% Use standalone to generate PDF images % Recommended in slower machines and big files! \documentclass{standalone} % Standard LaTeX libs \usepackage{amssymb, mathrsfs} % Custom TikZ \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{positioning, calc} % Enable if using Overleaf to speed up compialtion times %\usepgfplotslibrary{external} %\tikzexternalize \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} % Main diagram % Use local bounding boxes to group objects in a single box! \begin{scope}[local bounding box = diagram] \draw[fill = black] (0,0) circle [radius = .05]; \draw [thick] (-4,0) -- (4,0); \draw [dashed, thick] (0,0) parabola (4,2); \draw [thick] (0,0) parabola (-4,2); \end{scope} % N % Use shifting for relative positioning! \begin{scope}[shift = {( $(diagram.north) + (0, 1cm)$ )}] % Define an empty node in the middle to define everything else around it \node (n) {}; \draw [dashed] (n) circle [radius = 1]; % This will make sure all the plots stop at around the same point \clip (n) circle [radius = 1.5]; \draw plot[smooth, domain = -2:2] (\x*\x, \x*\x*\x*\x*\x + \x/2); \end{scope} % NE \begin{scope}[shift = {( $(diagram.north east) + (1cm , 2cm)$ )}, local bounding box = nebox] \node (ne) {}; \draw [dashed] (ne) circle [radius = 1]; \clip (ne) circle [radius = 1.5]; \draw plot[smooth, domain = -2:2] (\x*\x, \x*\x*\x + \x*\x*\x*\x*\x); \end{scope} \draw [<-] (4.5,0) to [bend right = 30] (nebox.south); % SE \begin{scope}[shift = {( $(diagram.south east) - (0, 2 cm)$ )}, local bounding box = sebox] \node (se) {}; \draw [dashed] (se) circle [radius = 1]; \clip (se) circle [radius = 1.5]; \draw plot[smooth, domain = -2:2] (\x*\x, \x*\x*\x*\x*\x); \end{scope} \draw (sebox.north west) rectangle (sebox.south east); % S \begin{scope}[shift = {( $(diagram.south) - (0, 2 cm)$ )}] \node (s) {}; \draw [dashed] (s) circle [radius=1]; \clip (s) circle [radius=1.5]; \draw plot[smooth, domain=-2:2] (\x*\x, \x*\x*\x*\x*\x - \x/2); \end{scope} % SW \begin{scope}[shift = {( $(diagram.south west) + (-1 cm, -2 cm)$ )}, local bounding box = swbox] \node (sw) {}; \draw [dashed] (sw) circle [radius=1]; \clip (sw) circle [radius=1.5]; \draw plot[smooth, domain=-2:2] (\x*\x/2, \x*\x*\x*\x*\x - \x*\x*\x); \end{scope} \draw [<-] (-4.5,0) to [bend right = 30] (swbox.north); % W \begin{scope}[shift = {( $(diagram.west) - (2.5 cm, 0)$ )}, local bounding box = wbox] \node (w) {}; \draw [dashed] (w) circle [radius=1]; \clip (w) circle [radius=1.5]; \draw plot[smooth, domain=-2:2] (\x*\x/4, \x*\x*\x*\x*\x/4 - 4*\x*\x*\x/4 + 2*\x/4); \end{scope} \draw [<-] (-4,1) to [bend right] (wbox.east); % NW \begin{scope}[shift = {( $( diagram.north west) + (-1 cm, 2 cm)$ )}, local bounding box = nwbox] \node (nw) {}; \draw [dashed] (nw) circle [radius = 1]; \clip (nw) circle [radius = 1.5]; \draw plot[smooth, domain = -2:2] (\x*\x/2, \x*\x*\x*\x*\x - 2*\x*\x*\x + \x); \end{scope} \draw[<-] (-3,2) to [bend right] (nwbox.east); \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}