--- # list of applications to install general: local_home: "{{ lookup('env','HOME') }}" # homebrew applications applications: - autojump - git - tree - httpie - curl - wget - kubectl - kubernetes-helm - zsh - go - vim - hugo - saltstack - neovim - ag - ctags - terraform # homebrew cask applications cask_applications: - google-chrome - slack - iterm2 - caffeine - docker - minikube - vagrant - emacs - garmin-express - 1password - alfred - virtualbox - spotify - steam downloads: zwift: name: Zwift url: http://cdn.zwift.com/app/ZwiftOSX.dmg dest: "{{general.local_home}}/Downloads/ZwiftOSX.dmg" suuntolink: name: Suunto Movescount link url: http://suuntolink.static.movescount.com/Suuntolink_installer.dmg dest: "{{general.local_home}}/Downloads/Suuntolink_installer.dmg"