# Change Log All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/). ## [0.5.0] - 2017-06-07 ### Fixed - Fix naive regex which included all non-whitespace as valid characters for parameters (fixes #3) ## [0.4.0] - 2017-03-08 ### Fixed - Fix PostCSS deprecation warnings (fixes #2) ## [0.3.1] - 2015-11-24 ### Fixed - Null reference when no variable in property definition (fixes #1) ## [0.3.0] - 2015-07-12 ### Added - Syntax customisation for property invocation ### Fixed - Performance improvements ## [0.2.0] - 2015-07-10 ### Added - Syntax customisation options ## [0.1.1] - 2015-07-04 ### Fixed - Downgrade to ES2011 features for node.js ## 0.1.0 - 2015-07-04 ### Added - Initial release [0.5.0]: https://github.com/daleeidd/postcss-define-property/compare/v0.4.0...v0.5.0 [0.4.0]: https://github.com/daleeidd/postcss-define-property/compare/v0.3.1...v0.4.0 [0.3.1]: https://github.com/daleeidd/postcss-define-property/compare/v0.3.0...v0.3.1 [0.3.0]: https://github.com/daleeidd/postcss-define-property/compare/v0.2.0...v0.3.0 [0.2.0]: https://github.com/daleeidd/postcss-define-property/compare/v0.1.1...v0.2.0 [0.1.1]: https://github.com/daleeidd/postcss-define-property/compare/v0.1.0...v0.1.1