{ "packageName": "Knockturn Alley", "version": "3.0.0", "releaseNotes": "v3.0.0\n - Fix a bug that caused all commands to always be sent to device endpoint 0x01 (ups!)\n - Add possibility to show command names in plain english\n - \"Revelio\" now shows all records, not just the ones that fit in a single Zigbee message", "minimumHEVersion": "2.1.9", "author": "Dan Danache (@dandanache)", "dateReleased": "2024-04-26", "documentationLink": "https://dan-danache.github.io/hubitat/knockturn-alley-driver/", "communityLink": "https://community.hubitat.com/t/dev-knockturn-alley/125167/3", "licenseFile": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dan-danache/hubitat/master/LICENSE", "category": "Control", "tags": [ "Zigbee" ], "drivers" : [ { "id" : "862b9ba7-1871-44eb-a513-e8a968b4cd11", "name": "Knockturn Alley", "description": "Skulking around Knockturn Alley? Dodgy place. Don't want no one to see you there.", "namespace": "dandanache", "location": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dan-danache/hubitat/master/knockturn-alley-driver/knockturn-alley.groovy", "required": true } ] }