/*! Copyright (c) The Cytoscape Consortium Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the “Software”), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED “AS IS”, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ ;(function(){ 'use strict'; // registers the extension on a cytoscape lib ref var register = function( cytoscape, $ ){ if( !cytoscape || !$ ){ return; } // can't register if cytoscape or jquery unspecified $.fn.cyPanzoom = $.fn.cytoscapePanzoom = function( options ){ panzoom.apply( this, [ options, cytoscape, $ ] ); return this; // chainability }; // if you want a core extension cytoscape('core', 'panzoom', function( options ){ // could use options object, but args are up to you panzoom.apply( this, [ options, cytoscape, $ ] ); return this; // chainability }); }; var defaults = { zoomFactor: 0.05, // zoom factor per zoom tick zoomDelay: 45, // how many ms between zoom ticks minZoom: 0.1, // min zoom level maxZoom: 10, // max zoom level fitPadding: 50, // padding when fitting panSpeed: 10, // how many ms in between pan ticks panDistance: 10, // max pan distance per tick panDragAreaSize: 75, // the length of the pan drag box in which the vector for panning is calculated (bigger = finer control of pan speed and direction) panMinPercentSpeed: 0.25, // the slowest speed we can pan by (as a percent of panSpeed) panInactiveArea: 8, // radius of inactive area in pan drag box panIndicatorMinOpacity: 0.5, // min opacity of pan indicator (the draggable nib); scales from this to 1.0 zoomOnly: false, // a minimal version of the ui only with zooming (useful on systems with bad mousewheel resolution) fitSelector: undefined, // selector of elements to fit animateOnFit: function(){ // whether to animate on fit return false; }, fitAnimationDuration: 1000, // duration of animation on fit // icon class names sliderHandleIcon: 'fa fa-minus', zoomInIcon: 'fa fa-plus', zoomOutIcon: 'fa fa-minus', resetIcon: 'fa fa-expand' }; var panzoom = function( params, cytoscape, $ ){ var cyRef = this; var options = $.extend(true, {}, defaults, params); var fn = params; var functions = { destroy: function(){ var $this = $(cyRef.container()); var $pz = $this.find(".cy-panzoom"); $pz.data('winbdgs').forEach(function( l ){ $(window).unbind( l.evt, l.fn ); }); $pz.data('cybdgs').forEach(function( l ){ cyRef.off( l.evt, l.fn ); }); $pz.remove(); }, init: function(){ var browserIsMobile = 'ontouchstart' in window; return $(cyRef.container()).each(function(){ var $container = $(this); $container.cytoscape = cytoscape; var winbdgs = []; var $win = $(window); var windowBind = function( evt, fn ){ winbdgs.push({ evt: evt, fn: fn }); $win.bind( evt, fn ); }; var windowUnbind = function( evt, fn ){ for( var i = 0; i < winbdgs.length; i++ ){ var l = winbdgs[i]; if( l.evt === evt && l.fn === fn ){ winbdgs.splice( i, 1 ); break; } } $win.unbind( evt, fn ); }; var cybdgs = []; var cyOn = function( evt, fn ){ cybdgs.push({ evt: evt, fn: fn }); cyRef.on( evt, fn ); }; var cyOff = function( evt, fn ){ for( var i = 0; i < cybdgs.length; i++ ){ var l = cybdgs[i]; if( l.evt === evt && l.fn === fn ){ cybdgs.splice( i, 1 ); break; } } cyRef.off( evt, fn ); }; var $panzoom = $('
'); $container.prepend( $panzoom ); $panzoom.css('position', 'absolute'); // must be absolute regardless of stylesheet $panzoom.data('winbdgs', winbdgs); $panzoom.data('cybdgs', cybdgs); if( options.zoomOnly ){ $panzoom.addClass("cy-panzoom-zoom-only"); } // add base html elements ///////////////////////// var $zoomIn = $('
'); $panzoom.append( $zoomIn ); var $zoomOut = $('
'); $panzoom.append( $zoomOut ); var $reset = $('
'); $panzoom.append( $reset ); var $slider = $('
'); $panzoom.append( $slider ); $slider.append('
'); var $sliderHandle = $('
'); $slider.append( $sliderHandle ); var $noZoomTick = $('
'); $slider.append( $noZoomTick ); var $panner = $('
'); $panzoom.append( $panner ); var $pHandle = $('
'); $panner.append( $pHandle ); var $pUp = $('
'); var $pDown = $('
'); var $pLeft = $('
'); var $pRight = $('
'); $panner.append( $pUp ).append( $pDown ).append( $pLeft ).append( $pRight ); var $pIndicator = $('
'); $panner.append( $pIndicator ); // functions for calculating panning //////////////////////////////////// function handle2pan(e){ var v = { x: e.originalEvent.pageX - $panner.offset().left - $panner.width()/2, y: e.originalEvent.pageY - $panner.offset().top - $panner.height()/2 } var r = options.panDragAreaSize; var d = Math.sqrt( v.x*v.x + v.y*v.y ); var percent = Math.min( d/r, 1 ); if( d < options.panInactiveArea ){ return { x: NaN, y: NaN }; } v = { x: v.x/d, y: v.y/d }; percent = Math.max( options.panMinPercentSpeed, percent ); var vnorm = { x: -1 * v.x * (percent * options.panDistance), y: -1 * v.y * (percent * options.panDistance) }; return vnorm; } function donePanning(){ clearInterval(panInterval); windowUnbind("mousemove", handler); $pIndicator.hide(); } function positionIndicator(pan){ var v = pan; var d = Math.sqrt( v.x*v.x + v.y*v.y ); var vnorm = { x: -1 * v.x/d, y: -1 * v.y/d }; var w = $panner.width(); var h = $panner.height(); var percent = d/options.panDistance; var opacity = Math.max( options.panIndicatorMinOpacity, percent ); var color = 255 - Math.round( opacity * 255 ); $pIndicator.show().css({ left: w/2 * vnorm.x + w/2, top: h/2 * vnorm.y + h/2, background: "rgb(" + color + ", " + color + ", " + color + ")" }); } function calculateZoomCenterPoint(){ var pan = cyRef.pan(); var zoom = cyRef.zoom(); zx = $container.width()/2; zy = $container.height()/2; } var zooming = false; function startZooming(){ zooming = true; calculateZoomCenterPoint(); } function endZooming(){ zooming = false; } var zx, zy; function zoomTo(level){ if( !zooming ){ // for non-continuous zooming (e.g. click slider at pt) calculateZoomCenterPoint(); } cyRef.zoom({ level: level, renderedPosition: { x: zx, y: zy } }); } var panInterval; var handler = function(e){ e.stopPropagation(); // don't trigger dragging of panzoom e.preventDefault(); // don't cause text selection clearInterval(panInterval); var pan = handle2pan(e); if( isNaN(pan.x) || isNaN(pan.y) ){ $pIndicator.hide(); return; } positionIndicator(pan); panInterval = setInterval(function(){ cyRef.panBy(pan); }, options.panSpeed); }; $pHandle.bind("mousedown", function(e){ // handle click of icon handler(e); // update on mousemove windowBind("mousemove", handler); }); $pHandle.bind("mouseup", function(){ donePanning(); }); windowBind("mouseup blur", function(){ donePanning(); }); // set up slider behaviour ////////////////////////// $slider.bind('mousedown', function(){ return false; // so we don't pan close to the slider handle }); var sliderVal; var sliding = false; var sliderPadding = 2; function setSliderFromMouse(evt, handleOffset){ if( handleOffset === undefined ){ handleOffset = 0; } var padding = sliderPadding; var min = 0 + padding; var max = $slider.height() - $sliderHandle.height() - 2*padding; var top = evt.pageY - $slider.offset().top - handleOffset; // constrain to slider bounds if( top < min ){ top = min } if( top > max ){ top = max } var percent = 1 - (top - min) / ( max - min ); // move the handle $sliderHandle.css('top', top); var zmin = options.minZoom; var zmax = options.maxZoom; // assume (zoom = zmax ^ p) where p ranges on (x, 1) with x negative var x = Math.log(zmin) / Math.log(zmax); var p = (1 - x)*percent + x; // change the zoom level var z = Math.pow( zmax, p ); // bound the zoom value in case of floating pt rounding error if( z < zmin ){ z = zmin; } else if( z > zmax ){ z = zmax; } zoomTo( z ); } var sliderMdownHandler, sliderMmoveHandler; $sliderHandle.bind('mousedown', sliderMdownHandler = function( mdEvt ){ var handleOffset = mdEvt.target === $sliderHandle[0] ? mdEvt.offsetY : 0; sliding = true; startZooming(); $sliderHandle.addClass("active"); var lastMove = 0; windowBind('mousemove', sliderMmoveHandler = function( mmEvt ){ var now = +new Date; // throttle the zooms every 10 ms so we don't call zoom too often and cause lag if( now > lastMove + 10 ){ lastMove = now; } else { return false; } setSliderFromMouse(mmEvt, handleOffset); return false; }); // unbind when windowBind('mouseup', function(){ windowUnbind('mousemove', sliderMmoveHandler); sliding = false; $sliderHandle.removeClass("active"); endZooming(); }); return false; }); $slider.bind('mousedown', function(e){ if( e.target !== $sliderHandle[0] ){ sliderMdownHandler(e); setSliderFromMouse(e); } }); function positionSliderFromZoom(){ var z = cyRef.zoom(); var zmin = options.minZoom; var zmax = options.maxZoom; // assume (zoom = zmax ^ p) where p ranges on (x, 1) with x negative var x = Math.log(zmin) / Math.log(zmax); var p = Math.log(z) / Math.log(zmax); var percent = 1 - (p - x) / (1 - x); // the 1- bit at the front b/c up is in the -ve y direction var min = sliderPadding; var max = $slider.height() - $sliderHandle.height() - 2*sliderPadding; var top = percent * ( max - min ); // constrain to slider bounds if( top < min ){ top = min } if( top > max ){ top = max } // move the handle $sliderHandle.css('top', top); } positionSliderFromZoom(); cyOn('zoom', function(){ if( !sliding ){ positionSliderFromZoom(); } }); // set the position of the zoom=1 tick (function(){ var z = 1; var zmin = options.minZoom; var zmax = options.maxZoom; // assume (zoom = zmax ^ p) where p ranges on (x, 1) with x negative var x = Math.log(zmin) / Math.log(zmax); var p = Math.log(z) / Math.log(zmax); var percent = 1 - (p - x) / (1 - x); // the 1- bit at the front b/c up is in the -ve y direction if( percent > 1 || percent < 0 ){ $noZoomTick.hide(); return; } var min = sliderPadding; var max = $slider.height() - $sliderHandle.height() - 2*sliderPadding; var top = percent * ( max - min ); // constrain to slider bounds if( top < min ){ top = min } if( top > max ){ top = max } $noZoomTick.css('top', top); })(); // set up zoom in/out buttons ///////////////////////////// function bindButton($button, factor){ var zoomInterval; $button.bind("mousedown", function(e){ e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); if( e.button != 0 ){ return; } var doZoom = function(){ var zoom = cyRef.zoom(); var lvl = cyRef.zoom() * factor; if( lvl < options.minZoom ){ lvl = options.minZoom; } if( lvl > options.maxZoom ){ lvl = options.maxZoom; } if( (lvl == options.maxZoom && zoom == options.maxZoom) || (lvl == options.minZoom && zoom == options.minZoom) ){ return; } zoomTo(lvl); }; startZooming(); doZoom(); zoomInterval = setInterval(doZoom, options.zoomDelay); return false; }); windowBind("mouseup blur", function(){ clearInterval(zoomInterval); endZooming(); }); } bindButton( $zoomIn, (1 + options.zoomFactor) ); bindButton( $zoomOut, (1 - options.zoomFactor) ); $reset.bind("mousedown", function(e){ if( e.button != 0 ){ return; } var elesToFit = options.fitSelector?cyRef.elements(options.fitSelector):cyRef.elements(); if( elesToFit.size() === 0 ){ cyRef.reset(); } else { var animateOnFit = typeof options.animateOnFit === 'function' ? options.animateOnFit.call() : options.animateOnFit; if(animateOnFit){ cyRef.animate({ fit: { eles: elesToFit, padding: options.fitPadding } }, { duration: options.fitAnimationDuration }); } else{ cyRef.fit( elesToFit, options.fitPadding ); } } return false; }); }); } }; if( functions[fn] ){ return functions[fn].apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 1 )); } else if( typeof fn == 'object' || !fn ) { return functions.init.apply( this, arguments ); } else { $.error("No such function `"+ fn +"` for jquery.cytoscapePanzoom"); } return $(this); }; if( typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports ){ // expose as a commonjs module module.exports = function( cytoscape, jquery ){ register( cytoscape, jquery || require('jquery') ); } } else if( typeof define !== 'undefined' && define.amd ){ // expose as an amd/requirejs module define('cytoscape-panzoom', function(){ return register; }); } if( typeof cytoscape !== 'undefined' && typeof jQuery !== 'undefined' ){ // expose to global cytoscape (i.e. window.cytoscape) register( cytoscape, jQuery ); } })();