/*============================================================================= CSVN_tmpSavePartyActors.js ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (C)2021 cursed_steven This software is released under the MIT License. http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.0.0 2021/08/13 初版 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Twitter]: https://twitter.com/cursed_steven =============================================================================*/ /*: * @target MZ * @plugindesc Save actors data and party data temporarily * @base PluginCommonBase * @orderAfter PluginCommonBase * @author cursed_steven * @url https://note.com/cursed_steven/n/nea3e0510a921 * * @help CSVN_tmpSavePartyActors.js * * Use the plugin command "save" to temporarily save the party data and * actor data, and then "load" to reload it. * * Terms: * No permission needed for change or re-distribute this plugin. * But I will be glad to being informed you used or reffered this. * * @command save * @text Save * @desc * * @command load * @text Load * @desc */ /*:ja * @target MZ * @plugindesc パーティーとアクターの状態の一時保存 * @base PluginCommonBase * @orderAfter PluginCommonBase * @author ノロワレ * @url https://note.com/cursed_steven/n/nea3e0510a921 * * @help CSVN_tmpSavePartyActors.js * * プラグインコマンド "save" でパーティー情報とアクターの情報を * 一時保存し、"load" で再度読み込みます。 * * 利用規約: * 作者に無断で改変、再配布が可能で、利用形態(商用、18禁利用等) * についても制限はありません。 * このプラグインはもうあなたのものです。 * が、使ったとか参考にしたとか伝えてもらえると喜びます。 * * @command save * @text 保存 * @desc * * @command load * @text 読み込み * @desc */ (() => { 'use strict'; PluginManagerEx.registerCommand(document.currentScript, 'save', args => { $gameTemp.tmpSave(); }); PluginManagerEx.registerCommand(document.currentScript, 'load', args => { $gameTemp.tmpLoad(); }); const _Game_Temp_initialize = Game_Temp.prototype.initialize; Game_Temp.prototype.initialize = function() { _Game_Temp_initialize.call(this); this._tempGameParty = null; this._tempGameActors = null; }; Game_Temp.prototype.tmpSave = function() { this._tempGameParty = JsonEx.makeDeepCopy($gameParty); this._tempGameActors = JsonEx.makeDeepCopy($gameActors); }; Game_Temp.prototype.tmpLoad = function() { $gameParty = this._tempGameParty; $gameActors = this._tempGameActors; }; })();