@prefix marcrel: . @prefix cwrc: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix bf: . @prefix genre: . @prefix owl: . @prefix sesame: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix fn: . @prefix foaf: . @prefix dc: . @prefix hint: . @prefix bd: . @prefix bds: . cwrc:hasDeathDate "1847-09-16"^^xsd:date ; rdfs:label "Aguilar, Grace"^^xsd:string ; cwrc:hasAunt ; cwrc:hasBrother ; cwrc:hasEthnicity cwrc:jewishEthnicity ; cwrc:hasEvent , , , , , , ; cwrc:hasFather ; cwrc:hasGender cwrc:woman ; cwrc:hasMother ; cwrc:hasNationalHeritage "ES"^^xsd:string , "PT"^^xsd:string ; cwrc:hasReligionSelfReported cwrc:judaism ; cwrc:hasSocialClass cwrc:entrepreneurial-industrialist ; cwrc:hasAncestor ; cwrc:hasBirthDate "1816-06-02"^^xsd:date ; cwrc:hasBirthPlace ; cwrc:hasCauseOfDeath ; cwrc:hasDeathPlace ; cwrc:hasInterpersonalRelationshipWith , ; cwrc:hasNationalitySelfReported "GB-ENG"^^xsd:string , cwrc:jewishNationalIdentity , cwrc:sephardicJewishNationalIdentity ; cwrc:hasPoliticalAffiliation cwrc:zionism . cwrc:hasDeathDate "1889-09-10"^^xsd:date ; rdfs:label "Levy, Amy"^^xsd:string ; cwrc:hasBrother ; cwrc:hasCompanion ; cwrc:hasEthnicity cwrc:jewishEthnicity ; cwrc:hasEvent , , , , , , , ; cwrc:hasFather ; cwrc:hasGender cwrc:woman ; cwrc:hasInstructor ; cwrc:hasMother ; cwrc:hasNationalHeritageSelfReported "GB-ENG"^^xsd:string ; cwrc:hasReligion cwrc:anglicanism ; cwrc:hasReligionSelfReported cwrc:judaism ; cwrc:hasSexuality cwrc:lesbian ; cwrc:hasSister ; cwrc:hasSocialClass cwrc:upper-middleClass ; cwrc:hasBirthDate "1861-11-10"^^xsd:date ; cwrc:hasBirthPlace ; cwrc:hasCauseOfDeath ; cwrc:hasDeathPlace ; cwrc:hasEroticRelationshipWith , ; cwrc:hasInterpersonalRelationshipWith , , , , , . cwrc:hasInterpersonalRelationshipWith , , , ; cwrc:hasRaceColour cwrc:whiteRaceColour ; cwrc:hasReligion cwrc:catholicism , cwrc:christianity , cwrc:judaism , cwrc:protestantism . cwrc:hasInterpersonalRelationshipWith , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; cwrc:hasPaidOccupation cwrc:teacher ; cwrc:hasPossiblyEroticRelationshipWith ; cwrc:hasVolunteerOccupation cwrc:volunteer ; cwrc:inhabits , ; cwrc:studies , , , , , ; cwrc:travelsTo "Mont Sainte-Odile,Vosges,France" , , , , , , , . cwrc:hasPaidOccupation cwrc:teacher , cwrc:writer ; cwrc:hasVolunteerOccupation cwrc:charityWorker ; cwrc:relocatesTo , , ; cwrc:studies , , , ; foaf:isPrimaryTopicOf ; foaf:name "Aguilar, Grace"^^xsd:string ; cwrc:studies , , , , . cwrc:hasDeathDate "1860-03-18"^^xsd:date ; rdfs:label "Bristow, Amelia"^^xsd:string ; cwrc:hasNationalHeritage "PL"^^xsd:string ; cwrc:hasReligionSelfReported cwrc:christianity , cwrc:judaism ; cwrc:hasSocialClass cwrc:middleClass ; cwrc:hasBirthDate "1783-07-19"^^xsd:date ; cwrc:hasBirthPlace ; cwrc:hasDeathPlace ; cwrc:hasPaidOccupation cwrc:needlework , cwrc:writer ; cwrc:inhabits ; a cwrc:NaturalPerson ; foaf:isPrimaryTopicOf ; foaf:name "Bristow, Amelia"^^xsd:string . cwrc:visits , ; cwrc:Roman_Catholic_Church_ORG ; a cwrc:NaturalPerson . cwrc:hasDeathDate "1807-06-07"^^xsd:date ; rdfs:label "Gooch, Elizabeth Sarah"^^xsd:string ; cwrc:hasAunt ; cwrc:hasEthnicity cwrc:jewishEthnicity ; cwrc:hasEvent , , , ; cwrc:hasFather ; cwrc:hasGender cwrc:woman ; cwrc:hasHusband ; cwrc:hasMother ; cwrc:hasNationalHeritage "PT"^^xsd:string ; cwrc:hasReligionSelfReported cwrc:anglicanism ; cwrc:hasSocialClassSelfReported cwrc:gentry ; cwrc:hasBirthDate "1757-06-27"^^xsd:date ; cwrc:hasBirthPlace ; cwrc:hasChildren "2" ; cwrc:hasDeathPlace ; cwrc:hasEroticRelationshipWith , , ; cwrc:hasInterpersonalRelationshipWith ; cwrc:hasPaidOccupation cwrc:performer ; cwrc:inhabits , , ; cwrc:relocatesTo "Egglestone,Durham,England" , , , , , ; cwrc:travelsTo , , , , ; cwrc:Anglican_Church_ORG ; a cwrc:NaturalPerson ; foaf:isPrimaryTopicOf ; foaf:name "Gooch, Elizabeth Sarah"^^xsd:string . cwrc:hasDeathDate "1896-11-26"^^xsd:date ; rdfs:label "Blind, Mathilde"^^xsd:string ; cwrc:hasBrother , , ; cwrc:hasCompanion ; cwrc:hasContestedBehaviour "Among her circle of friends, Rosa Carey (who later became highly successful as a writer of conventional, moral tales directed..." , "Expelled from school, MB visited an uncle at Zurich, who arranged for her to take courses at the University of..." ; cwrc:hasEthnicity cwrc:jewishEthnicity ; cwrc:hasEvent , , , , , , , , , ; cwrc:hasFather ; cwrc:hasGender cwrc:woman ; cwrc:hasGeographicHeritage ; cwrc:hasLinguisticAbility , ; cwrc:hasMother ; cwrc:hasNationalHeritage "DE"^^xsd:string ; cwrc:hasReligion cwrc:atheism ; cwrc:hasSister ; cwrc:hasSocialClass cwrc:middleClass ; cwrc:hasStepFather ; cwrc:hasBirthDate "1841-03-21"^^xsd:date ; cwrc:hasBirthPlace ; cwrc:hasBirthPosition cwrc:youngestChild ; cwrc:hasBurialPlace ; cwrc:hasDeathPlace ; cwrc:hasInterpersonalRelationshipWith , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; cwrc:hasIntimateRelationshipWith ; cwrc:hasPossiblyEroticRelationshipWith ; cwrc:inhabits ; cwrc:relocatesTo , , , ; cwrc:studies , , , ; cwrc:travelsTo , , , , , ; cwrc:visits , , ; cwrc:hasOccupation cwrc:professor ; a cwrc:NaturalPerson ; foaf:isPrimaryTopicOf ; foaf:name "Blind, Mathilde"^^xsd:string . cwrc:travelsTo , , ; cwrc:Anglican_Church_ORG , cwrc:Judaism_ORG ; cwrc:hasOccupation cwrc:visualArtist ; a cwrc:NaturalPerson ; foaf:isPrimaryTopicOf ; foaf:name "Levy, Amy"^^xsd:string . cwrc:hasDeathDate "1825-11-07"^^xsd:date ; rdfs:label "Dacre, Charlotte"^^xsd:string ; cwrc:hasBrother , ; cwrc:hasEthnicity cwrc:jewishEthnicity ; cwrc:hasFather ; cwrc:hasGender cwrc:woman ; cwrc:hasGeographicHeritage , ; cwrc:hasGrandMother ; cwrc:hasHusband ; cwrc:hasMother ; cwrc:hasPoliticalAffiliation cwrc:conservativePartyUk ; cwrc:hasReligion cwrc:anglicanism , cwrc:judaism ; cwrc:hasSister ; cwrc:hasSocialClass cwrc:entrepreneurial-industrialist , cwrc:gentry , cwrc:indigent ; cwrc:hasBirthDate "1771 to 1772" ; cwrc:hasBirthPlace ; cwrc:hasChildren "3" ; cwrc:hasCohabitant ; cwrc:hasDeathPlace ; cwrc:hasEroticRelationshipWith ; cwrc:hasPoliticalInvolvementIn cwrc:whiggism ; cwrc:inhabits "Thames,England" , , , ; cwrc:Anglican_Church_ORG ; a cwrc:NaturalPerson ; foaf:isPrimaryTopicOf ; foaf:name "Dacre, Charlotte"^^xsd:string . cwrc:hasDeathDate "1854-07-02"^^xsd:date ; rdfs:label "Montefiore, Charlotte"^^xsd:string ; cwrc:hasAunt ; cwrc:hasFather ; cwrc:hasGender cwrc:woman ; cwrc:hasHusband ; cwrc:hasMother ; cwrc:hasNationalHeritage "IT"^^xsd:string ; cwrc:hasRaceColour cwrc:whiteRaceColour ; cwrc:hasReligionSelfReported cwrc:judaism ; cwrc:hasSocialClass cwrc:entrepreneurial-industrialist ; cwrc:hasUncle ; cwrc:hasBirthDate "1818"^^xsd:gYear ; cwrc:hasBirthPlace ; cwrc:hasCauseOfDeath ; cwrc:hasDeathPlace ; cwrc:hasInterpersonalRelationshipWith , , ; cwrc:hasReproductiveHistory cwrc:childlessness ; cwrc:hasVolunteerOccupation "_founder of charitable organizations_"^^xsd:string , cwrc:reliefWork ; cwrc:studies ; cwrc:visits ; cwrc:hasOccupation "_educationalist_"^^xsd:string ; a cwrc:NaturalPerson ; foaf:isPrimaryTopicOf ; foaf:name "Montefiore, Charlotte"^^xsd:string . cwrc:hasEvent , , ; cwrc:hasFather ; cwrc:hasGender cwrc:woman ; cwrc:hasHusband ; cwrc:hasMother .