#!/bin/bash echo 'Logging into oc tool as admin' oc login -u admin -p admin echo 'Switching to the openshift project' oc project openshift echo 'Creating the image stream for the OpenShift datavirt image' oc create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cvanball/jdv-ose-demo/master/extensions/is.json echo 'Creating the s2i quickstart template. This will live in the openshift namespace and be available to all projects' oc create -n openshift -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cvanball/jdv-ose-demos/master/templates/datavirt63-ext-mysql-psql-s2i.json oc login -u openshift-dev -p devel echo 'Creating a new project called jdv-datafederation-demo' oc new-project jdv-datafederation-demo echo 'Creating a service account and accompanying secret for use by the datavirt application' oc create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cvanball/jdv-ose-demos/master/dynamicvdb-datafederation/mysql-postgresql-driver-image/datavirt-app-secret.yaml echo 'Add the role view to the service account under which the pod is running' oadm policy add-role-to-user view system:serviceaccount:jdv-datafederation-demo:datavirt-service-account echo 'Retrieving datasource properties (market data flat file and country list web service hosted on public internet)' curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cvanball/jdv-ose-demos/master/dynamicvdb-datafederation/mysql-postgresql-driver-image/datasources.properties -o datasources.properties echo 'Creating a secret around the datasource properties' oc secrets new datavirt-app-config datasources.properties echo 'Deploying JDV quickstart template with default values' oc new-app --template=datavirt63-ext-mysql-psql-s2i echo '===============================================' echo 'The following urls will allow you to access the Financials VDB via OData4:' echo '===============================================' echo 'http://datavirt-app-jdv-datafederation-demo.rhel-cdk.$format=json'