[comment]: # (This presentation was made with markdown-slides) [comment]: # (This is a CommonMark compliant comment. It will not be included in the presentation.) [comment]: # (Compile this presentation with the command below) [comment]: # (mdslides presentation.md --include media) [comment]: # (Set the theme:) [comment]: # (THEME = white) [comment]: # (CODE_THEME = base16/zenburn) [comment]: # (The list of themes is at https://revealjs.com/themes/) [comment]: # (The list of code themes is at https://highlightjs.org/) [comment]: # "You can also use quotes instead of parenthesis" [comment]: # 'Single quotes work too' [comment]: # "THEME = white" [comment]: # (Pass optional settings to reveal.js:) [comment]: # (controls: true) [comment]: # (keyboard: true) [comment]: # (markdown: { smartypants: true }) [comment]: # (hash: false) [comment]: # (respondToHashChanges: false) [comment]: # (Other settings are documented at https://revealjs.com/config/) John Doe | College University | July 3, 2020 # Great Title [comment]: # (A comment starting with three or more !!! marks a slide break.) [comment]: # (!!!) This is a sample presentation to showcase [markdown-slides](https://gitlab.com/da_doomer/markdown-slides). The source markdown file is [presentation.md](https://gitlab.com/da_doomer/markdown-slides/-/blob/master/example/presentation.md). [comment]: # (!!!) Use markdown to harness the power of Reveal.js. [comment]: # (!!!) ## Lists and math - Using markdown to write presentations - Easy lists - LaTeX math syntax `$$ J(\theta_0,\theta_1) = \sum_{i=0} $$` [comment]: # (!!!) Code syntax highlighting and animations: ```js [1-2|3|4] let a = 1; let b = 2; let c = x => 1 + 2 + x; c(3); ``` Notice the background color change. [comment]: # (section attributes for the just-ending slide can be specified:) [comment]: # (!!! data-background-color="aquamarine") Use background videos, background pictures and **text formatting**, everything *without breaking* your markdown files. [comment]: # (Other background options: https://revealjs.com/backgrounds/) [comment]: # (!!! data-background-video="media/video.mp4", data-background-video-loop data-background-video-muted data-background-opacity="0.2") Even speaker notes, accessed through the `S` key on your keyboard. (You may have to allow pop-up windows and try again.) Note: This will only appear in the speaker view! 🤯 [comment]: # (!!!) ## Pictures ![picture of spaghetti](media/image0.gif) Showcase media including images, videos and animations. [comment]: # (!!!) ## Animations - This is an example list - Just to showcase Reveal.js' animations [comment]: # (!!! data-auto-animate) ## Animations - This is an example list - Just to showcase Reveal.js' animations - This item will be automatically faded-in [comment]: # (!!! data-auto-animate) ```js [1-2|3|4] let a = 1; let b = 2; let c = x => 1 + 2 + x; c(3); ``` [comment]: # (!!! data-auto-animate) ```js [5] let a = 1; let b = 2; let c = x => 1 + 2 + x; c(3); c(5); ``` Animate code as well [comment]: # (!!! data-auto-animate) Insert Youtube videos. [comment]: # (!!!) Insert local videos. [comment]: # (!!!) Download [markdown-slides](https://gitlab.com/da_doomer/markdown-slides)! [comment]: # (!!!) A couple more examples follow. [comment]: # (!!!) ![logo](media/wide.png) ***use markdown to write slides*** Author Name [comment]: # (!!!) [comment]: # (!!! data-background-image="media/inkscape.png" data-background-size="contain") Press down on your keyboard or swipe down. [comment]: # (|||) **Vertical slides!** (thanks [@porvik!](https://gitlab.com/da_doomer/markdown-slides/-/issues/8)) [comment]: # (|||) As many vertical slides as you like. [comment]: # (!!!) Add tables: | Insert | Tables | | ------ | ------ | | A row | Another| | text | more | [comment]: # (!!!) ## Vertical separator ---------- Some other text. [comment]: # (!!!) You can also use in-line HTML.