{ "nbformat": 4, "nbformat_minor": 0, "metadata": { "colab": { "name": "Kaggle_API_Colab_EPL", "provenance": [], "collapsed_sections": [], "include_colab_link": true }, "kernelspec": { "name": "python3", "display_name": "Python 3" } }, "cells": [ { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "id": "view-in-github", "colab_type": "text" }, "source": [ "\"Open" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "source": [ "Source of Data: http://www.kaggle.com\n" ], "metadata": { "id": "XZ3aTtRmZn3d" } }, { "metadata": { "id": "DIf2PtekjPtY" }, "cell_type": "markdown", "source": [ "# Installing the [Kaggle API](https://github.com/Kaggle/kaggle-api) in Colab" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "from google.colab import drive\n", "drive.mount('/content/drive')" ], "metadata": { "id": "-qO6K2shH1of", "outputId": "e7338313-4571-42fa-aff2-53a918c9a5e3", "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/" } }, "execution_count": null, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "name": "stdout", "text": [ "Mounted at /content/drive\n" ] } ] }, { "metadata": { "id": "OppyMnCuWjzJ", "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/" }, "outputId": "452f2fb0-2e8d-441d-8f1d-e085860a90b8" }, "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "!pip install kaggle" ], "execution_count": null, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "name": "stdout", "text": [ "Requirement already satisfied: kaggle in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (1.5.12)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: urllib3 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from kaggle) (1.24.3)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: certifi in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from kaggle) (2021.10.8)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.10 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from kaggle) (1.15.0)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: requests in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from kaggle) (2.23.0)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: python-slugify in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from kaggle) (6.1.2)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: tqdm in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from kaggle) (4.64.0)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from kaggle) (2.8.2)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: text-unidecode>=1.3 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from python-slugify->kaggle) (1.3)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: idna<3,>=2.5 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from requests->kaggle) (2.10)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: chardet<4,>=3.0.2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from requests->kaggle) (3.0.4)\n" ] } ] }, { "metadata": { "id": "hMY4CFezjcG-" }, "cell_type": "markdown", "source": [ "# Authenticating with Kaggle using kaggle.json\n", "\n", "Navigate to https://www.kaggle.com. Then go to the [Account tab of your user profile](https://www.kaggle.com/me/account) and select Create API Token. This will trigger the download of kaggle.json, a file containing your API credentials.\n", "\n", "Then run the cell below to upload kaggle.json to your Colab runtime." ] }, { "metadata": { "id": "0HtGf0HEXEa5", "outputId": "2ad2c8c7-0188-40d3-f212-2b853284f40e", "colab": { "resources": { "http://localhost:8080/nbextensions/google.colab/files.js": { "data": "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", "ok": true, "headers": [ [ "content-type", "application/javascript" ] ], "status": 200, "status_text": "" } }, "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", "height": 90 } }, "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "from google.colab import files\n", "\n", "uploaded = files.upload()\n", "\n", "for fn in uploaded.keys():\n", " print('User uploaded file \"{name}\" with length {length} bytes'.format(\n", " name=fn, length=len(uploaded[fn])))\n", " \n", "# Then move kaggle.json into the folder where the API expects to find it.\n", "!mkdir -p ~/.kaggle/ && mv kaggle.json ~/.kaggle/ && chmod 600 ~/.kaggle/kaggle.json" ], "execution_count": null, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "display_data", "data": { "text/plain": [ "" ], "text/html": [ "\n", " \n", " \n", " Upload widget is only available when the cell has been executed in the\n", " current browser session. Please rerun this cell to enable.\n", " \n", " " ] }, "metadata": {} }, { "output_type": "stream", "name": "stdout", "text": [ "Saving kaggle.json to kaggle.json\n", "User uploaded file \"kaggle.json\" with length 63 bytes\n" ] } ] }, { "metadata": { "id": "HMk7Zz4ZkpCe" }, "cell_type": "markdown", "source": [ "# Using the Kaggle API\n", "\n", "For a more complete list of what you can do with the API, visit https://github.com/Kaggle/kaggle-api." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "mypath = '/content/drive/My Drive/Colab Notebooks/kaggle/'" ], "metadata": { "id": "SE9HweiXKrBi" }, "execution_count": null, "outputs": [] }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "!kaggle kernels output baraknetef/premier-league -p mypath" ], "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/" }, "id": "KxCuNuXJJ6ig", "outputId": "ec78facf-3cda-44f9-d618-08da620a62bf" }, "execution_count": null, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "name": "stdout", "text": [ "Kernel log downloaded to mypath/premier-league.log \n" ] } ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "" ], "metadata": { "id": "SkQa16IwLUPl" }, "execution_count": null, "outputs": [] }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "!kaggle datasets download baraknetef/English-premier-league" ], "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/" }, "id": "4JjlB4kgLUKl", "outputId": "5094b997-2352-4796-cadb-71507a964f4e" }, "execution_count": null, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "name": "stdout", "text": [ "404 - Not Found\n" ] } ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "" ], "metadata": { "id": "08xJuaZRQclq" }, "execution_count": null, "outputs": [] }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "!kaggle competitions list -s sports" ], "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/" }, "id": "DhUkIo5eQceM", "outputId": "ab6710c5-e092-4b7c-f4fd-0d1387348c0a" }, "execution_count": 82, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "name": "stdout", "text": [ "ref deadline category reward teamCount userHasEntered \n", "--------------------------------------------------- ------------------- ---------- --------- --------- -------------- \n", "mpetitions/nfl-big-data-bowl-2020 2020-01-06 23:59:00 Featured $75,000 2038 False \n", "mpetitions/mens-march-mania-2022 2022-04-05 04:00:00 Featured $25,000 930 False \n", "mpetitions/ncaam-march-mania-2021 2021-04-06 04:00:00 Playground Prizes 707 False \n", "mpetitions/womens-march-mania-2022 2022-04-04 15:00:00 Featured $25,000 651 False \n", "mpetitions/march-machine-learning-mania-2017 2017-04-04 15:00:00 Playground Swag 441 False \n", "mpetitions/ncaaw-march-mania-2021 2021-04-05 12:01:00 Playground Prizes 451 False \n", "mpetitions/mens-machine-learning-competition-2019 2019-04-09 06:00:00 Featured $25,000 862 False \n", "mpetitions/march-machine-learning-mania-2016 2016-04-05 06:00:00 Featured $25,000 596 False \n", "mpetitions/womens-machine-learning-competition-2019 2019-04-08 05:10:00 Featured $25,000 497 False \n", "mpetitions/march-machine-learning-mania-2015 2015-04-07 23:59:00 Featured $15,000 340 False \n", "mpetitions/nfl-impact-detection 2021-01-04 23:59:00 Featured $75,000 459 False \n", "mpetitions/march-machine-learning-mania-2014 2014-04-08 23:59:00 Featured $15,000 248 False \n", "mpetitions/kobe-bryant-shot-selection 2016-06-13 23:59:00 Playground Knowledge 1117 False \n", "mpetitions/nfl-health-and-safety-helmet-assignment 2021-11-02 23:59:00 Featured $100,000 825 False \n", "mpetitions/mens-machine-learning-competition-2018 2018-04-02 23:59:00 Featured $50,000 933 False \n", "mpetitions/ncaam-march-mania-2021-spread 2021-04-06 04:00:00 Playground Knowledge 96 False \n", "mpetitions/ncaaw-march-mania-2021-spread 2021-04-05 12:01:00 Playground Knowledge 70 False \n", "mpetitions/march-madness-analytics-2020 2020-04-30 23:59:00 Analytics $25,000 0 False \n", "mpetitions/NFL-Punt-Analytics-Competition 2019-01-09 23:59:00 Analytics $80,000 0 False \n", "mpetitions/nfl-playing-surface-analytics 2020-01-02 23:59:00 Analytics $75,000 0 False \n" ] } ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "!kaggle competitions list -s finance" ], "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/" }, "id": "OHlc1g9oe6Tl", "outputId": "e6dbd314-d7ae-463c-b3f2-291115852a92" }, "execution_count": 86, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "name": "stdout", "text": [ "ref deadline category reward teamCount userHasEntered \n", "---------------------------------------------------- ------------------- ---------- -------- --------- -------------- \n", "mpetitions/ubiquant-market-prediction 2022-07-18 23:59:00 Featured $100,000 2810 False \n", "mpetitions/jpx-tokyo-stock-exchange-prediction 2022-07-05 23:59:00 Featured $63,000 1009 False \n", "mpetitions/santander-value-prediction-challenge 2018-08-20 23:59:00 Featured $60,000 4463 False \n", "mpetitions/jane-street-market-prediction 2021-08-23 23:59:00 Featured $100,000 4245 False \n", "mpetitions/optiver-realized-volatility-prediction 2022-01-10 18:36:00 Featured $100,000 3852 False \n", "mpetitions/two-sigma-financial-modeling 2017-03-01 23:59:00 Featured $100,000 2063 False \n", "mpetitions/g-research-crypto-forecasting 2022-05-03 23:59:00 Featured $125,000 1946 False \n", "mpetitions/the-winton-stock-market-challenge 2016-01-26 23:59:00 Featured $50,000 829 False \n", "mpetitions/two-sigma-financial-news 2019-08-05 23:59:00 Featured $100,000 2927 False \n", "mpetitions/elo-merchant-category-recommendation 2019-02-26 23:59:00 Featured $50,000 4110 False \n", "mpetitions/santander-customer-satisfaction 2016-05-02 23:59:00 Featured $60,000 5115 False \n", "mpetitions/santander-customer-transaction-prediction 2019-04-10 23:59:00 Featured $65,000 8751 False \n", "mpetitions/home-credit-default-risk 2018-08-29 23:59:00 Featured $70,000 7176 False \n", "mpetitions/santander-product-recommendation 2016-12-21 23:59:00 Featured $60,000 1779 False \n", "mpetitions/bnp-paribas-cardif-claims-management 2016-04-18 23:59:00 Featured $30,000 2920 False \n", "mpetitions/sberbank-russian-housing-market 2017-06-29 23:59:00 Featured $25,000 3264 False \n", "mpetitions/tabular-playground-series-aug-2021 2021-08-31 23:59:00 Playground Swag 1753 False \n", "mpetitions/donorschoose-application-screening 2018-04-25 23:59:00 Playground Swag 580 False \n" ] } ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "!kaggle competitions list -s movies" ], "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/" }, "id": "0v-piZvTe6Mv", "outputId": "83eaad9a-79b2-407d-8b47-6d6d4a769e16" }, "execution_count": 91, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "name": "stdout", "text": [ "ref deadline category reward teamCount userHasEntered \n", "------------------------------------- ------------------- --------------- --------- --------- -------------- \n", "mpetitions/tmdb-box-office-prediction 2019-05-30 23:59:00 Playground Knowledge 1395 False \n", "mpetitions/santa-2021 2022-01-12 23:59:00 Featured $25,000 867 False \n", "mpetitions/word2vec-nlp-tutorial 2015-06-30 23:59:00 Getting Started Knowledge 577 False \n" ] } ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "!kaggle competitions list -s sports" ], "metadata": { "id": "GgZwyPZ-e6GH" }, "execution_count": null, "outputs": [] }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "!kaggle competitions list --category research" ], "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/" }, "id": "Ch8g_RIuQcaw", "outputId": "db967cfb-5c28-4d79-db62-1c9cb7533576" }, "execution_count": 85, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "name": "stdout", "text": [ "ref deadline category reward teamCount userHasEntered \n", "---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- -------- --------- --------- -------------- \n", "mpetitions/smartphone-decimeter-2022 2022-07-29 23:59:00 Research $10,000 129 False \n", "mpetitions/uw-madison-gi-tract-image-segmentation 2022-07-14 23:59:00 Research $25,000 523 False \n", "mpetitions/image-matching-challenge-2022 2022-06-02 23:59:00 Research $10,000 533 False \n", "mpetitions/herbarium-2022-fgvc9 2022-05-30 23:59:00 Research Knowledge 119 False \n", "mpetitions/iwildcam2022-fgvc9 2022-05-30 23:59:00 Research Knowledge 16 False \n", "mpetitions/sorghum-id-fgvc-9 2022-05-30 23:59:00 Research Knowledge 230 False \n", "mpetitions/hotel-id-to-combat-human-trafficking-2022-fgvc9 2022-05-30 23:59:00 Research Knowledge 73 False \n", "mpetitions/birdclef-2022 2022-05-24 23:59:00 Research $10,000 777 False \n", "mpetitions/geolifeclef-2022-lifeclef-2022-fgvc9 2022-05-24 23:59:00 Research Knowledge 48 False \n", "mpetitions/happy-whale-and-dolphin 2022-04-18 23:59:00 Research $25,000 1588 False \n", "mpetitions/tensorflow-great-barrier-reef 2022-02-14 23:59:00 Research $150,000 2025 False \n", "mpetitions/petfinder-pawpularity-score 2022-01-14 23:59:00 Research $25,000 3537 False \n", "mpetitions/chaii-hindi-and-tamil-question-answering 2021-11-15 23:59:00 Research $10,000 943 False \n", "mpetitions/ventilator-pressure-prediction 2021-11-03 23:59:00 Research $7,500 2605 False \n", "mpetitions/landmark-retrieval-2021 2021-10-01 23:59:00 Research Swag 263 False \n", "mpetitions/landmark-recognition-2021 2021-10-01 23:59:00 Research Swag 383 False \n", "mpetitions/g2net-gravitational-wave-detection 2021-09-29 23:59:00 Research $15,000 1219 False \n", "mpetitions/seti-breakthrough-listen 2021-08-18 23:59:00 Research $15,000 768 False \n", "mpetitions/google-smartphone-decimeter-challenge 2021-08-04 23:59:00 Research $10,000 810 False \n", "mpetitions/birdclef-2021 2021-06-01 23:59:00 Research $5,000 816 False \n" ] } ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "!kaggle competitions files march-madness-analytics-2020 " ], "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/" }, "id": "zfwO5V1vQcXs", "outputId": "11210b62-c833-4c51-80be-c8839396d0a6" }, 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"MDataFiles_Stage2/MSecondaryTourneyCompactResults.csv 54KB 2020-03-23 08:04:26 \n", "MDataFiles_Stage2/MTeamCoaches.csv 341KB 2020-03-23 08:04:26 \n", "MDataFiles_Stage2/Cities.csv 8KB 2020-03-23 08:04:26 \n", "MDataFiles_Stage2/MTeamSpellings.csv 22KB 2020-03-23 08:04:26 \n", "MDataFiles_Stage2/MTeamConferences.csv 195KB 2020-03-23 08:04:26 \n", "MDataFiles_Stage2/MRegularSeasonCompactResults.csv 5MB 2020-03-23 08:04:26 \n" ] } ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "!kaggle competitions leaderboard ubiquant-market-prediction -s" ], "metadata": { "id": "pcDktqaTQcVH", "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/" }, "outputId": "165fe853-627c-4527-fdd2-3bc22d173317" }, "execution_count": 103, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "name": "stdout", "text": [ " teamId teamName submissionDate score \n", "------- ---------------------------------------------- ------------------- ------- \n", "8091195 yrtchn 2022-04-16 12:48:19 0.1041 \n", "8178392 rinovan 2022-02-26 18:06:41 0.0988 \n", "8031391 BigQuant 2022-04-20 01:48:12 0.0970 \n", "8029675 nagao 2022-03-13 06:39:27 0.0969 \n", "8082407 Kensuke Yamamoto 2022-02-25 09:42:00 0.0949 \n", "8173626 Dereka 2022-02-17 02:15:24 0.0941 \n", "8021093 K I Y 2022-04-19 17:07:10 0.0918 \n", "8025225 Lorenzo 2022-02-22 12:48:57 0.0917 \n", "8027677 Hugh Pu 2022-04-17 15:24:00 0.0910 \n", "8075564 GFHS 2022-04-18 03:06:25 0.0905 \n", "8022337 BaoziQuant 2022-04-20 17:38:36 0.0903 \n", "8037700 Karthikeyan 2022-02-22 18:19:34 0.0894 \n", "8074681 Wenrui Kong 2022-04-20 02:17:15 0.0894 \n", "8204030 Ageonsen 2022-03-03 14:30:58 0.0886 \n", "8026444 LEM 2022-03-24 11:00:34 0.0870 \n", "8091565 ricopue 2022-04-12 13:41:53 0.0865 \n", "8113065 AdroitBot 2022-03-13 17:34:16 0.0864 \n", "8020994 simple feature LGBM 2022-02-17 15:57:18 0.0863 \n", "8049497 cmanning 2022-03-31 15:50:48 0.0862 \n", "8099626 Fmakarem 2022-04-18 18:19:23 0.0856 \n", "8029459 ttttt 2022-04-13 10:52:41 0.0855 \n", "8163567 Alexandre Rodrigues 2022-02-21 16:48:38 0.0847 \n", "8030431 Yang Ruijing 2022-02-22 13:15:34 0.0845 \n", "8450941 BibekBehera 2022-04-09 09:40:37 0.0844 \n", "8042497 Takafumi Takizawa 2022-02-23 08:07:49 0.0840 \n", "8123730 TZC 2022-04-18 20:13:37 0.0838 \n", "8028955 lhagiimn 2022-04-20 01:34:05 0.0837 \n", "8329254 Mehdi Karech 2022-03-19 12:57:41 0.0834 \n", "8065675 enp 2022-04-15 20:54:43 0.0833 \n", "8349797 Bon Intelli 2022-04-20 16:24:18 0.0831 \n", "8025614 hklee 2022-04-06 04:25:09 0.0830 \n", "8232024 Hiroki #2 2022-03-28 06:43:46 0.0830 \n", "8358642 Lucas Lingle 2022-04-08 09:55:35 0.0829 \n", "8171095 Davide Stenner 2022-04-17 21:49:21 0.0828 \n", "8080752 dgKim 2022-03-21 01:40:08 0.0828 \n", "8389183 ifuseok 2022-04-07 15:11:49 0.0826 \n", "8295859 cylykryatsl 2022-04-19 03:50:47 0.0826 \n", "8076436 Alex Emerick Jones 2022-04-19 17:35:20 0.0825 \n", "8031556 Xie Zejian 2022-01-22 16:55:33 0.0824 \n", "8032034 Alexandre Durand 2022-04-20 05:39:20 0.0823 \n", "8367334 Vladimir Artus 2022-04-11 11:38:23 0.0820 \n", "8309875 redEye 2022-03-25 19:32:01 0.0820 \n", "8126078 Random Walk 2022-04-20 10:47:18 0.0819 \n", "8256441 Sumit Kant 2022-03-18 13:59:03 0.0819 \n", "8042167 rotto 2022-01-26 16:19:05 0.0819 \n", "8073056 Jose Antonio Alatorre 2022-04-19 12:11:47 0.0817 \n", "8372881 WHK~ 2022-04-17 07:32:19 0.0815 \n", "8020962 Trojans 2022-04-20 18:43:20 0.0811 \n", "8065677 kaggleYaro 2022-04-18 00:03:36 0.0809 \n", "8059228 Fritz Cremer 2022-04-19 23:29:16 0.0809 \n", "8147969 Aleksey Eliseev 2022-02-13 18:55:53 0.0808 \n", "8062487 cymchen 2022-04-19 13:00:43 0.0808 \n", "8258359 tamirpuzanov 2022-03-24 09:28:42 0.0808 \n", "8032562 Oliver Wang 2022-01-24 11:19:04 0.0806 \n", "8040998 NocturneBflat 2022-03-25 00:43:30 0.0806 \n", "8025038 Antoniu Gugu 2022-04-07 07:35:53 0.0806 \n", "8053062 Martin Kovacevic Buvinic 2022-02-21 14:20:48 0.0805 \n", "8087134 Petr Dobeš 2022-02-02 19:48:09 0.0805 \n", "8146372 kagglembb 2022-02-16 15:49:11 0.0803 \n", "8189061 JohnBlake 2022-03-04 04:54:32 0.0801 \n", "8049232 ZizouHe 2022-03-02 13:30:48 0.0798 \n", "8252572 Devolnyx 2022-04-20 08:43:32 0.0797 \n", "8039580 Vakha Gaparkhoev 2022-02-12 22:13:47 0.0796 \n", "8023881 Forky 2022-04-11 08:52:48 0.0796 \n", "8398766 Didier Feng 2022-04-20 14:53:22 0.0796 \n", "8390705 cjamplunc 2022-04-10 12:23:26 0.0796 \n", "8065908 DaoSword 2022-04-18 06:16:34 0.0795 \n", "8176459 alchemist 2022-04-18 23:03:24 0.0794 \n", "8237436 Yoshiyanana 2022-03-21 14:00:03 0.0794 \n", "8024160 Lindada 2022-04-02 02:32:07 0.0793 \n", "8036683 ron 2022-04-17 03:50:39 0.0792 \n", "8026326 clavin harris 2022-04-12 14:48:42 0.0792 \n", "8231034 empKiros 2022-04-10 14:00:44 0.0792 \n", "8072415 MarcDumon 2022-04-18 19:39:55 0.0791 \n", "8052144 Anh Vu NGUYEN 2022-04-02 08:42:03 0.0790 \n", "8142035 mabnnnni 2022-02-25 05:45:07 0.0790 \n", "8160525 kaggle_rookies 2022-04-18 00:36:50 0.0788 \n", "8053652 Icaruscookie 2022-02-09 18:05:12 0.0787 \n", "8115229 yoctofoot 2022-04-15 11:37:44 0.0786 \n", "8446419 Grokli 2022-04-08 10:14:38 0.0786 \n", "8047490 super-trader-ai 2022-02-11 11:04:47 0.0786 \n", "8026364 FRESHMAN 2022-04-04 12:21:15 0.0785 \n", "8032996 Stavros Tsalides 2022-02-15 08:32:05 0.0784 \n", "8032104 a-brice 2022-02-14 22:46:13 0.0783 \n", "8082869 radrshp 2022-04-20 18:46:23 0.0783 \n", "8025601 Hamza 2022-04-07 08:48:46 0.0782 \n", "8199770 yushaoshao 2022-02-24 06:27:12 0.0782 \n", "8023662 Venturillo JE 2022-02-15 07:48:04 0.0782 \n", "8259047 Charles #2 2022-04-20 21:06:16 0.0781 \n", "8048759 Stochoshi 2022-04-19 20:11:48 0.0781 \n", "8258044 m2learning 2022-04-20 21:19:37 0.0781 \n", "8040543 VK 2022-01-24 07:59:12 0.0780 \n", "8030892 MiaoChenglin616 2022-01-23 11:10:21 0.0780 \n", "8030864 Uladzislau Sakalou 2022-01-25 08:20:42 0.0780 \n", "8092231 Mr. Li 2022-02-02 11:09:10 0.0780 \n", "8060385 JennnnnD 2022-02-27 05:02:28 0.0780 \n", "8091046 Chen Yongqiang 2022-02-07 03:13:33 0.0780 \n", "8092927 Shopee Hirata 2022-02-11 07:46:06 0.0780 \n", "8186419 Trust.W 2022-02-22 03:49:03 0.0780 \n", "8047845 Vuk119 2022-03-08 21:16:21 0.0780 \n", "8282950 Kirill Duvakin 2022-03-11 09:52:19 0.0780 \n", "8409752 pata123 2022-04-06 13:09:00 0.0780 \n", "8037464 SKRRRRA 2022-04-20 17:42:04 0.0780 \n", "8042899 Jerry LLC 2022-02-19 14:00:31 0.0780 \n", "8297909 Aditya Divekar 2022-03-15 04:29:56 0.0780 \n", "8026069 X.Zhang 2022-04-19 07:18:29 0.0780 \n", "8025019 Huang Huang 2022-03-13 01:22:48 0.0779 \n", "8253025 AFT-A group 2022-04-18 07:13:55 0.0779 \n", "8174637 kaggle doer 2022-04-17 18:54:27 0.0778 \n", "8426052 Lan YiU 2022-04-20 10:03:02 0.0777 \n", "8049508 +853 2022-04-20 23:05:31 0.0777 \n", "8313198 PandaQ 2022-04-18 23:42:36 0.0777 \n", "8368101 ginjiroo- 2022-03-27 14:17:41 0.0776 \n", "8045744 xiaobenla 2022-02-07 11:39:56 0.0776 \n", "8273430 hawk 2022-04-20 02:55:44 0.0775 \n", "8249706 abdellatif sassioui 2022-03-07 20:32:34 0.0775 \n", "8070918 Frank Fletcher 2022-02-18 00:39:10 0.0775 \n", "8084359 eridanfirst 2022-02-24 18:25:39 0.0774 \n", "8181914 neotta 2022-03-21 07:39:19 0.0774 \n", "8423760 Zeta1996 2022-04-11 07:03:22 0.0774 \n", "8423627 Vasileios Konstantakos 2022-04-18 02:29:32 0.0774 \n", "8025569 把杰泥牛逼打在公屏上 2022-04-18 22:56:00 0.0774 \n", "8090432 Hayley Williams 2022-04-16 00:08:23 0.0774 \n", "8021075 T.Force 2022-04-20 03:06:00 0.0774 \n", "8253188 Lohan 2022-04-19 15:41:06 0.0773 \n", "8420451 Zoran 2022-04-20 20:43:06 0.0772 \n", "8086120 Steve Roberts 2022-04-18 16:15:33 0.0772 \n", "8403737 wcysysu 2022-04-15 10:55:04 0.0771 \n", "8411035 Janos 2022-04-20 19:54:44 0.0770 \n", "8039514 Laura Fink 2022-04-15 04:27:44 0.0770 \n", "8033131 GC 2022-01-22 01:56:56 0.0770 \n", "8275583 Pythagoras 2022-03-12 19:50:33 0.0769 \n", "8163412 Dungeon 2022-04-18 12:53:16 0.0769 \n", "8032404 Peter KK 2022-04-16 21:03:26 0.0769 \n", "8197203 Michaël Leroy 2022-04-18 21:08:55 0.0768 \n", "8361674 Hartawan 2022-04-10 14:14:01 0.0768 \n", "8020911 Edward Crookenden 2022-01-20 11:54:59 0.0768 \n", "8061031 Мы из будущего 2022-03-08 00:54:18 0.0767 \n", "8039527 Anton Morenov 2022-04-20 11:27:01 0.0767 \n", "8034228 YiYangQiXi 2022-03-27 14:49:30 0.0766 \n", "8113673 Evgenia Volkova 2022-04-01 13:22:11 0.0766 \n", "8033300 VYSHAKH G NAIR 2022-02-02 17:25:49 0.0766 \n", "8071615 Alexander Popenov 2022-03-22 11:40:30 0.0766 \n", "8219529 wood hang 2022-03-08 09:30:30 0.0765 \n", "8031030 chumajin 2022-01-30 08:09:38 0.0765 \n", "8381410 kanopri 2022-04-16 10:33:38 0.0764 \n", "8025315 sfegeeg 2022-01-22 08:49:41 0.0764 \n", "8235137 Sean Shin 2022-04-20 00:02:20 0.0764 \n", "8150299 yanto 2022-02-13 08:13:05 0.0764 \n", "8040029 ByungSunBae 2022-04-18 10:12:32 0.0764 \n", "8346601 Chris Deotte 2022-04-17 05:05:50 0.0764 \n", "8037925 Akash 2022-03-04 15:28:20 0.0764 \n", "8079258 Benji 2022-04-20 05:45:50 0.0763 \n", "8062685 Eléonore 2022-02-24 12:10:26 0.0763 \n", "8065425 KAUSHEEKI 2022-03-07 14:50:57 0.0763 \n", "8024447 Carl McBride Ellis 2022-03-31 07:24:26 0.0763 \n", "8199603 Tarrasque9 2022-03-16 12:32:04 0.0763 \n", "8065999 Rigel 2022-03-20 07:52:12 0.0763 \n", "8170362 VegetableDog 2022-02-28 02:05:23 0.0763 \n", "8243499 Matthew Caron 2022-03-13 15:07:14 0.0763 \n", "8051048 DD 2022-03-14 13:51:41 0.0763 \n", "8038189 hn2 2022-04-16 08:29:57 0.0763 \n", "8121968 minghigh 2022-03-23 06:11:47 0.0762 \n", "8043618 Hugues 2022-04-20 11:49:58 0.0762 \n", "8025328 Vicens Gaitan 2022-02-21 17:23:39 0.0762 \n", "8051611 kyuwoneom 2022-02-27 14:42:15 0.0762 \n", "8091081 薛定谔的狗 2022-04-17 08:15:53 0.0762 \n", "8067801 Deepmind 2022-04-11 01:50:35 0.0761 \n", "8066233 braveplatypus 2022-02-04 07:51:18 0.0761 \n", "8034231 C4rl05/V 2022-01-29 23:14:14 0.0761 \n", "8034119 AntiSquid 2022-01-21 15:13:01 0.0761 \n", "8020836 edwintyh 2022-01-23 03:47:18 0.0761 \n", "8050984 Isoe38 2022-02-18 01:30:39 0.0761 \n", "8264863 YearDream 2022-04-13 13:48:13 0.0761 \n", "8351519 Gangesh Vaniyamkandi 2022-04-20 18:02:59 0.0760 \n", "8330014 yuu0412 2022-04-09 02:24:53 0.0760 \n", "8060944 William Hau 2022-04-14 06:27:17 0.0760 \n", "8026748 fsd0722 2022-01-25 07:16:26 0.0760 \n", "8032909 P.Zhao 2022-03-03 17:31:37 0.0760 \n", "8026038 takaito 2022-04-18 14:11:57 0.0759 \n", "8028025 zhuoyin94 2022-01-24 18:10:09 0.0759 \n", "8331194 Nathaniel Maddux 2022-04-20 19:55:48 0.0759 \n", "8430696 Kazuya Yagihashi 2022-04-17 12:34:33 0.0759 \n", "8373472 Ernest Beardly Pani 2022-04-11 15:20:00 0.0759 \n", "8024893 Hiroshi Sakiyama 2022-03-30 14:37:25 0.0759 \n", "8117216 MT 2022-04-13 20:02:44 0.0758 \n", "8037661 ÇiğdemRenkli 2022-02-08 17:46:45 0.0758 \n", "8166134 Camala 2022-04-18 23:47:12 0.0758 \n", "8170242 Kunafa 2022-04-08 13:58:31 0.0757 \n", "8041649 hharrati 2022-03-14 21:22:06 0.0757 \n", "8195861 brilliw 2022-04-20 13:48:44 0.0757 \n", "8042911 Lea 2022-01-30 15:17:20 0.0757 \n", "8348752 Wenhui2021 2022-03-24 03:09:10 0.0757 \n", "8138638 kobayashi tokimitsu 2022-03-16 03:36:29 0.0756 \n", "8278225 good good study 2022-03-10 13:17:11 0.0756 \n", "8295291 Manuel Campos 2022-04-16 12:49:33 0.0756 \n", "8200820 Hayden C 2022-03-21 03:55:14 0.0756 \n", "8075498 shyjin 2022-04-20 13:46:48 0.0756 \n", "8042049 Jonver Oro 2022-04-18 10:25:57 0.0756 \n", "8031144 Mitsuru Fujiwara 2022-02-03 07:16:49 0.0756 \n", "8275293 C L Davies 2022-03-28 14:21:43 0.0756 \n", "8121111 ChunHsuanLo 2022-02-17 06:55:36 0.0755 \n", "8371788 tanuki #2 2022-03-27 15:58:21 0.0755 \n", "8078481 nishimoto 2022-03-26 17:09:35 0.0755 \n", "8068003 oldwain 2022-03-15 00:58:49 0.0754 \n", "8126987 chuanqifu 2022-04-05 18:24:20 0.0754 \n", "8160152 装逼狗做爱必得梅毒 2022-02-16 02:51:29 0.0754 \n", "8076012 Muj!rush! 2022-04-20 16:34:36 0.0754 \n", "8044152 Eugene Khvedchenya 2022-02-19 13:53:56 0.0754 \n", "8038432 George Kanellos 2022-01-22 07:09:31 0.0754 \n", "8354250 zjugogogo 2022-04-08 09:05:55 0.0754 \n", "8023480 tea໒꒱ 2022-01-21 15:22:30 0.0754 \n", "8184221 Fred Blair 2022-04-17 01:21:52 0.0754 \n", "8045388 zhenyud01 2022-01-26 07:10:06 0.0754 \n", "8046586 kartal 2022-03-18 07:51:32 0.0754 \n", "8151651 Bassil Bassiouny 2022-04-07 17:03:30 0.0754 \n", "8298072 Sarwar Alam 2022-04-19 23:23:20 0.0754 \n", "8085068 liyang.chen 2022-04-20 15:25:23 0.0753 \n", "8055938 Xuehao Pan 2022-01-27 05:47:29 0.0753 \n", "8025410 Sagarika Jadon 2022-03-02 12:03:28 0.0753 \n", "8082899 Gustar8 2022-02-16 22:45:20 0.0753 \n", "8288099 CharlieSCC 2022-04-17 09:49:34 0.0753 \n", "8246068 Niek van der Zwaag 2022-04-19 17:50:35 0.0753 \n", "8024180 Kyle Peters 2022-04-09 02:53:18 0.0753 \n", "8374678 Sergey Naumov 2022-04-15 19:46:49 0.0753 \n", "8140257 9hz 2022-04-01 09:54:02 0.0753 \n", "8152766 hfsong 2022-02-21 02:55:25 0.0752 \n", "8037741 TheNotoriousPhD 2022-03-11 11:30:15 0.0752 \n", "8076002 AleksFu 2022-04-17 16:25:17 0.0752 \n", "8040775 LI JIA 2022-01-30 14:12:42 0.0752 \n", "8075471 RL > IRL 2022-03-13 15:45:38 0.0752 \n", "8168749 water_R&D 2022-04-20 23:00:53 0.0752 \n", "8025462 Santiago Mota 2022-04-18 22:22:13 0.0751 \n", "8145366 Akshay r 2022-04-20 14:50:47 0.0751 \n", "8034849 csu 2022-04-20 14:12:35 0.0751 \n", "8183427 ПавелКаменев 2022-04-15 08:17:12 0.0751 \n", "8314033 Masashi Takanobu 2022-04-20 20:51:06 0.0751 \n", "8037300 davide 2022-04-20 18:11:03 0.0751 \n", "8076745 AuFish 2022-04-13 01:59:05 0.0751 \n", "8239187 YAHYA 2022-03-05 22:36:59 0.0751 \n", "8140711 Jun Pan 2022-04-20 12:55:23 0.0750 \n", "8330125 FrankzzzzzZ 2022-04-20 13:11:54 0.0750 \n", "8219044 MELNIKOFF_OLEG 2022-04-19 12:37:38 0.0750 \n", "8026265 阳光号 2022-01-26 06:48:39 0.0750 \n", "8025771 ZP Zhou 2022-02-19 10:52:16 0.0750 \n", "8069310 ben dover 2022-04-20 20:57:10 0.0749 \n", "8026522 LoneRanger2021 2022-03-13 11:35:51 0.0749 \n", "8427994 alijs 2022-04-18 11:44:16 0.0749 \n", "8313193 wjlu 2022-03-15 20:20:07 0.0749 \n", "8029060 zongxing 2022-03-22 00:59:25 0.0749 \n", "8142870 AndrewCurran 2022-04-18 07:40:48 0.0749 \n", "8028436 Evdilos_Ikaria 2022-03-23 11:04:46 0.0749 \n", "8041927 QuantBay 2022-03-26 11:51:47 0.0749 \n", "8361979 Aysha Jamali 2022-04-01 12:31:43 0.0749 \n", "8150495 ROOKIE 2022-03-17 03:28:58 0.0748 \n", "8030199 bingo 2022-02-17 03:31:36 0.0748 \n", "8158034 tc0000 2022-03-21 08:15:25 0.0748 \n", "8345948 Alexander Benton 2022-04-20 14:15:00 0.0748 \n", "8174655 Harshita Choudhary 12 2022-04-14 09:26:32 0.0748 \n", "8058594 Arthur Mulikhov 2022-04-17 20:44:44 0.0748 \n", "8095346 Douglas Marques 2022-04-16 13:59:02 0.0747 \n", "8043960 team fin 2022-02-02 23:03:43 0.0747 \n", "8160946 K1y0sh1 2022-04-16 18:50:50 0.0747 \n", "8086728 Igor Popovic 2022-04-17 13:34:57 0.0747 \n", "8150918 w842442862 2022-04-18 10:13:07 0.0747 \n", "8024157 mahdi 2022-02-11 13:47:12 0.0747 \n", "8025085 Ryoichiro Yamawaki 2022-03-22 21:01:01 0.0746 \n", "8071087 Li Yichen 2022-02-19 13:36:38 0.0746 \n", "8456455 Tianfan Xu 2022-04-17 13:35:08 0.0746 \n", "8260081 AFT-B group 2022-04-20 08:31:59 0.0746 \n", "8028952 MathGhost 2022-04-18 14:28:38 0.0745 \n", "8200874 zsp1197 zsp 2022-03-14 01:46:45 0.0745 \n", "8040851 Graeme Macdonald 2022-04-20 05:45:28 0.0745 \n", "8030463 Kyle Merrick 2022-02-18 05:41:14 0.0745 \n", "8373428 Godowsky 2022-03-30 15:44:41 0.0745 \n", "8025234 Katrinayjj 2022-01-19 13:21:24 0.0745 \n", "8140472 GhostX 2022-02-17 09:59:22 0.0745 \n", "8191721 Roman Dušek 2022-04-18 18:14:49 0.0745 \n", "8028059 Hanif Ansari 2022-02-25 20:17:30 0.0744 \n", "8035406 Patrik Vesely 2022-01-21 13:30:01 0.0744 \n", "8030058 ShanKag 2022-02-24 05:23:58 0.0744 \n", "8140967 d.sama.tr 2022-02-15 11:32:06 0.0744 \n", "8160125 MENG LU 2022-03-01 03:21:32 0.0744 \n", "8098028 Szilárd Iván 2022-04-11 12:32:14 0.0744 \n", "8084454 Kiosk-e 2022-02-13 05:58:59 0.0743 \n", "8136612 Kentaro 2022-02-13 14:39:35 0.0743 \n", "8170778 DAICONG 2022-02-16 14:58:45 0.0743 \n", "8034300 giggle 2022-02-20 09:13:56 0.0743 \n", "8171416 Kohei Shida 2022-03-16 15:08:01 0.0743 \n", "8171304 Sorasak Phuangphairoj 2022-03-19 06:51:02 0.0743 \n", "8028599 Bo Peng 2022-04-18 19:38:36 0.0743 \n", "8163123 heihei 2022-03-03 13:59:31 0.0743 \n", "8129480 genesogenesis 2022-03-20 17:55:01 0.0743 \n", "8029519 ee_mc 2022-01-22 04:10:33 0.0743 \n", "8023623 HNing 2022-04-20 20:53:49 0.0743 \n", "8021051 yukim 2022-01-23 09:58:37 0.0743 \n", "8084270 Peng Sun 2022-04-15 11:57:53 0.0743 \n", "8050956 iiglace 2022-01-24 12:09:20 0.0743 \n", "8032346 Russell1990 2022-03-06 09:25:10 0.0743 \n", "8055848 Anabasis 2022-04-19 21:45:06 0.0742 \n", "8051560 TuozhenLiu 2022-03-17 10:01:37 0.0742 \n", "8020961 outliers 2022-01-22 01:30:52 0.0742 \n", "8376918 Alexander Mogilnikov 2022-04-10 08:32:10 0.0742 \n", "8396946 anatoly 2022-04-14 19:56:08 0.0742 \n", "8023905 Gunes Evitan 2022-02-23 11:25:58 0.0742 \n", "8237461 THURisotto 2022-03-09 02:23:19 0.0742 \n", "8058931 cy4ego 2022-03-27 03:46:36 0.0742 \n", "8232065 VVHwang 2022-03-10 13:35:08 0.0741 \n", "8021147 Jacoby Jaeger 2022-04-18 06:26:54 0.0741 \n", "8378437 THUSAI 2022-03-28 14:48:26 0.0741 \n", "8267897 yanda-t 2022-03-19 08:13:50 0.0741 \n", "8049557 La+ Darknesss 2022-04-19 12:00:25 0.0741 \n", "8035607 AlexMahone 2022-02-10 14:06:50 0.0741 \n", "8081473 Hiroyuki 2022-03-19 12:01:35 0.0740 \n", "8030646 不要怕,是技术性调整 2022-02-18 04:41:48 0.0740 \n", "8026400 MGLSY 2022-04-18 10:11:14 0.0740 \n", "8034158 Hong Nguyen 2022-01-25 05:57:44 0.0740 \n", "8299233 növle 2022-03-16 11:13:04 0.0740 \n", "8198090 JunYong Tong 2022-03-13 02:30:44 0.0740 \n", "8139169 Robbio 2022-03-24 08:14:51 0.0740 \n", "8028988 Raita 2022-02-03 18:38:53 0.0740 \n", "8340498 zslmettmy 2022-04-05 00:04:48 0.0740 \n", "8090360 jiebao1964 2022-02-22 21:02:43 0.0740 \n", "8037943 ThomasXThomas 2022-02-10 13:39:24 0.0740 \n", "8201014 DSI-FCANS 2022-03-03 14:08:02 0.0739 \n", "8084414 BpA 2022-04-10 11:29:17 0.0739 \n", "8426577 easyscience 2022-04-18 06:41:08 0.0739 \n", "8040685 James 2022-01-25 14:10:10 0.0739 \n", "8045761 Seymour 2022-03-22 15:04:09 0.0739 \n", "8064171 Evan Goodrich 2022-03-21 13:53:14 0.0739 \n", "8026122 kevincheng 2022-02-05 08:09:06 0.0739 \n", "8064801 Sunny 2022-02-08 05:55:23 0.0739 \n", "8358539 Leandro Bergamo 2022-04-18 18:16:41 0.0739 \n", "8042169 Kanna Hashimoto 2022-04-18 10:20:02 0.0739 \n", "8078537 Jake 2022-02-15 15:59:29 0.0739 \n", "8146128 fujiya 2022-03-18 13:21:15 0.0738 \n", "8031155 TBHonest 2022-02-25 04:27:09 0.0738 \n", "8022409 Ding Li 2022-03-06 14:30:26 0.0738 \n", "8025365 Daisuke Sakaguchi 2022-04-02 11:43:09 0.0738 \n", "8054586 omarsamir 2022-03-22 01:10:15 0.0738 \n", "8037811 DBK 2022-03-18 16:26:57 0.0738 \n", "8458479 Ivan Panshin 2022-04-18 18:26:27 0.0738 \n", "8134842 realcy 2022-04-19 14:52:48 0.0738 \n", "8126086 Hannes Marcher 2022-03-12 11:00:53 0.0738 \n", "8025586 Javier Ruiz 2022-01-20 05:15:52 0.0738 \n", "8056920 nguyenosaurus 2022-01-28 04:03:29 0.0738 \n", "8246424 HelloZQ 2022-04-18 02:35:38 0.0738 \n", "8034870 qyxs 2022-02-23 08:50:28 0.0737 \n", "8340874 YN_forever_newbie 2022-03-21 14:07:11 0.0737 \n", "8276224 Bill Qi 2022-03-17 15:58:19 0.0737 \n", "8086776 José M 2022-02-07 20:14:22 0.0737 \n", "8157381 Satoshi1126 2022-02-22 15:44:02 0.0737 \n", "8146873 (ง •̀_•́)ง 2022-04-18 07:29:31 0.0737 \n", "8426545 sekenn 2022-04-17 10:14:53 0.0737 \n", "8026489 ezvhaun 2022-04-17 05:44:12 0.0737 \n", "8080728 Faust 2022-04-20 22:32:31 0.0737 \n", "8292273 Shivam Kaushik 2022-04-13 19:14:52 0.0737 \n", "8023583 Little Boat 2022-01-29 20:11:25 0.0737 \n", "8038462 LASSONO 2022-04-20 20:15:13 0.0737 \n", "8046808 shashaka 2022-02-11 09:21:04 0.0737 \n", "8334892 saotome 2022-03-19 16:34:21 0.0737 \n", "8277040 Zhou Hong 2022-03-13 15:48:35 0.0737 \n", "8181747 Irence 06 2022-03-21 08:36:51 0.0737 \n", "8030721 Neeraj Anand 2022-03-07 09:00:49 0.0736 \n", "8036344 Lucas Chacha 2022-04-19 17:22:35 0.0736 \n", "8023733 Alfred2022 2022-01-23 08:41:42 0.0736 \n", "8043215 Hoda 2022-01-23 10:45:27 0.0736 \n", "8037111 Mengkai Lei 2022-01-23 03:13:57 0.0736 \n", "8044000 tatsutaka 2022-01-23 05:27:01 0.0736 \n", "8043221 Yi.S386 2022-01-23 09:32:04 0.0736 \n", "8047801 yifanwz 2022-01-23 14:50:11 0.0736 \n", "8048056 laxman kusuma 2022-01-23 16:17:01 0.0736 \n", "8022252 FrankQDU 2022-01-23 16:41:19 0.0736 \n", "8032118 Azakk 2022-01-23 17:07:54 0.0736 \n", "8048491 Akshat Mandloi 2022-01-23 18:11:51 0.0736 \n", "8032524 Nuno Ferreira 2022-01-23 20:06:30 0.0736 \n", "8040485 Yu Fang 2022-01-26 23:38:15 0.0736 \n", "8023427 catasaurus 2022-01-23 23:39:04 0.0736 \n", "8041553 hercules 2022-01-24 17:53:15 0.0736 \n", "8038364 MSghais 2022-01-25 22:42:47 0.0736 \n", "8047357 hanson5 2022-02-02 00:11:05 0.0736 \n", "8076017 Hassan Abedi 2022-02-17 17:55:35 0.0736 \n", "8058710 Arsalan 2022-03-08 16:47:39 0.0736 \n", "8301355 Protoss 2022-03-13 22:15:44 0.0736 \n", "8047779 Alexander #2 2022-03-13 23:13:22 0.0736 \n", "8317071 Lainey 2022-03-30 04:42:46 0.0736 \n", "8397441 Orosz Bence 2022-04-07 14:31:34 0.0736 \n", "8332403 Ducky 2022-04-20 14:02:44 0.0736 \n", "8062771 Tahnik 2022-02-04 13:33:17 0.0736 \n", "8046025 Dam's Children 2022-02-17 11:45:07 0.0736 \n", "8033041 Kaiyuan Vincent Wu 2022-03-14 20:45:34 0.0736 \n", "8106281 kotatsu 2022-04-18 13:02:30 0.0736 \n", "8030357 WuHuDaSiMa 2022-04-18 08:58:04 0.0736 \n", "8225925 Vivian Ho 2022-03-08 02:17:07 0.0736 \n", "8023526 0ct0pus 2022-04-20 10:59:27 0.0736 \n", "8378421 JSLim7 2022-03-28 02:25:38 0.0736 \n", "8112067 Madao 2022-04-20 16:31:05 0.0736 \n", "8213885 mmmc 2022-04-02 02:40:48 0.0736 \n", "8453465 mlinke 2022-04-20 19:49:07 0.0736 \n", "8440561 LiA14 2022-04-12 16:22:34 0.0736 \n", "8098835 Tim Connor 2022-03-30 23:38:40 0.0736 \n", "8026264 WindClimber 2022-04-20 03:07:16 0.0736 \n", "8028761 LI Zi 2022-02-02 01:52:20 0.0736 \n", "8117359 yoake_dawn 2022-03-30 10:54:36 0.0735 \n", "8049276 Yeon-woo Shin 2022-02-08 02:03:12 0.0735 \n", "8252941 Gloomy 2022-04-12 13:47:19 0.0735 \n", "8154331 SeungWon Kim 2022-04-18 02:27:24 0.0735 \n", "8382760 AI6102 2022-04-20 17:38:39 0.0735 \n", "8031773 Quant奶爸 2022-04-15 11:46:59 0.0735 \n", "8026536 grrar11 2022-01-24 13:16:40 0.0735 \n", "8295128 JM #2 2022-03-16 08:57:28 0.0735 \n", "8416786 antimaterial 2022-04-20 22:56:17 0.0735 \n", "8455982 lihua 2022-04-17 07:10:11 0.0735 \n", "8056209 ChillUp 2022-04-18 05:24:32 0.0735 \n", "8330631 x5or6 2022-03-19 03:55:28 0.0735 \n", "8052484 yueshu 2022-02-10 09:32:27 0.0735 \n", "8093539 直子怎么这么可爱 2022-04-18 17:50:53 0.0735 \n", "8285144 pover Lu 2022-04-18 15:14:27 0.0735 \n", "8075872 Helgi 2022-04-20 12:34:34 0.0734 \n", "8068938 Ilya Novoselskiy 2022-02-08 09:43:01 0.0734 \n", "8028878 David CHEN 2022-01-24 14:48:40 0.0734 \n", "8375286 Algotime 2022-04-10 15:59:39 0.0734 \n", "8029057 ya9do 2022-01-20 09:05:05 0.0734 \n", "8096315 Shung-ich Takahashi 2022-02-10 00:37:05 0.0734 \n", "8067915 Anas Aljanaby 2022-03-04 15:49:35 0.0734 \n", "8023941 karan kumar 2022-01-19 08:23:32 0.0734 \n", "8029138 JOJO 2022-02-11 06:04:29 0.0733 \n", "8380637 Copium 2022-04-19 09:39:39 0.0733 \n", "8336798 yahagi 2022-03-20 08:04:07 0.0733 \n", "8364900 Tomithy Too 2022-03-25 04:28:49 0.0733 \n", "8229339 Samuel Kim 2022-02-28 02:46:12 0.0733 \n", "8118641 jojo 2022-03-08 10:27:04 0.0733 \n", "8133863 ZYiying 2022-03-01 07:10:58 0.0733 \n", "8234886 kuniotoku 2022-03-01 16:14:12 0.0733 \n", "8105120 Shokh Abdurakhmanov 2022-03-01 16:46:17 0.0733 \n", "8178068 Mario Jacas Alfonso 2022-03-01 17:33:46 0.0733 \n", "8240414 Mucha Bean 2022-03-15 01:43:37 0.0733 \n", "8054742 tomato 2022-03-04 13:50:56 0.0733 \n", "8033838 flashthunder 2022-04-17 14:59:17 0.0733 \n", "8151932 Maxwells 2022-03-19 14:23:25 0.0733 \n", "8089824 elconejo 2022-04-17 21:40:34 0.0733 \n", "8030456 Kayan Irani 2022-03-07 15:08:31 0.0733 \n", "8266798 Chris Chia 2022-04-16 18:58:27 0.0733 \n", "8269911 Chanran Kim 2022-04-17 23:39:11 0.0733 \n", "8225362 cheih wong 2022-03-08 10:26:39 0.0733 \n", "8242916 Akuppps 2022-03-21 01:16:17 0.0733 \n", "8082204 NilotpalKumarNK 2022-03-10 05:50:17 0.0733 \n", "8277630 Grigory Kulagin 2022-03-09 14:05:13 0.0733 \n", "8279054 hao123kuo 2022-03-09 15:29:00 0.0733 \n", "8074004 yuttok 2022-03-10 06:09:15 0.0733 \n", "8032558 tw_Lee95 2022-03-10 13:37:41 0.0733 \n", "8284488 amulil 2022-03-10 14:01:36 0.0733 \n", "8294047 Wataru Kohno 2022-03-12 06:02:25 0.0733 \n", "8055208 Michael Kingston 2022-03-12 10:43:25 0.0733 \n", "8052406 QPM 2022-03-13 00:32:03 0.0733 \n", "8035531 alcho 2022-03-15 15:13:10 0.0733 \n", "8026045 嘴爷 2022-03-16 13:27:02 0.0733 \n", "8315558 Cryticoanalyst 2022-03-22 15:26:45 0.0733 \n", "8317614 Cesc 2022-03-17 13:19:50 0.0733 \n", "8048982 Saúl José Oviedo León 2022-03-18 02:05:16 0.0733 \n", "8225219 pandaforest 2022-04-19 20:02:21 0.0733 \n", "8063817 ifashion 2022-04-11 01:15:20 0.0733 \n", "8199291 Jakaroo666 2022-03-18 23:07:53 0.0733 \n", "8040152 Takashi 2022-03-20 14:15:40 0.0733 \n", "8021111 kura19 2022-03-21 07:28:58 0.0733 \n", "8141716 Ivan Veprentsev 2022-03-23 18:05:36 0.0733 \n", "8109362 ERROR NULL 2022-03-24 11:53:52 0.0733 \n", "8345981 Paweł Czekała 2022-03-25 23:01:15 0.0733 \n", "8031960 increase 2022-03-30 02:20:00 0.0733 \n", "8392343 น้องแดง 2022-04-01 03:10:13 0.0733 \n", "8146689 Simone 2022-04-01 19:19:18 0.0733 \n", "8039652 Yuki Sahashi 2022-04-02 00:10:35 0.0733 \n", "8410171 rtake 2022-04-02 11:02:00 0.0733 \n", "8119104 Yuta Nakagawa 2022-04-03 07:56:08 0.0733 \n", "8336484 hezirong 2022-04-04 07:33:44 0.0733 \n", "8419797 Giang Đỗ 2022-04-04 14:36:13 0.0733 \n", "8046683 JamesGoGo 2022-04-05 10:24:51 0.0733 \n", "8389074 Ikhlas Ahmad 2022-04-06 09:20:10 0.0733 \n", "8264777 Xu Jian 2022-04-13 14:31:18 0.0733 \n", "8207343 Bonjour! 2022-04-07 09:37:48 0.0733 \n", "8427223 SURE 2022-04-07 16:32:56 0.0733 \n", "8451152 mike #2 2022-04-09 07:35:02 0.0733 \n", "8441089 Tundra Lee 2022-04-09 12:56:19 0.0733 \n", "8287064 Mr Nik 2022-04-09 23:44:44 0.0733 \n", "8457095 ta2red 2022-04-10 13:59:37 0.0733 \n", "8416817 Jimmy Huang 2022-04-11 01:17:26 0.0733 \n", "8262760 Yuan Zhixiang 2022-04-18 03:26:51 0.0733 \n", "8336999 TyrionLannisterlzy 2022-04-18 15:19:46 0.0733 \n", "8464677 phycoder 2022-04-13 05:53:41 0.0733 \n", "8121824 jiahauC 2022-04-13 07:20:56 0.0733 \n", "8084322 NeuroNaut 2022-04-13 11:22:02 0.0733 \n", "8350616 Alpha hunter 2022-04-16 12:05:30 0.0733 \n", "8157383 Phoebe Gao 2022-04-14 07:35:44 0.0733 \n", "8055212 Pattarapon Kummoon 2022-04-15 04:52:18 0.0733 \n", "8456099 Richard726 2022-04-16 00:18:22 0.0733 \n", "8124802 3sigma #2 2022-04-18 03:40:22 0.0733 \n", "8060030 santu 2022-04-20 13:28:00 0.0733 \n", "8105900 NUTDANAI KITPHERMJAROEN 2022-04-19 06:46:31 0.0733 \n", "8163132 Pratik Poudel 2022-03-31 09:00:42 0.0733 \n", "8026957 Kakeru 2022-02-18 12:19:24 0.0733 \n", "8095435 w83220719 2022-02-07 06:38:45 0.0733 \n", "8416199 CRISTIAN CARTAGENA MATOS 2022-04-19 19:47:38 0.0733 \n", "8439347 Kz 2022-04-18 10:42:22 0.0733 \n", "8034936 Anirudh 2022-01-24 08:07:17 0.0733 \n", "8025153 ImGe 2022-04-19 08:51:16 0.0733 \n", "8025069 mipypf 2022-04-14 22:08:35 0.0732 \n", "8034860 twhsu 2022-04-20 03:30:10 0.0732 \n", "8023848 玄学比赛狗都不打 2022-02-25 03:52:00 0.0732 \n", "8051141 zhibeiyou 2022-02-16 13:57:48 0.0732 \n", "8024573 Paul and Yurain 2022-04-12 15:45:33 0.0732 \n", "8025525 sunyuri 2022-04-07 12:31:21 0.0732 \n", "8259878 paradesi 2022-03-21 05:00:45 0.0732 \n", "8038058 Vikas Kumar 2022-02-17 19:32:44 0.0732 \n", "8078965 TheoBB 2022-03-18 23:44:47 0.0732 \n", "8029335 Phoenix Maze 2022-01-20 06:11:31 0.0732 \n", "8027399 WeQuant 2022-04-15 08:24:06 0.0732 \n", "8266096 RiI 2022-04-12 05:07:49 0.0732 \n", "8426795 Daichi Yamazaki 2022-04-15 09:33:19 0.0732 \n", "8031797 BobM 2022-04-19 12:31:09 0.0732 \n", "8332996 Vibhatsu 2022-04-19 16:05:16 0.0732 \n", "8177360 fff 2022-04-16 18:18:02 0.0731 \n", "8332891 billdog 2022-04-07 15:15:04 0.0731 \n", "8251246 Son Sewon 2022-03-28 15:59:14 0.0731 \n", "8041603 subhamagrawal 2022-02-03 10:21:01 0.0731 \n", "8025190 Team with the Longest Name 2022-02-03 13:05:43 0.0731 \n", "8045655 ... 2022-02-16 05:02:44 0.0731 \n", "8048524 Church of Christ 2022-02-03 23:17:06 0.0731 \n", "8038097 Alex Zdorovets 2022-02-06 19:21:11 0.0731 \n", "8056033 overthink 2022-02-07 06:29:59 0.0731 \n", "8034409 xiaoyi 2022-02-09 08:45:00 0.0731 \n", "8045968 Pleasedontlaugh 2022-02-16 11:55:37 0.0731 \n", "8157197 alphaquanter 2022-02-14 15:51:06 0.0731 \n", "8040714 CUDA out of memory 2022-02-17 12:25:21 0.0731 \n", "8169071 GabrielTangzy 2022-02-20 12:41:47 0.0731 \n", "8186043 Statistics_Liu 2022-02-23 09:07:17 0.0731 \n", "8032801 Old Monk 2022-02-03 05:43:30 0.0731 \n", "8087784 Derrick Mwiti 2022-02-03 08:26:18 0.0731 \n", "8038159 KochyanLV 2022-02-03 21:54:42 0.0731 \n", "8037713 Scr0ll0 2022-02-03 22:17:29 0.0731 \n", "8101780 dijinli 2022-02-04 09:24:30 0.0731 \n", "8051685 tamaryo 2022-02-04 12:06:39 0.0731 \n", "8062719 Fernando Danilo de Melo 2022-02-04 13:39:06 0.0731 \n", "8053506 alihahaha 2022-02-04 13:40:54 0.0731 \n", "8056404 菜鸡要学习 2022-02-05 06:10:00 0.0731 \n", "8024953 AYAHM BARISH 2022-02-05 06:11:13 0.0731 \n", "8060174 Hiroshi_110 2022-02-05 12:57:56 0.0731 \n", "8025979 Gopal Kalpande 2022-02-05 15:07:01 0.0731 \n", "8069303 none 2022-02-05 19:29:27 0.0731 \n", "8047754 Andrej Marinchenko 2022-02-21 20:19:29 0.0731 \n", "8032265 I Made Dwijaya Maleh 2022-02-06 04:10:34 0.0731 \n", "8110071 mobai 2022-02-06 11:41:52 0.0731 \n", "8110839 mirosia koval 2022-02-06 15:28:44 0.0731 \n", "8078166 McWin 2022-02-12 10:15:02 0.0731 \n", "8111352 Kripa N 2022-02-06 18:11:50 0.0731 \n", "8076531 Endre Moen 2022-02-06 22:16:06 0.0731 \n", "8042639 MLQTNG 2022-02-07 00:35:26 0.0731 \n", "8113574 Binh Nguyen 2022-02-07 07:21:22 0.0731 \n", "8052487 DFCED6 2022-02-07 08:26:20 0.0731 \n", "8114396 Blooou 2022-02-07 12:34:31 0.0731 \n", "8039101 PeterSorensen 2022-02-07 14:09:13 0.0731 \n", "8116614 Peng Wang 2022-02-07 22:12:48 0.0731 \n", "8024043 HOHOYAO 2022-02-08 03:47:12 0.0731 \n", "8106808 nakamoto 2022-02-08 04:51:52 0.0731 \n", "8099631 FonLor 2022-02-10 07:25:38 0.0731 \n", "8021129 大顺 2022-02-09 09:24:52 0.0731 \n", "8046517 jianhan 2022-03-15 18:38:14 0.0731 \n", "8026772 Sijie Zheng 2022-02-09 18:13:05 0.0731 \n", "8036455 domino 2022-02-10 02:20:49 0.0731 \n", "8031774 Tuan Dinh 2022-02-24 09:47:41 0.0731 \n", "8132988 cyberia 2022-02-10 08:08:04 0.0731 \n", "8047717 Hirotaka Nogami 2022-02-10 11:55:27 0.0731 \n", "8058243 Chia-Ta Tsai 2022-03-06 14:37:58 0.0731 \n", "8136893 ericdoug_qi 2022-02-10 17:29:37 0.0731 \n", "8131004 e-toppo 2022-02-11 01:11:23 0.0731 \n", "8098631 weibo 2022-02-11 08:56:40 0.0731 \n", "8142270 mi-man 2022-02-11 23:53:06 0.0731 \n", "8144938 ONIONCORE 2022-02-12 13:02:41 0.0731 \n", "8055829 joy wang 2022-02-13 08:32:50 0.0731 \n", "8049707 theta 2022-02-13 12:02:56 0.0731 \n", "8140261 Yingning Ma 2022-02-23 23:39:53 0.0731 \n", "8067649 NonoFish 2022-02-16 06:05:18 0.0731 \n", "8174836 Muzaffar Soliyev 2022-02-17 09:39:32 0.0731 \n", "8180197 hung Liu 2022-03-16 03:01:48 0.0731 \n", "8033615 outwrest 2022-02-21 00:14:11 0.0731 \n", "8029549 CSBOYS 2022-02-21 12:33:38 0.0731 \n", "8026296 horohoro 2022-03-01 06:46:38 0.0731 \n", "8249087 Long Cheng 2022-03-03 16:25:23 0.0731 \n", "8294391 kevin 2022-03-12 08:13:08 0.0731 \n", "8028976 zylongway2go 2022-03-19 15:48:58 0.0731 \n", "8404501 fubaojuju 2022-04-18 12:38:56 0.0731 \n", "8050833 uioiuioi 2022-04-18 16:27:41 0.0731 \n", "8022260 Ravi Shah 2022-04-20 16:01:41 0.0731 \n", "8086454 Old Nation 2022-02-19 16:13:47 0.0731 \n", "8032406 Rajaah Djey 2022-03-10 15:52:25 0.0731 \n", "8091818 Kanishk Dogar 2022-02-02 11:06:31 0.0731 \n", "8027619 Tulezorcs 2022-02-23 13:09:14 0.0731 \n", "8049940 yixiao 2022-02-22 07:04:57 0.0730 \n", "8026103 Ali Salhi 🇵🇸 2022-02-10 05:51:28 0.0730 \n", "8363201 Renato Moura 2022-04-20 17:13:48 0.0730 \n", "8033582 Andy Penrose 2022-04-15 15:32:57 0.0730 \n", "8055556 OYM8012 2022-03-22 02:09:56 0.0730 \n", "8020859 Konrad Banachewicz 2022-02-02 22:46:19 0.0730 \n", "8045695 zhibin.meng 2022-02-08 14:59:41 0.0730 \n", "8039996 TO 2022-01-26 02:21:01 0.0730 \n", "8084491 Grzegorz Sionkowski 2022-02-28 17:52:50 0.0730 \n", "8061167 Alexander Gerasimov 2022-02-07 05:00:59 0.0730 \n", "8040579 摸鱼 2022-02-10 11:37:45 0.0730 \n", "8025519 JimmyZqb 2022-02-07 16:07:07 0.0729 \n", "8240090 ghoti_lesh 2022-04-17 15:37:27 0.0729 \n", "8234615 Gatech QCF Team 2022-04-20 15:28:15 0.0729 \n", "8118759 Jessy Chou 2022-02-14 10:19:20 0.0729 \n", "8038363 Mike Hall 2022-02-09 14:04:44 0.0729 \n", "8331418 MityaAkhmediyev 2022-03-30 05:22:07 0.0729 \n", "8086122 KUTTJN 2022-04-13 03:06:34 0.0729 \n", "8294465 klavier 2022-03-22 08:43:57 0.0729 \n", "8023734 絶望パスタ 2022-04-20 13:10:30 0.0728 \n", "8176751 Fly_light_qi_qin 2022-04-16 11:39:59 0.0728 \n", "8036467 Vlad Balanda 2022-02-02 03:32:10 0.0728 \n", "8160962 hoho 2022-03-21 13:42:12 0.0728 \n", "8023433 Hinz 2022-03-24 05:07:34 0.0728 \n", "8040107 SATORUSHIMIZUSATORU 2022-02-13 11:00:06 0.0728 \n", "8031511 VladB 2022-04-18 15:12:33 0.0728 \n", "8051860 Michael George 2022-04-20 12:07:45 0.0728 \n", "8040243 Sahil112 2022-02-14 02:22:44 0.0728 \n", "8131077 HyperQ 2022-03-17 09:13:13 0.0728 \n", "8078546 Siti Khotijah 2022-02-18 18:50:49 0.0728 \n", "8137183 Lawrence Chernin 2022-04-18 18:34:00 0.0728 \n", "8243671 UCAS 2022-04-16 17:27:40 0.0728 \n", "8175095 The Faded Friendship 2022-04-20 23:04:25 0.0728 \n", "8047633 Sal 2022-04-16 08:55:47 0.0727 \n", "8112930 cchuang2009 2022-02-07 06:06:26 0.0727 \n", "8110369 hotton 2022-02-20 08:21:24 0.0727 \n", "8030438 Hunter-in-Prey ZhiyanHuang 2022-04-18 15:41:39 0.0727 \n", "8247807 林北就是牛哔啦 2022-04-10 09:09:35 0.0727 \n", "8025995 Ilia Larchenko 2022-01-23 15:56:16 0.0727 \n", "8354232 KtasK 2022-04-20 13:16:16 0.0727 \n", "8203656 ledoxG 2022-03-19 13:19:00 0.0727 \n", "8051839 Leander Meinken 2022-04-20 21:04:54 0.0727 \n", "8042352 Chinta 2022-01-23 08:37:57 0.0727 \n", "8257971 Sujit 2022-04-07 13:25:51 0.0727 \n", "8042067 SMP 2022-04-18 09:41:15 0.0727 \n", "8044891 Marek Nurzynski 2022-04-18 20:37:35 0.0727 \n", "8038878 Kush Trivedi 2022-02-23 19:33:22 0.0726 \n", "8032481 ChunkIng 2022-03-10 06:59:29 0.0726 \n", "8062960 Ray Melius 2022-03-11 22:55:03 0.0726 \n", "8083159 Ismayil Quluyev 2022-03-13 17:11:03 0.0726 \n", "8086105 sealau 2022-03-15 00:24:26 0.0726 \n", "8023876 Dev Khant 2022-03-19 06:41:57 0.0726 \n", "8053536 GameMaker1997 2022-04-09 18:08:29 0.0726 \n", "8462142 罗萨的同学 2022-04-15 11:59:01 0.0726 \n", "8223962 mericy 2022-03-04 02:54:59 0.0726 \n", "8197150 this_is_not_financial_advice 2022-03-09 08:54:03 0.0726 \n", "8024749 cuteffff 2022-02-21 08:21:28 0.0726 \n", "8150242 FiveRedWings 2022-02-21 21:23:40 0.0726 \n", "8125420 Lluang 2022-02-23 01:03:37 0.0726 \n", "8051165 LeeCruise 2022-02-22 05:18:42 0.0726 \n", "8061923 infoxin 2022-02-22 15:38:48 0.0726 \n", "8074944 izuna385 2022-02-23 02:14:50 0.0726 \n", "8036482 Robson 2022-02-23 02:50:27 0.0726 \n", "8066773 Yannick 2022-02-23 12:15:52 0.0726 \n", "8156376 Go biubiu 2022-02-23 12:42:04 0.0726 \n", "8041860 xiaoerbaode 2022-03-01 05:30:22 0.0726 \n", "8027452 wbzhang233 2022-03-20 07:35:21 0.0726 \n", "8032398 Hiro_Mori 2022-02-24 05:30:59 0.0726 \n", "8024455 Nick Styles 2022-02-25 11:48:24 0.0726 \n", "8219571 miaodeshui 2022-02-25 14:06:09 0.0726 \n", "8189309 Makino Yagami 2022-02-26 09:28:48 0.0726 \n", "8170157 David cao 2022-03-09 14:38:57 0.0726 \n", "8028293 Matthias Dermutz 2022-03-05 19:40:31 0.0726 \n", "8227921 CG BOY 2022-02-28 01:59:39 0.0726 \n", "8021241 AndrewJin 2022-02-28 08:50:03 0.0726 \n", "8104963 kambehmw 2022-02-28 15:12:16 0.0726 \n", "8023878 h_1941 2022-03-01 01:46:50 0.0726 \n", "8235940 ecustliulu 2022-03-02 02:53:20 0.0726 \n", "8240470 Jian WANG 2022-03-02 18:28:30 0.0726 \n", "8030436 AMANULLA CHISHTY 2022-03-07 06:49:39 0.0726 \n", "8261618 cadog 2022-03-06 12:26:17 0.0726 \n", "8102321 PlayInDarkness 2022-03-06 16:58:57 0.0726 \n", "8281043 ZHANG ZIFAN 2022-03-11 00:21:22 0.0726 \n", "8129148 jingwora 2022-03-13 07:16:19 0.0726 \n", "8284382 Chao Wu123 2022-03-11 13:13:11 0.0726 \n", "8231751 gpushare.com-Sylvia_yyyyy 2022-03-17 11:29:33 0.0726 \n", "8262265 Tùngs 2022-04-11 11:34:01 0.0726 \n", "8020904 _whitecat_22 2022-04-16 00:13:16 0.0726 \n", "8254160 ReiRev 2022-04-20 16:37:47 0.0726 \n", "8056025 Rohit Rawat 2022-04-20 05:31:20 0.0726 \n", "8291427 Rosh 2022-03-22 10:24:01 0.0726 \n", "8265555 Rhapsody 2022-03-19 09:25:13 0.0726 \n", "8361325 BJUT 2022-04-17 02:03:11 0.0726 \n", "8206291 fz 2022-04-16 03:00:07 0.0726 \n", "8227608 Jeremypxh 2022-03-15 02:48:00 0.0726 \n", "8188229 Denis 2022-02-20 10:36:21 0.0726 \n", "8329602 Jhonny Escalona 2022-03-27 16:37:31 0.0726 \n", "8059545 Alexey Apukhtin 2022-02-07 19:05:57 0.0726 \n", "8186336 Mehdi Pedram 2022-02-21 11:50:00 0.0726 \n", "8064963 Toriarty 2022-01-28 09:53:44 0.0725 \n", "8020842 Dan Emery 2022-02-21 21:32:26 0.0725 \n", "8055711 oakvilletrading 2022-02-25 02:34:10 0.0725 \n", "8023732 SeHwanJoo 2022-04-03 16:25:32 0.0725 \n", "8145026 Jean-Michel Nairac 2022-03-17 11:38:37 0.0725 \n", "8025667 Aggelos G 2022-04-18 01:01:28 0.0725 \n", "8314290 Wang yadong 2022-04-13 14:19:56 0.0725 \n", "8024903 Galkin Danil 2022-01-19 13:41:02 0.0725 \n", "8023572 zheng Ares 2022-01-20 01:33:42 0.0725 \n", "8026030 lhy imp 2022-01-26 03:59:59 0.0725 \n", "8343482 The Thresholds 2022-04-02 00:00:10 0.0725 \n", "8075630 notaBene 2022-04-02 10:16:56 0.0725 \n", "8156135 SG 2022-04-02 09:45:43 0.0724 \n", "8200732 LumenJ 2022-04-02 01:43:34 0.0724 \n", "8061357 ShawnTung 2022-01-27 05:41:01 0.0724 \n", "8020991 Tapioca 2022-03-29 22:26:17 0.0724 \n", "8247097 云顶之弈 2022-04-19 05:09:24 0.0724 \n", "8327681 wuxing 2022-03-25 01:56:29 0.0724 \n", "8342318 garjermay 2022-03-21 08:38:21 0.0724 \n", "8029229 Alex Roubinchtein 2022-02-10 02:53:14 0.0724 \n", "8069483 akk 2022-01-28 13:46:37 0.0724 \n", "8091638 CenBoy 2022-03-23 04:11:06 0.0724 \n", "8432299 Andrii Didenko 2022-04-20 21:26:08 0.0724 \n", "8131596 ShoNok 2022-03-12 04:37:10 0.0723 \n", "8308273 Rocku_I 2022-04-12 03:53:56 0.0723 \n", "8026334 Whisdangist 2022-03-17 15:59:57 0.0723 \n", "8148198 nasjpn 2022-02-20 08:56:59 0.0723 \n", "8025052 zhangqibot 2022-03-10 10:43:59 0.0723 \n", "8040588 Kai Ji 2022-03-20 05:26:57 0.0723 \n", "8050013 David 2022-03-14 02:33:07 0.0723 \n", "8384220 SMTM 2022-04-20 15:54:24 0.0723 \n", "8024659 for_legal_high 2022-02-05 01:20:14 0.0723 \n", "8073578 01000010_01000010 2022-04-20 17:03:48 0.0723 \n", "8342182 AIG_MC 2022-04-18 11:40:24 0.0722 \n", "8070408 Quantify Coldplay 2022-03-15 14:32:11 0.0722 \n", "8035440 Sicpama-HyeonGeun 2022-02-11 04:56:51 0.0722 \n", "8044107 zhaonat 2022-02-22 03:23:53 0.0722 \n", "8023584 NormalPeople 2022-02-06 04:31:59 0.0722 \n", "8118697 9tqP 2022-04-20 17:59:20 0.0722 \n", "8110468 Hakan Erdogan 2022-03-27 08:25:35 0.0722 \n", "8282145 Xiuzhong Yang 2022-04-20 03:54:45 0.0722 \n", "8041341 Fu Ryo 2022-02-24 10:37:57 0.0721 \n", "8101249 奥对了! 2022-02-17 12:34:21 0.0721 \n", "8030336 Omote_Street_5 2022-01-28 15:38:39 0.0721 \n", "8027455 Pablo Larrosa 2022-04-20 18:32:11 0.0721 \n", "8043287 Potaku 2022-04-16 12:23:28 0.0721 \n", "8119560 Melanie7744 2022-02-21 10:36:40 0.0721 \n", "8373756 Pranay Joshi 2022-04-18 00:09:41 0.0721 \n", "8025378 Tabu 2022-01-19 10:28:41 0.0721 \n", "8199892 DARLM 2022-03-05 11:22:25 0.0721 \n", "8161186 nabeman 2022-04-19 23:39:25 0.0721 \n", "8152035 Oleksandr Kasian 2022-02-23 01:49:50 0.0721 \n", "8024995 Tang Tun Yu 2022-04-18 14:09:16 0.0721 \n", "8038603 Thomas M Thoppil 2022-01-29 14:51:48 0.0721 \n", "8227270 GunLyung 2022-03-13 15:29:43 0.0720 \n", "8089724 Fabbasso 2022-04-10 06:27:52 0.0720 \n", "8459968 hujianxin 2022-04-11 05:33:16 0.0720 \n", "8452588 wyytyqmz 2022-04-18 03:45:40 0.0720 \n", "8045690 Tetsuro Asano 2022-04-20 09:51:45 0.0720 \n", "8433468 ln 2022-04-07 06:41:31 0.0720 \n", "8025809 ubiquant 101 2022-04-19 13:59:42 0.0719 \n", "8040281 Briks Jin 2022-04-07 01:30:08 0.0719 \n", "8025485 Huchen Jiang 2022-01-26 04:38:21 0.0719 \n", "8026102 public LB probing 2022-03-13 04:36:30 0.0719 \n", "8169096 Dhiraj 2022-02-21 13:17:29 0.0719 \n", "8091149 Somaye Nemati 2022-03-26 21:27:34 0.0719 \n", "8075991 TdataLab 2022-04-18 15:12:53 0.0719 \n", "8101526 PuG.Man 2022-04-09 13:56:24 0.0719 \n", "8057951 digimagi 2022-04-19 03:27:35 0.0719 \n", "8300028 subhajit 2022-04-17 12:11:40 0.0719 \n", "8180691 masterzheng 2022-02-25 14:57:00 0.0719 \n", "8441411 wujf 2022-04-18 07:52:25 0.0719 \n", "8108473 BeastsOfAlpha 2022-04-18 20:29:51 0.0718 \n", "8051653 MrAL 2022-03-08 09:19:32 0.0718 \n", "8125159 SrinivasR 2022-04-20 21:56:05 0.0718 \n", "8027674 Planetary 2022-04-19 21:28:46 0.0718 \n", "8230676 Jiong Li 2022-03-22 10:22:19 0.0718 \n", "8338229 Catadanna 2022-03-24 10:33:36 0.0718 \n", "8231021 hxjxj 2022-03-01 10:14:01 0.0718 \n", "8305492 Spassky 2022-04-20 04:38:39 0.0718 \n", "8037005 (●'◡'●) 2022-02-14 04:45:12 0.0718 \n", "8098796 wallstreetbets 2022-04-10 15:30:21 0.0718 \n", "8128338 JianlinChen123 2022-04-19 08:55:07 0.0718 \n", "8039967 shidawang 2022-02-04 23:01:05 0.0718 \n", "8438673 Ilya 2022-04-11 06:53:21 0.0718 \n", "8383011 play 2022-04-19 04:00:38 0.0718 \n", "8105396 niubi 2022-03-02 11:56:30 0.0718 \n", "8099466 DavidG 2022-03-18 15:12:20 0.0717 \n", "8398410 jenny 2022-04-20 20:17:42 0.0717 \n", "8244635 zjx722 2022-03-06 04:56:48 0.0717 \n", "8072764 ksk0629 2022-01-30 03:47:07 0.0717 \n", "8051289 zhouqi8892 2022-03-16 05:34:49 0.0717 \n", "8117130 cjwh 2022-04-16 13:41:54 0.0717 \n", "8030554 LeeJunSeok 2022-02-14 14:56:53 0.0717 \n", "8274940 soso2020 2022-04-20 08:10:19 0.0717 \n", "8122040 yueqianhaobo 2022-04-17 09:26:02 0.0717 \n", "8426937 svm-17 2022-04-18 17:01:52 0.0717 \n", "8087536 Irene Lee 2022-03-27 08:52:19 0.0717 \n", "8043271 вктр игрч 2022-02-02 21:52:02 0.0716 \n", "8023927 TWPB 2022-02-07 12:58:13 0.0716 \n", "8174707 mabnnnn 2022-02-23 10:54:00 0.0716 \n", "8075891 Edward Park 2022-03-17 16:57:25 0.0716 \n", "8426562 Vipin Kumar 2022-04-10 20:20:13 0.0716 \n", "8242827 HaoR 2022-04-20 11:54:05 0.0716 \n", "8024184 Hasan Basri Akçay 2022-04-20 07:56:51 0.0716 \n", "8026217 林小姐 2022-04-06 09:08:48 0.0716 \n", "8026689 potter 2022-01-20 09:43:33 0.0716 \n", "8093843 Howie Wu 2022-03-21 01:49:10 0.0716 \n", "8089745 aagapi 2022-04-20 19:51:20 0.0716 \n", "8045679 cpx1971 2022-02-09 13:58:18 0.0716 \n", "8117643 zhoufutu wen 2022-03-22 03:31:47 0.0716 \n", "8022302 shashimo 2022-03-05 14:38:16 0.0716 \n", "8277290 Locas 2022-03-09 17:20:47 0.0716 \n", "8078734 Michael Schoustra 2022-03-22 08:04:40 0.0715 \n", "8156144 underrated 2022-04-17 18:37:32 0.0715 \n", "8208665 Feng Wang 2022-03-09 22:09:58 0.0715 \n", "8028782 Carus Qu 2022-01-20 03:51:21 0.0715 \n", "8039523 uukuguy 2022-03-02 13:42:08 0.0715 \n", "8270406 Jaqueline Noonan 2022-03-08 10:02:43 0.0715 \n", "8091103 FTY 2022-04-18 05:27:21 0.0715 \n", "8032126 宗佑 2022-02-24 05:15:57 0.0715 \n", "8046456 Miki 2022-01-23 14:02:09 0.0715 \n", "8162258 HK 2022-04-20 06:03:59 0.0715 \n", "8071515 Egor Androsov 2022-02-04 15:45:49 0.0715 \n", "8061479 labuladuo 2022-04-18 08:58:30 0.0715 \n", "8034020 oriori4244 2022-03-16 10:01:25 0.0715 \n", "8317148 607赶快去考研! 2022-04-16 07:41:48 0.0715 \n", "8276486 Fortron Basic 2022-03-10 09:01:39 0.0715 \n", "8133080 Nick yeah 2022-02-18 10:26:12 0.0715 \n", "8024063 月是故乡明 2022-02-04 10:22:20 0.0715 \n", "8045288 Satoshi 2022-02-05 20:43:24 0.0715 \n", "8236393 PL0925 2022-03-04 06:38:42 0.0714 \n", "8174420 飞鸿踏雪 2022-03-22 04:12:40 0.0714 \n", "8029597 QI wolves 2022-03-02 16:36:14 0.0714 \n", "8094932 Theo Cochran 2022-02-05 22:35:13 0.0714 \n", "8092497 Marius Badea 2022-04-13 09:47:39 0.0714 \n", "8406263 swimmy 2022-04-20 12:04:41 0.0714 \n", "8069872 CurtisXiao 2022-02-10 12:07:44 0.0714 \n", "8085113 我来摸个奖 2022-03-13 19:54:13 0.0714 \n", "8227460 LZ 2022-04-18 13:57:16 0.0714 \n", "8101694 xinyan 2022-02-07 07:00:21 0.0714 \n", "8094650 piotrswiniarski 2022-02-19 19:22:04 0.0714 \n", "8028171 jiuda 2022-01-24 17:35:16 0.0714 \n", "8047154 Computer says no 2022-04-17 06:36:45 0.0713 \n", "8118590 Shah Mahdi Hasan 2022-03-21 03:09:24 0.0713 \n", "8065814 Kaz-U 2022-04-16 11:25:05 0.0713 \n", "8026252 ming 2022-04-06 11:18:21 0.0713 \n", "8028562 TKO_OKT 2022-04-14 08:02:24 0.0713 \n", "8043331 Matsu Kosuke08 2022-02-08 13:45:00 0.0713 \n", "8022240 quant 2022-04-16 13:53:20 0.0713 \n", "8405952 LModric 2022-04-11 15:02:11 0.0713 \n", "8163809 Daic 2022-03-24 23:33:29 0.0713 \n", "8053718 Alexandr 2022-04-20 15:35:44 0.0713 \n", "8264892 鹿儿乘着风 2022-04-19 18:23:15 0.0713 \n", "8155910 poppy zu 2022-02-16 11:31:29 0.0713 \n", "8053211 CabbagePancake 2022-03-24 00:42:42 0.0713 \n", "8039176 Mehdi Sidi Boumedine 2022-01-22 17:25:18 0.0712 \n", "8070537 Medina 2022-02-21 04:03:56 0.0712 \n", "8050045 z1z0n 2022-04-20 07:41:48 0.0712 \n", "8029510 Xuhang_CN 2022-02-07 05:05:50 0.0712 \n", "8121888 Ding #2 2022-02-10 03:36:37 0.0712 \n", "8110571 xorhd1324 2022-02-27 14:12:44 0.0712 \n", "8112325 Tina 2022-02-22 06:27:57 0.0712 \n", "8224280 Shiny Go 2022-03-21 06:51:24 0.0712 \n", "8042397 James Villa 2022-03-13 11:47:52 0.0712 \n", "8027257 lazyterence 2022-02-03 12:33:42 0.0712 \n", "8341519 Andthen 2022-03-21 05:43:13 0.0712 \n", "8129092 Henry Shippole 2022-03-21 17:44:31 0.0712 \n", "8039339 rc95401 2022-03-21 18:18:08 0.0712 \n", "8078340 今年寄了,那就开摆 2022-03-22 09:09:37 0.0712 \n", "8294528 ZhiYuan Li 2022-03-22 10:29:24 0.0712 \n", "8065366 ryotoitoi 2022-03-22 23:52:36 0.0712 \n", "8026642 hhhh 2022-03-23 12:23:34 0.0712 \n", "8045878 冰菓 2022-04-18 07:27:49 0.0712 \n", "8042118 高级特工穿山甲 2022-02-13 14:07:44 0.0712 \n", "8025220 KhanhVD 2022-04-16 05:55:35 0.0712 \n", "8148521 Reda Gergers Ayad 2022-02-12 21:48:03 0.0712 \n", "8108487 samshipengs 2022-04-18 20:10:18 0.0712 \n", "8031169 Johannes Nowak 2022-02-09 16:49:36 0.0711 \n", "8049024 Yana Pryshchepa 2022-04-18 12:25:12 0.0711 \n", "8042435 LBT 2022-04-16 22:41:33 0.0711 \n", "8272137 wlgl 2022-04-19 07:18:05 0.0711 \n", "8384721 radmirkaz & rikuwo29 & vadimka 2022-03-24 07:19:48 0.0711 \n", "8191309 KLAAX 2022-04-14 22:58:55 0.0711 \n", "8042319 beep beep 2022-02-06 19:33:50 0.0711 \n", "8035114 Saber 2022-01-30 10:19:51 0.0711 \n", "8029633 hideya.uehara 2022-01-31 07:53:15 0.0711 \n", "8064798 keemsir 2022-02-18 03:49:36 0.0711 \n", "8127196 Wojciech Moroz 2022-04-07 12:57:38 0.0711 \n", "8039757 Eduardo Gutierrez 2022-03-30 14:27:23 0.0711 \n", "8147257 kmatsuyama 2022-03-26 15:03:57 0.0711 \n", "8022239 Takamichi Toda 2022-03-05 01:34:58 0.0711 \n", "8026249 ykita 2022-04-20 12:57:41 0.0711 \n", "8112414 parsley6692 2022-04-06 13:19:09 0.0711 \n", "8177346 Joanna Trojak 2022-02-19 11:24:11 0.0711 \n", "8179894 M1stiC 2022-03-30 04:21:11 0.0711 \n", "8375364 Bloc Party and CHERNOBURKV fans 2022-04-20 18:16:42 0.0711 \n", "8086366 Ilan Geller 2022-02-01 14:54:26 0.0710 \n", "8046856 JP 2022-04-16 02:48:29 0.0710 \n", "8241985 xiaoming427 2022-03-05 07:09:45 0.0710 \n", "8123479 Kirderf 2022-04-17 16:47:47 0.0710 \n", "8033286 Jano Roelandt 2022-01-24 18:19:24 0.0710 \n", "8034772 chinchilla 2022-04-12 11:57:47 0.0710 \n", "8121823 KNakamuta 2022-04-03 00:20:22 0.0710 \n", "8026500 Tiago V. Melo 2022-02-21 11:57:52 0.0710 \n", "8034790 feidao 2022-01-25 06:45:33 0.0710 \n", "8146144 Nils 2022-02-13 18:59:16 0.0710 \n", "8023631 Aragaki Yui 2022-03-28 08:02:05 0.0710 \n", "8425743 vroom 2022-04-20 17:19:42 0.0710 \n", "8026173 USTC-MF 2022-03-19 04:00:17 0.0709 \n", "8051819 faroafro 2022-01-24 12:02:34 0.0709 \n", "8296703 Mltsvh 2022-03-27 19:56:05 0.0709 \n", "8150697 sina88 2022-04-14 11:09:53 0.0709 \n", "8349649 Peter Warren 2022-04-18 01:01:56 0.0709 \n", "8428283 A+++++ 2022-04-17 12:01:37 0.0709 \n", "8026816 Neo Han Wei 2022-02-08 15:32:22 0.0709 \n", "8119433 Project 42 2022-04-16 05:46:15 0.0709 \n", "8022267 NeoneoLeo 2022-02-08 02:20:43 0.0709 \n", "8445453 NobutakaTanaka 2022-04-11 08:54:40 0.0708 \n", "8065191 gordon 2022-04-05 13:20:57 0.0708 \n", "8032834 aerfadaoge 2022-02-13 14:52:06 0.0708 \n", "8066827 Shun nakamura 2022-03-25 00:58:48 0.0708 \n", "8455432 Rishikesan K 2022-04-18 14:39:38 0.0708 \n", "8051783 Robert Cheah 2022-02-09 23:56:58 0.0708 \n", "8418542 MingAoGiaoGiao 2022-04-18 15:13:48 0.0708 \n", "8113142 公共筹措 2022-02-28 08:57:09 0.0708 \n", "8114895 Draconda 2022-03-13 09:10:43 0.0708 \n", "8214825 cylykrystal 2022-04-18 15:13:47 0.0708 \n", "8025581 Albert Ferré 2022-04-13 20:32:38 0.0708 \n", "8326890 Nikita Lazarionok 2022-04-18 13:37:55 0.0708 \n", "8270156 kliu1892 2022-04-17 00:31:48 0.0707 \n", "8185218 takekura 2022-03-26 11:37:26 0.0707 \n", "8242241 Gijs Smit 2022-04-14 21:20:01 0.0707 \n", "8123078 morningblues 2022-02-25 20:20:52 0.0707 \n", "8029713 Deepak Kumar Mishra 2022-02-08 09:02:24 0.0707 \n", "8074335 huangyue yu 2022-04-17 13:07:29 0.0707 \n", "8414304 lufr1ed 2022-04-19 17:25:10 0.0707 \n", "8034812 zume 2022-02-19 11:58:01 0.0707 \n", "8096158 Yasukenn@Meiji_IMS_ND 2022-02-20 12:56:18 0.0707 \n", "8099982 Basil 2022-04-17 23:57:27 0.0707 \n", "8118419 Takaharu Ito 2022-04-03 12:22:45 0.0707 \n", "8211776 WangChao0227 2022-04-19 12:07:45 0.0707 \n", "8455225 gussan 2022-04-13 14:30:04 0.0707 \n", "8079375 Penny Li 2022-04-20 20:10:34 0.0707 \n", "8338690 Liu Peng 2022-03-20 14:38:01 0.0707 \n", "8146450 Reij68 2022-04-15 02:24:54 0.0707 \n", "8362835 ppyy22 2022-04-17 17:00:59 0.0707 \n", "8036630 Nhu Hoang 2022-02-27 00:54:24 0.0707 \n", "8299594 Ryan890123 2022-04-18 14:58:20 0.0706 \n", "8073579 Hdynamics 2022-04-19 15:24:04 0.0706 \n", "8137820 iewaij 2022-04-06 22:49:59 0.0706 \n", "8091023 petadimension 2022-04-10 13:01:40 0.0706 \n", "8041567 Philipp Boos 2022-03-07 18:43:29 0.0706 \n", "8380864 Avanade Sakai 2022-04-20 05:16:03 0.0706 \n", "8225555 NDL17020871 2022-03-22 15:00:29 0.0706 \n", "8175997 ChengTang137 2022-02-25 09:40:59 0.0706 \n", "8411597 linear 2022-04-13 04:00:35 0.0706 \n", "8075769 kosuzu 2022-02-23 14:04:04 0.0706 \n", "8297917 julie 2022-04-20 23:46:46 0.0706 \n", "8078191 Anderson Hunt 2022-03-02 04:11:10 0.0706 \n", "8028543 Daniele Capanni 2022-01-29 15:07:24 0.0706 \n", "8460276 Jaskirat Singh #2 2022-04-17 10:55:18 0.0706 \n", "8295409 waiwai0222 2022-04-17 14:51:43 0.0706 \n", "8031561 离了个大谱 2022-04-19 08:22:53 0.0706 \n", "8264913 Rbu 2022-03-21 15:06:47 0.0706 \n", "8024140 Kernel Panic 2022-01-28 13:46:23 0.0706 \n", "8200836 1234 2022-04-17 06:32:25 0.0705 \n", "8182296 psyche 2022-02-27 22:10:20 0.0705 \n", "8048435 WQU 2022-04-18 19:16:53 0.0705 \n", "8259329 FirsTry 2022-04-19 16:01:34 0.0705 \n", "8031738 |-|-|-| 2022-02-17 04:43:18 0.0705 \n", "8244844 SYED Muhammad Faiz 2022-03-24 11:53:54 0.0705 \n", "8060734 Andy hua 2022-04-18 15:53:56 0.0705 \n", "8418076 藏在云中的猫 2022-04-11 12:28:06 0.0705 \n", "8447308 OliverGiles1999 2022-04-13 17:34:28 0.0705 \n", "8175673 wangdongji 2022-03-01 07:21:07 0.0705 \n", "8078085 liangxiao_neo 2022-03-11 07:44:00 0.0705 \n", "8076690 sasamarufisheries 2022-02-13 14:55:19 0.0705 \n", "8033468 Robin Michard 2022-01-21 21:37:03 0.0705 \n", "8038502 tarick.morty 2022-04-04 07:06:33 0.0705 \n", "8052826 Daniil Karpov 2022-04-13 21:06:22 0.0705 \n", "8082016 Reto Schneider 2022-02-22 16:16:52 0.0704 \n", "8022249 Young for you 2022-04-20 03:00:10 0.0704 \n", "8303917 Sibing Wang 2022-04-05 09:16:51 0.0704 \n", "8059940 jr3 2022-04-20 20:37:57 0.0704 \n", "8067370 AL2022 2022-03-16 03:18:28 0.0704 \n", "8227181 XJTLUer拯救世界 2022-04-19 03:27:49 0.0704 \n", "8090027 Denis Mironov 2022-04-19 00:44:25 0.0704 \n", "8048987 Vasiliy 2022-03-28 19:40:35 0.0704 \n", "8078268 skw1990 2022-04-18 13:00:41 0.0704 \n", "8193785 Yuhao_Li95 2022-02-25 06:54:52 0.0704 \n", "8034367 Yohanes Eki Apriliawan 2022-01-22 12:42:51 0.0704 \n", "8038540 ambrul 2022-01-25 19:07:40 0.0704 \n", "8119620 小猫咪也绝非善类 2022-02-10 03:24:36 0.0704 \n", "8154606 superAA 2022-04-19 05:38:07 0.0704 \n", "8455522 weizhi 2022-04-18 04:21:04 0.0704 \n", "8317056 VIVI-JE 2022-04-20 13:04:54 0.0703 \n", "8089242 /BIT DΛTΛ/ 2022-04-20 21:31:08 0.0703 \n", "8078796 Sanjar Adilov 2022-04-14 14:53:56 0.0703 \n", "8026077 Adam Wurdits 2022-02-02 23:50:37 0.0703 \n", "8111566 Capstone_project_spring2022 2022-04-14 13:49:19 0.0703 \n", "8027268 Faisal Alsrheed 2022-03-18 11:43:51 0.0703 \n", "8026392 Ayush Thakur 2022-02-01 07:29:08 0.0703 \n", "8141397 Alexandre Schiavinato 2022-02-13 15:01:58 0.0703 \n", "8020903 RandomB 2022-02-17 08:35:50 0.0703 \n", "8333381 takuya 2022-04-17 06:57:03 0.0703 \n", "8372132 SJTU NTU 2022-04-20 21:56:12 0.0703 \n", "8278123 gaoyajun 2022-04-14 06:46:00 0.0703 \n", "8023984 Saurav Maheshkar ☕️ 2022-04-14 16:22:08 0.0703 \n", "8076053 KogaYuta 2022-03-02 15:40:10 0.0703 \n", "8334607 MN4789 2022-04-20 23:38:23 0.0703 \n", "8136238 xxx 2022-04-17 07:28:27 0.0703 \n", "8290916 Jun Rui Ng 2022-04-20 03:52:06 0.0703 \n", "8078511 Tushar Koley 2022-04-12 18:44:52 0.0702 \n", "8046724 farcii 2022-02-10 01:03:31 0.0702 \n", "8319070 skander haddad 2022-04-11 07:27:02 0.0702 \n", "8029120 Hiromu NAKADA 2022-03-02 10:01:30 0.0702 \n", "8172012 masahiro takeya 2022-04-03 16:57:52 0.0702 \n", "8458131 Greensun0830 2022-04-15 16:38:04 0.0702 \n", "8144078 Thomas Oliveira 2022-02-25 18:44:03 0.0702 \n", "8154533 JumpDiffusion 2022-04-05 21:52:16 0.0702 \n", "8032292 Dog Cat 2022-04-17 08:27:02 0.0702 \n", "8036244 小舅舅_ 2022-01-22 04:00:17 0.0702 \n", "8024969 Mohamed abdelrazik 2022-04-17 19:32:18 0.0702 \n", "8373099 Edoardo Cantagallo 2022-03-26 10:49:51 0.0702 \n", "8297008 maehwa 2022-04-18 02:38:35 0.0702 \n", "8417080 Jialing Fang 2022-04-19 07:51:37 0.0702 \n", "8022304 Ryan Barretto 2022-03-09 23:04:38 0.0702 \n", "8169188 Drzhuzhe 2022-02-21 09:01:02 0.0702 \n", "8050705 qwerfdasxcfv 2022-02-26 13:48:30 0.0702 \n", "8134132 GianPaolob 2022-03-28 14:12:04 0.0702 \n", "8278006 Buerha 2022-03-24 04:28:15 0.0702 \n", "8445489 zuyuan zhong 2022-04-20 17:57:49 0.0702 \n", "8088555 Krish Yadav 2022-03-27 18:28:44 0.0702 \n", "8414907 Pavel Kochergin 2022-04-07 11:44:43 0.0702 \n", "8120073 Monce de Moncis 2022-04-18 01:26:55 0.0701 \n", "8030451 mimi 2022-03-22 02:54:18 0.0701 \n", "8414286 Eran Aharonovich 2022-04-20 14:08:12 0.0701 \n", "8093347 littlewc 2022-04-18 17:51:34 0.0701 \n", "8231948 Ali Zahid Raja 2022-03-01 20:32:26 0.0701 \n", "8063093 Imaginealltheais 2022-01-26 17:24:58 0.0701 \n", "8038820 PlaDJ 2022-04-20 07:50:28 0.0701 \n", "8161437 jiaheng zhang 2022-04-20 16:35:24 0.0701 \n", "8400198 faceboy 2022-04-01 10:31:12 0.0701 \n", "8278008 newbee 2022-03-30 20:34:52 0.0701 \n", "8176683 raajpatil 2022-02-17 14:14:04 0.0701 \n", "8045962 is taka 2022-02-03 03:18:47 0.0701 \n", "8062836 Khaymonenko Viktor 2022-02-02 06:37:10 0.0701 \n", "8034886 Team Limgrave 2022-04-18 07:32:02 0.0701 \n", "8034931 Nero 2022-01-25 06:42:10 0.0701 \n", "8088203 NataeSz 2022-04-17 16:36:37 0.0701 \n", "8185282 Shiro Guy 2022-02-21 00:15:48 0.0701 \n", "8192564 Discover.ai 2022-03-04 20:14:38 0.0701 \n", "8195789 Udit Gupta 2022-03-02 16:00:33 0.0701 \n", "8383394 Ryan Waka 2022-04-07 00:19:28 0.0701 \n", "8462088 ri33 2022-04-15 22:56:40 0.0700 \n", "8371940 prajwalc 2022-04-20 15:13:23 0.0700 \n", "8039270 Markus Neusinger 2022-01-24 12:04:31 0.0700 \n", "8328960 Phi 2022-04-17 16:54:49 0.0700 \n", "8048262 juan 2022-04-20 10:14:33 0.0700 \n", "8096901 XYZT+00 2022-02-10 06:38:31 0.0700 \n", "8093316 Andrej Tschalzev 2022-02-24 14:58:19 0.0700 \n", "8050308 Phoneix 2022-02-22 17:24:45 0.0700 \n", "8456979 ldSHallRed 2022-04-18 09:34:09 0.0699 \n", "8038512 Kaoru Honda 2022-04-20 03:07:10 0.0699 \n", "8439815 Andrei Babaev 2022-04-20 10:47:00 0.0699 \n", "8039045 Abid Ali Awan 2022-04-18 07:26:51 0.0699 \n", "8164720 Ning Jia 2022-04-13 01:01:37 0.0699 \n", "8023626 程序员狐小李 2022-04-16 08:50:36 0.0699 \n", "8117930 rsobt 2022-04-20 09:11:47 0.0699 \n", "8301136 Xu Wang 2022-03-19 12:46:55 0.0699 \n", "8414679 Ytao Sun 2022-04-18 08:56:18 0.0699 \n", "8114241 wusuwan 2022-04-17 05:27:11 0.0699 \n", "8153667 Nellie 2022-02-22 00:19:11 0.0699 \n", "8037276 Lucas Morin 2022-02-20 10:23:03 0.0699 \n", "8034196 quantopia 2022-02-17 02:41:11 0.0699 \n", "8074156 Kai Shu 2022-04-19 13:14:53 0.0699 \n", "8426764 batchupdate 2022-04-17 17:34:50 0.0699 \n", "8343436 干饭人 2022-04-17 07:49:03 0.0699 \n", "8443059 ChaitanyaV333 2022-04-11 00:13:38 0.0699 \n", "8160699 Momoka 2022-04-18 05:24:40 0.0699 \n", "8086098 Pratik Jain 2022-04-03 21:23:49 0.0699 \n", "8068041 John Wakefield 2022-04-19 11:38:45 0.0699 \n", "8462348 Yosuke Shinya 2022-04-20 19:52:32 0.0698 \n", "8195768 cherish_zhang 2022-02-25 08:59:56 0.0698 \n", "8123364 UTQuant 2022-04-20 23:24:07 0.0698 \n", "8176215 yangfeiran 2022-04-20 01:51:53 0.0698 \n", "8029394 nortmp 2022-01-24 17:25:43 0.0698 \n", "8223258 alielie 2022-03-10 04:30:46 0.0698 \n", "8026954 Clive 2022-02-16 17:11:47 0.0698 \n", "8307179 DJ_condor 2022-04-11 09:40:22 0.0698 \n", "8145883 Pravar Mahajan 2022-02-22 05:37:28 0.0698 \n", "8042451 ssadegh5 2022-03-02 12:49:51 0.0698 \n", "8457220 Blue Totoro 2022-04-18 05:57:40 0.0698 \n", "8400964 Alexander Nilov 2022-04-16 14:29:51 0.0698 \n", "8081879 A-SOUL_Official 2022-02-26 21:53:30 0.0697 \n", "8135300 Yu Kang 2022-04-16 09:50:33 0.0697 \n", "8318435 flydragon 2022-04-10 15:57:44 0.0697 \n", "8292912 Skabi 2022-03-03 17:25:11 0.0697 \n", "8339257 abdelwaheb miled 2022-04-11 07:06:29 0.0697 \n", "8058509 Djilax 2022-02-04 09:33:03 0.0697 \n", "8392150 Sơn Vũ 2022-03-30 14:32:28 0.0697 \n", "8054371 Robin Wesselmann 2022-02-18 16:56:32 0.0697 \n", "8032247 sirlancelot93 2022-04-18 21:57:19 0.0697 \n", "8037546 ozawatakashi 2022-03-22 08:46:52 0.0697 \n", "8297507 liuuuting 2022-03-17 01:56:34 0.0697 \n", "8150535 skanehir 2022-02-26 12:06:04 0.0697 \n", "8068344 kenti 2022-04-08 17:55:35 0.0697 \n", "8270761 AkiraIshikawa 2022-04-11 08:13:15 0.0696 \n", "8295025 zxyu 2022-03-15 05:12:11 0.0696 \n", "8082619 Jim Supawit 2022-04-19 07:04:47 0.0696 \n", "8336642 zhuangjiawei 2022-03-22 06:02:29 0.0696 \n", "8279082 Kento Ueda 2022-03-20 07:03:53 0.0696 \n", "8187286 Olllli 2022-03-12 14:50:32 0.0696 \n", "8023642 Ernnnn4u 2022-01-26 17:59:33 0.0696 \n", "8096146 宁波解放路 2022-03-19 15:02:45 0.0696 \n", "8112252 markhor 2022-03-22 13:31:39 0.0696 \n", "8039120 Mohammed Hamza Malik 2022-01-30 20:00:44 0.0696 \n", "8037371 九色虎 2022-01-23 15:05:20 0.0696 \n", "8040175 sakdipat ontoum 2022-01-22 01:51:31 0.0696 \n", "8040180 ZhangMingchen 2022-03-19 05:44:57 0.0696 \n", "8038241 Alyona Irinina 2022-01-22 07:30:42 0.0696 \n", "8042062 Scottfree 2022-01-22 09:36:04 0.0696 \n", "8040819 JIESIKA 2022-01-23 12:31:53 0.0696 \n", "8023894 Belogur Artem 2022-01-26 07:12:30 0.0696 \n", "8042366 junior kamagate 2022-01-22 10:47:40 0.0696 \n", "8041895 yuta 2022-01-22 13:38:18 0.0696 \n", "8044053 Luffe 2022-01-22 17:08:49 0.0696 \n", "8036716 Jordan Connolly 2022-01-22 19:24:25 0.0696 \n", "8046645 Mike Huang 2022-01-23 09:19:28 0.0696 \n", "8027423 Vivek Rai 2022-01-24 09:39:02 0.0696 \n", "8043476 fakhry nur mahmudi 2022-01-22 14:50:56 0.0696 \n", "8044467 AshkanOne 2022-01-22 22:07:44 0.0696 \n", "8069947 UbiAsiaClassA 2022-03-15 06:32:59 0.0696 \n", "8149087 Wei 2022-04-01 04:10:27 0.0696 \n", "8024494 Yoshio Sugiyama 2022-04-09 10:36:19 0.0696 \n", "8207719 Abhishek Prasad 2022-03-02 09:28:52 0.0696 \n", "8229375 aaaa_lh 2022-04-20 07:20:37 0.0696 \n", "8115858 Denis Trenogin 2022-03-02 00:40:39 0.0696 \n", "8236082 planetor 2022-04-20 21:10:15 0.0696 \n", "8176530 kei1994 2022-03-09 13:25:44 0.0696 \n", "8052468 Kuan-Wei Chen 2022-02-07 10:36:25 0.0696 \n", "8129496 Henry Javier 2022-04-14 01:56:42 0.0695 \n", "8026461 Luka Magic 2022-02-05 06:10:17 0.0695 \n", "8070508 jiangjg 2022-02-15 01:30:40 0.0695 \n", "8034770 Steve Oh 2022-03-19 02:54:57 0.0695 \n", "8024806 Yue Sun public lb 1498th 2022-04-19 01:07:15 0.0695 \n", "8310145 andreyypnz 2022-03-23 17:42:46 0.0695 \n", "8037236 Norman Secord 2022-03-03 08:50:17 0.0695 \n", "8026553 NoNaN 2022-03-17 15:55:44 0.0695 \n", "8047534 Road to the MMP 2022-03-24 17:09:28 0.0695 \n", "8421348 Makhmood Sodikov 2022-04-16 19:06:28 0.0695 \n", "8037908 notdsr 2022-03-09 11:54:42 0.0695 \n", "8028886 AIT HAMMADI Abdellatif 2022-01-25 11:33:12 0.0694 \n", "8191664 Haley 2022-03-20 06:57:44 0.0694 \n", "8285154 Polyakov Pavel 2022-03-11 08:56:37 0.0694 \n", "8240543 Sơn Vũ Quang 2022-03-27 04:33:05 0.0694 \n", "8035363 Patrick Chan 2022-04-18 23:02:18 0.0693 \n", "8101516 Alex H 2022-02-12 07:03:19 0.0693 \n", "8030960 FamilyTeam 2022-01-27 23:07:28 0.0693 \n", "8086891 冯博特工队 2022-02-25 08:39:06 0.0693 \n", "8048265 Miss Qiu 2022-02-15 02:49:57 0.0693 \n", "8030772 ArnoLiu 2022-02-08 08:49:11 0.0693 \n", "8410143 LeoYang@CD 2022-04-18 09:38:27 0.0693 \n", "8029143 Ryan 2022-01-29 04:57:58 0.0693 \n", "8023629 GodGod3 2022-04-19 12:21:25 0.0693 \n", "8072299 MREH 2022-02-28 15:44:45 0.0693 \n", "8026646 maxcorr 2022-03-31 10:51:36 0.0693 \n", "8026145 zxttd 2022-01-25 08:51:55 0.0693 \n", "8317124 wwb0208 2022-04-11 14:48:52 0.0693 \n", "8187694 Gli Svizzeri 2022-04-04 21:38:08 0.0693 \n", "8023628 Tarek Hamdi 2022-01-24 08:47:44 0.0692 \n", "8175590 Maysina 2022-02-28 07:48:53 0.0692 \n", "8098050 Fortniters 2022-03-31 04:23:38 0.0692 \n", "8025059 linytsysu 2022-02-23 15:33:47 0.0692 \n", "8085135 loveyyy 2022-02-20 14:15:08 0.0692 \n", "8223963 老中医 2022-03-22 03:27:57 0.0692 \n", "8068995 ceb263 2022-03-04 20:21:16 0.0692 \n", "8376429 random_seed = 42 2022-04-17 06:11:06 0.0692 \n", "8027306 duckduckrun 2022-03-23 12:21:41 0.0692 \n", "8180677 LiuChX 2022-02-18 17:44:10 0.0692 \n", "8329362 ssnsos 2022-04-05 12:51:25 0.0692 \n", "8106929 Edoardo Bonacina 2022-04-09 09:38:31 0.0692 \n", "8037898 Federico Castejon 2022-02-23 21:32:55 0.0692 \n", "8271829 lyk2021 2022-04-03 16:08:24 0.0691 \n", "8066707 YusaeMeow 2022-02-04 09:27:49 0.0691 \n", "8029080 Masa 2022-01-28 04:30:30 0.0691 \n", "8374064 Ethan Curry 2022-04-18 15:51:45 0.0691 \n", "8037085 QRY 2022-03-20 07:09:02 0.0691 \n", "8289793 Herado 2022-03-11 10:49:05 0.0691 \n", "8085159 Nick96 2022-02-17 12:07:42 0.0691 \n", "8043252 AGAT 2022-04-20 23:31:22 0.0691 \n", "8047204 pigram 2022-04-18 15:03:03 0.0691 \n", "8405618 Kuntal Sardar 2022-04-19 02:54:21 0.0691 \n", "8066457 dsh -; 2022-03-10 13:30:01 0.0691 \n", "8150169 Elahi 2022-03-04 07:07:34 0.0691 \n", "8074728 sparkingarthur 2022-02-09 13:41:16 0.0691 \n", "8055143 andyw296 2022-03-24 03:27:46 0.0691 \n", "8118717 jvm 2022-03-06 05:09:46 0.0691 \n", "8319899 ywakizaka 2022-04-10 15:13:21 0.0690 \n", "8160477 xsong2020 2022-04-18 22:20:58 0.0690 \n", "8035456 Jnchin 2022-04-10 13:15:49 0.0690 \n", "8190997 Wu Shiguang 2022-02-24 03:15:31 0.0690 \n", "8030479 Ioannis M 2022-04-19 18:43:51 0.0690 \n", "8367582 Wei Lu 2022-03-27 01:25:48 0.0690 \n", "8023512 Dewei Chen 2022-04-20 17:35:10 0.0690 \n", "8413910 啊对对对,摆就完事了 2022-04-17 05:47:34 0.0690 \n", "8026142 Jared Savage 2022-01-25 18:21:49 0.0690 \n", "8070013 Undecided 2022-03-24 03:17:48 0.0690 \n", "8075948 Nabeel Hasan 2022-02-01 14:11:04 0.0689 \n", "8025713 ZhonghaoCCY 2022-02-28 06:35:08 0.0689 \n", "8023803 Peter Chuikov 2022-04-05 18:38:19 0.0689 \n", "8088925 8x 2022-03-30 05:00:03 0.0689 \n", "8143804 Andre. 2022-04-17 17:10:08 0.0689 \n", "8243460 IH 2022-03-08 02:49:25 0.0689 \n", "8066257 S. Kaji 2022-02-16 13:30:06 0.0689 \n", "8025992 Toru59er 2022-04-12 05:41:19 0.0689 \n", "8220740 Dong Wenjun 2022-04-14 17:59:43 0.0689 \n", "8029220 brassmonkey 2022-01-29 06:40:15 0.0689 \n", "8040047 superbee 2022-01-24 00:44:11 0.0689 \n", "8108476 o933 2022-04-19 05:14:55 0.0689 \n", "8298224 o.hiroshi 2022-04-17 15:00:32 0.0689 \n", "8056429 wuzhengyuan 2022-04-02 03:00:58 0.0688 \n", "8020910 Yutaka Sawai 2022-02-17 12:50:17 0.0688 \n", "8175720 SHUO ZHANG1 2022-02-20 14:42:23 0.0688 \n", "8259905 Hanayama 2022-03-07 04:05:18 0.0688 \n", "8062601 Charlie Craine 2022-01-27 01:49:29 0.0688 \n", "8308164 lotsong 2022-03-15 02:39:16 0.0688 \n", "8021228 Artificially Intelligent 2022-04-19 15:09:52 0.0688 \n", "8043812 SmartTiger 2022-01-26 01:48:41 0.0688 \n", "8045503 cmu_11785_course_project 2022-03-19 04:11:15 0.0688 \n", "8085598 Ishtiaque Aman 2022-02-03 14:55:01 0.0688 \n", "8086229 huiqin 2022-02-20 09:46:23 0.0688 \n", "8247078 数学系转码小分队 2022-04-18 08:48:58 0.0688 \n", "8122853 Daryna Ronska 2022-02-08 20:14:14 0.0688 \n", "8180140 alicew 2022-04-18 08:48:28 0.0688 \n", "8054918 ~ 2022-04-04 01:48:48 0.0688 \n", "8041017 k-jp 2022-04-20 14:37:00 0.0688 \n", "8349646 Shunta Namba 2022-03-22 18:03:47 0.0688 \n", "8152998 yangjian lee 2022-02-26 17:51:17 0.0687 \n", "8033008 Artur M 2022-04-18 12:39:30 0.0687 \n", "8157063 Ferhat Culfaz 2022-02-16 12:49:38 0.0687 \n", "8042860 [Deleted] ac8c66c0-bd31-4fe7-bcc4-c5e77135b564 2022-01-24 13:34:13 0.0687 \n", "8080914 Yohei Kirino 2022-02-24 02:01:16 0.0687 \n", "8103176 amirreza mousavi 2022-02-10 18:38:49 0.0687 \n", "8026881 ColmOBrien1234 2022-01-28 14:10:07 0.0687 \n", "8026604 前排占位 2022-04-20 13:22:55 0.0687 \n", "8181637 GoGoGo 2022-04-17 03:32:22 0.0687 \n", "8087461 LG 2022-03-23 11:01:34 0.0687 \n", "8040747 Stay_Night 2022-02-13 13:17:54 0.0687 \n", "8034620 Qiu Ziqi 2022-04-20 20:43:37 0.0687 \n", "8083590 Vaibhav 2022-02-11 17:56:00 0.0686 \n", "8028442 Sergey U 2022-01-23 20:09:29 0.0686 \n", "8444066 8224 2022-04-10 22:40:12 0.0686 \n", "8078977 Bartek 2022-03-11 15:45:48 0.0686 \n", "8125379 slowdive 2022-02-10 05:07:54 0.0686 \n", "8079103 kmatsu01 2022-04-14 00:49:43 0.0686 \n", "8105761 tkern 2022-03-07 17:55:08 0.0686 \n", "8463374 Max{Im} Smirnov 2022-04-12 21:16:54 0.0686 \n", "8358300 masashi 2022-04-01 00:51:11 0.0686 \n", "8039097 Munum Butt 2022-03-25 20:15:24 0.0686 \n", "8038690 AndreyAlexeev 2022-02-21 09:00:26 0.0686 \n", "8415677 RanTao 2022-04-20 13:10:46 0.0685 \n", "8052781 Ryohei Kitamura 2022-02-20 15:25:27 0.0685 \n", "8036724 alexandre richard 2022-04-14 13:12:48 0.0685 \n", "8181980 Levy Vianna /Fabio Janes 2022-04-20 03:45:38 0.0685 \n", "8091171 hadis ahmadian 2022-02-12 05:10:50 0.0685 \n", "8411749 pectoralis major muscle 2022-04-20 12:54:24 0.0685 \n", "8027006 Oliver 2022-01-28 14:11:52 0.0685 \n", "8314541 zhangtp 2022-03-19 06:00:20 0.0685 \n", "8384646 AIquant 2022-04-17 03:28:57 0.0685 \n", "8055837 xxxxyyyy80008 2022-04-18 09:55:09 0.0685 \n", "8237572 HUANG, Zijie 2022-03-25 01:18:14 0.0685 \n", "8101631 karl 2022-02-09 06:15:38 0.0685 \n", "8031201 mark4h 2022-04-18 13:57:05 0.0685 \n", "8024446 Liza Konopelko 2022-01-22 13:54:30 0.0685 \n", "8114069 Weiya 2022-02-09 04:35:19 0.0684 \n", "8020955 Ed Welch 2022-01-24 12:56:35 0.0684 \n", "8132741 DataVFire 2022-04-13 07:10:55 0.0684 \n", "8117586 S.Nakajima 2022-02-08 00:38:27 0.0684 \n", "8107422 pythonash 2022-03-12 02:53:59 0.0684 \n", "8055286 jerrywu 2022-02-09 05:17:01 0.0684 \n", "8160596 ChenBingKun 2022-02-17 02:23:01 0.0684 \n", "8150216 orikage 2022-03-14 09:22:21 0.0684 \n", "8041902 Mocha 2022-01-23 16:39:35 0.0684 \n", "8390763 AlexTUT56 2022-04-19 12:38:33 0.0684 \n", "8262994 wasupandceacar 2022-04-18 18:17:53 0.0683 \n", "8026789 FIT 2022-04-17 00:53:16 0.0683 \n", "8373884 kotrying 2022-04-18 17:34:12 0.0683 \n", "8039909 Li-Der 2022-02-01 20:05:27 0.0683 \n", "8438396 investtech 2022-04-10 15:27:14 0.0683 \n", "8151816 akira2333 2022-03-28 09:18:15 0.0683 \n", "8023786 9Sigma 2022-01-28 05:48:53 0.0683 \n", "8295741 TRAORE Babou 2022-04-10 19:57:33 0.0683 \n", "8411806 oneegin 2022-04-20 20:36:00 0.0683 \n", "8338910 hikarinosenshi 2022-04-18 04:34:09 0.0683 \n", "8024387 Ravi Teja Chilakala 2022-03-20 02:23:35 0.0683 \n", "8323704 neilron 2022-03-20 08:11:57 0.0683 \n", "8150673 kaggleforfun 2022-02-21 22:48:16 0.0683 \n", "8291407 Yuichi Matsuo 2022-04-10 00:05:05 0.0682 \n", "8132660 一心 2022-03-17 12:37:59 0.0682 \n", "8024091 ConnorShawn 2022-01-19 07:49:40 0.0682 \n", "8040671 Jun Li 2022-01-25 06:23:01 0.0682 \n", "8068172 Dmitry Melnikov 2022-02-02 17:30:44 0.0682 \n", "8133962 Mohsen Yazdinejad 2022-04-20 20:02:57 0.0682 \n", "8027876 Anatolii Ryzhenko 2022-01-30 22:01:45 0.0682 \n", "8136554 WongWJ 2022-02-16 14:56:03 0.0682 \n", "8380414 black_jjw 2022-04-11 05:28:48 0.0682 \n", "8032800 ttsy 2022-01-23 07:12:25 0.0682 \n", "8207669 MAVEKI 2022-02-25 05:52:27 0.0682 \n", "8179206 Lachy Berry 2022-02-24 11:56:39 0.0681 \n", "8029053 xiaowucen 2022-04-19 14:48:41 0.0681 \n", "8020812 SkylarkPhantom 2022-02-05 08:44:22 0.0681 \n", "8020980 yiida 2022-01-20 13:53:55 0.0681 \n", "8338196 map1000da 2022-03-21 15:58:41 0.0681 \n", "8031178 Nanni 2022-03-30 05:16:30 0.0681 \n", "8061865 JinbyZ 2022-02-11 16:35:25 0.0681 \n", "8089988 Number C101: Silent Honor DARK 2022-02-21 15:39:37 0.0681 \n", "8311658 gyxbndsthu 2022-04-17 03:51:49 0.0680 \n", "8025100 Time Master 2022-02-16 05:09:49 0.0680 \n", "8069444 JJJason 2022-02-16 14:06:07 0.0680 \n", "8042878 WH LEE 2022-02-18 03:14:28 0.0680 \n", "8045419 yucca 2022-02-18 08:18:05 0.0680 \n", "8182048 Shershunya 2022-02-18 19:43:58 0.0680 \n", "8037679 The Eagle_01 2022-02-19 12:43:16 0.0680 \n", "8054964 Dave Rattan 2022-02-10 13:04:34 0.0680 \n", "8182219 zcr 2022-03-20 03:14:05 0.0680 \n", "8025810 George 2022-01-27 08:23:01 0.0680 \n", "8022414 ZuoVJ 2022-02-25 16:44:32 0.0680 \n", "8347452 SuppliLion 2022-04-20 22:27:56 0.0680 \n", "8134858 954 2022-02-15 03:08:23 0.0680 \n", "8155795 soul 2022-03-25 08:14:59 0.0680 \n", "8035699 gzcgl 2022-02-06 01:04:56 0.0680 \n", "8093492 Hew 2022-03-22 04:26:24 0.0680 \n", "8026783 SeeSeal 2022-01-20 13:52:22 0.0680 \n", "8160105 namnamna 2022-02-15 01:00:35 0.0680 \n", "8053158 machine learning 2022-02-15 11:07:56 0.0680 \n", "8346583 よみよみyomiyomi 2022-04-06 07:43:51 0.0680 \n", "8447465 Risk_Taker_1119 2022-04-17 04:22:26 0.0680 \n", "8133689 Dimitris Gourzoulidis 2022-04-17 22:01:13 0.0680 \n", "8026094 limzero 2022-04-18 15:27:07 0.0680 \n", "8302800 Lyaenx 2022-04-04 03:34:56 0.0680 \n", "8453305 Rings Lord 2022-04-12 13:26:55 0.0680 \n", "8423184 diov 2022-04-14 15:05:56 0.0680 \n", "8357010 Noblesse 2022-04-14 18:40:53 0.0680 \n", "8038619 Ruihan Cen 2022-04-14 20:57:00 0.0680 \n", "8114808 Tkc 2022-04-18 01:23:31 0.0680 \n", "8435621 DC_dachuan 2022-04-20 10:32:48 0.0680 \n", "8441073 Karthick 2022-04-20 14:33:54 0.0680 \n", "8347883 Chandra Prajapati 2022-04-20 14:56:29 0.0680 \n", "8035509 Fnoa 2022-04-18 09:14:11 0.0680 \n", "8029064 niurencheng 2022-02-28 09:20:28 0.0679 \n", "8057189 HarleyChan 2022-03-01 09:01:07 0.0679 \n", "8071051 CoffeeFruit 2022-01-31 15:26:59 0.0679 \n", "8047735 Alin Cijov 2022-04-20 17:23:48 0.0679 \n", "8024503 mmm 2022-01-27 12:28:27 0.0679 \n", "8025550 Ning Wang 2022-01-30 11:08:04 0.0679 \n", "8343857 stochastics 2022-04-17 17:55:12 0.0679 \n", "8205896 流氓鸡&变态兔 2022-03-24 02:07:15 0.0679 \n", "8133477 lsl lee 2022-03-25 12:10:30 0.0679 \n", "8366531 Yui_Ogura 2022-04-12 23:56:40 0.0679 \n", "8230227 ADAI 2022-04-18 05:49:18 0.0679 \n", "8174929 Utkarsh Shrivastava 2022-03-04 14:46:04 0.0679 \n", "8463789 Charles Roberson 2022-04-20 23:22:30 0.0678 \n", "8125930 kinsenka 2022-04-13 14:30:40 0.0678 \n", "8034533 safilla 2022-01-30 13:38:38 0.0678 \n", "8044991 Aziz Amindzhanov 2022-02-01 18:42:34 0.0678 \n", "8043431 Wasabicoholic 2022-02-18 07:18:50 0.0678 \n", "8054999 changwoomon 2022-02-06 05:13:14 0.0677 \n", "8164723 ElioneYang 2022-04-13 03:18:57 0.0677 \n", "8392758 Lingke Yuan 2022-04-02 12:26:01 0.0677 \n", "8168054 google yoga 2022-02-18 01:27:33 0.0677 \n", "8075361 Syrah Tang 2022-01-29 12:20:33 0.0677 \n", "8333912 Noir 2022-03-21 19:36:48 0.0677 \n", "8238872 Demko1 2022-03-14 14:38:42 0.0677 \n", "8251051 lint62 2022-04-14 00:12:11 0.0677 \n", "8203611 STamura 2022-02-22 15:33:01 0.0677 \n", "8197673 Quantico 2022-03-04 20:58:30 0.0677 \n", "8023432 Jony Karki 2022-01-28 05:25:03 0.0677 \n", "8110500 Cantekin Ce 2022-02-06 23:52:30 0.0677 \n", "8193625 zerojin 2022-04-19 01:25:39 0.0677 \n", "8262221 sunflower 2022-03-13 04:34:06 0.0677 \n", "8038573 Lele Cao 2022-03-21 09:22:33 0.0676 \n", "8054793 HDKIM 2022-04-14 22:35:31 0.0676 \n", "8359280 Tianrong Wang 2022-03-25 23:02:06 0.0676 \n", "8243259 Mengeshall Wu 2022-03-14 08:07:48 0.0676 \n", "8383184 Linda2000 2022-04-16 07:40:01 0.0676 \n", "8126567 Ram Janam Yadav 2022-02-10 08:02:18 0.0676 \n", "8266217 Tsubasa Tanaka 2022-04-07 07:49:17 0.0676 \n", "8034866 DeanSehen 2022-01-29 06:43:15 0.0676 \n", "8026492 Jingyu 2022-04-11 15:04:17 0.0675 \n", "8029393 洛天依 2022-04-12 13:39:44 0.0675 \n", "8033706 Maher el Ouahabi 2022-03-03 11:37:56 0.0675 \n", "8186002 johannes 2022-03-05 18:35:32 0.0675 \n", "8027444 ISBD 2022-03-25 12:57:32 0.0675 \n", "8194089 Steve Rogers 2022-02-26 17:44:37 0.0675 \n", "8165086 Harnoor Singh 2022-02-27 06:53:14 0.0675 \n", "8049480 ponpokota 2022-04-19 10:18:09 0.0675 \n", "8218665 Kenley Tan 2022-04-16 14:26:14 0.0675 \n", "8353017 Zeno Zhao 2022-03-25 06:36:26 0.0674 \n", "8088338 Pengnan Chee 2022-03-08 19:44:46 0.0674 \n", "8039151 CT 2022-03-23 20:00:51 0.0674 \n", "8038910 VadimMalykh 2022-01-23 17:36:11 0.0674 \n", "8281532 xxftian 2022-04-14 09:16:47 0.0674 \n", "8026483 xiaohuihui 2022-01-21 08:40:47 0.0674 \n", "8282350 The Terrables 2022-03-28 17:37:07 0.0674 \n", "8032273 Phantom 2022-01-24 03:31:05 0.0674 \n", "8043793 Crescendo 2022-01-23 04:27:13 0.0673 \n", "8043569 Jude TCHAYE 2022-01-23 04:18:01 0.0673 \n", "8381699 Oleg Knaub 2022-04-18 18:03:53 0.0673 \n", "8032455 Iwa Iwa 2022-04-19 13:15:47 0.0673 \n", "8026160 JAEHYEON_SOON 2022-02-25 14:48:32 0.0673 \n", "8026703 genito 2022-01-26 20:08:53 0.0672 \n", "8040390 Jorge Ascencion 2022-01-27 01:17:19 0.0672 \n", "8022415 Sanskar Hasija 2022-01-24 06:32:53 0.0672 \n", "8028340 shunya iida 2022-01-26 18:57:33 0.0672 \n", "8076140 雪的味道 2022-02-22 11:21:09 0.0672 \n", "8216752 lapla 2022-03-07 13:32:37 0.0672 \n", "8037844 Juergen Koehl 2022-04-11 07:00:55 0.0672 \n", "8052724 Ryo Jono 2022-01-28 16:11:22 0.0672 \n", "8021159 VHPW 2022-03-25 02:01:57 0.0672 \n", "8021110 四年级小学生 2022-03-27 09:42:25 0.0672 \n", "8093455 juncollin 2022-02-27 14:04:42 0.0671 \n", "8092463 Liu YZ 2022-03-09 09:33:05 0.0671 \n", "8147147 moustafa_hanafy 2022-03-16 20:50:47 0.0671 \n", "8311385 hoshiyuki matsumoto 2022-04-02 11:34:32 0.0671 \n", "8033107 marketneutral 2022-02-16 16:59:36 0.0671 \n", "8096046 etcnet 2022-04-20 05:25:06 0.0671 \n", "8185375 deepimpact 2022-02-25 04:52:11 0.0671 \n", "8085658 Shady Mokh 2022-02-08 15:18:15 0.0671 \n", "8026447 GuShenXiaoDi 2022-02-10 02:32:56 0.0670 \n", "8026295 Alger, Yang 2022-02-19 10:29:25 0.0670 \n", "8031475 Trust CV 2022-01-27 14:17:01 0.0670 \n", "8392610 Gao Yichen 2022-03-31 16:01:01 0.0670 \n", "8051455 KritiDoneria 2022-01-28 06:55:14 0.0670 \n", "8081076 Shin Ren 2022-02-22 04:13:18 0.0670 \n", "8121482 gpt222 2022-04-18 08:42:29 0.0670 \n", "8030411 Quan Nguyen 2022-01-27 02:55:50 0.0670 \n", "8142551 Joel Lynn 2022-02-11 20:40:57 0.0670 \n", "8182771 Yaung Yaung 2022-02-26 07:40:29 0.0670 \n", "8190144 rameau 2022-04-20 15:34:54 0.0670 \n", "8026780 Zac Zezheng Zhang 2022-03-17 11:14:20 0.0669 \n", "8058161 Asrith 2022-03-26 16:36:58 0.0669 \n", "8026125 悉尼大学最菜大二本科生 2022-02-03 05:07:14 0.0669 \n", "8070521 ozlem 2022-04-04 05:23:00 0.0669 \n", "8262700 Thomas Corcoral 2022-03-07 17:56:13 0.0669 \n", "8088740 Daniel Reuter 2022-04-05 20:14:03 0.0669 \n", "8345201 CHROLLO Hunter 2022-04-20 20:04:20 0.0669 \n", "8053852 Flanagan 2022-04-05 08:01:58 0.0669 \n", "8169691 ddanndt 2022-02-20 05:05:34 0.0669 \n", "8042723 AlexiosLyon 2022-04-20 05:51:31 0.0669 \n", "8026456 kaggle grand cooker 2022-01-25 14:52:02 0.0669 \n", "8150899 Kotaro0044 2022-02-22 08:41:39 0.0669 \n", "8066532 codefluence 2022-04-18 16:43:47 0.0668 \n", "8155657 若人生只若初见 2022-02-16 07:55:49 0.0668 \n", "8273674 hogrider 2022-04-20 13:36:56 0.0668 \n", "8026752 Ethan 2022-01-27 09:34:30 0.0668 \n", "8203362 DD2022 2022-02-23 14:11:48 0.0668 \n", "8029149 fire15 2022-01-20 05:35:49 0.0668 \n", "8024219 Rogue 2022-02-10 06:14:23 0.0668 \n", "8072778 taricchen 2022-04-17 11:47:55 0.0668 \n", "8025589 Amit Hasan Shuvo 2022-01-19 10:24:16 0.0668 \n", "8025806 timus 2022-01-19 13:47:46 0.0668 \n", "8026353 D Zhao 2022-01-20 06:44:28 0.0668 \n", "8087051 jakub slavíček 2022-02-15 16:01:38 0.0668 \n", "8156267 LeeZhao777 2022-02-16 07:59:48 0.0668 \n", "8033651 hieumap 2022-03-13 08:16:41 0.0668 \n", "8053556 little pig run run run 2022-01-27 12:40:38 0.0668 \n", "8065152 jiuzhou23 2022-02-08 06:19:07 0.0668 \n", "8071191 Aniket Kulkarni 2022-02-14 11:48:16 0.0667 \n", "8359173 rnrq 2022-04-18 15:38:14 0.0667 \n", "8174548 RainFlanker 2022-04-18 03:02:37 0.0667 \n", "8024327 endthis! 2022-04-07 10:57:51 0.0667 \n", "8108716 Shantanu_Anushree 2022-04-14 18:50:25 0.0667 \n", "8048152 baed 2022-01-29 10:16:06 0.0667 \n", "8024797 taruto 2022-02-06 10:07:57 0.0667 \n", "8044278 SunnyHeidy 2022-04-17 10:01:56 0.0667 \n", "8064539 Kento Hirahara 2022-02-19 21:28:11 0.0667 \n", "8420771 R&T 2022-04-16 23:16:55 0.0667 \n", "8036713 x-time 2022-01-23 09:45:25 0.0667 \n", "8137576 Dennis #2 2022-03-02 22:59:11 0.0667 \n", "8233895 amorkor 2022-02-28 23:43:14 0.0667 \n", "8050494 Jon Blanchard 2022-04-11 20:34:17 0.0666 \n", "8024088 Blue 2022-01-19 15:15:01 0.0666 \n", "8043272 Rukkbooks 2022-04-20 07:34:52 0.0666 \n", "8130129 LeonShangguan 2022-04-18 07:23:28 0.0666 \n", "8101982 Mark Berg 2022-02-17 09:32:45 0.0666 \n", "8026781 ravend1deng 2022-04-06 14:30:04 0.0666 \n", "8322680 AdamGal 2022-04-15 10:39:07 0.0666 \n", "8026279 Sidhant Thole 2022-01-26 14:22:51 0.0666 \n", "8051018 sashak89999 2022-02-23 17:48:08 0.0666 \n", "8108909 SonOfNike 2022-02-06 16:30:29 0.0666 \n", "8128043 Hung Tran Cong 2022-02-21 19:51:12 0.0666 \n", "8133397 pretty1good 2022-02-22 08:16:37 0.0666 \n", "8040075 José Caballero 2022-03-20 07:02:40 0.0665 \n", "8113737 Red Lotus Alchemist 2022-03-03 05:05:11 0.0665 \n", "8275599 Borovitza 2022-04-14 05:26:11 0.0665 \n", "8092924 imum Lee 2022-02-10 16:43:28 0.0665 \n", "8024222 Rakesh Jarupula 2022-03-01 16:30:37 0.0665 \n", "8450658 happyabs 2022-04-17 12:31:28 0.0665 \n", "8197248 Katharinaxxx 2022-02-23 13:40:18 0.0664 \n", "8050150 比翼祺飞 2022-01-24 10:10:39 0.0664 \n", "8021232 Heng Zheng 2022-02-23 10:28:46 0.0664 \n", "8201992 Amit Kumar Jaiswal 2022-03-05 03:55:32 0.0664 \n", "8328438 BIT_Guber 2022-04-18 15:09:32 0.0664 \n", "8077594 Luke Heytens 2022-01-30 23:06:51 0.0664 \n", "8246387 lisa 2022-03-03 07:20:36 0.0664 \n", "8345489 Dnyanesh Walwadkar 2022-03-23 11:40:19 0.0664 \n", "8024073 AndyX 2022-04-14 04:52:57 0.0664 \n", "8444163 Azzedine 2022-04-12 16:46:49 0.0664 \n", "8075099 Koala 2022-02-14 09:57:49 0.0664 \n", "8189645 Aroonima 2022-03-30 05:04:07 0.0664 \n", "8025936 SageChang 2022-01-24 12:10:09 0.0664 \n", "8056235 ryuNagai 2022-02-27 05:58:17 0.0664 \n", "8030088 chlxyd 2022-02-05 13:22:34 0.0663 \n", "8175465 annan shao 2022-02-24 11:37:56 0.0663 \n", "8037818 Pansos Ponso 2022-04-16 05:57:23 0.0663 \n", "8031420 wang tao rule 2022-01-21 16:29:28 0.0663 \n", "8202042 ybgxmb 2022-03-13 11:09:05 0.0663 \n", "8058493 PAVAN KUMAR D 2022-01-27 03:38:16 0.0663 \n", "8024412 Shan 2022-01-27 05:05:14 0.0663 \n", "8024280 MeisterMorxrc[Qlib_best] 2022-01-29 07:22:59 0.0663 \n", "8461711 Sheep101 2022-04-18 22:45:26 0.0663 \n", "8034267 Bob Tuan 2022-01-21 04:43:06 0.0663 \n", "8030702 udon 2022-01-21 07:57:45 0.0663 \n", "8034505 TakahiroNishimura 2022-01-22 13:45:35 0.0663 \n", "8139593 Skyroot 2022-04-13 02:55:33 0.0662 \n", "8067724 satopooon 2022-03-20 16:14:53 0.0662 \n", "8105055 Proto 2022-02-11 10:46:20 0.0662 \n", "8026467 yuhai 2022-01-27 01:07:42 0.0662 \n", "8042787 streamY 2022-03-16 12:11:33 0.0662 \n", "8166091 tawichi 2022-02-15 21:44:59 0.0662 \n", "8298325 ry02(TeamShiny in Akihabara) 2022-03-22 08:58:17 0.0662 \n", "8413311 felix #2 2022-04-16 12:37:22 0.0662 \n", "8065167 Stamford009 2022-04-06 23:29:06 0.0661 \n", "8086383 HOSUB JAMES JANG 2022-03-02 17:51:05 0.0661 \n", "8177831 Pavel Shunkevich 2022-03-13 15:09:31 0.0661 \n", "8027247 Hatem Amer 2022-02-18 08:34:04 0.0661 \n", "8031840 fanrxxz 2022-02-03 06:19:04 0.0661 \n", "8417174 Gankinck 2022-04-08 09:39:58 0.0660 \n", "8025638 Renato Deggau 2022-01-23 20:05:00 0.0660 \n", "8035383 Trio 2022-01-27 20:13:24 0.0660 \n", "8051035 Lennart Haupts 2022-03-22 16:42:44 0.0660 \n", "8071033 JW 2022-03-04 03:36:48 0.0660 \n", "8027976 Andrés Huertas 2022-04-03 09:46:01 0.0659 \n", "8189842 maoxia 2022-03-06 14:08:57 0.0659 \n", "8125898 DipLearning 2022-03-06 10:52:57 0.0659 \n", "8024608 pianopiece 2022-01-24 02:20:09 0.0659 \n", "8321051 Nat Bel ML Fun 2022-04-18 23:59:48 0.0659 \n", "8035892 PantsOfLuck 2022-04-20 08:01:39 0.0659 \n", "8023439 nke 2022-02-22 09:32:33 0.0659 \n", "8046323 olivier 2022-04-13 07:55:03 0.0659 \n", "8053433 LUSHISB 2022-01-24 16:11:14 0.0659 \n", "8134646 Pedro Pereira 2022-04-04 13:06:28 0.0659 \n", "8069145 Knightbearr 2022-01-28 00:55:22 0.0659 \n", "8096127 vsquareg 2022-02-20 15:01:07 0.0658 \n", "8046480 wmsxd88 2022-01-25 12:24:01 0.0658 \n", "8088429 sergears 2022-02-19 19:35:45 0.0658 \n", "8037824 nng1221 2022-02-01 16:50:08 0.0658 \n", "8218914 TPF2017 2022-03-15 14:43:08 0.0658 \n", "8039643 TK 2022-02-13 20:34:06 0.0658 \n", "8263980 jbanusco 2022-03-11 06:03:25 0.0658 \n", "8114314 Scirpus 2022-02-18 10:03:15 0.0658 \n", "8089281 woxiangchidoushabao 2022-03-01 16:28:54 0.0658 \n", "8455316 dayang955 2022-04-16 07:59:03 0.0658 \n", "8065950 Hiromasa 2022-04-05 04:53:59 0.0658 \n", "8236076 SunJiaBin 2022-03-17 08:25:58 0.0657 \n", "8143226 Gary Kalmanovich 2022-02-25 00:25:33 0.0657 \n", "8323116 Mohammed Elaynousse 2022-03-30 14:57:05 0.0657 \n", "8027175 nsff591 2022-03-21 14:39:29 0.0657 \n", "8100946 claudiu 2022-02-05 12:43:44 0.0657 \n", "8106480 RCAST303 2022-02-12 11:43:54 0.0657 \n", "8403560 xandra_e 2022-04-15 05:17:53 0.0657 \n", "8084279 HaoyuWang127 2022-01-31 20:55:33 0.0657 \n", "8025497 Good universities have no walls 2022-02-02 15:20:53 0.0657 \n", "8225298 Kiran Khanal 2022-04-20 20:34:07 0.0657 \n", "8272296 shashank069 2022-04-06 18:59:00 0.0656 \n", "8030155 octopus 2022-03-17 09:43:29 0.0656 \n", "8243324 嘿嘿嘿 2022-03-04 04:31:26 0.0656 \n", "8294222 zehuiluo 2022-04-01 13:47:36 0.0656 \n", "8041733 Rohan Paul 2022-04-15 20:50:12 0.0655 \n", "8301690 panhaowen 2022-04-18 02:30:55 0.0655 \n", "8423819 take_oni 2022-04-18 22:15:45 0.0655 \n", "8396588 Akim Kotelnikov 2022-04-13 20:14:39 0.0655 \n", "8087812 Alpha Master S.S. 2022-04-18 23:28:14 0.0655 \n", "8365655 ebikazuki 2022-04-18 02:51:40 0.0655 \n", "8457667 Mitrofanov Dmitry 2022-04-12 11:54:07 0.0655 \n", "8040429 Bachtuoc 2022-01-25 06:35:27 0.0655 \n", "8023410 dawdle 2022-03-01 05:20:56 0.0655 \n", "8029216 ACLu 2022-04-20 13:37:21 0.0655 \n", "8034946 yue6121 2022-02-16 03:46:32 0.0655 \n", "8104194 Henrique Schumann 2022-03-13 14:02:15 0.0655 \n", "8054582 VasilStVasilev 2022-01-26 13:03:11 0.0655 \n", "8023725 Acmd Gani 2022-04-17 16:31:58 0.0655 \n", "8377670 WMH 2022-04-18 17:07:16 0.0655 \n", "8043730 Fernando Welzel 2022-01-24 02:37:08 0.0655 \n", "8022246 Yirun Zhang 2022-01-25 00:47:26 0.0655 \n", "8206756 Fukutomi Teppei 2022-03-06 23:53:50 0.0655 \n", "8345294 Head of Meme Trading 2022-04-20 06:17:46 0.0655 \n", "8104431 damamatto 2022-04-20 21:26:11 0.0655 \n", "8121763 Educk 2022-03-24 18:58:12 0.0654 \n", "8056053 happyfather 2022-04-20 15:23:29 0.0654 \n", "8075000 Igor Borodin 2022-01-31 19:58:32 0.0654 \n", "8026320 Sivaji 2022-01-27 10:00:30 0.0654 \n", "8137954 Petru Radu 2022-04-12 06:38:45 0.0654 \n", "8456543 Musa Kurhula Baloyi 2022-04-16 13:29:18 0.0654 \n", "8107127 Mintal 2022-04-17 12:15:19 0.0654 \n", "8271978 aripiyo 2022-04-18 08:46:12 0.0654 \n", "8312864 Averaging Everything 2022-04-20 15:01:41 0.0654 \n", "8030993 __ 2022-01-25 01:28:04 0.0654 \n", "8040531 HerdingCat 2022-03-10 08:39:18 0.0654 \n", "8096382 RayNLM 2022-02-17 05:48:27 0.0654 \n", "8031521 Gong Zhen 2022-04-18 11:11:09 0.0654 \n", "8046444 breadkaggle 2022-02-08 07:42:09 0.0654 \n", "8052605 Dominic liu 2022-01-27 13:21:54 0.0654 \n", "8187666 Hemorphage 2022-02-28 22:04:23 0.0653 \n", "8411995 Andy8744 2022-04-07 09:21:34 0.0653 \n", "8055407 ChongLH 2022-01-25 12:42:12 0.0653 \n", "8022300 李宏毅幾班大金 2022-01-21 06:27:41 0.0653 \n", "8052462 Mingjia 2022-02-01 04:54:19 0.0653 \n", "8148989 SudakovElis 2022-04-17 17:11:49 0.0653 \n", "8077723 tshiba 2022-02-07 05:37:20 0.0653 \n", "8025805 Alexey Vasilyev 2022-02-10 23:01:29 0.0653 \n", "8023880 gorillas 2022-04-12 01:37:46 0.0653 \n", "8255884 DataScientistBear 2022-03-27 13:32:03 0.0653 \n", "8043831 Shawn Lee 2022-04-14 13:38:18 0.0652 \n", "8042349 masanobu 2022-04-13 07:07:52 0.0652 \n", "8070890 Dora 2022-01-28 08:45:15 0.0652 \n", "8373861 Naka 2022-03-27 12:59:14 0.0652 \n", "8046098 Darin 2022-01-25 08:41:35 0.0652 \n", "8039165 AndNov 2022-04-20 21:14:50 0.0652 \n", "8020881 Ryan Goggins 2022-01-26 16:21:34 0.0652 \n", "8211717 lyhafs 2022-02-24 08:09:50 0.0652 \n", "8020926 Naruhiko Nakanishi 2022-02-14 04:59:54 0.0652 \n", "8044810 Rima 2022-02-05 18:02:41 0.0652 \n", "8139143 李家大猪蹄子 2022-02-25 07:24:30 0.0652 \n", "8035448 Weifeng Chiu 2022-04-18 17:57:51 0.0652 \n", "8023992 Yazan Majzoub 2022-01-20 12:40:49 0.0652 \n", "8045712 jmtest 2022-01-29 08:59:08 0.0652 \n", "8157947 alexnog 2022-04-16 23:49:05 0.0652 \n", "8124722 KUMA 2022-02-15 04:01:45 0.0651 \n", "8121739 urvanish 2022-04-15 12:22:40 0.0651 \n", "8026582 Never$ 2022-04-19 15:20:55 0.0651 \n", "8030562 Yoshi_K 2022-03-10 12:54:13 0.0651 \n", "8099704 Izotov 2022-04-19 17:20:34 0.0651 \n", "8051113 Adlinga 2022-02-14 09:52:30 0.0651 \n", "8051479 Chengcheng 2022-01-24 09:19:20 0.0651 \n", "8050486 Eve 2022-04-07 00:23:28 0.0651 \n", "8334629 Mike Nelson 2022-04-18 22:43:07 0.0651 \n", "8332361 Kentaro Yokota 2022-03-19 09:40:11 0.0651 \n", "8055687 Liao Yufan 2022-04-18 07:10:48 0.0650 \n", "8085095 pysong wang 2022-02-01 03:19:59 0.0650 \n", "8065730 M.T.Davis 2022-01-27 12:15:18 0.0650 \n", "8362710 Nicholas Girdis 2022-04-20 23:24:39 0.0650 \n", "8064929 HuaihanChen 2022-04-02 13:41:33 0.0650 \n", "8058646 Shaukat hussain 2022-02-09 12:08:18 0.0650 \n", "8336943 Pulkit Aggarwal 2022-03-20 06:27:00 0.0650 \n", "8049515 Gang Ji 2022-03-03 00:47:26 0.0650 \n", "8269428 jamie_omoya 2022-04-20 23:21:16 0.0649 \n", "8232110 GreatLiXin 2022-03-01 02:04:07 0.0649 \n", "8045381 Ryansanity 2022-01-23 14:30:49 0.0649 \n", "8027461 E.S1010 2022-01-24 18:44:16 0.0649 \n", "8050549 Brian #2 2022-03-12 05:54:40 0.0649 \n", "8175899 tianjihx@126.com 2022-03-01 07:54:40 0.0648 \n", "8025922 yisberh 2022-03-04 12:30:35 0.0648 \n", "8059486 Doit 2022-01-28 04:46:01 0.0648 \n", "8077580 idolphint 2022-04-10 06:47:47 0.0648 \n", "8024692 agenlu 2022-03-25 17:25:49 0.0648 \n", "8131460 Aron Leroy 2022-04-17 07:38:26 0.0647 \n", "8043190 ShellDataDudes 2022-02-04 15:50:36 0.0647 \n", "8220094 Vincent John Rivera 2022-03-10 02:06:29 0.0647 \n", "8074466 mel 2022-01-30 04:45:04 0.0647 \n", "8021235 tmp 2022-04-17 15:12:22 0.0646 \n", "8069896 JiachengYin 2022-02-16 02:40:33 0.0646 \n", "8059639 Mark Tenenholtz 2022-02-03 01:49:46 0.0646 \n", "8054494 QQ 2022-02-16 07:09:18 0.0646 \n", "8034360 查理冬明 2022-01-27 02:30:50 0.0646 \n", "8442321 SwordFaith 2022-04-09 09:47:58 0.0646 \n", "8020942 colum2131 2022-01-24 07:22:58 0.0646 \n", "8440182 Node 2022-04-09 14:34:43 0.0646 \n", "8059066 godMethium 2022-03-02 21:52:52 0.0645 \n", "8027091 MF795 2022-02-24 15:31:06 0.0645 \n", "8032720 Zahra Moradimanesh 2022-01-20 17:54:38 0.0645 \n", "8395017 Doge 2022-04-10 07:50:23 0.0645 \n", "8410969 tera 2022-04-18 08:22:26 0.0645 \n", "8036742 Mukden 2022-01-21 14:56:55 0.0645 \n", "8030148 kehai 2022-04-19 14:49:10 0.0644 \n", "8240621 Weining mai 2022-03-02 19:01:01 0.0644 \n", "8021127 yasuoman 2022-02-13 16:42:11 0.0644 \n", "8026929 Daniel 2022-04-16 12:34:03 0.0644 \n", "8165746 Bella! 2022-03-08 11:31:31 0.0644 \n", "8082382 Tommy 2022-02-04 13:46:51 0.0643 \n", "8056129 NaN_czl 2022-02-20 02:07:29 0.0643 \n", "8047098 Bernd Allmendinger 2022-02-17 08:13:32 0.0643 \n", "8197222 Vlad Snozyk 2022-04-20 07:06:39 0.0643 \n", "8042987 XaioBaoBao 2022-01-27 07:09:45 0.0643 \n", "8054014 cubecloud 2022-02-11 11:48:50 0.0643 \n", "8173833 out of memory man 2022-04-13 15:21:35 0.0642 \n", "8245822 JSPARK14 2022-04-14 04:58:27 0.0642 \n", "8129375 LIA 2022-04-11 05:41:18 0.0642 \n", "8054401 __hmd__ 2022-02-08 20:42:39 0.0642 \n", "8070457 ILYA KOTOV 2022-03-14 10:30:30 0.0642 \n", "8057723 Olympia 2022-02-12 17:45:17 0.0642 \n", "8024976 Sasha Kuzmin 2022-02-07 05:22:57 0.0642 \n", "8024108 iruran 2022-01-27 11:16:19 0.0642 \n", "8024405 RDizzl3 2022-02-02 02:09:29 0.0641 \n", "8044851 Mostafa Ibrahim 2022-02-07 12:26:33 0.0641 \n", "8043372 Zhaoqilin Yang 2022-02-20 00:25:23 0.0641 \n", "8036150 guguda 2022-03-05 06:40:18 0.0641 \n", "8023938 飞机炸弹 2022-03-22 16:07:28 0.0641 \n", "8068058 Ka0 2022-02-01 15:05:29 0.0640 \n", "8080134 Sola Sky 2022-01-30 20:19:56 0.0640 \n", "8083937 Mikayil Yusubov 2022-02-01 20:25:26 0.0640 \n", "8449928 Ethan Wang #2 2022-04-19 14:06:08 0.0639 \n", "8095183 CaioWingeter 2022-02-05 20:24:28 0.0639 \n", "8030577 Tsuguro 2022-01-20 09:18:42 0.0639 \n", "8030529 mumuJZL 2022-01-20 13:19:27 0.0639 \n", "8033044 yuvaramsingh 2022-02-04 02:42:48 0.0639 \n", "8050246 Lily Han 2022-02-04 06:41:14 0.0639 \n", "8035165 Cassinice 2022-01-31 07:27:22 0.0639 \n", "8046209 LOVE BEER?🍺 2022-02-14 05:42:48 0.0639 \n", "8069743 RandomTest 2022-01-31 15:50:58 0.0639 \n", "8351886 Torikabuto 2022-03-23 22:44:39 0.0639 \n", "8050903 NLPer 2022-01-24 08:15:34 0.0639 \n", "8362557 Excellent7 2022-03-27 15:09:13 0.0639 \n", "8167849 monica8219 2022-03-17 02:56:15 0.0638 \n", "8046369 souldrive 2022-01-28 14:20:15 0.0638 \n", "8030428 Gurkan Ozkan 2022-01-30 20:37:12 0.0638 \n", "8408979 Yuyi He 2022-04-13 05:44:42 0.0638 \n", "8037740 Prashant Kikani 2022-03-02 01:23:41 0.0638 \n", "8024421 Gold Digger 2022-03-23 10:37:12 0.0638 \n", "8111089 tatatataky 2022-04-06 11:41:08 0.0638 \n", "8045912 LoydChen 2022-01-24 13:21:21 0.0637 \n", "8154435 Luan Fernandes 2022-02-28 14:07:18 0.0637 \n", "8054731 DoubleDave 2022-04-14 16:50:23 0.0637 \n", "8024853 Yudai Ueno 2022-02-12 14:05:38 0.0637 \n", "8043423 Josepth 2022-01-24 05:58:30 0.0637 \n", "8028547 Abdelghani Belgaid 2022-03-07 13:08:10 0.0637 \n", "8028640 Slawek Biel 2022-01-29 10:11:46 0.0637 \n", "8083222 Matt Oglesby 2022-01-31 16:13:16 0.0637 \n", "8029382 WEIYUAN XU 2022-02-05 16:12:48 0.0637 \n", "8371523 sddx123 2022-04-11 00:24:22 0.0637 \n", "8064681 Eduardo Candioto Fidelis 2022-02-20 16:17:46 0.0637 \n", "8074857 temp_wyh 2022-01-29 09:52:45 0.0637 \n", "8199978 Huang Junjie 2022-03-16 05:32:17 0.0636 \n", "8033349 Cyprien Calmels 2022-01-22 10:55:34 0.0636 \n", "8078384 Harun Dişli 2022-03-13 15:30:19 0.0636 \n", "8030039 胡了队 2022-02-21 05:45:15 0.0636 \n", "8231778 Tan Qiao Q 2022-04-18 12:06:06 0.0636 \n", "8035145 yzxu-hzau 2022-01-27 01:48:42 0.0636 \n", "8367365 Guenter Zengerle 2022-04-19 17:15:11 0.0636 \n", "8301066 noidea 2022-03-24 23:07:40 0.0636 \n", "8441359 libowenustb 2022-04-07 13:48:58 0.0636 \n", "8043805 liuguanting123 2022-02-13 12:57:41 0.0636 \n", "8023591 Jobaria 2022-01-19 03:41:41 0.0635 \n", "8023652 soramame0311 2022-01-19 04:01:54 0.0635 \n", "8023739 Qiuli 2022-01-19 06:07:09 0.0635 \n", "8024598 Nexs-xun 2022-01-19 07:27:34 0.0635 \n", "8126619 ferreat 2022-02-15 16:33:06 0.0635 \n", "8027182 Origi 2022-04-19 12:06:59 0.0635 \n", "8039031 zero 2022-01-23 20:15:34 0.0635 \n", "8262715 Monster1616 2022-04-20 08:46:43 0.0635 \n", "8100986 Brunno Soares 2022-04-15 03:17:03 0.0635 \n", "8177013 Sher|ock 2022-02-27 08:16:09 0.0634 \n", "8033731 Dino Wun 2022-02-28 12:45:28 0.0634 \n", "8080885 assign 2022-02-14 12:03:16 0.0634 \n", "8042991 Ten o'clock postmen 2022-02-10 08:28:38 0.0634 \n", "8095367 SaakethKoka 2022-02-22 02:15:35 0.0634 \n", "8358583 LAROCHEMF 2022-04-12 07:52:23 0.0634 \n", "8026098 Rubick 2022-02-09 08:49:06 0.0633 \n", "8246383 han_dudu 2022-04-18 10:52:58 0.0633 \n", "8029146 Jay 2022-02-03 10:58:00 0.0633 \n", "8038032 Boris Marjanovic 2022-03-25 21:27:32 0.0632 \n", "8278222 Trung Huynh 2022-03-16 18:39:20 0.0632 \n", "8028191 Вицин, Моргунов и Никулин 2022-02-07 06:16:55 0.0632 \n", "8067209 Leonardo Artiles 2022-02-06 20:55:13 0.0632 \n", "8051242 Thomas Meißner 2022-04-15 05:48:11 0.0631 \n", "8098165 mnc.ai 2022-04-17 14:45:25 0.0631 \n", "8026368 hrunic 2022-01-20 16:30:36 0.0631 \n", "8102111 resistance0108 2022-01-30 19:00:11 0.0631 \n", "8025230 kotaro_chato 2022-01-26 06:50:26 0.0631 \n", "8046977 Youssef Hanyf 2022-02-19 13:01:37 0.0631 \n", "8451106 terrence ruffin 2022-04-09 08:37:32 0.0630 \n", "8110157 Pinata Data 2022-02-07 19:35:52 0.0630 \n", "8062316 nakamitsu 2022-02-01 03:37:51 0.0630 \n", "8103978 rundef 2022-03-19 00:51:35 0.0630 \n", "8021233 kakys1111 2022-04-18 11:14:30 0.0630 \n", "8164098 The Retired LCS Players 2022-02-19 21:21:56 0.0630 \n", "8051792 Juan Carlos Galvez 2022-03-24 17:50:21 0.0630 \n", "8152095 Kelly9029 2022-02-19 15:30:52 0.0629 \n", "8083016 Vivo Vinco 2022-01-31 15:35:47 0.0629 \n", "8073190 Pavel Kolodeznyy 2022-01-31 00:06:24 0.0629 \n", "8076447 zhangFun 2022-02-22 16:11:28 0.0629 \n", "8084423 therocket290 2022-02-03 04:43:06 0.0629 \n", "8034387 Sarvagya Malaviya 2022-02-22 19:08:03 0.0629 \n", "8093854 wafflebufflo 2022-02-17 13:21:35 0.0628 \n", "8024779 致Great 2022-01-24 17:07:47 0.0628 \n", "8082314 Avijit Duttta 2022-03-10 03:30:02 0.0628 \n", "8309379 GuiYingBin 2022-03-27 12:12:03 0.0628 \n", "8068791 Egor Pustovit 2022-02-15 17:49:04 0.0628 \n", "8090205 devSauron 2022-03-14 11:03:29 0.0627 \n", "8133712 AnnWan 2022-04-18 10:32:15 0.0627 \n", "8180891 by256 2022-02-18 23:11:36 0.0626 \n", "8053430 newbies 2022-03-14 12:07:44 0.0626 \n", "8085134 DavidWill7 2022-02-06 12:35:04 0.0626 \n", "8038668 Manel 2022-01-31 21:05:02 0.0625 \n", "8383369 hykhhijk 2022-04-17 23:44:09 0.0625 \n", "8065325 PaoloRampazzo 2022-02-01 04:36:54 0.0625 \n", "8119710 Yogurt Yao 2022-02-08 08:38:28 0.0625 \n", "8023523 yseeker 2022-04-10 10:28:42 0.0625 \n", "8388522 Julia Hatamyar 2022-03-30 08:14:58 0.0625 \n", "8115067 qaz123 qazqa 2022-03-09 08:47:54 0.0624 \n", "8115703 清华附小 2022-03-15 14:41:37 0.0624 \n", "8217312 Ziyang Zeng 2022-02-26 16:44:57 0.0624 \n", "8053195 bliieve 2022-03-11 04:13:04 0.0623 \n", "8463809 NMarkin 2022-04-20 18:54:24 0.0623 \n", "8139585 TianMing 2022-02-11 09:41:50 0.0622 \n", "8036301 Saverio Mazza 2022-03-08 19:52:48 0.0622 \n", "8023683 Shiraz Wasim 2022-03-20 16:50:48 0.0622 \n", "8250472 Elden_ring 2022-04-19 14:30:12 0.0622 \n", "8453668 sophie wu1204 2022-04-19 14:28:11 0.0622 \n", "8189639 earlytobed 2022-03-18 16:06:57 0.0622 \n", "8341461 OldDrWho 2022-03-25 11:47:13 0.0621 \n", "8353177 kazukim 2022-04-09 02:11:27 0.0621 \n", "8026191 Ayush Ghadiya 2022-01-29 12:59:38 0.0621 \n", "8177698 Dilson Pereira 2022-03-04 13:53:14 0.0621 \n", "8078456 Meet Kathiriya 2022-01-30 11:55:46 0.0620 \n", "8031283 干净又卫生 2022-01-24 16:25:29 0.0620 \n", "8025851 Sayantan Mazumdar 2022-01-30 05:16:00 0.0620 \n", "8046998 HongyiChris Shao 2022-04-09 05:18:43 0.0620 \n", "8366145 siddhant KUMAR1 2022-04-13 07:08:08 0.0620 \n", "8201495 fab 2022-02-22 12:04:54 0.0619 \n", "8051553 Kangyu Chen 2022-02-05 12:43:57 0.0619 \n", "8069206 Patrick Fahy 2022-02-02 14:44:41 0.0618 \n", "8035438 10% 2022-04-12 15:46:00 0.0618 \n", "8333697 Gromov Valentin 2022-03-19 14:25:37 0.0618 \n", "8127668 joyfulCorgi 2022-03-31 02:32:35 0.0618 \n", "8240364 T.Sch 2022-04-16 13:06:07 0.0618 \n", "8049327 Adrian Brodzik 2022-04-15 19:05:01 0.0618 \n", "8040276 Anthony Mulcahy 2022-04-18 14:09:34 0.0618 \n", "8094276 lsy105 2022-02-20 17:29:04 0.0617 \n", "8054241 Konstantin Plashinnov 2022-01-25 18:00:58 0.0617 \n", "8055316 jxx 2022-03-04 04:31:20 0.0617 \n", "8074318 kma### 2022-03-05 08:56:28 0.0617 \n", "8056499 Grigory Chzhan 2022-01-25 19:37:09 0.0617 \n", "8191604 Richard Townsend 2022-02-20 19:51:59 0.0616 \n", "8094826 Jim M 2022-04-17 02:46:56 0.0616 \n", "8105444 kheyduzoo mryou 2022-04-09 00:43:00 0.0616 \n", "8155849 Davide Mattioli 2022-03-11 10:35:38 0.0616 \n", "8041290 R_ISHIHA 2022-03-24 23:34:42 0.0615 \n", "8047795 mfkepsb 2022-01-24 08:57:57 0.0615 \n", "8022335 Ruby 2022-02-07 16:52:28 0.0615 \n", "8310052 thuyltn 2022-04-20 22:57:46 0.0614 \n", "8037696 fipelle 2022-04-20 14:33:33 0.0614 \n", "8025523 BAOLE FANG 2022-01-27 02:00:33 0.0614 \n", "8125376 lixinjuan 2022-02-09 08:04:53 0.0614 \n", "8054777 Laura Romar 2022-04-20 18:09:15 0.0614 \n", "8038001 JPK 2022-01-24 02:08:23 0.0613 \n", "8311319 Mehrad Haftsavar 2022-03-24 17:16:25 0.0613 \n", "8024210 Nan 2022-01-30 13:11:02 0.0612 \n", "8070295 UbiTech 💻 2022-04-10 12:21:59 0.0612 \n", "8080114 racecondition7 2022-03-03 21:42:30 0.0612 \n", "8025974 SupriseMF 2022-04-16 09:05:09 0.0611 \n", "8128395 Яковлев Александр 2022-04-20 01:09:56 0.0611 \n", "8040087 Three Musketeers 2022-02-03 08:18:54 0.0611 \n", "8045743 H_Apple 2022-02-04 16:03:06 0.0611 \n", "8032313 RANDSENG 2022-01-30 09:19:06 0.0610 \n", "8200769 AFool 2022-02-22 09:34:45 0.0609 \n", "8275638 oh_ds 2022-04-17 21:55:42 0.0609 \n", "8039753 🔥🦫 2022-01-30 05:09:17 0.0609 \n", "8023851 donglee 2022-04-18 15:13:01 0.0608 \n", "8152358 Chiranjeev 2022-02-14 17:08:17 0.0608 \n", "8035065 Tomo-kn 2022-02-08 03:26:33 0.0608 \n", "8087112 Teck Meng Wong 2022-02-01 13:52:52 0.0608 \n", "8307453 Abdou MIMOUNI 2022-04-19 00:15:04 0.0608 \n", "8056609 Saransh Karira 2022-01-25 08:37:13 0.0607 \n", "8368629 bifnhlp 2022-03-30 05:29:12 0.0607 \n", "8330486 ken11528 2022-03-27 08:15:58 0.0607 \n", "8454889 yy-1024 2022-04-18 11:20:02 0.0607 \n", "8340761 Prem Chotepanit 2022-03-21 02:33:42 0.0606 \n", "8065428 largezhu 2022-02-22 07:39:13 0.0606 \n", "8126401 DaveZwieback 2022-03-20 18:06:17 0.0605 \n", "8041935 ryo884 2022-01-22 08:44:56 0.0605 \n", "8034363 moon zhao 2022-03-31 10:31:01 0.0604 \n", "8028699 masuda_kentaro 2022-01-27 14:17:29 0.0604 \n", "8031869 asiac 2022-01-20 15:36:37 0.0603 \n", "8041744 TranNguyenPhong 2022-02-16 00:10:39 0.0603 \n", "8139641 Jena 2022-03-15 14:56:27 0.0603 \n", "8151524 asffaf 2022-02-14 07:16:04 0.0603 \n", "8055849 binary 2022-03-20 00:17:46 0.0603 \n", "8042667 Shivalkar 2022-04-04 17:09:14 0.0602 \n", "8097117 Harijs Ceriņš 2022-04-18 15:20:24 0.0602 \n", "8041410 compdad 2022-01-23 21:31:20 0.0602 \n", "8023425 Roe 2022-04-09 14:15:12 0.0602 \n", "8112953 Johnny Wang 2022-03-01 07:48:58 0.0602 \n", "8268129 jeeksla 2022-03-22 08:34:18 0.0602 \n", "8048284 Dranzer 2022-01-24 10:30:45 0.0601 \n", "8069285 Hans-Peter Schrei 2022-04-13 20:01:23 0.0600 \n", "8043467 Francium Lee 2022-03-27 12:43:34 0.0600 \n", "8040888 Kim Hyun Bin 2022-04-02 01:28:47 0.0600 \n", "8046689 Mengfei Li 2022-04-20 20:09:20 0.0600 \n", "8069148 Nick Lertmethaphat 2022-03-31 18:23:21 0.0600 \n", "8333412 Simon Preis 2022-03-19 16:44:32 0.0599 \n", "8070499 Xiuhong Huang 2022-03-09 08:01:41 0.0599 \n", "8371309 flyaway123 2022-03-26 12:43:14 0.0598 \n", "8186590 Mahboob Mustafa 2022-02-20 18:12:07 0.0598 \n", "8317625 Rungang 2022-03-16 17:40:42 0.0597 \n", "8031711 Kai-Jie Lin 2022-01-21 12:11:01 0.0597 \n", "8038796 Purnajyoti \"Joe\" Bhaumik 2022-03-02 16:35:10 0.0597 \n", "8407220 Chris #2 2022-04-19 22:54:05 0.0596 \n", "8050298 Siddhant Bashisth 2022-01-24 05:02:13 0.0596 \n", "8040499 Will Zhang 2022-01-24 03:33:13 0.0596 \n", "8041035 Omkar Kulkarni 2022-01-23 18:54:30 0.0596 \n", "8043966 Igor Kuivjogi Fernandes 2022-01-24 20:13:10 0.0596 \n", "8045471 Richa 2022-01-23 06:36:11 0.0596 \n", "8063272 Marcos Couros 2022-02-07 12:34:57 0.0596 \n", "8089220 albertdow 2022-02-02 12:12:37 0.0596 \n", "8455668 SGKnight 2022-04-10 07:44:50 0.0596 \n", "8081308 Nallapaneni Venkatesh 2022-02-02 06:28:21 0.0596 \n", "8228795 alanmiller 2022-03-20 20:44:54 0.0596 \n", "8050588 Priya M. 2022-04-06 19:44:19 0.0596 \n", "8398004 Joe Cleary 2022-04-11 03:36:16 0.0596 \n", "8038996 Jillani Soft Tech 2022-01-24 19:40:19 0.0596 \n", "8186625 サブロー=ベイズ 2022-03-23 14:24:02 0.0596 \n", "8046285 kitayama 2022-03-22 14:22:31 0.0595 \n", "8424255 math5470_Li_Zhu 2022-04-17 08:18:00 0.0595 \n", "8271592 schsch 2022-04-20 07:34:57 0.0595 \n", "8032357 khi 2022-03-23 06:20:34 0.0595 \n", "8188776 Aiken Liu 2022-02-24 14:04:44 0.0594 \n", "8029326 yangfei 2022-01-26 07:37:28 0.0594 \n", "8042812 Apotrollus 2022-03-08 07:47:15 0.0594 \n", "8226507 lwqiang 2022-03-02 17:05:17 0.0594 \n", "8039672 Aniruddha Sharma #2 2022-02-07 01:56:47 0.0594 \n", "8310919 thatplayboy 2022-03-16 12:56:26 0.0594 \n", "8026673 mavillan 2022-04-19 20:29:30 0.0594 \n", "8104615 Goobye novice 2022-02-25 12:00:12 0.0594 \n", "8067343 Marcos Martins Marchetti 2022-01-27 14:02:24 0.0593 \n", "8044687 Mariusz Dlugokecki 2022-03-20 21:42:29 0.0592 \n", "8175542 Luke Dai 2022-03-16 11:19:30 0.0592 \n", "8027995 anisoulk 2022-01-28 00:38:57 0.0592 \n", "8042517 Tarlan Nazarov 2022-01-28 10:05:52 0.0592 \n", "8033622 Misbah Bilgili 2022-01-24 13:04:55 0.0592 \n", "8056490 Luis Tung 2022-04-19 16:08:11 0.0591 \n", "8069242 Derek Austin 2022-02-23 02:56:53 0.0591 \n", "8027372 ADA. 2022-01-23 18:24:34 0.0591 \n", "8027105 nevergiveup 2022-02-07 07:47:30 0.0591 \n", "8049994 Jasonczh 2022-01-28 11:51:05 0.0590 \n", "8035268 Linxingwei 2022-01-28 06:40:25 0.0590 \n", "8039302 VIMARU61 2022-01-22 00:18:34 0.0590 \n", "8060256 CJ.WANGSHI 2022-01-28 02:58:30 0.0590 \n", "8114843 Barteksv12 2022-02-22 16:35:30 0.0589 \n", "8099867 Kody Barton 2022-02-06 03:56:05 0.0587 \n", "8388104 Imaginaire 2022-04-11 11:34:16 0.0587 \n", "8053545 Robert Erffmeyer 2022-01-24 16:57:50 0.0587 \n", "8021048 S.koooooooooo 2022-01-24 19:04:03 0.0587 \n", "8058901 toulio 2022-04-06 08:18:47 0.0586 \n", "8059029 Ralf 2022-03-27 10:29:18 0.0585 \n", "8038425 nbswords 2022-01-30 10:13:48 0.0585 \n", "8027046 dds 2022-02-02 10:48:02 0.0585 \n", "8049847 neoistheone 2022-03-17 02:59:00 0.0584 \n", "8075692 DarcyX 2022-03-23 17:52:03 0.0584 \n", "8120825 nichin 2022-02-15 08:44:27 0.0584 \n", "8029007 Brian Li 2022-01-20 05:10:38 0.0583 \n", "8146228 DiggerWang 2022-03-23 10:04:29 0.0583 \n", "8315729 Wang Vanzque 2022-03-16 09:41:46 0.0583 \n", "8442467 Maxim Zvegintsev 2022-04-18 13:18:38 0.0583 \n", "8111184 Winnalegh 2022-02-07 10:02:09 0.0583 \n", "8042283 qazwhy123 2022-03-23 06:56:12 0.0583 \n", "8355166 HOKAGE 2022-03-23 11:59:51 0.0582 \n", "8461329 satoshi n 2022-04-11 15:14:03 0.0582 \n", "8090624 Teugerb 2022-02-09 01:32:09 0.0582 \n", "8191690 olafskkc 2022-02-27 17:01:00 0.0582 \n", "8223987 Lawrence Teo 2022-02-26 15:57:31 0.0582 \n", "8043316 Youri Matiounine 2022-01-30 12:35:12 0.0581 \n", "8152886 Mammago 2022-04-20 11:28:45 0.0580 \n", "8228161 Alexandre 2022-02-28 21:32:24 0.0580 \n", "8020893 UbiAlpha 2022-04-20 21:49:23 0.0580 \n", "8095573 AlexPpv 2022-02-23 06:45:04 0.0579 \n", "8330348 Reinhard #2 2022-03-21 14:05:41 0.0579 \n", "8432143 envylustpride 2022-04-14 15:31:07 0.0579 \n", "8174896 Next FM 2022-04-20 16:56:04 0.0579 \n", "8274854 a&a team 2022-03-19 14:24:29 0.0578 \n", "8424207 HuAngTTiaN 2022-04-20 03:28:39 0.0577 \n", "8262584 Anil Sonay 2022-04-12 12:25:10 0.0577 \n", "8212057 zuijiang 2022-03-02 12:46:28 0.0576 \n", "8315529 Jim Woo 2022-04-01 19:13:15 0.0576 \n", "8073747 EOHNL 2022-04-19 21:04:07 0.0575 \n", "8026829 ORANGECAT 2022-04-18 03:30:59 0.0574 \n", "8162696 🤗konita🤗 2022-04-15 14:20:24 0.0573 \n", "8067424 armand 2022-03-23 13:56:39 0.0573 \n", "8142995 Shahin Yazdani 2022-03-11 13:38:29 0.0573 \n", "8386409 OSailor 2022-04-18 07:58:28 0.0573 \n", "8040797 DSL Yonsei 2022-04-19 14:02:31 0.0571 \n", "8085389 Rohan Vaidya 2022-02-09 11:44:19 0.0571 \n", "8152160 zhuqin 2022-04-09 05:06:03 0.0570 \n", "8042942 zhangxinyao001 2022-03-18 03:55:57 0.0570 \n", "8237954 vhack 2022-04-18 18:41:00 0.0569 \n", "8228919 Drayker 2022-04-18 13:00:43 0.0567 \n", "8116220 inigo san martin 2022-03-03 18:57:25 0.0567 \n", "8042889 Ada in a nutshell 2022-01-25 01:36:12 0.0567 \n", "8066267 MarkFowler 2022-02-08 00:04:54 0.0567 \n", "8026498 神庙 2022-01-24 08:04:15 0.0566 \n", "8281748 yao 2022-03-10 13:45:30 0.0565 \n", "8043781 josepth 2022-01-26 01:40:49 0.0564 \n", "8025834 stpete_ishii 2022-01-26 09:04:31 0.0564 \n", "8027825 oliver 2022-03-19 08:22:28 0.0564 \n", "8039964 ShedHollaway 2022-03-05 18:29:04 0.0563 \n", "8204897 Alexandr Maximenko 2022-03-09 07:59:05 0.0563 \n", "8032607 yamayama100 2022-04-04 08:42:45 0.0562 \n", "8067236 Gennosuke 2022-02-06 11:41:36 0.0562 \n", "8154748 booobeep 2022-04-15 02:49:24 0.0561 \n", "8025089 neuronblack 2022-01-25 15:49:27 0.0560 \n", "8024818 Black Knight 2022-01-28 09:11:16 0.0560 \n", "8311133 S.Malamov 2022-03-25 11:44:01 0.0560 \n", "8085933 Viji 2022-04-16 21:03:40 0.0559 \n", "8348202 zhang 2022-04-12 07:28:28 0.0559 \n", "8041954 StamatisMastromichalakis 2022-01-29 07:53:53 0.0558 \n", "8393745 giras 2022-03-30 07:53:45 0.0557 \n", "8027168 huan106106 2022-01-24 15:22:28 0.0554 \n", "8078189 Ordinary Student 2022-03-26 11:32:05 0.0554 \n", "8075032 AhmadZaenal 2022-02-01 15:12:56 0.0553 \n", "8063775 Tensorial Quant 2022-01-30 14:20:35 0.0553 \n", "8433965 vaio user 2022-04-07 03:20:41 0.0553 \n", "8075795 Nadim Muhammad 2022-02-28 11:09:17 0.0552 \n", "8066709 ubiboom 2022-04-20 22:42:53 0.0552 \n", "8213918 Aman Singh 2022-04-13 11:21:31 0.0552 \n", "8024678 Valentin Z 2022-03-09 10:58:37 0.0552 \n", "8029512 Roland Luethy 2022-03-23 21:22:30 0.0551 \n", "8053031 nokomoro3 2022-03-06 23:00:58 0.0550 \n", "8326825 Vlad Argunov 2022-04-03 16:59:26 0.0547 \n", "8021247 Chris Miles 2022-04-18 16:58:52 0.0547 \n", "8233953 Eric-TH-Z 2022-04-10 21:41:42 0.0546 \n", "8089797 alchemist_zhou 2022-04-08 02:54:17 0.0546 \n", "8029771 Andrew Wang 2022-02-14 06:58:16 0.0546 \n", "8414170 Jack Wong 2022-04-05 17:02:03 0.0546 \n", "8226891 nontax 2022-04-02 13:32:55 0.0545 \n", "8057485 Rahul 2022-01-27 14:28:30 0.0544 \n", "8192766 IGNACIO ANTONIO SEPÚLVEDA LLARLLURI 2022-02-22 19:23:31 0.0543 \n", "8034151 kawahiro 2022-01-22 10:19:18 0.0542 \n", "8030592 Luck is all you need 2022-01-23 14:00:53 0.0540 \n", "8168156 Ryo Matsui 2022-04-03 09:11:01 0.0540 \n", "8032691 Michal Bogacz 2022-04-15 16:29:07 0.0540 \n", "8068782 C&M 2022-01-28 00:36:35 0.0540 \n", "8321849 ZiHao Lin997 2022-04-18 19:42:46 0.0534 \n", "8053022 daa 2022-02-27 12:43:26 0.0533 \n", "8057358 Astrid Paramita 2022-04-20 17:17:26 0.0531 \n", "8187232 Nathan Hunt 2022-03-25 17:41:53 0.0530 \n", "8231711 Jin Zhang 2022-03-08 07:13:20 0.0529 \n", "8140742 Xiao-Chuan 2022-02-23 05:48:31 0.0529 \n", "8039730 Fahman Saeed 2022-02-06 05:42:12 0.0527 \n", "8073743 Andrea 2022-02-06 10:08:38 0.0527 \n", "8028813 JUNZHENG NAN 2022-01-24 05:26:27 0.0524 \n", "8133414 Yutori 2022-02-11 13:20:58 0.0522 \n", "8059771 hobbist 2022-02-05 16:18:34 0.0520 \n", "8025959 ZenTrade 2022-04-20 07:04:06 0.0520 \n", "8105898 Chalanthorn Sirimongkholphawong 2022-04-20 06:46:18 0.0520 \n", "8145184 Cyberperson 2022-02-28 08:40:30 0.0519 \n", "8149749 Axe Capital 2022-02-25 01:49:08 0.0515 \n", "8185610 Zq5yGzjg 2022-04-11 03:47:47 0.0514 \n", "8047629 Shuuu1_0038 2022-04-11 15:21:38 0.0512 \n", "8159406 Xiaoyi 2022-02-19 22:17:57 0.0512 \n", "8037079 0x0x 2022-02-25 06:56:27 0.0512 \n", "8157423 HIAHIA 2022-04-17 05:32:53 0.0511 \n", "8052145 Dimosthenis Karaflos 2022-03-16 07:44:11 0.0511 \n", "8038640 mkhi 2022-04-17 06:08:36 0.0510 \n", "8352235 eanes pereira 2022-04-20 22:57:06 0.0510 \n", "8029645 Mikhail Fadeev 2022-04-18 08:26:28 0.0509 \n", "8073135 李承雨 2022-04-20 07:07:02 0.0509 \n", "8077344 YANXIONG LIU 2022-01-30 04:54:16 0.0509 \n", "8131463 Sakshi Jain 2022-04-09 14:29:25 0.0509 \n", "8305314 Enigma 2022-04-16 13:42:36 0.0509 \n", "8336762 gk 2022-04-19 06:35:14 0.0507 \n", "8342208 cloudycrane 2022-04-11 05:02:46 0.0505 \n", "8283477 Evgen_N 2022-03-20 11:05:52 0.0504 \n", "8082632 KODCHAPONG DECHBOONYAPICHART 2022-04-19 07:03:37 0.0503 \n", "8022274 isaac in 2022-01-19 15:30:36 0.0502 \n", "8454597 Hoizzto 2022-04-20 12:32:50 0.0501 \n", "8382198 TakuyaOtsuka 2022-04-16 11:00:47 0.0500 \n", "8320648 leftback@urn3 2022-04-11 06:56:08 0.0500 \n", "8076171 Khukir 2022-04-14 05:21:42 0.0499 \n", "8064374 CPYeh 2022-02-21 22:18:19 0.0499 \n", "8441479 JeD42 2022-04-12 15:37:46 0.0496 \n", "8075191 rahul gawade 2022-02-22 10:06:42 0.0495 \n", "8408957 LanceZero 2022-04-20 17:22:01 0.0494 \n", "8073873 simplenet 2022-02-05 04:45:29 0.0492 \n", "8094665 Dag Sonntag 2022-02-11 07:03:42 0.0492 \n", "8049608 LeonardoSM 2022-01-24 02:42:07 0.0491 \n", "8306664 EvgeniiBondarenko 2022-04-18 16:55:34 0.0491 \n", "8334964 Dumbledore 2022-03-28 08:05:13 0.0490 \n", "8047502 Mahmud Hasan Munna 2022-04-13 06:34:53 0.0490 \n", "8077606 Hotei 2022-04-17 03:44:44 0.0488 \n", "8038280 RyoStock 2022-03-06 15:42:07 0.0487 \n", "8345381 David Lu #2 2022-03-22 23:25:21 0.0487 \n", "8037651 Bedassa Regassa 2022-02-01 07:11:51 0.0486 \n", "8183369 srinathmkce 2022-03-02 13:14:47 0.0486 \n", "8162833 neha 2022-03-30 07:01:41 0.0485 \n", "8043321 Marcy Sato 2022-02-12 22:57:33 0.0482 \n", "8114848 Maciej Dzieżyc 2022-02-08 11:03:18 0.0482 \n", "8030814 Gopi Durgaprasad 2022-01-24 11:24:47 0.0480 \n", "8044290 PronichevAV 2022-01-31 18:35:33 0.0480 \n", "8053026 Kash 2022-04-12 19:03:48 0.0479 \n", "8021068 树千花放夜风东 2022-04-18 10:01:39 0.0478 \n", "8222890 Guanghui ZHANG 2022-03-06 15:06:37 0.0477 \n", "8421119 Hunter Gabbard 2022-04-05 16:16:05 0.0474 \n", "8129155 Yu Iida 2022-02-16 23:32:49 0.0474 \n", "8414302 Atilla 2022-04-03 13:51:08 0.0474 \n", "8255153 Yan Zhang 2022-03-25 03:13:43 0.0472 \n", "8055221 lvzcl 2022-02-19 12:18:26 0.0469 \n", "8299881 lilongzkl 2022-03-18 02:16:29 0.0468 \n", "8084244 Dawson Huth 2022-02-06 03:27:05 0.0468 \n", "8044361 Toutatis 2022-01-23 16:39:42 0.0468 \n", "8059501 sophon 2022-02-09 06:56:43 0.0467 \n", "8443155 Ichthys 2022-04-18 09:20:36 0.0464 \n", "8287806 不想学习 2022-04-18 10:01:44 0.0461 \n", "8206371 Ashuto7h 2022-02-27 16:59:08 0.0460 \n", "8082025 iosan1988 2022-02-09 15:01:30 0.0451 \n", "8184487 Andres O 2022-02-19 20:12:49 0.0448 \n", "8037501 LucaKnowsNothing 2022-01-29 17:31:24 0.0448 \n", "8102897 enazymm 2022-02-11 14:05:08 0.0447 \n", "8079601 Sagar Dubey 2022-03-14 03:36:28 0.0447 \n", "8092733 sltk 2022-03-06 14:34:29 0.0440 \n", "8030262 大白菜 2022-01-22 06:33:29 0.0438 \n", "8058166 harshith.462315 2022-04-17 10:04:38 0.0436 \n", "8048980 ddwqq 2022-01-23 21:07:09 0.0435 \n", "8023602 k.wata 2022-01-24 13:33:50 0.0435 \n", "8044260 Morty 🐼 2022-01-30 09:20:50 0.0435 \n", "8027456 Mendax 2022-01-24 08:47:24 0.0433 \n", "8047193 Taku 2022-01-23 13:35:25 0.0433 \n", "8037857 William Li 2022-02-02 05:41:58 0.0429 \n", "8151834 Sedat GOLGİYAZ 2022-04-20 13:31:05 0.0428 \n", "8318978 anthonybax 2022-04-15 17:08:25 0.0428 \n", "8428601 n-yuzuto 2022-04-10 08:48:12 0.0426 \n", "8444720 ryan ren 2022-04-20 19:03:40 0.0425 \n", "8406562 Antonio 2022-04-02 10:51:53 0.0424 \n", "8026185 xstt201 2022-02-20 09:43:42 0.0424 \n", "8399772 NotSoDumbCoders 2022-04-06 13:29:33 0.0423 \n", "8035611 Gagan Dhillon 2022-03-11 12:09:40 0.0419 \n", "8222667 TM Shen 2022-03-02 06:33:28 0.0415 \n", "8067161 Joe Young 2022-02-18 13:31:27 0.0415 \n", "8281177 Roberto G 2022-03-12 21:51:31 0.0413 \n", "8094362 Subash Gandyer 2022-02-02 21:42:12 0.0412 \n", "8274174 Darshan Sawant 2022-03-12 14:27:35 0.0412 \n", "8141900 Anton Semenov 2022-04-06 17:13:40 0.0411 \n", "8021216 Winner 2022-01-26 07:27:44 0.0410 \n", "8176912 SaiSohith 2022-04-17 16:51:18 0.0410 \n", "8052485 UnavailableProtocol 2022-04-10 05:30:00 0.0410 \n", "8309341 aromatic_coconut_231 2022-04-11 17:12:56 0.0408 \n", "8114015 PeaceNAN 2022-02-07 09:17:59 0.0407 \n", "8044445 Dong Chen 2022-02-02 19:45:07 0.0405 \n", "8030502 summerdaway 2022-01-30 15:11:36 0.0405 \n", "8341594 no way home 2022-03-21 07:57:49 0.0405 \n", "8045032 Tomohiro Yazaki 2022-01-29 22:40:34 0.0404 \n", "8021106 maze508 2022-03-29 22:54:30 0.0401 \n", "8196152 Hojae Lee 2022-03-12 09:44:14 0.0401 \n", "8255969 Walter Alvarado 2022-03-21 14:49:25 0.0395 \n", "8065407 518030910265_孙开来 2022-04-20 06:59:56 0.0388 \n", "8080856 Graker Charms 2022-02-13 11:56:25 0.0387 \n", "8122965 Samuel Guimaraes 2022-03-08 19:03:15 0.0387 \n", "8084191 Jiri Prudky 2022-02-17 20:53:51 0.0385 \n", "8225930 Amruta Kabade 2022-02-27 06:05:04 0.0385 \n", "8272244 Shu 2022-03-22 13:37:22 0.0385 \n", "8375636 toshi_k_1985 2022-04-17 12:31:52 0.0385 \n", "8026236 Aiden Tu 2022-03-05 08:37:14 0.0385 \n", "8023635 BunBun 2022-01-19 12:25:57 0.0384 \n", "8094081 vasist 2022-04-20 13:13:04 0.0383 \n", "8095051 Grigory Tokarev 2022-02-03 11:34:26 0.0382 \n", "8124065 John Rabovich 2022-03-30 12:47:48 0.0378 \n", "8051045 kiseokyoon 2022-01-24 17:49:58 0.0378 \n", "8048775 Nikhil Manali 2022-01-31 23:32:40 0.0378 \n", "8072935 Greg DeVos 2022-02-04 01:18:02 0.0372 \n", "8029464 Ethan11999 2022-01-20 08:15:31 0.0371 \n", "8280340 egecan esen 2022-03-09 20:43:06 0.0371 \n", "8112046 Julio Contreras 2022-04-20 18:32:21 0.0369 \n", "8041460 Team Outliers 2022-02-22 18:22:19 0.0366 \n", "8047500 Class started 2 hrs Ago 2022-02-14 16:24:31 0.0362 \n", "8024979 kito_pl 2022-01-23 11:33:04 0.0359 \n", "8057139 terasak 2022-01-26 09:36:31 0.0359 \n", "8177081 miyataka 2022-02-18 15:13:56 0.0359 \n", "8189870 Hiroki Yasuda 2022-02-20 09:36:00 0.0359 \n", "8321238 kikukiku 2022-03-24 10:24:59 0.0359 \n", "8445446 syuya_y 2022-04-08 09:24:19 0.0359 \n", "8446572 Muntarist 2022-04-08 10:00:56 0.0359 \n", "8098204 Khalil SAIDI 2022-02-12 13:32:26 0.0358 \n", "8193736 Carmen Mihaela 2022-02-21 03:15:02 0.0358 \n", "8138751 YuKazuKou 2022-04-06 13:49:35 0.0356 \n", "8092548 Narayana Nemani 2022-02-19 16:05:12 0.0355 \n", "8029741 Charlie 2022-01-24 14:22:19 0.0352 \n", "8021095 hesongfan 2022-01-23 05:50:43 0.0350 \n", "8071224 syama 2022-01-29 04:56:06 0.0350 \n", "8184608 Weilin Xu 2022-02-22 04:08:36 0.0349 \n", "8205969 Andrew Stringer 2022-03-15 08:22:54 0.0348 \n", "8137614 Toni Bisart 2022-02-21 21:48:05 0.0348 \n", "8280638 Luis Pedro Freitas 2022-04-19 22:32:52 0.0346 \n", "8346950 what7predict 2022-04-01 08:59:30 0.0346 \n", "8423321 Khang Duong Le Tuong 2022-04-05 08:12:03 0.0345 \n", "8034765 hukun1995 2022-02-16 09:06:52 0.0339 \n", "8034930 Samarth Agarwal 2022-01-23 08:40:59 0.0338 \n", "8082352 Doi Hiro 2022-04-17 08:49:03 0.0331 \n", "8318403 bangboom 2022-03-19 09:07:19 0.0328 \n", "8100101 Oriol Palau 2022-02-20 15:09:03 0.0328 \n", "8447290 好运来 2022-04-08 15:08:27 0.0321 \n", "8069131 himi64 2022-03-10 15:50:54 0.0314 \n", "8344988 Alessandro Cognome 2022-03-25 22:16:08 0.0309 \n", "8147199 Education Purposelol 2022-03-07 14:16:34 0.0303 \n", "8034732 Test the water 2022-03-15 03:46:13 0.0300 \n", "8140758 SylviaWangBeiBei 2022-03-05 04:46:33 0.0295 \n", "8071853 Teppei 2022-01-30 02:34:09 0.0286 \n", "8222997 202204 2022-04-05 15:07:00 0.0286 \n", "8079920 Cameron Xu 2022-02-01 04:39:12 0.0283 \n", "8155396 塔塔开 2022-04-20 21:24:25 0.0266 \n", "8106637 ikamirin 2022-03-23 13:47:43 0.0262 \n", "8030690 Nelson Mganga 2022-01-22 05:02:12 0.0242 \n", "8164307 gibeomKwon 2022-03-26 09:11:40 0.0242 \n", "8043264 naoya k 2022-01-25 11:14:56 0.0241 \n", "8050213 f3ak1 2022-02-05 23:17:08 0.0231 \n", "8026846 kabupen 2022-02-02 15:01:52 0.0228 \n", "8205055 Yan Leung 2022-03-02 18:46:04 0.0227 \n", "8110662 Daniela Newton 2022-04-17 10:43:00 0.0227 \n", "8364481 angelalalala 2022-03-26 03:56:15 0.0222 \n", "8043931 HUNTER×HUNTER 2022-04-20 12:00:05 0.0220 \n", "8042604 stak36 2022-02-01 03:53:22 0.0219 \n", "8100025 Rohith Kokkula 2022-04-11 18:26:16 0.0211 \n", "8357815 Zahran 2022-03-26 21:55:46 0.0196 \n", "8332800 gne931 2022-04-14 16:48:01 0.0194 \n", "8317761 Najib 2022-04-20 01:06:41 0.0194 \n", "8464116 LordPitoria 2022-04-17 21:02:23 0.0191 \n", "8120969 VMX33 2022-02-21 22:46:02 0.0189 \n", "8046058 Sam Y 2022-02-10 04:23:28 0.0189 \n", "8350948 dam4on 2022-03-23 17:46:52 0.0179 \n", "8216922 Maxwell Dailey 2022-03-10 05:39:51 0.0176 \n", "8290934 RxRx 2022-04-18 09:59:49 0.0162 \n", "8054937 Alex Cheng 2022-01-27 08:58:07 0.0161 \n", "8104374 Arthur Stepchenko 2022-03-05 18:58:57 0.0160 \n", "8245431 nick yang 2022-04-06 01:18:31 0.0157 \n", "8418540 EasonHeys 2022-04-09 07:22:36 0.0156 \n", "8123355 yoffoy 2022-04-04 17:45:17 0.0151 \n", "8310506 Let's go 2022-03-30 03:51:53 0.0149 \n", "8104513 Newbie_Team 2022-02-09 05:19:52 0.0137 \n", "8034307 Carter Gibson 2022-02-01 16:18:10 0.0136 \n", "8203073 jxtrbtk 2022-03-07 07:18:18 0.0133 \n", "8353366 Dong Wei 2022-03-23 05:59:18 0.0133 \n", "8180607 Spyros Kostis 2022-02-22 11:00:20 0.0127 \n", "8111105 RuaYii i 2022-02-21 05:23:39 0.0124 \n", "8053743 Valerij Groshev 2022-02-02 18:40:46 0.0121 \n", "8356294 Joaquín Antonio De Vicente López 2022-03-23 22:06:38 0.0118 \n", "8271832 tongchunli 2022-03-11 10:36:11 0.0117 \n", "8091064 YUMPY 2022-04-17 07:03:44 0.0112 \n", "8078878 Angyi 2022-01-30 15:47:36 0.0107 \n", "8024218 oo 2022-02-03 15:32:18 0.0096 \n", "8045260 Daniel Preciado 2022-04-04 04:54:30 0.0089 \n", "8077081 hackerinheels 2022-03-22 19:48:23 0.0068 \n", "8150067 Jack Bruck 2022-02-25 20:50:44 0.0068 \n", "8112267 John Kim 2022-03-09 13:07:17 0.0059 \n", "8187964 DragonQuant 2022-02-22 16:23:18 0.0057 \n", "8044865 Frederic 2022-01-22 23:34:18 0.0054 \n", "8246941 rhezheh 2022-03-18 10:34:01 0.0045 \n", "8044013 Adarsh Chavakula 2022-02-09 21:31:38 0.0035 \n", "8026108 AbaoJiang 2022-04-18 12:41:40 0.0033 \n", "8037212 Dani Quinteiro Donaghy 2022-01-21 15:51:42 0.0028 \n", "8417226 akycdi 2022-04-04 03:54:34 0.0018 \n", "8328301 盛夏不暖吾心寒 2022-04-02 10:28:33 0.0017 \n", "8337242 SAKIYOMI 2022-04-10 05:24:14 0.0016 \n", "8289927 Abhilaksh Singh Reen 2022-02-20 10:18:33 0.0015 \n", "8041398 Anusua Basu 2022-03-12 16:27:59 0.0015 \n", "8034593 aldparis 2022-03-30 19:18:00 0.0010 \n", "8319375 benvens 2022-04-18 22:59:15 0.0009 \n", "8052470 Anirudh #3 2022-02-24 11:00:30 0.0006 \n", "8022359 Victor Augusto Cavalli 2022-02-09 19:26:13 0.0006 \n", "8117025 RMMJ 2022-02-08 16:06:40 0.0004 \n", "8317231 Kadyrbek 2022-04-12 17:14:08 0.0004 \n", "8427464 BeBayes 2022-04-08 19:09:07 0.0000 \n", "8068290 Hardstruck 2022-02-01 17:25:53 0.0000 \n", "8040687 R鋼彈 2022-01-28 00:55:57 0.0000 \n", "8150874 Konstantin Alekseev 2022-02-21 12:14:12 0.0000 \n", "8279756 Nathaniel haut 2022-03-11 22:25:16 0.0000 \n", "8024223 Shaif Chowdhury 2022-01-21 15:01:54 0.0000 \n", "8040041 jimmylin0979 2022-01-24 14:16:47 0.0000 \n", "8039939 HongyiChris 2022-01-21 23:56:18 0.0000 \n", "8390789 vivek #2 2022-04-20 22:40:18 0.0000 \n", "8121119 david 2022-02-19 06:22:40 0.0000 \n", "8390667 drzeus 2022-04-20 08:45:51 -0.0000 \n", "8313982 Ken Popkin 2022-03-28 18:39:59 -0.0000 \n", "8047053 Pekko 2022-01-23 19:49:28 -0.0000 \n", "8142588 Justin Hallas 2022-02-11 20:13:37 -0.0000 \n", "8325418 Thales Galuchi 2022-03-18 01:23:45 -0.0000 \n", "8440525 Graphy 2022-04-07 12:22:36 -0.0000 \n", "8344487 ZiJie S 2022-04-01 10:09:27 -0.0000 \n", "8100424 mfujiwara 2022-03-11 07:58:19 -0.0003 \n", "8369266 yaduo pan 2022-03-25 16:30:44 -0.0006 \n", "8250525 Arman #2 2022-03-04 00:45:02 -0.0006 \n", "8390718 Sciencehorizen 2022-04-20 21:08:54 -0.0008 \n", "8439809 FrozenStar 2022-04-07 11:39:07 -0.0027 \n", "8038355 Wendel Lopes 2022-02-01 19:31:47 -0.0039 \n", "8096112 rinehart13 2022-02-21 02:14:28 -0.0041 \n", "8090987 Ranesh 2022-02-27 09:13:35 -0.0046 \n", "8314523 Marcelo Marcolino 2022-03-26 16:45:03 -0.0048 \n", "8053723 Birnenbums 2022-01-28 17:41:56 -0.0053 \n", "8154348 Yu_Bu 2022-04-18 03:44:29 -0.0057 \n", "8110655 hm2200 2022-03-31 13:58:11 -0.0074 \n", "8032250 ty wang 2022-02-06 11:51:56 -0.0076 \n", "8044457 Lyubomir Klyambarski 2022-02-07 22:46:29 -0.0079 \n", "8142557 AlexeyShevchuk 2022-04-17 19:04:08 -0.0080 \n", "8095305 Ryan Stevens 2022-02-27 22:00:35 -0.0081 \n", "8328288 listening to unity 2022-04-17 07:19:02 -0.0091 \n", "8029748 Jianqiu Wang 2022-01-30 02:27:40 -0.0188 \n", "8033361 Marty Boyle 2022-04-19 18:10:31 -0.0238 \n", "8045334 Xinyi Wu 2022-02-06 05:45:21 -0.0277 \n", "8280681 Arthur D 2022-04-19 16:44:47 -0.0299 \n", "8280205 olmatz 2022-03-09 19:39:32 -0.0554 \n", "8077338 JONE 2022-03-29 23:55:30 -0.0655 \n", "8360234 JRPC 2022-03-24 08:55:33 -0.0712 \n", "8296309 mohammod 2022-03-12 16:41:02 -0.0723 \n", "8034380 🅴🆂🆆🅰🆁🅰🅽 🅺🆁🅸🅷🆂🅽🅰🆂🅰🅼🆈 2022-03-12 06:22:58 -0.0723 \n", "8293980 hxyike 2022-03-12 05:46:00 -0.0723 \n", "8081939 David #3 2022-01-31 10:30:06 -0.1111 \n", "8038254 ismael kaissy 2022-02-06 22:54:27 -0.1125 \n", "8045279 Stadtfruss 2022-01-24 18:45:08 -0.2222 \n", "8024813 PiggyGG 2022-01-30 11:31:08 -0.2222 \n", "8108082 Régis 2022-02-17 09:16:51 -0.3333 \n", "8038106 William Murphy 2022-04-18 21:45:33 -0.6559 \n", "8440393 DemingYe 2022-04-09 12:39:39 -0.7684 \n", "8179253 AndresGonzalez 2022-02-19 05:36:03 -0.8851 \n", "8073804 marugari 2022-04-11 13:56:31 -0.8888 \n", "8428936 Linh Hoang 2022-04-13 23:59:04 -0.8893 \n", "8020697 sample_submission.csv 2022-01-12 23:39:11 -1.0000 \n", "8021080 D_ 2022-01-19 06:11:59 -1.0000 \n", "8027932 yutouluck 2022-01-19 18:32:28 -1.0000 \n", "8032552 Wire Leaf 2022-01-22 16:23:10 -1.0000 \n", "8046069 Karen 2022-01-23 09:44:20 -1.0000 \n", "8046616 Shabir Ahmed 2022-01-24 21:19:38 -1.0000 \n", "8069597 Chris 2022-01-28 04:14:59 -1.0000 \n", "8077919 shinji niwa 2022-01-30 12:20:40 -1.0000 \n", "8031481 KSMCG90 2022-01-30 20:51:12 -1.0000 \n", "8094188 Ivan Meleshko 2022-02-02 20:50:27 -1.0000 \n", "8061683 jetxuX 2022-02-07 03:16:49 -1.0000 \n", "8155163 kingjames 2022-02-14 05:55:48 -1.0000 \n", "8151890 ASV617 2022-02-15 03:36:33 -1.0000 \n", "8031563 Calugar Marius 2022-02-20 11:48:35 -1.0000 \n", "8204325 miiitomi 2022-02-22 18:24:42 -1.0000 \n", "8063975 Omar Bolanos 2022-02-22 20:21:17 -1.0000 \n", "8175317 Yuchen Huang 2022-02-23 09:24:41 -1.0000 \n", "8225379 water_eau 2022-02-27 08:02:58 -1.0000 \n", "8143971 Shengwei Lu 2022-02-28 23:44:35 -1.0000 \n", "8241618 garyGLH 2022-03-21 14:51:00 -1.0000 \n", "8243518 AtsuIde 2022-03-03 01:12:46 -1.0000 \n", "8245251 Fanf #2 2022-03-06 12:58:47 -1.0000 \n", "8257647 Saty15 2022-03-06 13:14:28 -1.0000 \n", "8043494 boundles 2022-03-11 04:22:59 -1.0000 \n", "8284170 Tuhin Majumder 2022-03-15 12:19:20 -1.0000 \n", "8309739 fortunetelling 2022-03-17 09:36:26 -1.0000 \n", "8267013 huayuer 2022-04-18 08:57:45 -1.0000 \n", "8349851 LittleBlue&HisFriends 2022-03-23 07:22:28 -1.0000 \n", "8260604 kurama8103 2022-03-23 14:51:14 -1.0000 \n", "8310581 Akshata Arun Shirodker 2022-03-27 09:11:26 -1.0000 \n", "8333536 RockyHoo 2022-03-28 01:45:41 -1.0000 \n", "8250905 Alex Towers 2022-03-28 23:24:06 -1.0000 \n", "8384669 FanFeng 2022-03-28 23:44:40 -1.0000 \n", "8401005 quack-quack 2022-03-31 14:53:37 -1.0000 \n", "8437596 Deep Money 2022-04-07 15:14:49 -1.0000 \n", "8449504 rainbows 2022-04-15 21:39:22 -1.0000 \n", "8033967 daibhaiho 2022-04-17 07:20:39 -1.0000 \n", "8320368 __Taichicchi__ 2022-04-20 14:50:38 -1.0000 \n" ] } ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "" ], "metadata": { "id": "JYh8v9hYQcSJ" }, "execution_count": null, "outputs": [] }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "!kaggle datasets list -s soccer" ], "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/" }, "id": "6onK_g1ILUHC", "outputId": "f8223504-a89c-4dba-e2e4-b6ada5bd7a3e" }, "execution_count": null, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "name": "stdout", "text": [ "ref title size lastUpdated downloadCount voteCount usabilityRating \n", "----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- ----- ------------------- ------------- --------- --------------- \n", "datasets/hugomathien/soccer European Soccer Database 33MB 2016-10-23 22:31:38 154249 3840 0.7058824 \n", "datasets/tadhgfitzgerald/fifa-international-soccer-mens-ranking-1993now FIFA Soccer Rankings 693KB 2018-06-08 11:15:09 12548 181 0.7058824 \n", "datasets/sashchernuh/european-football World Soccer DB: archive of odds [01-JUN-2021] 48MB 2021-06-01 13:16:26 4656 170 0.8235294 \n", "datasets/crawford/us-major-league-soccer-salaries U.S. Major League Soccer Salaries 83KB 2017-07-13 19:47:08 3046 41 0.8235294 \n", "datasets/analystmasters/earn-your-6-figure-prize A 6-figure prize by soccer prediction 11MB 2017-09-19 01:29:12 3039 186 0.7647059 \n", "datasets/josephvm/major-league-soccer-dataset Major League Soccer Dataset 7MB 2022-05-17 00:15:28 1910 57 0.8235294 \n", "datasets/ramjasmaurya/footballsoccer-clubs-ranking Football/Soccer Clubs Ranking 50KB 2022-04-10 18:43:42 628 40 1.0 \n", "datasets/kriegsmaschine/soccer-players-values-and-their-statistics Soccer players values and their statistics 4MB 2021-05-11 09:17:18 1381 30 0.9705882 \n", "datasets/lgmoneda/ge-soccer-clubs-news GE Soccer Clubs News 145MB 2022-03-27 22:11:22 197 27 1.0 \n", "datasets/caesarlupum/betsstrategy Bets Strategy 484KB 2019-12-28 16:53:06 640 56 1.0 \n", "datasets/drgilermo/home-advantage-in-soccer-and-basketball Home Advantage in Soccer and Basketball 136KB 2017-01-21 15:26:40 2153 34 0.7058824 \n", "datasets/ricardomattos05/jogos-do-campeonato-brasileiro Brazilian Soccer Database 2MB 2022-05-15 07:39:32 297 24 0.88235295 \n", "datasets/jiezi2004/soccer European Soccer Database Supplementary 13MB 2017-09-10 10:31:51 1818 40 0.8235294 \n", "datasets/hikne707/big-five-european-soccer-leagues The Big Five European soccer leagues data 501KB 2020-04-28 12:59:21 735 18 1.0 \n", "datasets/gravix/european-soccer European Soccer 5MB 2019-10-25 10:04:33 316 11 0.64705884 \n", "datasets/omercolakoglu/european-soccer-score-card-database European Soccer Score Card Database 193MB 2020-10-05 10:00:48 227 120 0.5294118 \n", "datasets/aalborguniversity/thermal-soccer-dataset Thermal soccer dataset 2GB 2018-02-08 09:54:24 895 31 0.6875 \n", "datasets/antoinekrajnc/soccer-players-statistics Soccer Players Statistics 1MB 2018-06-26 12:34:22 2039 43 0.29411766 \n", "datasets/eliasdabbas/european-football-soccer-clubs-tweets European Football (Soccer) Clubs Tweets 49MB 2019-07-19 13:47:36 368 13 0.9411765 \n", "datasets/swenauk/epldata Soccer Betting Odds 3KB 2018-09-03 01:28:59 193 5 0.44117647 \n" ] } ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "!kaggle datasets list " ], "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/" }, "id": "QQztB3xsNIbh", "outputId": "7fa1dc32-7396-4a68-a677-be978977315a" }, "execution_count": null, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "name": "stdout", "text": [ "ref title size lastUpdated downloadCount voteCount usabilityRating \n", "----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- ----- ------------------- ------------- --------- --------------- \n", "datasets/muratkokludataset/date-fruit-datasets Date Fruit Datasets 408KB 2022-04-03 09:25:39 7510 1006 0.9375 \n", "datasets/mdmahmudulhasansuzan/students-adaptability-level-in-online-education Students Adaptability Level in Online Education 6KB 2022-04-16 04:46:28 4970 127 1.0 \n", "datasets/muratkokludataset/rice-image-dataset Rice Image Dataset 219MB 2022-04-03 02:12:00 1438 830 0.875 \n", "datasets/paradisejoy/top-hits-spotify-from-20002019 Top Hits Spotify from 2000-2019 94KB 2022-04-26 17:30:03 1188 27 1.0 \n", "datasets/muratkokludataset/raisin-dataset Raisin Dataset 112KB 2022-04-03 00:23:16 597 733 0.9375 \n", "datasets/muratkokludataset/pistachio-dataset Pistachio Dataset 2MB 2022-04-03 08:38:21 584 750 0.9375 \n", "datasets/muratkokludataset/rice-msc-dataset Rice MSC Dataset 102MB 2022-04-03 01:33:52 228 719 0.9375 \n", "datasets/muratkokludataset/pistachio-image-dataset Pistachio Image Dataset 27MB 2022-03-28 18:01:27 507 798 0.9375 \n", "datasets/muratkokludataset/grapevine-leaves-image-dataset Grapevine Leaves Image Dataset 109MB 2022-04-03 09:00:54 172 761 0.875 \n", "datasets/muratkokludataset/durum-wheat-dataset Durum Wheat Dataset 983MB 2022-04-03 00:02:29 99 733 0.875 \n", "datasets/muratkokludataset/pumpkin-seeds-dataset Pumpkin Seeds Dataset 393KB 2022-03-28 18:28:16 578 727 0.9375 \n", "datasets/muratkokludataset/dry-bean-dataset Dry Bean Dataset 5MB 2022-04-02 23:19:30 494 731 0.9375 \n", "datasets/rinichristy/covid19-coronavirus-pandemic COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic 9KB 2022-04-05 08:43:16 3955 87 1.0 \n", "datasets/muhmores/spotify-top-100-songs-of-20152019 Spotify Top 100 Songs of 2010-2019 139KB 2022-04-09 06:35:36 5407 111 0.88235295 \n", "datasets/surajjha101/stores-area-and-sales-data Supermarket store branches sales analysis 10KB 2022-04-29 11:10:16 1192 54 1.0 \n", "datasets/aslanahmedov/walmart-sales-forecast Walmart Sales Forecast 3MB 2022-04-21 05:28:20 2483 64 1.0 \n", "datasets/digvijaysinhgohil/covid19-data-deaths-and-vaccinations Covid-19 Data Deaths and Vaccinations 2MB 2022-05-04 19:06:58 781 23 1.0 \n", "datasets/xhlulu/cpc-codes Cooperative Patent Classification Codes Meaning 5MB 2022-03-22 03:04:36 2259 146 1.0 \n", "datasets/aliibrahim10/anime-ratings Anime Ratings 489KB 2022-05-12 21:00:13 168 19 1.0 \n", "datasets/alexandrparkhomenko/top-apps-in-google-play Top Apps in Google Play 3KB 2022-04-29 05:16:34 1113 41 1.0 \n" ] } ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "!kaggle datasets list --sort-by votes" ], "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/" }, "id": "BbLCb2ZLNIYx", "outputId": "7e31368b-bcab-48e2-c5ae-1d31128dbf12" }, "execution_count": null, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "name": "stdout", "text": [ "ref title size lastUpdated downloadCount voteCount usabilityRating \n", "--------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----- ------------------- ------------- --------- --------------- \n", "datasets/jessicali9530/animal-crossing-new-horizons-nookplaza-dataset Animal Crossing New Horizons Catalog 577KB 2021-06-08 15:05:09 18664 15298 0.8235294 \n", "datasets/allen-institute-for-ai/CORD-19-research-challenge COVID-19 Open Research Dataset Challenge (CORD-19) 15GB 2022-04-25 19:32:16 144755 9907 0.88235295 \n", "datasets/mlg-ulb/creditcardfraud Credit Card Fraud Detection 66MB 2018-03-23 01:17:27 410055 9133 0.85294116 \n", "datasets/shivamb/netflix-shows Netflix Movies and TV Shows 1MB 2021-09-27 04:44:36 237286 6556 1.0 \n", "datasets/sudalairajkumar/novel-corona-virus-2019-dataset Novel Corona Virus 2019 Dataset 9MB 2021-06-24 04:27:25 371906 5796 0.9705882 \n", "datasets/paultimothymooney/chest-xray-pneumonia Chest X-Ray Images (Pneumonia) 2GB 2018-03-24 19:41:59 170348 5042 0.75 \n", "datasets/datasnaek/youtube-new Trending YouTube Video Statistics 201MB 2019-06-03 00:56:47 174651 4526 0.7941176 \n", "datasets/gregorut/videogamesales Video Game Sales 381KB 2016-10-26 09:10:49 316539 4519 0.5882353 \n", "datasets/lava18/google-play-store-apps Google Play Store Apps 2MB 2019-02-03 13:55:47 182260 4017 0.7058824 \n", "datasets/hugomathien/soccer European Soccer Database 33MB 2016-10-23 22:31:38 154249 3840 0.7058824 \n", "datasets/borismarjanovic/price-volume-data-for-all-us-stocks-etfs Huge Stock Market Dataset 492MB 2017-11-16 14:53:29 87210 3749 0.75 \n", "datasets/timoboz/data-science-cheat-sheets Data Science Cheat Sheets 596MB 2020-02-04 19:42:27 43898 3732 0.875 \n", "datasets/unsdsn/world-happiness World Happiness Report 37KB 2019-11-27 04:41:47 224759 3556 0.85294116 \n", "datasets/zynicide/wine-reviews Wine Reviews 51MB 2017-11-27 17:08:04 159892 3312 0.7941176 \n", "datasets/spscientist/students-performance-in-exams Students Performance in Exams 9KB 2018-11-09 18:25:25 168788 3250 0.7058824 \n", "datasets/uciml/pima-indians-diabetes-database Pima Indians Diabetes Database 9KB 2016-10-06 18:31:56 283836 3096 0.88235295 \n", "datasets/neuromusic/avocado-prices Avocado Prices 629KB 2018-06-06 05:28:35 156413 3039 0.9705882 \n", "datasets/tmdb/tmdb-movie-metadata TMDB 5000 Movie Dataset 9MB 2017-09-28 01:09:12 202094 3034 0.8235294 \n", "datasets/mczielinski/bitcoin-historical-data Bitcoin 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} ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "!kaggle datasets download hikne707/big-five-european-soccer-leagues " ], "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/" }, "id": "jpdl8741Sb4u", "outputId": "0d625a92-9f45-4b78-f6e7-47cab820b40d" }, "execution_count": null, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "name": "stdout", "text": [ "Downloading big-five-european-soccer-leagues.zip to /content\n", "\r 0% 0.00/501k [00:00\n", "RangeIndex: 44269 entries, 0 to 44268\n", "Data columns (total 15 columns):\n", " # Column Non-Null Count Dtype \n", "--- ------ -------------- ----- \n", " 0 Round 44269 non-null int64 \n", " 1 Date 44269 non-null object\n", " 2 Team 1 44269 non-null object\n", " 3 FT 44269 non-null object\n", " 4 HT 44269 non-null object\n", " 5 Team 2 44269 non-null object\n", " 6 Year 44269 non-null int64 \n", " 7 Country 44269 non-null object\n", " 8 FT Team 1 44269 non-null int64 \n", " 9 FT Team 2 44269 non-null int64 \n", " 10 HT Team 1 44269 non-null int64 \n", " 11 HT Team 2 44269 non-null int64 \n", " 12 GGD 44269 non-null int64 \n", " 13 Team 1 (pts) 44269 non-null int64 \n", " 14 Team 2 (pts) 44269 non-null int64 \n", "dtypes: int64(9), object(6)\n", "memory usage: 5.1+ MB\n" ] } ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "" ], "metadata": { "id": "5FyuWfsfSbm_" }, "execution_count": null, "outputs": [] }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "" ], "metadata": { "id": "q6xVnQ31L36i" }, "execution_count": null, "outputs": [] }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "df" ], "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/" }, "id": "6bmzYRNjL30z", "outputId": "3a8698f3-a179-464e-f6cf-bfdcf17fb865" }, "execution_count": null, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "execute_result", "data": { "text/plain": [ " Round Date Team 1 FT HT \\\n", "0 1 (Sat) 19 Aug 1995 (W33) Aston Villa FC 3-1 3-0 \n", "1 1 (Sat) 19 Aug 1995 (W33) Blackburn Rovers FC 1-0 1-0 \n", "2 1 (Sat) 19 Aug 1995 (W33) Chelsea FC 0-0 0-0 \n", "3 1 (Sat) 19 Aug 1995 (W33) Liverpool FC 1-0 0-0 \n", "4 1 (Sat) 19 Aug 1995 (W33) Manchester City FC 1-1 0-1 \n", "... ... ... ... ... ... \n", "44264 26 (Sun) 8 Mar 2020 (W10) AC Milan 1-2 0-2 \n", "44265 26 (Sun) 8 Mar 2020 (W10) UC Sampdoria 2-1 0-1 \n", "44266 26 (Sun) 8 Mar 2020 (W10) Udinese Calcio 0-0 0-0 \n", "44267 26 (Sun) 8 Mar 2020 (W10) Juventus 2-0 0-0 \n", "44268 26 (Mon) 9 Mar 2020 (W11) US Sassuolo Calcio 3-0 1-0 \n", "\n", " Team 2 Year Country FT Team 1 FT Team 2 \\\n", "0 Manchester United FC 1995 ENG 3 1 \n", "1 Queens Park Rangers FC 1995 ENG 1 0 \n", "2 Everton FC 1995 ENG 0 0 \n", "3 Sheffield Wednesday FC 1995 ENG 1 0 \n", "4 Tottenham Hotspur FC 1995 ENG 1 1 \n", "... ... ... ... ... ... \n", "44264 Genoa CFC 2019 IT 1 2 \n", "44265 Hellas Verona FC 2019 IT 2 1 \n", "44266 ACF Fiorentina 2019 IT 0 0 \n", "44267 FC Internazionale Milano 2019 IT 2 0 \n", "44268 Brescia 2019 IT 3 0 \n", "\n", " HT Team 1 HT Team 2 GGD Team 1 (pts) Team 2 (pts) \n", "0 3 0 2 3 0 \n", "1 1 0 1 3 0 \n", "2 0 0 0 1 1 \n", "3 0 0 1 3 0 \n", "4 0 1 0 1 1 \n", "... ... ... ... ... ... \n", "44264 0 2 1 0 3 \n", "44265 0 1 1 3 0 \n", "44266 0 0 0 1 1 \n", "44267 0 0 2 3 0 \n", "44268 1 0 3 3 0 \n", "\n", "[44269 rows x 15 columns]" ], "text/html": [ "\n", "
\n", "
\n", "
\n", "\n", "\n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", "
RoundDateTeam 1FTHTTeam 2YearCountryFT Team 1FT Team 2HT Team 1HT Team 2GGDTeam 1 (pts)Team 2 (pts)
01(Sat) 19 Aug 1995 (W33)Aston Villa FC3-13-0Manchester United FC1995ENG3130230
11(Sat) 19 Aug 1995 (W33)Blackburn Rovers FC1-01-0Queens Park Rangers FC1995ENG1010130
21(Sat) 19 Aug 1995 (W33)Chelsea FC0-00-0Everton FC1995ENG0000011
31(Sat) 19 Aug 1995 (W33)Liverpool FC1-00-0Sheffield Wednesday FC1995ENG1000130
41(Sat) 19 Aug 1995 (W33)Manchester City FC1-10-1Tottenham Hotspur FC1995ENG1101011
4426426(Sun) 8 Mar 2020 (W10)AC Milan1-20-2Genoa CFC2019IT1202103
4426526(Sun) 8 Mar 2020 (W10)UC Sampdoria2-10-1Hellas Verona FC2019IT2101130
4426626(Sun) 8 Mar 2020 (W10)Udinese Calcio0-00-0ACF Fiorentina2019IT0000011
4426726(Sun) 8 Mar 2020 (W10)Juventus2-00-0FC Internazionale Milano2019IT2000230
4426826(Mon) 9 Mar 2020 (W11)US Sassuolo Calcio3-01-0Brescia2019IT3010330
\n", "

44269 rows × 15 columns

\n", "
\n", " \n", " \n", " \n", "\n", " \n", "
\n", "
\n", " " ] }, "metadata": {}, "execution_count": 81 } ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "" ], "metadata": { "id": "elGOrfinL3yJ" }, "execution_count": null, "outputs": [] }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "" ], "metadata": { "id": "0EvesrfnL3vD" }, "execution_count": null, "outputs": [] }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "!kaggle datasets files gravix/european-soccer " ], "metadata": { "id": "yn_8ecKCL3tP", "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/" }, "outputId": "025ff0a8-8df6-4b91-9cf2-8a2bcbfbb117" }, "execution_count": 110, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "name": "stdout", "text": [ "name size creationDate \n", "------------------- ---- ------------------- \n", "european_soccer.csv 21MB 2019-10-25 10:04:33 \n" ] } ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "!kaggle datasets download gravix/european-soccer " ], "metadata": { "id": "eW-BZjYGL3p6", "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/" }, "outputId": "5c3c2fff-6985-476f-dfd2-75f0e3f58c07" }, "execution_count": 111, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "name": "stdout", "text": [ "Downloading european-soccer.zip to /content\n", " 93% 5.00M/5.39M [00:00<00:00, 16.8MB/s]\n", "100% 5.39M/5.39M [00:00<00:00, 18.0MB/s]\n" ] } ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "!unzip european-soccer.zip" ], "metadata": { "id": "Wknuf-nML3nq", "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/" }, "outputId": "a64f4bd7-3450-4074-ac20-e6b74b9dd88f" }, "execution_count": 112, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "name": "stdout", "text": [ "Archive: european-soccer.zip\n", " inflating: european_soccer.csv \n" ] } ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "df = pd.read_csv('european_soccer.csv')" ], "metadata": { "id": "35gXKURFL3kv", "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/" }, "outputId": "abe1dd64-873a-48a5-e9ce-5246f41fefb2" }, "execution_count": 113, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "name": "stderr", "text": [ "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/IPython/core/interactiveshell.py:2882: DtypeWarning: Columns (52,86) have mixed types.Specify dtype option on import or set low_memory=False.\n", " exec(code_obj, self.user_global_ns, self.user_ns)\n" ] } ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "df" ], "metadata": { "id": "QvD9O17BL3iD", "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", "height": 661 }, "outputId": "d8e9f60d-06aa-4290-e982-b9b831cd39e7" }, "execution_count": 114, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "execute_result", "data": { "text/plain": [ " Div Date HomeTeam AwayTeam FTHG FTAG FTR HTHG HTAG \\\n", "0 B1 2010-07-30 Standard Waregem 1.0 1.0 D 0.0 1.0 \n", "1 B1 2010-07-31 Anderlecht Eupen 4.0 1.0 H 0.0 1.0 \n", "2 B1 2010-07-31 Kortrijk Club Brugge 1.0 0.0 H 0.0 0.0 \n", "3 B1 2010-07-31 Mechelen Lokeren 2.0 0.0 H 0.0 0.0 \n", "4 B1 2010-07-31 St Truiden Lierse 1.0 0.0 H 1.0 0.0 \n", "... .. ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ... \n", "55501 I1 2019-10-20 Parma Genoa 5.0 1.0 H 3.0 0.0 \n", "55502 I1 2019-10-20 Milan Lecce 2.0 2.0 D 1.0 0.0 \n", "55503 D2 2019-10-20 Bochum Karlsruhe 3.0 3.0 D 3.0 2.0 \n", "55504 I1 2019-10-20 Sassuolo Inter 3.0 4.0 A 1.0 3.0 \n", "55505 F1 2019-10-20 Marseille Strasbourg 2.0 0.0 H 1.0 0.0 \n", "\n", " HTR ... B365CAHH B365CAHA PCAHH PCAHA MaxCAHH MaxCAHA AvgCAHH \\\n", "0 A ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN \n", "1 A ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN \n", "2 D ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN \n", "3 D ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN \n", "4 H ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN \n", "... .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... \n", "55501 H ... 1.92 2.01 1.90 2.01 1.93 2.10 1.89 \n", "55502 H ... 1.94 1.99 1.93 2.00 2.00 2.05 1.93 \n", "55503 H ... 1.77 2.10 1.79 2.11 1.88 2.17 1.80 \n", "55504 A ... 2.06 1.87 2.05 1.87 2.08 1.88 2.02 \n", "55505 H ... 1.83 2.10 1.83 2.09 1.85 2.10 1.81 \n", "\n", " AvgCAHA CurrentDivision DayOfWeek \n", "0 NaN 1 4 \n", "1 NaN 1 5 \n", "2 NaN 1 5 \n", "3 NaN 1 5 \n", "4 NaN 1 5 \n", "... ... ... ... \n", "55501 1.99 1 6 \n", "55502 1.95 1 6 \n", "55503 2.06 2 6 \n", "55504 1.86 1 6 \n", "55505 2.06 1 6 \n", "\n", "[55506 rows x 150 columns]" ], "text/html": [ "\n", "
\n", "
\n", "
\n", "\n", "\n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", "
2B12010-07-31KortrijkClub Brugge1.00.0H0.00.0D...NaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaN15
4B12010-07-31St TruidenLierse1.00.0H1.00.0H...NaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaN15
\n", "

55506 rows × 150 columns

\n", "
\n", " \n", " \n", " \n", "\n", " \n", "
\n", "
\n", " " ] }, "metadata": {}, "execution_count": 114 } ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "df.info()" ], "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/" }, "id": "_NHn-zmLlnIP", "outputId": "67d98f60-82a8-453c-fe96-892c55eac257" }, "execution_count": 115, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "name": "stdout", "text": [ "\n", "RangeIndex: 55506 entries, 0 to 55505\n", "Columns: 150 entries, Div to DayOfWeek\n", "dtypes: float64(138), int64(3), object(9)\n", "memory usage: 63.5+ MB\n" ] } ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "df.shape" ], "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/" }, "id": "ayhDXNYqlnG0", "outputId": "d9a86212-6859-4ce5-97e5-6d8f7a043411" }, "execution_count": 116, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "execute_result", "data": { "text/plain": [ "(55506, 150)" ] }, "metadata": {}, "execution_count": 116 } ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "df.columns" ], "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/" }, "id": "Im85Yp9YlnFj", "outputId": "0aa7b76c-4800-4e51-b9bd-da9aef9b6399" }, "execution_count": 117, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "execute_result", "data": { "text/plain": [ "Index(['Div', 'Date', 'HomeTeam', 'AwayTeam', 'FTHG', 'FTAG', 'FTR', 'HTHG',\n", " 'HTAG', 'HTR',\n", " ...\n", " 'B365CAHH', 'B365CAHA', 'PCAHH', 'PCAHA', 'MaxCAHH', 'MaxCAHA',\n", " 'AvgCAHH', 'AvgCAHA', 'CurrentDivision', 'DayOfWeek'],\n", " dtype='object', length=150)" ] }, "metadata": {}, "execution_count": 117 } ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "source": [ "https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/gravix/european-soccer\n", "https://www.football-data.co.uk/notes.txt\n" ], "metadata": { "id": "N4KMK3Byl4zQ" } }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "import numpy as np # linear algebra\n", "import os # accessing directory structure\n", "import pandas as pd" ], "metadata": { "id": "HwM5-F1flnB5" }, "execution_count": 118, "outputs": [] }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "nRowsRead = 1000 # specify 'None' if want to read whole file\n", "# european_soccer.csv may have more rows in reality, but we are only loading/previewing the first 1000 rows\n", "df1 = pd.read_csv('european_soccer.csv', delimiter=',', nrows = nRowsRead)\n", "df1.dataframeName = 'european_soccer.csv'\n", "nRow, nCol = df1.shape\n", "print(f'There are {nRow} rows and {nCol} columns')" ], "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/" }, "id": "x-Mc5Oxmlm9X", "outputId": "cb1e5612-8305-457e-d64c-81a49291abca" }, "execution_count": 120, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "name": "stdout", "text": [ "There are 1000 rows and 150 columns\n" ] } ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "df1" ], "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", "height": 661 }, "id": "LLUx4Mkslm6p", "outputId": "37b4b40c-ab43-4034-d739-4ea1cbcb7d4a" }, "execution_count": 121, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "execute_result", "data": { "text/plain": [ " Div Date HomeTeam AwayTeam FTHG FTAG FTR HTHG HTAG \\\n", "0 B1 2010-07-30 Standard Waregem 1.0 1.0 D 0.0 1.0 \n", "1 B1 2010-07-31 Anderlecht Eupen 4.0 1.0 H 0.0 1.0 \n", "2 B1 2010-07-31 Kortrijk Club Brugge 1.0 0.0 H 0.0 0.0 \n", "3 B1 2010-07-31 Mechelen Lokeren 2.0 0.0 H 0.0 0.0 \n", "4 B1 2010-07-31 St Truiden Lierse 1.0 0.0 H 1.0 0.0 \n", ".. ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ... \n", "995 SP1 2010-09-26 Hercules Sevilla 2.0 0.0 H 2.0 0.0 \n", "996 D1 2010-09-26 Kaiserslautern Hannover 0.0 1.0 A 0.0 1.0 \n", "997 D1 2010-09-26 Wolfsburg Freiburg 2.0 1.0 H 1.0 1.0 \n", "998 I1 2010-09-26 Juventus Cagliari 4.0 2.0 H 2.0 1.0 \n", "999 I1 2010-09-26 Fiorentina Parma 2.0 0.0 H 0.0 0.0 \n", "\n", " HTR ... B365CAHH B365CAHA PCAHH PCAHA MaxCAHH MaxCAHA AvgCAHH \\\n", "0 A ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN \n", "1 A ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN \n", "2 D ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN \n", "3 D ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN \n", "4 H ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN \n", ".. .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... \n", "995 H ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN \n", "996 A ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN \n", "997 D ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN \n", "998 H ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN \n", "999 D ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN \n", "\n", " AvgCAHA CurrentDivision DayOfWeek \n", "0 NaN 1 4 \n", "1 NaN 1 5 \n", "2 NaN 1 5 \n", "3 NaN 1 5 \n", "4 NaN 1 5 \n", ".. ... ... ... \n", "995 NaN 1 6 \n", "996 NaN 1 6 \n", "997 NaN 1 6 \n", "998 NaN 1 6 \n", "999 NaN 1 6 \n", "\n", "[1000 rows x 150 columns]" ], "text/html": [ "\n", "
\n", "
\n", "
\n", "\n", "\n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", "
2B12010-07-31KortrijkClub Brugge1.00.0H0.00.0D...NaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaN15
4B12010-07-31St TruidenLierse1.00.0H1.00.0H...NaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaN15
\n", "

1000 rows × 150 columns

\n", "
\n", " \n", " \n", " \n", "\n", " \n", "
\n", "
\n", " " ] }, "metadata": {}, "execution_count": 121 } ] } ] }