%global debug_package %{nil} %global _prj_name ntfy %global _ntfy_user ntfy Name: ntfysh Version: 2.11.0 Release: 2%{?dist} Summary: Send push notifications to your phone or desktop via PUT/POST License: ASL 2.0 AND GPLv2 URL: https://ntfy.sh/ Source0: https://github.com/binwiederhier/ntfy/archive/v%{version}.tar.gz Requires(pre): shadow-utils BuildRequires: curl gcc git glibc-static jq systemd-rpm-macros tar # npm is packaged under different names %if 0%{?rhel} >= 10 || 0%{?fedora} BuildRequires: nodejs-npm %else BuildRequires: npm %endif # minimum python version is 3.8, which has differing availability %if 0%{?el8} BuildRequires: python39 %endif %if 0%{?rhel} >= 9 || 0%{?fedora} BuildRequires: python3 %endif %description ntfy (pronounce: notify) is a simple HTTP-based pub-sub notification service. It allows you to send notifications to your phone or desktop via scripts from any computer, entirely without signup or cost. It's also open source if you want to run your own. %prep %autosetup -n %{_prj_name}-%{version} # Use latest official stable Go build _GO_VER="$(curl -Lf https://golang.org/VERSION?m=text | head -n1)" %ifarch x86_64 _ARCH=amd64 %endif %ifarch aarch64 _ARCH=arm64 %endif if [[ -z "${_ARCH}" ]]; then echo "Unsupported architecture!" exit 1 fi _GO_DL_NAME="${_GO_VER}.linux-${_ARCH}.tar.gz" _GO_DL_URL="https://go.dev/dl/${_GO_DL_NAME}" curl -Lfo "${_GO_DL_NAME}" "${_GO_DL_URL}" tar -xf "${_GO_DL_NAME}" # bins in go/bin %build _GO_BIN_DIR=$(realpath "go/bin") export PATH="${_GO_BIN_DIR}:${PATH}" make web %if 0%{?el8} export PYTHON=python3.9 export PIP=pip3.9 %endif make -e docs # Fetch commit SHA API_BASE_URL="https://api.github.com/repos/binwiederhier/ntfy/git" TAG_INFO="$(curl -Ssf "${API_BASE_URL}/ref/tags/v%{version}")" if jq -e '.object.type == "tag"' <<< "$TAG_INFO"; then # annotated tag TAG_SHA=$(curl -Ssf "${API_BASE_URL}/ref/tags/v%{version}" | jq -re '.object.sha') COMMIT_SHA=$(curl -Ssf "${API_BASE_URL}/tags/${TAG_SHA}" | jq -re '.object.sha') else # lightweight tag COMMIT_SHA=$(jq -re '.object.sha' <<< "$TAG_INFO") fi COMMIT_SHA_SHORT=$(head -c 7 <<< ${COMMIT_SHA}) make VERSION=%{version} COMMIT=${COMMIT_SHA_SHORT} cli-linux-server %check _GO_BIN_DIR=$(realpath "go/bin") export PATH="${_GO_BIN_DIR}:${PATH}" make test %install # bin install -Dpm 755 dist/ntfy_linux_server/%{_prj_name} %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/%{_prj_name} # logo install -Dpm 644 web/src/img/%{_prj_name}.png %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/%{_prj_name}/logo.png # units install -Dpm 644 client/%{_prj_name}-client.service %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}/%{_prj_name}-client.service install -Dpm 644 server/%{_prj_name}.service %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}/%{_prj_name}.service # configs install -Dpm 644 client/client.yml %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/%{_prj_name}/client.yml install -Dpm 644 server/server.yml %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/%{_prj_name}/server.yml # doc mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_docdir}/%{name} cp -r docs/subscribe %{buildroot}%{_docdir}/%{name}/ install -Dpm 644 docs/*.md %{buildroot}%{_docdir}/%{name} # var dirs mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_localstatedir}/cache/%{_prj_name} mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_sharedstatedir}/%{_prj_name} %files %license LICENSE LICENSE.GPLv2 %doc README.md %{_bindir}/%{_prj_name} %{_datadir}/%{_prj_name}/* %{_unitdir}/%{_prj_name}-client.service %{_unitdir}/%{_prj_name}.service %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/%{_prj_name}/* %{_docdir}/%{name}/* %attr(750, %{_ntfy_user}, %{_ntfy_user}) %{_localstatedir}/cache/%{_prj_name} %attr(750, %{_ntfy_user}, %{_ntfy_user}) %{_sharedstatedir}/%{_prj_name} %pre # create user echo "Creating user '%{_ntfy_user}' if it does not exist..." getent passwd %{_ntfy_user} >/dev/null || \ useradd --system --home-dir %{_sharedstatedir}/%{_prj_name} --shell /sbin/nologin \ --no-create-home --comment "ntfy service user" %{_ntfy_user} %preun # if remove, then stop and disable services if [[ "$1" -lt 1 ]]; then for SVC in "%{_prj_name}.service" "%{_prj_name}-client.service"; do echo "Stopping and disabling ${SVC} ..." systemctl disable --now ${SVC} done fi %post # if update, then restart services if running if [[ "$1" -gt 1 ]]; then systemctl daemon-reload for SVC in "%{_prj_name}.service" "%{_prj_name}-client.service"; do echo "Restarting ${SVC} if it's running..." systemctl try-restart ${SVC} done fi %changelog * Tue Aug 13 2024 cyqsimon - 2.11.0-2 - Remove provisions for EL7 * Tue May 14 2024 cyqsimon - 2.11.0-1 - Release 2.11.0 * Tue Mar 26 2024 cyqsimon - 2.10.0-1 - Release 2.10.0 * Fri Mar 08 2024 cyqsimon - 2.9.0-1 - Release 2.9.0 * Mon Nov 20 2023 cyqsimon - 2.8.0-2 - Build web & docs before building binary * Mon Nov 20 2023 cyqsimon - 2.8.0-1 - Release 2.8.0 - Build docs - Fixes https://github.com/cyqsimon/ntfysh-spec/issues/2 * Sun Nov 19 2023 cyqsimon - 2.7.0-4 - Use pure shell scripting instead of RPM macros to get commit SHA * Sat Nov 18 2023 cyqsimon - 2.7.0-2 - Automatically obtain commit SHA * Fri Aug 18 2023 cyqsimon - 2.7.0-1 - Release 2.7.0 * Fri Jun 30 2023 cyqsimon - 2.6.1-1 - Release 2.6.1 * Thu Jun 29 2023 cyqsimon - 2.6.0-1 - Release 2.6.0 * Sat May 20 2023 cyqsimon - 2.5.0-1 - Release 2.5.0 * Fri Apr 28 2023 cyqsimon - 2.4.0-1 - Release 2.4.0 * Fri Mar 31 2023 cyqsimon - 2.3.1-1 - Release 2.3.1 * Thu Mar 30 2023 cyqsimon - 2.3.0-1 - Release 2.3.0 * Tue Mar 21 2023 cyqsimon - 2.2.0-1 - Release 2.2.0 - Declare `npm` dependency under different names * Mon Mar 06 2023 cyqsimon - 2.1.2-1 - Release 2.1.2 * Thu Mar 02 2023 cyqsimon - 2.1.1-1 - Release 2.1.1 - Always use latest official stable Go build * Sun Feb 26 2023 cyqsimon - 2.1.0-1 - Release 2.1.0 * Thu Feb 23 2023 cyqsimon - 2.0.1-2 - Improve scriptlets * Sat Feb 18 2023 cyqsimon - 2.0.1-1 - Release 2.0.1 * Fri Feb 17 2023 cyqsimon - 2.0.0-1 - Release 2.0.0 - Re-enable tests * Wed Feb 15 2023 cyqsimon - 1.31.0-1 - Release 1.31.0 - Two licenses are conjunctive not disjunctive * Sun Dec 25 2022 cyqsimon - 1.30.1-2 - Build web app * Sat Dec 24 2022 cyqsimon - 1.30.1-1 - Release 1.30.1 * Fri Nov 18 2022 cyqsimon - 1.29.1-1 - Release 1.29.1 - Set correct commit hash * Sun Nov 13 2022 cyqsimon - 1.29.0-1 - Release 1.29.0 * Wed Sep 28 2022 cyqsimon - 1.28.0-1 - Release 1.28.0 * Thu Aug 04 2022 cyqsimon - 1.27.2-6 - Bump static go binaries version * Tue Aug 02 2022 cyqsimon - 1.27.2-5 - Add scriptlets relating to systemd * Tue Aug 02 2022 cyqsimon - 1.27.2-4 - Add 'ntfy' user and group - Install dirs under '/var' with owner set to 'ntfy' * Tue Aug 02 2022 cyqsimon - 1.27.2-3 - Patch 'commit' variable in 'Makefile' to fix build * Sun Jul 31 2022 cyqsimon - 1.27.2-2 - Mark config files as 'noreplace' * Fri Jul 22 2022 cyqsimon - 1.27.2-1 - Release 1.27.2