@echo off REM This is a handy reference for this scripting language: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc754335(v=ws.11).aspx REM Target Cytoscape version for this script set CYTOSCAPE_VERSION=3.10.1 REM Cytoscpae App Store location set APP_STORE_URL=apps.cytoscape.org REM Minimal Java version set MIN_JAVA_VERSION=17 set MIN_JAVA_VERSION_STR=17 set MAX_JAVA_VERSION=17 set MAX_JAVA_VERSION_STR=17 REM Recommended link to download Java set JAVA_DOWNLOAD=https://adoptium.net/temurin/archive/?version=17 REM Error checking flags set pass=true set sys64bit_pass=true set java64bit_pass=true set javahome_pass=true set javaversion_pass=true set appstore_pass=true REM Timeout values set TRACERT_TIMEOUT=30000 echo. echo Cytoscape System Requirements Checker for Windows echo ------------------------------------------------- echo. echo Target Cytoscape version: %CYTOSCAPE_VERSION% echo. echo. REM Windows version REM --------------- echo Your Windows version is: ver echo. REM Test if Java installed REM ---------------------- java -help >nul 2>&1 if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 ( set pass=false echo Problem: Java not installed. echo. set javaversion_pass=false goto appcheck exit ) else ( echo Java is installed echo. echo More details on Java echo -------------------- echo. java -version echo. echo. ) REM Test for 64 bit REM --------------- if %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% == x86 ( set sys64bit_pass=false echo Your system is 32 bit: %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% echo. ) else ( echo Your system is 64 bit echo. ) REM Test for JAVA_HOME environment variable REM --------------------------------------- if "%JAVA_HOME%" == "" ( set javahome_pass=false echo JAVA_HOME is not set echo. ) else ( echo Your JAVA_HOME is set to %JAVA_HOME% echo. ) REM Test for Java version ... could look like 1.8.0_181 or 9+142 REM ------------------------------------------------------------ for /f tokens^=2-5^ delims^=.-_+^" %%j in ('java -fullversion 2^>^&1') do ( set jver[0]=%%j set jver[1]=%%k set jver[2]=%%l set jver[3]=%%m ) set jmajorver=%jver[0]% if "%jmajorver%" EQU "1" ( set jmajorver=%jver[1]% ) echo Your Java Major version is %jmajorver% if %jmajorver% LSS %MIN_JAVA_VERSION% ( set pass=false set javaversion_pass=false echo Problem: Your Java version is less than version %MIN_JAVA_VERSION_STR% echo. ) else ( echo Your Java version is at least version %MIN_JAVA_VERSION_STR% as required echo. ) if %jmajorver% GTR %MAX_JAVA_VERSION% ( set pass=false set javaversion_pass=false echo Problem: Your Java version is greater than version %MAX_JAVA_VERSION_STR% echo. ) else ( echo Your Java version is no higher than version %MAX_JAVA_VERSION_STR% as required echo. ) :appcheck REM Test for "app" store REM -------------------- curl -I https://%APP_STORE_URL% | find "200 OK" >nul if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 ( set pass=false set appstore_pass=false echo. echo Problem: The "app" store at https://%APP_STORE_URL% is not reachable echo. ) else ( echo. echo The "app" store at https://%APP_STORE_URL% is reachable echo. ) echo. REM Summary REM ------- echo. echo Summary echo ------- echo. if %pass% == true ( echo Success! You are ready to run Cytoscape %CYTOSCAPE_VERSION% ) else ( echo Your system has some issues. echo Please fix those and re-run this script again: if %sys64bit_pass% == true ( if %java64bit_pass% NEQ true ( echo - Your system is 64 bit but your Java is only 32 bit echo - Link to download 64 bit Java: %JAVA_DOWNLOAD% ) ) if %javaversion_pass% NEQ true ( echo - You need at least Java version %MIN_JAVA_VERSION_STR%, but not greater than Java version %MAX_JAVA_VERSION_STR% echo - Link to download Java: %JAVA_DOWNLOAD% ) if %appstore_pass% NEQ true ( echo - App store at %APP_STORE_URL% is not reachable ) ) echo. echo. echo. if %appstore_pass% NEQ true ( REM Trace route REM ----------- echo More details on %APP_STORE_URL% echo ---------------------------------- echo. echo Going to run trace route command for %APP_STORE_URL% with timeout of %TRACERT_TIMEOUT%ms now... tracert -w %TRACERT_TIMEOUT% %APP_STORE_URL% echo. echo. echo. ) REM Wait to close window REM -------------------- pause