$is_network_active = isset( $plugins[$loader] );

		if ( $is_network_active && is_user_logged_in() ) {
			self::$instance->package_plugins = new CBox_Plugins;

	 * Custom textdomain loader.
	 * Checks WP_LANG_DIR for the .mo file first, then the plugin's language folder.
	 * Allows for a custom language file other than those packaged with the plugin.
	 * @since 1.0-beta4
	 * @return bool True on success, false on failure
	public function localization() {
		// If we're on not on the main site, bail.
		if ( ! cbox_is_main_site() ) {

		/** This filter is documented in /wp-includes/i10n.php */
		$locale = apply_filters( 'plugin_locale', get_locale(), 'commons-in-a-box' );
		$mofile = sprintf( '%1%s%2$s-%3$s.mo', trailingslashit( constant( 'WP_LANG_DIR' ) ) , 'commons-in-a-box', $locale );

		// This is for custom localizations located at /wp-content/languages/.
		$load = load_textdomain( 'commons-in-a-box', $mofile );

		// No custom file, so use regular textdomain loader.
		if ( ! $load ) {
			return load_plugin_textdomain( 'commons-in-box', false, basename( $this->plugin_dir ) . '/languages/' );

		return $load;

	/** HELPERS *******************************************************/

	 * WP-CLI autoloader.
	 * @since 1.1.0
	public function cli_autoloader() {
		spl_autoload_register( function( $class ) {
			$prefix = 'CBOX\\CLI\\';
			$base_dir = __DIR__ . '/includes/CLI/';

			// Does the class use the namespace prefix?
			$len = strlen( $prefix );
			if ( strncmp( $prefix, $class, $len ) !== 0 ) {

			// Get the relative class name.
			$relative_class = substr( $class, $len );

			// Swap directory separators and namespace to create filename.
			$file = $base_dir . str_replace( '\\', '/', $relative_class ) . '.php';

			// If the file exists, require it.
			if ( file_exists( $file ) ) {
				require $file;
		} );

	 * Package autoloader.
	 * @since 1.1.0
	public function package_autoloader() {
		spl_autoload_register( array( $this, 'package_handle_autoload' ) );

	 * Autoload handler.
	 * @since 1.1.1
	 * @param string $class Class name.
	public function package_handle_autoload( $class ) {
		$subdir = $relative_class = '';

		// Package prefix.
		$prefix = 'CBox_Package';
		if ( $class === $prefix ) {
			$relative_class = 'package';
		} elseif ( false !== strpos( $class, $prefix ) ) {
			$subdir = '/';
			$subdir .= $relative_class = strtolower( substr( $class, 13 ) );

		// Plugins prefix.
		if ( false !== strpos( $class, 'CBox_Plugins_' ) ) {
			$subdir = '/' . strtolower( substr( $class, 13 ) );
			$relative_class = 'plugins';

		// Settings prefix.
		if ( false !== strpos( $class, 'CBox_Settings_' ) ) {
			$subdir = '/' . strtolower( substr( $class, 14 ) );
			$relative_class = 'settings';

		if ( '' === $relative_class ) {

		$file = "{$this->plugin_dir}includes{$subdir}/{$relative_class}.php";

		if ( file_exists( $file ) ) {
			require $file;

	 * Get the plugin URL for CBOX.
	 * @since 1.0-beta1
	 * @param str $path Path relative to the CBOX plugin URL.
	 * @return str CBOX plugin URL with optional path appended.
	public function plugin_url( $path = '' ) {
		if ( ! empty( $path ) && is_string( $path ) )
			return esc_url( cbox()->plugin_url . $path );
			return cbox()->plugin_url;


 * The main function responsible for returning the Commons In A Box instance
 * to functions everywhere.
 * Use this function like you would a global variable, except without needing
 * to declare the global.
 * Example: <?php $cbox = cbox(); ?>
 * @return Commons_In_A_Box
function cbox() {
	return Commons_In_A_Box::init();

// Vroom!