python # GDB dashboard - Modular visual interface for GDB in Python. # # # License ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) 2015-2025 Andrea Cardaci <> # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. # Imports ---------------------------------------------------------------------- import ast import io import itertools import math import os import re import struct import traceback # Common attributes ------------------------------------------------------------ class R(): @staticmethod def attributes(): return { # miscellaneous 'ansi': { 'doc': 'Control the ANSI output of the dashboard.', 'default': True, 'type': bool }, 'syntax_highlighting': { 'doc': '''Pygments style to use for syntax highlighting. Using an empty string (or a name not in the list) disables this feature. The list of all the available styles can be obtained with (from GDB itself): python from pygments.styles import * python for style in get_all_styles(): print(style)''', 'default': 'monokai' }, 'discard_scrollback': { 'doc': '''Discard the scrollback buffer at each redraw. This makes scrolling less confusing by discarding the previously printed dashboards but only works with certain terminals.''', 'default': True, 'type': bool }, # values formatting 'compact_values': { 'doc': 'Display complex objects in a single line.', 'default': True, 'type': bool }, 'max_value_length': { 'doc': 'Maximum length of displayed values before truncation.', 'default': 100, 'type': int }, 'value_truncation_string': { 'doc': 'String to use to mark value truncation.', 'default': '…', }, 'dereference': { 'doc': 'Annotate pointers with the pointed value.', 'default': True, 'type': bool }, # prompt 'prompt': { 'doc': '''GDB prompt. This value is used as a Python format string where `{status}` is expanded with the substitution of either `prompt_running` or `prompt_not_running` attributes, according to the target program status. The resulting string must be a valid GDB prompt, see the command `python print(gdb.prompt.prompt_help())`''', 'default': '{status}' }, 'prompt_running': { 'doc': '''Define the value of `{status}` when the target program is running. See the `prompt` attribute. This value is used as a Python format string where `{pid}` is expanded with the process identifier of the target program.''', 'default': r'\[\e[1;35m\]>>>\[\e[0m\]' }, 'prompt_not_running': { 'doc': '''Define the value of `{status}` when the target program is running. See the `prompt` attribute. This value is used as a Python format string.''', 'default': r'\[\e[90m\]>>>\[\e[0m\]' }, # divider 'omit_divider': { 'doc': 'Omit the divider in external outputs when only one module is displayed.', 'default': False, 'type': bool }, 'divider_fill_char_primary': { 'doc': 'Filler around the label for primary dividers', 'default': '─' }, 'divider_fill_char_secondary': { 'doc': 'Filler around the label for secondary dividers', 'default': '─' }, 'divider_fill_style_primary': { 'doc': 'Style for `divider_fill_char_primary`', 'default': '36' }, 'divider_fill_style_secondary': { 'doc': 'Style for `divider_fill_char_secondary`', 'default': '90' }, 'divider_label_style_on_primary': { 'doc': 'Label style for non-empty primary dividers', 'default': '1;33' }, 'divider_label_style_on_secondary': { 'doc': 'Label style for non-empty secondary dividers', 'default': '1;37' }, 'divider_label_style_off_primary': { 'doc': 'Label style for empty primary dividers', 'default': '33' }, 'divider_label_style_off_secondary': { 'doc': 'Label style for empty secondary dividers', 'default': '90' }, 'divider_label_skip': { 'doc': 'Gap between the aligning border and the label.', 'default': 3, 'type': int, 'check': check_ge_zero }, 'divider_label_margin': { 'doc': 'Number of spaces around the label.', 'default': 1, 'type': int, 'check': check_ge_zero }, 'divider_label_align_right': { 'doc': 'Label alignment flag.', 'default': False, 'type': bool }, # common styles 'style_selected_1': { 'default': '1;32' }, 'style_selected_2': { 'default': '32' }, 'style_low': { 'default': '90' }, 'style_high': { 'default': '1;37' }, 'style_error': { 'default': '31' }, 'style_critical': { 'default': '0;41' } } # Common ----------------------------------------------------------------------- class Beautifier(): def __init__(self, hint, tab_size=4): self.tab_spaces = ' ' * tab_size if tab_size else None = False if not R.ansi or not R.syntax_highlighting: return # attempt to set up Pygments try: import pygments from pygments.lexers import GasLexer, NasmLexer from pygments.formatters import Terminal256Formatter if hint == 'att': self.lexer = GasLexer() elif hint == 'intel': self.lexer = NasmLexer() else: from pygments.lexers import get_lexer_for_filename self.lexer = get_lexer_for_filename(hint, stripnl=False) self.formatter = Terminal256Formatter(style=R.syntax_highlighting) = True except ImportError: # Pygments not available pass except pygments.util.ClassNotFound: # no lexer for this file or invalid style pass def process(self, source): # convert tabs if requested if self.tab_spaces: source = source.replace('\t', self.tab_spaces) if import pygments source = pygments.highlight(source, self.lexer, self.formatter) return source.rstrip('\n') def run(command): return gdb.execute(command, to_string=True) def ansi(string, style): if R.ansi: return '\x1b[{}m{}\x1b[0m'.format(style, string) else: return string def divider(width, label='', primary=False, active=True): if primary: divider_fill_style = R.divider_fill_style_primary divider_fill_char = R.divider_fill_char_primary divider_label_style_on = R.divider_label_style_on_primary divider_label_style_off = R.divider_label_style_off_primary else: divider_fill_style = R.divider_fill_style_secondary divider_fill_char = R.divider_fill_char_secondary divider_label_style_on = R.divider_label_style_on_secondary divider_label_style_off = R.divider_label_style_off_secondary if label: if active: divider_label_style = divider_label_style_on else: divider_label_style = divider_label_style_off skip = R.divider_label_skip margin = R.divider_label_margin before = ansi(divider_fill_char * skip, divider_fill_style) middle = ansi(label, divider_label_style) after_length = width - len(label) - skip - 2 * margin after = ansi(divider_fill_char * after_length, divider_fill_style) if R.divider_label_align_right: before, after = after, before return ''.join([before, ' ' * margin, middle, ' ' * margin, after]) else: return ansi(divider_fill_char * width, divider_fill_style) def check_gt_zero(x): return x > 0 def check_ge_zero(x): return x >= 0 def to_unsigned(value, size=8): # values from GDB can be used transparently but are not suitable for # being printed as unsigned integers, so a conversion is needed mask = (2 ** (size * 8)) - 1 return int(value.cast(gdb.Value(mask).type)) & mask def to_string(value): # attempt to convert an inferior value to string; OK when (Python 3 || # simple ASCII); otherwise (Python 2.7 && not ASCII) encode the string as # utf8 try: value_string = str(value) except UnicodeEncodeError: value_string = unicode(value).encode('utf8') except gdb.error as e: value_string = ansi(e, R.style_error) return value_string def format_address(address): pointer_size = gdb.parse_and_eval('$pc').type.sizeof return ('0x{{:0{}x}}').format(pointer_size * 2).format(address) def format_value(value, compact=None): # format references as referenced values # (TYPE_CODE_RVALUE_REF is not supported by old GDB) if value.type.code in (getattr(gdb, 'TYPE_CODE_REF', None), getattr(gdb, 'TYPE_CODE_RVALUE_REF', None)): try: value = value.referenced_value() except gdb.error as e: return ansi(e, R.style_error) # format the value out = to_string(value) # dereference up to the actual value if requested if R.dereference and value.type.code == gdb.TYPE_CODE_PTR: while value.type.code == gdb.TYPE_CODE_PTR: try: value = value.dereference() except gdb.error as e: break else: formatted = to_string(value) out += '{} {}'.format(ansi(':', R.style_low), formatted) # compact the value if compact is not None and compact or R.compact_values: out = re.sub(r'$\s*', '', out, flags=re.MULTILINE) # truncate the value if R.max_value_length > 0 and len(out) > R.max_value_length: out = out[0:R.max_value_length] + ansi(R.value_truncation_string, R.style_critical) return out # XXX parsing the output of `info breakpoints` is apparently the best option # right now, see: # XXX GDB version 7.11 (quire recent) does not have the pending field, so # fall back to the parsed information def fetch_breakpoints(watchpoints=False, pending=False): # fetch breakpoints addresses parsed_breakpoints = dict() catch_what_regex = re.compile(r'([^,]+".*")?[^,]*') for line in run('info breakpoints').split('\n'): # just keep numbered lines if not line or not line[0].isdigit(): continue # extract breakpoint number, address and pending status fields = line.split() number = int(fields[0].split('.')[0]) try: if len(fields) >= 5 and fields[1] == 'breakpoint': # multiple breakpoints have no address yet is_pending = fields[4] == '<PENDING>' is_multiple = fields[4] == '<MULTIPLE>' address = None if is_multiple or is_pending else int(fields[4], 16) is_enabled = fields[3] == 'y' address_info = address, is_enabled parsed_breakpoints[number] = [address_info], is_pending, '' elif len(fields) >= 5 and fields[1] == 'catchpoint': # only take before comma, but ignore commas in quotes what =' '.join(fields[4:])).group(0).strip() parsed_breakpoints[number] = [], False, what elif len(fields) >= 3 and number in parsed_breakpoints: # add this address to the list of multiple locations address = int(fields[2], 16) is_enabled = fields[1] == 'y' address_info = address, is_enabled parsed_breakpoints[number][0].append(address_info) else: # watchpoints parsed_breakpoints[number] = [], False, '' except ValueError: pass # fetch breakpoints from the API and complement with address and source # information breakpoints = [] # XXX in older versions gdb.breakpoints() returns None for gdb_breakpoint in gdb.breakpoints() or []: # skip internal breakpoints if gdb_breakpoint.number < 0: continue addresses, is_pending, what = parsed_breakpoints[gdb_breakpoint.number] is_pending = getattr(gdb_breakpoint, 'pending', is_pending) if not pending and is_pending: continue if not watchpoints and gdb_breakpoint.type != gdb.BP_BREAKPOINT: continue # add useful fields to the object breakpoint = dict() breakpoint['number'] = gdb_breakpoint.number breakpoint['type'] = gdb_breakpoint.type breakpoint['enabled'] = gdb_breakpoint.enabled breakpoint['location'] = gdb_breakpoint.location breakpoint['expression'] = gdb_breakpoint.expression breakpoint['condition'] = gdb_breakpoint.condition breakpoint['temporary'] = gdb_breakpoint.temporary breakpoint['hit_count'] = gdb_breakpoint.hit_count breakpoint['pending'] = is_pending breakpoint['what'] = what # add addresses and source information breakpoint['addresses'] = [] for address, is_enabled in addresses: if address: sal = gdb.find_pc_line(address) breakpoint['addresses'].append({ 'address': address, 'enabled': is_enabled, 'file_name': sal.symtab.filename if address and sal.symtab else None, 'file_line': sal.line if address else None }) breakpoints.append(breakpoint) return breakpoints # Dashboard -------------------------------------------------------------------- class Dashboard(gdb.Command): '''Redisplay the dashboard.''' def __init__(self): gdb.Command.__init__(self, 'dashboard', gdb.COMMAND_USER, gdb.COMPLETE_NONE, True) # setup subcommands Dashboard.ConfigurationCommand(self) Dashboard.OutputCommand(self) Dashboard.EnabledCommand(self) Dashboard.LayoutCommand(self) # setup style commands Dashboard.StyleCommand(self, 'dashboard', R, R.attributes()) # main terminal self.output = None # used to inhibit redisplays during init parsing self.inhibited = None # enabled by default self.enabled = None self.enable() def on_continue(self, _): # try to contain the GDB messages in a specified area unless the # dashboard is printed to a separate file (dashboard -output ...) # or there are no modules to display in the main terminal enabled_modules = list(filter(lambda m: not m.output and m.enabled, self.modules)) if self.is_running() and not self.output and len(enabled_modules) > 0: width, _ = Dashboard.get_term_size() gdb.write(Dashboard.clear_screen()) gdb.write(divider(width, 'Output/messages', True)) gdb.write('\n') gdb.flush() def on_stop(self, _): if self.is_running(): self.render(clear_screen=False) def on_exit(self, _): if not self.is_running(): return # collect all the outputs outputs = set() outputs.add(self.output) outputs.update(module.output for module in self.modules) outputs.remove(None) # reset the terminal status for output in outputs: try: with open(output, 'w') as fs: fs.write(Dashboard.reset_terminal()) except: # skip cleanup for invalid outputs pass def enable(self): if self.enabled: return self.enabled = True # setup events def disable(self): if not self.enabled: return self.enabled = False # setup events def load_modules(self, modules): self.modules = [] for module in modules: info = Dashboard.ModuleInfo(self, module) self.modules.append(info) def redisplay(self, style_changed=False): # manually redisplay the dashboard if self.is_running() and not self.inhibited: self.render(True, style_changed) def inferior_pid(self): return gdb.selected_inferior().pid def is_running(self): return self.inferior_pid() != 0 def render(self, clear_screen, style_changed=False): # fetch module content and info all_disabled = True display_map = dict() for module in self.modules: # fall back to the global value output = module.output or self.output # add the instance or None if disabled if module.enabled: all_disabled = False instance = module.instance else: instance = None display_map.setdefault(output, []).append(instance) # process each display info for output, instances in display_map.items(): try: buf = '' # use GDB stream by default fs = None if output: fs = open(output, 'w') fd = fs.fileno() fs.write(Dashboard.setup_terminal()) else: fs = gdb fd = 1 # stdout # get the terminal size (default main terminal if either the # output is not a file) try: width, height = Dashboard.get_term_size(fd) except: width, height = Dashboard.get_term_size() # clear the "screen" if requested for the main terminal, # auxiliary terminals are always cleared if fs is not gdb or clear_screen: buf += Dashboard.clear_screen() # show message if all the modules in this output are disabled if not any(instances): # skip the main terminal if fs is gdb: continue # write the error message buf += divider(width, 'Warning', True) buf += '\n' if self.modules: buf += 'No module to display (see `dashboard -layout`)' else: buf += 'No module loaded' buf += '\n' fs.write(buf) continue # process all the modules for that output for n, instance in enumerate(instances, 1): # skip disabled modules if not instance: continue try: # ask the module to generate the content lines = instance.lines(width, height, style_changed) except Exception as e: # allow to continue on exceptions in modules stacktrace = traceback.format_exc().strip() lines = [ansi(stacktrace, R.style_error)] # create the divider if needed div = [] if not R.omit_divider or len(instances) > 1 or fs is gdb: div = [divider(width, instance.label(), True, lines)] # write the data buf += '\n'.join(div + lines) # write the newline for all but last unless main terminal if n != len(instances) or fs is gdb: buf += '\n' # write the final newline and the terminator only if it is the # main terminal to allow the prompt to display correctly (unless # there are no modules to display) if fs is gdb and not all_disabled: buf += divider(width, primary=True) buf += '\n' fs.write(buf) except Exception as e: cause = traceback.format_exc().strip() Dashboard.err('Cannot write the dashboard\n{}'.format(cause)) finally: # don't close gdb stream if fs and fs is not gdb: fs.close() # Utility methods -------------------------------------------------------------- @staticmethod def start(): # save the instance for customization convenience global dashboard # initialize the dashboard dashboard = Dashboard() Dashboard.set_custom_prompt(dashboard) # parse Python inits, load modules then parse GDB inits dashboard.inhibited = True Dashboard.parse_inits(True) modules = Dashboard.get_modules() dashboard.load_modules(modules) Dashboard.parse_inits(False) dashboard.inhibited = False # GDB overrides run('set pagination off') # display if possible (program running and not explicitly disabled by # some configuration file) if dashboard.enabled: dashboard.redisplay() @staticmethod def get_term_size(fd=1): # defaults to the main terminal try: if sys.platform == 'win32': import curses # XXX always neglects the fd parameter height, width = curses.initscr().getmaxyx() curses.endwin() return int(width), int(height) else: import termios import fcntl # first 2 shorts (4 byte) of struct winsize raw = fcntl.ioctl(fd, termios.TIOCGWINSZ, ' ' * 4) height, width = struct.unpack('hh', raw) return int(width), int(height) except (ImportError, OSError): # this happens when no curses library is found on windows or when # the terminal is not properly configured return 80, 24 # hardcoded fallback value @staticmethod def set_custom_prompt(dashboard): def custom_prompt(_): # render thread status indicator if dashboard.is_running(): pid = dashboard.inferior_pid() status = R.prompt_running.format(pid=pid) else: status = R.prompt_not_running # build prompt prompt = R.prompt.format(status=status) prompt = gdb.prompt.substitute_prompt(prompt) return prompt + ' ' # force trailing space gdb.prompt_hook = custom_prompt @staticmethod def parse_inits(python): # paths where the .gdbinit.d directory might be search_paths = [ '/etc/gdb-dashboard', '{}/gdb-dashboard'.format(os.getenv('XDG_CONFIG_HOME', '~/.config')), '~/Library/Preferences/gdb-dashboard', '~/.gdbinit.d' ] # expand the tilde and walk the paths inits_dirs = (os.walk(os.path.expanduser(path)) for path in search_paths) # process all the init files in order for root, dirs, files in itertools.chain.from_iterable(inits_dirs): dirs.sort() # skipping dotfiles for init in sorted(file for file in files if not file.startswith('.')): path = os.path.join(root, init) _, ext = os.path.splitext(path) # either load Python files or GDB if python == (ext == '.py'): gdb.execute('source ' + path) @staticmethod def get_modules(): # scan the scope for modules modules = [] for name in globals(): obj = globals()[name] try: if issubclass(obj, Dashboard.Module): modules.append(obj) except TypeError: continue # sort modules alphabetically modules.sort(key=lambda x: x.__name__) return modules @staticmethod def create_command(name, invoke, doc, is_prefix, complete=None): if callable(complete): Class = type('', (gdb.Command,), { '__doc__': doc, 'invoke': invoke, 'complete': complete }) Class(name, gdb.COMMAND_USER, prefix=is_prefix) else: Class = type('', (gdb.Command,), { '__doc__': doc, 'invoke': invoke }) Class(name, gdb.COMMAND_USER, complete or gdb.COMPLETE_NONE, is_prefix) @staticmethod def err(string): print(ansi(string, R.style_error)) @staticmethod def complete(word, candidates): return filter(lambda candidate: candidate.startswith(word), candidates) @staticmethod def parse_arg(arg): # encode unicode GDB command arguments as utf8 in Python 2.7 if type(arg) is not str: arg = arg.encode('utf8') return arg @staticmethod def clear_screen(): # ANSI: move the cursor to top-left corner and clear the screen # (optionally also clear the scrollback buffer if supported by the # terminal) return '\x1b[H\x1b[2J' + ('\x1b[3J' if R.discard_scrollback else '') @staticmethod def setup_terminal(): # ANSI: enable alternative screen buffer and hide cursor return '\x1b[?1049h\x1b[?25l' @staticmethod def reset_terminal(): # ANSI: disable alternative screen buffer and show cursor return '\x1b[?1049l\x1b[?25h' # Module descriptor ------------------------------------------------------------ class ModuleInfo: def __init__(self, dashboard, module): = module.__name__.lower() # from class to module name self.enabled = True self.output = None # value from the dashboard by default self.instance = module() self.doc = self.instance.__doc__ or '(no documentation)' self.prefix = 'dashboard {}'.format( # add GDB commands self.add_main_command(dashboard) self.add_output_command(dashboard) self.add_style_command(dashboard) self.add_subcommands(dashboard) def add_main_command(self, dashboard): module = self def invoke(self, arg, from_tty, info=self): arg = Dashboard.parse_arg(arg) if arg == '': info.enabled ^= True if dashboard.is_running(): dashboard.redisplay() else: status = 'enabled' if info.enabled else 'disabled' print('{} module {}'.format(, status)) else: Dashboard.err('Wrong argument "{}"'.format(arg)) doc_brief = 'Configure the {} module, with no arguments toggles its visibility.'.format( doc = '{}\n\n{}'.format(doc_brief, self.doc) Dashboard.create_command(self.prefix, invoke, doc, True) def add_output_command(self, dashboard): Dashboard.OutputCommand(dashboard, self.prefix, self) def add_style_command(self, dashboard): Dashboard.StyleCommand(dashboard, self.prefix, self.instance, self.instance.attributes()) def add_subcommands(self, dashboard): for name, command in self.instance.commands().items(): self.add_subcommand(dashboard, name, command) def add_subcommand(self, dashboard, name, command): action = command['action'] doc = command['doc'] complete = command.get('complete') def invoke(self, arg, from_tty, info=self): arg = Dashboard.parse_arg(arg) if info.enabled: try: action(arg) except Exception as e: Dashboard.err(e) return # don't catch redisplay errors dashboard.redisplay() else: Dashboard.err('Module disabled') prefix = '{} {}'.format(self.prefix, name) Dashboard.create_command(prefix, invoke, doc, False, complete) # GDB commands ----------------------------------------------------------------- # handler for the `dashboard` command itself def invoke(self, arg, from_tty): arg = Dashboard.parse_arg(arg) # show messages for checks in redisplay if arg != '': Dashboard.err('Wrong argument "{}"'.format(arg)) elif not self.is_running(): Dashboard.err('Is the target program running?') else: self.redisplay() class ConfigurationCommand(gdb.Command): '''Dump or save the dashboard configuration. With an optional argument the configuration will be written to the specified file. This command allows to configure the dashboard live then make the changes permanent, for example: dashboard -configuration ~/.gdbinit.d/init At startup the `~/.gdbinit.d/` directory tree is walked and files are evaluated in alphabetical order but giving priority to Python files. This is where user configuration files must be placed.''' def __init__(self, dashboard): gdb.Command.__init__(self, 'dashboard -configuration', gdb.COMMAND_USER, gdb.COMPLETE_FILENAME) self.dashboard = dashboard def invoke(self, arg, from_tty): arg = Dashboard.parse_arg(arg) if arg: with open(os.path.expanduser(arg), 'w') as fs: fs.write('# auto generated by GDB dashboard\n\n') self.dump(fs) self.dump(gdb) def dump(self, fs): # dump layout self.dump_layout(fs) # dump styles self.dump_style(fs, R) for module in self.dashboard.modules: self.dump_style(fs, module.instance, module.prefix) # dump outputs self.dump_output(fs, self.dashboard) for module in self.dashboard.modules: self.dump_output(fs, module, module.prefix) def dump_layout(self, fs): layout = ['dashboard -layout'] for module in self.dashboard.modules: mark = '' if module.enabled else '!' layout.append('{}{}'.format(mark, fs.write(' '.join(layout)) fs.write('\n') def dump_style(self, fs, obj, prefix='dashboard'): attributes = getattr(obj, 'attributes', lambda: dict())() for name, attribute in attributes.items(): real_name = attribute.get('name', name) default = attribute.get('default') value = getattr(obj, real_name) if value != default: fs.write('{} -style {} {!r}\n'.format(prefix, name, value)) def dump_output(self, fs, obj, prefix='dashboard'): output = getattr(obj, 'output') if output: fs.write('{} -output {}\n'.format(prefix, output)) class OutputCommand(gdb.Command): '''Set the output file/TTY for the whole dashboard or single modules. The dashboard/module will be written to the specified file, which will be created if it does not exist. If the specified file identifies a terminal then its geometry will be used, otherwise it falls back to the geometry of the main GDB terminal. When invoked without argument on the dashboard, the output/messages and modules which do not specify an output themselves will be printed on standard output (default). When invoked without argument on a module, it will be printed where the dashboard will be printed. An overview of all the outputs can be obtained with the `dashboard -layout` command.''' def __init__(self, dashboard, prefix=None, obj=None): if not prefix: prefix = 'dashboard' if not obj: obj = dashboard prefix = prefix + ' -output' gdb.Command.__init__(self, prefix, gdb.COMMAND_USER, gdb.COMPLETE_FILENAME) self.dashboard = dashboard self.obj = obj # None means the dashboard itself def invoke(self, arg, from_tty): arg = Dashboard.parse_arg(arg) # reset the terminal status if self.obj.output: try: with open(self.obj.output, 'w') as fs: fs.write(Dashboard.reset_terminal()) except: # just do nothing if the file is not writable pass # set or open the output file if arg == '': self.obj.output = None else: self.obj.output = arg # redisplay the dashboard in the new output self.dashboard.redisplay() class EnabledCommand(gdb.Command): '''Enable or disable the dashboard. The current status is printed if no argument is present.''' def __init__(self, dashboard): gdb.Command.__init__(self, 'dashboard -enabled', gdb.COMMAND_USER) self.dashboard = dashboard def invoke(self, arg, from_tty): arg = Dashboard.parse_arg(arg) if arg == '': status = 'enabled' if self.dashboard.enabled else 'disabled' print('The dashboard is {}'.format(status)) elif arg == 'on': self.dashboard.enable() self.dashboard.redisplay() elif arg == 'off': self.dashboard.disable() else: msg = 'Wrong argument "{}"; expecting "on" or "off"' Dashboard.err(msg.format(arg)) def complete(self, text, word): return Dashboard.complete(word, ['on', 'off']) class LayoutCommand(gdb.Command): '''Set or show the dashboard layout. Accepts a space-separated list of directive. Each directive is in the form "[!]<module>". Modules in the list are placed in the dashboard in the same order as they appear and those prefixed by "!" are disabled by default. Omitted modules are hidden and placed at the bottom in alphabetical order. Without arguments the current layout is shown where the first line uses the same form expected by the input while the remaining depict the current status of output files. Passing `!` as a single argument resets the dashboard original layout.''' def __init__(self, dashboard): gdb.Command.__init__(self, 'dashboard -layout', gdb.COMMAND_USER) self.dashboard = dashboard def invoke(self, arg, from_tty): arg = Dashboard.parse_arg(arg) directives = str(arg).split() if directives: # apply the layout if directives == ['!']: self.reset() else: if not self.layout(directives): return # in case of errors # redisplay or otherwise notify if from_tty: if self.dashboard.is_running(): self.dashboard.redisplay() else: else: def reset(self): modules = self.dashboard.modules modules.sort(key=lambda module: for module in modules: module.enabled = True def show(self): global_str = 'Dashboard' default = '(default TTY)' max_name_len = max(len( for module in self.dashboard.modules) max_name_len = max(max_name_len, len(global_str)) fmt = '{{}}{{:{}s}}{{}}'.format(max_name_len + 2) print((fmt + '\n').format(' ', global_str, self.dashboard.output or default)) for module in self.dashboard.modules: mark = ' ' if module.enabled else '!' style = R.style_high if module.enabled else R.style_low line = fmt.format(mark,, module.output or default) print(ansi(line, style)) def layout(self, directives): modules = self.dashboard.modules # parse and check directives parsed_directives = [] selected_modules = set() for directive in directives: enabled = (directive[0] != '!') name = directive[not enabled:] if name in selected_modules: Dashboard.err('Module "{}" already set'.format(name)) return False if next((False for module in modules if == name), True): Dashboard.err('Cannot find module "{}"'.format(name)) return False parsed_directives.append((name, enabled)) selected_modules.add(name) # reset visibility for module in modules: module.enabled = False # move and enable the selected modules on top last = 0 for name, enabled in parsed_directives: todo = enumerate(modules[last:], start=last) index = next(index for index, module in todo if name == modules[index].enabled = enabled modules.insert(last, modules.pop(index)) last += 1 return True def complete(self, text, word): all_modules = ( for m in self.dashboard.modules) return Dashboard.complete(word, all_modules) class StyleCommand(gdb.Command): '''Access the stylable attributes. Without arguments print all the stylable attributes. When only the name is specified show the current value. With name and value set the stylable attribute. Values are parsed as Python literals and converted to the proper type. ''' def __init__(self, dashboard, prefix, obj, attributes): self.prefix = prefix + ' -style' gdb.Command.__init__(self, self.prefix, gdb.COMMAND_USER, gdb.COMPLETE_NONE, True) self.dashboard = dashboard self.obj = obj self.attributes = attributes self.add_styles() def add_styles(self): this = self for name, attribute in self.attributes.items(): # fetch fields attr_name = attribute.get('name', name) attr_type = attribute.get('type', str) attr_check = attribute.get('check', lambda _: True) attr_default = attribute['default'] # set the default value (coerced to the type) value = attr_type(attr_default) setattr(self.obj, attr_name, value) # create the command def invoke(self, arg, from_tty, name=name, attr_name=attr_name, attr_type=attr_type, attr_check=attr_check): new_value = Dashboard.parse_arg(arg) if new_value == '': # print the current value value = getattr(this.obj, attr_name) print('{} = {!r}'.format(name, value)) else: try: # convert and check the new value parsed = ast.literal_eval(new_value) value = attr_type(parsed) if not attr_check(value): msg = 'Invalid value "{}" for "{}"' raise Exception(msg.format(new_value, name)) except Exception as e: Dashboard.err(e) else: # set and redisplay setattr(this.obj, attr_name, value) this.dashboard.redisplay(True) prefix = self.prefix + ' ' + name doc = attribute.get('doc', 'This style is self-documenting') Dashboard.create_command(prefix, invoke, doc, False) def invoke(self, arg, from_tty): # an argument here means that the provided attribute is invalid if arg: Dashboard.err('Invalid argument "{}"'.format(arg)) return # print all the pairs for name, attribute in self.attributes.items(): attr_name = attribute.get('name', name) value = getattr(self.obj, attr_name) print('{} = {!r}'.format(name, value)) # Base module ------------------------------------------------------------------ # just a tag class Module(): '''Base class for GDB dashboard modules. Modules are instantiated once at initialization time and kept during the whole the GDB session. The name of a module is automatically obtained by the class name. Optionally, a module may include a description which will appear in the GDB help system by specifying a Python docstring for the class. By convention the first line should contain a brief description.''' def label(self): '''Return the module label which will appear in the divider.''' pass def lines(self, term_width, term_height, style_changed): '''Return a list of strings which will form the module content. When a module is temporarily unable to produce its content, it should return an empty list; its divider will then use the styles with the "off" qualifier. term_width and term_height are the dimension of the terminal where this module will be displayed. If `style_changed` is `True` then some attributes have changed since the last time so the implementation may want to update its status.''' pass def attributes(self): '''Return the dictionary of available attributes. The key is the attribute name and the value is another dictionary with items: - `default` is the initial value for this attribute; - `doc` is the optional documentation of this attribute which will appear in the GDB help system; - `name` is the name of the attribute of the Python object (defaults to the key value); - `type` is the Python type of this attribute defaulting to the `str` type, it is used to coerce the value passed as an argument to the proper type, or raise an exception; - `check` is an optional control callback which accept the coerced value and returns `True` if the value satisfies the constraint and `False` otherwise. Those attributes can be accessed from the implementation using instance variables named `name`.''' return {} def commands(self): '''Return the dictionary of available commands. The key is the attribute name and the value is another dictionary with items: - `action` is the callback to be executed which accepts the raw input string from the GDB prompt, exceptions in these functions will be shown automatically to the user; - `doc` is the documentation of this command which will appear in the GDB help system; - `completion` is the optional completion policy, one of the `gdb.COMPLETE_*` constants defined in the GDB reference manual (''' return {} # Default modules -------------------------------------------------------------- class Source(Dashboard.Module): '''Show the program source code, if available.''' def __init__(self): self.file_name = None self.source_lines = [] self.ts = None self.highlighted = False self.offset = 0 def label(self): label = 'Source' if self.show_path and self.file_name: label += ': {}'.format(self.file_name) return label def lines(self, term_width, term_height, style_changed): # skip if the current thread is not stopped if not gdb.selected_thread().is_stopped(): return [] # try to fetch the current line (skip if no line information) sal = gdb.selected_frame().find_sal() current_line = sal.line if current_line == 0: self.file_name = None return [] # try to lookup the source file candidates = [ sal.symtab.fullname(), sal.symtab.filename, # XXX GDB also uses absolute filename but it is harder to implement # properly and IMHO useless os.path.basename(sal.symtab.filename)] for candidate in candidates: file_name = candidate ts = None try: ts = os.path.getmtime(file_name) break except: # try another or delay error check to open() continue # style changed, different file name or file modified in the meanwhile if style_changed or file_name != self.file_name or ts and ts > self.ts: try: # reload the source file if changed with, errors='replace') as source_file: highlighter = Beautifier(file_name, self.tab_size) self.highlighted = source = highlighter.process( self.source_lines = source.split('\n') # store file name and timestamp only if success to have # persistent errors self.file_name = file_name self.ts = ts except IOError as e: msg = 'Cannot display "{}"'.format(file_name) return [ansi(msg, R.style_error)] # compute the line range height = self.height or (term_height - 1) start = current_line - 1 - int(height / 2) + self.offset end = start + height # extra at start extra_start = 0 if start < 0: extra_start = min(-start, height) start = 0 # extra at end extra_end = 0 if end > len(self.source_lines): extra_end = min(end - len(self.source_lines), height) end = len(self.source_lines) else: end = max(end, 0) # return the source code listing breakpoints = fetch_breakpoints() out = [] number_format = '{{:>{}}}'.format(len(str(end))) for number, line in enumerate(self.source_lines[start:end], start + 1): # properly handle UTF-8 source files line = to_string(line) if int(number) == current_line: # the current line has a different style without ANSI if R.ansi: if self.highlighted and not self.highlight_line: line_format = '{}' + ansi(number_format, R.style_selected_1) + ' {}' else: line_format = '{}' + ansi(number_format + ' {}', R.style_selected_1) else: # just show a plain text indicator line_format = '{}' + number_format + '> {}' else: line_format = '{}' + ansi(number_format, R.style_low) + ' {}' # check for breakpoint presence enabled = None for breakpoint in breakpoints: addresses = breakpoint['addresses'] is_root_enabled = addresses[0]['enabled'] for address in addresses: # note, despite the lookup path always use the relative # (sal.symtab.filename) file name to match source files with # breakpoints if address['file_line'] == number and address['file_name'] == sal.symtab.filename: enabled = enabled or (address['enabled'] and is_root_enabled) if enabled is None: breakpoint = ' ' else: breakpoint = ansi('!', R.style_critical) if enabled else ansi('-', R.style_low) out.append(line_format.format(breakpoint, number, line.rstrip('\n'))) # return the output along with scroll indicators if len(out) <= height: extra = [ansi('~', R.style_low)] return extra_start * extra + out + extra_end * extra else: return out def commands(self): return { 'scroll': { 'action': self.scroll, 'doc': 'Scroll by relative steps or reset if invoked without argument.' } } def attributes(self): return { 'height': { 'doc': '''Height of the module. A value of 0 uses the whole height.''', 'default': 10, 'type': int, 'check': check_ge_zero }, 'tab-size': { 'doc': 'Number of spaces used to display the tab character.', 'default': 4, 'name': 'tab_size', 'type': int, 'check': check_gt_zero }, 'path': { 'doc': 'Path visibility flag in the module label.', 'default': False, 'name': 'show_path', 'type': bool }, 'highlight-line': { 'doc': 'Decide whether the whole current line should be highlighted.', 'default': False, 'name': 'highlight_line', 'type': bool } } def scroll(self, arg): if arg: self.offset += int(arg) else: self.offset = 0 class Assembly(Dashboard.Module): '''Show the disassembled code surrounding the program counter. The instructions constituting the current statement are marked, if available.''' def __init__(self): self.offset = 0 self.cache_key = None self.cache_asm = None def label(self): return 'Assembly' def lines(self, term_width, term_height, style_changed): # skip if the current thread is not stopped if not gdb.selected_thread().is_stopped(): return [] # flush the cache if the style is changed if style_changed: self.cache_key = None # prepare the highlighter try: flavor = gdb.parameter('disassembly-flavor') except: flavor = 'att' # not always defined (see #36) highlighter = Beautifier(flavor, tab_size=None) # fetch the assembly code line_info = None frame = gdb.selected_frame() # PC is here height = self.height or (term_height - 1) try: # disassemble the current block asm_start, asm_end = self.fetch_function_boundaries() asm = self.fetch_asm(asm_start, asm_end, False, highlighter) # find the location of the PC pc_index = next(index for index, instr in enumerate(asm) if instr['addr'] == frame.pc()) # compute the instruction range start = pc_index - int(height / 2) + self.offset end = start + height # extra at start extra_start = 0 if start < 0: extra_start = min(-start, height) start = 0 # extra at end extra_end = 0 if end > len(asm): extra_end = min(end - len(asm), height) end = len(asm) else: end = max(end, 0) # fetch actual interval asm = asm[start:end] # if there are line information then use it, it may be that # line_info is not None but line_info.last is None line_info = gdb.find_pc_line(frame.pc()) line_info = line_info if line_info.last else None except (gdb.error, RuntimeError, StopIteration): # if it is not possible (stripped binary or the PC is not present in # the output of `disassemble` as per issue #31) start from PC try: extra_start = 0 extra_end = 0 # allow to scroll down nevertheless clamped_offset = min(self.offset, 0) asm = self.fetch_asm(frame.pc(), height - clamped_offset, True, highlighter) asm = asm[-clamped_offset:] except gdb.error as e: msg = '{}'.format(e) return [ansi(msg, R.style_error)] # fetch function start if available (e.g., not with @plt) func_start = None if self.show_function and frame.function(): func_start = to_unsigned(frame.function().value()) # compute the maximum offset size if asm and func_start: max_offset = max(len(str(abs(asm[0]['addr'] - func_start))), len(str(abs(asm[-1]['addr'] - func_start)))) # return the machine code breakpoints = fetch_breakpoints() max_length = max(instr['length'] for instr in asm) if asm else 0 inferior = gdb.selected_inferior() out = [] for index, instr in enumerate(asm): addr = instr['addr'] length = instr['length'] text = instr['asm'] addr_str = format_address(addr) if self.show_opcodes: # fetch and format opcode region = inferior.read_memory(addr, length) opcodes = (' '.join('{:02x}'.format(ord(byte)) for byte in region)) opcodes += (max_length - len(region)) * 3 * ' ' + ' ' else: opcodes = '' # compute the offset if available if self.show_function: if func_start: offset = '{:+d}'.format(addr - func_start) offset = offset.ljust(max_offset + 1) # sign func_info = '{}{}'.format(frame.function(), offset) else: func_info = '?' else: func_info = '' format_string = '{}{}{}{}{}{}' indicator = ' ' text = ' ' + text if addr == frame.pc(): if not R.ansi: indicator = '> ' addr_str = ansi(addr_str, R.style_selected_1) indicator = ansi(indicator, R.style_selected_1) opcodes = ansi(opcodes, R.style_selected_1) func_info = ansi(func_info, R.style_selected_1) if not or self.highlight_line: text = ansi(text, R.style_selected_1) elif line_info and line_info.pc <= addr < line_info.last: if not R.ansi: indicator = ': ' addr_str = ansi(addr_str, R.style_selected_2) indicator = ansi(indicator, R.style_selected_2) opcodes = ansi(opcodes, R.style_selected_2) func_info = ansi(func_info, R.style_selected_2) if not or self.highlight_line: text = ansi(text, R.style_selected_2) else: addr_str = ansi(addr_str, R.style_low) func_info = ansi(func_info, R.style_low) # check for breakpoint presence enabled = None for breakpoint in breakpoints: addresses = breakpoint['addresses'] is_root_enabled = addresses[0]['enabled'] for address in addresses: if address['address'] == addr: enabled = enabled or (address['enabled'] and is_root_enabled) if enabled is None: breakpoint = ' ' else: breakpoint = ansi('!', R.style_critical) if enabled else ansi('-', R.style_low) out.append(format_string.format(breakpoint, addr_str, indicator, opcodes, func_info, text)) # return the output along with scroll indicators if len(out) <= height: extra = [ansi('~', R.style_low)] return extra_start * extra + out + extra_end * extra else: return out def commands(self): return { 'scroll': { 'action': self.scroll, 'doc': 'Scroll by relative steps or reset if invoked without argument.' } } def attributes(self): return { 'height': { 'doc': '''Height of the module. A value of 0 uses the whole height.''', 'default': 10, 'type': int, 'check': check_ge_zero }, 'opcodes': { 'doc': 'Opcodes visibility flag.', 'default': False, 'name': 'show_opcodes', 'type': bool }, 'function': { 'doc': 'Function information visibility flag.', 'default': True, 'name': 'show_function', 'type': bool }, 'highlight-line': { 'doc': 'Decide whether the whole current line should be highlighted.', 'default': False, 'name': 'highlight_line', 'type': bool } } def scroll(self, arg): if arg: self.offset += int(arg) else: self.offset = 0 def fetch_function_boundaries(self): frame = gdb.selected_frame() # parse the output of the disassemble GDB command to find the function # boundaries, this should handle cases in which a function spans # multiple discontinuous blocks disassemble = run('disassemble') for block_start, block_end in re.findall(r'Address range 0x([0-9a-f]+) to 0x([0-9a-f]+):', disassemble): block_start = int(block_start, 16) block_end = int(block_end, 16) if block_start <= frame.pc() < block_end: return block_start, block_end - 1 # need to be inclusive # if function information is available then try to obtain the # boundaries by looking at the superblocks block = frame.block() if frame.function(): while block and (not block.function or != frame.function().name): block = block.superblock block = block or frame.block() return block.start, block.end - 1 def fetch_asm(self, start, end_or_count, relative, highlighter): # fetch asm from cache or disassemble if self.cache_key == (start, end_or_count): asm = self.cache_asm else: kwargs = { 'start_pc': start, 'count' if relative else 'end_pc': end_or_count } asm = gdb.selected_frame().architecture().disassemble(**kwargs) self.cache_key = (start, end_or_count) self.cache_asm = asm # syntax highlight the cached entry for instr in asm: instr['asm'] = highlighter.process(instr['asm']) return asm class Variables(Dashboard.Module): '''Show arguments and locals of the selected frame.''' def label(self): return 'Variables' def lines(self, term_width, term_height, style_changed): return Variables.format_frame( gdb.selected_frame(), self.show_arguments, self.show_locals, self.compact, self.align, self.sort) def attributes(self): return { 'arguments': { 'doc': 'Frame arguments visibility flag.', 'default': True, 'name': 'show_arguments', 'type': bool }, 'locals': { 'doc': 'Frame locals visibility flag.', 'default': True, 'name': 'show_locals', 'type': bool }, 'compact': { 'doc': 'Single-line display flag.', 'default': True, 'type': bool }, 'align': { 'doc': 'Align variables in column flag (only if not compact).', 'default': False, 'type': bool }, 'sort': { 'doc': 'Sort variables by name.', 'default': False, 'type': bool } } @staticmethod def format_frame(frame, show_arguments, show_locals, compact, align, sort): out = [] # fetch frame arguments and locals decorator = gdb.FrameDecorator.FrameDecorator(frame) separator = ansi(', ', R.style_low) if show_arguments: def prefix(line): return Stack.format_line('arg', line) frame_args = decorator.frame_args() args_lines = Variables.fetch(frame, frame_args, compact, align, sort) if args_lines: if compact: args_line = separator.join(args_lines) single_line = prefix(args_line) out.append(single_line) else: out.extend(map(prefix, args_lines)) if show_locals: def prefix(line): return Stack.format_line('loc', line) frame_locals = decorator.frame_locals() locals_lines = Variables.fetch(frame, frame_locals, compact, align, sort) if locals_lines: if compact: locals_line = separator.join(locals_lines) single_line = prefix(locals_line) out.append(single_line) else: out.extend(map(prefix, locals_lines)) return out @staticmethod def fetch(frame, data, compact, align, sort): lines = [] name_width = 0 if align and not compact: name_width = max(len(str(elem.sym)) for elem in data) if data else 0 for elem in data or []: name = ansi(elem.sym, R.style_high) + ' ' * (name_width - len(str(elem.sym))) equal = ansi('=', R.style_low) value = format_value(elem.sym.value(frame), compact) lines.append('{} {} {}'.format(name, equal, value)) if sort: lines.sort() return lines class Stack(Dashboard.Module): '''Show the current stack trace including the function name and the file location, if available. Optionally list the frame arguments and locals too.''' def label(self): return 'Stack' def lines(self, term_width, term_height, style_changed): # skip if the current thread is not stopped if not gdb.selected_thread().is_stopped(): return [] # find the selected frame level (XXX Frame.level() is a recent addition) start_level = 0 frame = gdb.newest_frame() while frame: if frame == gdb.selected_frame(): break frame = frame.older() start_level += 1 # gather the frames more = False frames = [gdb.selected_frame()] going_down = True while True: # stack frames limit reached if len(frames) == self.limit: more = True break # zigzag the frames starting from the selected one if going_down: frame = frames[-1].older() if frame: frames.append(frame) else: frame = frames[0].newer() if frame: frames.insert(0, frame) start_level -= 1 else: break else: frame = frames[0].newer() if frame: frames.insert(0, frame) start_level -= 1 else: frame = frames[-1].older() if frame: frames.append(frame) else: break # switch direction going_down = not going_down # format the output lines = [] for number, frame in enumerate(frames, start=start_level): selected = frame == gdb.selected_frame() lines.extend(self.get_frame_lines(number, frame, selected)) # add the placeholder if more: lines.append('[{}]'.format(ansi('+', R.style_selected_2))) return lines def attributes(self): return { 'limit': { 'doc': 'Maximum number of displayed frames (0 means no limit).', 'default': 10, 'type': int, 'check': check_ge_zero }, 'arguments': { 'doc': 'Frame arguments visibility flag.', 'default': False, 'name': 'show_arguments', 'type': bool }, 'locals': { 'doc': 'Frame locals visibility flag.', 'default': False, 'name': 'show_locals', 'type': bool }, 'compact': { 'doc': 'Single-line display flag.', 'default': False, 'type': bool }, 'align': { 'doc': 'Align variables in column flag (only if not compact).', 'default': False, 'type': bool }, 'sort': { 'doc': 'Sort variables by name.', 'default': False, 'type': bool } } def get_frame_lines(self, number, frame, selected=False): # fetch frame info style = R.style_selected_1 if selected else R.style_selected_2 frame_id = ansi(str(number), style) info = Stack.get_pc_line(frame, style) frame_lines = [] frame_lines.append('[{}] {}'.format(frame_id, info)) # add frame arguments and locals variables = Variables.format_frame( frame, self.show_arguments, self.show_locals, self.compact, self.align, self.sort) frame_lines.extend(variables) return frame_lines @staticmethod def format_line(prefix, line): prefix = ansi(prefix, R.style_low) return '{} {}'.format(prefix, line) @staticmethod def get_pc_line(frame, style): frame_pc = ansi(format_address(frame.pc()), style) info = 'from {}'.format(frame_pc) # if a frame function symbol is available then use it to fetch the # current function name and address, otherwise fall back relying on the # frame name if frame.function(): name = ansi(frame.function(), style) func_start = to_unsigned(frame.function().value()) offset = ansi(str(frame.pc() - func_start), style) info += ' in {}+{}'.format(name, offset) elif name = ansi(, style) info += ' in {}'.format(name) sal = frame.find_sal() if sal and sal.symtab: file_name = ansi(sal.symtab.filename, style) file_line = ansi(str(sal.line), style) info += ' at {}:{}'.format(file_name, file_line) return info class History(Dashboard.Module): '''List the last entries of the value history.''' def label(self): return 'History' def lines(self, term_width, term_height, style_changed): out = [] # fetch last entries for i in range(-self.limit + 1, 1): try: value = format_value(gdb.history(i)) value_id = ansi('$${}', R.style_high).format(abs(i)) equal = ansi('=', R.style_low) line = '{} {} {}'.format(value_id, equal, value) out.append(line) except gdb.error: continue return out def attributes(self): return { 'limit': { 'doc': 'Maximum number of values to show.', 'default': 3, 'type': int, 'check': check_gt_zero } } class Memory(Dashboard.Module): '''Allow to inspect memory regions.''' DEFAULT_LENGTH = 16 class Region(): def __init__(self, expression, length, module): self.expression = expression self.length = length self.module = module self.original = None self.latest = None def reset(self): self.original = None self.latest = None def format(self, per_line): # fetch the memory content try: address = Memory.parse_as_address(self.expression) inferior = gdb.selected_inferior() memory = inferior.read_memory(address, self.length) # set the original memory snapshot if needed if not self.original: self.original = memory except gdb.error as e: msg = 'Cannot access {} bytes starting at {}: {}' msg = msg.format(self.length, self.expression, e) return [ansi(msg, R.style_error)] # format the memory content out = [] for i in range(0, len(memory), per_line): region = memory[i:i + per_line] pad = per_line - len(region) address_str = format_address(address + i) # compute changes hexa = [] text = [] for j in range(len(region)): rel = i + j byte = memory[rel] hexa_byte = '{:02x}'.format(ord(byte)) text_byte = self.module.format_byte(byte) # differences against the latest have the highest priority if self.latest and memory[rel] != self.latest[rel]: hexa_byte = ansi(hexa_byte, R.style_selected_1) text_byte = ansi(text_byte, R.style_selected_1) # cumulative changes if enabled elif self.module.cumulative and memory[rel] != self.original[rel]: hexa_byte = ansi(hexa_byte, R.style_selected_2) text_byte = ansi(text_byte, R.style_selected_2) # format the text differently for clarity else: text_byte = ansi(text_byte, R.style_high) hexa.append(hexa_byte) text.append(text_byte) # output the formatted line hexa_placeholder = ' {}'.format(self.module.placeholder[0] * 2) text_placeholder = self.module.placeholder[0] out.append('{} {}{} {}{}'.format( ansi(address_str, R.style_low), ' '.join(hexa), ansi(pad * hexa_placeholder, R.style_low), ''.join(text), ansi(pad * text_placeholder, R.style_low))) # update the latest memory snapshot self.latest = memory return out def __init__(self): self.table = {} def label(self): return 'Memory' def lines(self, term_width, term_height, style_changed): out = [] for expression, region in self.table.items(): out.append(divider(term_width, expression)) out.extend(region.format(self.get_per_line(term_width))) return out def commands(self): return { 'watch': { 'action':, 'doc': '''Watch a memory region by expression and length. The length defaults to 16 bytes.''', 'complete': gdb.COMPLETE_EXPRESSION }, 'unwatch': { 'action': self.unwatch, 'doc': 'Stop watching a memory region by expression.', 'complete': gdb.COMPLETE_EXPRESSION }, 'clear': { 'action': self.clear, 'doc': 'Clear all the watched regions.' } } def attributes(self): return { 'cumulative': { 'doc': 'Highlight changes cumulatively, watch again to reset.', 'default': False, 'type': bool }, 'full': { 'doc': 'Take the whole horizontal space.', 'default': False, 'type': bool }, 'placeholder': { 'doc': 'Placeholder used for missing items and unprintable characters.', 'default': '·' } } def watch(self, arg): if arg: expression, _, length_str = arg.partition(' ') length = Memory.parse_as_address(length_str) if length_str else Memory.DEFAULT_LENGTH # keep the length when the memory is watched to reset the changes region = self.table.get(expression) if region and not length_str: region.reset() else: self.table[expression] = Memory.Region(expression, length, self) else: raise Exception('Specify a memory location') def unwatch(self, arg): if arg: try: del self.table[arg] except KeyError: raise Exception('Memory expression not watched') else: raise Exception('Specify a matched memory expression') def clear(self, arg): self.table.clear() def format_byte(self, byte): # `type(byte) is bytes` in Python 3 if 0x20 < ord(byte) < 0x7f: return chr(ord(byte)) else: return self.placeholder[0] def get_per_line(self, term_width): if self.full: padding = 3 # two double spaces separator (one is part of below) elem_size = 4 # HH + 1 space + T address_length = gdb.parse_and_eval('$pc').type.sizeof * 2 + 2 # 0x return max(int((term_width - address_length - padding) / elem_size), 1) else: return Memory.DEFAULT_LENGTH @staticmethod def parse_as_address(expression): value = gdb.parse_and_eval(expression) return to_unsigned(value) class Registers(Dashboard.Module): '''Show the CPU registers and their values.''' def __init__(self): self.table = {} def label(self): return 'Registers' def lines(self, term_width, term_height, style_changed): # skip if the current thread is not stopped if not gdb.selected_thread().is_stopped(): return [] # obtain the registers to display if style_changed: self.table = {} if self.register_list: register_list = self.register_list.split() else: register_list = Registers.fetch_register_list() # fetch registers status registers = [] for name in register_list: # exclude registers with a dot '.' or parse_and_eval() will fail if '.' in name: continue value = gdb.parse_and_eval('${}'.format(name)) string_value = Registers.format_value(value) # exclude unavailable registers (see #255) if string_value == '<unavailable>': continue changed = self.table and (self.table.get(name, '') != string_value) self.table[name] = string_value registers.append((name, string_value, changed)) # handle the empty register list if not registers: msg = 'No registers to show (check the "dashboard registers -style list" attribute)' return [ansi(msg, R.style_error)] # compute lengths considering an extra space between and around the # entries (hence the +2 and term_width - 1) max_name = max(len(name) for name, _, _ in registers) max_value = max(len(value) for _, value, _ in registers) max_width = max_name + max_value + 2 columns = min(int((term_width - 1) / max_width) or 1, len(registers)) rows = int(math.ceil(float(len(registers)) / columns)) # build the registers matrix if self.column_major: matrix = list(registers[i:i + rows] for i in range(0, len(registers), rows)) else: matrix = list(registers[i::columns] for i in range(columns)) # compute the lengths column wise max_names_column = list(max(len(name) for name, _, _ in column) for column in matrix) max_values_column = list(max(len(value) for _, value, _ in column) for column in matrix) line_length = sum(max_names_column) + columns + sum(max_values_column) extra = term_width - line_length # compute padding as if there were one more column base_padding = int(extra / (columns + 1)) padding_column = [base_padding] * columns # distribute the remainder among columns giving the precedence to # internal padding rest = extra % (columns + 1) while rest: padding_column[rest % columns] += 1 rest -= 1 # format the registers out = [''] * rows for i, column in enumerate(matrix): max_name = max_names_column[i] max_value = max_values_column[i] for j, (name, value, changed) in enumerate(column): name = ' ' * (max_name - len(name)) + ansi(name, R.style_low) style = R.style_selected_1 if changed else '' value = ansi(value, style) + ' ' * (max_value - len(value)) padding = ' ' * padding_column[i] item = '{}{} {}'.format(padding, name, value) out[j] += item return out def attributes(self): return { 'column-major': { 'doc': 'Show registers in columns instead of rows.', 'default': False, 'name': 'column_major', 'type': bool }, 'list': { 'doc': '''String of space-separated register names to display. The empty list (default) causes to show all the available registers. For architectures different from x86 setting this attribute might be mandatory.''', 'default': '', 'name': 'register_list', } } @staticmethod def format_value(value): try: if value.type.code in [gdb.TYPE_CODE_INT, gdb.TYPE_CODE_PTR]: int_value = to_unsigned(value, value.type.sizeof) value_format = '0x{{:0{}x}}'.format(2 * value.type.sizeof) return value_format.format(int_value) except (gdb.error, ValueError): # convert to unsigned but preserve code and flags information pass return str(value) @staticmethod def fetch_register_list(*match_groups): names = [] for line in run('maintenance print register-groups').split('\n'): fields = line.split() if len(fields) != 7: continue name, _, _, _, _, _, groups = fields if not re.match(r'\w', name): continue for group in groups.split(','): if group in (match_groups or ('general',)): names.append(name) break return names class Threads(Dashboard.Module): '''List the currently available threads.''' def label(self): return 'Threads' def lines(self, term_width, term_height, style_changed): out = [] selected_thread = gdb.selected_thread() # do not restore the selected frame if the thread is not stopped restore_frame = gdb.selected_thread().is_stopped() if restore_frame: selected_frame = gdb.selected_frame() # fetch the thread list threads = [] for inferior in gdb.inferiors(): if self.all_inferiors or inferior == gdb.selected_inferior(): threads += gdb.Inferior.threads(inferior) for thread in threads: # skip running threads if requested if self.skip_running and thread.is_running(): continue is_selected = (thread.ptid == selected_thread.ptid) style = R.style_selected_1 if is_selected else R.style_selected_2 if self.all_inferiors: number = '{}.{}'.format(thread.inferior.num, thread.num) else: number = str(thread.num) number = ansi(number, style) tid = ansi(str(thread.ptid[1] or thread.ptid[2]), style) info = '[{}] id {}'.format(number, tid) if info += ' name {}'.format(ansi(, style)) # switch thread to fetch info (unless is running in non-stop mode) try: thread.switch() frame = gdb.newest_frame() info += ' ' + Stack.get_pc_line(frame, style) except gdb.error: info += ' (running)' out.append(info) # restore thread and frame selected_thread.switch() if restore_frame: return out def attributes(self): return { 'skip-running': { 'doc': 'Skip running threads.', 'default': False, 'name': 'skip_running', 'type': bool }, 'all-inferiors': { 'doc': 'Show threads from all inferiors.', 'default': False, 'name': 'all_inferiors', 'type': bool }, } class Expressions(Dashboard.Module): '''Watch user expressions.''' def __init__(self): self.table = [] def label(self): return 'Expressions' def lines(self, term_width, term_height, style_changed): out = [] label_width = 0 if self.align: label_width = max(len(expression) for expression in self.table) if self.table else 0 default_radix = Expressions.get_default_radix() for number, expression in enumerate(self.table, start=1): label = expression match = re.match(r'^/(\d+) +(.+)$', expression) try: if match: radix, expression = match.groups() run('set output-radix {}'.format(radix)) value = format_value(gdb.parse_and_eval(expression)) except gdb.error as e: value = ansi(e, R.style_error) finally: if match: run('set output-radix {}'.format(default_radix)) number = ansi(str(number), R.style_selected_2) label = ansi(expression, R.style_high) + ' ' * (label_width - len(expression)) equal = ansi('=', R.style_low) out.append('[{}] {} {} {}'.format(number, label, equal, value)) return out def commands(self): return { 'watch': { 'action':, 'doc': 'Watch an expression using the format `[/<radix>] <expression>`.', 'complete': gdb.COMPLETE_EXPRESSION }, 'unwatch': { 'action': self.unwatch, 'doc': 'Stop watching an expression by index.' }, 'clear': { 'action': self.clear, 'doc': 'Clear all the watched expressions.' } } def attributes(self): return { 'align': { 'doc': 'Align variables in column flag.', 'default': False, 'type': bool } } def watch(self, arg): if arg: if arg not in self.table: self.table.append(arg) else: raise Exception('Expression already watched') else: raise Exception('Specify an expression') def unwatch(self, arg): if arg: try: number = int(arg) - 1 except: number = -1 if 0 <= number < len(self.table): self.table.pop(number) else: raise Exception('Expression not watched') else: raise Exception('Specify an expression') def clear(self, arg): self.table.clear() @staticmethod def get_default_radix(): try: return gdb.parameter('output-radix') except RuntimeError: # XXX this is a fix for GDB <8.1.x see #161 message = run('show output-radix') match = re.match(r'^Default output radix for printing of values is (\d+)\.$', message) return match.groups()[0] if match else 10 # fallback # XXX workaround to support BP_BREAKPOINT in older GDB versions setattr(gdb, 'BP_CATCHPOINT', getattr(gdb, 'BP_CATCHPOINT', 26)) class Breakpoints(Dashboard.Module): '''Display the breakpoints list.''' NAMES = { gdb.BP_BREAKPOINT: 'break', gdb.BP_WATCHPOINT: 'watch', gdb.BP_HARDWARE_WATCHPOINT: 'write watch', gdb.BP_READ_WATCHPOINT: 'read watch', gdb.BP_ACCESS_WATCHPOINT: 'access watch', gdb.BP_CATCHPOINT: 'catch' } def label(self): return 'Breakpoints' def lines(self, term_width, term_height, style_changed): out = [] breakpoints = fetch_breakpoints(watchpoints=True, pending=self.show_pending) for breakpoint in breakpoints: sub_lines = [] # format common information style = R.style_selected_1 if breakpoint['enabled'] else R.style_selected_2 number = ansi(breakpoint['number'], style) bp_type = ansi(Breakpoints.NAMES[breakpoint['type']], style) if breakpoint['temporary']: bp_type = bp_type + ' {}'.format(ansi('once', style)) if not R.ansi and breakpoint['enabled']: bp_type = 'disabled ' + bp_type line = '[{}] {}'.format(number, bp_type) if breakpoint['type'] == gdb.BP_BREAKPOINT: for i, address in enumerate(breakpoint['addresses']): addr = address['address'] if i == 0 and addr: # this is a regular breakpoint line += ' at {}'.format(ansi(format_address(addr), style)) # format source information file_name = address.get('file_name') file_line = address.get('file_line') if file_name and file_line: file_name = ansi(file_name, style) file_line = ansi(file_line, style) line += ' in {}:{}'.format(file_name, file_line) elif i > 0: # this is a sub breakpoint sub_style = R.style_selected_1 if address['enabled'] else R.style_selected_2 sub_number = ansi('{}.{}'.format(breakpoint['number'], i), sub_style) sub_line = '[{}]'.format(sub_number) sub_line += ' at {}'.format(ansi(format_address(addr), sub_style)) # format source information file_name = address.get('file_name') file_line = address.get('file_line') if file_name and file_line: file_name = ansi(file_name, sub_style) file_line = ansi(file_line, sub_style) sub_line += ' in {}:{}'.format(file_name, file_line) sub_lines += [sub_line] # format user location location = breakpoint['location'] line += ' for {}'.format(ansi(location, style)) elif breakpoint['type'] == gdb.BP_CATCHPOINT: what = breakpoint['what'] line += ' {}'.format(ansi(what, style)) else: # format user expression expression = breakpoint['expression'] line += ' for {}'.format(ansi(expression, style)) # format condition condition = breakpoint['condition'] if condition: line += ' if {}'.format(ansi(condition, style)) # format hit count hit_count = breakpoint['hit_count'] if hit_count: word = 'time{}'.format('s' if hit_count > 1 else '') line += ' hit {} {}'.format(ansi(breakpoint['hit_count'], style), word) # append the main line and possibly sub breakpoints out.append(line) out.extend(sub_lines) return out def attributes(self): return { 'pending': { 'doc': 'Also show pending breakpoints.', 'default': True, 'name': 'show_pending', 'type': bool } } # XXX traceback line numbers in this Python block must be increased by 1 end # Better GDB defaults ---------------------------------------------------------- set history save set verbose off set print pretty on set print array off set print array-indexes on set python print-stack full # Start ------------------------------------------------------------------------ python Dashboard.start() # Fixes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # workaround for the GDB readline issue, see #325 python import sys; sys.modules['readline'] = None # File variables --------------------------------------------------------------- # vim: filetype=python # Local Variables: # mode: python # End: