#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ pip3 install garth requests readchar export EMAIL= export PASSWORD= """ import datetime import json import logging import os import sys from getpass import getpass import readchar import requests from garth.exc import GarthHTTPError from garminconnect import ( Garmin, GarminConnectAuthenticationError, GarminConnectConnectionError, GarminConnectTooManyRequestsError, ) # Configure debug logging # logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Load environment variables if defined email = os.getenv("EMAIL") password = os.getenv("PASSWORD") tokenstore = os.getenv("GARMINTOKENS") or "~/.garminconnect" tokenstore_base64 = os.getenv("GARMINTOKENS_BASE64") or "~/.garminconnect_base64" api = None # Example selections and settings today = datetime.date.today() startdate = today - datetime.timedelta(days=7) # Select past week start = 0 limit = 100 start_badge = 1 # Badge related calls calls start counting at 1 activitytype = "" # Possible values are: cycling, running, swimming, multi_sport, fitness_equipment, hiking, walking, other activityfile = "MY_ACTIVITY.fit" # Supported file types are: .fit .gpx .tcx weight = 89.6 weightunit = 'kg' # workout_example = """ # { # 'workoutId': "random_id", # 'ownerId': "random", # 'workoutName': 'Any workout name', # 'description': 'FTP 200, TSS 1, NP 114, IF 0.57', # 'sportType': {'sportTypeId': 2, 'sportTypeKey': 'cycling'}, # 'workoutSegments': [ # { # 'segmentOrder': 1, # 'sportType': {'sportTypeId': 2, 'sportTypeKey': 'cycling'}, # 'workoutSteps': [ # {'type': 'ExecutableStepDTO', 'stepOrder': 1, # 'stepType': {'stepTypeId': 3, 'stepTypeKey': 'interval'}, 'childStepId': None, # 'endCondition': {'conditionTypeId': 2, 'conditionTypeKey': 'time'}, 'endConditionValue': 60, # 'targetType': {'workoutTargetTypeId': 2, 'workoutTargetTypeKey': 'power.zone'}, # 'targetValueOne': 95, 'targetValueTwo': 105}, # {'type': 'ExecutableStepDTO', 'stepOrder': 2, # 'stepType': {'stepTypeId': 3, 'stepTypeKey': 'interval'}, 'childStepId': None, # 'endCondition': {'conditionTypeId': 2, 'conditionTypeKey': 'time'}, 'endConditionValue': 120, # 'targetType': {'workoutTargetTypeId': 2, 'workoutTargetTypeKey': 'power.zone'}, # 'targetValueOne': 114, 'targetValueTwo': 126} # ] # } # ] # } # """ menu_options = { "1": "Get full name", "2": "Get unit system", "3": f"Get activity data for '{today.isoformat()}'", "4": f"Get activity data for '{today.isoformat()}' (compatible with garminconnect-ha)", "5": f"Get body composition data for '{today.isoformat()}' (compatible with garminconnect-ha)", "6": f"Get body composition data for from '{startdate.isoformat()}' to '{today.isoformat()}' (to be compatible with garminconnect-ha)", "7": f"Get stats and body composition data for '{today.isoformat()}'", "8": f"Get steps data for '{today.isoformat()}'", "9": f"Get heart rate data for '{today.isoformat()}'", "0": f"Get training readiness data for '{today.isoformat()}'", "-": f"Get daily step data for '{startdate.isoformat()}' to '{today.isoformat()}'", "/": f"Get body battery data for '{startdate.isoformat()}' to '{today.isoformat()}'", "!": f"Get floors data for '{startdate.isoformat()}'", "?": f"Get blood pressure data for '{startdate.isoformat()}' to '{today.isoformat()}'", ".": f"Get training status data for '{today.isoformat()}'", "a": f"Get resting heart rate data for {today.isoformat()}'", "b": f"Get hydration data for '{today.isoformat()}'", "c": f"Get sleep data for '{today.isoformat()}'", "d": f"Get stress data for '{today.isoformat()}'", "e": f"Get respiration data for '{today.isoformat()}'", "f": f"Get SpO2 data for '{today.isoformat()}'", "g": f"Get max metric data (like vo2MaxValue and fitnessAge) for '{today.isoformat()}'", "h": "Get personal record for user", "i": "Get earned badges for user", "j": f"Get adhoc challenges data from start '{start}' and limit '{limit}'", "k": f"Get available badge challenges data from '{start_badge}' and limit '{limit}'", "l": f"Get badge challenges data from '{start_badge}' and limit '{limit}'", "m": f"Get non completed badge challenges data from '{start_badge}' and limit '{limit}'", "n": f"Get activities data from start '{start}' and limit '{limit}'", "o": "Get last activity", "p": f"Download activities data by date from '{startdate.isoformat()}' to '{today.isoformat()}'", "r": f"Get all kinds of activities data from '{start}'", "s": f"Upload activity data from file '{activityfile}'", "t": "Get all kinds of Garmin device info", "u": "Get active goals", "v": "Get future goals", "w": "Get past goals", "y": "Get all Garmin device alarms", "x": f"Get Heart Rate Variability data (HRV) for '{today.isoformat()}'", "z": f"Get progress summary from '{startdate.isoformat()}' to '{today.isoformat()}' for all metrics", "A": "Get gear, the defaults, activity types and statistics", "B": f"Get weight-ins from '{startdate.isoformat()}' to '{today.isoformat()}'", "C": f"Get daily weigh-ins for '{today.isoformat()}'", "D": f"Delete all weigh-ins for '{today.isoformat()}'", "E": f"Add a weigh-in of {weight}{weightunit} on '{today.isoformat()}'", "F": f"Get virtual challenges/expeditions from '{startdate.isoformat()}' to '{today.isoformat()}'", "G": f"Get hill score data from '{startdate.isoformat()}' to '{today.isoformat()}'", "H": f"Get endurance score data from '{startdate.isoformat()}' to '{today.isoformat()}'", "I": f"Get activities for date '{today.isoformat()}'", "J": "Get race predictions", "K": f"Get all day stress data for '{today.isoformat()}'", "L": f"Add body composition for '{today.isoformat()}'", "M": "Set blood pressure '120,80,80,notes='Testing with example.py'", "N": "Get user profile/settings", "O": f"Reload epoch data for {today.isoformat()}", "P": "Get workouts 0-100, get and download last one to .FIT file", # "Q": "Upload workout from json data", "R": "Get solar data from your devices", "S": "Get pregnancy summary data", "T": "Add hydration data", "U": f"Get Fitness Age data for {today.isoformat()}", "Z": "Remove stored login tokens (logout)", "q": "Exit", } def display_json(api_call, output): """Format API output for better readability.""" dashed = "-" * 20 header = f"{dashed} {api_call} {dashed}" footer = "-" * len(header) print(header) if isinstance(output, (int, str, dict, list)): print(json.dumps(output, indent=4)) else: print(output) print(footer) def display_text(output): """Format API output for better readability.""" dashed = "-" * 60 header = f"{dashed}" footer = "-" * len(header) print(header) print(json.dumps(output, indent=4)) print(footer) def get_credentials(): """Get user credentials.""" email = input("Login e-mail: ") password = getpass("Enter password: ") return email, password def init_api(email, password): """Initialize Garmin API with your credentials.""" try: # Using Oauth1 and OAuth2 token files from directory print( f"Trying to login to Garmin Connect using token data from directory '{tokenstore}'...\n" ) # Using Oauth1 and Oauth2 tokens from base64 encoded string # print( # f"Trying to login to Garmin Connect using token data from file '{tokenstore_base64}'...\n" # ) # dir_path = os.path.expanduser(tokenstore_base64) # with open(dir_path, "r") as token_file: # tokenstore = token_file.read() garmin = Garmin() garmin.login(tokenstore) except (FileNotFoundError, GarthHTTPError, GarminConnectAuthenticationError): # Session is expired. You'll need to log in again print( "Login tokens not present, login with your Garmin Connect credentials to generate them.\n" f"They will be stored in '{tokenstore}' for future use.\n" ) try: # Ask for credentials if not set as environment variables if not email or not password: email, password = get_credentials() garmin = Garmin(email=email, password=password, is_cn=False, prompt_mfa=get_mfa) garmin.login() # Save Oauth1 and Oauth2 token files to directory for next login garmin.garth.dump(tokenstore) print( f"Oauth tokens stored in '{tokenstore}' directory for future use. (first method)\n" ) # Encode Oauth1 and Oauth2 tokens to base64 string and safe to file for next login (alternative way) token_base64 = garmin.garth.dumps() dir_path = os.path.expanduser(tokenstore_base64) with open(dir_path, "w") as token_file: token_file.write(token_base64) print( f"Oauth tokens encoded as base64 string and saved to '{dir_path}' file for future use. (second method)\n" ) except (FileNotFoundError, GarthHTTPError, GarminConnectAuthenticationError, requests.exceptions.HTTPError) as err: logger.error(err) return None return garmin def get_mfa(): """Get MFA.""" return input("MFA one-time code: ") def print_menu(): """Print examples menu.""" for key in menu_options.keys(): print(f"{key} -- {menu_options[key]}") print("Make your selection: ", end="", flush=True) def switch(api, i): """Run selected API call.""" # Exit example program if i == "q": print("Be active, generate some data to fetch next time ;-) Bye!") sys.exit() # Skip requests if login failed if api: try: print(f"\n\nExecuting: {menu_options[i]}\n") # USER BASICS if i == "1": # Get full name from profile display_json("api.get_full_name()", api.get_full_name()) elif i == "2": # Get unit system from profile display_json("api.get_unit_system()", api.get_unit_system()) # USER STATISTIC SUMMARIES elif i == "3": # Get activity data for 'YYYY-MM-DD' display_json( f"api.get_stats('{today.isoformat()}')", api.get_stats(today.isoformat()), ) elif i == "4": # Get activity data (to be compatible with garminconnect-ha) display_json( f"api.get_user_summary('{today.isoformat()}')", api.get_user_summary(today.isoformat()), ) elif i == "5": # Get body composition data for 'YYYY-MM-DD' (to be compatible with garminconnect-ha) display_json( f"api.get_body_composition('{today.isoformat()}')", api.get_body_composition(today.isoformat()), ) elif i == "6": # Get body composition data for multiple days 'YYYY-MM-DD' (to be compatible with garminconnect-ha) display_json( f"api.get_body_composition('{startdate.isoformat()}', '{today.isoformat()}')", api.get_body_composition(startdate.isoformat(), today.isoformat()), ) elif i == "7": # Get stats and body composition data for 'YYYY-MM-DD' display_json( f"api.get_stats_and_body('{today.isoformat()}')", api.get_stats_and_body(today.isoformat()), ) # USER STATISTICS LOGGED elif i == "8": # Get steps data for 'YYYY-MM-DD' display_json( f"api.get_steps_data('{today.isoformat()}')", api.get_steps_data(today.isoformat()), ) elif i == "9": # Get heart rate data for 'YYYY-MM-DD' display_json( f"api.get_heart_rates('{today.isoformat()}')", api.get_heart_rates(today.isoformat()), ) elif i == "0": # Get training readiness data for 'YYYY-MM-DD' display_json( f"api.get_training_readiness('{today.isoformat()}')", api.get_training_readiness(today.isoformat()), ) elif i == "/": # Get daily body battery data for 'YYYY-MM-DD' to 'YYYY-MM-DD' display_json( f"api.get_body_battery('{startdate.isoformat()}, {today.isoformat()}')", api.get_body_battery(startdate.isoformat(), today.isoformat()), ) elif i == "?": # Get daily blood pressure data for 'YYYY-MM-DD' to 'YYYY-MM-DD' display_json( f"api.get_blood_pressure('{startdate.isoformat()}, {today.isoformat()}')", api.get_blood_pressure(startdate.isoformat(), today.isoformat()), ) elif i == "-": # Get daily step data for 'YYYY-MM-DD' display_json( f"api.get_daily_steps('{startdate.isoformat()}, {today.isoformat()}')", api.get_daily_steps(startdate.isoformat(), today.isoformat()), ) elif i == "!": # Get daily floors data for 'YYYY-MM-DD' display_json( f"api.get_floors('{today.isoformat()}')", api.get_floors(today.isoformat()), ) elif i == ".": # Get training status data for 'YYYY-MM-DD' display_json( f"api.get_training_status('{today.isoformat()}')", api.get_training_status(today.isoformat()), ) elif i == "a": # Get resting heart rate data for 'YYYY-MM-DD' display_json( f"api.get_rhr_day('{today.isoformat()}')", api.get_rhr_day(today.isoformat()), ) elif i == "b": # Get hydration data 'YYYY-MM-DD' display_json( f"api.get_hydration_data('{today.isoformat()}')", api.get_hydration_data(today.isoformat()), ) elif i == "c": # Get sleep data for 'YYYY-MM-DD' display_json( f"api.get_sleep_data('{today.isoformat()}')", api.get_sleep_data(today.isoformat()), ) elif i == "d": # Get stress data for 'YYYY-MM-DD' display_json( f"api.get_stress_data('{today.isoformat()}')", api.get_stress_data(today.isoformat()), ) elif i == "e": # Get respiration data for 'YYYY-MM-DD' display_json( f"api.get_respiration_data('{today.isoformat()}')", api.get_respiration_data(today.isoformat()), ) elif i == "f": # Get SpO2 data for 'YYYY-MM-DD' display_json( f"api.get_spo2_data('{today.isoformat()}')", api.get_spo2_data(today.isoformat()), ) elif i == "g": # Get max metric data (like vo2MaxValue and fitnessAge) for 'YYYY-MM-DD' display_json( f"api.get_max_metrics('{today.isoformat()}')", api.get_max_metrics(today.isoformat()), ) elif i == "h": # Get personal record for user display_json("api.get_personal_record()", api.get_personal_record()) elif i == "i": # Get earned badges for user display_json("api.get_earned_badges()", api.get_earned_badges()) elif i == "j": # Get adhoc challenges data from start and limit display_json( f"api.get_adhoc_challenges({start},{limit})", api.get_adhoc_challenges(start, limit), ) # 1=start, 100=limit elif i == "k": # Get available badge challenges data from start and limit display_json( f"api.get_available_badge_challenges({start_badge}, {limit})", api.get_available_badge_challenges(start_badge, limit), ) # 1=start, 100=limit elif i == "l": # Get badge challenges data from start and limit display_json( f"api.get_badge_challenges({start_badge}, {limit})", api.get_badge_challenges(start_badge, limit), ) # 1=start, 100=limit elif i == "m": # Get non completed badge challenges data from start and limit display_json( f"api.get_non_completed_badge_challenges({start_badge}, {limit})", api.get_non_completed_badge_challenges(start_badge, limit), ) # 1=start, 100=limit # ACTIVITIES elif i == "n": # Get activities data from start and limit display_json( f"api.get_activities({start}, {limit})", api.get_activities(start, limit), ) # 0=start, 1=limit elif i == "o": # Get last activity display_json("api.get_last_activity()", api.get_last_activity()) elif i == "p": # Get activities data from startdate 'YYYY-MM-DD' to enddate 'YYYY-MM-DD', with (optional) activitytype # Possible values are: cycling, running, swimming, multi_sport, fitness_equipment, hiking, walking, other activities = api.get_activities_by_date( startdate.isoformat(), today.isoformat(), activitytype ) # Download activities for activity in activities: activity_id = activity["activityId"] activity_name = activity["activityName"] display_text(activity) print( f"api.download_activity({activity_id}, dl_fmt=api.ActivityDownloadFormat.GPX)" ) gpx_data = api.download_activity( activity_id, dl_fmt=api.ActivityDownloadFormat.GPX ) output_file = f"./{str(activity_name)}.gpx" with open(output_file, "wb") as fb: fb.write(gpx_data) print(f"Activity data downloaded to file {output_file}") print( f"api.download_activity({activity_id}, dl_fmt=api.ActivityDownloadFormat.TCX)" ) tcx_data = api.download_activity( activity_id, dl_fmt=api.ActivityDownloadFormat.TCX ) output_file = f"./{str(activity_name)}.tcx" with open(output_file, "wb") as fb: fb.write(tcx_data) print(f"Activity data downloaded to file {output_file}") print( f"api.download_activity({activity_id}, dl_fmt=api.ActivityDownloadFormat.ORIGINAL)" ) zip_data = api.download_activity( activity_id, dl_fmt=api.ActivityDownloadFormat.ORIGINAL ) output_file = f"./{str(activity_name)}.zip" with open(output_file, "wb") as fb: fb.write(zip_data) print(f"Activity data downloaded to file {output_file}") print( f"api.download_activity({activity_id}, dl_fmt=api.ActivityDownloadFormat.CSV)" ) csv_data = api.download_activity( activity_id, dl_fmt=api.ActivityDownloadFormat.CSV ) output_file = f"./{str(activity_name)}.csv" with open(output_file, "wb") as fb: fb.write(csv_data) print(f"Activity data downloaded to file {output_file}") elif i == "r": # Get activities data from start and limit activities = api.get_activities(start, limit) # 0=start, 1=limit # Get activity splits first_activity_id = activities[0].get("activityId") display_json( f"api.get_activity_splits({first_activity_id})", api.get_activity_splits(first_activity_id), ) # Get activity split summaries for activity id display_json( f"api.get_activity_split_summaries({first_activity_id})", api.get_activity_split_summaries(first_activity_id), ) # Get activity weather data for activity display_json( f"api.get_activity_weather({first_activity_id})", api.get_activity_weather(first_activity_id), ) # Get activity hr timezones id display_json( f"api.get_activity_hr_in_timezones({first_activity_id})", api.get_activity_hr_in_timezones(first_activity_id), ) # Get activity details for activity id display_json( f"api.get_activity_details({first_activity_id})", api.get_activity_details(first_activity_id), ) # Get gear data for activity id display_json( f"api.get_activity_gear({first_activity_id})", api.get_activity_gear(first_activity_id), ) # Activity data for activity id display_json( f"api.get_activity({first_activity_id})", api.get_activity(first_activity_id), ) # Get exercise sets in case the activity is a strength_training if activities[0]["activityType"]["typeKey"] == "strength_training": display_json( f"api.get_activity_exercise_sets({first_activity_id})", api.get_activity_exercise_sets(first_activity_id), ) elif i == "s": try: # Upload activity from file display_json( f"api.upload_activity({activityfile})", api.upload_activity(activityfile), ) except FileNotFoundError: print(f"File to upload not found: {activityfile}") # DEVICES elif i == "t": # Get Garmin devices devices = api.get_devices() display_json("api.get_devices()", devices) # Get device last used device_last_used = api.get_device_last_used() display_json("api.get_device_last_used()", device_last_used) # Get settings per device for device in devices: device_id = device["deviceId"] display_json( f"api.get_device_settings({device_id})", api.get_device_settings(device_id), ) # Get primary training device information primary_training_device = api.get_primary_training_device() display_json("api.get_primary_training_device()", primary_training_device) elif i == "R": # Get solar data from Garmin devices devices = api.get_devices() display_json("api.get_devices()", devices) # Get device last used device_last_used = api.get_device_last_used() display_json("api.get_device_last_used()", device_last_used) # Get settings per device for device in devices: device_id = device["deviceId"] display_json( f"api.get_device_solar_data({device_id}, {today.isoformat()})", api.get_device_solar_data(device_id, today.isoformat()), ) # GOALS elif i == "u": # Get active goals goals = api.get_goals("active") display_json('api.get_goals("active")', goals) elif i == "v": # Get future goals goals = api.get_goals("future") display_json('api.get_goals("future")', goals) elif i == "w": # Get past goals goals = api.get_goals("past") display_json('api.get_goals("past")', goals) # ALARMS elif i == "y": # Get Garmin device alarms alarms = api.get_device_alarms() for alarm in alarms: alarm_id = alarm["alarmId"] display_json(f"api.get_device_alarms({alarm_id})", alarm) elif i == "x": # Get Heart Rate Variability (hrv) data display_json( f"api.get_hrv_data({today.isoformat()})", api.get_hrv_data(today.isoformat()), ) elif i == "z": # Get progress summary for metric in [ "elevationGain", "duration", "distance", "movingDuration", ]: display_json( f"api.get_progress_summary_between_dates({today.isoformat()})", api.get_progress_summary_between_dates( startdate.isoformat(), today.isoformat(), metric ), ) # GEAR elif i == "A": last_used_device = api.get_device_last_used() display_json("api.get_device_last_used()", last_used_device) userProfileNumber = last_used_device["userProfileNumber"] gear = api.get_gear(userProfileNumber) display_json("api.get_gear()", gear) display_json( "api.get_gear_defaults()", api.get_gear_defaults(userProfileNumber) ) display_json("api.get()", api.get_activity_types()) for gear in gear: uuid = gear["uuid"] name = gear["displayName"] display_json( f"api.get_gear_stats({uuid}) / {name}", api.get_gear_stats(uuid) ) # WEIGHT-INS elif i == "B": # Get weigh-ins data display_json( f"api.get_weigh_ins({startdate.isoformat()}, {today.isoformat()})", api.get_weigh_ins(startdate.isoformat(), today.isoformat()) ) elif i == "C": # Get daily weigh-ins data display_json( f"api.get_daily_weigh_ins({today.isoformat()})", api.get_daily_weigh_ins(today.isoformat()) ) elif i == "D": # Delete weigh-ins data for today display_json( f"api.delete_weigh_ins({today.isoformat()}, delete_all=True)", api.delete_weigh_ins(today.isoformat(), delete_all=True) ) elif i == "E": # Add a weigh-in weight = 89.6 unit = 'kg' display_json( f"api.add_weigh_in(weight={weight}, unitKey={unit})", api.add_weigh_in(weight=weight, unitKey=unit) ) # CHALLENGES/EXPEDITIONS elif i == "F": # Get virtual challenges/expeditions display_json( f"api.get_inprogress_virtual_challenges({startdate.isoformat()}, {today.isoformat()})", api.get_inprogress_virtual_challenges(startdate.isoformat(), today.isoformat()) ) elif i == "G": # Get hill score data display_json( f"api.get_hill_score({startdate.isoformat()}, {today.isoformat()})", api.get_hill_score(startdate.isoformat(), today.isoformat()) ) elif i == "H": # Get endurance score data display_json( f"api.get_endurance_score({startdate.isoformat()}, {today.isoformat()})", api.get_endurance_score(startdate.isoformat(), today.isoformat()) ) elif i == "I": # Get activities for date display_json( f"api.get_activities_fordate({today.isoformat()})", api.get_activities_fordate(today.isoformat()) ) elif i == "J": # Get race predictions display_json( f"api.get_race_predictions()", api.get_race_predictions() ) elif i == "K": # Get all day stress data for date display_json( f"api.get_all_day_stress({today.isoformat()})", api.get_all_day_stress(today.isoformat()) ) elif i == "L": # Add body composition weight = 70.0 percent_fat = 15.4 percent_hydration = 54.8 visceral_fat_mass = 10.8 bone_mass = 2.9 muscle_mass = 55.2 basal_met = 1454.1 active_met = None physique_rating = None metabolic_age = 33.0 visceral_fat_rating = None bmi = 22.2 display_json( f"api.add_body_composition({today.isoformat()}, {weight}, {percent_fat}, {percent_hydration}, {visceral_fat_mass}, {bone_mass}, {muscle_mass}, {basal_met}, {active_met}, {physique_rating}, {metabolic_age}, {visceral_fat_rating}, {bmi})", api.add_body_composition( today.isoformat(), weight=weight, percent_fat=percent_fat, percent_hydration=percent_hydration, visceral_fat_mass=visceral_fat_mass, bone_mass=bone_mass, muscle_mass=muscle_mass, basal_met=basal_met, active_met=active_met, physique_rating=physique_rating, metabolic_age=metabolic_age, visceral_fat_rating=visceral_fat_rating, bmi=bmi, ) ) elif i == "M": # Set blood pressure values display_json( f"api.set_blood_pressure(120,80,80,notes=`Testing with example.py`)", api.set_blood_pressure(120,80,80,notes="Testing with example.py") ) elif i == "N": # Get user profile display_json( "api.get_user_profile()", api.get_user_profile() ) elif i == "O": # Reload epoch data for date display_json( f"api.request_reload({today.isoformat()})", api.request_reload(today.isoformat()) ) # WORKOUTS elif i == "P": workouts = api.get_workouts() # Get workout 0-100 display_json( "api.get_workouts()", api.get_workouts() ) # Get last fetched workout workout_id = workouts[-1]['workoutId'] workout_name = workouts[-1]["workoutName"] display_json( f"api.get_workout_by_id({workout_id})", api.get_workout_by_id(workout_id)) # Download last fetched workout print( f"api.download_workout({workout_id})" ) workout_data = api.download_workout( workout_id ) output_file = f"./{str(workout_name)}.fit" with open(output_file, "wb") as fb: fb.write(workout_data) print(f"Workout data downloaded to file {output_file}") # elif i == "Q": # display_json( # f"api.upload_workout({workout_example})", # api.upload_workout(workout_example)) # WOMEN'S HEALTH elif i == "S": # Get pregnancy summary data display_json( "api.get_pregnancy_summary()", api.get_pregnancy_summary() ) # Additional related calls: # get_menstrual_data_for_date(self, fordate: str): takes a single date and returns the Garmin Menstrual Summary data for that date # get_menstrual_calendar_data(self, startdate: str, enddate: str) takes two dates and returns summaries of cycles that have days between the two days elif i == "T": # Add hydration data for today value_in_ml = 240 raw_date = datetime.date.today() cdate = str(raw_date) raw_ts = datetime.datetime.now() timestamp = datetime.datetime.strftime(raw_ts, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f') display_json( f"api.add_hydration_data(value_in_ml={value_in_ml},cdate='{cdate}',timestamp='{timestamp}')", api.add_hydration_data(value_in_ml=value_in_ml, cdate=cdate, timestamp=timestamp) ) elif i == "U": # Get fitness age data display_json( f"api.get_fitnessage_data({today.isoformat()})", api.get_fitnessage_data(today.isoformat()) ) elif i == "Z": # Remove stored login tokens for Garmin Connect portal tokendir = os.path.expanduser(tokenstore) print(f"Removing stored login tokens from: {tokendir}") try: for root, dirs, files in os.walk(tokendir, topdown=False): for name in files: os.remove(os.path.join(root, name)) for name in dirs: os.rmdir(os.path.join(root, name)) print(f"Directory {tokendir} removed") except FileNotFoundError: print(f"Directory not found: {tokendir}") api = None except ( GarminConnectConnectionError, GarminConnectAuthenticationError, GarminConnectTooManyRequestsError, requests.exceptions.HTTPError, GarthHTTPError ) as err: logger.error(err) except KeyError: # Invalid menu option chosen pass else: print("Could not login to Garmin Connect, try again later.") # Main program loop while True: # Display header and login print("\n*** Garmin Connect API Demo by cyberjunky ***\n") # Init API if not api: api = init_api(email, password) if api: # Display menu print_menu() option = readchar.readkey() switch(api, option) else: api = init_api(email, password)