# October Twig is no longer under active development Please note that the October Twig extension is no longer under active development. It has been superseded by a new VSCode package called [October Code](https://github.com/SergeyKasyanov/vscode-october-extension), which offers robust support for October CMS applications. - [Take me to October Code](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SergeyKasyanov.october-code) # October CMS Twig Highlighter This package adds syntax definitions for the [October CMS](https://docs.octobercms.com/2.x/markup/templating.html) Twig engine. Support is available for [Sublime Text](https://www.sublimetext.com/), [Visual Studio Code](https://code.visualstudio.com/) and all [JetBrains IntelliJ IDEs](https://www.jetbrains.com/). If you would like the INI syntax to be enabled, `##` must be at the beginning of the template file. For example: ``` ## url = "/blog" layout = "default" == ==

Page Title

{% for post in posts %}

{{ post.title }}

{{ post.content}} {% endfor %} ``` ## Visual Studio Code ### How to install with VS Code Search for **October Twig** and install the package. You can then select "October CMS Template" from the available syntax list. #### How to Contribute - Intall this extension - Open the `%USERPROFILE%\.vscode\extensions` directory - Modify the extension files - Reload the window to test #### VS Code Configuration Add these lines to your VS Code settings to associate HTM files as October Twig syntax. These settings can also be used to get Emmet working. ```json "files.associations": { "*.htm": "october-htm" }, "emmet.includeLanguages": { "october-htm": "html" } ``` ## Sublime Text Uses `.sublime-syntax` files that works with Sublime Text 3 and newer. ### How to install with [Sublime Package Control](http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control) Search for **October Twig** and install it, it's just that simple. Restart Sublime Text after you install this package. ### Sublime Text Manual Install - Download or clone this repository into [install-dir]/Packages/october-twig - Restart Sublime Text. #### How to Contribute - To test a local version of the highlighter first uninstall the highlighter from package control. - Follow the manual installation process by cloning the repo into your packages directory. - Restart Sublime Text. - Open up the '[install-dir]/Packages/october-twig' folder into a new Sublime Text project. - Open up the `october-twig.sublime-syntax` file and make changes. - Provided is a `test.htm` file that holds most of the common uses for testing the regex, use this to verify your changes before and after you make them to ensure the changes you make do not break anything. - Send a pull request with a single change per request. ## JetBrains IntelliJ ### How to install with IntelliJ - Make sure the **TextMate Bundles** plugin is installed and enabled. - Clone this repo into a local directory (`/path/to/october-twig`). - In IntelliJ's settings, navigate to `Editor` -> `TextMate Bundles`. - Click `+` and select the local clone of this repo (`/path/to/october-twig`). - In IntellJ's settings, navigate to `Editor` -> `File Types`. - Select `Files supported via TextMate bundles`. - Under `File name patterns` add `*.htm`. - Apply the new settings to get October Twig highlighting in any file that has a `*.htm` extension. ## Thanks - Thanks @dqsully for the original [October CMS Template language](https://github.com/dqsully/octobercms-template-language) package. - Thanks @Anomareh for the [PHP-Twig TextMate bundle](https://github.com/Anomareh/PHP-Twig.tmbundle) used to source the Twig functions. ## License This code is licensed with a [Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Public License](../LICENSE.md) which means you may use it freely and submit pull requests, but you may not fork it to create a new product without written permission from the copyright holder.