from cxr.math.snr import Seq
from cxr.math.base64 import Tridozenal as Td
import cxr.math.base64

import os
import threading

This module explores the Choix de Bruxelles algorithm in bases between
2 and 36. You can learn about this algorithm here:

When run, this script will compute CDB and output
each result to its appropriate location. At the end of computation, the main script
will display variants of for each base.

Note that due to the nature of the operation (doubling/halving) any base which is
a power of two will trivially yield the positive integers (
Should CDB be extended to tripling/tralving, the powers of three would be trivial.
Same goes for four-timesing, etc.

output_dir = "cdb"  # output files are of the form {output_dir}\\cdb{base}\\{step}.txt

def choix_de_bruxelles(d, length, log=False):
    The Brussels Choice in arbitrary base
    Set cxr.base64.default_base to set the base this is executed in

    def do_one_number(substring):
        if substring[0] != "0":
            i_ss = Td.get_from_string(substring)
            if i_ss % 2 ==  # Silly that I didn't use this functionality in the first place
                quotient = i_ss * two_inverse
                quotient.round(place=0)  # Actually-correct rounding
                quotient = quotient.integer_part()
                to_add = s_d[:i] + str(quotient) + s_d[i + substring_length:]
                td = Td.get_from_string(to_add)
                if td not in output:

            # Can always double selected substring
            to_add = s_d[:i] + str(i_ss * two) + s_d[i + substring_length:]
            td = Td.get_from_string(to_add)
            if td not in output:

    if not isinstance(d, list):
        d = [d]
    output = set(number for number in d)
    len_d = len(d)
    two = Td(2)
    two_inverse = two.multiplicative_inverse()

    current_threads = []

    for index, number in enumerate(d):  # Traversal of numbers loop
        if log:
            if index and index % 33 == 0:
                print(f"{index}/{len_d} done")
        s_d = str(number)
        for substring_length in range(1, length):  # Length-defining loop
            if len(s_d) < substring_length:
            for i in range(len(s_d) - substring_length + 1):  # Substring-defining loop
                substring = s_d[i:i + substring_length]

                t = threading.Thread(target=do_one_number(substring), args=(substring,))
                if len(current_threads) <= 7:
                    current_threads = [t for t in current_threads if t.is_alive()]
    for thread in current_threads:

    return output

def analyze_cdb(base):
    Collect lengths of each set for the given base,
    and compiles it into a Seq

    analysis = []

    if not os.path.exists(f"{output_dir}\\cdb{base}"):

    files = os.listdir(f"{output_dir}\\cdb{base}")
    for file in range(len(files)):
        with open(f"{output_dir}\\cdb{base}\\{file}.txt", "r") as f:
            lines = f.readlines()

    return Seq(analysis)

def compute_next_cdb_in_base(base):
    Perform the next step of Choix de Bruxelles for the given base.

    Saves the results in the appropriate directory

    cxr.math.base64.default_base = base

    os.makedirs(f"{output_dir}\\cdb{base}", exist_ok=True)

    def open_step(step):
        output = []
        with open(f"{output_dir}\\cdb{base}\\{step}.txt", "r") as file:
            lines = file.readlines()
            for line in lines:
        return output

    files = os.listdir(f"{output_dir}\\cdb{base}")
    current_step = len(files)

    # Set initial step if necessary
    if current_step == 0:
        with open(f"{output_dir}\\cdb{base}\\0.txt", "w+") as f:
        current_step += 1

    # Get previous steps
    g = open_step(current_step - 1)
    s = open_step(current_step - 2) if current_step > 1 else []

    # Get difference, which is the set on which CDB will be performed
    s = set(s)
    g = set(g).difference(s)
    g = list(sorted(g))
    l_g = len(g)
    print(f"Difference yields set of size {l_g} for base {base}")

    # Perform CDBN
    max_length = max([len(k.integer) for k in g]) + 1
    g = choix_de_bruxelles(g, max_length, log=True)

    # Recombine with previous step to get full output set
    g = set(g).union(s)
    g = list(sorted(g))

    os.makedirs(f"{output_dir}\\cdb{base}", exist_ok=True)
    with open(f"{output_dir}\\cdb{base}\\{current_step}.txt", "w+") as f:
        for each in g:
            f.write(str(each) + "\n")

    print(f"Step {current_step} of base {base} saved.")

    return True

def main():
    Selects opportunities to compute CDB based on the given threshold.

    At the end, prints all potential OEIS sequences

    You can modify the_range to tackle a particular base or set of bases.
    For example, the_range = [7] will only compute base 7,
    while the_range = [3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31] computes all viable prime bases

    the_range = range(3, 4)
    trivial = [2 ** n for n in range(6)]

    compute = True  # False means show results, True means compute then show results
    inp = "continue"
    while inp.lower() == "continue":
        print(f"Beginning CDB analysis of {the_range}...")
        sequences = {}

        # Iterate over all bases
        for base in the_range:
            # Bases of the form 2**n are trivial, so are skipped
            if base not in trivial:
                sequences[base] = analyze_cdb(base)

        # Displays the sequences associated with each base
        for base in the_range:
            if base not in trivial:
                print(f"{base}: Seq({sequences[base]}),")  # Easy to copy & paste for scratch work

        with open(f"{output_dir}\\sequences.txt", "w+") as f:
            for k, v in sequences.items():
        print("sequences.txt updated.")
        inp = "continue"

if __name__ == "__main__":