// ==UserScript== // @name YouTube视频&音乐&儿童广告拦截 // @name:zh-CN YouTube视频&音乐&儿童广告拦截 // @name:zh-TW YouTube視頻&音樂&兒童廣告攔截 // @name:zh-HK YouTube視頻&音樂&兒童廣告攔截 // @name:en YouTubeVideo&music&kidsAdBlocking // @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/ // @version // @description 拦截所有youtube视频广告,音乐播放广告,儿童视频广告,不留白,不闪屏,无感,体验第一。已适配移动端,支持自定义拦截,添加影视频道 // @description:zh-CN 拦截所有youtube视频广告,音乐播放广告,儿童視頻廣告,不留白,不闪屏,无感,体验第一。已适配移动端,支持自定义拦截,添加影视频道 // @description:zh-TW 攔截所有YouTube視頻廣告,音樂播放廣告,兒童視頻廣告,不留白,不閃屏,無感,體驗第一。已適配移動端,支持自定義攔截,添加影視頻道 // @description:zh-HK 攔截所有YouTube視頻廣告,音樂播放廣告,兒童視頻廣告,不留白,不閃屏,無感,體驗第一。已適配移動端,支持自定義攔截,添加影視頻道 // @description:en Intercept all YouTube video ads, music playback ads, youtube kids ads, without leaving blank space, no flash screens, seamless experience, the first choice in user experience. Adapted for mobile devices, supports customizable interception, and allows the addition of video channels // @author hua // @match https://www.youtube.com/* // @match https://m.youtube.com/* // @match https://music.youtube.com/* // @match https://www.youtubekids.com/* // @exclude /^https?://\w+\.youtube\.com\/live_chat.*$/ // @exclude /^https?://\S+\.(txt|png|jpg|jpeg|gif|xml|svg|manifest|log|ini)[^\/]*$/ // @connect https://update.greasyfork.org/ // @grant unsafeWindow // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_info // @grant GM_addValueChangeListener // @grant GM_removeValueChangeListener // @icon https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=youtube.com // @run-at document-start // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== (function () { const preventDuplicationKey = "injected_xxxxxxx"; if (unsafeWindow[preventDuplicationKey]) { console.log('重复注入!'); return; } unsafeWindow[preventDuplicationKey] = true; const open_config_keyword = '2333'; const display_error_keyword = '2444'; let channel_id = GM_getValue('last_channel_id', 'default'); const user_data_listener = get_user_data_listener(); const user_data_api = get_user_data_api(); const user_data = user_data_api.get(); let open_recommend_tv_goodselect = 'off'; let open_recommend_featured = 'on'; let tmp_debugger_value; let limit_eval = false; let is_account_init; const inject_info = { "ytInitialPlayerResponse": false, "ytInitialData": false, "ytInitialReelWatchSequenceResponse": false, "xhr": false, "fetch": false }; const origin_console = console; const script_url = 'https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/480192/youtube%E5%B9%BF%E5%91%8A%E6%8B%A6%E6%88%AA.user.js'; let href = location.href; /** @type {RULE[]} */ let ytInitialPlayerResponse_rule; /** @type {RULE[]} */ let ytInitialData_rule; /** @type {RULE[]} */ let ytInitialReelWatchSequenceResponse_rule; let open_debugger = true; let isinint = false; let mobile_web; let movie_channel_info; let mobile_movie_channel_info; let flag_info; let debugger_ytInitialPlayerResponse; let debugger_ytInitialData; let debugger_ytInitialReelWatchSequenceResponse; const error_messages = []; const data_process = get_data_process(); let shorts_fun = get_shorts_fun(); let yt_api = get_yt_api(); const shorts_parse_delay = 500; const browser_info = getBrowserInfo(); let page_type = get_page_type(); const SPLIT_TAG = '###'; let langProblemLogged = false; url_observer(); init(); function init() { log('初始化开始!' + href, 0); set_debugger(); is_account_init = false; if (page_type === 'yt_shorts') shorts_fun.check_shorts_exist(); data_process.set_obj_filter(obj_process_filter); limit_eval = data_process.limit_eval; config_init(user_data.language); const init_hook = init_hook_collection(); init_hook.property(); init_hook.other(); init_hook.request(); document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () { set_search_listen(); checke_update(); }); isinint = true; log('初始化结束!' + href, 0); } function init_hook_collection() { return { property() { let ytInitialPlayerResponse_value = unsafeWindow['ytInitialPlayerResponse']; function process_property(name, value, rule) { const start_time = Date.now(); if (typeof value === 'object') { open_debugger && (eval(`debugger_${name} = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(value))`)); rule && data_process.obj_process(value, rule, true); } if (typeof value === 'string') { value = data_process.text_process(value, rule, 'insert', true); } log(`${name} 时间:`, Date.now() - start_time, 'spend_time'); return value; } define_property_hook(unsafeWindow, 'ytInitialPlayerResponse', { get: function () { return ytInitialPlayerResponse_value; }, set: function (value) { try { inject_info.ytInitialPlayerResponse = true; // if (value && open_debugger) debugger_ytInitialPlayerResponse = (typeof (value) === 'string') ? JSON.parse(value) : JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(value)); value && (value = process_property('ytInitialPlayerResponse', value, ytInitialPlayerResponse_rule)); } catch (e) { console.warn(e) } ytInitialPlayerResponse_value = value; }, configurable: false }); let ytInitialReelWatchSequenceResponse_value = unsafeWindow['ytInitialReelWatchSequenceResponse']; define_property_hook(unsafeWindow, 'ytInitialReelWatchSequenceResponse', { get: function () { return ytInitialReelWatchSequenceResponse_value; }, set: function (value) { try { inject_info.ytInitialReelWatchSequenceResponse = true; if (page_type.endsWith('_shorts')) { // if (value && open_debugger) debugger_ytInitialReelWatchSequenceResponse = (typeof (value) === 'string') ? JSON.parse(value) : JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(value)); value && (value = process_property('ytInitialReelWatchSequenceResponse', value, ytInitialReelWatchSequenceResponse_rule)); } } catch (e) { console.warn(e) } ytInitialReelWatchSequenceResponse_value = value; }, configurable: false }); let ytInitialData_value = unsafeWindow['ytInitialData']; define_property_hook(unsafeWindow, 'ytInitialData', { get: function () { return ytInitialData_value; }, set: function (value) { try { inject_info.ytInitialData = true; if (typeof (value) === 'string') { ytInitialData_value = value; return; } // if (open_debugger && value !== undefined && value !== null) debugger_ytInitialData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(value)); if (ytInitialData_rule) { value && (value = process_property('ytInitialData', value, ytInitialData_rule)); } } catch (e) { console.warn(e) } ytInitialData_value = value; }, configurable: false }); const origin_ua = navigator.userAgent; define_property_hook(navigator, 'userAgent', { get: function () { return (browser_info.isMobile || browser_info.name === 'Chrome') ? origin_ua : 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36'; } }); if (unsafeWindow.ytcfg) { if (unsafeWindow.ytcfg.data_ && typeof (unsafeWindow.ytcfg.data_.LOGGED_IN) === 'boolean') { account_data_init(unsafeWindow.ytcfg.data_.LOGGED_IN === true); } else { if (unsafeWindow.ytcfg.data_ && typeof unsafeWindow.ytcfg.data_ === 'object') { define_property_hook(unsafeWindow.ytcfg.data_, 'LOGGED_IN', { get: function () { return this.LOGGED_IN_; }, set: function (value) { try { this.LOGGED_IN_ = value; account_data_init(value === true); } catch (e) { console.warn(e); } } }); } } if (!unsafeWindow.ytcfg.data_) { if (unsafeWindow.yt && unsafeWindow.yt.config_) { const config_ = unsafeWindow.yt.config_; if (typeof (config_.LOGGED_IN) === 'boolean') { account_data_init(config_.LOGGED_IN === true); } config_.HL && config_init(config_.HL); } } if (unsafeWindow.ytcfg.data_ && unsafeWindow.ytcfg.data_.HL) config_init(unsafeWindow.ytcfg.data_.HL); if (!(unsafeWindow.ytcfg.data_ && unsafeWindow.ytcfg.data_.HL)) { unsafeWindow.ytcfg._msgs = unsafeWindow.ytcfg.msgs; define_property_hook(unsafeWindow.ytcfg, 'msgs', { get: function () { return this._msgs; }, set: function (newValue) { try { if (newValue && newValue.__lang__) config_init(newValue.__lang__); } catch (e) { console.warn(e); } this._msgs = newValue; } }); unsafeWindow.ytcfg.msgs = unsafeWindow.ytcfg._msgs; } } else { define_property_hook(unsafeWindow, 'ytcfg', { get: function () { return this._ytcfg; }, set: function (newValue) { try { if (newValue.set) { const origin_set = newValue.set; newValue.set = function () { origin_set.apply(this, arguments); if (arguments[0] && typeof arguments[0].LOGGED_IN === 'boolean') { account_data_init(arguments[0].LOGGED_IN === true); } if (arguments[0].HL) { config_init(arguments[0].HL); } }; } } catch (e) { console.warn(e); } this._ytcfg = newValue; } }); } }, other() { let origin_createElement = document.createElement; document.createElement = function () { let node = origin_createElement.apply(this, arguments); if (arguments[0] === 'template') { let innerhtml_getter = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Element.prototype, "innerHTML").get; let innerhtml_setter = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Element.prototype, "innerHTML").set; define_property_hook(node, 'innerHTML', { get: function () { return innerhtml_getter.call(node); }, set: function (value) { // if (value.toString().includes('ytd-continuation-item-renderer')){ // if (href.includes('https://www.youtube.com/watch')){ // value = '' // log(value); // log('弹窗去掉------->ytd-continuation-item-renderer'); // } try { if (value.toString().includes('yt-mealbar-promo-renderer')) { log('弹窗去掉------->yt-mealbar-promo-renderer', 'node_process'); value = ''; } } catch (e) { console.warn(e) } innerhtml_setter.call(node, value); } }); } // if (arguments[0] === 'IFRAME') { // const contentWindow_getter = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(HTMLIFrameElement.prototype, "contentWindow").get; // define_property_hook(node, 'contentWindow', { // get: function () { // const contentWindow = contentWindow_getter.call(node); // if (!contentWindow || this.src !== 'about:blank' || contentWindow.change_history) return contentWindow; // set_history_hook(contentWindow); // contentWindow.change_history = true; // return contentWindow; // } // }); // } return node; }; document.createElement.toString = origin_createElement.toString.bind(origin_createElement); }, request() { /** * * @param {*} name * @param {*} response * @param {RULE[]} rule * @returns */ async function deal_response(name, response, rule) { if (!rule) return response; try { let is_deal = false; const responseClone = response.clone(); let result = await responseClone.text(); let origin_result = result; if (name === 'subscribe' || name === 'unsubscribe') { let match_list = result.match(/channelId":\"([^"]*)"/); const match_channel_id = match_list && match_list.length > 1 ? match_list[1] : ''; let channel_infos = user_data.channel_infos; if (match_channel_id) { if (name === 'unsubscribe') { let index = channel_infos.ids.indexOf(match_channel_id); if (index > -1) { channel_infos.ids.splice(index, 1); channel_infos.names.splice(index, 1); } } else { channel_infos.ids.push(match_channel_id); channel_infos.names.push(''); } user_data.channel_infos = channel_infos; user_data_api.set(); log(name, match_channel_id, 0); } is_deal = true; } if (name === 'playlist') { try { const obj = JSON.parse(result); data_process.obj_process(obj.playerResponse, ytInitialPlayerResponse_rule, true); data_process.obj_process(obj.response, ytInitialData_rule, true); result = JSON.stringify(obj); is_deal = true; } catch (error) { log('playlist 解析失败', error, -1); } } if (!is_deal) { let start_time = Date.now(); result = data_process.text_process(result, rule, 'insert', true); log(name + ' 时间:', Date.now() - start_time, 'spend_time'); } if (!result) { result = origin_result; debugger; } return new Response(result, response); } catch (e) { console.warn(e); } return response; } const origin_fetch = unsafeWindow.fetch; if (origin_fetch.toString() !== 'function fetch() { [native code] }') { log('fetch have been modified', -1); } unsafeWindow.fetch = function () { const fetch_ = async function (uri, options) { async function fetch_request(response) { const url = response.url; inject_info.fetch = true; // return_response = response; if (url.includes('youtubei/v1/next')) { if (!page_type.endsWith('_watch')) return response; return (await deal_response('next', response, ytInitialData_rule)) || response; } if (url.includes('youtubei/v1/player')) { if (!page_type.endsWith('_home') && !page_type.endsWith('_watch')) return response; return (await deal_response('player', response, ytInitialPlayerResponse_rule)) || response; } if (url.includes('youtubei/v1/reel/reel_watch_sequence')) { // shorts 内容列表 if (!page_type.endsWith('_shorts')) return response; return (await deal_response('reel_watch_sequence', response, ytInitialReelWatchSequenceResponse_rule)) || response; } if (url.includes('youtubei/v1/reel/reel_item_watch')) { // shorts 内容 if (!page_type.endsWith('_shorts')) return response; return (await deal_response('reel_item_watch', response, ytInitialData_rule)) || response; } if (url.includes('youtubei/v1/browse')) { // if (!['yt_home', 'mobile_yt_home'].includes(page_type)) return response; let rule = ytInitialData_rule; if (page_type.endsWith('_home') && ['off', 'subscribed'].includes(user_data.open_recommend_liveroom)) { let node, category_text; if (mobile_web) { node = document.querySelector('#filter-chip-bar > div > ytm-chip-cloud-chip-renderer.selected'); category_text = node && node.textContent; } else { node = document.querySelector('#chips > yt-chip-cloud-chip-renderer.style-scope.ytd-feed-filter-chip-bar-renderer.iron-selected'); category_text = node && node.querySelector('#text').textContent; } const filter_list = [flag_info.category_game, flag_info.category_live, flag_info.category_news]; if (filter_list.includes(category_text)) { let body; if (uri.body_) { try { body = JSON.parse(uri.body_); } catch (error) { } } if (!body || body.browseId !== 'FEwhat_to_watch') { rule = ytInitialData_rule.filter(item => !item.includes(flag_info.live)); } } } return (await deal_response('browse', response, rule)) || response; } // if (url.startsWith('https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=')) { // if (['yt_watch_playlist'].includes(page_type)) return response; // return await deal_response('playlist', response, []); // } if (url.includes('https://m.youtube.com/youtubei/v1/guide')) { // if (!['mobile_yt_home'].includes(page_type)) return response; return (await deal_response('guide', response, ytInitialData_rule)) || response; } if (url.includes('/youtubei/v1/search')) { // if (!['yt_search', 'mobile_yt_search'].includes(page_type)) return response; return (await deal_response('search', response, ytInitialData_rule)) || response; } if (url.includes('/unsubscribe?prettyPrint=false')) { return (await deal_response('unsubscribe', response)) || response; } if (url.includes('/subscribe?prettyPrint=false')) { return (await deal_response('subscribe', response)) || response; } return response; } // if (['yt_music_channel'].includes(page_type) && uri.url_.startsWith('/playlist?list')) { // return null; // } return origin_fetch(uri, options).then(fetch_request); }; const names = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(origin_fetch); for (let i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { if (names[i] in fetch_) continue; let desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(origin_fetch, names[i]); define_property_hook(fetch_, names[i], desc); } return fetch_; }(); const origin_Request = unsafeWindow.Request; if (origin_Request.toString() !== 'function Request() { [native code] }') { log('Request have been modified', -1); } unsafeWindow.Request = class extends unsafeWindow.Request { constructor(input, options = void 0) { super(input, options); if (options && 'body' in options) this['body_'] = options['body']; } }; const textToObject = (txt)=>{ let obj = null; if(typeof txt ==='string'){ try { obj = JSON.parse(txt); } catch (error) { log('JSON解析失败', 1); } }else if (typeof txt === 'object'){ obj = txt; } return obj; } unsafeWindow.XMLHttpRequest = class extends unsafeWindow.XMLHttpRequest { open(method, url, ...opts) { inject_info.xhr = true; // if (['mobile_yt_watch'].includes(page_type) && url.includes('m.youtube.com/watch?v')) { // return null; // } // if (['mobile_yt_home'].includes(page_type) && url.includes('m.youtube.com/?pbj')) { // return null; // } return super.open(method, url, ...opts); } processResult(result) { try { const xhr = this; const resURL = xhr.responseURL || ''; if (resURL.includes('youtubei/v1/player')) { // music_watch if (typeof result === 'string') { // if (!['yt_music_watch', 'mobile_yt_watch'].includes(page_type)) return result; // if (result_type !== 'string') throw new Error('response is not string'); result = data_process.text_process(result, ytInitialPlayerResponse_rule, 'insert', true); } } else if (resURL.includes('youtube.com/playlist')) { const obj = textToObject(result); log(`出现 ${resURL} !`, obj, 0); if (obj && obj.length >= 4) { data_process.obj_process(obj[2].playerResponse, ytInitialPlayerResponse_rule, true); data_process.obj_process(obj[3].response, ytInitialData_rule, true); tmp_debugger_value = obj; if (typeof result === 'string') result = JSON.stringify(obj); else if (typeof result === 'object') result = obj; } } } catch (error) { log(`XHR ${url} 解析失败!`, error, -1); } return result; } get responseText() { let result = super.responseText; if (super.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.DONE) { result = this.processResult(result); } return result; } get response() { let result = super.response; if (super.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.DONE) { result = this.processResult(result); } return result; } }; } } } function get_user_data_listener() { return { cur_channel_id: null, listener_id: null, set: function () { // TODO } }; } async function account_data_init(login) { // to be reviewed if (login) { if (is_account_init) return; is_account_init = true; yt_api.get_channel_id(); yt_api.get_subscribe_data(); } // to be reviewed // if (channel_id !== 'default') { // channel_id = 'default'; // user_data.login = false; // user_data = user_data_api.get(); // } } function define_property_hook(obj, property, descriptor) { try { Object.defineProperty(obj, property, descriptor); if (descriptor.get) { const get_ = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, property).get; if (descriptor.get !== get_) { log("hook " + property + " failed!", -1); return; } } if (descriptor.set) { const set_ = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, property).set; if (descriptor.set !== set_) log("hook " + property + " failed!", -1); } } catch (error) { log(`define ${property} hook error!`, error, -1); return; } } function config_init(tmp_language = null) { if (!tmp_language) { tmp_language = unsafeWindow['ytcfg'].msgs ? unsafeWindow['ytcfg'].msgs.__lang__ : (unsafeWindow['ytcfg'].data ? unsafeWindow['ytcfg'].data.HL : undefined); !tmp_language && (tmp_language = unsafeWindow['yt'] && unsafeWindow['yt'].config_ && unsafeWindow['yt'].config_.HL); if (!tmp_language) { log('语言获取错误', unsafeWindow, -1); tmp_language = 'zh-CN'; } } if (!['zh-CN', 'zh-TW', 'zh-HK', 'en'].includes(tmp_language)) { !langProblemLogged && log(`Does not support language ${tmp_language}, only supports zh-CN, zh-TW, zh-HK, en, and is compatible with English locations; there may be some errors.`, -1); langProblemLogged = true; tmp_language = tmp_language.startsWith('en-') ? 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'reelShelfRenderer.title.runs[0].text........=- ~=' : 'reelShelfRenderer.title.runs[0].text.....=- ~='; ['off', 'subscribed'].includes(user_data.open_recommend_shorts) && recommend_tags.push('Shorts'); if (recommend_tags.length > 0) { recommend_rules.push(recommend_base_rule + recommend_tags.join('|')); } recommend_rules.length && watch_page_ytInitialData_rule.push(...recommend_rules); // 添加已订阅短视频 let subscribed_shorts_rule; if (user_data.open_recommend_shorts === 'subscribed') { subscribed_shorts_rule = 'secondaryResults.results[1].itemSectionRenderer.contents=+(arr_insert,method(shorts_fun.get_shorts_section()),0) @user_data.shorts_list.length$value>0'; } subscribed_shorts_rule && watch_page_ytInitialData_rule.push(subscribed_shorts_rule); // 视频下方可能会出现的推荐栏目 !mobile_web && watch_page_ytInitialData_rule.push("metadataRowContainer=-"); ytInitialData_rule = watch_page_ytInitialData_rule; ytInitialPlayerResponse_rule = common_ytInitialPlayerResponse_rule; return; } if (page_type.includes('yt_home')) { let home_page_ytInitialData_ad_rule = [ 'richItemRenderer.content.adSlotRenderer..=-' ]; // 每一个item左下角标签 let left_corner_tags; let lower_left_corner_rule = mobile_web ? 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'reelShelfRenderer.title.runs[0].text.......=- ~=' : 'richShelfRenderer.title.runs[0].text......=- ~='; ['off', 'subscribed'].includes(user_data.open_recommend_shorts) && recommend_tags.push('Shorts'); user_data.open_recommend_movie === 'off' && recommend_tags.push(flag_info.free_primetime_movie); user_data.open_recommend_popular === 'off' && recommend_tags.push(flag_info.recommend_popular); user_data.open_recommend_playables === 'off' && recommend_tags.push(flag_info.Playables); if (recommend_tags.length > 0) { recommend_rules.push(recommend_base_rule + recommend_tags.join('|')); } recommend_rules.length && home_page_ytInitialData_ad_rule.push(...recommend_rules); //直播规则 let live_rules; if (['off', 'subscribed'].includes(user_data.open_recommend_liveroom)) { if (!mobile_web) { live_rules = ['text.accessibility.accessibilityData.label........=- =' + flag_info.live]; live_rules.push('metadataBadgeRenderer.label......=- =' + flag_info.live); live_rules.push('thumbnailOverlayTimeStatusRenderer.text.simpleText.......=- =' + flag_info.upcoming); } else { live_rules = ['text.accessibility.accessibilityData.label..........=- =' + flag_info.live]; live_rules.push('thumbnailOverlayTimeStatusRenderer.text.runs[0].text.........=- =' + flag_info.upcoming); } } live_rules && home_page_ytInitialData_ad_rule.push(...live_rules); //添加电影频道 let add_movie_channel_rule = "loadingStrategy.inlineContent.moreDrawerViewModel.content=+obj(" + (mobile_web ? 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"enableDisplayloggerExperiment": true } } }; } if (tmp_item) items.push(tmp_item); } eval(item_path + ' = items'); user_data_api.set(); return root; } get_shorts_info (video_id) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let basic_url, author_id_reg, author_name_reg, upload_date_reg, ago_reg; if (page_type.startsWith('mobile')) { basic_url = 'https://m.youtube.com/shorts/'; author_id_reg = /"channelId":"([^"]*)"/; author_name_reg = /"ownerChannelName":"([^"]*)"/; // upload_date_reg = /"uploadDate":"(.*?)"/; ago_reg = /timestampText.*?:\\x22(.*?)\\x22\\x7d/; } else { basic_url = 'https://www.youtube.com/shorts/'; author_id_reg = /"browseId":"([a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+)","canonicalBaseUrl"/; author_name_reg = /"channel":\{"simpleText":"([^"]*)"/; // upload_date_reg = /"uploadDate":"(.*?)"/; ago_reg = /"timestampText":{"simpleText":"(.*?)"}/; } const url = basic_url + video_id; const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open('GET', url); xhr.setRequestHeader('accept', 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7'); let author_id = ''; let author_name = ''; // let upload_date_str = ''; let ago_str = ''; // let upload_date; xhr.onload = function () { if (xhr.status === 200 && xhr.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.DONE) { const result = xhr.responseText; let match = result.match(author_id_reg); if (match) author_id = match[1] || ''; match = result.match(author_name_reg); if (match) author_name = match[1] || ''; match = result.match(ago_reg); if (match) ago_str = match[1] || ''; // const upload_date_math = result.match(upload_date_reg); // if (upload_date_math) upload_date_str = upload_date_math[1] || ''; // upload_date_str && !isNaN(new Date(upload_date_str)) && (upload_date = new Date(upload_date_str)); resolve({ id: video_id, author_id: author_id, author_name: author_name, ago_str: ago_str }); } else { reject(xhr.responseText); } }; xhr.onerror = function () { reject(new Error('XHR request failed')); }; xhr.send(); }); } parse_shorts_list() { if (!this.shorts_list || this.shorts_list.length === 0) return; const { id, title, views_lable, thumbnail_url } = this.shorts_list.pop(); this.get_shorts_info(id).then((author_info) => { const { author_id, author_name, ago_str } = author_info; if (author_id && user_data.channel_infos.ids.includes(author_id)) { if (user_data.shorts_list.some((value) => { return value.id === id; })) { log('已存在' + author_name + '的短视频:' + title, 'shorts'); } else { log('不过滤' + author_name + '的短视频:' + title, 'shorts'); const shorts_info = { id: id, title: title, author_id: author_id, author_name: author_name, views_lable: views_lable, from: page_type, thumbnail_url: thumbnail_url, ago_str: ago_str, }; user_data.shorts_list.push(shorts_info); user_data_api.set(); } } else { log('过滤' + author_name + '的短视频:' + title, 'shorts'); } }).finally(() => { if (this.shorts_list.length > 0) setTimeout(() => { this.parse_shorts_list(); }, shorts_parse_delay); else this.parsing = false; }); } check_shorts_exist(){ // to be reviewed /* const short_id = href.split('/').pop(); for (let i = 0; i < user_data.shorts_list.length; i++) { if (user_data.shorts_list[i].id === short_id) { user_data.shorts_list.splice(i, 1); user_data_api.set(); return; } } */ } get_interval_tag(upload_date_str) { let uploadDate; try{ uploadDate = new Date(upload_date_str); }catch(e){} if (!uploadDate || +uploadDate < 1706713200000) return ""; const currentDate = new Date(); const timeDifference = Math.abs(currentDate - uploadDate); // Difference in milliseconds const secondsDifference = timeDifference / 1000; const minutesDifference = secondsDifference / 60; const hoursDifference = minutesDifference / 60; const daysDifference = hoursDifference / 24; const weeksDifference = daysDifference / 7; const monthsDifference = weeksDifference / 4.345; // Average number of weeks in a month const yearsDifference = monthsDifference / 12; if (secondsDifference < 60) { return `${Math.floor(secondsDifference)} seconds ago`; } else if (minutesDifference < 60) { return `${Math.floor(minutesDifference)} minutes ago`; } else if (hoursDifference < 24) { return `${Math.floor(hoursDifference)} hours ago`; } else if (daysDifference < 7) { return `${Math.floor(daysDifference)} days ago`; } else if (weeksDifference < 4.345) { return `${Math.floor(weeksDifference)} weeks ago`; } else if (monthsDifference < 12) { return `${Math.floor(monthsDifference)} months ago`; } else { return `${Math.floor(yearsDifference)} years ago`; } } } return new ShortsFun; } function get_yt_api() { return { get_subscribe_data: function (retry = 0) { const headers = { "authority": "www.youtube.com", "accept": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7", }; const url = "https://www.youtube.com/feed/channels"; const requestConfig = { method: 'GET', headers: headers, url: url }; const save_this = this; GM_xmlhttpRequest({ ...requestConfig, onload: function (response) { let tmp_channel_names = [], tmp_channel_ids = []; let regex = /var ytInitialData \= (.*?);\<\/script\>/; try { let match = response.responseText.match(regex); let ytInitialData_obj = JSON.parse(match[1]); let items = ytInitialData_obj.contents.twoColumnBrowseResultsRenderer.tabs[0].tabRenderer.content.sectionListRenderer.contents[0].itemSectionRenderer.contents[0].shelfRenderer.content.expandedShelfContentsRenderer.items; for (let item of items) { let channel_name = item.channelRenderer.title.simpleText; const match_channel_id = item.channelRenderer.channelId; tmp_channel_ids.push(match_channel_id); tmp_channel_names.push(channel_name); } if (tmp_channel_ids.length > 0) { user_data.channel_infos.ids = tmp_channel_ids; user_data.channel_infos.names = tmp_channel_names; user_data_api.set(); } log('获取关注列表成功' + user_data.channel_infos.ids.length + '个', 0); } catch (error) { if (retry < 3) { setTimeout(() => { save_this.get_subscribe_data(retry + 1); }, 1000); } log('获取关注列表失败\n', error, -1); } }, onerror: function (error) { if (retry < 3) { setTimeout(() => { save_this.get_subscribe_data(retry + 1); }, 1000); } log('获取关注列表失败\n', error, -1); }, }); }, get_authorization: function () { function Vja() { function a() { e[0] = 1732584193; e[1] = 4023233417; e[2] = 2562383102; e[3] = 271733878; e[4] = 3285377520; u = q = 0; } function b(x) { for (var y = l, C = 0; 64 > C; C += 4) y[C / 4] = x[C] << 24 | x[C + 1] << 16 | x[C + 2] << 8 | x[C + 3]; for (C = 16; 80 > C; C++) x = y[C - 3] ^ y[C - 8] ^ y[C - 14] ^ y[C - 16], y[C] = (x << 1 | x >>> 31) & 4294967295; x = e[0]; var E = e[1] , H = e[2] , R = e[3] , T = e[4]; for (C = 0; 80 > C; C++) { if (40 > C) { if (20 > C) { var X = R ^ E & (H ^ R); var la = 1518500249; } else X = E ^ H ^ R, la = 1859775393; } else 60 > C ? (X = E & H | R & (E | H), la = 2400959708) : (X = E ^ H ^ R, la = 3395469782); X = ((x << 5 | x >>> 27) & 4294967295) + X + T + la + y[C] & 4294967295; T = R; R = H; H = (E << 30 | E >>> 2) & 4294967295; E = x; x = X; } e[0] = e[0] + x & 4294967295; e[1] = e[1] + E & 4294967295; e[2] = e[2] + H & 4294967295; e[3] = e[3] + R & 4294967295; e[4] = e[4] + T & 4294967295; } function c(x, y) { if ("string" === typeof x) { x = unescape(encodeURIComponent(x)); for (var C = [], E = 0, H = x.length; E < H; ++E) C.push(x.charCodeAt(E)); x = C; } y || (y = x.length); C = 0; if (0 == q) for (; C + 64 < y;) b(x.slice(C, C + 64)), C += 64, u += 64; for (; C < y;) if (h[q++] = x[C++], u++, 64 == q) for (q = 0, b(h); C + 64 < y;) b(x.slice(C, C + 64)), C += 64, u += 64; } function d() { var x = [] , y = 8 * u; 56 > q ? c(m, 56 - q) : c(m, 64 - (q - 56)); for (var C = 63; 56 <= C; C--) h[C] = y & 255, y >>>= 8; b(h); for (C = y = 0; 5 > C; C++) for (var E = 24; 0 <= E; E -= 8) x[y++] = e[C] >> E & 255; return x; } for (var e = [], h = [], l = [], m = [128], p = 1; 64 > p; ++p) m[p] = 0; var q, u; a(); return { reset: a, update: c, digest: d, digestString: function () { for (var x = d(), y = "", C = 0; C < x.length; C++) y += "0123456789ABCDEF".charAt(Math.floor(x[C] / 16)) + "0123456789ABCDEF".charAt(x[C] % 16); return y; } }; } const sapisid_cookie = getCookie('SAPISID') || getCookie('APISID') || getCookie('__Secure-3PAPISID'); if (sapisid_cookie) { const timestamp = Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000); const b = Vja(); b.update(timestamp + ' ' + sapisid_cookie + ' https://www.youtube.com'); const hash_value = b.digestString().toLowerCase(); return 'SAPISIDHASH ' + timestamp + '_' + hash_value; } return ''; }, get_channel_id: function (retry = 0) { const authorization = this.get_authorization(); if (!authorization) { log('获取authorization失败', 0); return; } const url = "https://www.youtube.com/youtubei/v1/account/account_menu"; const params = { "prettyPrint": "false" }; const data = { "context": { "client": { "clientName": "WEB", "clientVersion": "2.20240308.00.00", }, }, }; const jsonData = JSON.stringify(data); const headers = { "authorization": authorization, "content-type": "application/json", "origin": "https://www.youtube.com", "referer": "https://www.youtube.com/", }; const requestConfig = { method: 'POST', headers: headers, data: jsonData, url: url + "?" + new URLSearchParams(params), }; GM_xmlhttpRequest({ ...requestConfig, onload: function (response) { const match = response.responseText.match(/"browseId"\:"([^"]*)"/); // "(.*)" is incorrect if (match && match.length > 1) { let tmp_id = match[1]; if (tmp_id && tmp_id != channel_id) { channel_id = tmp_id; const tmp_data = user_data_api.get(); Object.assign(user_data, tmp_data); GM_setValue('last_channel_id', channel_id); } log('获取channel_id成功' + channel_id, 0); } else { if (retry < 3) { setTimeout(() => { yt_api.get_channel_id(retry + 1); }, 1000); } else { log('获取channel_id失败', response, response.responseText, -1); } } }, onerror: function (error) { if (retry < 3) { setTimeout(() => { yt_api.get_channel_id(retry + 1); }, 1000); yt_api.get_channel_id(retry + 1); } else { log('获取channel_id失败', error, 0); } }, }); } }; } function get_user_data_api() { return { get() { const default_user_data = { "open_recommend_shorts": 'on', "open_recommend_movie": 'on', "open_recommend_popular": 'on', "open_recommend_liveroom": 'on', "open_recommend_playables": "on", "add_shorts_upload_date": 'on', "shorts_change_author_name": 'on', "language": 'zh-CN', "channel_infos": { "ids": [], "names": [] }, "shorts_list": [], "login": false, }; let diff = false; user_data_listener.set(); // TODO let tmp_user_data = GM_getValue(channel_id); if (!tmp_user_data) { tmp_user_data = default_user_data; diff = true; } for (let key in default_user_data) { if (!(key in tmp_user_data)) { diff = true; tmp_user_data[key] = default_user_data[key]; } } let tmp_login = channel_id !== 'default'; if (tmp_user_data.login !== tmp_login) { diff = true; tmp_user_data.login = tmp_login; } (diff || this.update(tmp_user_data)) && GM_setValue(channel_id, tmp_user_data); return tmp_user_data; }, set() { return GM_setValue(channel_id, user_data); }, update(tmp_user_data) { let diff = false; const last_version = GM_getValue('last_version', -1); if (last_version === -1) { tmp_user_data.open_recommend_shorts = GM_getValue("open_recommend_shorts", "off"); tmp_user_data.open_recommend_movie = GM_getValue("open_recommend_movie", "off"); tmp_user_data.open_recommend_popular = GM_getValue("open_recommend_popular", "off"); tmp_user_data.open_recommend_liveroom = GM_getValue("open_recommend_liveroom", "off"); diff = true; } if (typeof (tmp_user_data.open_recommend_shorts) === 'boolean') { tmp_user_data.open_recommend_shorts = tmp_user_data.open_recommend_shorts ? 'on' : 'off'; tmp_user_data.open_recommend_movie = tmp_user_data.open_recommend_movie ? 'on' : 'off'; tmp_user_data.open_recommend_popular = tmp_user_data.open_recommend_popular ? 'on' : 'off'; tmp_user_data.open_recommend_liveroom = tmp_user_data.open_recommend_liveroom ? 'on' : 'off'; diff = true; } last_version !== GM_info.script.version && GM_setValue("last_version", GM_info.script.version); return diff; }, getLatestValues(tmp_user_data){ const latest_user_data = GM_getValue(channel_id); if (latest_user_data) { Object.assign(tmp_user_data, latest_user_data); } } }; } function get_data_process() { class DATA_PROCESS { constructor() { try { let test_eval; const test_val = 1; this.limit_eval = eval('test_eval = test_val') && (test_eval !== test_val); } catch (error) { this.limit_eval = true; } this.obj_filter = undefined; this.obj_storage = {}; } storage_obj(key, obj) { this.obj_storage[key] = obj; } set_obj_filter(obj_filter) { this.obj_filter = typeof obj_filter === 'function' ? obj_filter : undefined; } /** * @param {*} data @param {RULE[]} values @param {string} mode @param {boolean} traverse_all @returns */ text_process(data, values, mode, traverse_all) { if (!values) return data; mode = mode || 'cover'; if (mode === 'reg') { for (let value of values) { let patten_express = value.split(SPLIT_TAG)[0]; let replace_value = value.split(SPLIT_TAG)[1]; let patten = new RegExp(patten_express, "g"); data = data.replace(patten, replace_value); } } if (mode === 'cover') { data = values[0]; } if (mode === 'insert') { traverse_all = traverse_all || false; let json_data; try { json_data = JSON.parse(data); } catch (error) { log('text_process JSON parse error', -1); return data; } this.obj_process(json_data, values, traverse_all); data = JSON.stringify(json_data); } return data; } /** * @param {string} basic_path @param {string} relative_path @returns {string} */ get_relative_path(basic_path, relative_path) { if (relative_path === '/') return basic_path; let real_path; // /.content.richGridRenderer.contents // how about /content.richGridRenderer.contents ? if (relative_path.startsWith('/.')) { real_path = basic_path + relative_path.slice(1); } // .content.richGridRenderer.contents ? // ..content.richGridRenderer.contents ? if (relative_path.startsWith('.')) { const reg = /[\.\[]/g; const positions = []; let match; while ((match = reg.exec(basic_path)) !== null) { positions.push(match.index); } if (positions.length === 0) { return basic_path; } const pointer_match = relative_path.match(/^\.+/); const split_index = positions[positions.length - pointer_match[0].length]; const relative_attribute = relative_path.slice(pointer_match[0].length); real_path = basic_path.slice(0, split_index) + (relative_attribute ? ((relative_attribute.startsWith('[') ? '' : '.') + relative_attribute) : ''); } // "json_obj[\"contents\"][\"twoColumnBrowseResultsRenderer\"][\"tabs\"][0][\"tabRenderer\"][\"content\"][\"richGridRenderer\"][\"contents\"]" return this.convertPathToBracketNotation(real_path); } value_parse(parse_value, path_info = null, json_obj = null) { parse_value = parse_value.trim();// in case const formula_match = parse_value.match(/\{.*?\}/g); if (formula_match) { for (const express_ of formula_match) { const express = express_.slice(1, -1); // express !== parse_value if (express.length < parse_value.length && express.length > 0) { // just in case parse_value = parse_value.replace(express_, this.value_parse(express, path_info, json_obj)).trim(); } } } // const exec_match = parse_value.match(/\`[\s\S]*?\`/g); // if (exec_match) { // for (const express_ of exec_match) { // const express = express_.slice(1, -1); // parse_value = parse_value.replace(express_, eval(express)).trim(); // limit_eval = true => ???? // } // } const data_this = this; function methodValue(val){ // eval 限制的时候可以使用num() obj()这些添加数字对象 方法也要放到unsafeWindow里 例:method(b("123",num(23))) // 不限制的时候 不能使用num和obj 方法不需要放到unsafeWindow里 例:method(b("123",23)) if (limit_eval) { const method_info = val.match(/(.*)\((.*)\)$/); const method_name = method_info[1]; const method_args_string = method_info[2]; const method_args = method_args_string.split(','); const args = []; for (const arg of method_args) { args.push(data_this.value_parse(arg, path_info, json_obj)); } return unsafeWindow[method_name](...args); } return eval(val); } const parse_value_typem = parse_value.match(/^(\w+)\((.*)\)$/); if (parse_value_typem) { if (parse_value_typem[1] === 'json') return JSON.parse(parse_value_typem[2]); if (parse_value_typem[1] === 'obj') return this.string_to_value(unsafeWindow, parse_value_typem[2]); if (parse_value_typem[1] === 'num') return Number(parse_value_typem[2]); if (parse_value_typem[1] === 'method') return methodValue(parse_value_typem[2]); if (parse_value_typem[1] === 'dealObj') return this.string_to_value(json_obj, this.get_relative_path(path_info.deal_path, parse_value_typem[2])); // dealObj(path_msg) if (parse_value_typem[1] === 'pathObj') return this.string_to_value(json_obj, this.get_relative_path(path_info.path, parse_value_typem[2])); // pathObj(path_msg) if (parse_value_typem[1] === 'absObj') return this.string_to_value(json_obj, parse_value_typem[2]); // absObj(abs_path) } const string_match = parse_value.match(/^["'](.*)["']$/); if (string_match) return string_match[1]; if (parse_value === 'undefined') return undefined; if (parse_value === 'null') return null; return parse_value; } string_to_value(obj, path) { try { if (!this.limit_eval) { return eval(path.replace('json_obj', 'obj')); } let tmp_obj = obj; let matches = path.match(/\[([^\(\)]*)\]/g); // /\[(.*)\]/g is incorrect if (matches) { matches.map((match) => { if (match.includes('["')) { tmp_obj = Reflect.get(tmp_obj, match.replace(/\["|"\]/g, '')); } else { tmp_obj = Reflect.get(tmp_obj, Number(match.replace(/\[|\]/g, ''))); } }); return tmp_obj; } matches = path.split('.'); if (matches) { matches.splice(0, 1); matches.map((match) => { tmp_obj = Reflect.get(tmp_obj, match); }); return tmp_obj; } } catch (error) { // log('获取属性值失败--->' + path, 'obj_process') } } get_lastPath_and_key(path) { let last_path, last_key; let matches = path.match(/\[([^\(\)]*)\]/g); // /\[(.*)\]/g is incorrect if (matches && matches.length > 0) { const tmp = matches[matches.length - 1]; if (tmp.includes('["')) { last_key = tmp.replace(/\["|"\]/g, ''); } else { last_key = Number(tmp.replace(/\[|\]/g, '')); } last_path = path.substring(0, path.lastIndexOf(tmp)); } if (!matches) { matches = path.split('.'); if (matches && matches.length > 0) { last_key = matches[matches.length - 1]; last_path = path.replace('.' + last_key, ''); } } return [last_path, last_key]; } /** * @param {string} path @returns */ convertPathToBracketNotation(path) { if (!path) return ''; return path.replace(/\.[\d\w\-_$@]+/g, function (match) { // corrected regexp return '["' + match.slice(1) + '"]'; }); } /** * @param {string[] | OBJECT_EXPRESS[]} express_list */ obj_process(json_obj, express_list, traverse_all = false) { if (typeof json_obj !== 'object') { log('obj_process不是对象', express_list, -1); return; } if (!json_obj || !express_list) return; const data_this = this; /** @type {PATH_INFO[]} */ const abs_path_info_list = []; const relative_path_map = new Map(); // relative_path_map = relative_path_list + relative_short_path_list + relative_path_info_list const is_array_obj = Array.isArray(json_obj); try { for (const express of express_list) { if (!express) continue; let reg; let express_type_is_string = typeof (express) === 'string'; // only check whether it is string or not let matches; let conditions; let value; reg = /^(abs:)?([a-zA-Z_0-9\.\*\[\]]*)(=\-|~=|=\+|=)(.*)$/; // corrected regexp if (express_type_is_string) { matches = express.match(reg); } else { matches = express.value.match(reg); conditions = express.conditions; } // added error handling if (!matches) { log('no matches') continue; } let [_, abs, path, operator, tmp_value] = matches; let path_extral_match = path.match(/\/?\.+$/); let path_extral; if (path_extral_match) { // path_extral = path_extral_match[0]; // path = path.replace(path_extral, ''); } let value_mode; if (express_type_is_string) { let split_index = tmp_value.indexOf(' '); if (split_index > -1) { value = tmp_value.substring(0, split_index); let mode_match = value.match(/^\((.*)\)$/); if (mode_match) { let mode_info = mode_match[1].split(','); value = mode_info[1]; let mode = mode_info[0]; mode_info.shift(); mode_info.shift(); value_mode = { 'mode': mode, 'params': mode_info }; } conditions = tmp_value.substring(split_index + 1); conditions = { 'value': [conditions] }; } else { value = tmp_value; } } matches = path.match(/\[(\*?\d*)\]$/); let array_index = undefined; // don't forget it can be undefined if (matches) { path = path.replace(matches[0], ''); array_index = matches[1]; } if (abs) { data_this.add_data_to_abs_path(json_obj, abs_path_info_list, `json_obj${is_array_obj ? '' : '.'}${path}`, array_index, { relative_path: path, operator, value, value_mode, condition: conditions, path_extral, express }); } else { const tmp_short_path = path.split('.').pop(); if (relative_path_map.has('~' + tmp_short_path)) { log('relative_short_path_list - repeated') continue; } const rpEntry = { "express": express, "path": path, "operator": operator, "value": value, "value_mode": value_mode, "conditions": conditions, "array_index": array_index, "path_extral": path_extral, "relative_path": path, "relative_short_path": tmp_short_path }; // after modified, there is no "relative_path_map.get('~' + key)", so "relative_path_map.set('^' + path, rpEntry);" can be removed // relative_path_map.set('^' + path, rpEntry); // relative_path_list.push(path); relative_path_map.set('~' + tmp_short_path, rpEntry); // relative_short_path_list.push(tmp_short_path); } } if (relative_path_map.size > 0) { // min size = 2 const dec_list = []; data_this._obj_property_traverse(json_obj, '', { relative_path_map, dec_list, traverse_all }); for (let [key, tmp_path] of dec_list) { let real_path_info = relative_path_map.get('~' + key); tmp_path = 'json_obj' + tmp_path; data_this.add_data_to_abs_path(json_obj, abs_path_info_list, tmp_path, real_path_info.array_index,{ relative_path: real_path_info.path, operator: real_path_info.operator, value: real_path_info.value, value_mode: real_path_info.value_mode, condition: real_path_info.conditions, path_extral: real_path_info.path_extral, express: real_path_info.express }); } } // abs_path_info_list's entries are object-type. a < b is always false. No Sorting // abs_path_info_list.sort((a, b) => a < b ? 1 : -1); // console.log(182, abs_path_info_list, 'abs_path_info_list') for (const path_info of abs_path_info_list) { if (!this.obj_conditional(path_info, json_obj)) continue; const { path_extral, path } = path_info; let deal_path = path; if (path_extral) { deal_path = this.get_relative_path(path, path_extral); if(deal_path === false) continue; } path_info.deal_path = deal_path; if (this.obj_filter && this.obj_filter(path_info, json_obj)) continue; data_this._obj_modify(json_obj, path_info); } } catch (error) { log('obj_process处理失败', error, -1); } } // pass sourceObj instead of every property // moved to DATA_PROCESS= /** * @param {*} json_obj @param {PATH_INFO[]} abs_path_info_list @param {string} path @param {number} array_index @param {PATH_INFO} sourceObj @returns */ add_data_to_abs_path(json_obj, abs_path_info_list, path, array_index, sourceObj) { // console.log(182, sourceObj) const data_this = this; path = data_this.convertPathToBracketNotation(path); if (array_index !== "*") { const tmp = {}; tmp.path = `${path}${(array_index ? `[${array_index}]` : '')}`; Object.assign(tmp, sourceObj); abs_path_info_list.push(tmp); return; } let array_length; try { array_length = data_this.string_to_value(json_obj, path).length; if (!array_length) return; } catch (error) { log('obj_process获取数组长度失败--->' + path, error, -1); return; } for (let tmp_index = array_length - 1; tmp_index >= 0; tmp_index--) { const tmp = {}; tmp.path = `${path}[${tmp_index}]`; Object.assign(tmp, sourceObj); abs_path_info_list.push(tmp); } } // moved to DATA_PROCESS _obj_property_traverse (obj, cur_path, traverseData) { // "short_keys": relative_short_path_list, // "real_keys": relative_path_list const { relative_path_map, dec_list, traverse_all } = traverseData; if (Array.isArray(obj)) { obj.forEach((tmp_obj, index) => { if (!tmp_obj || typeof (tmp_obj) !== 'object') return; let tmp_path = `${cur_path}[${index}]`; this._obj_property_traverse(tmp_obj, tmp_path, traverseData); }); } else { Object.keys(obj).forEach((key) => { let value = obj[key]; if (!value || typeof (value) !== 'object' || typeof key !== 'string') return; let tmp_path = `${cur_path}.${key}`; let deal = false; const rpEntry = relative_path_map.get('~' + key); if (rpEntry) { const len = rpEntry.relative_path.length; if (tmp_path.slice(tmp_path.length - len) === rpEntry.relative_path) { dec_list.push([key, tmp_path]); if (!deal && traverse_all && typeof (obj[key]) === 'object') { this._obj_property_traverse(obj[key], tmp_path, traverseData); } deal = true; } } if (!deal) this._obj_property_traverse(value, tmp_path, traverseData); }); } } // moved to DATA_PROCESS _obj_modify(json_obj, path_info) { const data_this = this; let path = path_info['deal_path']; let operator = path_info['operator']; let value = path_info['value']; let [last_path, last_key] = data_this.get_lastPath_and_key(path); let last_obj = data_this.string_to_value(json_obj, last_path); if (!last_obj) { return log('obj_modify处理失败,找不到对象--->' + path_info, -1); } if (operator === '=-') { if (last_obj && typeof last_obj === 'object' && last_key) { if (typeof last_key === 'number' && Array.isArray(last_obj)) last_obj.splice(last_key, 1); else delete last_obj[last_key]; log('依据:' + path_info.express, 'obj_process'); log('删除属性-->' + path, 'obj_process'); } return; } // operator === '=' => dont need to access last_obj[last_key] if (operator === '=') { value = data_this.value_parse(value, path_info, json_obj); last_obj[last_key] = value; log('依据:' + path_info.express, 'obj_process'); log('修改属性-->' + path, 'obj_process'); return; } const dec_obj = last_obj[last_key]; if (!dec_obj) { return log('obj_modify处理失败,找不到对象--->' + path_info, -1); } if (operator === '=+') { value = data_this.value_parse(value, path_info, json_obj); if (dec_obj === null || dec_obj === undefined) throw new Error('dec_obj is null'); let type_ = typeof dec_obj; if (dec_obj && type_ === 'object' && Array.isArray(dec_obj)) { let mode_info = path_info.value_mode; if (mode_info) { try { mode_info.mode === 'arr_insert' && dec_obj.splice(Number(mode_info.params[0]), 0, value); } catch (error) { log(error, -1); } } else { last_obj[last_key].push(value); } } else if (type_ === 'string' || type_ === 'number') last_obj[last_key] = dec_obj + value; log('依据:' + path_info.express, 'obj_process'); log('修改属性-->' + path, 'obj_process'); return; } if (operator === '~=') { let search_value = value.split(SPLIT_TAG)[0]; let replace_value = value.split(SPLIT_TAG)[1]; if (typeof dec_obj !== 'string') throw new Error('dec_obj is not string'); last_obj[last_key] = dec_obj.replace(new RegExp(search_value, 'g'), replace_value); log('依据:' + path_info.express, 'obj_process'); log('修改属性-->' + path, 'obj_process'); return; } } value_conditional(value, condition_express) { let reg = /(\$text|\$value|\$exist|\$notexist)?((>=|<=|>|<|!~=|!=|~=|=))?(.*)/; let match = condition_express.match(reg); let condition_type = match[1] || '$text'; let condition_operator = match[2]; let condition_test_value = match[4]; if (condition_type === '$value') { if (!['>=', '<=', '>', '<', '='].includes(condition_operator)) return false; if (condition_operator === '=') return condition_test_value === value; if (condition_operator === '>=') return value >= condition_test_value; if (condition_operator === '<=') return value <= condition_test_value; if (condition_operator === '>') return value > condition_test_value; if (condition_operator === '<') return value < condition_test_value; } if (condition_type === '$exist') { return value !== undefined && value !== null; } if (condition_type === '$notexist') { return value === undefined || value === null; } if (condition_type === '$text') { if (typeof (value) === 'object') value = JSON.stringify(value); if (condition_operator === '!=') return condition_test_value !== value; if (condition_operator === '=') return condition_test_value === value; if (condition_operator === '~=') return new RegExp(condition_test_value).test(value); if (condition_operator === '!~=') return !new RegExp(condition_test_value).test(value); if (condition_operator === '>=') return value.length >= condition_test_value.length; if (condition_operator === '>') return value.length > condition_test_value.length; if (condition_operator === '<=') return value.length <= condition_test_value.length; if (condition_operator === '>') return value.length > condition_test_value.length; } return false; } /** * @param {PATH_INFO} express_info */ obj_conditional(express_info, json_obj) { const data_this = this; //json_obj 在eval里直接调用 if (!express_info['condition']) return true; let condition_infos = express_info['condition']; // console.log(182, condition_infos) /* condition_infos = { "value": [ "@user_data.shorts_list.length$value>0" ] } Object.values(condition_infos) = [ "@user_data.shorts_list.length$value>0" ] */ // 与 for (let condition_list of Object.values(condition_infos)) { let result = false; for (let condition of condition_list) { // corrected regexp let reg = /^([a-zA-Z_0-9\/.@\[\]]*)?(.*)$/; let match = condition.match(reg); if (!match) continue; let condition_path = match[1]; let mod; if (condition_path) { if (condition_path.startsWith('/')) { mod = 'child'; } else if (condition_path.startsWith('.')) { mod = 'parent'; } else if (condition_path.startsWith('@')) { mod = 'global'; } else { mod = 'other'; } } else { condition_path = express_info.path; } let conditional_express = match[2]; // "path": "json_obj[\"contents\"][\"twoColumnBrowseResultsRenderer\"][\"tabs\"][0][\"tabRenderer\"][\"content\"][\"richGridRenderer\"][\"contents\"]", if (mod === 'child') { // videoOwnerRenderer=- /.purchaseButton.buttonRenderer.text.simpleText~=TEXT // child /.a.b.c path相对路径 condition_path = this.get_relative_path(express_info.path, condition_path); } if (mod === 'parent') { // TBC // parent ..a.b.c path相对路径 condition_path = this.get_relative_path(express_info.path, condition_path); } if (mod === 'other') { // json_obj里的绝对路径 condition_path = this.get_relative_path('json_obj', '/.' + condition_path); } if (mod === 'global') { // global @a.b.c condition_path = condition_path.replace('@', limit_eval ? 'unsafeWindow.' : ''); // unsafeWindow.a.b.c OR a.b.c } let condition_value; try { condition_value = this.string_to_value(mod === 'global' ? unsafeWindow : json_obj, condition_path); } catch (error) { continue; } result = this.value_conditional(condition_value, conditional_express); if (result) { express_info.condition_value = condition_value; log('条件成立-->', condition_value, 'obj_process'); break; } } if (!result) return false; } return true; } } return new DATA_PROCESS(); } })(); /** * @typedef {string} RULE * @description - Example: [ 'tvfilmOfferModuleRenderer=- /.masthead$exist', 'merchandiseShelfRenderer=-', 'adSlotRenderer.=-', "abs:playerAds=-", "abs:adPlacements=-", "abs:adBreakHeartbeatParams=-", "abs:adSlots=-", "abs:streamingData.serverAbrStreamingUrl=-", 'abs:entries[*]=- /.command.reelWatchEndpoint.adClientParams$exist', 'metadataBadgeRenderer.label.....=- ~=', 'metadataBadgeRenderer.label.....=- ~=', 'text.accessibility.accessibilityData.label........=- =' + flag_info.live, 'metadataBadgeRenderer.label.....=- =' + flag_info.live, 'reelShelfRenderer.title.runs[0].text.....=- ~=', "metadataRowContainer=-", 'richItemRenderer.content.adSlotRenderer..=-', 'metadataBadgeRenderer.label.....=- ~=', 'metadataBadgeRenderer.label......=- ~=', 'reelShelfRenderer.title.runs[0].text.......=- ~=', 'richShelfRenderer.title.runs[0].text......=- ~=', 'text.accessibility.accessibilityData.label........=- =' + flag_info.live, 'metadataBadgeRenderer.label......=- =' + flag_info.live, 'thumbnailOverlayTimeStatusRenderer.text.simpleText.......=- =' + flag_info.upcoming, 'thumbnailOverlayTimeStatusRenderer.text.runs[0].text.........=- =' + flag_info.upcoming, "loadingStrategy.inlineContent.moreDrawerViewModel.content=+obj(movie_channel_info) !~=" + flag_info.movie_channel, "loadingStrategy.inlineContent.moreDrawerViewModel.content=+obj(mobile_movie_channel_info) !~=" + flag_info.movie_channel, 'richSectionRenderer.content.statementBannerRenderer.title.runs[0].text.......=- ~=Music Premium|' + flag_info.music_ad_flag, 'metadataBadgeRenderer.label........=- ~=' + flag_info.goodselect, 'title.runs[0].text......=- ~=YouTube Premium|' + flag_info.think_video, 'videoOwnerRenderer=- /.purchaseButton.buttonRenderer.text.simpleText~=' + flag_info.try, 'brandVideoSingletonRenderer.badgeText.runs[0].text.......=- ~=' + flag_info.featured, 'brandVideoShelfRenderer.badgeText.runs[0].text.......=- ~=' + flag_info.featured, 'bigYoodle.statementBannerRenderer.badgeText.runs[0].text.....=- =' + flag_info.featured, 'tabs[0].tabRenderer.content.richGridRenderer.contents=+(arr_insert,method(shorts_fun.get_shorts_section()),0) @user_data.shorts_list.length$value>0', ] */ 0; /* { "path": "json_obj[\"contents\"][\"twoColumnBrowseResultsRenderer\"][\"tabs\"][0][\"tabRenderer\"][\"content\"][\"richGridRenderer\"][\"contents\"]", "relative_path": "tabs[0].tabRenderer.content.richGridRenderer.contents", "operator": "=+", "value": "method(shorts_fun.get_shorts_section())", "value_mode": { "mode": "arr_insert", "params": [ "0" ] }, "condition": { "value": [ "@user_data.shorts_list.length$value>0" ] }, "express": "tabs[0].tabRenderer.content.richGridRenderer.contents=+(arr_insert,method(shorts_fun.get_shorts_section()),0) @user_data.shorts_list.length$value>0" }, */ /** * @typedef {string} PATH_EXTRAL * 1.4.5 -> string only */ /** * @typedef {Object} VALUE_MODE * @property {string} mode * @property {string[]} params */ /** * @typedef {Object} CONDITION * @property {string[]} value */ /** * @typedef {Object} PATH_INFO * @property {string} relative_path * @property {string} operator * @property {string} value * @property {VALUE_MODE | undefined} value_mode * @property {CONDITION | undefined} condition * @property {PATH_EXTRAL} path_extral * @property {RULE | OBJECT_EXPRESS | RULE[] | OBJECT_EXPRESS[]} express * @property {string} path */ 0; /** * @typedef {Object} OBJECT_EXPRESS * @property {string} conditions * @property {string} value * */ /* path_info EXAMPLEs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [ { "path": "json_obj[\"playerAds\"]", "relative_path": "playerAds", "operator": "=-", "value": "", "express": "abs:playerAds=-", "deal_path": "json_obj[\"playerAds\"]" }, { "path": "json_obj[\"adPlacements\"]", "relative_path": "adPlacements", "operator": "=-", "value": "", "express": "abs:adPlacements=-", "deal_path": "json_obj[\"adPlacements\"]" }, { "path": "json_obj[\"adBreakHeartbeatParams\"]", "relative_path": "adBreakHeartbeatParams", "operator": "=-", "value": "", "express": "abs:adBreakHeartbeatParams=-", "deal_path": "json_obj[\"adBreakHeartbeatParams\"]" }, { "path": "json_obj[\"adSlots\"]", "relative_path": "adSlots", "operator": "=-", "value": "", "express": "abs:adSlots=-", "deal_path": "json_obj[\"adSlots\"]" }, { "path": "json_obj[\"streamingData\"][\"serverAbrStreamingUrl\"]", "relative_path": "streamingData.serverAbrStreamingUrl", "operator": "=-", "value": "", "express": "abs:streamingData.serverAbrStreamingUrl=-", "deal_path": "json_obj[\"streamingData\"][\"serverAbrStreamingUrl\"]" }, { "path": "json_obj[\"contents\"][\"twoColumnBrowseResultsRenderer\"][\"tabs\"][0][\"tabRenderer\"][\"content\"][\"richGridRenderer\"][\"contents\"]", "relative_path": "tabs[0].tabRenderer.content.richGridRenderer.contents", "operator": "=+", "value": "method(shorts_fun.get_shorts_section())", "value_mode": { "mode": "arr_insert", "params": [ "0" ] }, "condition": { "value": [ "@user_data.shorts_list.length$value>0" ] }, "express": "tabs[0].tabRenderer.content.richGridRenderer.contents=+(arr_insert,method(shorts_fun.get_shorts_section()),0) @user_data.shorts_list.length$value>0" }, { "path": "json_obj[\"contents\"][\"twoColumnBrowseResultsRenderer\"][\"tabs\"][0][\"tabRenderer\"][\"content\"][\"richGridRenderer\"][\"masthead\"][\"adSlotRenderer\"]", "relative_path": "adSlotRenderer", "operator": "=-", "value": "", "path_extral": { "parent": 1 }, "express": "adSlotRenderer.=-", "deal_path": "json_obj[\"contents\"][\"twoColumnBrowseResultsRenderer\"][\"tabs\"][0][\"tabRenderer\"][\"content\"][\"richGridRenderer\"][\"masthead\"]" } ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [ { "path": "json_obj[\"contents\"][\"twoColumnBrowseResultsRenderer\"][\"tabs\"][0][\"tabRenderer\"][\"content\"][\"richGridRenderer\"][\"contents\"][0][\"richItemRenderer\"][\"content\"][\"adSlotRenderer\"]", "relative_path": "richItemRenderer.content.adSlotRenderer", "operator": "=-", "value": "", "path_extral": { "parent": 2 }, "express": "richItemRenderer.content.adSlotRenderer..=-", "deal_path": "json_obj[\"contents\"][\"twoColumnBrowseResultsRenderer\"][\"tabs\"][0][\"tabRenderer\"][\"content\"][\"richGridRenderer\"][\"contents\"][0][\"richItemRenderer\"]" } ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [ { "path": "json_obj[\"playerAds\"]", "relative_path": "playerAds", "operator": "=-", "value": "", "express": "abs:playerAds=-", "deal_path": "json_obj[\"playerAds\"]" }, { "path": "json_obj[\"adPlacements\"]", "relative_path": "adPlacements", "operator": "=-", "value": "", "express": "abs:adPlacements=-", "deal_path": "json_obj[\"adPlacements\"]" }, { "path": "json_obj[\"adBreakHeartbeatParams\"]", "relative_path": "adBreakHeartbeatParams", "operator": "=-", "value": "", "express": "abs:adBreakHeartbeatParams=-", "deal_path": "json_obj[\"adBreakHeartbeatParams\"]" }, { "path": "json_obj[\"adSlots\"]", "relative_path": "adSlots", "operator": "=-", "value": "", "express": "abs:adSlots=-", "deal_path": "json_obj[\"adSlots\"]" }, { "path": "json_obj[\"streamingData\"][\"serverAbrStreamingUrl\"]", "relative_path": "streamingData.serverAbrStreamingUrl", "operator": "=-", "value": "", "express": "abs:streamingData.serverAbrStreamingUrl=-", "deal_path": "json_obj[\"streamingData\"][\"serverAbrStreamingUrl\"]" } ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [ { "path": "json_obj[\"playerAds\"]", "relative_path": "playerAds", "operator": "=-", "value": "", "express": "abs:playerAds=-", "deal_path": "json_obj[\"playerAds\"]" }, { "path": "json_obj[\"adPlacements\"]", "relative_path": "adPlacements", "operator": "=-", "value": "", "express": "abs:adPlacements=-", "deal_path": "json_obj[\"adPlacements\"]" }, { "path": "json_obj[\"adBreakHeartbeatParams\"]", "relative_path": "adBreakHeartbeatParams", "operator": "=-", "value": "", "express": "abs:adBreakHeartbeatParams=-", "deal_path": "json_obj[\"adBreakHeartbeatParams\"]" }, { "path": "json_obj[\"adSlots\"]", "relative_path": "adSlots", "operator": "=-", "value": "", "express": "abs:adSlots=-", "deal_path": "json_obj[\"adSlots\"]" }, { "path": "json_obj[\"streamingData\"][\"serverAbrStreamingUrl\"]", "relative_path": "streamingData.serverAbrStreamingUrl", "operator": "=-", "value": "", "express": "abs:streamingData.serverAbrStreamingUrl=-", "deal_path": "json_obj[\"streamingData\"][\"serverAbrStreamingUrl\"]" } ] */ /* ytInitialPlayerResponse_rule = ytInitialData_rule = [ 'tvfilmOfferModuleRenderer=- /.masthead$exist', 'merchandiseShelfRenderer=-', 'adSlotRenderer.=-', "abs:playerAds=-", "abs:adPlacements=-", "abs:adBreakHeartbeatParams=-", "abs:adSlots=-", "abs:streamingData.serverAbrStreamingUrl=-", 'abs:entries[*]=- /.command.reelWatchEndpoint.adClientParams$exist', 'metadataBadgeRenderer.label.....=- ~=', 'metadataBadgeRenderer.label.....=- ~=', 'text.accessibility.accessibilityData.label........=- =' + flag_info.live, 'metadataBadgeRenderer.label.....=- =' + flag_info.live, 'reelShelfRenderer.title.runs[0].text.....=- ~=', "metadataRowContainer=-", 'richItemRenderer.content.adSlotRenderer..=-', 'metadataBadgeRenderer.label.....=- ~=', 'metadataBadgeRenderer.label......=- ~=', 'reelShelfRenderer.title.runs[0].text.......=- ~=', 'richShelfRenderer.title.runs[0].text......=- ~=', 'text.accessibility.accessibilityData.label........=- =' + flag_info.live, 'metadataBadgeRenderer.label......=- =' + flag_info.live, 'thumbnailOverlayTimeStatusRenderer.text.simpleText.......=- =' + flag_info.upcoming, 'thumbnailOverlayTimeStatusRenderer.text.runs[0].text.........=- =' + flag_info.upcoming, "loadingStrategy.inlineContent.moreDrawerViewModel.content=+obj(movie_channel_info) !~=" + flag_info.movie_channel, "loadingStrategy.inlineContent.moreDrawerViewModel.content=+obj(mobile_movie_channel_info) !~=" + flag_info.movie_channel, 'richSectionRenderer.content.statementBannerRenderer.title.runs[0].text.......=- ~=Music Premium|' + flag_info.music_ad_flag, 'metadataBadgeRenderer.label........=- ~=' + flag_info.goodselect, 'title.runs[0].text......=- ~=YouTube Premium|' + flag_info.think_video, 'videoOwnerRenderer=- /.purchaseButton.buttonRenderer.text.simpleText~=' + flag_info.try, 'brandVideoSingletonRenderer.badgeText.runs[0].text.......=- ~=' + flag_info.featured, 'brandVideoShelfRenderer.badgeText.runs[0].text.......=- ~=' + flag_info.featured, 'bigYoodle.statementBannerRenderer.badgeText.runs[0].text.....=- =' + flag_info.featured, 'tabs[0].tabRenderer.content.richGridRenderer.contents=+(arr_insert,method(shorts_fun.get_shorts_section()),0) @user_data.shorts_list.length$value>0', ]; return; */ // -------------------------------------------------------- let set_search_listen_mo = null; let set_search_listen_mo_i = 0; function set_search_listen_mo_create() { return new Promise(resolve => { const t = ++set_search_listen_mo_i; if (set_search_listen_mo) { set_search_listen_mo.disconnect(); set_search_listen_mo = null; } const f = () => { const search_selector = location.href.includes('https://m.youtube.com/') ? 'input.searchbox-input.title' : 'input[id="search"]'; const search_input_node = document.querySelector(search_selector); return search_input_node; } let v = f(); if (!v) { const mo = new MutationObserver(() => { v = f(); if (v) { if (t === set_search_listen_mo_i) resolve(v); if (set_search_listen_mo === mo) { set_search_listen_mo = null; mo.disconnect(); } } }); mo.observe(document, { subtree: true, childList: true }) set_search_listen_mo = mo; } else { resolve(v); } }); } // -------------------------------------------------------- function onUpdatePageType(o) { const { page_type } = o; onUpdatePageType.page_type_last = page_type; hideRecommendeds.hideRecommendeds_enabled && hideRecommendeds(); } function hideRecommendeds() { const page_type = onUpdatePageType.page_type_last; if (!page_type) return; let class_name; if (['yt_home', , 'yt_watch', 'yt_shorts'].includes(page_type)) class_name = 'gstl_50'; if (['mobile_yt_home', , 'mobile_yt_watch'].includes(page_type)) class_name = 'searchbox-dropdown'; if (class_name) { const style = document.getElementById('qnEwstH1qeZL') || document.createElement('style'); if (!style.id) style.id = 'qnEwstH1qeZL'; style.textContent = `.${class_name}[class]{display:none !important;}` } hideRecommendeds.hideRecommendeds_enabled = true; }