--- title: "Shortest Path with RBGL" author: "by Alexander Pico" date: "`r Sys.Date()`" output: html_notebook: toc_float: yes code_folding: none html_document: df_print: paged package: RCy3 --- ```{r, echo = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set( eval=FALSE ) ``` *The R markdown is available from the pulldown menu for* Code *at the upper-right, choose "Download Rmd", or [download the Rmd from GitHub](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cytoscape/cytoscape-automation/master/for-scripters/R/notebooks/Shortest-path.Rmd).* This vignette will show you how to perform a shortest path calculation using RBGL on a network in Cytoscape. RBGL is a Biocondutor package that offers an array of analytical functions for graphs. # Installation ```{r eval=FALSE} if(!"RCy3" %in% installed.packages()){ install.packages("BiocManager") BiocManager::install("RCy3") } if(!"RBGL" %in% installed.packages()){ install.packages("BiocManager") BiocManager::install("RBGL") } library(RCy3) library(RBGL) ``` # Required Software The whole point of RCy3 is to connect with Cytoscape. You will need to install and launch Cytoscape: * Download the latest Cytoscape from http://www.cytoscape.org/download.php * Complete installation wizard * Launch Cytoscape ```{r} cytoscapePing() ``` # Shortest Path with RBGL
Convert a sample Cytoscape network to a graph object (after removing a multiedge). ```{r} openSession() selectEdges("YPL248C (pp) YML051W","name") deleteSelectedEdges() g <- createGraphFromNetwork() ``` Identify start and finish nodes (styling is optional). ```{r} start <- "YNL216W" #RAP1 finish <- "YER040W" #GLN3 setNodeBorderWidthBypass(c(start,finish), 20) setNodeBorderColorBypass(start,"#00CC33") setNodeBorderColorBypass(finish,"#CC00CC") ``` Perform shortest path calculation. ```{r} shortest <- sp.between(g, start, finish) shortest$`YNL216W:YER040W`$length shortest.path <- shortest$`YNL216W:YER040W`$path_detail ``` Visualize results in Cytoscape. ```{r} selectNodes(shortest.path, "name") setNodeBorderWidthBypass(shortest.path, 20) createSubnetwork() ```